What to do if the sewer freezes. What to do if the sewerage system is frozen and how to defrost it? Defrosting the pipe with electric current


In a private house, the underground sewage system froze, what should I do?

Freezing sewerage in a private house is a real problem that makes it impossible to use the drain in Everyday life. It needs to be solved in an operational mode in order to prevent more serious consequences and considerable financial costs.

Among the main reasons for the formation of an ice plug, there are:

  • improper installation of sewerage in a private house;
  • Availability ;
  • shallow depth of sewer pipes;
  • lack of insulation on downpipes;

Sewerage device of a private house

  • a small slope of the sewer, which does not provide a quick flow of liquid into cesspool;
  • the appearance of cracks that contribute to the penetration of water into the soil.

There are several effective ways to deal with freezing sewer pipes:

  1. fill hot water(with added salt).
  2. Heating the pipe with a gas lamp (soldering iron).
  3. Heating with a steam generating device.
  4. Use of external heat sources (heat pump, electric defrost, self-heating cables).

Advice. Before proceeding with the defrosting of the sewer, it is necessary to determine the possible location of the formation of an ice plug. This will allow you to choose an effective way to deal with trouble.

The simplest and most common method of removing ice is hot water with salt. The use of such a mixture makes sense only when the frozen cork is located near the drain itself. In another case, it will be ineffective, as it will have time to cool down even before the problem area passes through the sewer.

A blowtorch will help in emergency defrosting of the sewer

The second way to defrost is a blowtorch (gas burner). It quickly warms up the frozen area, but is used only for heating metal pipes. Although this device has high efficiency, its use is not always convenient and expedient, since it requires direct contact with the place where an ice plug forms (in winter, it is not very easy to dig a trench in frozen ground).

Defrosting the sewer with a steam generator is the third way to deal with ice in the pipeline. It is used to defrost plastic pipes. It is quite effective, but not every householder can afford to buy such expensive equipment.

Defrosting with a steam generator

The principle of using the steam generator:

  • launch it;
  • tube is placed in sewer pipe, push through until it hits the ice;
  • move it along the sewer as the ice disappears.

The steam generator helps not only to eliminate ice plugs, but also helps to clean the pipes from contamination.

External ways to deal with freezing

  • heat gun;
  • electric defrosting;
  • self-heating cables.

Hot air from the heat pump will help to quickly defrost the problem area, as well as self-heating cables that are installed under sewer pipes (during their laying).

Insulation of sewer pipes

To prevent pipes from freezing in the future, the homeowner must take preventive measures. Among them are:

  • pipeline insulation;
  • installation of a heating electrical cable.

These measures will prevent the occurrence of such troubles in the future, as well as quickly eliminate the ice plug, if it forms in the sewer pipe.

How to defrost sewer pipes: video

Frozen sewer in a private house - what to do? It is this question that worries many owners of private households with the onset of frost. Well, the problem can not be called rare. Moreover, today sewage is used in many private houses - both within the city and outside the city. Without this convenience, many simply do not think of their comfortable life.

Of course, as an option - just be patient and wait until the onset of spring heat. But all this time you have to somehow get out ... So this way out is not a way out at all. We need to look for others.

Why can she freeze?

It is worth noting, however, that it does not freeze as often as plumbing. After all, a current of water is constantly observed in it, which prevents the formation of a crystallization center.

In winter, freezing of water in pipes is not uncommon. This can be due to various reasons: insufficient depth of the pipe or inefficient insulation, low consumption, extremely low temperatures.

If there are such centers, then freezing is almost inevitable. Therefore, it is first necessary to find out what can serve as the formation of a crystallization center. These are, as a rule, solid particles that, for one reason or another, get stuck in the pipe. Over time, microscopic ice particles begin to accumulate around them. If the process is not stopped, then pretty soon the particles will turn from microscopic to very tangible ...
The main causes of pipe icing can be named as:

  • Not providing a big enough . Also in this case, a pipe with a smaller diameter than necessary can be used. All this will lead in winter to the fact that water, diluted with all kinds of impurities, moves inside the pipe at low speed. During severe frosts, it freezes. The most extended plugs of ice arise precisely for this reason;
  • There may also be a violation of the drainage system. For example, if the filtration area has too small area. Or if the depth of laying sewer pipes is insufficient. In both cases, water will not simply flow out of the septic tank. Therefore, nothing will prevent her from freezing. Then you will have to repeat the process of pumping out the septic tank until the very spring in order to begin full-fledged repair work;
  • The most banal quite often leads to the formation of those same solid centers of crystallization, which cause a lot of trouble;
  • Finally, if there is a leak in the sewer system - anywhere outside it, then over time the water will freeze and the ice will grow.

