How to wash a feather pillow at home - hand and machine wash steps. how to clean feather pillows at home how to clean feather pillows at home

Many housewives do not dare to clean soft bedding on their own, fearing to spoil them. In fact, everything is not so scary. We will talk about several simple options how to wash a feather pillow at home. Do not miss an important step - proper drying, on which the safety of the filler depends.

Washing by hand

At home, pillows can also be washed in an automatic machine, however, the manual method has one significant advantage - the fluff will be cleaned evenly, will not stray into one lump and will retain its shape. This rule especially applies to orthopedic pillows, each wash of which reduces medicinal properties this item.

In order to know how to clean a feather pillow at home, you must follow the following technology:

  1. Remove the filler, place it in a bowl of warm water, in which dilute the cleaning agent (chips will do just fine). laundry soap).
  2. After two hours, remove the feathers, rinse well in clean water, wring out and spread on a flat surface for the final stage - drying. It is better if it is an outdoor place or a ventilated room. At the end, it remains to return the filler and stitch the product on sewing machine. More details in the video below.

Washing in the washing machine

There are several features of washing pillows in the machine.

Important: if you still decide to wash a small pillow completely, stock up on special balls that will not allow fluff to stray into a lump. An alternative to such devices is a couple of tennis balls.

Feather pillows can be cleaned at home in several ways. It can be washed as a whole (product small size), and disassembled into several fragments. We recommend the latter as the most effective. Sequencing:

  1. Carefully open the pillowcase and remove the feather filler.
  2. Divide it into several bags (old unnecessary pillowcases that will need to be stitched so as not to spill the fluff are fine) and wash separately with the addition of a detergent for delicate washing.
  3. Set the machine to the normal mode with a spin speed of 1000 or, if provided by the manufacturer, to the "duvet" mode.
  4. After drying, place the filler in a new cover, which can be sewn from a new dense fabric.

Advice: Choose your detergent carefully. It should be delicate, without pronounced fragrances. You can also clean the feather pillow by adding ordinary baby soap to the compartment. Our recommendation is gel products that are quickly washed out during rinsing.

How to dry

This can be done in several ways:

  • After machine washing in covers, spread the contents evenly, and then lay the pouches on the old unwanted fabric. Roll them tightly into rolls to get rid of excess moisture and speed up the drying process of the filler.
  • To get rid of the moisture of the pillow, you can also use a dryer at a temperature of 30 ° C, a radiator, or take it out into the open air, hanging it on a rope. Pour the dried feather into a clean pillowcase, which you sew on a sewing machine for reliability.

It is interesting: sometimes it is useful for the feather filler to “take” sunbathing: ultraviolet rays ensure its disinfection.

Dry air cleaning

This type of cleaning of pillows is possible only in specialized dry cleaners. The bottom line is to use exclusively ultraviolet, vacuum and special lamps, as in the photo. No liquid detergents and no water, which weighs down down or feather quite a lot. This method is worth learning for those who do not have the opportunity or time to deal with bedding on their own.

Dry cleaning is suitable for pillows that have not been in use for too long and do not have difficult stains. This is a great way to remove dust.

Cleaning process:

  1. The entire filler is pulled out of the bedclothes and placed in a special device, in which it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for about ten minutes.
  2. To return the fluff to its former splendor, it is processed in a vacuum, and after that it is returned to its original place.
  3. Such manipulations not only clean the pillows, but also have an antimicrobial effect on them through exposure to germicidal lamps.

At home, you can achieve at least a slightly approximate result by hanging a pillow in the cold in clear weather under the influence of the sun's rays. This is exactly what our grandmothers did.

Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning differs from dry cleaning by removing not only dust, but also thorough disinfection. The principle remains approximately the same: the filler is removed, processed and placed in the pillowcase. However, processing in this case carried out at a high temperature of 120 degrees. Then the pillow is thoroughly dried.

As a result of this treatment, broken particles of feathers and dust formed during operation are also removed. Another advantage of the method is that it can be used to remove dust mites and other microorganisms that settle in the bed.

