Sports corner: selection of shells, location, fastening, manufacturing. Children's sports complex in the apartment: do it yourself How to make a sports complex

The comprehensive development of the child at every stage of his life is the main task for each of the parents. And physical education in this case is not in last place. Sports sections and dance lessons become an integral part of the life of almost every kid. But what about those parents who do not have enough free time and the necessary "arsenal" of grandparents, aunts and nannies. There is an exit. You can equip a small sports section directly in the apartment!

Home gym: pros and cons

A simple design on a minimal area will greatly help in the development of the child.

Offering your child their own sports corner in the apartment, you provide him with the opportunity to actively move, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. You can be sure: it is worth giving the fidget room for movement, something, and he will have enough imagination for fun and useful games. Think for yourself, you occupy only 2-3 sq.m. baby's room, and the benefits of this for the rest of your life.

Significant factors in favor of creating a sports corner in the house are:

  • The possibility of active movement of the child at any time convenient for him (in between preparing lessons, in the morning instead of charging).
  • A great option for a fun pastime and work on physical fitness with friends or relatives.
  • Excellent preparation of the body for future loads at school in physical education (for a preschooler) or additional classes for a student.
  • Confident coordination of movements and well-developed vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system.

Perhaps the only argument against installing such a house design is a possible injury due to a fall. But such a problem is solved by equipping the site with a high-quality mat. Plus, dad's support during classes with a very small athlete.

Note that today you can buy a children's sports ground for the home already in finished form and in any configuration. But if you have the material at hand and the desire to tinker with the tool, then it's time to save family money and please the child with a homemade Swedish wall.

Design requirements

In almost all models, the main elements are unchanged.

It is not difficult to equip a gym with your own hands at home. The main thing is to choose the right place in the child’s room for its location. Please note that you will need at least 2 sq m for the structure itself and at least 1 sq m around the sports ground. This is necessary for the free movement of the child.

The main elements included in the set of a sports corner are:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Small horizontal bar / bars;
  • Gymnastic rings;
  • Rope ladder or swing (optional)
  • Soft sports flooring.

It is this set of sports equipment that will allow your baby to fully realize the potential of his motor activity at any time convenient for him.

Swedish wall

One of the main elements of the home gym

To make a Swedish wall (or simply a sports ladder) you will need:

  • Bars-sidewalls made of wood. The height of the material can be arbitrary (depending on the height of the ceilings in the children's room), but, as a rule, the height finished stairs is 2.5 m. In our case, the finished structure will be installed on spacers, and therefore accurately measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling minus 10 cm. This indicator will be optimal for your stairs. The width of the beams should be from 10 to 15 cm, and their thickness - 2 cm or more.

When choosing wooden bars, you should not save money - get the highest quality wood

  • Wooden round slats (diameter - 2.5 cm; length - 40 cm; we calculate the number based on the height of the sidewalls divided by 30. In this case, the number 30 is the length of the steps of the stairs).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Drill driver for drilling holes in the sidewalls.
  • Construction or simple pencil.
  • Self-tapping screws (optional for fixing the steps of the stairs in the sidewalls).
  • Roulette.
  • Lacquer for wood surface treatment.

Stages of manufacturing stairs

  1. After the wooden blanks are carefully processed, using a tape measure and a pencil, we mark places on the sidewalls for drilling holes for the crossbars.
  2. With a drill-driver using a special nozzle, we form the joints of the crossbars with the sidewalls.

    Drilling holes for steps with a special nozzle

  3. Ready-made round slats-steps are well coated with carpentry glue and driven into the resulting grooves.

    Fastening steps with glue

  4. Thus, we collect the entire structure and leave it to dry completely.
  5. If desired, you can additionally fix the steps in the stairs with self-tapping screws from the outside of the sidewalls.
  6. After two or three days, we cover the entire staircase with a thin layer of varnish. This will give color and additional smoothness to the design.

    We cover the finished structure with varnish

Horizontal bar

While the finished staircase dries up, it's time to start preparing the horizontal bar. It will be part of the Swedish wall design.

We will need:

  • Wooden boards measuring 60x25x5 cm (if desired, the parameters can be changed in a direction convenient for you) - 2 pcs. They will play the role of side rails for attaching the horizontal bar.
  • The crossbar itself, the length of which should be 60 cm and a diameter of 3-4 cm (for children's hands - the most convenient option). We calculate the length of the crossbar in this way: the width of the finished staircase = 50 cm + 10 cm (which fall on the two side bars of the horizontal bar).
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Bolts, nuts and washers - 12 pcs.
  • Drill driver.
  • Wrench for fixing bolts and nuts.

