How to make real money on Instagram. Ways to make money on Instagram - the most profitable, rules for working and posting photos on a social network

Hello! In this article, we will talk about making money on Instagram.

  • How much can you earn: from 1 000 rub. per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: SMM knowledge.
  • Is it worth doing: if you run a full-fledged business.

Features of earning on Instagram

Each social network have their own characteristics. Now in Russia there are 4 active social workers. networks where you can really earn money: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook. We don’t take Twitter and Telegram into account now, because the first has fewer opportunities for monetization, and the second is officially blocked.

The second feature is the absence of groups and publics, in their usual sense. These are mostly personal profiles, sometimes company profiles. Entertainment content is contained on personal pages. This is convenient for people who have collected their own - they have the opportunity to talk about their lives and get active users (directors large companies can collect customers by talking about their life on Instagram).

Now let's talk in detail what are the ways to make money on Instagram without investments, what kind of account is needed for this, how to upgrade it and start working with subscribers.

How to make money on Instagram: options and ideas

There are not many real ways to make money on Instagram. They really bring money, but it will take a lot of work and study. Let's see what ways to earn money on this social network.

Earnings on likes, comments, subscriptions and video views

Bloggers at one time actively promoted the topic to the masses that you do not need to work on the network. Golden mountains will go, you just have to do a few small actions. The reality turns out to be far from rosy.

You can earn on likes and comments, it really is. Only payment for such an action will be minimal, up to a few cents.

You should not even think about seriously trying to make money on it. Exchanges for earning money on completing tasks in social networks exist solely so that webmasters and SMMs can get the number of likes and subscribers they need for a minimal fee.

Earnings on advertising publications

Everything is simple here. You create an account, promote it, gain a lot of followers and then sell it. Sounds simple, but it's really not that easy. You have to spend a lot of time and effort, and only after that you can get at least some return with the help of subscribers.

This means that you need a solvent audience that converts into sales. If you can attract it, this is your way of earning.

Partnership programs

This is the second variation of earnings on subscribers. Only advertisers are not looking for you here, and you yourself choose the service and product with which you will work. This is called partnership.

The essence of affiliate marketing is as follows:

  1. You choose a product.
  2. You receive a percentage of the order or a fixed fee.

But the peculiarity of working with Instagram is that you can publish clickable links only in the profile description. That is, you can advertise in this way only one product, which significantly reduces the attractiveness of this way of earning. Therefore, if you want to engage in affiliate marketing on Instagram, decide on one category of products that will suit your subscribers, or collect subscribers for a specific product.

SMM on Instagram

That is why businesses are willing to pay good specialists for promotion. For one project, SMM workers of different levels receive from 1 to 20 thousand rubles. If you know how to analyze, create advertising creatives and can bring real customers to your business, this is an ideal way to make money.

Personal brand

I singled out this way of earning in a separate one. It does not directly bring money, but it can bring customers. If you are actively interested, you probably noticed that most of them maintain several accounts on different social networks. In this way, these personalities show how beautifully they live, and that everyone can do the same.

Don't be like the popular info-businessmen. Show how you live and prove that you are useful with your deeds.

To promote your personal brand, communicate what you do with photos. But no one needs an office routine. It will be much more interesting if you publish photos from conferences, negotiations, talk about case studies, etc. It will be useful for senior managers to show how the leader lives during working hours: meetings, office processes, setting up production, etc.

Use your personal brand not as a way to sell something, but to make yourself known. You need to get potential customers not with photos of a luxurious life, but with business achievements.

Own business

This great option for those who want to make money on Instagram, but do not know where and how to look for clients. Goods handmade, which look "delicious" in photos - ideal for promoting on Instagram. The purchase decision is an impulsive action, which means you need something very attractive, with a small description and a good price.

Perhaps this the best way earnings on Instagram. You can do what you love, spend minimal money on advertising (at the initial stage), just attract customers with good photos and quality products on your page.

How many subscribers do you need to earn

No one can say exactly when and how much your account will bring. You can only predict by saying approximate figures for the market. The more subscribers, the more advertising costs. No one will buy an ad from a person with 10 followers, but even with 10,000, the probability of finding an advertiser is low.

Every 10,000 subscribers cost from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

  • Topics (popular niches cost much less).
  • Activities (likes, comments).
  • Engagement (discussion of an advertising topic).
  • Other factors (account credibility, monetization opportunities, project, etc.).

Do not forget that any advertisement is an unsubscribe, regardless of whether the advertising post will benefit the potential reader or not. The only exception to this rule I saw when I looked at reviews of browser games in the VK group. There was a full catalog of projects, affiliate links, and one could say that it was a logical insertion of advertising. In any other case, paid ads are an unsubscribe.

Keep this in mind when you estimate the approximate income. Perhaps advertising will cost you 100 - 200 subscribers, attracting which will cost approximate amount the post itself.

What page to create for earnings: instructions for affiliate marketing

Let's touch on the topic of choosing the subject of the page, as this is very important for affiliate marketing. Since the social network provides a real opportunity to promote only one product, it means that you will have to make a page exclusively for it.

We start with product selection. Insta's format is photos, so you'll need something that sells with good visuals. A good example is gifts. People buy emotions, and photos convey them perfectly.

Then you decide on the target audience of the product. This will require serious analytics. Either look at advertisements and click-through rates, or find out if there is access to leads on the site of a potential customer. You form a potential picture of the consumer: gender, age, location, what he wants, what he is afraid of, why he buys, what he is ready to receive, how much he earns, etc. There can be many questions.

Then, most importantly, we choose what will interest the consumer. And after that we answer the question to ourselves: “What page does a potential buyer want to see”. That is, what material he wants to watch in the evening and, together with what photos, an advertisement will suit him.

After that, there is only one thing left: choose a suitable topic, form a plan and create an account. It should be understood that such pages will not collect many subscribers. They are purely targeted. They usually attract certain traffic and convert it into customers.

Who can make money on Instagram

As we said at the beginning of the article, Instagram is not about text. These are images and short videos. Therefore, if it is more convenient for you to work with photo or video content, then Instagram is “yours”.

Working with social networks is a separate direction. He needs to learn, cannot be approached without knowledge, which is gained either independent study material and a constant test on their own pages, or for money on paid SMM courses. The first option will save money, the second - time.

How much can you earn on insta

It will be difficult to name specific figures here, but it will be possible to voice an approximate amount.