How to properly care

Most hostesses opt for pillows with feather filling because of its softness and airiness. However, do not forget that materials of organic origin are subject to destruction after several years. Find out how to properly care for your sleepwear so that they last you as long as possible:

  1. Fluff your favorite pillow quite often, like every morning. This simple procedure will help maintain its elasticity and provide you with a comfortable sleep for many nights.
  2. Wash the product several times a year, as it can absorb sebum, sweat and other secretions very well. human body. So you will save the pillow from an unpleasant smell and remove pathogens that have managed to settle in the filler.
  3. If it is necessary to process especially contaminated products, it is better to contact a dry cleaner and trust the professionals. They know how to clean stains of various origins.

  4. If you follow all the subtleties of washing pillows at home, you will no longer need to spend money on buying new bedding. So you can extend the life of this household item and maintain your health. Good luck!

The pillow is one of essential items comfort, which is subject to high demands regarding cleanliness, both outside and inside. Cleaning such products is becoming a priority for many dry cleaners, where, for a fee, the pillow will be completely restored to impeccable condition. However, why overpay for the service, if washing can be done at home.

Thoroughly washing a downy product is quite simple. There are no special tricks in this case, however, some aspects should be observed so as not to spoil your favorite bedding. So, let's look at the sequence of actions:

  1. Before you clean the pillows stuffed with natural down, you should stock up on clean cloth for the second pillowcase. For these purposes, teak would be the best option, you can also use coarse calico or cotton.
  2. Then you need to measure the already existing breastplate and add 1.5-2 cm to the seams on the new pattern.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to sew a large pillowcase in which the down filler itself will be washed and wrung out. To do this, you need to take the lightest mesh fabric, for example, chintz or thick gauze.
  1. The next step is to open the dirty product. To clean down pillows and at the same time not clog the whole house with small feathers, you must first put a vacuum cleaner or a bowl of soapy water under your arm. You can wet your hands in it so that the fluff sticks to your palms, and does not scatter around the room.

  1. Then carefully, in small parts, remove the down filler from the pillowcase and transfer it to the prewash container. It is advisable to prepare a solution of washing powder in a basin or bath, where it is necessary to soak the dirty fluff for 60-80 minutes. Under the action of the detergent, unpleasant odors and dirt will disappear.
  2. After that, it is necessary to drain the water and squeeze out the filler. For greater comfort, it is recommended to use a standard colander.
  3. Rinse again with clean water and wring out thoroughly.
  4. Finally, transfer the fluff to the prepared chintz pillowcase, break up the clumps with your hands and transfer to the machine.
  5. Turn on the gentle spin mode and remove the filler at the end of the wash.

10. Now you can start drying the down product. To do this, you need to get it out of the washing drum and gently shake the contents of the pillowcase.

11. Then put the down bag in a sunny and dry place, ideally - a balcony or your yard. During drying, periodically shake the filler so that it does not acquire bad smell charms.

12. As soon as the fluff dries, re-stuff it with a clean pillowcase and sew it up.

13. The pillow is ready to use.

how clean feather pillow

Almost everyone in the household has half-shells stuffed with duck or goose feathers, which they inherited from their grandmothers. Comfortable, soft, environmentally friendly, they have served the family faithfully for many years. And in order to restore the original purity of products, you need to know how and where to clean the pillows on your own.

So, for washing, you will need to prepare the following:

  • chintz or gauze;
  • gel for washing woolen products;
  • fabric softener;
  • water;
  • new pads.

The walkthrough is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Spread out the old dirty bedclothes, take out all the feathers and divide them into three handfuls.
  2. Each part must be placed in separate bags of gauze or chintz, previously sewn in haste.
  3. Then each bag must be sewn up or tied tightly so that the feathers do not fall out.
  4. Pour water into a basin or bath, add washing gel to it and soak the filler for 2 hours. The pillowcase should be washed separately from the filler.
  5. Then carefully wring out the feather pouches and rinse under plenty of running water.
  6. Rinse again, while adding a capful of fabric softener to the water.
  7. Then hang the bags in a sunny place or lay them out on a radiator if washing is done in the winter season.
  8. After complete drying, carefully shift the fluff and sew the product.
  9. The pillow is ready to use.