Stages of work on the manufacture of the horizontal bar

  1. We carefully grind the wooden sidewalls of the horizontal bar. If desired, at the sawmill, you can give the details a rounded shape on one side.
  2. Putting markings on inner part sidewalls and a drill we form holes for the horizontal bar.
  3. We coat the crossbar with wood glue on both sides and reliably drive it into the formed grooves.
  4. Now it is necessary to mark the sidewalls of the stairs and the sidewalls of the horizontal bar in such a way as to form symmetrical holes for the fasteners. Try to place six bolts on each side and at the same time evenly distribute the load of the sidewalls of the horizontal bar on the staircase structure by rationally arranging the hardware. Let's say, let there be three of them along each edge of the sidewall of the stairs. Total - six bolts on each side of the ladder for reliable fixation of the walls of the horizontal bar.
  5. With a drill we make holes for the bolts and securely connect the ladder to the horizontal bar in the upper part of the Swedish wall.
  6. After the finished structure has dried, we cover the horizontal bar with varnish and leave it aside for now.

Ideally, we should end up like this:

After the work is completed, the horizontal bar should look like this


In order for the Swedish wall for the child to be as complete and functional as possible, it remains to equip it with rings and a rope ladder. Step by step creating a sports complex for the baby, while we move on to making rings.

For this we need:

  • Plywood sheet 75x75 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Construction circle.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Press or bolts.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Milling machine.
  • Rafter.
  • Drill driver.

Step by step manufacturing

  1. We draw each sheet of plywood into six equal squares and cut it with a jigsaw.

    Production of plywood blanks

  2. We glue each of the six squares together with carpentry glue, laying one on one like a sandwich. You should get two such plywood "sandwiches".

    Gluing plywood blanks

  3. We send both structures under the press or securely tighten them in the corners and in the center with bolts, leaving them for a couple of days until they dry completely.

    For maximum contraction of workpieces when gluing, it is best to use bolts or self-tapping screws.

  4. As soon as the tree dries, we draw rings on plywood, the inner diameter of which will be 18 cm, and along the outer edge - 20.5 cm.
  5. Cut out the rings with a jigsaw.

    Cut out rings with a jigsaw

  6. By the way, in the same place (if not available milling machine) you can ask your friends to give the rings a circular cross section around the entire perimeter of the workpiece.
  7. It remains only to sand the rings and varnish them.
  8. Now in one of the sidewalls of the horizontal bar we make holes with a drill at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  9. We pass the rafters through them and hang the rings to the desired height. By the way, good rafters are best purchased at a sports store. After all, they play an important role in training on the rings, taking on the entire load. If this is not affordable, then limit yourself to any rope that is convenient for you. It's cheap for you, and it's fun for the baby to be a monkey.

Video: how to make wooden gymnastic rings


The last step is a ladder made of rope and wooden beams. Such a projectile perfectly develops coordination, strengthens the spine and shoulder girdle. So you can't do without it.

You will need:

  • Wooden laths of round section. Perfect for mop handles.
  • Rope - at least 6 m (or depending on the height of your ladder).
  • Drill driver.
  • Brass or duralumin rings (optional) for fixing on the ends of the steps-rails.

In fact, to create a rope ladder, you only need wooden sticks and a strong rope.

Stages of work

  1. We cut the sticks into pieces, the length of which will correspond to the future steps.

    Cutting steps from wooden sticks

  2. So, we carefully grind each wooden blank and use a drill to form holes along the edges of the steps. The diameter of the holes should correspond to the diameter of the rope, but not exceed it.

    Step painting

  3. Now we start stringing steps. We divide the rope in half (these will be the sides of the rope ladder). We tie one piece of rope at one end in a knot and pass the other through the hole in the step. We do the same with another piece of rope, threading it into the second hole of the same step. We have the first finished step of the stairs.
  4. We measure 25-30 cm up from it and tie knots on both pieces of rope. We string the step again. We already have two steps of the ladder. In order for the distance between all steps to be the same, a fairly simple device can be made.

    Two bars stuffed onto the bar will help make all the steps the same

  5. Thus, we put all the slats on the rope, fixing them from below with strong rope knots.
  6. We also fix the last step with a knot. At the end of the ladder, at least 30 cm of rope must remain for reliable installation of the rope projectile to the general structure of the Swedish wall.
  7. If desired, the edges of the steps can be trimmed with duralumin or brass rings.
  8. With a drill in the second side of the horizontal bar, we form two holes at a distance identical to the width of your stairs. And with the help of a rope, we securely fasten the projectile to a common sports facility.