This is a very difficult way to make money, especially if you use Instagram as your own traffic source. That is, you do not order advertisements, but simply insert partner materials into your account. You can count on 1 - 2 leads from 3,000 - 5,000 subscribers with an average submission of material.

SMM on Instagram. There is a wide range of prices here. It all depends on the amount of work and your employment. If you duplicate posts from Vkontakte or publish sent images with a small description 5-7 times a week, you can count on 1,000-5,000 rubles per month.

Complete business account management estimated at 15 - 20 thousand rubles a month at the initial stage. This includes the creation of a content plan, unique materials, analytics and work for results - a whole range of services that will take several hours every day. Private SMMs run 3-4 projects on average every month. That is, a specialist with a small portfolio has the right to count on an income of 60 - 80 thousand rubles.

Own business. Here, in general, there are no numbers. I can only cite the story of one friend who made a profit of 10,000 rubles without really boosting her social media accounts. They came to her from the pages and reposts of friends, plus hashtags. If you approach this issue more consciously, perhaps there is a chance in 1 - 2 weeks to start earning up to 30,000 rubles a month.

It's hard to talk about numbers here. It all depends on how you will work. You can lead 2 groups per month and earn 40,000 rubles on this. But for this you have to think very well with your head and sell yourself. Or you can get involved in your hobby and earn an additional 10,000 rubles on it without investing time and effort: just publish photos of your product.

Latest earning trends through Instagram

In the past, most advertisers looked primarily at the number of subscribers. The more of them, the more expensive advertising on Instagram. Account with 100 000 different people, not even from the CIS, was valued much higher than the page with 10,000 active target audience. Now things are somewhat different.

Advertisers want to show ads to their target audience, so they order fewer and fewer ads from well-known accounts. Top Instagrammers try to monetize their accounts in a different way: either by promoting their brand (additional PR), or by releasing their own product.

Otherwise, everything remains the same: we monetize traffic with the help of advertisements, affiliate programs, reviews, we promote our own or someone else's business.


Instagram is an interesting social network with its own opportunities for earning. It is very different from the usual Vkontakte and Facebook, therefore, the features of earning are different here. Focus on high-quality and “delicious” photos, learn how to work with Insta and you can earn money here.

By 2018, the number of registered Instagram accounts had crossed the 1 billion mark. Such popularity is largely due to the ease of use of the service, its various functions and useful updates that developers regularly delight their users with.

However, not everyone uses Instagram for its intended purpose - just to share photos and videos with friends. For many, this is a place where you can earn money. And make good money. This is a great platform for sales, advertising, promotion. Those who are already earning money here do it without investment, without rent, without many years of training.

Before you learn how to make money on Instagram, we recommend that you read the article >>>

One of better ways making money on instagram today is a giveaway.

Check out our article and find out how you can earn 1,500,000 rubles per week and how much 1 subscriber of your account costs!

An approximate list of ways to make money on Instagram is given in the table below. However, read the article to the end. We have described a lot of nuances and subtleties of each method.

Ways Who can earn How long does it take for the first earnings How much can you earn
Bloggers with an audience of 300,000 or more subscribers Week 1 from 60 000 rubles
Earning on sales Everyone who knows how to set up targeted advertising Earnings after completing the task of setting up ads From one to several tens of thousands of rubles
Profile advertisement Account holders with more than 5 thousand followers Earnings immediately after placing an advertising post in the profile From 5 to 300 thousand rubles per post
Sale of goods and services Brand owners who sell their products/services offline.

Brand owners who sell products/services on the website.

Anyone who has something to sell.

First earnings after the sale of goods / services Up to hundreds of thousands, depending on what you sell
Account promotion Smm-specialists Earnings every month/week/two weeks From 20 to 80 thousand rubles per month
Accounts sale Everyone who has a profile with a large number of followers Earning after sale From 10 thousand rubles to 2-3 million
affiliate program Earnings after clicking on the link From several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles per day
Likes and subscriptions Every Instagram user Earnings after completing the first task Up to 100 rubles per day

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Targeted advertising for Instagram stores

Instagram posts are 2.5 times more likely to be clicked on than other social networks. Understanding this, many bloggers use the service in order to earn money from advertising. You can too if you are the owner of a selling store or any business.

Regular account holders can also earn on ads, but not targeted ones. More on that later, since targeted advertising is only suitable for commercial projects.

Most of all bloggers earn on Instagram on their popular accounts. We recommend reading the articles

Advertising is an integral part of Instagram. Without it, there is nowhere, because the competition among business profile owners is simply huge. In just a couple of clicks on Instagram, you can find almost any page. An online store selling clothes is not a problem. Insurance Company- please. A team of repairmen - just wish.

So how do you make yourself known and stand out from the competition?

You can create a cool profile, come up with an original brand name, publish interesting posts every day, but if no one knows about you, all this does not matter at all. To understand how to make money on Instagram from advertising, a detailed guide will not hurt. Let's start with targeted advertising.

How to make money on Instagram with targeted advertising? Detailed guide!

  1. The first thing to do is to create a landing page.
    Any offline business can be transferred to Instagram and buy advertising on it to increase sales.

The page should have high-quality photos of your services and a detailed description.
Don't forget about competition.
Every business today has competition, so to succeed you need a marketing plan.

  • Next, you need to create an advertiser account and set up ad impressions.
    In order for advertising to work and sales to increase, it is necessary to make a high-quality advertising post and correctly set up impressions among the target audience.

How to create a selling page for a shop on Instagram?

It all depends on what kind of business you want to promote. If you have a clothing store, you need to arrange high-quality product photography and upload new materials daily!

It is the system that matters! In order not to disappear from the feed of subscribers, you must make posts every day (photo from detailed description) + upload information to stories.

Stories is a powerful feature of a social network. You post a story and it's in the TOP for 8 hours! Then it is deleted permanently. However, the advantage of stories is that almost everyone sees its content. Users view stories 90% more often than regular posts.

Two tips!

  • If you are a clothing retailer, you need a model to take competitive photos.

If your team does not have such a person who would understand Instagram technologies, we recommend that you find an employee online through a freelance exchange. For example, the exchange is a popular freelance platform.

6 rules for maintaining a selling account on Instagram

Your page plays a decisive role in the success of your business on Instagram. If you want to earn money, follow these rules:

  1. Create a profile. Choose a username that matches the brand name. Post a high quality profile photo. Ideally, a themed image with a logo. Fill in the section about yourself: tell us who you are, what you do and what you can offer. Please provide contacts where you can be contacted.
  2. Consider every post. In order for your page to be constantly active, publications must appear on it every day. Better yet, twice a day. But posting anything is not necessary. Content should be of the highest quality.

