Homemade furniture for dolls with your own hands. How to make paper doll furniture. Furniture for plywood dolls

Miniature doll furniture in children's toy stores costs a lot of money, but you need so many things for games - a table, chairs, a sofa or bed, a wardrobe, bedside tables. Interior items can be made with your own hands, having simple materials at hand. Unlike store-bought, homemade furniture can be made in a variety of ways. different forms and flowers and decorate as you wish.

No matter how much big house at the doll, he needs an interior. After all, your daughter's doll must receive guests and rest somewhere. Making furniture for a dollhouse is very simple, and the costs for such work are minimal.

To create future furniture you will need:

  • Empty matchboxes;
  • Cardboard boxes;
  • Tea boxes, cosmetics;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Tin lids for beer or soda;
  • Pieces of fabric and thread;
  • Paints;
  • Buttons, rivets, beads.

First of all, you need to decide what pieces of furniture you want to have in the house. Do I need a bed, what size will the closet be, and where will the table and chairs be placed? Based on the overall dimensions of the house for the doll, you can roughly figure out the parameters of the furniture and select the necessary materials.

Furniture can be made both functional and simply decorative.

Matchboxes make the perfect drawers for a chest of drawers or nightstands. You can sheathe a sofa with fabric and cotton wool - it will become just like a real one!

So that the wardrobe and other pieces of furniture are in harmony with each other and fit into general form doll house, you can paste over them with colored paper or paint them with paints.

Fantasy, you can create the most unthinkable furniture and decorate it to your taste.

Paper furniture for a dollhouse: diagrams and detailed instructions

Before starting work on home-made furniture, you need to prepare drawings according to which interior items will be assembled. In order for the furniture to turn out correct when gluing, you need to draw a three-dimensional figure in parts with dimensions.

Schemes of the main pieces of furniture:

  1. Table. It is needed even in the doll house. If you want to make a rectangular table, you will need a piece of thick cardboard (or box) measuring 12x10 cm. To make the legs of the table, you can use cocktail straws, which should be wrapped in paper and glued to the table top. You can also make square legs. To do this, cut 16 strips 1 cm wide and 7 cm long and glue 4 pieces together. Glue the finished legs to the corners of the table.
  2. For round table you will need a piece of cardboard with a diameter of 8 cm. For the legs, you need to cut 4 strips of 17x2 cm, glue 2 each. Place the legs under the table in a semicircle crosswise and glue to the tabletop.
  3. Chairs. The doll chair consists of two parts - the back with rear legs and the seat itself with front legs. The back of the chair can be slightly bent, made openwork - as your child orders. The seat of the chair should be trapezoidal, like a real chair. Glue the finished parts together.
  4. Sofa. To create a sofa, you will need 2 side parts 10x6 cm, a back 18x7 cm. For the base of the sofa, you need to make a kind of box - on a piece of cardboard 18x9.6 cm, retreat 2 cm on each side and make bends. Glue with thin tape so that the box does not open. Glue the side parts on the sides, place the back in the center.

Finished furniture can be pasted over with colored paper or self-adhesive film. The sofa can also be pasted over with thin felt, so it will look more like a real one.

What furniture templates are needed for dolls

Miniature theme doll furniture Now it is very relevant for parents who have daughters. In addition to the doll, girls want to have a house, and it should have furniture. If it is not worth saving on a doll, then both the dwelling and its filling can be done with your own hands.

In order to properly fold doll furniture, you need drawings with dimensions, according to which you need to make templates. Cut out printouts will be applied to the material from which toy furniture will be made - cardboard, plywood, wood.

Templates can be of different shapes and sizes. For example, a table needs a rectangle or circle template. Legs will be attached to the finished base.

For the bed, you need 7 different quadrangles - the base of the crib, the headboard, the foot and the side slats. In each plank, you need to make cuts into which other parts of the bed will then be inserted. This bed for the doll can not be fastened with glue, it will hold well anyway.

The bed can be covered with a piece of an old towel or scraps of fabric.

Paper furniture for dolls: cut out according to patterns

Many girls love to play with paper dolls, which are cut out according to a template. Now in any bookstore or stationery store you can find a whole set of beautiful paper little dolls - Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Barbie, Monster High and many other modern cartoon characters. Such dolls often come with pictures, a set of clothes and a dollhouse with furniture. All that is required of you is to cut out the templates, make folds in the right places and glue the house and furniture together.

