The political system of society is the structure of the characteristics of its elements. Political system of society: concept, structure, functions. The main functions of the political system of society

POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY - 1) a set of norms that establish a constitutional and legal state as a special political entity, political parties, public and religious organizations and regulate their relationship; 2) a set of interrelated institutions, bodies, organizations, groups of people and individual citizens participating in the political activities of a given country. First of all, it includes all its bodies, then we should point to political parties and individual public organizations, whose activities have a distinctly political connotation. The next group of components of the system are public organizations that do not have a strictly political connotation (trade union, cooperative, religious, etc. organizations), but on occasion can have a significant impact on state policy. It should be noted in the series under consideration that organizations that seem to be far from politics, for example, sports, "gathering" (they are the object of political influences), and so on. institutions that are engaged in the upbringing and education of the younger generation: school, theater, army, etc.

The political system also includes a system of ideas, principles embodied in laws, ideologies, and morals. This also includes the activities of individuals acting with political goals. Not all and not all public associations are included in the political system of modern society. Like the state, they must be legally recognized (legitimized) in a certain way, i.e. obtain official legal status (for example, mass media, political parties, public associations must be registered in the manner prescribed by law). This means that criminal, other "shadow", "mafia" organized criminal groups are not included in the concept of "political system" (although in fact they have a great influence on the political life of the country).

All components of P.s.o. are in close, organic unity, but each of these parts has its own structure, its own organizations and activities. The state is the main unifying, organizing and coercive force in society. By its action, it covers all persons residing in the territory of this state. Along with the state, other organizations arise and function in society that unite people according to their various interests: political, economic, spiritual, professional, cultural, etc. These are political parties, trade unions, creative associations, youth, women's and religious organizations, bodies of public amateur performance, social assistance, cooperatives and associations of producers, etc. In one way or another, they all participate in political life countries and, thus, together with the state constitute P.s.o. The state occupies a decisive place in it. This is due to the following circumstances: the state is the only sovereign nationwide, covering the entire population living on its territory; the state is a concentrated expression and embodiment of society, an official (representative) within the country and in the international arena; the state determines the main directions of the development of society, has a special (state) apparatus, the command of which is ensured by the coercive power of the state, and so on. has special legal means of influencing social relations that no one else has. The place and role of the state and other structural elements of the P.S.O. are enshrined in the current legislation, the constitution of the state.

Depending on the degree of participation in political life, in P.s.o. can be divided into several groups: A Political groups that are directly related to the exercise of political power. These include the state, political parties, individual public associations, political movements. Their role is especially noticeable during the election period. Parties in the political system form a party system, acting as an intermediary between society and the state. B. Public associations that do not set direct political goals, but arise due to economic, social and other reasons and interests. These include trade unions, religious, cooperative and other organizations. They show their activity in the industrial, social, cultural and other spheres of life, but their activities always have a certain impact on state power, on the political climate in society. C. Other public associations that arise in accordance with the interests and personal inclinations of citizens to engage in certain activities in the field of culture, art, folk art, science, history, etc. Their activities have little political content. These include organizations such as art clubs, film and photography enthusiasts, numismatists and philatelists, tourists, etc. At certain periods (for example), the state, political parties and movements seek to draw such organizations into the political struggle; attract them to a more active participation in the political life of the country.

Economics and law: a dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

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Under the structure of the political system is understood as a way of linking its elements into a single, holistic systemic formation, that is, the establishment of stable links and relationships between the elements of this system.

In the legal literature there are the following components, or subsystems, political systems that are interconnected and ensure the functioning of public power.

1. Institutional;

2. Regulatory;

3. Functional;

4. Communicative;

5. Cultural and ideological.

Institutional subsystem consists of political institutions, each of which is also a system - state, party, socio-political, consisting in turn of private subsystems. The leading political institution, concentrating the maximum political power, is the state. A special role in the political system belongs to political parties and socio-political movements, including trade unions, business organizations, and all kinds of lobbying organizations created under the structures of legislative and executive power. On the one hand, they are important participants political process, carry out a kind of mediation between various state structures and the population. For this reason, they are sometimes combined under general concept"political infrastructure". A specific place in the political system is occupied by such non-political in nature social institutions as the media and the Church, which are able to significantly influence the process of forming public opinion, and through it - to put pressure on political power.