Our goal is sales, and in order for a product/service to want to be bought, it is necessary to present it/her correctly. Each post should be dedicated to a specific product, service, promotion, interesting offer. Try to present your assortment in the most favorable light. Tell under the photo why this particular product/service should be purchased by your subscriber, what are his/her advantages.

  1. Use Stories 100%. Don't underestimate the power of Instagram's Stories feature. You can use it to tell your audience about interesting promotions, contests, to get involved through games. And in Stories Highlights or pinned Stories, it is easy to place a catalog with goods/services, ordering instructions, and contacts to contact you.
  2. Communicate with the audience. In order for your subscribers to have a desire to buy a product / service, they must begin to trust you. Communication plays a big role in this. Ask your subscribers questions in every post, in stories, reply to messages in Direct. Let them know that their opinion is important to you, that you strive to be useful. Always thank for the purchase and post reviews of satisfied customers.
  3. Call to action. Many people do not make a purchase for one simple reason - because they are not pushed to do so. It is not enough to post a photo of a product / service, to tell how wonderful he / she is. You need to encourage the user to take an action - in this case- purchase:

"Contact us via Direct/WhatsApp/number to place an order."

"Leave a comment if you want to place an order and we will contact you."

  1. Engage subscribers. When you already have a lot of followers and clients, maintaining an Instagram page is much easier. You just need to keep publishing new products/services and remind you of the ways to contact to place an order. But if you're just starting an Instagram business, it's important to get your first followers and gain their trust. Can be used for this:
  • Promotions and special offers:

"Order a product in our online store for 1000 rubles and get a 10% discount on your next purchase". So you can encourage them to try the product / service and make another purchase so as not to lose the discount.

  • Games and competitions. We remember that our goal is sales, but we also do not forget that in order to start selling, you need to get the location of your subscribers.

Great way to play.

"The first person to guess what's in the box wins (the name of the prize is your product/service)." The winner will have the opportunity to try the product / service and make sure of the quality. And this means that he can tell his friends about you, write a review that you can show to other subscribers in order to gain their trust.

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Detailed guide for personal account

But the goal of the account owner is to make money by placing ads on their page.

Who can earn from advertising?

This means that before you dream of making good money on advertising on your Instagram account, you need to create a page that people want to subscribe to, comment on and like.

How do I start earning ad revenue on my account?

To receive an order for advertising in your profile, again, the most important thing is to ensure that advertisers choose you. If you have thousands of subscribers, you might find it very easy to get an ad order. No matter how. There are many like you, with thousands of people.

  1. Inform on your Instagram page that you are ready to cooperate with advertisers. If you have a lot of "live" subscribers, including business profiles, someone will definitely be interested. Don't forget to include a way to contact you.
  2. Find a blogger yourself who has a profile theme similar to yours, and agree with him on mutual advertising. So you will not earn, but you will get even more subscribers, and those users who are already subscribed to you will understand that they can contact you for advertising.
  3. Use ad exchanges. The fact that Instagram is one of the most effective platforms for advertising is no secret to anyone. But the problem of finding bloggers by advertisers and advertisers by bloggers remains relevant.

Advertising exchanges act as an intermediary between them. You can find those who want to promote their profile much faster by turning to specialized services such as, for example,,,

It is important to study well the page that you are going to mention in your profile. Unconvincing advertising will have no effect. And this means that you will no longer be contacted.

An advertising post must be developed based on the specifics of the advertised page. If you are required to mention an online store / beauty salon, it would be wise to take a photo that shows them from the best side. Suitable:

  • an image of any interesting/relevant/unusual product/service that/which is sold in a store or in a salon;

  • your photo with the product or in the process / after the service has been provided to you.

As you understand, in order to know how to make money on an Instagram account, you must have at least minimal knowledge in Internet marketing and promotion.

If you are required to advertise on your page for a specific product/service/promotion, the promotional photo must have an image of what it is about. In this case, posting a photo of the store itself or, even worse, the wrong product / service / promotion is not a good idea.

A photo is the basis of an advertising post. But that is not all. Equally important is the text that you place under it. It is not enough just to write “go to such and such a page” and provide a link to it. It is important that the ad does not look obvious. It can be said that you have used a product/service, were very satisfied and want to recommend it/her to your subscribers. Great if that's true.

You can write that this online store / souvenir shop / beauty salon / restaurant belongs to your friend / acquaintance / relative, and you want to help him in promotion.

  • Photo and text complement each other. The text says what is shown in the photo.
  • The photo is of high quality, without watermarks, if it is not the name of the advertised brand.
  • The text is literate, catchy, containing a link to the advertised page.

Creating an advertising post correctly is very important. But it is even more important not to lose the trust of your audience because of advertising. Do not advertise what you yourself would not use / do not consider to be of high quality and useful. Having once advised your subscribers on a product/service/page that is nothing special, you risk losing part of your audience and, therefore, the opportunity to make money on advertising in the future. You should also not overdo it with the number of ads on the page.

How much can you earn from advertising on your own Instagram account?

As a rule, an advertiser, before contacting a blogger, studies the statistics of his page. If the audience is live, the number of likes and views on publications is at least 10% of the number of subscribers. If this is the case for you, the benchmark is already going to the number of subscribers. The larger the audience, the higher the cost of advertising.

5-10 thousand subscribers - up to 5 thousand rubles.

10-20 thousand subscribers - up to 10 thousand rubles.

20-50 thousand subscribers - up to 20 thousand rubles.

50-100 thousand subscribers - up to 50 thousand rubles.

100-999 thousand subscribers - up to 150 thousand rubles.

A million subscribers and more - up to 300 thousand rubles.

And you can also make your own blog from Instagram, no worse than on the YouTube channel!

The algorithm for making money on a blog is the same as on advertising in a personal account. But by creating a block, you take on additional responsibility - you promote a special brand in the form of your name.

You can focus on your beauty or some talent.

Any active user of this social network knows how to make money on a blog on Instagram.

It's not just about knowledge, it's about personal ability. After all, not everyone can be a public person and charge thousands of people with energy and desire to watch you every day.

To create your own blog, you definitely need to be a bright and talented person at the same time.

