White interior of the house. Black facades of houses The combination of black and white in the interior with other colors

If you want your apartment to look stylish and spectacular, and at the same time strictly, give preference to black and white room interiors. It is both traditional and original solution, very elegant and simple - and complicating the perception of space, adding mystery and mystery to it.

White and black are two opposite colors. The complete reflection of light waves and their complete absorption is the reason that we see objects painted in white and black. Unity and opposition - this is the philosophical content of the interior in black and white.

Interior functionality in black and white

It is very convenient to use a contrasting color combination in interior design. In this way, several problems can be solved at once.

  • Zoning. The allocation of separate functional areas in a studio apartment is simplified. For example, in the living room, the walls can be white, and in the kitchen - black. In addition, the use of opposite colors for furniture in each of the zones will visually connect the interior into a single whole, preventing it from falling apart.
  • Shape correction. Not always the room has ideal proportions. Black and white colors in the interior solve opposite problems: white enlarges objects and expands space, while black, on the contrary, reduces. Using these colors on the corresponding sections of the walls, you can visually correct the shape of the room - expand it, make it narrower, visually "raise" or "lower" the ceiling. The use of black and white stripes or spirals will enhance these effects and even completely change the perception of space.

Tip: The interior in black and white is very susceptible to nuances. Even small details begin to play an active role. For example, white handles against the background of black planes of cabinets turn into a bright decorative element. Blinds on white windows, edging of recessed lights on the ceiling - all these details, imperceptible in other cases, come to the fore if the color pair black - white is used for them.

Designer: Pedorenko Ksenia. Photographer: Ignatenko Svetlana.

Black and white interior design style

The classic color combination of white and black is appropriate in any interior. It is only important to beat him correctly.

  • For classic styles, beige tones can be chosen as additional colors.
  • Hi-tech, techno, minimalism are the most suitable styles for a black and white color combination. As additional, you can use silver-metallic tones.
  • It finds its use in black paired with white and in ethnic styles. Zebra skin, clear stripes will help to create the impression of the African savannah, if supplemented with terracotta tones.
  • This combination is indispensable in Japanese interiors - red will be appropriate here as a third color.
  • White and black colors in the interiors of Provence or "shabby chic" are practically not used, however, individual elements of these colors are quite acceptable.
  • In the interior of the loft, black and white is complemented by gray or “brick” color.
  • And Scandinavian interiors use the tone of light wood as an additional one.

The interior of a room in black and white can be quite sharp, or maybe soft and calm, it all depends on what ratio of primary and secondary colors you choose and what accent colors you use. It should be borne in mind that in the case of using colors that do not contain colors as such, any, even the palest color shades already look quite bright. So, even pastel colors can become accents.

Interior furniture in black and white

The interior of the room in black and white needs right choice furniture colors. It can be white, black, and the natural color of wood, both light and dark. All these options will look quite harmonious.

It should be borne in mind that black furniture on a black background will be practically invisible, and vice versa, it will stand out very contrastingly on a white background. In this way, you can get unexpected visual effects that change the perception of space. For example, a black sofa against a black wall will be completely invisible, and the white upholstery of an armchair, the rest of which is painted black, will seem to hang in the air. By combining these effects with rhythmic carpet or wallpaper patterns, you can create interesting optical illusions.

On a black background, white furniture looks very festive, and black on white looks graphic and stylish. Combinations of white and black furniture in the same room look interesting, for example, in a bedroom you can put black bedside tables next to a white bed - this combination looks spectacular against any background.

The combination of black and white in the interior with other colors

The addition of various colors gives the room a mood and "temperature", since black and white can be called sterile in this respect.

  • Yellow-red tones of the warm part of the spectrum add sunlight and cheerfulness, they contribute to increased appetite, good functioning of the endocrine glands, optimistic mood. For a relaxing holiday, bright yellow and orange tones are not suitable, so they are rarely used in the bedroom or living room, but for the kitchen this is the most suitable option.

  • The middle part of the spectrum with green and blue-green tones, as well as the initial part of the cold blue range, contributes to a state of calm and relaxation, due to which it is more often used in living rooms and bedrooms.

  • Dark blues and purples are more suitable for living rooms, especially those with south-facing windows.

  • Contrasting interiors are well softened by details made of natural wood. It could be flooring, storage system, countertops. With their natural color, they harmonize the space and add warmth to it.

  • In addition to the main and accent colors, additional ones are used in the interiors. Black and white walls in the interior are softened with either beige or silver shades of the ceiling, floor, furniture, accessories, textile elements. Beige scale is used to increase the color temperature of the room, which is important with north-facing windows, gray-silver - to lower it, in south-facing rooms.

Advice: Designers do not recommend allocating more than half of all planes in a room to black. In addition, large planes of one color should be balanced with small planes of another. For example, a black storage system with open niches will benefit from placing white objects in them, such as figurines, candlesticks, vases. A small black decorative pillow will look good on a white bed.