Machine washable feather pillow

This type of product can be machine washed. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • prepare bags for the filler and pour the feather into them;
  • transfer to the washing machine and set the "Delicate wash" or "Washing wool" mode;
  • use liquid gel instead of powder;
  • set the gentle spin mode - up to 400 revolutions;
  • set the extra rinse program, while pouring in 1 cap of fabric softener;
  • run a normal wash cycle.

Some subtleties of drying the product

Undoubtedly, properly cleaning a feather pillow is a fairly simple and low-cost task, but in addition to washing, attention should be paid to drying the product. In case of negligence towards this stage work, increases the risk of mold and odor, which is extremely difficult to fix later. So, for proper drying, the following features of the process should be observed:

  • it is necessary to keep the filler in the air for at least 48 hours so that the fluff or feather is completely dry, otherwise it will be hopelessly damaged;
  • for drying, prepare a spacious pillowcase, larger than the size of the pillowcase itself;
  • this temporary bag must be carefully tied or sewn up so that the feathers do not crawl out of the gaps;
  • obligatory manipulation - shaking the pen every 4-6 hours so that not a single lump is left inside, where charm can appear;
  • the best option is to hang pillowcases with filler in a sunny place or lay out bags on a bench;
  • if the smell of dampness or mold still appears, the pillow must be thrown away, since the product cannot be returned to its original form.

Cleaning a synthetic pillow

Pillows with synthetic filling are easy to wash, both in manual and machine mode. For this reason, you do not need to find out how much it costs to clean the pillows, because the process is extremely simple to master on your own. Consider the main subtleties of the process:

  1. It is important to follow the instructions on the label, as well as wash the filler in a gentle mode.
  2. From detergents, it is desirable to use liquid gel.
  3. A double rinse is also recommended.
  4. Unlike down pillows, such products need to be wrung out to the maximum.
  5. Drying is carried out both in the open air and on a heater.

Washing orthopedic products

These products should be washed exclusively by hand, as washing machines act too rough on the structural material of the pillow. In addition, it is desirable to use a liquid gel. Generally, correct sequence action looks like this:

  1. Remove the pillowcase or cover from the pillow. In most modern products, a special zip-lock or dog is provided, which will allow you to easily and quickly get the filler. Covers should be washed separately.
  2. Then pour warm water into the container to such a level that the product is completely covered with liquid.
  3. Add washing gel, about 1 tbsp. l. And mix it thoroughly in water until foam appears.
  4. Then proceed to washing - rough movements and friction of the material are not recommended, it is better to simply crush the pillow with your hands so that the detergent penetrates into the material.
  5. After that, thoroughly rinse the product under running water. Please note that rinsing can take much longer than washing itself.
  6. At the end, dry the product by laying it out in an open space. Do not use a dryer, as the orthopedic material can be damaged by high temperatures. Dry your pillow in the sun if possible.
  7. Make sure the pillow is completely dry as the porous structure of the material is similar to a sponge. Due to this, the filler absorbs moisture and can keep inside for a long time.

If your pillow is made from such an ecological material as buckwheat husks or various cereals, then it cannot be washed, otherwise the product will become unusable. However, it is still necessary to clean such products, since the husk is crushed and dust accumulates there. To do this, they must be cut, carefully sift the contents and sew up again in the apron. Eucalyptus and bamboo pillows can be machine washed at 40°C.

When washing pillows of any type, you can add a drop essential oil cypress, lavender or orange. This action will eliminate unnecessary inhabitants inside the filler and give the product a pleasant aroma.