Be sure to have a stress-resistant psyche. Many viewers will try to piss you off, embarrass you and put you in a not the best light.

The owner of a blog on Instagram must go live to chat with subscribers and answer their questions.

At such moments, you will be especially watched and caught on every word. Therefore, if you are not a cheerful person, you have no sense of humor and you are demanding of people, then your own Instagram blog is not for you.

Popular Instagram blog ideas:

  • review of cosmetics;
  • training in crafts, needlework;
  • travel;
  • philosophy, conversations on life topics;
  • celebrity parodies.

How to make money blogging on Instagram?

Of course on the ad! If you are a charming person with a multi-million audience, advertisers will start reaching out to you! In the worst case, you will have to run after them yourself. To learn all the intricacies of earning income from a blog, return to the section

make money on instagram from photos

How is this related?

  1. Increasing the activity and coverage of the page will allow you to monetize your account in any way.
    It's simple - you add photos, be sure to optimize them with hashtags, a detailed description, and as a result, gain views, likes and new subscribers (mostly thanks to hashtags).
  2. Having promoted your Instagram, you can start monetizing it. Add advertising, sell products or organize earnings through affiliate programs.

How to use hashtags to increase sales on Instagram?

Hashtags are made out keyword, preceded by the # symbol

Such an entry will be clickable and by clicking on it, the user will be able to see all the publications that are marked with this hashtag.

If you are careful, when you open any post on Instagram and scroll through its description, you will see a huge set of hashtags that are relevant to this post.

And users often intentionally search for information on the hashtag. For example, a person wants to find a public about sports nutrition. It is much easier to choose an option not by name, but by hashtags.

And if you were looking for information on how to make money on Instagram in photos, then here is the answer.

Pay attention to the photo below.

Example 1. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Using a very popular hashtag, we could easily find a public whose owner obviously knows how to make money on Instagram from photos.

We opened the first photo in the store and saw a well-written description.

Detailed description of the price, goods and how to order goods. Hashtags at the very end.

Example 2. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Here is a similar example, but with a different tag.

Try and find the material you need on Instagram by tag.

Note! For high-quality promotion, you need to take into account the popularity of tags! You can come up with a complex tag, as a result, no one will follow it.

You can select popular tags on the sitewebsta. me.

Earnings on affiliate programs

The essence of the method is to promote affiliate links in your account and receive money for it.

Who can earn?

Every Instagram user can use this method of earning.

How to make money on Instagram with affiliate programs?

To get money on an affiliate program, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs (you can have several), place a post in your profile, consisting of a recommended image and a link to the selected offer from those provided by the affiliate program.

From each person who followed the link from your Instagram page and bought a product / product, you receive a percentage or a fixed amount.

The best affiliate programs for making money on Instagram

There are a lot of affiliate programs on the Internet, and they pay good money for attracting traffic.

– here is everything about choosing an affiliate program and how to get started.


Name Minimum amount for 1 lead Minimum withdrawal amount 600 rubles 800 rubles 550 rubles 1000 rubles 450 rubles 2000 rubles
Admitad 450 rubles 450 rubles
letyshops 75% off purchases 700 rubles

In each of them you can go through a hassle-free registration. Choose the right offer, create your referral link and start earning. Here is a list of some offers from the ad1 affiliate program:

In this type of earnings, the main thing is to learn how to make selling creatives. To get your audience interested, follow the link and buy the product.

You can peep creative ideas using the servicePubler. A very powerful assistant.

How much can you earn?

How to make money tailoring on Instagram? Detailed guide

To begin with, it should be noted that the idea of ​​promoting your tailoring business on Instagram is the right decision.

If you make great clothes, all you need to do is create a sales page and promote it.

  1. Create an account with a "speaking" name. For example, Anna, tailoring children's clothing to order "
  2. Create a description, indicate your location, ways of cooperation, your strengths.
  3. Add contact details for operational communication (phone, WhatsApp). This will instill confidence in your followers.
  4. Add quality photos! Remember that they are the ones who will sell your product!
    If the photos are bad or unattractive, don't post them.
  5. To understand how to make money on Instagram tailoring, it is enough to study the profile of a competitor. Gather a list of pages and start analyzing them. You have to be better than them, otherwise you will fail!
  6. Use programs for beautiful photo processing. table the best programs see below.
  7. Use hashtags. How they work, we have described a little higher.
  8. Post EVERY DAY!
  9. Upload stories every day!
  10. Take pictures of yourself in your clothes. Ask your friends to try it on and upload a review on Instagram with a link to your page.

Be sure to share a piece of yourself with subscribers! They should get used not only to your goods, but also to you. You must become a friend to your audience. Occasionally tell stories and share personal photos. Ask for advice and take surveys.


Name Availability Description
Facetune Paid Powerful editor. Even bad photos are transformed into beautiful photos.
Perfect365 Free Large set of filters and useful features.
Pixelmator Paid Mini photoshop in your phone. Convenient and intuitive interface.
Snapseed Free One of the most powerful free photo editing apps.
MOLDIV Free with in-app purchases An application with good functionality for basic processing.

Posting regularly is important! Your page will be considered commercial, which means it must be constantly in full view.

There should be at least 2 posts per day. Posts should be of high quality and unique.

Also, in order to make money on tailoring on Instagram, you need to use such a promotion method as advertising.

To understand how to make money on tailoring on Instagram on advertising, go back to the beginning of the article. It describes all the nuances of maintaining a selling account.

Earnings on the promotion of accounts

Business on Instagram is a real gold mine. But not everyone has an idea of ​​​​how to maintain a profile in order to earn money on it. Due to the high competition in almost any niche, it becomes necessary to stand out and retain your audience. And it's not enough to just post. That is why smm-specialists involved in promotion are in demand.

Who can earn?

Only those who really understand this can earn on the promotion of Instagram accounts. Most business profile owners trust only smm-specialists who can confirm their qualifications with a certificate. But if you have already managed several accounts before, you can confirm your qualifications by the statistics of these accounts and such parameters as the number of subscribers, likes and comments they have.

Even if you have not been engaged in promotion, but you feel that you have the ability, you can create your own account, fill it with quality content, collect a large number of subscribers, achieve good audience engagement and offer your promotion services. Your promoted account can confirm that you can really cope with this task.

How to make money with an Instagram account?

