How many pieces of lining in a cube with a width of 180. Calculation of the volume of lumber. ti meter bar

Before starting construction, it is necessary to determine the required amount of material. This parameter will be needed for the purchase of raw materials and products, in most cases it is also involved in engineering calculations. In the article, we will analyze how many boards are in a cube.

Types of lumber

To date wooden crafts for construction are presented in a variety of variations: components for the construction of walls and individual structures (beams, logs), various panels(Fibreboard, chipboard, OSB), elements for finishing and cladding. Therefore, it is worth starting with what boards can be:

How many boards in a cube of any kind are determined in the same way, regardless of the type of wood and the degree of processing. Exceptions are unedged boards. Next, consider the calculation methods.

The concept of volume

Everyone knows from the school bench that 1 m 3 \u003d 1m x 1m x 1m (length * width * height in meters).

Since the elements of a batch or type have the same dimensions, how many pieces of boards in a cube can be determined, knowing the volume of just one. At the same time, it is not necessary to represent a physical figure with sides of 1 meter, the actual volume of the product is hidden under the concept. It is used in the sale and purchase, calculation of the total volume of construction and constructive calculations.

We determine the quantity

Everyone knows that boards 1 meter long are used extremely rarely, their main working length is 3, 4 or 6 m. It should be borne in mind that lumber is made in production with a margin of length up to 10-25 cm. In some cases, the seller neglects this size, but in most cases, it is taken into account in the calculations. Therefore, pay attention to this so that there are no questions about overpayment. Height and width are indicated exactly in millimeters. The final dimensions look like this: 25x200x6000 (height * width * length in mm). To convert the value to meters, it is necessary to divide the values ​​​​by 1000, we get: 0.025 * 0.200 * 6.0 (m). We multiply the values ​​\u200b\u200bwith each other, we get: 0.025 * 0.200 * 6.0 \u003d 0.03 m 3.

Since all boards have the same appearance and parameters, we determine how many boards are in the cube: 1: 0.03 = 33.33 pieces. We round up to whole units, we get 33 products. Here you can also calculate the cost of 1 board: if 1 cube costs 6500 rubles, then an element with a volume of 0.03 m 3 will cost only 195 rubles. Armed with this knowledge, you can send to the store.

Unedged materials

Boards and beams of this type have raw side faces, since these are the first layers taken from the tree trunk. Thus, the width parameter cannot be uniquely determined. How, then, to calculate how many boards are in a cube?

Take for example a sample that has a different width at both ends: 20 cm on one side and 30 on the other. In such a situation, the average value of the indicators is taken, in our case - 25 cm. Further, the volume of such a board is determined by the already known formula.

When there is a need to purchase a large number of elements, they are stacked in piles so that all sizes match as much as possible (the difference is not more than 10 cm). Further, by simple measurements, determine the length, height of the stack, the width of the middle part, multiply them by a coefficient that takes into account the air gap: 0.07 ... 0.09 (more gap - less coefficient). Thus, they find out how many boards are in 1 cube of unedged lumber.

The main dimensions of such boards are: 25, 40, 50 mm in height and 6000 mm in length. Other parameters are rarely set, mostly by personal order. This is due to the low demand for products and the specifics of their application. These are purchased for the construction of scaffolding, roof lathing, various decking, and also for firewood. Long boards are suitable for these purposes, which can be cut as needed.

Pay attention to the little things

In order to buy wooden products and not overpay an unscrupulous seller, use the above formulas and independently calculate the required number of boards. A simple example: you got the actual volume of 1 element 0.035 m 3 . Suppose 1 cube costs 6000 rubles, then the board will cost 210 rubles. But if the seller rounds thousandths to hundredths, 0.04 m 3 will come out, then you will have to pay 240 rubles for the product. Maybe for one board the difference is not so significant, but often lumber is bought in in large numbers, then the difference in price can cost several hundred rubles. How many boards in a cube - it is desirable to know for sure.

Making the calculations easier

In order not to determine the volume of products individually each time, you can use ready-made data. Manufacturers have calculated how many boards are in a cube: a table compiled from the results of measurements helps to determine required amount material. These guides contain information on different types products, they are combined into groups according to the main sizes. There are separate reports for boards, beams, platbands, skirting boards and others that exist today, they are actively used not only by the inhabitants, but by design engineers and builders.

Now consider how many boards are in 1 cube. The table is compiled for edged products.

Height*width*length, mm

V 1 boards, m 3

Whole pieces in 1 m 3

As you can see, the reference book contains the exact number of boards in a cube. The table takes into account fractions up to thousandths, which are important to take into account when buying and other calculations.