If the sewer pipe is frozen, then it is necessary to take into account what material it is made of (plastic, cast iron), since for different types pipes, different methods of defrosting are used.

These are, of course, the most basic and most common causes. In practice, there are several more of them, it’s just that within the framework of this article it will not be possible to tell about all of them. Fortunately, the methods of dealing with them are often common. It also happens that there are several reasons at once, and not just one.

What happens if you do not unfreeze the pipe

Some homeowners simply leave the problem until it naturally resolves - that is, until spring, when the ice melts by itself. This cannot be considered a good way out of the situation. After all, the root cause of the problem is still not solved. And if icing is repeated from season to season, then over time this will lead to a violation of the structural integrity sewer system. Pipes can also simply burst due to the fact that the ice in them begins to expand.

So in the event of the formation of ice inside the sewer pipe, you still have to deal with this phenomenon. Otherwise, the repair or even complete replacement of the entire system will eventually result in a very tangible amount.

What to do before you start defrosting

In order to be sure of the result, and so that the process itself does not take much time and effort, you will first need to install:

  • For what reasons was ice formed;
  • In what place is its formation observed;
  • And also what is the length of the ice jam.

Freezing sewerage in a private house is the main reason why it becomes impossible to use water. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the plug in the sewer pipeline as soon as possible.

Based on the answers, you need to look for ways to resolve the situation.

Important! As practice shows, it is quite realistic to do it on your own in order to defrost the system - at least before the onset of spring heat, so that you can do a full repair.

Through pouring hot water

The most common advice is to simply pour a large amount of hot water into the system, preferably even with a high salt content. But it is worth noting that this can only help if the icing is small and not very far from home. Just for the simple reason that water may not melt a cork that is too long, but it will also cool down on the way to it. As a result, an even longer congestion can be obtained. And the salt in the solution will not have the best effect on the condition of the inner walls of the pipe.

Hot water with added salt effective method anti-ice plug for any kind of pipes.

Heating with a blowtorch

You can also offer a campfire. Indeed, if the exact location of the ice plug is known, then you can make a fire over it - and thus melt it. But this method has more disadvantages than advantages. First, you will need to somehow find out exactly where the cork formed. Secondly, you will have to dig out a pipe, which in winter conditions is not an easy task. Thirdly, such a “trial by fire” is suitable only for cast iron pipes, which are rarely used today in private households. In the case of plastic pipes, they simply melt.

You can warm up the sewerage by directing the flame of a gas burner at it, if there is no such device on the farm, a fire is made directly at the site of the formation of an ice plug.

Heating the sewer pipe with a steam generator

Of course, the method of melting the ice inside the pipe with hot steam can only be carried out when a special steam generating machine is available. But it is quite expensive and is purchased, as a rule, not for personal use, but for industrial use - by specialized companies.
Working principle in this case simple. Inside the pipe - up to the plug itself - a hose is inserted through which hot steam enters under high pressure. As needed, the hose moves forward.
The benefits, as they say, are obvious. It is fast, efficient and safe. In addition, steam has a minimum negative effect on the pipe itself.
But the downsides are also obvious. After all, you will need to get somewhere not so cheap steam generator. You will also need to find a qualified operator who would have the skill to work with this machine.

The principle of operation of the device is simple - hot steam is supplied to the ice plug through a heat-resistant hose. The effect is about the same as when defrosting with boiling water.

Defrosting by hydrodynamic washing

As an option for steam cleaning - hydrodynamic cleaning. In fact, this method works with any other blockages, and even in the case of scale formation on the pipes. Its essence lies in the fact that the most ordinary water is supplied under high pressure inside the pipe. She breaks down any blockage with her pressure. Including ice.
The pros and cons in this case are exactly the same as with the steam generator.

Defrosting the pipe with electric current

The so-called external methods, in addition to a blowtorch, also include defrosting electric shock. In this case we are talking about the thermal effect of the current that heats the conductor.
Terminals are placed along the edges of the problem area - an electric current is started. As a result of heating the metal, the ice begins to melt. But, as in the previous two cases, this method will require the presence of specialized equipment. In addition, working with current requires a certain skill and, of course, caution.