Bird feather - traditional for pillows. It is usually combined with down to increase softness and reduce the weight of the product. For bedding, the feather of waterfowl is used - ducks, geese, eiders, swans. Benefits of these pillows affordable price, hygroscopic and breathable. Disadvantages - the likelihood of developing allergies, as well as the possibility of reproduction of mites and mold. Helps avoid problems proper care for products. They need to be cleaned once a year. Let's figure out how to wash a feather pillow at home.

When deciding how to wash a feather pillow at home, you need to know that wet cleaning can be done both with a washing machine and manually. In any case, it is impossible to process the entire product as a whole.

In preparation for machine washing, you need to sew a few covers of chintz or other thin cotton fabric without holes. It is better not to use gauze: one layer will not hold the feathers inside, and if you fold it in half, the filler will get stuck between the layers. Requires 4-5 bags for one medium size pillow. An easier way is to sew one cover 2-3 times more than the pillowcase.

Before washing feather pillows, preparation for machine cleaning should include the following steps:

  1. Rid the pillow of dust by knocking it out with a cracker.
  2. Rip one end of the lining.
  3. Transfer the filler to the covers, filling each by 50-70%, or place the pen in 1 bag.
  4. Firmly sew the free edges of the covers.

Tip: After gutting the bedclothes, it is advisable to immediately clean it: knock out the remnants of fluff, wash, dry and iron. You can sew a new cover of thick fabric. Teak is ideal for these purposes.

Machine wash pillows

How to wash a feather pillow washing machine? An important point is the choice of detergent. It is better not to use a standard powder, since its particles are difficult to rinse out and may remain in the pillow filler. In addition, a loose agent does not improve the properties of the pen. But if you have to use it, then you need to pour a small amount into the machine - about 30-50 g.

Suitable preparations for washing down and feather filler are gel-like products for delicate fabrics or special substances for natural fibers. The latter include "Unipuh" - a liquid preparation intended for pillows and blankets. It does not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleaches. "Unipuh" effectively removes impurities without damaging the structure of the feather, and also maintains its breathability and lipid coating. The tool protects the filler from rolling and brittleness.

You should also prepare special ones made of soft plastic. They are placed in the drum of the machine. During its operation, the balls “pound” the product, removing all impurities. When cleaning the feather filler, they prevent it from falling into one lump. Plastic laundry balls can be replaced with two clean tennis balls.

Washing feather pillows in a washing machine consists of the following steps:

  1. Load 2-3 bags of filler into the drum. If you put more, there will be too much vibration, and the pen will clump. When washing the filler from a small pillow in one large cover, it is advisable to add several towels to the drum to evenly distribute the load.
  2. Pour or pour detergent into a special compartment. Air conditioning is not recommended.
  3. Throw balls into the drum.
  4. Select a mode. Ideally, if the machine is equipped with the “Duvet” (“Down”) mode. In its absence, choose a delicate or hand wash. Optimum temperature- 30 ºС. Higher values ​​can lead to destruction natural filler.
  5. Set the spin speed to no more than 400 and an additional (intensive) rinse. If it is not possible to select the minimum spin, it is better to turn it off.
  6. After the end of the wash cycle, take out the covers, put them on a towel and roll it up, squeezing out the water.

Hand wash pillows

How else to wash a feather pillow at home? Second way wet cleaning pillows - hand wash. It is more labor intensive than washing machine processing, but allows you to control each step and avoid damage to the filler.


  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 ºС into a bathtub or a large basin. If the bowl is small, then the filler must be processed in batches so that it floats.
  2. Add detergent to the liquid - washing gel, a special preparation for fluff, shavings of baby or laundry soap. Stir it up.
  3. Pour the filler into the container, spread the lining on one side.
  4. Soak for 2-4 hours.
  5. Collect some of the feathers with a colander, rinse under the tap and transfer to any suitable container. Process the entire filler in this way.
  6. Pour out the water from the bathtub or basin, covering the drain hole with a net so that it does not clog.
  7. Dial clean water and add detergent to it. Dip the feathers into the liquid. Rub them with your hands.
  8. Collect the pillow filler in a colander, rinse thoroughly under running water. Squeeze lightly to remove most of the moisture.

