The lexical theme of the work of people in the spring is the senior group. Topic: “The work of people in the spring. Topic: "Spring. The work of people in the spring." (preparatory group)

The labor of people in the spring

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Exercise "Do as I say."

Let's greet the sun and each other.

Hello golden sun
Hello blue sky
hello fresh breeze

hello little oak

We live in the same region

I welcome you all!

2. Main body

Speech therapist: - Guys, let's smile and give good mood each other and get ready for work.Look out the window.

What is now time of the year? (children's answers: spring)

Here comes the spring. Let's remember what has changed in nature? (children's answers)

Speech therapist: - Right. With the arrival of spring, the weather changes. It's getting warmer outside. The sun shines brighter. The snow is melting, the earth is visible under it. New flowers are blooming. Spring is divided into three seasons: beginning - March.


End - May.

3. "Explain proverbs"

1. Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full for a whole year.

2. Spring day feeds the year.

Speech therapist: Guys, what do people do in spring? (presentation"The labor of people in the spring") (dig up the ground, sow flower seeds in flower beds, plant seedlings, sow vegetable seeds in beds)

The game "Make a sentence according to the plot picture."

Plot pictures depicting the actions of a person in the spring in the garden:

man digs the ground with a shovel. A man bleaches trees. Man cleans

rake garbage from the beds. A man cuts trees.

The land is plowed, it's time to make beds and plant. Guys

garden crops are planted in a variety of ways. such as lettuce, radish,

parsley, dill and others - SOW (scattering seeds), this is how it does

the sower is a cat; others, onions, peas, beans, garlic - PLANT (sticking

each to the ground; the rest, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant and

others - first they are pulled out from seeds by SEEDLINGS, and then


4. Finger gymnastics"Spring" . [Development of fine motor skills. ]

The sun shines brightly, We squeeze - we unclench our hands into a fist.

The kids got hot. We wave our hands in the face.

5. Development of general motor skills.

We took the spatulas

The beds were dug up.

Picked up a rake

The beds were leveled.

Seeds in rows

Together we planted

And then water

Watered warm.

Speech therapist: Where there is a rather long and cold winter, but a warm summer, fruits and vegetables are grown. But the summer is not long enough, so the vegetables do not have time to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha of my grandmother, the house stands, covered with a transparent film on top.

But grandparents do not live in it, tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happens to the weather in spring, the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(Greenhouse, greenhouse) Demonstration of illustration.

And what other faithful helper friends a person has in the garden, except for hotbeds and greenhouses, you will find out by guessing riddles.

6. Inventory - "Guess the riddles"(with demonstration illustrations).

A black and long snake crawled into the yard,

Watered our garden, did not yawn at work. (hose)

They made it from boards and put on a belt,

And this dish is kept from the garden by the summer harvested. (barrel)

Two brothers went to the river to swim.

One bathes, the other waits on the shore.

They go to the river - they dance, and they go from the river - they cry. (buckets)

Stand in one row sharp tsap-scratches.

It is convenient to rake armfuls of garbage with them. (rake)

The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle.

This cloud went around the garden bed in order. (watering can)

Digging the earth, leveling the beds,

Brooks broke through and did not get tired. (shovel)

7. Game "One-many"

I have one kidney - I have many kidneys

I have one tree, I have many trees

I have one stream, I have many streamsetc (according to pictures)

8. Game "what, what, what"

What puddle? dirty, deep, cold drop what? transparent, small

sun-what ?-radiant, warm, hot leaf-what green, smooth...

cloud-what- white, fluffy, tall etc.

9. The game "Name the word."

A speech therapist reads riddles to children - folds about professions, children guess words by meaning:

L o g o p e d. Under spring bird whistle

Plows the ground.... (tractor driver).

Pears, apple trees, gooseberries

Planted in the spring (gardener).

So that we have a barn with grain,

Needed in the field (agronomist).

10. Drawing up a story from a picture« The labor of people in the spring»

Speech therapist: In order to compose a story, you need to figure out what is shown in the picture and answer the questions:

Where does the picture take place?

What season is shown? Why do you think so?

Who do you see in the picture

How to call them in one generalizing word?(a family)

What are they doing?

Why do you need to do this?

How can you name the story?