Regulatory subsystem forms all sorts of norms - legal and moral, political traditions, values, customs. With their help, the political system has a regulatory impact on the activities of institutions, the behavior of citizens, defining the rules of their relationship.

Functional subsystem expressed in the forms and directions of political activity, in various political processes, in the way and methods of exercising power. It forms the basis of the political regime, the task of which is to ensure the functioning, transformation and protection of the mechanism of power and society.

Communication subsystem implies a set of relations and forms of interaction that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in the exercise of power, the development and implementation of policies. At the same time, these are relations based on the rules of law, as well as informal norms and relations that are not enshrined in the rules of law.

Political relations are the result of numerous and varied connections of political subjects in the process of political activity. People and political institutions are motivated to join them by their own political interests and needs.

Allocate primary and secondary (derivative) political relations. To the first, relate various forms interactions between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as within them, to the second- relations between states, parties, other political institutions that reflect in their activities the interests of certain social strata or the whole society.

Cultural and ideological subsystem is a collection of different content political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process functions at two levels - theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). The forms of manifestation of political ideology include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and political psychology - feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions. In the political life of society, they are equal.

In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex of political orientations, attitudes, values ​​and models of political behavior typical of a particular society.

Political culture- this is the experience of political activity transmitted from generation to generation, in which knowledge, beliefs and behavior patterns of a person and social groups are combined. Political culture ensures the stability of the political system of society and the reproduction of political life on the basis of continuity.

In modern political science, it is accepted typology of political culture, proposed by scientists S. Verba and G. Almond. Having chosen as a criterion the degree of orientation of people to participation in political life, they identified three "pure" types of political culture.

1. Patriarchal political culture is characterized by a complete lack of interest among community members in political institutions, global political processes. The carriers of this type of political culture are oriented towards local values, indifferent to the policies, attitudes and norms of the central authorities. This type of political culture is characteristic of the developing countries of Asia and Africa.

2. Submissive political culture is distinguished by the orientation of subjects to the political system, the activities of the central authorities. Its carriers have their own idea of ​​politics, but do not take an active part in it, expecting either benefits or orders from the authorities.

3. Civil political culture is inherent in modern developed democratic states. The carriers of this culture are not only focused on the political system, but also strive to be active participants in the political process. They obey the orders of the authorities, but at the same time influence the development of decision-making by state bodies.

Today, it is rare to find a "pure" type of political culture. For most modern societies characteristic mixed types: patriarchal-subject, subject-civil and patriarchal-civil political culture.

The political system acts in the unity of all these subsystems, which are closely interconnected and cannot function if at least one of the subsystems does not work properly.

The essence of the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions. Therefore, the characterization of the political system will be incomplete without their consideration.

In systems theory under function refers to any action aimed at maintaining the system in a stable state and ensuring its vital activity.

The following can be distinguished functions of the political system:

1. Function of political socialization, i.e. familiarizing the individual with political values, following the standards of political behavior accepted in society, loyal attitude to the institutions of power. This process implies the formation of the political consciousness of the individual, when the latter is included in the work of specific political mechanisms, due to which the reproduction of the political system occurs by introducing more and more new members of society to political participation and activity. Thus, political socialization plays the role of a mechanism for preserving the political values ​​and goals of the system, and makes it possible to preserve the continuity of generations in politics.

2. Adaptation function. Preparation and selection of subjects of power (leaders, elites) who are able to find the most effective ways to solve pressing problems and offer them to society.

3. Responsive function. With this function, the political system responds to signals from outside or inside the system. This feature allows the system to quickly adapt to changing conditions. This is especially important when new demands of groups and parties appear. Ignoring these requirements can lead to the disintegration and disintegration of society.

4.Extraction function. Extraction of resources from the external and internal (natural, economic, social, etc.) environment.

5 . Distributive (distributive) function. It involves the distribution of the functional load between various political institutions and components of the political system, the distribution of resources among groups within society; maintaining the normal functioning of the political system and ensuring its daily operation and further development.

6.Regulation function, i.e. impact on society. This impact can manifest itself through the introduction of norms and rules on the basis of which individuals interact, as well as the application of measures in relation to violators.