For construction and household purposes, neatly processed products are not always used. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase unedged material, the volume of which is not easy to calculate due to the specific uneven structure of the product. For these cases, there is also a solution - ready-made reference summaries, from which you can find out how many boards are in 1 cube. The table for them is compiled according to the main average sizes.

The tabular data are for reference only and may differ slightly from the actual ones: as already mentioned, products may differ in size by a couple of centimeters in length, for example. Therefore, each time you should pay attention to specific parameters.

It does not matter what lumber is needed for construction. You must be able to independently determine the required volume using formulas, calculators and tables. This will help to avoid the purchase of an extra number of boards and significantly save the budget.

For the manufacture of lumber such as edged boards, different types of trees are used. There is no bark on such a board, which makes it suitable for construction and furniture making.

The main difference between an edged board and other types is the complete absence of a wane, bark, which distinguishes it from an unedged one with a wane

The most popular trees used to make edged boards are usually coniferous trees.

Type of board by type of material (raw material)

Depending on the moisture content in it, the board is wet or dry. The quality of the finished board is greatly influenced by the type of wood. Each tree has its own unique characteristics, but all of them are united by natural origin and ecological cleanliness.

The main standard sizes of edged lumber:

Standard length 6.0 meters (can be 4.0 and 3.0 m.)

As for construction, the most commonly used board here is made of coniferous wood. These materials have a denser structure and have excellent thermal conductivity.

Edged board sorting:

In addition, pine board has antiseptic qualities, making it an ideal material for interior decorating. In addition, such a board is inexpensive, which also attracts developers to use it in the construction of a house.

Edged board in the construction of timber houses

During installation, the edged board is used for:

rough finish (for siding, drywall, etc.)

rafter system battens

subfloor flooring (finish sheet pile is laid on it)

Used in the production of edged boards different variants cut her up. The highest quality is the radial saw cut, which uses a strong resin-impregnated log core. As a result, such a board does not undergo deformation during drying. The price of such a board will be higher, since the best part of the log is used for its manufacture.

With semi-radial sawing, material waste is significantly reduced, which reduces the price of the finished edged board. The thickness of the board during the dissolution is also different. Edged board can be produced 25, 30, 40 mm. The lowest quality and cheapest board is obtained by tangential sawing. Such material is subject to swelling and shrinkage, but this cutting method gives the highest yield of material, which significantly reduces its price.

The price of a cut board is taken per cube or 1 square meter

Name Dimensions, mm Price, rub/m3*
Edged board 25-200 x6000
Edged board 25- 200 x4000 5600
Edged board 25-70 x2000,3000 5200

The difference in cost between a cut or not cut area is 1,500 rubles per cubic meter, think about whether it is worth saving

Edged board is more often used in the production of construction works and in the manufacture of furniture products. When buying such material, it is necessary to choose only a dry board, otherwise it may be deformed in the future.

How many cubes are in a cutting board

25x150x6000(length - 6000, height - 25, width - 150)

the volume of one board 1pc \u003d 0.0225 cubic meters. meters.

in 1 cube = 44.4 pcs. in fact - 44 pcs. boards.

50x150x6000(length - 6000, height - 50, width - 150)

the volume of one board 1pc \u003d 0.045 cubic meters. meter

in 1 cube = 22.2 pcs. boards

Board size, mm
Number of boards in 1 cubic meter, pcs

  • 25x150x4000 66.7 pcs.
  • 40x150x4000 41.6 pcs.
  • 20x100x6000 83.3 pcs.
  • 25x100x6000 66.7 pcs.
  • 40x100x6000 41.6 pcs.
  • 50x100x6000 33.3 pcs.
  • 25x150x6000 44.4 pcs.
  • 30x150x6000 37.04 pcs.
  • 40x150x6000 27.8 pcs.
  • 50x150x6000 22.2 pcs.
  • 25x200x6000 33.3 pcs.
  • 40x200x6000 20.8 pcs.
  • 50x200x6000 16.7 pcs.

More details and for all sizes in the table

By the way, in this way, knowing the number of pieces in the cube of the edged board, you can calculate the cost of the board for one piece, this is necessary if you buy by the piece or buy more if you do not have enough of some quantity.

There is no such building that would do without the use of lumber.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to determine their exact number. You can calculate how many boards are in 1 cube using formulas, or you can use ready-made tables. These tables are called cubes.

Note that coniferous wood products are considered here.

What is cubature

In the general case, this is the volume of a body, expressed in cubic measures.