And now you need to collect all your answers in one story. Who wants to tell it?

11. Labor of people in spring.

Family working in the garden in spring. Mom paints the trunks of trees so that insects do not damage them. Dad is digging up the ground to plant young trees. Boy Misha is planting seedlings. The girl Masha waters them because the plants need moisture. For the whole family good mood. Everyone is happy spring!

12. Summary of the lesson

Tatyana Kazakova
Abstract directly organized activities on cognitive development in middle group"The labor of people in the spring"

Target: Introduce kids to hard work adults in the spring.


To update children's knowledge about the seasons - Spring

Repeat the name of the spring months

Cultivate a sense of respect for the labor of people in the spring. Make your own desire work.

Cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help

GCD progress

AT group comes Monkey.

Hello guys! Oh, where did I get to? (to a kindergarten) True, I see how many children are here. Guys, do you know where I live? I live in hot Africa, where it is always warm, and all year round summer. Do you always have summer? (No) Truth? What seasons do you have? (Winter, Spring, summer autumn) And what is your time of year now? (Spring) Spring? And I don't know what is Spring. Guys please tell me about spring!

Guys, let's help the Monkey learn the signs spring? (Yes) Monkey, sit down and you guys, sit down on the chairs. (A picture is posted « Spring» ) Guys, what do you know about changes in nature, with the onset spring? That's right, with the arrival the weather changes in spring. It's getting warmer outside. The sun shines brighter. The snow is melting, the earth is visible under your feet. New flowers are blooming. Spring divided into three season: beginning-March, mid-April, end-May. (showing in the picture of all seasons).

Guys, today we will learn about labor of people in the spring, and tell about this monkey. Do you agree? Presentation « The labor of people in the spring»

Guys, remember, please, what is the name of the first spring month? (March) In March the snow melts. When the snow melts, puddles appear. To avoid this, the snow must be removed. Snow from the city is collected in heaps. Then they take it out in cars. Roofs of houses are also cleaned from snow and icicles.

Guys, name the second spring month. (April) Correctly. In April, the first leaves appear on the trees. What comes out from under the snow? (snowdrops). The snow on the fields melted, and the earth became visible. In the field, they begin to plow the earth. To plow means to dig. Tractors are digging in the fields. In the spring people clean up the trash, fallen leaves in autumn, dry branches. With coming spring, birds fly to us from warm countries. Look at the picture, what do people do for birds? (feeders and birdhouses). What are birdhouses for? (so that the birds have a place to live). Do you know why people need birds? They benefit people - they protect plants from harmful insects.

Name the last month spring. (May). - In May, when all the fields are plowed, people plant vegetables. In the city, man takes care of gardens and parks. People are planting trees and whitewashing them. The trunks are whitewashed so that insects do not harm the trees.

Guys, you all listened carefully to the story, and now let's play with the Monkey.


And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's go higher, let's go together (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees

We take a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

From the bottom of our hearts we stretched (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down.)

Guys, did you rest, gain strength? Good. The monkey again asks us for help. At the school she goes to, she was given an assignment. Can we help Monkey deal with him? Come to the tables, take a seat. You need to carefully consider what is shown in the picture. Circle with a pencil only those pictures that show labor of people in spring.

Guys, we have learned how people work in spring. Tell me, what did you do in these spring months? How to help parents work? (children's answers)

Guys, our guest wants to say something. Listen to her.

Children, I found out that spring people make birdhouses for birds. Guys, our birds in Africa don't have birdhouses. Could you help me make them. So that the birds in Africa also have homes. Guys, can we help Monkey? Good. You have pencils and sheets of paper on the table. Draw birdhouses. Choose the color pencils that you like the most. We will lay out the finished bird houses on the table, and the Monkey will choose the most beautiful of them. Get to work.

Well done boys. Did you enjoy playing today? What did you like the most? What have we learned today? how people work in the spring? Next time we will learn about how people are toiling in the fields and grow wheat. Now let's say goodbye to our guest.