The concept of political system

Definition 1

The political system is an ordered set of institutions, norms, ideas, organizations, relationships, interactions between political institutions and organizations, during which political power is exercised.

The political system is a complex of state and non-state institutions that carry out political functions - activities related to work state power. The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of "public administration", as it covers all institutions and persons participating in the political process, non-governmental and informal phenomena and factors that influence the mechanism for defining and posing a problem, the development and implementation of solutions set issues in the sphere of state-power relations.

In the broadest sense, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics.

Any political system is characterized by:

  • political ideology;
  • political culture;
  • political norms, customs and traditions.

The political system of society (political organization of society) is a set of relations of various political subjects organized on a single normative-value basis, which are directly related to the exercise of power and management of society.

The political system combines the various relationships and actions of the ruling groups, subservient, dominant, subordinate, ruling and ruled. It summarizes the interconnections and activities of organized forms of power relations - state, as well as other political institutions and institutions, political and ideological norms and values ​​that regulate the political life of members of this society.

Remark 1

The political system determines the types of political process characteristic of a particular society, the structure of relations and political activity.

The functioning of political systems occurs in accordance with the method of decision-making by the authorities and with the limitation of the boundaries of the intervention of the authorities in the process of regulating power relations.

Depending on the method of decision-making by the authorities, authoritarian and democratic political systems can be distinguished among political systems. According to the boundaries of the intervention of authorities in the control and regulation of social relations, totalitarian and liberal political regimes are distinguished. According to the socio-economic criterion, such regimes are divided into: totalitarian-distributive (the economy is state-owned, the state distributes material wealth); liberal-democratic (management is based on a market economy); convergence and mobilization (based on combinations of state intervention in the market economy).

The structure of the political system

Each society has its own political system. In different societies, the elements that make up the political system will differ from each other. At the same time, politics is an open system that freely interacts with different areas. public life- social, economic, cultural, spiritual, influencing them and experiencing a response.

The structure is the most important property of the political system, as it reveals the way of organization and the ratio of its components.

The main components of the political system:

  • organizational and institutional - includes institutions (parties, parliamentarism, judiciary, public service, presidency, citizenship, etc.), organizations and associations (social groups, labor collectives, political movements, mass media, pressure groups, etc.);
  • normative-regulatory - represented by legal, political and moral norms, traditions and customs that regulate the exercise of political power, the political life of society;
  • communicative - includes political relations, forms and information links of interaction of all participants in the political process, interaction between society and the political system as a whole;
  • cultural and ideological - includes ideology, political ideas, political culture and psychology;
  • functional - a special political practice, including the directions and forms of political activity and methods of exercising power.

The political system includes the following institutions: political parties, the state and state bodies, socio-political movements, interest groups or pressure groups.

Functions of the political system

The political system of society performs certain functions:

  • providing political power for a specific social group, or most of any society, establishing and implementing specific methods and forms of power;
  • management of various spheres of life in the interests of individual groups and the majority of the population (setting goals, objectives, programs, ways of development of society in the work of political institutions);
  • transformation of society's demands into political decisions (conversions);
  • adaptation to the changing conditions of social life (adaptation);
  • mobilization of material and human resources (funding, voters, etc.) to achieve certain political goals;
  • protection of the political system, its core values, ideology, principles (protective);
  • establishment and further development mutually beneficial relations with other states (foreign policy);
  • coordination of collective requirements and interests of different social groups (consolidating);
  • creation and further distribution of values, both material and spiritual, in accordance with the ideals of society (distribution), satisfaction of the interests of different subjects;
  • the integration of society, the formation of conditions for the interaction of different components of its structure, the unification of various political forces makes it possible to smooth out, eliminate the contradictions that arise in society, eliminate collisions, and overcome conflicts.

The social functions of the political system include: optimization and motivation of the movement of society towards its goals; identification of the most promising areas community development; allocation of resources; development of rules and norms of behavior of members of society; involvement of the population in active participation in political life; coordination of interests of different subjects; ensuring security and stability in society; monitoring the implementation of laws, rules and regulations.

Remark 2

Political socialization is a process as a result of which political consciousness is formed, and the individual becomes part of a specific political mechanism. Due to this, the reproduction of the political system is observed, which occurs as a result of the training of new members of society, their involvement in political activity.