This is what the finished staircase should look like.

Installation and installation of the finished Swedish wall

So, the whole structure is ready. It remains to install it on spacers. To do this, we screw the spacers into the upper and lower parts of the sidewalls of the Swedish wall, install the structure in the desired location and already unscrew the spacers to the limit, ensuring the absolute immobility of the structure.

It is important to remember that it is advisable to periodically check the spacers and, if necessary, tighten the nuts.

And for those who still want to install a finished corner by attaching to the wall, we inform you:

  • Mounting the structure to a brick wall is best done using dowels;
  • To concrete wall- on anchors;
  • Plasterboard walls - only struts.

And be sure to equip the children's sports area with soft mats. You do not have to worry about the possible injury of the baby and his friends.

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3. 4. The connecting bolt is closed with plastic pads - one of the safety standards for sports equipment for children. The leg of the spacer post of the complex with a threaded support. The hole in the lower part is for a tool (screwdriver, wrench), with which the support is adjusted in height.

5. A small complex for teenagers. Fastening to the wall and powerful structural elements are designed for young athletes weighing up to 100 kg.

6. A simple T-shaped corner with a swing and a horizontal bar. The design of the upper frame allows you to install the Swedish wall in the composition complex at the required distance from the wall.


Installing sports equipment by surprise is less time consuming and more practical than mounting equipment to a wall. The first advantage is that you do not need to drill the floor, walls and ceiling.

This is especially important if you live in a rented apartment and your contract does not include work for such an installation. After dismantling the sports corner installed by surprise, there will be no trace left. The second plus is that the equipment can be installed at any distance from the wall. This is convenient if the child is not alone in the house: the Swedish wall can be used simultaneously from both sides. And the third benefit - if you decide to refresh the interior, then it will not be difficult to temporarily dismantle or move such a complex.

Fixing the sports corner to the ceiling

The installation is suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of 2.4-3 m. Swedish walls and sports children's complexes made of wood require a ceiling height of up to 2.7 m. If the wooden equipment does not fit in height, the problem is solved by sawing the rails. And the height of children's sports corners made of metal is adjusted using an adjusting stand.

Depending on the height of the ceiling, it is inserted into the main rack - and extends if it is necessary to make the structure higher, or slides in if it needs to be lowered. Ceiling material is an important selection criterion suitable equipment. A sports corner can be installed if the room has a concrete or wooden ceiling.

If the ceiling is plasterboard or stretch, then you have to choose a model with a wall mount. Although here you can get out of the situation: cut holes in drywall under the racks, and lengthen the adjusting bolt with a stop with a steel pipe or make two long stops from one crossbar of the Swedish wall. There are also ways to mount on the ceiling surface.

Method 1: Abutment on the plasterboard ceiling, provided that the distance between the rails under the plasterboard suspension is 50 cm (only suitable for U-shaped and T-shaped sections).

Method 2: installation of equipment on an additional gasket - timber, plywood, board or furniture board. The goal is to increase the area of ​​the base for the stops and thereby distribute the force and reduce the pressure on the drywall at the points of contact with the spacers.

For stretch ceilings this problem is easier to solve: technological holes are cut out in the ceiling material, followed by reinforcing their edges with plastic rings - this work will be done by a stretch ceiling installer. Further installation is carried out in concrete or wooden surface behind a stretch ceiling.

Fastening the sports corner to the walls

Installation of a children's sports corner is possible only on the main walls. Fasteners on drywall are excluded. But if brick, concrete or

The type of floor when installing children's sports equipment is not regulated.

It does not matter if it is parquet or board, laminate or tile, linoleum or carpet - there are no special requirements for the coating. wooden walls, then use elongated anchors to securely fix the structure in the main wall. Since the fixing material included in the equipment kit is designed for a solid base (brick, concrete), when attaching a sports corner to walls made of logs and timber, you need to take care of wood screws.


In the area of ​​​​the children's sports corner, rubberized elastic mats must be fixed on the floor (so as not to slip). For home use, folding mats in the form of puzzles are suitable. Their choice depends on the type of sports complex. A U-shaped children's sports corner requires a mat with dimensions of 1 * 1.5 m or two mats with dimensions of 1 * 0.5 m. A T-shaped corner must be completed with a mat of 1 x 0.5-1.5 m.