The algorithm for making money on promoting accounts on Instagram is as follows:

  1. You find a client and discuss all the details with him - how many subscribers are required, what kind of engagement is needed, etc.
  2. You are given the data to log into your account, you go in and proceed.
  3. You publish posts, negotiate advertising with bloggers or set up targeted advertising, work on errors in your profile, and format it correctly.

Account promotion can be both temporary and permanent work. It is enough for someone to gain a certain number of subscribers, but for someone it is important to constantly increase their number and maintain audience engagement.

You need to look for clients on freelance exchanges and message boards in social networks. networks.

How much can you earn?

Earnings depend on:

  • the number of tasks performed;
  • their specifics;
  • account topics;
  • the amount of time it takes to complete all tasks.

For a month of work as an SMM manager, you can earn from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

Earn money on Instagram by selling accounts

Promoting a new profile on Instagram takes a lot of time. Therefore, many users buy already promoted pages with a large number of subscribers, adapt them for themselves and lead further. Of course, if the theme of the page changes, the number of subscribers may decrease. But after all, there is still a chance that most of them will stay with you.

If you have one or more Instagram profiles, you can sell them for a bargain price.

Given the growing popularity and the number of people who want to have a business or a personal blog on Instagram, this type of income can be considered very promising!

How to make money on instagram by selling accounts?

To make money on Instagram using this method, it is enough to find a person who wants to buy an account from you. Having decided to sell, you can place an ad on your pages on social networks or any other sites where there is a large audience.

There are even specialized services for the sale / purchase of accounts. For example,,,

It's great if you can find a person who wants to take your page further without changing the subject. In this case, there are high chances that all subscribers will remain in place.

How much does an Instagram page cost?

Unlike other ways to make money on Instagram, you can only earn once by selling accounts. Well, or as many times as you have accounts.

But you can get from several thousand to several million rubles, depending on the subject of the profile and the number of subscribers.

An account with an audience of up to 20-30 thousand people costs up to 10 thousand rubles.

A page with up to 100 thousand subscribers can be sold for 10-50 thousand rubles.

For a profile with up to 500 thousand subscribers, it is easy to get 100-300 thousand rubles.

On a page that generates income from advertising or sales, which is subscribed to from 500 thousand to several million people, you can earn up to 2-3 million rubles.

The answer is no!

This is the easiest and least profitable way to make money on Instagram. Its essence is that you register in services that pay for likes and subscriptions to pages, and perform various tasks.

This method seems tempting to many, because it is very simple! Hence such a frequent question: how to earn real money on Instagram for likes?

Who can earn?

Unlike other methods, you do not need to have a large number of subscribers or special skills to make money on likes and subscriptions. Anyone who has an Instagram page can earn money.

How to earn real money on instagram for likes?

The algorithm of actions for earning on likes and subscriptions is quite simple:

  1. Register for one or more services:,,
  2. Complete open tasks.
  3. You receive money that can be spent on promoting your page or withdrawn to an electronic wallet / bank card.

How much can you earn from likes on Instagram?

You can earn no more than 50 rubles a day on likes and subscriptions on Instagram. And only if there are a lot of open tasks, and you work on several services at once. Basically, for one task like "subscribe to a page" or "like" they pay 1 - 5 rubles.

If you are registered on the Instagram social network and own a promoted account, it's time to think about additional earnings. This is the dream of every advanced user. In this article, we will look at the main ways to make money on Instagram with followers. The matter remains small - choose the appropriate option and get down to business.

While you are only thinking about the feasibility of this venture, thousands of people are ALREADY making huge profits from this. So why not join them right now? So we think it's time to start!

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

A user can start earning on a social network with a different number of subscribers. There are times when beginners receive their first income when they have 1000 subscribers on the page. And some learn about the possibility of receiving money in this way much later - somewhere around 10,000 followers. Try not to focus on numbers. You only need to remember one thing: it's real anyway.

If you don't know how many subscribers you need to good earnings get ready to listen. In fact, the quality of the followers plays a decisive role in this matter. Real and active followers are always better than silent bots. Most likely, you are wondering why the quantity fades into the background? Yes, because Instagram has the highest level of commercial activity. On the this moment time, no social network can compare with this "advertising giant". Insta advertising is the most in demand these days. There are reasons for this, which we will discuss next time. Let's return to the main question.

How much can you charge for advertising?

Not so long ago, Western Instagrammers came under the attention of Forbes. A survey was conducted on earnings on advertising posts among the network. It turned out that well-known instagrammers on average receive $ 300 for one commercial publication.

Some of them greatly embellish their earnings, but even so, sponsors pay well. Agree, even $ 100 for one entry is the ultimate dream of many average social network users.

Such figures are walking not only in the West, but also in Russia. There are plenty of sponsors on the domestic "market" who are ready to lay out decent money. But only if the Instagram account is really worth it. He must be.

It all depends on what you are doing. Competition is different everywhere - another factor that can affect earnings. If you want to get a lot, read on.

An example of a "golden" niche

To ensure yourself a high and regular income, try to make a demonstration “success story” out of your Instagram page. For example, tell people about how you managed to lose extra pounds and get yourself in perfect physical shape. You can raise the topic of diets, sports, share your experience of using medicines and much more. A large audience of fans is provided to you. High-quality, informative and inspiring content will act like a magnet on page visitors. And this is exactly what you need to attract new followers and.

People are madly in love with everything related to the beauty and health of the body. They are looking on the expanses of the World Wide Web not only effective advice"experienced", but also the usual motivation. But the most important thing is that this niche, since the market for specialized products is quite large. They will always find something to offer the buyer. In addition, there are relatively few promoted insta-pages of this topic in Russia. You have every chance to take a good place under the sun and forget about hard working days. Now work will be a joy, because making a profit from advertising is not so difficult as spending all day at the machine tool in the factory.

Western Instagrammers earn crazy money on this. So why not compete with them? And this is just one of the main ways to make money on subscribers! Want to know about the rest? Let's move on!

Top 5 ways to make money on Instagram with followers

    Making money in social networks on affiliate programs is real and quite simple. Anywhere but Instagram. It is problematic to share links in this service. The user can only specify it in his own profile. In any other place, it will simply be inactive (for example, in posts for publications).
    It is unlikely that there will be many who want to copy the address manually and check it in a new browser tab. One way or another, but all this is too difficult and ineffective. That is why this way of making money on Instagram practically did not take root. Users prefer traditional advertising.