Heating with electricity is the easiest way to melt the ice in a frozen sewer. The difficulty is only with plastic pipes, because they practically do not conduct electricity.

The heat gun will help us

Specialized methods include the so-called heat gun. It delivers a powerful thermal shock inside the pipe - as a result, the icing is destroyed.

Chemical methods of getting rid of ice plugs

In stores, you can also find all kinds of chemicals in order to be able to effectively and quickly break the ice jam. But it should be noted that, despite advertising, they are far from being effective in all cases. These drugs work best with relatively little congestion. Their release is carried out in the form of gels, powder, or granules. They contain a special active substance, which, entering into chemical reaction with ice, destroys it. Often the chemical process is accompanied by the release a large number heat. It also helps speed up the work.

To keep things from freezing...

But in any case, the problem of freezing and freezing will be easier to prevent than to deal with it.
If finances allow, then it is possible to lay an electric cable through the pipe even at the stage of its installation. Then you can simply turn on the heating if necessary. But such pipes are not always cheap. Yes, during installation electrical system you will need to have certain skills and access class.

Proper installation and insulation of pipes, based on temperature fluctuations in the region, will get rid of such a big problem as freezing pipes.

So the simplest and effective solution it could be considered:

  • Measures for the insulation of pipes at the stage of laying. Available for sale today big choice a variety of heaters;
  • Also, do not neglect compliance. For different regions, the depth may be different, so for this it is better to check with special tables;
  • It will also be necessary to ensure the optimal angle of inclination of the pipe - so that the water can freely drain down. A slope of 2 cm per meter of pipeline is considered optimal;
  • When designing sewers, sharp bends and changes in direction should be avoided. It is in these places that ice accumulation is most often observed. If you can’t do without turns, then you need to equip special manholes;
  • When installing pipes, you must adhere to such a rule that the joints go in the direction of water flow. Otherwise, it is at the joints - albeit in the smallest ledges - that blockages will form, which, in turn, will serve as crystallizing centers for ice.

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Konstantin S., master plumber: An effective solution for dissolving ice can be prepared by yourself. To do this, you need only kerosene, or alcohol - you can take any. You will also need to dissolve quite a lot of salt - to get a supersaturated solution.

Maxim Sereda, technologist: The steam generator is an exceptionally effective tool for dealing with ice inside any pipes. You can also build a device with your own hands. It is a device with hollow walls, with two holes. To one you need to bring a hose of the required length from a heat-resistant material, and the other will serve to pour water. Such a device works on all types of fuel.


We can say that the problem of icing is completely solvable by the forces of the owner of the housing. But only if the cork is not too big. Otherwise, it would be better to call special utility services.

In regions with a cold climate, unfortunately, the effect of frost on highways for various purposes- harsh reality. Naturally, the process of reliable thermal insulation and accident prevention is of paramount importance. However, you should be prepared to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

It is clear that if, as a result of the fact that the sewer pipe froze, it also burst, it will have to be changed. But in many cases, less drastic measures can be dispensed with. What - further in the article.

Consequences of "frost" impact

If, under the influence of adverse weather conditions, an ice plug has formed in the sewer pipe, the sequence of actions will depend on several factors:

  • Places of education
  • Cork sizes
  • Type of sewer system and its geometry
  • The method of laying it
  • Pipe material
  • Availability of special equipment
  • The current air temperature at the work site

As a rule, in problem areas of external sewerage. Anomalies occur in case of non-compliance with the established slopes, poor thermal insulation, insufficient depth of communications.

Important information!

According to regulatory documents, external sewer networks can only be laid underground, at a depth calculated from special climatic maps with the indicated soil freezing depth zones.

A bit of theory

The sewerage drain is discharged into a septic tank - home-made, or factory-made, either into a cesspool, or into a central collector. As a rule, if autonomous system mounted correctly - it cannot freeze, because from fermentation inside the waste receiver, heat rises through the pipe and maintains a positive temperature in it (naturally, the receiver must be insulated, otherwise there will be no fermentation).

And if the water in the sewer pipe froze - something is wrong in the system as a whole, and with the thermal insulation of pipes - in particular. Be that as it may, but, you will have to deal with the release of the drainage system into the drain.

The sewer system slopes away from consumer devices such as a sink or toilet towards the outlet. Accordingly, the ice in the pipe should be melted in such a way that the resulting water follows this slope.

Accordingly, work begins from a septic tank or a well in which there is no passage of drains - which means that the plug is in the pipeline leading to it.

Why is it necessary to start work on the release side?