Note: Before finally washing the feathers, they can be dipped for a few minutes in water with a little essential oil. This will help disinfect them and fill them with a pleasant aroma. It is advisable to use lavender, orange, cypress or other oil with antiseptic properties.

Drying pillows

Having figured out how to properly wash the pillow in the washing machine or by hand, you should consider the drying rules.

  1. It is important to completely rid the feathers of moisture. Otherwise, fungi and pathogens will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to an unpleasant odor and damage to the filler.
  2. The best time of the year to wash feather pillows is summer. Due to the high temperature, moisture will evaporate quickly, and the product will dry in 1-2 days.
  3. The optimal drying zone is a well-ventilated place in the lacy shade of trees or under diffused sunlight. In the apartment, it is better to mark the pillow on the balcony.
  4. When washing in the cold season, it is advisable to dry it near the heater. In addition, you can use a hair dryer, but its continuous operation should not exceed 15 minutes.

Ways to dry pillows:

  1. Hang the pouches or one feather case on a clothesline.
  2. In a draft-free room, pour out all the filler on a horizontal surface, placing paper or cloth under it that absorbs moisture well.
  3. Place the covers in the dryer of the washing machine, setting the temperature to 30 ºС.

In any case, every 1.5-2 hours you need to shake the feathers (beat the bags) and disassemble the resulting lumps with your hands. At the last stage, the pillow filler should be poured into a clean or new pillowcase and sewn up.

If the feathers are matted, after they are completely dry, they can be fluffed using one of the following methods:

  1. Put the pillow in a plastic bag, insert the vacuum cleaner tube into it, tightly wrap the junction with tape. First draw out all the air, and then blow it back. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Place the pillow on a soft horizontal surface. Tap on it with a plastic clapperboard on both sides.

If it was not possible to completely dry the pillow, and an unpleasant smell appeared and dark spots, it is necessary to repeat the washing process.

To prolong the life of a feather pillow will help proper care for it:

  1. Once a day, the product should be whipped. It is better to do this in the morning so that the filler restores its shape during the day.
  2. Pillows should be vacuumed or dusted once or twice a month.
  3. Once every two months, the product should be taken out to fresh air. The sun's rays or frost will refresh the filler and rid it of ticks. If the air humidity is very high in the house, then it is recommended to dry the pillow more often.
  4. At long-term storage the pillow must be placed in a cover made of dense fabric. Polyethylene is better not to use.

Thorough cleaning of the feather at least once a year is a mandatory item in the care of pillows. This helps to prevent the development of pathogenic organisms in the filler and restore its properties - softness and elasticity. If it is not possible to wash at home, it is advisable to take the pillow to the dry cleaner. Professionals will clean and disinfect the fluff, and then fill it with a new pillowcase.


Many housewives are sure that washing pillows is possible only in special professional conditions, but you can do it yourself. It is important to understand how to clean feather pillows at home, properly prepare for the process and follow the recommendations of specialists. In addition, you need to do this regularly so that insects and microorganisms that are harmful to human health do not start in the feathers. This process should be as regular and habitual as washing other things.

Feather pillows remain the most sought after and popular, despite the emergence of many other fillers. They quickly and easily regain their shape, allow the head and neck to rest in the correct position, and are not as difficult to care for as it might seem at first glance. Of course, if you give products filled with down and feathers to specialists, it will be much easier, although more expensive. But washing pillows is possible at home.

How to prepare for home cleaning

Before you start washing, you need to understand that it is quite difficult to clean the entire pillow: it gets wet from water, gets heavier, and it will be almost impossible to finish it. Therefore, the best way to wash is to open the pillowcase and clean the feathers separately from it. This is a troublesome process, but there is no other option for washing feather pillows at home.

In order not to turn your own bathroom into a messy chicken coop, you need to prepare bags. It is easiest and most convenient to sew them from gauze. Regardless of whether the feathers are washed by hand or in an automatic typewriter, these bags must be strong and small in size.