If a certain piece of furniture is not in the set, it can be found on the Internet, downloaded and printed on a printer.

When the baby plays with dolls, builds a house, arranges furniture, she learns accuracy, develops imagination and develops creatively.

Doll furniture made of cardboard: making a chest of drawers for Barbie

Matchboxes make an excellent chest of drawers for a doll. You can store beads, doll jewelry or rubber bands in a mini chest of drawers. For work, we need three empty matchboxes (or other small boxes), PVA glue, a piece of cardboard, beads for pens.

Progress of work in stages:

  1. Glue the boxes together without the inner parts.
  2. Paste the finished frame with cardboard so that a strong quadrangle is obtained. We do not glue the front part of the chest of drawers where the boxes will be inserted!
  3. Paste the front of the box with colored paper and glue a bead on the glue, pulling which you can open the box.
  4. Cover the entire chest of drawers with colored paper. Insert drawers into chest of drawers.
  5. The legs of a toy chest of drawers can be made from curly pushpins.

Your daughter will love this dresser. It is not difficult to make it and, if desired, you can have many stylish chests of drawers for a dollhouse.

Miniature wardrobe: how to make dollhouse furniture

Your daughter's little friend also needs a closet to hide her pretty dresses. Making it easy and fun. This is where fantasy can run wild! The doll's wardrobe will definitely be unique, because you come up with all the "stuffing" yourself - the number of shelves, drawers, their location.

To make a wardrobe, you need a shoe box, wallpaper or colored paper, a piece of foil and a piece of wire.


  1. From the lid of the cardboard box, cut the bends in width.
  2. Cut lids lengthwise. Paste the halves with colored paper. These are the future cabinet doors.
  3. Glue a piece of foil imitating a mirror on the inside of one of the wings.
  4. Glue the halves onto the box. You need to glue them on the outside of the box so that they can open.
  5. Make shelves from thick cardboard inside the cabinet as you wish.
  6. Make boxes out of matchboxes.
  7. The wooden stick will serve as a pipe for hangers. To do this, you need to make small indentations in the walls of the box and insert a stick smeared with glue there.
  8. Paste over the entire cabinet with colored paper, make applications.

The wardrobe for dolls is ready. Now it remains only to fill it with doll clothes and shoes.

Do-it-yourself furniture for a dollhouse (video)

Furniture for dolls can be made from all improvised means, this will not only save your budget, but also give room for imagination. Do not forget that finished furniture can be decorated. Beads, trimmings of tulle or lace are suitable for this.

To make games with dolls more interesting, doll furniture is needed. You can buy chairs, cribs or sofas in the store, but not everyone can afford such costs. In addition, doll furniture self made is original. Therefore, a good solution is to make furniture for the dollhouse with your own hands.

Furniture for a dollhouse can be made with your own hands from improvised materials, which can be found in every home. The advantages of handmade are low cost, safety and original design.

The most convenient materials are:

  • Plywood (wood) is a material from which strong, stable and beautiful miniature furniture for a dollhouse is obtained. Working with wood is not easy, so you need to call your dad or grandfather for help, who has experience working with such material;
  • Cardboard and paper are affordable and easily processed materials. You can take whole sheets or use empty cardboard boxes. Even children can make furniture in a dollhouse with their own hands; for this, adults only need to prepare diagrams from paper and give out the necessary materials;
  • Matchboxes are a material that does not require much effort. To make furniture for barbie with your own hands, you need to show imagination, glue the boxes and decorate at your discretion;
  • Wire is an easily bendable material that is suitable for creating frames and small parts. From it you can make beds, chairs, hangers, chandeliers, candlesticks, curtains;
  • Plastic bottles or jars. From cans you can make baths for bathing or tables with chairs. And if you show imagination, then plastic containers can turn into a crib, armchair and other overall furniture;
  • If you use newspapers or magazines, then you will need to wind more than a dozen tubes. It is not difficult to make wicker furniture, it is enough to clearly follow the steps according to the scheme.