Related publications:

Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development in the middle group "Mathematics in fairy tales" Synopsis of directly educational activities on cognitive development in the middle group on the topic "Mathematics in fairy tales" Educational.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development "Adult labor - food production" Program objectives: To deepen children's ideas about food products and their production, about the relationship of people of different types of professions (farmers.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development in the middle group "Merry tea party" Bezdenezhnykh Tatyana Nikolaevna Synopsis of directly educational activities "Merry tea party" Integration of educational areas:.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group for cognitive development "Guest from Africa" Purpose: To summarize children's ideas about the winter season. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of snow (white, cold, loose, sticky).

Synopsis of directly organized activities for cognitive development "Let's help the snowman" (first junior group) Synopsis (directly organized activities for the cognitive development of preschoolers, the first junior group OBJECTIVE: Help the Snowman.

Synopsis of directly organized educational activities for cognitive development "Our Names" Topic: "Our names" (integration of educational areas: " Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”).

Topic: "People's activities in spring"

Target: Introduce children to the labor of people in the spring in nature.


    1. Clarify and activate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature. Fix the names of the spring months.

    Expand children's vocabulary on the topic.

    6. To instill in children respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them.

Equipment: pictures depicting the spring months (March, April, May), plot pictures on the topic “The work of people in the spring”.

During the classes

1Organizational moment

Spring has a lot of work

Rays help her:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,

Melt the snow, break the ice,

Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries

But things are looking up:

Emerald field became

And the gardens are in bloom.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

What season is the poem talking about? (About spring.)

Today in class we will talk about spring and what people do

Spring conversation.

What spring months do you know? Name them in order.

(Children call the months, I post the corresponding pictures.)

Name the 1st month of spring, 3rd month.

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

Now I'm going to ask you a Tricky Question. To answer it, you need


What more spring or winter months? Let's repeat the winter months.

Well done guys, and you did a good job with the tricky question.

Let's remember how spring began. (The sun is shining brighter.)

And what began to happen? (The snow began to melt, streams flowed, drops began to cry.)

What happened to the trees? (Buds swelled on the trees, leaves began to bloom.)

In spring, nature comes to life and many different phenomena take place. What else

changes occurred in the spring in nature? (Young grass appears. Birds flew in from warm countries and began to build nests. Animals woke up after hibernation. Insects crawl out.)

    A story about the work of people in the spring.

Guess the riddle, what is it about?

There are carrots, there are cabbages, there smells delicious of strawberries.

And the goat there, friends, we can’t let it go in any way. (children's answers)

That's right, it's a garden. Who has a garden guys? Who among you likes to work in the garden? What kind of work do you do in the garden plot to grow a good crop? (children's answers)

Show a picture of working in the garden. Discussion of the picture.


    Practical task

"Sowing onions"

I'll show you the seeds. Consider them. Tell me what are they? (children's answers)

Do you know how to sow, plant? Well, what does it take to grow vegetables? (prepare a bed, make grooves, plant seeds in the ground, water).

So what do plants need to grow well? (Soil, water, heat, light)

What do we do? (First, we will draw grooves, seal the bottom of the grooves with the edge of the palm, pour water, because the seeds must be sown in moist soil, we will lay out the seeds in the grooves one at a time at a short distance)

Well, now I can entrust you guys with this responsible job! (Spread the seeds in the soil)

Well, we planted onions. What work needs to be done next so that the bow grows strong and tall? (Water the beds, loosen the earth, weed from weeds).

What are you good fellows! What a nice effort. Thanks guys!

8. Reflection.

What did we talk about today? What did we do in class, what tasks did we do? What did you like the most?

Irina Mikhaleva
Planning of educational activities “Spring. The labor of people in the spring "(preparatory group)

Topic: "Spring. The work of people in the spring." (preparatory group)

Educational tasks:

Clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden.

Expand your understanding of tools.

Systematize knowledge about the landing process.

Expand vocabulary (greenhouse, garden bed, seedlings, planting, greenhouse, plant, sow, water, whiten, cut, dig, dig).

To cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in agricultural labor activity.

Ensuring harmonious physical development, improving skills and abilities in the main types of movements



Purpose: To clarify the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a plant can be grown from. Lead the children to understand the conditions necessary for the conditions necessary for the conditions of plant growth. Develop thinking, observation, speech. Raise the desire to grow plants from seeds.

"About the labor of people"(janitor, gardener, combine operator, agronomist, etc.)