  1. Advertising posts
  2. This is where there are no problems and difficulties. The money is credited to your account directly from the advertiser's "wallet". And you don't have to worry about anything anymore. What difference does it make to you how many buyers will respond to the offer of this company? Let other people take care of it. Most importantly, the terms of the deal were met mutually. You honestly earned your bet.

    To attract the attention of advertisers and publish commercial posts, you need to have a large number of subscribers on the page. This is the difference between earning on affiliate programs and advertising publications. In the first case, you can start earning with a minimum of followers on Instagram. In the second, you first have to gather a large audience.

    By the way, any sponsored posts must be published in the feed with a special mark. This is if you follow the law. Russian legislation is very far from the standard, so "our" advertisers always turn a blind eye to this. But Western brands have repeatedly become victims of major scandals and sanctions because of such "nonsense".

  3. Business promotion
  4. Content on business pages traditionally includes:
    Photos of satisfied customers with the company's products;
    The behind-the-scenes life of the brand.
    For high-quality promotion of goods / services on Instagram, again, you need subscribers. There may not be very many of them, but each subscriber is a potential client. Also of great importance will be the selling text (not very intrusive, but enticing). It should be remembered that frank commercial text can scare off the buyer. And the more such signatures, the worse.

  5. Selling photos
  6. Photo stocks are gradually losing their positions and relevance. And all this is directly related to the rapidly growing Instagram ratings. Now talented photographers can sell their own work directly through the social network. It's great, isn't it? Intermediaries can start biting their elbows right now, because they have nothing else to profit from.

    The essence is very simple: a picture with a watermark is laid out on the site. Next, the author of the photo adds the mark “for sale” and indicates the price in the caption. It remains to wait for those wishing to purchase the work of the photographer. But what do we have as a result? Yes, all the same undeveloped legal field.
    In our country, they don’t like to pay money for photos, because they can be “stealed” for free and at any time on various sites with pictures. In theory, this is all punishable, but practice does not know such examples. Have any of you been fined/imprisoned for using images from the popular Yandex Pictures section? This is what we are talking about.

    This way of earning is bad not only for this. Even if there are honest and decent connoisseurs of good photo content, how many will there be in a month? And how much money will you earn in the end? It’s good if it’s enough for a bun with tea, but this obviously won’t feed a family. We will assume that the sale of photos on Instagram has not yet grown to the desired level. We will return to this method in the future.

  7. Selling an account
  8. Income from the sale of a promoted page can be called rather one-time. The cost of an account directly depends on the number of followers and their activity. But if you decide to sell a popular Instagram page to another owner, you can focus on an approximate scheme:
    "1 subscriber = 1 US cent."

    That is, for 10,000 followers you can ask for $100. To have a regular income from the sale of accounts, you will have to assemble a whole team of people interested in this. By the way, administration

    Instagram does not welcome transactions of this kind and even “unobtrusively” hints at a ban. However, we are not aware of such examples in practice.

    So for now, you can exhale with relief and engage in the sale of followers at your own discretion.

Where to start right now

At the start of any business, you need to clearly set goals:

  • I want to earn (in the future - have a regular income) on Instagram on subscribers;
  • I plan to implement this through this method (choose).

Having decided on the method, you should direct your efforts to one area. Affiliate programs - looking for suitable options and “adjust” our page on the social network for them. Advertising - . Personal business - search for a target and active audience.

I like 0

Today, social networks are developing at a very fast pace, more and more of their varieties are appearing. And along with this, it becomes possible with their help not only to have fun, but also to earn money. Now almost any Internet application with a significant audience can be monetized. With the right approach to this business, it is possible to have just an excellent source of both active and passive income. In the article, as an example, ways will be considered on how to make money on Instagram.

The history of the creation of the Instagram network and its capabilities

Initially, Instagram was created as a posting application for professional photographers. Then, with the growth of the number of users, it grew into a social network. Now Instagram is a microblog, similar to Twitter, where every owner of an Android or IOS device can take a photo in two clicks and publish it for the whole world to see.

There are many good filters and editing tools for photo editing. Instagram also has such great features as followers, hashtags, and photo captions. After getting acquainted with wide opportunities This photoset raises the question: how to make money on Instagram? First of all, you need to make a brand with a peculiar twist out of your account.

Making your Instagram account attractive

First of all, and this is the determining condition for increasing popularity in this social network, you need to post high-quality and interesting photos. They should be with some feature in order to interest as many people as possible. Post photos often. But you shouldn't overdo it either. Interesting and high-quality photos can attract a significant number of subscribers to your account.

Make an interesting and eye-catching avatar on your account. She is your calling card. Its intriguing appeal is able to attract new users viewing your account to familiarize themselves with the rest of the photos.

Another way to earn followers on Instagram is to use popular hashtags. Users most often search for hashtags that are most popular. Try to take photos of some of them. This will bring visitors to the account, and some of them will probably become subscribers.

Commenting on other people's photos and liking is the key to success

There is an equally good way to earn followers on Instagram - putting likes and adding comments to photos of other users with similar interests. To find them, there is a special function "Recommended users" in the search section. Leave pleasant comments, put likes and be always sincere in this. Then other users will reach out to your account in response. Some will subscribe, and some will simply like and write comments, which will also be a good profit in promoting your account.

It should be noted that comments are more effective in terms of feedback than just likes. Now the task is how to earn likes on instagram and get feedback from users, solved. In fact, everything is very easy.

Linking an account to social networks and marking the place of a photo

Finally, the last thing you need to do to promote your Instagram account is linking it to social networks and designating the location of the photo when posting it. Linking to social networks will allow you to share your posts on Instagram, which will also have a positive effect on the influx of new subscribers. And the designation of the place of photos will enable other users who shot in the same place to see your photos and become loyal subscribers in the future. This is especially true for photographs from different trips, because beautiful places and impressions from them bring people together.

After carrying out all these actions with your account and promoting it, increasing subscribers on it, let's move on to answering the question of how to make money on Instagram.

Turning a hobby into a job

A hobby can be turned into a stable and good income with the help of Instagram. If the owner of an account in this photo network is a professional photographer, artist or makes any crafts, then it can be turned into a platform for positioning your creations and their further sale. To do this, you need to take high-quality photos, upload them to your Instagram account, compose an attractive description, add the right hashtags and indicate the cost of the work.

But over time, the photos move farther and farther away in their positions in the general feed. And users will no longer be able to view them as actively as before. Here the Inselly service will come to the rescue, which is able to turn an Instagram account into an online store. To post photos in this store, you just need to put the #inselly hashtag in the description, and the product in the photo will be automatically accepted for sale.