The cubature of lumber is the volume of lumber, expressed in cubic meters, otherwise - in cubic meters or simply in cubes.

Types of lumber

In this section, we will talk about lumber in the order in which they are received when sawing a log.

Obapol and croaker

For some reason, confusion arises with the definition of these materials: someone claims that they are one and the same, and someone claims that both are made from croaker.

The proposed table will bring complete clarity.

As can be seen from the table, both fields are not used in construction, so we will not consider it further.

The requirements for the slab are normalized in accordance with OST 13-28-74. And this means that the slab is a full-fledged building material.

The slab is used:

  • for subfloor device;
  • roof battens;
  • formwork manufacturing.

Unedged board

It is propylene on two opposite surfaces, called layers. The edges remain uncut, hence the name.

Its standard dimensions are as follows: thickness - 25, 40 and 50 mm; length - 6 m.

The scope is wider than that of the slab.

It is also used for construction:

  • warehouses;
  • utility rooms;
  • temporary fences;
  • canopies.

In addition, it can serve as a base for cladding with clapboard, block house and other finishing materials.

Edged board

It differs from unedged in that it is propylene along the layers and edges.

Used as:

  • roof battens;
  • lathing of walls of frame houses;
  • racks and braces of frame houses;
  • stairs;
  • material for the manufacture of country furniture, etc.


This is sawn timber with a thickness of 100 mm or more with a difference in the width and height of the section by no more than two times. Usually the beam is square in section. The most used timber has a section of 100 × 100 mm and 150 × 150 mm.


  • in the construction of frame houses in the form of racks and beams;
  • as a material for outdoor and internal walls wooden houses;
  • for stairs, railings, etc.


It differs from the beam in that maximum size its section is 75 mm. Like timber, it is most often made with a square section.

Used for interior work such as device:

  • stairs;
  • railings;
  • window sills;
  • bases for finishing sheathing;
  • roof battens.

How to calculate the number of boards in a cube

Edged board

As is known from the high school course, the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped (and the edged board, timber and bar is exactly that) is equal to the product of the lengths of its sides.

Calculated according to formula 1:

where: V – volume; L - length; b - width; h is the height (in our case, the thickness) of the board.

Having calculated the volume in this way, you can easily find the number of boards in a cube.

To do this, you need to divide the unit by the resulting number (formula 2):

where: N - number of pieces, 1 - 1 cu. m, V - volume.

We should not forget that the dimensions of edged materials are given in millimeters, therefore, before calculating them, they must be converted to meters.


There is lumber with the following parameters:

25 × 150 × 6000, where 25 is the thickness; 150 - width; 6000 - length.

Let's calculate the cubic capacity of the board.

To do this, we convert millimeters to meters and substitute the obtained values ​​​​in formula 1:

V = 0.025 × 0.15 × 6 = 0.0225

Substitute the resulting number into formula 2:

N = 1 ÷ 0.0225 = 44.4

The result is always rounded to whole numbers by discarding the decimal part.

Thus, one cube contains 44 whole boards.

Unedged board

Solving the previous problem in this case is more difficult.

The unedged one has a large difference in width on opposite layers, therefore, when calculating the volume, the average width must be substituted into formula 1: these two widths are added and the resulting amount is divided in half.

The measurement result is rounded up to 10 mm, fractions up to 5 mm are not taken into account, and fractions of 5 mm or more are considered as 10 mm.

In addition, the uncut edges do not allow the board to be stacked tightly, and various scaling factors are applied to calculate the exact volume.

The calculation technique is not so much complicated as tedious, so it's easier to use the table in the next section.

Grooved board and lining

They differ from each other only in size, so the calculation method for them is the same.

They are mounted according to the tongue and groove system, as shown in the figure.

For width b in this case the so-called "working" or "visible" width is accepted - the distance from the base of the tongue to the edge of the board (see Fig.). It is this size that should be substituted into formula 1.

Tables of the number of boards in a cube

In order not to calculate the quantity and volume each time, special cubic tables were compiled, in which for each size of material its quantity in one cubic meter is given.

4 meter boards

6 meter boards

4 meter beam

6 meter beam

Unedged material

Due to the large variation in dimensions in length, thickness and width, it is impossible to calculate the exact amount of slab in one cube, so there is no cubic table for it.

Here is a table for converting the storage volume of a slab into a dense one.

In this case, we solve the inverse problem: we determine what actual volume a known amount of slab has.