Another important point preparation for cleaning feather products is the purchase of detergent. It is best to use a liquid for delicate or woolen fabrics, which will soften the water, and does not contain bleach or bleach in its composition. No matter how much you want to return the snow-white appearance to the feathers, this cannot be done with chemical bleach.

In addition to all of the above, in the process of cleaning and drying products, tennis balls, a place for drying and bed covers will come in handy. You can sew new pillowcases from dense fabric through which the feathers cannot come out. And you can carefully wash the old ones and then use them again.

What detergents can be used

When it comes time to clean the bedding, the question arises not only of how to wash a feather pillow, but also how to do it. It is important to understand that it is undesirable to use ordinary powder, it is difficult to wash it from feathers and down. Therefore, for cleaning, you can take other means:

  • liquid for washing delicate and woolen fabrics;
  • soap solution;
  • solution of water with ammonia.

As a store-bought laundry detergent, any liquid is suitable - Silan, Ariel, SilkSoft and others. When buying, you need to make sure that the product is not intended for bleaching and does not contain chlorine. The advantage of a liquid product is that it is easily rinsed out under running water, does not leave a smell and does not knock the filler into lumps. Washing powder may remain inside, which later becomes a likely cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Features of home washing in various ways

Having prepared for the process, you can start cleaning feather pillows. There are several basic methods that allow you to tidy up your bedding and return it to cleanliness and freshness. Often used hand or machine wash, as well as drying natural filler. Which method is more convenient is up to each housewife to decide on their own, as a rule, this understanding comes with experience.

How to wash a pillow by hand

Regardless of how the cleaning will take place, you need to get feathers from the pillow, divide them into several equal parts. For each part of the filler, a separate gauze bag is used, in which washing will be carried out. The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

  1. Feathers put in gauze bags and carefully tie them with a thread, but it is better to sew them up.
  2. You can wash them in warm, but not hot water. In a bowl you need to pour water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Dilute detergent or ordinary laundry soap in it.
  3. Wash and rinse the filler bags well. You will have to work hard, because even the contents of the pillow divided into three parts are not so easy to wash, especially when it gets wet and gets heavier.
  4. To rinse the natural material well, the water in the bowl will have to be changed at least 3-4 times.
  5. After washing, the bags must be thoroughly wrung out, but not twisted, so as not to break the feathers.

The larger the content, the more parts it will have to be divided into. It is difficult and difficult to wash all the feathers by hand, so it is better to do it in parts and gradually. Although the first time the process will still seem difficult. In the future, it will be easier and faster to do this, and the result will please with cleanliness and freshness, which will affect the quality of sleep and the tranquility of rest.

Can the pillow be washed in the washing machine?

It is more difficult to wash the gauze bags with feathers inside in an automatic washing machine than by hand, since this process can clog the filter of an electronic device. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the sewn pouches do not have holes or torn parts. Dense and high-quality gauze will protect the drum of the washing machine from small feathers.

Features of machine cleaning include such factors:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. The spin speed should be set to a minimum, but at the same time add an additional rinse.
  3. It is better to put tennis balls together with gauze bags filled with filler - 3-4 pieces. They will help avoid lumps.

It is much easier to wash a pillow in an automatic machine than by hand, and compliance with the basic requirements for the process will help not only to obtain the desired result, but also not to spoil the household appliance.

Features of drying washed pillows

It is also necessary to dry the contents of the products in bags. It is best if this can be done outside, where fresh air and wind will not leave an unpleasant odor in the filler. In winter, you can lay out the washed material on the radiator or near the fan. As the material dries, it must be turned over, shaken and straightened so that no lumps remain.

To dry the washed feathers, you can hang the bags with them, but you will also have to constantly turn and level their contents so that it dries evenly and does not fall into clods. When all the filler is completely dry, the bags need to be carefully ripped open, put all the feathers in a pre-washed pillowcase and stitch it carefully.