In addition to the materials listed, you can use lids, juice tubes, styrofoam, and egg containers to create DIY furniture for your dollhouse.

How to make

To make furniture for miniature houses, you need to follow the instructions, making adjustments as you go if you don't have the right materials.


To make a doll sofa, you will need the following materials: a cardboard box, fabric, foam rubber, a stapler, threads, a needle, scissors. First of all, you need to make a base. We cut off from the box one narrow, one wide part and half from each short side so that we get a frame. After that, we measure the dimensions of the details of the sofa, transfer them to the fabric folded in half and cut them out. Sew covers on both sides, turn inside out. Cut out pieces of foam rubber smaller than the details of the sofa. Foam rubber must be put in covers and carefully stitched. We fasten the finished pillows with a stapler and insert them into a cardboard frame. For reliability, you can attach the soft part of the sofa to the cardboard base with a stapler. As a decoration, you can make several small pillows of different shapes.

We form the frame

Cut out the details you need

We form the seat

We fasten with adhesive tape

We carry out a "tightening"

Ready product


To make a cabinet, you will need the following materials: a shoebox, glue, scissors, decorative carnations, pliers and wire cutters, adhesive tape, toothpaste caps, threads and a needle, thick aluminum wire.

Making a wardrobe for dolls takes place in several stages:

  1. Make the base - cut off two extra parts of the box (closing elements at the top and bottom). The cabinet frame is ready;
  2. Make legs. Turn the cabinet upside down and make markings for future legs in four places. Apply glue to each point and glue the toothpaste caps with the narrow part up;
  3. From the cut parts of the box, you can build shelves inside the cabinet. To do this, stick adhesive tape on both sides of the cardboard so that its length is several centimeters longer than the length of the future shelf. After that, you need to glue strips of adhesive tape on top of the shelf and below so that it is in a horizontal position;
  4. Make pens. To create them, you can use decorative carnations. They need to be stuck in the door in the right place;
  5. Now you need to make a hanger holder inside the closet. To do this, you need to take a rigid wire and use wire cutters to separate a piece that is 1 cm larger than the width of the cabinet. Then you need to mark the points inside the cabinet through which the holder will pass, and stretch the wire through them;
  6. The closet is ready.

The finished cabinet can be decorated with any materials.

Finding a shoebox

Cover the box with white paper

Cut out the elements

Covering the shelves with paper

Making shelves

Making a hanger from a wooden stick


The ottoman is not only furniture for relaxation, but also a bright element of the interior. The following materials will come in handy for work: a plastic comb, a cap or reel from adhesive tape, wire, foam rubber, a piece of red or blue velvet, as well as paint, clear varnish, glue, decorative gold ribbon. Do-it-yourself decorative furniture for a doll is easy to make, for this you need to carefully follow all the steps:

  1. Make legs. Anything can work for this, but to make them beautiful, you need to find an old patterned comb or a carved plastic decor element and saw off four small rectangular pieces;
  2. Make a base. If a scotch tape reel is taken to make a pouffe, then you need to stretch a wire across it so that the doll does not fall into the hole when sitting. After that, a piece of thick foam rubber is laid on top and cut off along the edge so that the base is completely covered. The material is glued and left to dry for a short time. If a lid is used as the basis, then the wire will not be useful in the process;
  3. Decorate the legs. While the base of the ottoman dries out, you can decorate the legs. Each detail must be rubbed well with sandpaper and covered with gold-colored paint. When the paint dries, a protective colorless varnish should be applied over the legs;
  4. Stretch velvet over the base. The fabric will not only decorate the pouffe, but also hide the irregularities of the primary work;
  5. Glue a decorative ribbon in a golden or silver shade along the bottom of the pouffe. This item will decorate and hide the place of gluing fabric and foam rubber;
  6. Glue the legs to the base, and check the chair for stability;
  7. The ottoman for dolls is ready.

If you choose the right materials and do not miss a single point of the instructions, you will get a beautiful and comfortable ottoman.

We take a round

We insert the wire

We sheathe the coating with foam rubber several times

Covering the base with fabric

We make decor

We mount the legs

Table and chairs

From plastic bottles you can create a kitchen set for barbie, consisting of a dining table and several chairs. To create a kit, you will need: bottles, scissors, double-sided adhesive tape, a marker, pieces of beautiful fabric, cardboard, glue, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool for filling. How to make furniture in a dollhouse with your own hands from plastic bottles.