Purpose: To form initial ideas about spring work people in nature. Acquaintance with the profession of a janitor, gardener, combine operator, agronomist, etc.

“If we don’t take care of the crops…”

Purpose: To systematize children's knowledge about planting, caring for crops. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

"Why do we need seedlings?"

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​what seedlings are, why they are needed. What is needed for planting seedlings.

"Gardening Inventory":

Purpose: To clarify the knowledge of children about the work of people in the spring in the garden. Introduce children to gardening tools and their uses.

Didactic games:

"Let's Grow Apples": Exercise children in counting. Develop dexterity, attention.

"Where and what kind of profession is needed": Fix the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.

"Ripe - not ripe": Determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

“Tops and roots”: To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have edible tops and roots; exercise in compiling a whole plant from its parts.

"Wonderful bag"- develop the ability to recognize objects by touch.

Didactic games for the development of speech:

"Call it sweetly": To form the ability to form words with the help of diminutive suffixes. (cucumber - cucumber, onion - ... etc.)

"Describe, I'll guess": Highlight and name characteristics subject in response to questions from an adult. Develop connected speech, thinking.

"Edible - inedible": To develop attention, the ability to focus on a particular subject, the speed of thinking. Build skills in children a short time divide objects into two categories: edible and inedible.

"What comes first, what comes next": To form the ability of children to compose a story, expand vocabulary, develop logical thinking, coherent speech.

"Choose an Action": Continue to activate verbs in the children's vocabulary. (What do people do in spring? What do birds do in spring? etc.)

Role-playing games:

"Journey to the Park"- To develop in children the ability to act in accordance with the game situation (independently select attributes for the game, establish role-playing relationships with peers, coordinate game actions with the accepted role, engage in various role-playing dialogues).

"Gardeners»-Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Acquaintance with the labor of people in the spring. Cultivating a respectful attitude to work.

"Shop - Seeds": Arouse children's interest in the profession of a seller, use the names of various garden plants, the names of vegetable seeds in the game. To form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relationships.

"Pharmacy for plants": To consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of planting a garden, watering houseplants. To form the ability to express one's attitude to the role as a certain life position, to develop social abilities and communication skills

"Family on a picnic": To form the ability of children to plan a game, select attributes, distribute roles. Strengthen the ability to independently develop the plot of the game. Expand vocabulary, develop dialogical speech of children. Help build friendships between children.

Outdoor games:

"Jumps": Exercise children in speed and agility.

"Through the brook": To develop in children endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal, the skill of collective movement. Exercise in running in a certain direction, with dodging, develop speech.

"Sales": Develop running, agility.

"Empty place":To develop children's mindfulness, reaction speed, agility, running skills.

"Water": Develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements. Enrich the motor experience of children.

"Find yourself a mate": To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, according to the word, quickly builds in pairs. Practice running.

"Stop": Develop the ability to move on a signal, balance.

Reading fiction:

"The most beautiful outfit in the world", translated from Japanese. V. Markova. Z. Alexandrova "Drops", "Spring Cleaning"

Y. Krutogorova "Rain from seeds"

L. Nekrasov "Gardeners"

Spring worries (according to T. Shorygina)

O. Vysotskaya "Conversation with spring"

V. Orlov "Mess"

A. Maykov "Summer Rain"

Consideration: illustrations about the labor of people in the garden and vegetable garden in spring.

Drawing up sequence diagrams for planting various plants.

Examination and comparison of seeds of cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes, their sketch in the diary of observations.

Related publications:

"Where Health Hides" Synopsis of directly educational activities (preparatory group) Educational area: "Health". Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Physical.

Theme of the week: Vegetables. Labor of people in the fields and garden Date Organized educational activities Educational activities in regime.

Synopsis of directly organized activities for cognitive development in the middle group "Work of people in the spring" Purpose: To introduce children to the work of adults in the spring. Tasks: to update children's knowledge about the time of year - repeat spring.

Summary of educational activities on healthy lifestyle "My body". Preparatory group (6–7 years old) Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental type Kindergarten No. 27 "Zarnichka" Summary of educational.

Synopsis of organized educational activities "Musical Spring" (senior group) Theme: "Musical Spring" Age group: senior group Purpose: To introduce older children to the perception of classical music. Tasks:.