A fresh and clean pillow is ready to use again. It should be soft and smell good, then this will mean that the washing and drying process is done correctly.

In order to wash feather pillows at home less often and easier, you need to take into account the peculiarities of caring for them, which will allow you to save the thing and extend its life. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the label or instructions, if available.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate not only the requirements for washing and cleaning the product, but also other features that may be useful during use. In addition, you need to remember the following rules for use and cleaning:

  1. When making a bed, you need to fluff up feather pillows sometimes so that the filler does not crumple.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with a wet head, because the feathers will absorb moisture, the process of mold formation may begin inside.
  3. It is also undesirable to sleep on a pillow without a pillowcase - sebum from the head will quickly pollute it, washing will have to be done more often.
  4. In the spring, when it gets warmer outside, you can hang pillows for airing. The sun and cool breeze will help refresh them after the winter.

Properly caring for pillows and following the recommendations for gentle washing, it will be possible to extend the life of their use, enjoying clean and fresh products.

Washing feather pillows is a laborious task, but at the same time quite simple. The main thing is to understand the meaning of the purity of feathers.

And you should clean the feathers regularly, to be more precise - every six months! Yes, you can do this in a dry cleaner, laundry or a special pillow restoration salon, but ... Where is it better to organize this process yourself, especially if you have free time and no free cash.

Before choosing where to clean pillows, you should understand how they are cleaned in specialized establishments. For example, dry cleaners. And it goes like this:

  • Feathers are processed in an organic solvent that effectively removes dirt, dust mites, germs and odors. This is a plus! But there is a minus - the same solvent can damage feathers.
  • After cleaning, the feathers are pressed, dried and aired. These processes are also fraught with trouble. So with forced drying, the feathers dry out, and therefore become smaller. So the pillow is thinner.

Feathers are processed in an organic solvent
After cleaning, the feathers are pressed, dried and aired.

All this can be avoided by cleaning the pillow at home. But we have not yet reached home cleaning. First, let's look at the next option, no less popular among urban residents. This is dry cleaning, also called air cleaning, and is done in pillow restoration shops.

Feathers are sent to a special machine, where, with the help of a powerful air stream, they are cleaned of dust, dirt, debris and fluffed up. Simultaneously with this process, the destruction of ticks occurs, which is facilitated by an ultraviolet lamp. Next, clean feathers are distributed over new breastplates and sewn up. As a result, the client receives a lush and soft product. However, the question remains - how effectively was the pen cleaned during this procedure? No one gives a 100% guarantee, because there was no wet treatment, and this makes one doubt the maximum disposal of dirt.

In addition, in order to reduce the cost of the service, the client is offered cheaper and thinner bed covers - made of chintz or satin. After a short time, feathers will begin to climb out of them, while tingling the owner of the pillow during rest or sleep. It's not very pleasant. Yes, and wasteful. Therefore, it is better to choose teak - it is denser.

Now we have come to the answer to the question of how to clean a feather pillow at home? It does not matter why you chose this particular option - because of the doubts about the quality of dry cleaning services, the lack of them within walking distance or the high cost, you chose the best of the options. Yes, troublesome, but effective and with a 100% guarantee for an effective end result.

It should be noted that the washing itself does not cause any particular inconvenience. It is more difficult to dry the contents of the pillow. And it must be done very, very well. And given the fact that pillows, especially those made at home, contain not only feathers, but also bird fluff, then cleaning should take place in several stages, between which it is necessary to take temporary breaks or intervals.

cleaning should take place in several stages

If the pillow was bought in a store, then the first thing to do is to find out which bird it was made from. This can be found in the information on the label. You can wash only feathers and down of waterfowl! Chicken feathers and down are not washable. It is better to immediately throw the pillows in the trash and not torturing yourself or the product.

Only waterfowl feathers and down can be washed

What is the reason for such categoricalness? In the hygroscopicity of a chicken feather, which absorbs moisture and dries poorly, and after that it instantly turns into dust. Pillows with chicken feathers inside are best taken to a pillow restoration workshop and air-cleaned. However, this is not all the nuances. You should choose the workshop where the disinfection of the filler is carried out by means of an ultraviolet lamp, and not hot steam. It also negatively affects chicken feathers, like water.