  • We draw on paper a diagram of the future chair, taking into account the size of the doll, cut it out, attach it to the bottle and outline it. Then carefully cut out with scissors and get an almost finished chair;
  • Now you need to make the legs for all the chairs. To make them, you need to remove the cork from the bottle, cut off a small piece from the neck and glue it to the bottom of the chair. These steps must be performed as many times as you want to get the exit chairs;
  • Now decorate the chairs with paint or sew fabric capes. It is more convenient to use spray paints as a dye. To fill the dimples in the armchairs, it is necessary to sew round covers and fill them with soft filler.

Making a paper table template

Cut out

We paint and lay a soft seat

  • Doing dinner table. It will require a piece of cardboard and a bottle neck. Measure the desired height of the table and cut off the neck. Cut out an oval or rectangular tabletop from cardboard and glue it where the cork should be;
  • Paint the table with paint the same color as the chairs;
  • Cut a piece from the ribbon lace and glue it along the edge of the tabletop;
  • Make a copy of the tabletop and glue it on top of the table. Paint and let dry;
  • The table and chairs are ready.

With such a set of furniture, you can invite guests and arrange a puppet tea party. A similar set will decorate the kitchen, dining room or living room of the dollhouse.

Preparing chopsticks for legs

We make the decor of the legs

Making a countertop

We screw in the screws

We put sticks on self-tapping screws


Each doll has more than one set of clothes that needs to be stored somewhere. Lockers and chests of drawers are convenient, but not practical. A hanger is what you need to keep the dresses in at its best. To make a doll hanger, you need: thin wire, satin ribbons, glue moment, beads, pliers. Making a hanger for a barbie or other doll is not difficult.

First you need to decide on the size. In order not to deviate from the required parameters, you can draw a hanger on a piece of paper right size, and in the manufacturing process, apply a wire blank.

Now we take the wire and with the help of pliers form the future shoulders. It is very important that there are no sharp ends in the finished product. To avoid this, you need to bend and twist each edge of the wire. To make the hanger attractive, you can wind a colored satin ribbon over it and fix its ends with super glue. The edges of the ribbon must be burned so that the fabric does not crumble. If beads are used for decoration, then even in the process of creating a hanger, you need to put a certain amount on the wire. Ready-made hangers that have dried out after glue can be used to store doll things. They can be placed in the cabinet, the creation of which was described above.

We round the product

We decorate with a ribbon

When a child has a doll, pretty soon every kid begins to think about arranging a home for her. At modern development production of toys in the store for your favorite doll, you can buy almost any furniture or just a whole house at once. However, it will be much more exciting to equip everything with handmade items. This does not require any special skills or expensive materials, such as plywood, wood, metal or plastic. You can simply arm yourself with glue, scissors and paper. And how to make paper furniture for dolls, we will consider in this article.

How to make paper doll furniture

Today, there are many ways to make paper furniture. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the most famous of them.

  • Origami technique.
  • Production of furniture according to drawings.
  • Gluing according to color schemes.
  • Weaving from paper strips or tubes.
  • The use of matchboxes as a "building" material.
  • Production of furniture from corrugated cardboard.
  • Painted furniture.
  • Production of paper furniture from combined materials.
  • Papier-mâché furniture.

Although all these techniques are different, they use the same material - paper and cardboard derived from it. Whichever one is chosen, one rule is invariable for all: the manufacture of doll furniture requires special care and attention, because it is almost a piece of jewelry.

Requirements for paper for toy furniture

Considering the question of how to make paper furniture for dolls with your own hands, it is worth remembering that each of the manufacturing methods has certain requirements for paper.

Almost all of the above methods require thick paper from 90 g / m 2. It should bend well and not exfoliate at the bend points. However, for origami paper, you need less dense paper that can withstand repeated bending and maintain a beautiful look.

The same requirements apply to cardboard. By the way, for the manufacture of furniture from it, you can use both ordinary stationery cardboard and packaging corrugated cardboard.