For this you need:

  1. Disassemble the slab into debarked (which has the thickest end closest to the root of the tree removed) and undebarked.
  2. Sort by length - up to 2 meters and more than 2 meters.
  3. Sort by thickness if necessary.
  4. Put in a bag, alternating thin and thick ends.
  5. Calculate the storage volume of the package.
  6. Select the appropriate coefficient from the table and determine the actual (dense) volume.

Cube for unedged boards.

Cover area calculation

When the main construction is completed, it's time to start finishing work: sheathe walls and lay clean floors.

To do this, recall formula 1. Calculating the volume of one element, we write the intermediate result - the product:

where S is the area of ​​this element.

Having calculated the quantity using formula 2, we multiply the result obtained by the area.


This video contains data not included in the article.

The construction of a private house, cottage or any other building requires an estimate. It indicates the number of building materials and their cost. There are several methods for performing the corresponding calculations. The board is a common material that is used everywhere. In order to determine how many boards are in a cube, you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation options and the nuances of this process.

How many boards in a cube: varieties of lumber and features of their calculation

The boards that are used in the construction of houses and other structures differ in several ways. First of all, the material from which they are made is taken into account. The technical characteristics of the product depend on the type of wood. Depending on the method of production, these building elements are divided into types:

  • edged;

  • unedged.

The first of them belong to the highest grade and have the correct shape, since all their faces can be processed. In turn, unedged products are most often used for organizing rough flooring, etc. The peculiarity of this material is that its side edges are not processed, they contain bark and have a natural shape. This simplifies the production of unedged boards and affects their cost.

In order to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of the board, you must first decide which of the materials will be used in the construction process. For example, it is easier to calculate the cubature and cost of an edged part, since it has a geometrically correct shape.

For unedged products, there are constant values ​​that are arithmetic averages. A table of boards in a cube in this case is not always suitable, since it takes into account the rounding even of edged lumber.

Special mention should be made of building materials for a clean finish. This group includes lining, block house and products that imitate timber. The design of these finishing parts includes special ribs and grooves necessary for tight connection of individual elements to each other.

Helpful information! When calculating the finishing lumber, you need to focus only on the dimensions of the main part of the board. Thus, the size of the locking joints is not taken into account, only the numerical values ​​​​of the product body are taken for calculation.

Regardless of what type of material is used, a single formula is used to calculate the number of boards in a cube. An exception in this case are unedged products. Their calculation has its own characteristics, because such parts do not have all the faces necessary for the calculation.

Cube volume formula: how many edged boards are in 1 cubic meter

A cube is a geometric figure that consists of 6 equivalent faces. Each of them is a square. To determine the volume of this figure, it is necessary to multiply 3 indicators among themselves:

  • length;

  • width;
  • height.

In order to find out how many boards are in 1 cube, you need to multiply several values. The result is a mathematical expression that looks like this:

V = h x b x L, where:

h is the height of the edged product (m);

b – element width (m);

L is the length of one part (m).

Using this formula, you can determine the volume of 1 element. It is important to remember that when carrying out the calculation, it is necessary to convert the millimeter values ​​\u200b\u200bof the product into meters. For example, in order to determine how many boards 25x150x6000 in a cube, you need to convert the numbers by multiplying them by 0.001. The finished mathematical expression after such a transformation will look like this:

V = 0.025 x 0.15 x 6

The result is that the volume of one piece of wood is 0.0225 cubic meters (m³). Next, it remains to calculate how many pieces of edged boards are contained in 1 cubic meter. For this there is simple formula. It involves dividing 1 cubic meter by the volume of 1 board, which was obtained using the past mathematical expression. Consider the calculation on an example:

1 m³ / 0.0225 m³ = 44.4

Thus, 1 cubic meter contains approximately (if rounded up) 44 boards. After that, it is already possible to independently determine the amount of material needed for the construction of a particular structure. And also at this stage, you can draw up a general estimate indicating the price of edged boards per cubic meter.

To calculate the cost of 1 edged board, a mathematical expression is used, which involves multiplying the volume of 1 part by the price of a cubic meter. Let's look at an example:

0.0225 x 8200 rubles = 184.5 rubles.

The calculation showed that the cost of 1 product of the cut variety will be approximately 184 rubles. If the cost of 1 part is known, but it is necessary to calculate the price of a board cube, you need to do the reverse manipulation. In this situation, you will need to divide the price for 1 item (184.5) by its volume (0.0225).

Note! Sometimes, especially when buying a small batch of boards, there is confusion with decimal places. In some cases, lumber vendors will specifically quote a value calculated by rounding up to the 3rd number. However, by law, this value is only suitable for large batches of boards. When purchasing several products, it is recommended to round off according to GOST, namely up to 0.000001 m³.