Period: 17.04-23.04.2018

Theme of the week : “International Mother Earth Day. (22.04)// HVD - Labor of people in nature”

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Spring is coming to us."

Tasks: To help children form a concept of themselves as inhabitants of the planet Earth, a responsible attitude towards the environment, to expand their ideas about the work of adults in the spring (crop production, animal husbandry, poultry farming), about technology, mechanisms that facilitate work. To form a generalized idea of ​​the connection between the labor of people of different professions employed in the same production (farmer - food industry workers - sellers), where the exchange of labor results is clearly expressed. Develop the ability to build a model of the labor process (production of milk, bread). Develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge about the work of adults from various sources (reading books, watching, watching television, etc.). To experience gratitude and respect for loved ones and strangers who creates everything necessary for life with his work.

Responsible: Makarova E.V.

Educational activities are carried out on the basis of an integrated approach that ensures the integrationOO (speech, cognitive, social and communicative, physical, artistic and aesthetic development).

Day of the week: Tuesday

Regime moments

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

D / and (thinking): the game "Tic-tac-toe"

d / and "Name the neighbors of the number ..."

FTsKM game "Who is who?" (name people by degree of relationship: uncle, aunt, etc.)

Games for the development of ZKR, sound analysis: d / and "Count" (highlighting the sound "З, З" in words)

D / and (communication situation): “Name your friends” (fairy-tale characters)

Ball, cards with the image of words with the sound "Z, Z", cards with the image of fairy-tale characters.


Preparing for classes

Conversation: "What can we do to make our Earth beautiful?".

during breakfast -

Conversation with children “What reservoirs in our city do you know?”

Reading poetry, guessing riddles about the planet Earth, looking at a thematic album.

Poems and riddles about our planet and its inhabitants, thematic album "Our planet?"




Lesson №1 9.00- 9.30 Music( according to manager's plan)

Lesson №2 9.40-10.10 FEMP No. 53 (see Novikova V.P.)

Lesson №3 11.20-11.50 Physical education (on the street)

Morning walk .

File cabinet. Walk No. 11

Observation - behind the clouds

Sub/Game - "Make a figure."

Labor - cleaning your site, collecting garbage in the kids area

Individual - runs around the veranda "Who is faster through obstacles"

Individual work (by figurative areas) - “Say it differently” (speech development)

Independent activity



children's buckets,

throwing shield

Clear the feeders of debris, pour bird food.

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Dinner preparation, lunch

Preparing for sleep

Quiet time

Formation of KPs and skillsself-service -

Relaxation before bed reading) -

Fairy tale "The Little Prince" (excerpts)

    A. Exeperi "The Little Prince"

Work after sleep: climb

Awakening gymnastics -

"Shaggy Dog"

breathing exercises - "Good in the forest"

Individual work in speech therapy notebooks


Sports tracks

Speech therapy notebooks

Simple pencils

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

finger game- "Fish"

Individual work - repeat finger game"Water, water, wash my face"


and adults

P / and running, jumping - p / games"Empty Place", "Burn, Burn Clearly"

Labor in the doll's corner - "Let's put things in order in the doll's house"

Construction from improvised material "Look what a fish"

Balls, hoops, cloths for wiping dust and dolls.

Kinders, plasticine, twigs, matches.

An evening walk:

Interaction with family

Talk to parents about their children's well-being.

Consultation: "First aid for insect bites." Individual conversations.

Children leaving home

Day of the week: Friday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of an adult and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiative

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Support for the child's personality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

D / and based on art works and folklore - "Guess from which fairy tale the words"

D/games ( sensory development) Color, shape, size - "Find a pair" (find a pair of identical objects by touch)

Books with fairy tales - in which in question about water.

Pairs of identical items.


Preparing and serving breakfast

Preparing for classes

Zdorovalka "-" It's good when at a meeting ...!

Articulation gymnastics "Cup, fence, tongue resting on the sea"

Finger game - "Water, water, wash my face"

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -observance of the rules of table etiquette (behavior at the table, polite treatment).

Ball game "Name the neighbors" (days of the week)

Ball, thematic cards (days of the week)

Modules and large constructor, "Lego"




Activities aimed at establishing primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities of children and adults

Lesson №1 9.00-9.30 Speech therapy (Group B).