The use of these two colors as the main ones is especially advantageous in the living room, as well as in the kitchen-living room of a studio apartment. Stylish combination complemented by various accessories, creating the chosen style in just two or three strokes. For example, by placing a mirror in an old gilded frame on the fireplace portal, the living room can be given a Parisian gloss. A large crystal chandelier will give the room a classic touch, while bright multi-colored posters using “acid” shades will create a pop art style.

The interior of the living room in black and white can be supplemented with textile elements of the same colors or additional ones. Too bright colors for textiles should not be chosen, they can create unnecessary variegation. Separate areas of the living room, for example, a fireplace or a sofa, can be distinguished by black and white wallpaper with a pattern.

The interior of a black and white bedroom should not be too harsh, as the room is designed for quiet relaxation and nightly rest. This is solved by adding calm beige or silver shades, soft patterns, textiles in calm pastel colors.

Bright accents are acceptable in small quantities - it can be a picture on the wall at the head, colored book spines on shelves or a bedside table. The combination of black, white and silver will allow you to decorate the bedroom in a trendy neo-baroque style, very suitable for this kind of space. Green, blue, burgundy, gold shades can be used as accents in the bedroom. They will enliven the interior and bring freshness to it.

The kitchen is the place where cleanliness is especially important, so the white color here, like nowhere else, is in its place. Adding black to it allows you to successfully divide the kitchen into zones - for example, cooking and dining, as well as create interesting interior effects that allow even a small room to be made more spacious.

For example, against the background of white walls, the bottom row of cabinets can have black facades, and the top one can have white ones. In this case, they will merge with the wall, the ceilings will appear higher, and the room itself will become more voluminous.

The black and white interior of the kitchen, complemented by the metal surfaces of household appliances, looks great in techno style. Traditional black and white patterns, such as checkerboard, stripes, polka dots, chicken feet, will help to "break" large planes, "push" the boundaries of the room and give expressiveness.

To do this, it is enough, for example, to lay out the floor in a diagonal direction with a “checkerboard”. Simple white furniture combined with black countertops and black appliances already looks stylish. A few bright accents - a juicy orange lamp, a green bouquet of herbs on the table - and the image of an elegant kitchen is ready.

Perhaps the easiest way to turn a standard white bathroom in a typical apartment into something new and interesting is to complement it with black. Place a rug with a black and white pattern on the floor - it can be a zebra pattern, or diagonal stripes, or a checkerboard pattern. Grout the seams between the white tiles with black grout, add black bath towels and a bright color accent.

The black and white interior of the bathroom can be made “negative” - paint all the walls black, and against this background place snow-white plumbing and mirrors. Do not be afraid that the room will visually become smaller. On the contrary, it will acquire mystery and depth.

Tip: If there is a lot of black in the interior, pay more attention to lighting. It is better if it is somewhat excessive compared to the recommendations for the given area, since black absorbs light.

You probably thought: "Well, here's another Scandinavian dwelling somewhere in Oslo or Malmö, at worst in Copenhagen or Hamburg ..." But no! This black and white apartment is located in the city of Lucca, which is located in one of the central regions of Italy, in Tuscany.

The photo shows the owner of this house, Monica, who herself was engaged in the design of all the premises. Here is what she says about herself: "I met my husband Enzo when we were both very young, but we are still together. My husband is a professional football player, and the first 9 years of our life together we spent traveling all over Italy. Five years ago we came to Lucca."

"Magnolias grow on the street where we live, and when I first saw this house, they were in bloom. This determined the further choice of colors."

"In this apartment, I wanted to create an atmosphere of peace and measuredness - what we lacked so much in our past nomadic life. Now my two daughters and I live here permanently. My husband is currently working as a coach and comes home only once every 2 weeks."

"My husband is very tall, and he constantly hits his head on the many dangling designs that I came up with. We find it funny."

"I only wear white and black clothes. Bright colors make me feel out of place. My kids are like me in that regard."

"Some people may find our home boring or even dull. But for us it is a wonderful place that unites us and makes us happy."

Here it is the difference of perceptions))). I like this style, but in my opinion, it was the taste that was not enough here. there are a lot of similar houses in the network and magazines, including those made with good taste and here they screwed up and vulgarized: the pergons were stuck to the facade roughly, heavily, turning the house into a Soviet club. similar on ten acres in a residential area (you can read the neighbors' houses there), and not on a large, private territory. a farm for example?!... a question of relevance... the territory for this house is small, and the fence turned the idea into a ghetto. this is a very good style, but a particular house is far from the best representative of the style. someone called it minimalistic.. huh?! in my opinion, they screwed up more here than they needed to, but they forgot about the main thing ... the interior solution is even more interesting .... concrete, concrete, concrete ... even the ceiling is a concrete false filing under a tree ... it looks stupid, monotonous and tasteless. .. it’s great that other houses appear in Belarus, there is a departure from the “like everyone else” style, but you need to understand that similar houses in the world have also not been exclusive for a long time and have been opened and there are good implementations ... and this house is an illustration of that how a good idea turns into some absurdity and becomes trivialized ... a very controversial house: on the one hand, a lot of amenities, on the other, a bunch of boorish spitting). controversial project. but it’s good that the ice has broken and housing construction is becoming diverse.