The political system favors the legitimization of political power, the achievement of a certain level of compliance of political life in reality with official legal and political norms.

To preserve the political system, the following functions are distinguished (Gabriel Almond): political socialization, response to signals coming from inside and outside the system, adaptation to the internal and external environment (implemented through the selection and training of subjects of power), extraction function (resources are taken from the external and internal environment ), regulatory function (implementation of managerial actions), distributive function (coordination of interests different groups society), electoral function.

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Non-state educational institution higher professional education




Direction jurisprudence


Thing: Political science

Subject: The concept and structure of the political system

Completed by: 2nd year student

Kazakov V.V.

Checked: Ph.D. assistant professor

Kalsina A.A.

Perm - 2014


1. The concept and structure of the political system

3. Functions of the political system




The political system is one of the most important central courses in Political Science. It is the set of institutions, ideas, norms, and relationships by which political power operates.

The concept of "political system" is inseparable from the concept of "state", because is the main element of the structure of the political system. It is assumed that the emergence of a political system is associated both with the emergence of the state and with its not yet state entities. The political system is a large number of structures, subsystems and processes. All of them interact with other subsystems, such as economic, social, cultural and ideological.

It largely depends on the political system how society will respond to the growing needs of individuals, how it will adapt to the difficult and changing conditions of life. Thanks to the activity of political institutions, the fulfillment by people of special roles in politics, the political system is managed, its purposeful powers of authority in all spheres of human life in society.

The main purpose of the political system is to perform two functions:

1) distribute values ​​in society;

2) to encourage the majority of members of society to accept this distribution as mandatory.

1. The concept and structure of the political system

The concept of political system

The political system is an ordered set of institutions, which is supported by the norms of positive law and other social regulators of society's behavior. The concept of a political system entered into scientific world in the second half of the 20th century, however, it is also found in the work of Aristotle "Politics".

The term "political system" is based on such scientific concepts as "politics" and "system". The second draws attention to the fact that we are talking really about the system, i.e. about integrity, and organic interaction of all structural elements. The structural component of the system can be considered both as a subsystem, but within the framework of the whole, and as a system that has its own components, specifics and organization.

The word "political" draws our attention to the nature of the system we are studying. It defines which area human life we will consider. After all, in addition to the political sphere, there are economic, spiritual and social.

The political system, as it were, says that it is connected precisely with the political life of society, and with no other. This system is based on politics, political power, political relations. Politics is the main subject of the functioning of the political system.

AT different times, various political scientists and scientists turned to the concept of a political system. This is how a number of theories and concepts appeared, reflecting their understanding of this concept.

T. Parsons believed that society interacts in four areas, respectively, includes four subsystems: political, economic, spiritual and social. Each of the subsystems performs its own functions. So the economic subsystem is aimed at meeting the needs of people in goods and services. Social ensures the maintenance of lifestyle, stability in society, the transfer of values ​​to other generations. The political subsystem is aimed at satisfying collective interests and mobilizes resources. The spiritual is aimed at the integration of society, the preservation of solidarity between these elements.

G. Almond presents the political system both as an opportunity to carry out transformations in society to maintain stability, and as a set of elements dependent on each other.

D. Easton considers the political system as a mechanism for the functioning of political power in society regarding the distribution of values. This approach made it possible to determine in more detail the place of politics in the life of society.

K. Deutsch is the founder of cybernetic theory. He viewed the political system as a process of managing human efforts aimed at achieving goals. In turn, the system carries out the formulation and adjustment of the course for the implementation of public goals, by calculating the distance to the goal and the results of previous actions. The efficiency of the political system depended on the incoming information about the state of the surrounding world, as well as information that determines progress in the implementation of the goals set.

Thus, the political system can be understood as the characteristic relationship between society and the state. It is important to take into account that the political system is determined, first of all, by the nature of the state, whether it is a form of government (presidential or parliamentary type), a political regime (democratism, totalitarianism, despotism), or a type of state (republican or monarchical).

So, the political system is a special system for managing social processes, the structural components of which are organically interconnected with each other, and thanks to this, all social groups are influenced, maintain order, relying on state support.