Classes №2 9.45-10.15. Physical education (according to the plan of the head)

Lesson №3 10.25-10.55 Sculpting (art studio)//

Application. Theme "Tractor"

Etc. tasks:

Continue to improve the ability to silhouette cutting, pre-prepare pieces of paper right size, develop the skills of working with glue.

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

File cabinet. Walk No. 12

Observation: for changes in children's clothing

Sub / game - "Traps in pairs"

Labor - Labor assignments - to assist in clearing the site of snow in order to foster responsibility and diligence, on the site - to collect portable material.

Individual work on the development of movements - Jumps on the veranda.

Individual work (according to educational areas) - (drawing) “Draw a cup” (with a stick in the snow).

Independent activity

Sand play sets

Crayons for drawing




Work before bed: returning from a walk

Dinner preparation, lunch

Preparing for sleep

Quiet time

Formation of KPs and skillsself-service -to form the skill to quickly and accurately undress, to keep order in your closet.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch -the formation of skills in the use of cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin.

Relax before bed

( listening musical composition) - sounds of nature.

Stimulate the desire of children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their comrades get ready for bed.

CD with sounds of nature.

Work after sleep: climb

Hygiene and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics -

"Shaggy Dog"

Tempering procedures - self-massage for the head.

Preventive actions:

walking barefoot along the Health Paths,breathing exercises -"Good in the forest"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing - to form the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself dry with an individual napkin, putting your hair in order.

Sports tracks

Speech therapy notebooks

Simple pencils

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics - "Smile, tube, fence, needle, horses"

Finger game - "Fish"

D / and (safety) pedestrian crossing and children.

Thematic pictures on traffic safety.

P preparation for afternoon tea

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- rules of conduct at the table.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Dramatization games - "Hare Koska and spring"

C / r game - "Brave Mariners"

Mosaic games, laying out seeds, buttons, caps, colors. paper clips (MM) - laying out fish using a mosaic.

Joint production with children of attributes to story game. Mosaic, bean seeds.

An evening walk: independent activity of children

Accompaniment of independent game, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activity

Interaction with family

Children leaving home

Remind children not to forget their toys in kindergarten.

Day of the week: Monday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of an adult and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiative

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Support for the child's personality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

D / and FEMP (number and count) - “Say one less”, “Name the neighbors of the number”

Games for the development of the syllabic structure of speech - the game "Wonderful bag"

Cards with various signs of the seasons, for the game "Wonderful bag"


Preparing and serving breakfast

Preparing for classes

Morning exercises - complex number 7 "Zdorovalka "-" It's good when at a meeting ...!

Articulation gymnastics "Cup, fence, tongue resting on the sea"

Finger game - "Water, water, wash my face"

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -observance of the rules of table etiquette (behavior at the table, polite treatment).

Conversation with children “Why does a person need water? What benefit does it bring to people?

D / and word games: “Who knows more?”, “Find an object of the same shape”, “Guess what kind of plant”.

Learning educational board games. Train find the sound "З"

Large and small designer.

Game "Collect the beads"

Colored pencils, crayons, markers, coloring books.

Activities aimed at establishing primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities of children and adults

Lesson №1 9.00-9.30 The development of speech. Topic: "Retelling the tale" The Fox and the Goat "

Target. To improve the ability of children to retell the tale "in faces".

Lesson №2 9.40-10.10 Drawing (group) Theme: Drawing: by design.

Z .: exercise in compiling a figurative story about your drawing; to consolidate the ability to choose a topic, bring the idea to the end, independently choose materials for drawing.

Lesson №3 10.20-10.50 Physical education (according to the plan of the head)

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

File cabinet. Walk No. 13

Observation - the first rain

Sub / game - "The Bear and the Bees"

Labor - cleaning your site, collecting garbage on the site.

Individual work on the development of movements - jumping on one leg, alternately (on the sports ground).

Individual work (according to educational areas) - d / and "Name the word of spring"

Independent activity

Children's shovels, buckets

Throwing shield


Work before bed: returning from a walk

Dinner preparation, lunch

Preparing for sleep

Quiet time

Formation of KPs and skillsself-service -to form the skill to quickly and accurately undress, to keep order in your closet.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch -the formation of skills in the use of cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin.