Earnings on affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are one of the ways to make money from advertising on Instagram. To do this, you need to register in any affiliate program, select or take photos suitable for it, place them in your account and add an affiliate link in the description, which users will follow, bringing income in the form of a percentage of the sales of the partner’s goods or payment for the quantity clicks on this link. But it is better to shorten such links on special services in order to avoid an account ban on Instagram.

Create an online store from your account

A very good solution to how to make money on Instagram is to create an account in the form of an online store. This is perhaps the most common way to make money in this network, gaining momentum in development and giving maximum results at minimal cost. To implement such an undertaking, you just need to have an Instagram account, promote it, find the most marginal product for sale and post its photo with price tags on your account.

Colorful photos and good descriptions, coupled with the right hashtags, will quickly attract potential buyers. At the moment, there are already a significant number of such stores on Instagram, but you should not give up and ignore this wonderful way of making money on Instagram. The competition is great, but so is the number of new products that are gaining popularity. You just need to find them.

Making money from your popularity

Having a popular Instagram account with more than 3,000 followers, you can already significantly influence people's opinion and advertise any goods or brands for money. Usually, such a way to make money on Instagram advertising brands and things is to post photos with them on your account and a positive inscription under these photos of a recommendatory nature. Having a promoted account, you do not need to worry about finding advertisers. They themselves look for suitable accounts and offer conditions for cooperation.

on Instagram as an alternative to a promoted account

In the absence of a promoted personal account on Instagram, you can create its alternative - a community on a specific topic. The community is easier to promote, has a higher percentage of user activity, and has a more targeted audience than just a personal account.

With a successful increase in the audience of the community, you can begin to monetize it. How to make money on instagram on the community? The main source of income is the target audience in the form of subscribers. In the community, you can advertise various partner products, post affiliate links, and sell your products. Its functionality is very great.

However, in order not to lose subscribers, but, on the contrary, to increase their mass, it is necessary, on behalf of the community, to write comments on photos of other accounts that correspond to its subject, actively advertise the community in other social networks, and make mutual subscriptions with similar accounts.

With a serious approach, you can earn significant money with a minimum investment. Very popular Instagram users and media personalities charge from sixty thousand per photo for advertising in their account. Lesser known persons are limited to ten thousand. But ordinary users should not despair. It is quite possible to receive gifts from advertisers in the form of their goods, as well as enter into such a type of deal as a percentage of sales. Therefore, communities and their promotion make sense.

Pay for likes

Giving likes to desired photo- the most minimal income way how to make money on instagram. However, it is the lightest. To implement it, you just need to register on special exchanges of subscribers. Different exchanges have different rates for one like. On average, the price tag is limited to five cents. It is logical to assume that you need to have several accounts in order to earn anything. And strongly like the necessary photos.

Cooperation with large companies

These days there is a trend towards the use of ordinary amateur photos in commercials of large companies. What if not Instagram can serve as an excellent source of such photos? For the iPhone, there is a special SnapMyAd application with which you can earn money on your photos. The method of earning is as follows: you need to take a picture of the products of a certain company and place it in this application. If the photos are suitable for the company, then it will pay a reward. Everything is very simple.

Earn money by printing photos from instagram

If you have the ability to take high-quality and interesting photographs, then why not print them for further sale? The beauty of Instagram is that you can make these photos very attractive and unusual with the help of filters. Such photos can even be printed on things such as mugs, pillows, clothes, and so on. The Instagram brand itself is very popular, so things with such photos will be sold out very quickly.

Thus, this social network is an excellent source for making money, and now you know how to make money on Instagram. The instructions described in this article will help you determine your capabilities, the capabilities of your account and choose suitable way earnings, and maybe even several ways. Happy monetization!

Each of the users of social networks at least once thought about how to make money on Instagram, get real money for likes, subscribers, advertising. This article will tell you about the opportunities, methods of earning money, without investing your personal funds, how to live a fun and carefree life and earn decent money from it without making much effort.

Is it possible to make money on Instagram

It is possible and very easy to make a profit if you are a popular user of this social network. The most efficient real way making good money on Instagram is advertising. Fill the tape beautiful photos news of various products, while you will not need to independently search for these posts or beg for a source of income, as advertisers themselves offer to cooperate with the owners of popular blogs.

What is the profit from a social network account

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have long ceased to serve only for communication, but have become an opportunity to earn money or business. Having your own account, regularly uploading interesting and exciting videos there or posting photos from your life, you can get more subscriptions, likes, thereby earning just on your page and not making any effort, but sharing your emotions that are interesting to people.

How many followers do you need on instagram to make money

It is clear that the more of them, the better, but do not forget that advertisers quickly and easily identify account holders with “cheated” bot subscribers, so no one will turn to them with offers to really earn money. An important fact is the status of the user. If this is a popular person: a model, singer, photographer, designer, etc., then even with 50 thousand subscribers, you can receive at least 10,000 rubles per post. If an account has more than a million followers, the minimum amounts per post start at thirty and go up to fifty thousand.

How much can you earn

The amounts of earnings differ and depend on the popularity of the person who maintains the account, on the number of real subscribers. For example, if a blogger has more than 100,000 followers, then the price per post can reach $800. If there are less than one thousand people, the price per post will be $ 100, this is at best. The cost of advertising promotion also varies, the average price is about $300.

Ways to make money on instagram

There are several effective ways to earn money:

  1. Sell ​​your services. This method is used by photographers, trainers, psychologists, programmers, designers, beauty salons, entertainment and sport complexes, the shops.
  2. Sell ​​other people's services and products. It's simple, profitable. It is necessary to find the necessary product, to receive interest for its promotion. The most common item is watches. They are sold through CPA networks. Examples of CPAs with many products:;; The commission for selling through such networks is only 600 rubles, but if you advertise goods through a regular program, the commissions will increase significantly.
  3. Sell ​​your product. This is how online stores or hand makers make money. For example, fans of certain products or major brands are more than happy to follow store accounts on Instagram in order to keep track of product updates, promotions or sales.
  4. Earn from advertising. A good income of popular stars from advertising photos or videos sometimes exceeds reasonable prices, even posting one photo with a description you can get a couple of thousand rubles for it.
  5. Promotion of accounts for money. This method of promotion allows you to get a good profit. Many large companies hire Instagram managers who draw up company profiles, create content (gather an audience), use account promotion methods, and conduct various advertising campaigns. You can learn this in a couple of months, you will be paid up to 20,000 rubles for it, and if you deal with several companies at the same time, then the total is more.
  6. A method that will suit even a schoolboy. Putting likes (each like will cost 1 ruble), commenting on photos, subscribing to active users, you can also earn an average income of 200 rubles a day. Examples of such sites:,, on them not only tasks for users of instagram, but also other social networks.