When calculating the number of boards and the cost of lumber per cubic meter, it is desirable to take into account unplanned losses that very often occur during construction. Therefore, it is recommended to buy edged products with a small margin (several pieces).

How many boards in a cube: calculation of unedged lumber

The calculation of the cubature of an unedged board has some nuances, since its shape is not correct. Such material does not have a rectangular section along its entire length, so it is used to organize temporary structures. The lower and upper surfaces of unedged boards must be processed along the entire length. Otherwise, this product is the side part of the log (slab).

To find the volume of unedged lumber in 1 cubic meter, as well as its quantity, there are several methods. It should be noted right away that it is rather difficult to determine how many boards are in one cube if we are talking about irregular geometric shapes. Therefore, the initial numbers obtained when calculating unedged parts will be an approximate indicator.

Consider what methods are used to calculate the cubic capacity and the amount of unedged lumber:

  • batch;
  • piece;
  • sampling method.

In the first case, you will need to load the lumber into a package, which must have the correct shape. After bookmarking, it is necessary to measure the necessary indicators. Next, a standard procedure for determining the volume is performed using the values ​​\u200b\u200bobtained when taking measurements. This method is most common for products that do not have clear edges. For example, with it, you can calculate the cubes of a 25x150x6000 board in a cube (unedged).

It is worth noting that in this type of mathematical expression, a special coefficient (for width) is used, which is the arithmetic average. Although this option is not fast, it allows you to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of the board.

The piece method involves the use of numbers corresponding to the arithmetic mean values ​​​​of the height and width of the edged product. These values ​​are calculated in meters.

In order to find the arithmetic mean, you need to measure the board. The minimum width (at the narrowest point) and the maximum are measured. The two scores are then added up and divided in half. After that, the same height manipulation is performed. The numbers obtained during the calculation must be multiplied by each other and by the length of the product.

Let's see how it looks like in the form of a mathematical expression:

(b max + b min) / 2 x (h max + h min) / 2 x L = V

Using such a formula, it will not be difficult to determine the volume of 1 unedged element and answer the question of how to calculate the cubature of the part. After obtaining this value, you can calculate the total number of boards in a cubic meter. For such a calculation, you will need to use a formula similar to the trimmed part (a cubic meter is divided by the volume of the product).

Helpful information ! When buying raw boards, you need to be careful. Sellers should use a factor that affects the reduction in total volume, taking into account future shrinkage. To calculate wet coniferous products, 1 cubic meter must be multiplied by the number 0.96. In turn, the coefficient for hardwood is 0.95.

The last way to determine the volume of lumber and its quantity in 1 cubic meter is the sampling method. It is used in the calculation of large batches of wooden building materials. The essence of this method is that several boards are selected from the total mass. Then the parts are measured and calculated according to the piece by piece method. The resulting numbers are multiplied by the total number of parts in the lot.

How many boards in a cube 50x150x6000 in a cube: calculation

As an example, you can take an unedged product with dimensions of 50 by 150 by 6000 mm. First, we convert millimeters to meters. Some people don't know how many millimeters are in 1 meter. To convert, you need to multiply the required number in mm by a factor of 0.001. In finished form (with substituted values), the formula will look like this:

(0.155 + 0.145) / 2 x (0.055 + 0.045) / 2 x 6 = V

Related article:

The main criteria for choosing a finished product. Comparison of prices of well-known manufacturers.

After adding and dividing by 2, we get the arithmetic average of the width and height of the unedged part. Thus, the formula takes on a more understandable, standard form:

0.15 x 0.05 x 6 = 0.045

This is how a calculation is made, the result of which is finding the volume of 1 board. To determine the number of products in 1 cubic meter, the same formula is used as in the case of a trimmed counterpart.

If necessary, you can calculate the area of ​​​​one board. Most often, this is required when the manufacturer indicates the price per square meter, and not per cubic meter. The area formula involves multiplying the width of a part by its length. It is important in this case not to make a mistake and not to forget to convert millimeters to meters.

In order to determine the cost, the same formula is used as in the case of edged lumber. You just need to multiply the volume of 1 part by an amount that corresponds to the total price of the cube. This is how the calculation of cubes in the cube of the board 50x150x6000 is performed.

Calculating the board with an online calculator

Perhaps the easiest way (along with the lumber cube table) to determine the exact value of the volume and quantity wooden planks- online calculator. It is a program with preset algorithms that allow you to calculate all the necessary lumber values. This method makes it possible to calculate not only the edged board, but also other varieties of these products.