Relax before bedreading -

A. Bukalov "How machines take care of bread"

Stimulate the desire of children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their comrades get ready for bed.

Reader with text.

Work after sleep: climb

Hygiene and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics -

"Shaggy Dog"

Tempering procedures - self-massage for the head.

Preventive actions:

walking barefoot along the Health Paths,breathing exercises -"Good in the forest"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing - to form the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself dry with an individual napkin, putting your hair in order.

Individual work in speech therapy notebooks according to the schedule.

Sports tracks

Speech therapy notebooks

Simple pencils

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics - "Smile, tube, fence, needle, horses"

Finger game - "Fish", "house"

Individual work on the development of speech - to learn how to compose sentences with a given number of words.

Story pictures.

P preparation for afternoon tea

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- rules of conduct at the table.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Theatrical games - finger theater "Teremok"

Making together with the children attributes for the game.

Laying out from counting sticks, Kuizener sticks (MM) - a fish, a boat, a lighthouse.

Counting sticks, Kusener sticks, finger theatre, screen, Lego for girls, board games, constructor, lacing.

An evening walk: independent activity of children

Accompaniment of independent game, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activity

Interaction with family

Talk to parents about the mood of the children. Collect speech therapy notebooks.

Consultation for parents: "Family traditions",

Children leaving home

Remind children not to forget their toys in kindergarten.

Day of the week: Thursday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of an adult and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiative

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Support for the child's personality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Examination of the lepbook "Spring".

Lotto "Trees" Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with trees growing on the territory of our country, a site kindergarten. Enrich knowledge about nature. Reflect in speech the names of trees.

D / and (FTsKM - social environment) - "Who has what?" (inhabitants of water bodies, wild animals)

"What do you need to work in the garden?"

Thematic pictures of the inhabitants of reservoirs, wild animals, tools.


Preparing and serving breakfast

Preparing for classes

Morning exercises - complex No. 4 " Zdorovka "-

“It’s good when at a meeting ...!”

Articulation gymnastics "Cup, fence, tongue resting on the sea"

Finger game - "Water, water, wash my face"

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -observance of the rules of table etiquette (behavior at the table, polite treatment).

Repetition of verses, guessing riddles about the earth, seasons.

Outline the silhouette of vegetables, animals, fish and color.

Poems and riddles about fish.

Fish silhouettes.

Colored pencils, wax crayons, watercolors.

Board games




Activities aimed at establishing primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities of children and adults

Lesson №1 9.00-9.30 FEMP Lesson No. 54 Novikova V.P.

Lesson №2 9.40-10.10 Music According to the music director

Lesson №3 10.20-10.50 OG//Speech therapy

Literacy education. Lesson No. 25 (see Varentsova.-printout)

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

File cabinet. Walk No. 14

Observation: puddles

Sub/Game - Russian folk game "Wolf".

Work. Together with the teacher, clean up the area and paths in the kindergarten. Place large puddles with brooms.

Individual work (according to educational areas) - FEMP "Count by twos"

Independent activity

Children's shovels, buckets

Throwing shield

Bird food

Work before bed: returning from a walk

Dinner preparation, lunch

Preparing for sleep

Quiet time

Formation of KPs and skillsself-service -neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed, consolidate the ability to use different types fasteners.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch -the formation of skills in the use of cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin.

Relaxation before bedreading) -

V. Krupin "Father's field"

Stimulate the desire of children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their comrades get ready for bed.

Reader for reading.

Work after sleep: climb

Hygiene and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics -

"Shaggy Dog"

Tempering procedures - self-massage for the head.

Preventive actions:

walking barefoot along the Health Paths,breathing exercises -"Good in the forest"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing - to form the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself dry with an individual napkin, putting your hair in order.

Individual work in speech therapy notebooks according to the schedule.

Sports tracks

Speech therapy notebooks

Simple pencils

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics - "Smile, tube, fence, needle, horses"

Finger game - "Fish", "House"

The game "Wonderful bag" (geometric shapes, numbers.)