Earnings on services

With the help of the services listed below, users can easily earn. Active Instagram users need to know about popular exchanges (shown in the table):

Advertising revenue

How to earn real money on Instagram from advertising? Very simple. The main thing is not to set goals to sell advertising quickly. Your job is to collect the target audience - real and potential buyers, followers, active accounts. If you give people high-quality content, then they will get used to interesting information, they will also perceive advertising posts with understanding. You must also have contacts on your page, put links to pages from other social networks so that people feel comfortable contacting you.

Doing Business

Before creating a business through Instagram, study distinctive features business account. Next, you need to create and beautifully design the page so that it is convenient for the client to choose. Let's interesting information customer, use all sorts of contests and promotions to lure new subscribers. Use special programs and services, such as: online services for Instagram, auto-posting, insta-tools for marketing, programs for creating and processing videos.

Account promotion

Profile promotion is necessary to reach more young people who can become buyers or consumers. Professional account promotion helps to promote a personal page or brand at a fast pace. This is easy to do with:

  • bright, beautiful photo reports using hashtags;
  • information graphics that connect information with a picture;
  • different videos or collages;
  • artificial twist.

how to make money on instagram without investment

The social network is very convenient for passive income. Investments are not required for this, you just need to lead active life and shares it with others. It is necessary to upload interesting videos and your own photos, use hashtags. Subscribers will be added, leave their likes and comments, and you will receive your percentage from this.


There are small rules for a successful blog and additional income:

  1. Pay attention to the statistics of the pictures, which ones get a large number of likes.
  2. Pay attention to what you like, is interested in demand from other users, attracts.
  3. Follow the plan. Stylish Instagram is a planned blog that is designed for target audiences. You can take a picture right away, and then upload photos at a certain interval, this secret works to attract new users, and also help you save time. The picture must be High Quality.
  4. Use the same processing for posting photos. The same filters make your photos recognizable to others.
  5. Do not post anything that does not fit into your subject.

earn money on instagram with followers

Oddly enough, but in order to earn decent, real money, you need not a large number of subscribers, but their qualitative percentage, which means that 2000 active users are much cooler than several walls of thousands of bots, which are a gray mass. How to make money on instagram on advertising posts, new comments, get profit from advertisers? The answer is simple: you need to keep an interesting blog, accompanied by high-quality photos and content.

Likes and comments

Almost every blogger knows how to make money on Instagram with likes or comments. A very large number of people are interested in winding up a large number of likes for posts - they are willing to pay for it. Such users are employers. Advertisers are willing to pay about 50 kopecks for one like, and 1 ruble for each subscriber.

Uploading a photo

Special rules to follow when posting a photo if you don’t know how you can make money on Instagram:

  • Posted photos should be of interest to people, photo reports from your yard will not bring many likes or comments, and even more so.
  • Before you start making real money on your photos, you need to carefully study fashion trends, how popular they are. different styles.
  • Before posting, study popular blogger profiles, their topics and project creation techniques.

how to make money from ads on instagram

The main point is to find advertisers. There are many intermediaries who are ready to provide excellent platforms for honest buying and selling. In order not to puzzle over how or where to make money by advertising, you can use special exchanges. The exchange helps to get a good income from individual blogs or directly from advertisers.

Advertising exchanges

Partnership programs

Rating of affiliate programs and popular applications (Internet resource)

  1. INSTAMAXI - designed for automatic promotion on the Instagram network.
  2. ADSTAMER - represents the advertising exchange.
  3. SOCLIKE is an affiliate program that helps promote in social networks.
  4. DEALWAY - Helps you buy or sell ads.
  5. LABELUP - unites the owners of advertising sites with advertisers.

Brand offers

Successful brands fill their feeds with beautiful and colorful shots of popular products. Top offers:

  1. The VARDA brand is beautiful and sexy models of dresses, swimwear and bodysuits that emphasize beauty and femininity, hiding flaws and attracting a large audience.
  2. IREN VARTIK - fashionable and high-quality shoes, the photo of which does not look defiant, which attracts the audience.
  3. Yumbaker Cafe is a paradise for those with a sweet tooth.
  4. Rock_ma_vie - Stylish jewelry.
  5. Natura Siberica - face or body care, cosmetics based on herbal ingredients.

How bloggers make money on Instagram

The blogger's earnings are based on the promotion of advertising posts, subscriptions, likes, comments, sales of their own services or other people's goods. You can work remotely, promoting other people's pages. On advertising, you can easily earn from 500 rubles per post. But for advertising, you need to have interesting and unique content, then the employer will find you and offer cooperation.

Getting income from doing business

How to make money on Instagram from a business: it’s real if the business is interesting, for example, accounts of professional photographers, photo studios, manicures, stylists, makeup artists, beauty salons, entertainment complexes, etc. In general, everything that is interesting to people. Such topics as buying equipment or performing repairs or construction work are unlikely to give a positive result, even if you have your own website.

Selling your own services and products

Here the income depends only on you, how interesting and attractive your profile photos will be for others. This is very profitable, especially if you are interested and you put your energy into promoting the business. When answering the question “how to make big money on Instagram”, you can use the following ideas:

  • sell goods that are made by hand;
  • providing manicure or pedicure services;
  • services of a beautician, nutritionist or personal trainer.

Income from intermediary services

You can make money on Instagram using special exchanges and affiliate links that are engaged in your promotion (accounts, photos, publics, advertising). With the help of such intermediary services, you can get additional income in a short time, but before resorting to their help, you need to carefully study what percentage this or that exchange will take for its services.

Online shopping

Instagram is a great helper for promoting your own online store. How to make real money on Instagram:

  • You need to decide on the type of goods that will interest users and start trading.
  • Do not be too lazy to visit successful online stores to understand the features of the service, to study the functionality, assortment, etc.
  • It is best to put the logo of your store on the avatar, post only high-quality pictures of goods and be sure to describe them, in which case the sale will increase significantly.
  • Then it's up to advertising, gain the number of subscribers, be active and everything will work out.