  1. The internal wiring of the building, especially from cast-iron or ceramic pipes, can be mounted “tightly”, and trying to get to the plug through it will be tantamount to a complete reinstallation of the sewerage system
  2. The main sign by which it is usually determined that a sewer pipe is frozen is the lack of a drain in plumbing fixtures. But - the entire system up to the ice plug will be filled with these drains, and they will have to be pumped out, which is not an easy task.
  3. No matter how the ice is melted, if it is done from the inside out, the melted water will accumulate at the top of the pipe, and it will also have to be constantly pumped out.

Let's move on to practice

There are two main ways to eliminate an ice plug: thermal and chemical, which is much less common and effective.

Chemical method

Its simplest variety is the preparation of a salt solution based on boiling water, and pouring from a cleaning or other hole in the room into a frozen system. AT recent times salt is replaced with various reagents that are used to clean ice from sidewalks.

However, this method has very little efficiency. After all, one thing is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth, which, after processing, is mixed with legs and tires, and another is a dense ice cylinder. If the plug is far enough away from the place where the solution is being poured, the water will cool down and lose all effectiveness.

thermal method

A more common option is to supply heat to the place where water freezes.. To do this, you can use an electric U-shaped heating element with connected insulated wires. It is pushed to the place of congestion with the help of metal-plastic pipe or other similar device.

As the pipe is defrosted, the device is advanced further, and so on until the entire cork has melted. A relatively small gap in the upper part of the pipe is enough, which will be indicated by the flow of accumulated effluents through the pipe - and then you can already start pouring abundant boiling water.

If it is possible to open the trench where the pipe lies, they do so, and heat the pipe from the outside with electric heaters, hair dryers, and a blowtorch.

The main thing is that if the pipe is plastic, make sure that too high a temperature does not affect its walls - this applies to both external and internal way defrosting.

An alternative option, if funds permit, is to call the emergency service of the water utility, which can carry out the operation using a steam generator with a hard rubber hose.

A suburban autonomous sewer system can fail in the winter, especially when the temperature drops sharply to high levels with a minus sign. Such inconveniences are simply a disaster for permanent residences.

The reasons for this situation, experts consider improper installation, given the weather changes in the region. As the masters say: “A well-functioning sewer does not freeze, it works without failures all year round". One cannot but agree with this statement, especially considering the fact that the pipes are at an angle and the liquid, whose temperature is not lower than room temperature, is constantly moving towards the storage tank.

The sad fact is that the freezing that has occurred cannot be eliminated before the arrival of seasonal heat.

Causes of freezing fluid in pipes

  • installation error;
  • plumbing failures;
  • clogging of sewer pipes;
  • insufficient thermal insulation of pipes;
  • incorrectly selected pipe diameter.

To the error in installation work include non-observance of the angle of inclination, due to which the gravity flow of the liquid is ensured. The liquid, stopping in the pipe, freezes under the influence of low temperature, layering and blockage of pipes occur, regardless of the diameter of the pipe. In addition to such a defect, the location of the pipes above the freezing level of the ground may be the cause, even the insulation material will not help in cold winters.

A malfunction, in this situation, is considered to be the appearance of a leak, as a result of which cold air penetrates through the air duct into the middle of the sewer system, which causes freezing. The signal may be a decrease in water pressure in the water supply tap, the reason for the appearance of an ice layer inside the pipes.

Blockages formed in the pipes by the accumulation of solid particles of large diameter form a stagnation of the liquid, which gradually takes on a solid form. After that, the operation becomes impossible, due to inoperability.

Ways to solve a frozen problem

If the freezing is at an early stage, they paid attention to the appearance of a problem in time, did not allow the system to freeze completely, they resort to the defrosting method. Defrosting, keep in mind with a small area with frozen liquid, defrosting is done by pouring boiling water into the drain hole. It is important to consider the specifications installed pipes if the pipe material cannot withstand a sudden change in temperature, it is better not to carry out such procedures, the pipes may burst, you will have to replace the damaged area.

If it was possible to establish the place where the liquid froze, the section of the chain is heated with special tools, a blowtorch, and other devices. For plastic pipes, a steam generator is used, the device forms water vapor, the temperature of which is above 100 ° C, warms and defrosts the ice inside the pipe.

There is a method of electrical defrosting, for this use terminals and an electric generator, if possible, use a direct connection to the mains supply. Under the action of current, the walls of the pipes are heated, which determines the melting of the ice that has formed a blockage.