Wonderful bag, geometric shapes, numbers

P preparation for afternoon tea

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- rules of conduct at the table.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

P / and with dialogues (folk) - “At the bear in the forest”

Construction from the "builder" of the game with modules and the designer, the construction of "Steamboat", " Vacation home by the river"

Games for the development of MM -

lacing "Dress a lion cub",

game "Collect the beads"

Lacing "Dress the lion cub",

Game "Collect the beads"

Modules, constructor "builder"

Games of the choice of children.

An evening walk: independent activity of children

Accompaniment of independent game, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activity

Interaction with family

Invite parents and children to compose a story on the topic “I am resting at sea”

Children leaving home

Remind children not to forget their toys in kindergarten.

Day of week Wednesday

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of an adult and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiative

(Independent activity)

Regime moments

Group, subgroup form

Support for the child's personality

Morning: interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Conversation on healthy lifestyle - “All the guys need to know how to walk down the street”

D/i (perception)

Geometric constructor (tangram)

Geometric constructor (tangram), Thematic

SDA cards


Preparing and serving breakfast

Preparing for classes

Morning exercises - complex number 4 "Zdorovka "-

“It’s good when at a meeting ...!”

Articulation gymnastics "Cup, fence, tongue resting on the sea"

Finger game - "Water, water, wash my face"

Work on the formation of KGN, a culture of command at the tableduring breakfast -observance of the rules of table etiquette (behavior at the table, polite treatment).

Individual work in a corner of nature, conversation about indoor plants, care.

Watering, spray and wipe the leaves of the flowers.

watering cans


Plant wipes

Activities aimed at establishing primary

value orientation and socialization. GCD. Joint activities of children and adults

Lesson №1 9.00- 9.30 FTsKM Topic:: "The work of people in nature in the spring"

Etc. tasks:

Continue to expand children's ideas about work, about the importance of work in people's lives; to systematize knowledge about the planting process; to form practical skills in planting (radishes).

Lesson №2 9.40-10.10 Children's experimentation Topic: “Air and its properties. Air within us

Z: to acquaint children with the properties of air.

Lesson №3 10.20-10.50 Drawing (studio)According to the plan of a specialist

Morning walk . Joint and independent activities of children and adults

File cabinet. Walk No. 15

Observation - the buds on the trees

Sub / game - "Cat on the roof"

Labor - Collect garbage in your area, sweep it on the veranda.

Individual work (according to educational areas) - "Name it in one word"

Independent activity

Children's shovels, buckets

Throwing shield



Work before bed: returning from a walk

Dinner preparation, lunch

Preparing for sleep

Quiet time

Formation of KPs and skillsself-service -to form the skill to quickly and accurately undress, to keep order in your closet.

Work to educate the culture of behavior at the table during lunch -the formation of skills in the use of cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin.

Relax before bed

( listening to a musical composition) - lullabies

Stimulate the desire of children to help the nanny set the table.

Encourage children to help their comrades get ready for bed.

CD with lullabies

Work after sleep: climb

Hygiene and hardening procedures

Awakening gymnastics -

"Shaggy Dog"

Tempering procedures - self-massage for the head.

Preventive actions:

walking barefoot along the Health Paths,breathing exercises -"Good in the forest"

Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing - to form the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself dry with an individual napkin, putting your hair in order.

Individual work in speech therapy notebooks according to the schedule.


Works on watering, loosening the soil, sowing seeds.

Sports tracks

Speech therapy notebooks

Simple pencils

Evening: joint and independent activities of children and adults

Articulation gymnastics - "Smile, tube, fence, needle, horses"

Finger game - "Fish"

D / game "Clap if you hear the sound P"

Pictures in the name of which there is a sound "P"

P preparation for afternoon tea

Cultivating a culture of behavior during afternoon tea- rules of conduct at the table.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Russian folk p / games - “Like in our meadow”

Construction from Lego - "Cafe"

Directing games (table, finger, b-ba-bo) - Table wooden theater "Turnip"

Finger theatre, Lego constructor, board games, mosaic

An evening walk: independent activity of children

Accompaniment of independent game, motor, communicative, cognitive-research and other types of children's activity

Interaction with family

Individual conversations with parents about the behavior of children.

Ask parents to bring rulers to children, for mathematics.

Children leaving home

Remind children not to forget their toys in kindergarten.