2. The structure of the political system of society

The concept of a system implies the presence of structural elements (components) that are interdependent and dependent on each other. Any system, whether social, political or economic, regulates the relationship between its elements. So, depending on the functions performed, it is possible to distinguish such structural components that characterize various aspects of the system's activity:

1. Institutional component, also called organizational. It expresses the external manifestations of the political system of society, i.e. all the organizations included in it: the state, political associations, mass media. The core of the political system and the main political institution, concentrating the maximum strength and power, is the state. All these institutions correct social goals, direct them in the right direction, thereby carrying out political development.

The institutional component seems to be the most important, since it maintains the stability of the political system through the normative impact on society.

2. The regulatory component is a set of legal and political norms, i.e. means of regulating interaction with respect to the subjects of the political system. The regulatory component is formed by the norms developed by the state and aimed at controlling people's behavior within the framework of permissibility and prohibitions. Nomes are in the law, the basic law of the country - the Constitution, traditions. The historically established custom, principles and beliefs that have an impact on the political system can also be considered the basis.

3. The communicative component represents a set of relations that arise during the functioning of the political system. Basically, they arise between subjects about the exercise of political power. This component is based on the channels through which the government can receive information - commissions of inquiry, the media, magazines, newspapers, books, the Internet, i.e. all those tools designed for a huge audience, and which are used daily.

Basically, this component is aimed at winning, retaining, and maintaining the authority of a particular political power.

4. The ideological component is the political consciousness that dominates in a given society, with a given political ideology, system of views, ideas, and ideas. This component is based on political theories, political doctrines and political culture.

This structural component underlies political and public institutions, political norms, relations in the political system.

Thus, each of the components of the political system is important in its own way, since all elements are in unity and are closely interconnected. If you take any of the components of the political system, you can see that each has a structure, ways of expression, as well as signs of internal and external organization.

3. Functions of the political system

The political system, like any other, has a number of specific functions performed. Function - characterizes the manifestation of properties in a certain set of relationships, and is aimed at maintaining the system's performance and maintaining it in a stable state.

The main political function is leadership and governance of human society carried out by the government of the state. It consists in determining the goals and ways of social development, as well as ways to implement them.

Regulatory function aimed at establishing order and adopting the rules of political behavior, as well as relations between society and the state. Usually, this function is also associated with the system of values ​​that exist or will be instilled in society. They are reflected in ideas, views and attitudes.

Mobilization function ensures the maximum use of human, material and spiritual resources in order to maintain and develop political power. political state society

educational function lies in the intellectual development of the individual, the expansion of political and life horizons through the acquisition of "fresh" political knowledge. Political culture has a special educational impact. Even in childhood, we receive attitudes that guide us all our lives. Similarly, political attitudes form a steady interest of citizens in the political life of the country.

Legitimation function is determined by the achievement of a certain level of trust in political power, as well as the compliance of real political power with society's expectations and legal norms.

Thus, the political system reflects the state of society, its attitude to the policy of the state. The basic needs of social groups are expressed through the political system. And thanks to the functions of the state is able to meet the needs of society. Having considered the main functions of the political system, one can judge its mechanisms of interaction with society. It is with the help of functions that the activity of the political system is manifested.


So, thanks to the political system in society, the prerequisites for the normal functioning of political power are created. The political system is fundamental not only political, but also social, economic, spiritual spheres of public life. The political system regulates the relationship between society and the state, as well as individual individuals in political interaction.

The main regulator of political relations are the rules of law. They were developed throughout the legal and political practice of states. And each state is its own political system, which has its own specific features.

Now the political system is presented as a combination of the state with other social elements that perform functions similar to political ones, since. political and social functions closely intertwined. The main function of politics in any state is the seizure and retention of power and authority by the party or individual.

The political system is designed to ensure the active conduct of internal and foreign policy, and is also aimed at the formation and implementation of the interests of individual groups, and society as a whole.


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9. Popov P.B. "Political science". - St. Petersburg. - Chita, 2007

10. Soloviev A.I. Political science: political theory, political technologies. Textbook for university students / M., Aspect Press, 2005.

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is a set of political subjects, their interactions based on political norms, consciousness and political activity. The essence of the political system lies in the regulation of people's behavior through political power and political interests. Consequently, the political system of society is a set of organizations and citizens interacting in the process of realizing their social interests through the functioning of government institutions.