Note! In order to avoid the possibility of an error when calculating the material on the online calculator, you should immediately indicate for which board the measurement is used.

The process itself is quite simple. First you need to find a calculator on one of the specialized sites using the search line of the browser. Next, you will need to enter the required indicators in the appropriate cells. The board calculator in the cube will calculate on its own.

This method is popular and allows you to quickly and accurately determine all the necessary lumber values. When using a calculator, it is recommended to check the accuracy of filling several times. In the event of an error, the calculation will be performed incorrectly, which is fraught with serious discrepancies in the final figures.

How many boards in a cube: table (6 meters)and tips for its use

The last method to determine the quantity and cubic capacity of wooden products is to use a special table. This method is very convenient, as it does not require long calculations. All that is needed is simply to find the desired value in the table using the initial data (width, height and length).

In order to quickly find the correct answer to the question of how many boards are in one cube, the table is the best fit. However, experts point out one drawback of this method: the numbers corresponding to the cubic capacity or quantity are often rounded off. Therefore, if you need to perform the most accurate calculation, it is recommended that you do all the calculations yourself.

Edged board volume in a cube:

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Volume 1 piece, m³
50 to 200 6 0,06
30 to 100 0,018
20 to 150 0,018
30 to 150 0,027
20 to 200 0,024
30 to 200 0,036
25 per 100 0,015
40 to 100 0,024
25 to 150 0,0225
40 to 150 0,036
25 to 200 0,03
50 to 100 0,03
40 to 200 0,048
50 to 150 0,045
20 to 100 0,012

In addition, before starting the search desired value it is desirable to make sure that the length of the lumber is consistent. The tables can be different, containing information about the cubature of boards with a length of 3, 4 or 6 m. Today, the most common are wooden products, the length of which is 6 meters. How many boards are in one cube? The table that allows you to determine the amount of lumber also uses rounded values.

Do not forget that the board can be made from different types of wood. Therefore, before using the table, it is recommended to make sure that you have selected the required type of lumber.

How many boards in 1 cube: table (6 meters):

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Number of pieces in 1 m³

The tabular method is good because it does not require calculations or self-filling of overall and other lumber values ​​​​to get an answer. It is suitable for determining the cubature, and also allows you to answer the question of how many boards are in a cube. The table is ideal for calculating large batches of a product.

Edged board prices per cube: 50x150x6000and other varieties

Today in the construction market you can find many varieties of lumber. All of them are differentiated not only by size, but also by the type of wood from which they were made. And also the cost of these products is influenced by the production technology and their purpose. In order to find out how much a board cube costs, you need to familiarize yourself with all the varieties of these details.

The most popular in the construction of private houses, cottages, as well as other structures is a classic edged board. It can be 1st and 2nd grade. The first option is more expensive, as it has higher technical specifications and durability.

Helpful information! The price of a 1st grade edged board is approximately 7,500 rubles. for 1 cu. Products that belong to a lower quality group cost about 4-6 thousand rubles. for 1 m³.

The width and height of the boards, as a rule, does not affect their cost. This is due to the fact that in a cubic meter, regardless of the dimensions of wooden lumber, there will be the same number of parts. In the sense that for the same price you will receive 44 edged boards 25x1500x6000 (price per cube: 7500 rubles) or 22 parts 50x150 having the same length.

Separately, it is worth mentioning edged boards made in accordance with the technical specifications (TU). Lumber of this type costs an average of about 7,000 rubles. per cube Such boards are distinguished by good quality characteristics and can be used in the construction of various structures.

Unedged products are cheaper, as they are of lower quality. Their cost is calculated using averaged values. The price of unedged lumber ranges from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. However, they are not recommended for construction. It is better to use better quality lumber, for example, edged board 40x150x6000 (price per cube: 7500) or similar products with other dimensions.

When buying wood lumber, you need to pay attention to some points. For example, the board must be flat. The curvature of the product most often indicates that the technology was violated during its production. Such parts are not used in construction, as they do not have the required quality.

How much does a board cube weigh? When purchasing this building material, its mass should be taken into account. So, for example, a cut board made from dry spruce weighs 450 kg (1 cubic meter). 1 m³ of raw products has a mass of 790 kg. Dry pine has a weight of 470, and raw - 890 kg. This knowledge will be needed when transporting products.