about the mesh-fence - go to any country outside the scoop and you will see that such a fence is used almost everywhere, it is practical, looks strict, does not restrict the view, and is just perfect.
let me speak about your "false filing", all over the world it is called texture formwork, it is very fashionable on this moment solution and looks very advantageous in a residential interior and even exterior.
About your comment "flashing light" on the gate "I want to note that this is a standard element of the installation sliding gate, its purpose is purely utilitarian, it should signal others about the operation of the gate automation.
I didn’t understand anything at all about your “boorish spitting”, what does rudeness have to do with it, people built a house for themselves, and only for themselves, what kind of “rudeness” is that, and even “spitting” ???

outside the "scoop" the fence is generally an extremely unpopular matter. Moreover, a fence of such a height. technical facilities are surrounded by such a grid, and a house in nature, as a rule, does not have a fence at all. if we talk about "beyond the borders", just go, look: already in Poland you will see a developed farm system - house in a field, by the road, practically devoid of neighbors. and no fences. rarely, a front garden-flower bed fenced with a very low fence. the Germans are the same. if it is a residential area, not a large one private area, houses, as a rule, go out with facades to the road, leaving private areas hidden from the eyes of passers-by. In front of the house is also a small front garden. if it's italy, spain, portugal - solid stone wall, tiled roofs, stone arched gates. facades to the road, inside-atrium, patio. but the grid has such a place. usually industrial facilities are surrounded by it: warehouses and airport runways.
"All over the world it is called texture formwork." all over the world Venetian plaster is called Venetian plaster. and what?! when a certain part of the world came up with the idea of ​​​​pulling her to the fifth floor of the Khrushchev and rolling the corridor under the marble of the mother-in-law, nothing strange happened ?!))). here is the same... minimalism is not when it's small. minimalism is a very precise style, archi-demanding to details. there are few of them in style and they must be executed extremely accurately and appropriately. a panoramic view of a not very exciting landscape from the living room, cut by two layers of a different texture grid (one square in pergons, the other rectangular in a grid of fences), sets the aesthetics of a secure object, and not a stylish living space. no need to refer to the whole world, especially when this world offers completely different options for execution.
conclusion: a great house spoiled by details. It is not by chance that the architect himself drew attention to them in the article in order to soften the reaction and justify the decision. and did the right thing - these details are an obvious blunder .... in the context of style, architectural solution, exacting style they look exactly boorish spitting. well, or illogical, if you turn out to be incomprehensible. I'm sorry, I'm running away for procedures .. the hospital has a tough schedule)))

This chic black and white home design is incredibly modern and elegant. The two-story house is decorated in restrained colors with a touch of gold. The snow-white walls and ceiling space serve as a great backdrop for black furniture and accessories. So that the atmosphere is not too gloomy, black is poured into the interior design in doses and diluted with metallic shades and fresh greens.

The living room is connected to the dining room. In this room there are small sofas, tables with chairs. The atmosphere of luxury hovers thanks to expensive furniture and chic accessories. Beautiful vases and vases desk lamp, figurines, sconces, wall decorations, paintings create a certain effect.

Throw pillows decorate the sofa and add a touch of comfort. Large window openings are covered with black curtains. Gold and silver are present in small quantities in the design.

The highlight of the black and white style was a fireplace with a marble portal. designer mirror in the form of the sun decorates the wall above it. In this recreation area there is a large coffee table with glass top. The dark wooden floor is decorated with an animal skin. In the dining area is big table from dark wood with comfortable chairs.

Bold black and white interior design is perfectly combined with coziness and comfort in this two-story house.

Another corner of relaxation is made of cozy soft sofas and a table with a round glass top. Small tables - stands for table lamps, vases, flowers and figurines - stand near the sofa. There is a large animal skin on the floor. Chandeliers and some decorative pillows are golden.

The cabinet was decorated with interesting wallpaper with a geometric black and white pattern. All walls are decorated with paintings and wide contrasting frames. The white worktable has small drawers under the worktop. Comfortable chair with handles complements workplace. Here is a place for modern technology necessary for convenient work at home. Beautiful table lamps provide high-quality lighting in the dark.

Near the snow-white wall, a huge mirror looks good in wooden frame, a small shiny vanity table and an upholstered bench with a cute polka dot pattern. The two table lamps are beautifully crafted color combination- black and silver.

In such a monochrome black and white design, it is important to bring a stream of freshness. A green oasis of living plants makes the atmosphere lively and homely.

The kitchen is made in a classic style. There is dark wood furniture, white marble work island. Modern household appliances fit well into the overall black and white style of the premises.

Bedrooms are filled with life and vibrant colors thanks to textiles. original design walls present in one bedroom. Furniture is expensive, beautiful decor items create an interesting black and white design.

The bathroom is lined with light marble tiles. A large washbasin is integrated into the vanity cabinet – it is practical and elegant. So that the interior design would not be dry and colorless, fresh flowers were placed near the washbasin.

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