1. Structure and functions of political systems
The political system is a rather complex and multidimensional formation, the main purpose of which is to ensure the integrity, uniformity of the actions of people and their communities in politics. It includes the following subsystems:
1. Institutional subsystem- this is the "framework", "supporting structures" of the political system. It includes the state, political parties and social movements, numerous public organizations, the electoral system, the media, the church, etc. Within the framework of this subsystem, a legal framework is created for the functioning of the entire political system, the forms of its impact on others are determined. public systems, international politics. It is not surprising that this subsystem plays a key role in the political system.
2. Regulatory subsystem- these are legal and moral norms, traditions and customs, political views prevailing in society, affecting the political system.
3. Functional subsystem- this is the form and direction of political activity, methods of exercising power. This subsystem finds a generalized expression in the concept of "political regime".
4. Communication subsystem covers all forms of interaction between various elements of the political system, between political systems different countries.
5. Political and ideological subsystem includes a set of political ideas, theories and concepts on the basis of which various socio-political institutions arise and develop. It plays an essential role in determining political goals and ways to achieve them.
Each of the subsystems has its own structure and is relatively independent. In the specific conditions of different countries, these subsystems function in specific forms.
A component of any developed political system is the nomenklatura - a circle of officials, the appointment and approval of which falls within the competence of higher bodies. The existence of the nomenclature makes it possible to effectively address personnel policy issues. However, the lack of control over its activities can lead to negative consequences, serve as a source of corruption, lead to abuse of power.
interacting with the external environment, the political system does the followingfunctions:
1. Society management. It consists in defining development goals, in developing and implementing a political course, in monitoring the activities of all elements of the system, in its ideological and information support.
2. Integration various elements of the political system into a coherent whole. This ensures the consolidation of society, the settlement of conflicts.
3. Regulation political behavior and political relations, rule-making, development of standards of socially acceptable behavior.
4. Political communication, which provides a connection between the elements of the political system, as well as between the system and the environment. Information enables power structures to make optimal decisions, provide support for the management system from the side of the population, and form public opinion.
The effectiveness of the political system largely depends on the following factors:
- from the completeness and quality of information about the environment that affects the development of decisions;
- on the speed of the system's response to the impact of the environment;
- on the ability of the system to maintain social balance and civil peace;
- from the maximum approximation of the results to the goal.
It should be added to this: the political system can be effective while maintaining its integrity and a certain autonomy from society and at the same time while maintaining harmonious relations with the environment.

2. Typology of political systems
Political systems as complex and diverse phenomena can be classified on various grounds. Domestic and foreign political scientists in as criteria for the typology of modern political systems often take the following: the nature of the social system, the political regime, the form of domination, the ideology prevailing in society, geographical, national, religious affiliation, etc.
Widespread in the recent past of our country received, as you know, Marxist approach. It relies on such fundamental categories as the type of formation and the nature of the socio-economic structure. Respectively slave-owning, feudal, bourgeois and socialist political systems stand out. Such a typology makes it possible to distinguish political systems according to fundamental, class characteristics. A distinctive feature of this typology is the rather rigid opposition of each of the selected types to each other.
The American political scientist G. Almond singled out the Anglo-American, continental European, totalitarian and pre-industrial systems. J. Coleman wrote about competitive, semi-competitive and authoritarian systems, and D. Apter - dictatorial, oligarchic, indirectly representative in direct representative systems.
The typology of political systems, which are based on the nature of the political regime, has become widespread. Within its framework, three types of political systems are usually distinguished: totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic. Sometimes a liberal type of political system is added to them. In the very general view the totalitarian political system is characterized by the complete subordination of society and the individual to power, comprehensive (total) control over all spheres of society, the prohibition of democratic organizations, the restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, repressions against progressive forces, militarization of public life. Authoritarianism is distinguished by the unlimited power of one person or group of persons over citizens while maintaining the autonomy of the individual and society in non-political spheres. A democratic system is characterized by the functioning of political institutions, norms, structures and institutions that provide citizens with more or less organized participation in power and control over it.
Political scientists often base the typology of political systems on the form of the state. In this approach, political systems are divided into monarchical (absolute or constitutional) and republican (parliamentary or presidential). From the point of view of the territorial structure of political power, political systems are divided into unitary, federal and confederal.
Depending on the degree of political change, traditional and modernized political systems are distinguished.. The former are characterized by outdated principles of organization of society, underdevelopment of civil society, forms of political behavior, conservatism in the implementation of structural changes necessary for society. Traditional political systems are characterized by a weak differentiation of political roles, a charismatic way of justifying power.
Modern modernized systems are distinguished by the proclamation as a common goal for all its members to modernize the most important economic and social organizations and institutions. The goal of political modernization is to overcome the contradictions generated by the presence of deep social contrasts in society. Close to this classification are the systems that are transforming, carrying out social transformations. Such systems are characterized by great dynamism and orientation towards reforms. Based on this, modern Russia can be attributed to the political system of the transforming type.