After the system has been put into operation, it is necessary to do preventive measures so that the problem doesn't happen again. You can once a week do the strait of the system with boiling water.

Technical innovations such as chemicals defrosting are rarely used, there are certain reasons for this. The main reason for not using this method is its cost. Such a price and the consequences that cause a decrease in the level of microorganisms in the septic tank is not justified. After such defrosting, you will have to buy more bacterial mixtures and clean the well shaft.

There are biologically pure preparations, they are not cheap, interaction with water causes heat, which melts the ice.

A convenient way is chosen independently. To do this, determine and take into account:

  • determine the location of the ice plug;
  • the size of the resulting plug;
  • geometry of the sewer system;
  • pipe laying method.

Whatever the solution to the problem, an initially well-created sewage system with all the nuances provided is the best option.

Correct installation

Incorrectly performed work is a huge minus, the problem will be repeated until you decide on drastic measures to eliminate the initial defects.

With the advent of heat, it is worth thinking about work that will not allow such a situation in the future, the use of sewage will be without problems all year round.

It is better to carry out these works with the help of specialists, or with their participation. Part of the work that does not require qualifications is performed independently to save money. These types include earthworks.

After the pipeline system of sewage drains has been excavated, it should be determined whether the angle of inclination is correctly observed. If not, earthworks continue to obtain the correct parameters.

It is better not to stop there, especially if the region is located in the north of the country. It is possible to provide heating of the system with a special electric cable, which is installed on the surface of the pipe. Work on additional thermal insulation with the participation of a heating cable is carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to measure the required cable footage;
  • purchase of a cable;
  • purchase of insulating material;
  • adhesive tape is required.

The length of the cable is determined taking into account the location with the connection to the electrical supply circuit. The cable is cut into pieces convenient for installation, the same procedure is done with insulating material. After preparation, they proceed to the process of implementing thermal insulation. The cable is stuck at the bottom of the pipe using adhesive tape, along the entire length of the pipeline with a connection at the break points. The next stage, winding with heat-insulating material, which is firmly fixed.

There are many nuances in such works, for example, the choice of cable. Specifications cable and wire products are diverse, heat transfer depends on the material, the number of cores, winding, and other factors. Cables with high heat transfer are covered with a special foil before being insulated with material, it helps to direct heat to the pipe body itself, without spoiling the coating of the heat-insulating material.

Cable heating technologies have many types. Spiral winding, foil and construction material insulation create the perfect combination. The spiral winding heats the entire pipe, the consumption of electrical energy is insignificant, given the resulting useful coefficient.

Similar winter heating systems for sewer pipes are additionally equipped with temperature sensors that monitor temperature environment and pipe body temperature, to maintain the perfect balance, saving electricity. In addition to the sensor, a relay is installed that disconnects the power circuit after a signal has been received from the sensor that the maximum heating temperature of the pipeline system has been reached.

It can be adjusted independently, calculating by the time it takes to reach a certain temperature, according to the technical capabilities of the selected cable product.

This method of insulation is the most effective to date. Regions with warm winters do not need such high-quality insulation, it is enough to lower the pipes to a depth below the freezing line, additionally making the thermal winding of the pipes with building materials specially designed for this.

Frozen septic tank

Unfortunately, not only pipes freeze. A frozen septic tank is no less a problem. The main reasons are:

  • drainage system;
  • distance.

Due to drainage, the septic tank freezes more often. A malfunction in the removal of water causes a gradual filling of the tank, after which the immovable sewage solidifies.

The problem of a frozen sewer is, unfortunately, not so rare. Therefore, the question of how to defrost a sewer pipe often sounds. To answer it, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the formation of an ice plug. And they mainly relate to the purely technical features of the construction of the sewer system. Namely:

  • the pipe slope was chosen incorrectly, optimally for sewage is 2-3 mm per 1 m linear section;
  • a large number of bends and bends of the route;
  • the sewerage network was laid above the freezing level of the soil and poorly insulated;
  • pipes of smaller diameter were installed, which reduced their throughput.

Even the presence of one of these reasons immediately becomes a problem, which will be determined by the question: the sewage system has frozen - what to do?

frozen sewer

In fact, what can be done, in what ways it is possible to defrost the sewer. Basically, there are not many options. The thing is that the sewer system is usually laid deep underground, getting to it in winter, digging the frozen ground, is not an easy problem. But if there is no other way out, then you have to dig.