If doll furniture will be made using papier-mâché or weaving, old newspapers or magazines are perfect as consumables.

How to make paper furniture with your own hands: origami

The simplest method of making furniture that does not require special skills, materials, and most importantly time is origami (the art of folding paper figures).

All you need is a square sheet of paper and a diagram of how to fold it correctly. No glue and origami scissors are needed (unless, of course, this is its modular subspecies).

When making doll furniture in this way, you should first practice on paper from a math notebook (because of the cells, it will be easier to fold). And, having mastered this technique, make a table, chair or something else from special paper.

Schemes on how to make a chair, table and sofa using the origami technique

As an example of how to make paper furniture with your own hands (step by step), below are three origami patterns. The size of the finished product, folded over each of them, depends on the size of the sheet. Having trained several times, it will not be difficult to calculate it relative to the growth of the doll.

The first diagram shows the paper technique.

It would be nice to add a chair to the made paper table. How to do this is shown in this diagram.

Instead of a paper chair, in addition to the table, it's a good idea to use a sofa assembled according to the diagram below.

for paper dolls without glue

Besides origami, there is another way to make paper furniture without glue. However, in this case, you can not do without scissors. They will be needed to cut doll furniture according to the pattern. Then you need to fold it.

A chair or slab made in this way looks more elegant than origami products. But when creating furniture in this way, you need to cut and fold it very carefully so as not to spoil it.

For printing such schemes, it is best to use paper with a density of about 100 g / m 2.

The finished product can be painted to your liking.

Making doll furniture from color schemes

In the old days, you could buy paper cut-out kits in almost any bookstore. Follow the instructions and use scissors and glue to make an adorable dollhouse or palace with furniture.

Knowing the basics of working with any graphic editors and the principles for constructing such schemes, you can easily make such blanks. If making a whole palace for a doll is not included in the plans, it would not be a bad idea to create a wardrobe, chair or bed and, after printing them out, make vintage furniture for your pet. Needless to say, only laser printing is suitable for this method, since inkjet printing, although more colorful, can float or simply fade over time when in contact with water.

As for the choice of glue for this furniture, it is best to use double-sided tape or It is also acceptable to use a glue gun, but very carefully.

Weaving from paper tubes, as one of the ways to make doll furniture

Weaving is a rather ancient and popular type of needlework. Today it is experiencing a new revival. However modern masters more and more often, not a vine is used for weaving, but paper tubes or ribbons. The finished product is painted, and then varnished and in this form is able to serve for many years.

When choosing a way for yourself how to make paper furniture with your own hands for Barbie, it would be nice to take advantage of this: today the trend is becoming more and more fashionable to use paper wicker furniture in your homes.

Among the advantages of this technique are elegance and strength. finished furniture as well as its realism. In addition, the materials will cost nothing, because these are unnecessary old newspaper or magazine sheets.

But among the minuses - in order to make doll furniture in this way, you must first master the weaving technique, as well as have a certain pattern.

But, having learned how to create toy tables, cabinets or chairs for Barbie, it would be nice to try your hand at making human-sized furniture.

Matchbox furniture

Among the most used materials for the manufacture of doll furniture are matchboxes. In fact, they serve as bricks for creating tables, chests of drawers, beds, etc. Moreover, if some masters simply paste over the finished product with colored paper or cloth, then others decorate furniture from matchboxes using decoupage, giving the product realism.

To make sure that a matchbox can be made very beautiful furniture for a doll, below is a master class on making a toy chest of drawers from two boxes of matches. To complete it, you will also need stationery cardboard, black and white paint, double-sided tape, sandpaper and two beads.

In this way, you can also successfully make wardrobes, desks and kitchen furniture. The main thing is to have a lot of matchboxes in stock.

Furniture for cardboard dolls

Quite popular today is a technique that tells how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard and paper. In this way, not only furniture is made, but also entire dollhouses.

For this method, it is most rational to use corrugated cardboard, the source of which can be any box from a parcel or some kind of household appliances.

Most often, furniture made of this material is pasted over with paper or cloth, sometimes painted. However, in last years eco-style became especially popular. Following him, corrugated cardboard furniture is not painted, but left as it is. At the same time, do not forget: if something was printed or written on the front side of the box, it must be turned over so that the picture remains hidden inside the product.