Now back to cleaning and washing. Many people ask the question - is it possible to wash not the contents, but the entire pillow? It is possible, but ... The pillow becomes so heavy that it cannot be washed by hand - you have to rip it open and get the contents. Washing in the machine is prohibited. Yes, and such washing will not give the expected results. It will get rid of only part of the dust and dust mites. The rest will only aggravate the situation, as they will contribute to gluing and knocking down feathers into lumps that cannot be broken. The result is a pillow thrown into a landfill.

Machine wash not allowed

How to wash a feather pillow at home effectively? We bring you detailed instructions!

Washing pillows by hand step by step

So, let's start walking on the path to purity:

  • The first step to a perfectly clean pillow is making a soapy solution. To do this, you need a basin with warm water, a bar of laundry soap "Soviet hardened", that is - 72%, grated on a coarse grater and a teaspoon of ammonia.
  • This is followed by the most bloodthirsty procedure - ripping up the bedclothes. Do not stop, even if you feel terribly sorry for the product, because your grandmother sewed it with her own hands. Just imagine how old he is and how much dirt has accumulated in him during this time. Cut alive - do not regret! Finished? Then send the feathers in small portions to the prepared soap solution. You should not dump all the contents at once, as you risk turning the bathroom into a chicken coop, and there will be only one chicken in it. Joke!
  • What's next? You can rest. At least you have two or three hours at your disposal, for which the feathers remain soaked in water.
  • After the feathers should be lightly rubbed between the palms and rinsed. In the latter, an ordinary colander or sieve will help you, as well as clean running water from the tap.
  • Washed feathers are folded in small portions into gauze bags, which should be sewn in advance, folding the material in several layers.
  • The tightly sewn bags with wet contents are placed in the machine and wrung out in a gentle or minimal mode. This procedure can be excluded, but then the fluff will dry much longer and run the risk of stinking.
  • Final drying is best done in the sun. It is advisable to choose a well-ventilated place. In the process, shake and turn the bags regularly, at least three times a day. From this point it becomes clear that it is best to clean in the warm season.
  • The last stage is washing the bedclothes or preparing a new one, into which the dried contents are folded and tightly sewn up.

The first step to a perfectly clean pillow is making a soapy solution.
This is followed by the most bloodthirsty procedure - ripping up the breastplate
send the feathers in small portions to the prepared soap solution
feathers remain soaked in water

feathers should be lightly rubbed between the palms and rinsed
Washed feathers are folded in small portions into gauze bags.
The tightly sewn bags with wet contents are placed in the machine and wrung out on a gentle or minimum mode.
The last step is washing the bedclothes or preparing a new one.

If you are frightened by the laboriousness of the manual method of washing the pillow, you can try to do it in a washing machine. However, this is possible under one condition - the presence of a special cover, without which there is a risk of rupture of the breastplate due to strong drum revolutions. As a result, you can be left not only without a pillow, but also without a typewriter, since the feather will clog the pump and filter.

gauze should be folded not in two, but in three or four layers

Washing in a washing machine can be done in the same gauze bags, distributing feathers in equal proportions. It should be noted - in a small amount. Important! Bags must be of good quality. To do this, gauze should be folded not in two, but in three or four layers, and then carefully stitched. If the bags break, again, the machine will suffer.

Washing is completed by rinsing and spinning. After that, the bags can be hung on the balcony and periodically shaken and turned over with the other side to the sun. They can also be laid out on a horizontal surface, especially if it is warmed by the sun. Turning and breaking lumps should be regular. The result of all the operations done is stuffing the bedding with clean contents and sewing it up with dense threads.

That's all. Clean pillows are guaranteed to you, as well as sweet cloudless dreams. There simply cannot be others, especially after the effort and work expended. Rest fully, with pleasure and health benefits!