True, it should be noted that it is possible to work with an open sewer pipe only if it is made of metal. But before defrosting the sewer, it is necessary to determine the place where the ice plug forms. This can be done very simply.

  • A hose or wire is taken for this.
  • One of these products must be pushed into the sewer route from the side of the house from the first any revision window or manhole.
  • As soon as the wire rests against something solid, it means that there is an obstacle in front of it. Perhaps this is the ice plug.
  • To check this and be one hundred percent sure, you need to perform the same action from the side of the septic tank. That is, a hose or wire is inserted into an open pipe and pushed all the way.
  • Now, on both sides, with the same wire, it is necessary to set aside the distances along the line of laying the sewer pipe. If they converge in one area, then this is a guarantee that the ice plug is located here.

If in the same area is manhole, then this simplifies the process of defrosting the sewer system. Simply reduced access to traffic jams.

Forgot to insulate

Heating of metal pipes

So, the place of the ice plug has been determined, now you can dig a hole or trench to the very pipe. Usually, metal pipes for a sewer system are cast-iron samples with a socket connection system. We got to the bottom of the track, now you can defrost.

The simplest and most effective option is to take blowtorch, light it up and walk through the pipe. If it is not available, then you can make a fire on the spot. Someone even suggests connecting an electric current on both sides of the pipeline, on the one hand a phase, on the other, zero. It is unlikely that this will help, although purely theoretically this option should work.

Metal pipe can be heated with a torch

Heating of plastic pipes

Fortunately, plastic pipes have almost completely replaced steel pipes in the sewerage system. They have a very smooth inner surface, which guarantees high sewer permeability. But, as mentioned above, improper installation of pipes can lead to the formation of an ice plug. Therefore, we will deal with the question of how to warm the sewerage from PVC pipes?

As in the first case, it is necessary to find the exact location of the frozen drains. That is, it is necessary to do all the manipulations with the wire or hose. You don’t need to dig anything, any action on the plastic of high temperature, and even more so with open fire, will lead to its melting, respectively, the pipes will lose their integrity and become covered with holes. That is, there is no question of the tightness of the sewer.

Steam defrost

It is necessary to act on the ice plug from the inside of the pipeline hot water or ferry. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the distance from the septic tank to the plug. If it is large, then it is better to use water, if it is small (up to 5 m), then steam can be used. In any case, you need to prepare, that is, collect a large amount of hot water, for example, it can be a barrel mounted on a fire. If steam is used, then a small steam generator will have to be installed. The first option is both simpler and more reliable.

So, a hose is inserted into the sewer pipe from the side of the septic tank until it stops. A funnel is installed at its other end. The higher it is installed, the better, but even the level above the ground will be sufficient to deliver hot water to the place of demand. Now you just need to pour heated water into the funnel. She will reach the ice through the hose and begin to melt it. At the same time, thawed drains will flow by gravity through the pipe into the septic tank. This is why it is so important that the hose is inserted from the side of the septic tank.

Of course, if the distance from the collection well to the plug is large, then it is probably easier to pour hot water from the side of the house. But here there is a problem associated with the pumping of melted effluents. After all, they will gather over the cork, remaining in the sewer pipe itself. Well, if the ice blockage is not very large. Hot water will gradually melt it, and all the drains, along with pieces of ice, will fall further down the pipe, and from there into the septic tank. And if the plug is large, if the sewer pipe (large section) is frozen - what to do in this case? How to pump out defrosted sewage?

Pouring hot water into a sewer pipe

Basically, there is only one option. Install a suction pump and turn it on periodically. That is, you will have to insert another hose from the pump into the sewer pipe. How to understand when to turn on the pumping device? As soon as water appears from the input side of the hoses, you can turn it on.

Alternative Solution

There is one more option. It is easier, but not as effective, as defrosting with hot water or steam. To do this, you can use a hair dryer (construction or household). It is simply inserted into the end of the pipe from the side of the septic tank and turned on. Hot air enters the pipeline, filling it with itself. Having reached the ice plug, he begins to thaw it. This process is not fast, it will take more than one hour until the entire ice jam melts.

Conclusion on the topic

So, what you need to pay attention to before you defrost the sewer plastic pipe or metal? First of all, you need to decide on the size of the cork. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to deal with it. And you can handle it. Most importantly, not always obvious methods of defrosting can be used immediately. It is worth considering whether it is worth all the effort to use this particular technology. Maybe there is an easier way? Or maybe it’s not worth tinkering with the sewer yourself, maybe it’s better to call specialists.

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