3. Formation of the political system in Russia
The formation of the political system in Russia coincides in time with the market transformations of the economy. The new system began to take shape under conditions of essentially instantaneous destruction of the Soviet political system. The time that has passed since the collapse of the USSR turned out to be clearly insufficient for the establishment of a new democratic political system, which is the goal of political construction in Russia.
So far, there are no sufficient grounds to assert that the political system in Russia is fully democratic. It is characterized by a whole set of features inherent in the transitional state of the power system. Analysts characterize the current political system of the country as an "authoritarian democracy" or "regime system", which are characterized by the well-known weakness of the state and the immaturity of civil society.
Distinctive features Russian political system are:
- hypertrophy of the president's power prerogatives by limiting the powers of other institutions;
- nominal separation of powers - legislative and executive, central and regional, engaged in constant "tug-of-war";
- the inefficiency of the state as the main social institution that directly controls society, its inability to ensure consensus on the fundamental issues of public life;
- a combination of forms of authoritarian-oligarchic rule with elements of democratic procedure, in particular with elections and a multi-party system;
- the actual accountability of the government to the president and its complete dependence on the political situation, and not on the results of its activities;
- plurality of regimes (partial observance of democratic procedures at the federal level and authoritarianism in a number of regions);
- uncontrolled concentration of power in the hands of a narrow circle of people from the nomenklatura and newly-minted owners who got rich by criminal methods;
- use of illegitimate, criminal methods of state-administrative and economic activity;
- significant rootedness of informal power relations, the formation of elite corporatism instead of pluralistic democracy;
- the small size and organizational weakness of the party, deprived of a social base and unable to perform the main function - an intermediary between the government and society;
- wide scale lobbying activity, unregulated legislative acts and beyond the control of society;
- underdevelopment of the system of local self-government, dependent on regional elites;
- the absence of legitimate “rules of the game” in society, i.e., a unified ideological, value and normative system that would allow citizens to guide their behavior.
The order that has developed in society is legalized by the Constitution of 1993, which recorded the result of the forceful resolution of the conflict between the president and the legislature, the incompleteness of the process of state formation
One of the peculiarities of Russia's political system is that the institutions of the state (the president and the Duma) elected by voting, while participating in the formation of the executive power, do not really bear any responsibility for its activities. The government, appointed by the president and accountable only to him, can be dismissed at any moment for reasons of political expediency or as a result of a “undercover” struggle.
According to the Constitution Russian Federation, the State Duma depends on the decisions of the Federation Council, which is formed on the basis of regional representation. At the same time, the legislative power of the Federal Assembly, in turn, is limited, firstly, by the president's right to issue decrees that have the force of laws, and, secondly, by the practice of issuing numerous by-laws by the executive branch that can disrupt the implementation of any laws.
Within the framework of the current political system, parties practically do not have the opportunity to play the role of an intermediary between society and power, which is typical for democratic states. The victory of the party in the elections does not give it the opportunity to pursue the course stated in the program, and the status of the Duma does not allow effective control of the executive branch. Moreover, the political parties represented in the parliament have become an element of the political regime and are not a counterbalance to the corporate groups of the ruling elite. They turned out to be incapable of performing the functions of protecting the interests of voters; they have not yet become an obstacle to corruption and the criminalization of political life.
In short, much remains to be done to ensure that democracy is adequately expressed in the functioning of the political system.