For L-shaped sports complexes and Swedish walls, mats with dimensions of 1 * 1.5 m are recommended, and for L-shaped shells with a net and an additional stand - 1 x 2m. with a strong rope with a diameter of at least 1 cm, preferably multi-colored - it is easier to notice scuffs and gusts of ropes. Stair steps of the Swedish wall choose from hardwood - they will not have dangerous chips, cracks and burrs. The distance between the steps in the children's sports corner should be up to 25 cm, and the diameter of the crossbar should be 3 cm. Remember: wooden sports corners are designed for weight up to 100 kg, metal ones - up to 120 kg, that is, it is better for mom and dad not to frolic with the children on the crossbar .


The safety of a child cannot be guaranteed by properly selected gymnastic mats alone. In addition to a “soft landing”, the reliability of the mounts is important. Make sure that the bolts are closed with special plugs, and the play between the stand and the telescopic rod is removed with a sealing ring. Give preference to sports complexes with plastic coils that protect the ropes from chafing - this will not only ensure their long service life, but also safe operation.

The ergonomic shape of the handles will allow you to hold securely - they should be comfortable when gripping. The rope is only cotton, but not synthetic: this will protect your hands from friction when sliding. There is nothing better than PVC-coated rungs to reduce slip. Polymer pads make shells warm and prevent hands and feet from slipping. For this purpose, metal pipes are insulated with an outer plastic pipe, on which embossed risks are still applied for a secure grip. High-impact plastic rings must be fastened

1. A corner made of hard wood perfectly fulfills its task, but most often such complexes are designed for children preschool age. 3. Some designs are equipped with quick-release elements. On this model, the lower horizontal bar and the inclined board are hooked. 4. All rope and rope fastenings are made through carabiners and rings to avoid rubbing the rope against the sharp edge of the hole in the steel structure. 5. Rope ladder perfectly develops coordination in children. Usually a place is assigned to her inside the contour of the corner against the wall.


Babies up to three years don't hang punching bags. Climbing the Swedish wall can also end sadly for them: there is a danger of falling off and hitting hard, even if the fall occurs from the height of a couple of crossbars.

For the age category "2+" they produce low ladders, horizontal bars, trapezes, houses and mini-pools with safe slides - this is where you start accustoming your baby to sports. For children 3-6 years old, there is a simulator for strengthening the muscles of the legs and developing motor skills with a moving walkway and handrails. Its features are stable construction and safe materials. As coordination improves and strength increases, the sports complex will also “grow up”: look at models for growth, which become more complicated as the child develops. Gradually, you can add strength training equipment and equipment to them to develop flexibility and dexterity. The main rule is that the baby should be accustomed to the Swedish wall and physical exercises gradually.

Installing a sports corner in your home is not at all difficult to do on your own.

Text by V. Kruglov

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Children's room should be not only beautiful, but also functional. It is in your power, dear parents, to create for your child a real fairy-tale island in which the child will develop comprehensively and learn about the world around him.

Children are very active, so an outdoor play area is more of a necessity than a luxury. school or kindergarten not enough for mobile kids, and it’s not always possible to go outside for a walk (changeable weather, poor health and other factors). According to doctors, in a child who goes in for sports, not only bones and muscles are better developed, but brain activity also improves, internal organs form correctly.

The best way to strengthen the health of the child and direct his energy in the right direction is to equip a small but full-fledged sports corner in the room.

Space optimization

A home mini-gym can be placed even in a small nursery, especially since many sports items can easily be hidden in drawers or on shelves. For example, for a fitball, you can provide a special mount (you can buy it, or you can make it from two transverse rails), the horizontal bar is easiest to install in the corridor or doorway(if desired, you can make it removable, on special hooks). Ropes, dumbbells, weights, balls can easily be hidden in a locker, but large elements - wall bars, rings, slides, punching bags should be stationary.

It makes no sense to offer ready-made drawings of corners, since each room has its own dimensions and features.

However, you can find a little space in almost every apartment: you can buy a children's complex or make it yourself. Purchased products are mostly collapsible, they include the following elements: a ladder, a rope, a trapezoid and gymnastic rings. Other accessories - bars, slides, swings, punching bags, basketball hoops and so on are purchased separately.

Mounting and selection criteria

There are three types of Swedish walls: L-shaped, U-shaped, T-shaped, the first option is the most compact, but other configurations allow you to equip a corner with swings, bars and other paraphernalia. The height of most purchased products is from 2.4 to 3 meters, the occupied area varies from 0.5 to 4 sq.m.