When choosing lumber and its calculation, you must be careful. The board must not have cracks, chips or other defects. Small cracks are allowed, but it is recommended to buy a solid, high-quality product that meets GOST. You should also pay attention to the presence of knots. This is due to the fact that they negatively affect the strength of the wooden part. The choice of calculation method depends on the specific case. If necessary, you can always use the services of specialists who will help you perform the correct calculation and draw up an estimate.

Construction works require the solution of many different issues, among which the most important task is the selection and purchase of lumber. It is not difficult to calculate how many linear meters of boards and timber will be needed during the construction process. That's just the price of commercial wood is indicated for 1 cubic meter, and this often causes difficulties for novice home craftsmen. The ability to correctly select and calculate the amount of edged or unedged lumber in a cube will save money and avoid a situation where, after completion of construction work, a pile of unused boards remains on the site.

Classification and characteristics of lumber

The very name "lumber" suggests that this type of construction raw material is obtained by longitudinal sawing of tree trunks into circular or band saws. For the production of boards and timber, several sawing methods are used:

  • tangential (in a circle),
  • radial.

Tangential sawing involves the movement of the saw tangentially to the annual rings of the tree, which reduces the amount of waste, and hence the cost of building materials. The boards obtained in this way have a beautiful, pronounced pattern, therefore they are often used for finishing purposes. Disadvantages of circular sawing include the wood's tendency to shrink and swell, and a significant difference in texture as the cutting tool approaches the center of the log.

In the sawmill industry, several methods of sawing the trunk are used.

With radial sawing, the cutting line passes through the core of the tree, so the output of boards will be less and their price will be higher. However, if necessary, get wood High Quality use exactly this method. This is due to the fact that, compared with the tangential method, radial sawing boards have halved swelling and shrinkage rates. In addition to the sawing methods discussed above, a mixed method is also used, which combines the advantages of the first two.

The concept of lumber actually includes not only the traditional molding, which is most often seen in the construction markets. A complete list of products that are obtained when sawing logs includes:

  • board;
  • timber;
  • bar;
  • lagging;
  • croaker.

The last two types of lumber are waste, which absolutely does not prevent them from being used for certain types of construction work, as well as for finishing purposes.


Boards include rectangular lumber with a thickness of not more than 100 mm and a width to thickness ratio of at least 2:1. Depending on the degree of processing, the board can be edged and unedged. The first is a finished product without bark and with evenly sawn edges, while the second is a "semi-finished product" taken directly from the saw frame.

The edged board has even edges and a constant width along the entire length of the lumber

The most commonly used boards in construction are standard sizes:

  • thickness - 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm;
  • width - from 75 to 275 mm with gradation through 25 mm;
  • length - from 1 m to 6.5 mm in 250 mm increments.

Boards of other sizes can be obtained by cutting or planing standard lumber, as well as by making an individual order for sawing round timber.

Unedged board has a lower cost, but without finishing, its scope is limited

The parameters of lumber used in construction are standardized and determined according to the current GOST 8486–86 for softwood and GOST 2695–83 for hardwood.


Timber is called lumber, the cross section of which is a square with sides of at least 100 mm. The size of the beam in the diameter is unified and can vary from 100 to 250 mm in increments of 25 mm. The standard defines the length of products of this type from 2 to 9 m, but most often square-section lumber with a length of no more than 6 m is used. to sleepers.

The beam is an ideal material for the construction of frames and other wooden structures.

The bar differs from the bar considered above only in that its cross section does not exceed 100x100 mm. The typical length of the bar is also 6 m, and the size in diameter ranges from 40 mm to 90 mm in 10 mm increments. To simplify the classification, bars are often referred to as a rail, in which the cross section has a rectangular shape, and the ratio of thickness to width is at least 1:2. The standard range of edges of softwood slats looks like this: 16, 19, 22, 25, 32, 40, 44, 50, 60, 75 mm. For hardwood lumber, products of increased width are additionally provided, and the product line itself looks like this: 19, 22, 25, 32, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 mm.

A variety of bars and slats allow you to strengthen and make any wooden structure as stable as possible

Obapol and croaker

Obapol represents the very first cut of round timber, in which the outer surface remains untreated. Unlike obapol, the croaker can have a cut on half of the second side or an alternation of processed and unprocessed sections from the side of the bark. The value of obapol and slab in construction is secondary, since it is unaesthetic appearance and reduced performance characteristics allow the use of lumber of this type only for auxiliary purposes. Most often, slab and obapol are used as a fastening material, as well as for the manufacture of formwork, crates or flooring for scaffolding. This material is also interesting as decorative material for decoration of walls, fences and other vertical structures.

Despite external unsightliness, slab and obapol are widely used for secondary construction tasks.