The ladder is mounted between the ceiling and the floor in the spacer, at least at 4 fixation points, all bolts must have protective caps, check the quality of the simulator fastenings. The walls are made of wood and metal. Wooden simulators should be rounded, smooth, without roughness, the crossbars should be at least 30 mm thick, the distance between the steps should be about 25 cm. Give preference to varnished wood - it will last longer. Withstand such simulators up to 80 kg. Metal complexes are more durable, their maximum load is 100 kg. Please note that the horizontal bar and frame must be made of stainless steel, and the wooden fragments must not be rough or too brittle.

Safety above all! On the floor under the shells you need to lay gymnastic mats - you can buy them at any sports store. If the shells are made of metal, the vertical bars should be wrapped with a soft cloth so that the athlete does not accidentally hit his head. Next to the mini-sports ground there should not be furniture with sharp corners, the complex should not be placed near a window and in a draft. At first, insure the child, for small children it is better to buy height-adjustable ladders so that the child does not climb too far. For simulators, you can allocate a place on the balcony or loggia, having previously warmed it.

crazy hands

To make a Swedish wall with your own hands you will need:

  • 6 rounded cuttings for a shovel (they should be knot-free and smooth);
  • Two wooden beams, 5x14 cm, choose the length of the beam depending on the height of the ceilings in the apartment;
  • 6 iron corners and screws - they will be attached to the wall ladder;
  • Good construction adhesive;
  • Sandpaper, saw, drill, saw, planer, rings, thick rope or rope, belts, cable, gymnastic mats.

Completing of the work

Cut the beam with a saw along the height of the ceilings, process with a planer and sandpaper. In each beam, make 10-12 holes for the crossbars (use a screwdriver with the appropriate bit).

The purchased cuttings are sawn in half - they will play the role of crossbars, they must not only be inserted into the holes, but also glued well.

Corners are screwed to the bars, crossbars are inserted. On the wall and ceiling, make markings for fasteners and mount the structure.

You can also make a horizontal bar from two small bars and two crossbars, it should protrude 60-70 cm forward from the wall, screwed to the base with screws. To attach the gymnastic rings, you will need a cable and straps - they can be tied to one of the crossbars. For a rope ladder, it is better to choose a rope with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, make steps from wood with a diameter of 35-40 mm. The distance between the steps is 20 cm, the width of the surface is at least 40 cm, so that the child can move freely up the stairs. Holes for the rope are drilled in the crossbars, from below each step is fixed with knots (necessarily at the same level) so that deformation does not occur.

To prevent the tree from cracking, metal rings can be put on the ends of the steps (they can be made from duralumin or steel pipe desired diameter). The sports rope must be strong, on both sides it is fixed with knots.

It will not take much time to make the complex, but your child will get a lot of pleasure and undoubted health benefits!

To realize a children's dream of their own, their own corner for games and sports, it is not enough to place a wall bar in the room. To do this, you need to create a sports corner for children that meets, above all, safety requirements, so that the design is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, to make it convenient for the child to play physical exercises, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: basic requirements for the design and configuration of the set

Choosing the best option for sports equipment and elements for completing the design of a sports corner for children will help understanding why, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to be built. The age of the child, his physical data, height and weight allow you to design a structure and develop a set of exercises for classes in the future.

Sports corners for the home can have the following classification:

  • equipment for a child from 1 to 3 years old;
  • design for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with game elements;
  • classic gymnastic corner for children aged 8 to 14;
  • a corner for keeping fit and doing sports with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a similar design on a small area of ​​​​a children's room, especially when you consider that with self-assembly, the cost will be 2-3 times less than a finished corner from a store.

Second important point in the decision to build everything with one's own hands, there is an opportunity to control the child during his studies, gradually giving him the opportunity to study independently.

When starting construction, you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their equipment and accessibility for the child. Having assembled the entry-level design, over time, you can redo the sports corner in accordance with the age and height of the child.

Sports section- This is a whole complex in the form of a small playground, which is located in a residential area. This may include a variety of equipment that helps maintain physical strength.

From positive aspects organizations of children's sports corners note the following:

  1. It is necessary to constantly maintain the growing body of the child in good shape, so classes with sports equipment allow you to strengthen the muscles, skeletal system and vestibular apparatus.
  2. It is important for every child to have a certain hobby. It is sports that will help distract your child from mental stress after school. In addition, minor bruises and falls train his strength of mind.
  3. A playground is often recommended for children who are not yet able to walk. Of course, here it should be borne in mind that the dimensions of the complex must correspond to age.

Among the shortcomings, they note that, nevertheless, the corner takes up a lot of space, which is not available in every apartment. To make an interesting site you will have to purchase maximum amount equipment.