Technology for calculating the number of boards in a cube

On the wood market, both edged lumber and unedged boards are presented, along the edges of which there is a wane. Depending on the type of wood products, several methods are used to determine the cubic capacity.

How to find out the number of edged lumber in a cube

The algorithm for determining the cubature of lumber is based on the formula known to every schoolchild for finding the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped. In order to find out the cubature of one board (V) in a cube. m, it is necessary to find the product of its length (a) by the width (b) and thickness (h) in meters V=a×b×h.

The desired figure will make it easy to calculate how many boards of this type will fit in one cubic meter of lumber. For this, 1 cu. m of lumber is divided by the volume of one product. For example, if you need to find out the cubic capacity of one board with parameters 6000x200x25 mm, then by substituting these numbers into the formula, we get V = 6x0.2x0.025 = 0.03 cubic meters. m. Therefore, in one cubic meter there will be 1 / 0.03 = 33.3 of such products.

The grooved board has a groove on one side and a ridge on the other. Since both of these elements are approximately equal to each other, their parameters can be neglected. That is why the size of tongue-and-groove lumber in diameter is measured without taking into account the locking part.

In the case of boards that have the same dimensions, the calculation can be simplified by substituting the dimensions of the lumber stack into the formula. Of course, at the same time, its laying should be as dense as possible, otherwise the gaps between the individual elements will affect the accuracy of the calculations. Given that the cost of individual types of wood reaches tens of thousands of rubles, such an error can result in a pretty penny.

To simplify the calculations, you can use special tables that allow you to quickly determine the cubic capacity or the amount of wood in 1 cubic meter. m lumber.

Table: the number of edged boards in 1 cu. m lumber standard length

Board size, mmThe number of boards 6 m long in 1 cu. mThe volume of one board, cube. m
25x10066,6 0.015
25x15044,4 0.022
25x20033,3 0.03
40x10062,5 0.024
40x15041,6 0.036
40x20031,2 0.048
50x10033,3 0.03
50x15022,2 0.045
50x20016,6 0.06
50x25013,3 0.075

The cubature of timber of standard sizes can also be determined using the table below.

Table: the amount of timber in 1 cu. m lumber

Beam size, mmThe number of products with a length of 6 m in 1 cu. mVolume of 1 bar, cu. m
100x10016.6 0.06
100x15011.1 0.09
100x2008.3 0.12
150x1507.4 0.135
150x2005.5 0.18
150x3003.7 0.27
200x2004.1 0.24

Very often it is required to determine the surface area (floor or wall) that can be covered with a board of one thickness or another with a volume of 1 cubic meter. m. To do this, you can use the formula S \u003d 1 / h, where h is the thickness of the lumber. So, one cubic meter of a 40 mm board will be enough to equip S = 1 / 0.04 = 25 square meters. m floor. To facilitate the process of calculating the area allows a table called a cubature. It contains data on the cross-section of boards, their number in 1 cu. m and the desired area that they can cover.

Method for calculating the cubature of an unedged board

Unedged lumber is not trimmed at the edges, so not only the size in the diameter of individual products varies, but also the width different parts one board. In this regard, it is possible to calculate the volume of a stack of raw lumber only approximately. The same applies to calculating the cubic capacity of a separate unedged lumber, although the error in this case will be much smaller.

So, to calculate the cubature of an unedged board, there are two constants - thickness and length, and one variable - width. To avoid complex calculations using differential algebra methods, the last parameter is simply averaged. To do this, the board is measured in several places and the arithmetic mean is found. For example, for a board with a diameter at the base of 400 mm, a width of 350 mm in the middle and 280 in the top, the calculated value will be (430 + 340 + 260) / 3 = 343 mm. Further calculations are carried out in exactly the same way as for edged lumber.

Most often, the width of an unedged board is determined only on the basis of measurements along the edges of the lumber. It should be noted that the accuracy of calculations directly depends on the number of measurements, therefore, in critical cases, their number is increased.

If it is required to find out the cubic capacity of a package of unedged wood, then the products are stacked on top of each other in such a way that the following conditions are met:

  • stacks must be aligned along the front end;
  • boards in a stack should not overlap;
  • it is not allowed to change the width of the package along the entire length of the lumber;
  • the protrusion of the outermost products beyond the stack should not exceed 100 mm.

By measuring the height, length and width of a package of unedged wood with a tape measure, the approximate cubic capacity is determined using the formula V=a×b×h. To find out a more accurate value, the result is multiplied by the stacking factor, which can be found in special tables.