It is worth noting that the manufacture of real modular furniture from corrugated board is becoming quite a popular trend in the modern world.

True, it is not very durable, but it is affordable and environmentally friendly, unlike plastic, and is easily recycled or transported when moving.

painted furniture

When choosing how to make paper furniture, do not underestimate the simplest ways. One of them is to simply draw furniture on paper or cardboard and place it in the dollhouse.

Of course, with voluminous furniture made according to one of the above methods, the painted decoration of the house cannot be compared, but as an option it is quite suitable for beginner dollhouse designers.

By the way, in addition to paper, you can draw on corrugated board. It is noteworthy that some modern designers are beginning to use the method of partial hand-drawn furniture for decorating real houses.

Furniture from combined materials: a master class on creating openwork chairs from paper and a coffee cup

When fantasizing about how to make furniture out of paper, do not neglect combining it with various improvised means, for example, with paper boxes of chips or coffee cups.

For example, an excellent cradle for a baby doll will come out of a small box in the shape of a cylinder.

And from a paper coffee cup in combination with paper strips for quilling, you get a very elegant doll chair.

The seat and legs of the future chair are cut out from the bottom of the cup. Two cotton swabs are glued between the legs to add stability. As a material for the back of the chair, the remaining paper from the cup is suitable. suitable for decorating the seat with weaving, as well as for making elegant curls on the legs and back of the product.

Papier mache

Among the many ways to make furniture out of paper, the papier-mâché technique (the use of paper mass and modeling glue) stands apart.

Most often, masks or some kind of figures are made in this way, however, it is quite suitable for doll furniture. Like paper tube weaving, the papier-mâché technique is very economical, but it is also simpler.

Furniture made in this way must have a frame and dry well before it is covered with paint or varnish. By the way, if you add a little gypsum to the paper, the product will become much stronger.

Each of the above ways to make paper furniture is unique in its own way. Some are complex, others are simpler. But whichever one is chosen, the main thing is to put your soul into your work. Then the result will surely please, and your favorite children's doll will have the best house in the world.

Children's games are largely based on imitation of the actions of adults. Children (especially girls) enjoy watching and copying everything that their mother or grandmother does. Each little girl has a mom doll, dad and their children who live their own family life, cook meals, go to work, do their homework, watch TV and go to bed.

For a full-fledged game, dolls, of course, need their own house. Of course, the modern assortment of toy stores makes it easy to solve the problem of furnishing. They have absolutely everything: from bedroom sets to household appliances, plastic products and dishes. However, such doll furniture costs absolutely unthinkable money.

Any materials can become the basis for doll furniture!

It's easier to do everything you need with your own hands. Such an exciting process, of course, will interest your child. The baby will definitely make all possible work when creating sofas, tables and cabinets for your favorite toys. Let's figure out what kind of furniture you can quickly and easily make with your own hands, and also find out what tools you will need for this.

What do you need to make doll furniture?

Do not think that the process of making doll furniture is hard work that takes your time and energy. Try to make doll furniture on your own just once, and you just won’t be able to stop, because this is not just another way to save money!

This is fascinating creative process, in which you and your child can show non-standard thinking and a sense of style. At the same time, you will master all kinds of decorating techniques and get another fun joint activity that will brighten up the long autumn and winter evenings.

Assembling furniture for dolls is a very exciting and creative process.

Look around - you will immediately notice how many items that usually go in the trash can can be used! They will become the basis for the manufacture of all kinds of puppet items. If you decide to make furniture with your own hands, stock up on the following improvised means:

  • matchboxes that turn into chests of drawers in a couple of minutes, kitchen sets, cabinets and dressing tables;
  • cardboard boxes in which shoes, cosmetics or household appliances were packed, because these are the bases for cabinets, beds and tables;
  • plastic bottles from which you can make stylish chairs;
  • bright sponges designed for chores and washing dishes, which will serve as an excellent stuffing for upholstered furniture;
  • viscose cleaning wipes;
  • plywood;
  • shreds of fabric, leather or suede;
  • wire and foil;
  • cardboard blocks in which eggs are sold;
  • threads, buttons, rhinestones and beads that will allow you to create bright furniture of a unique design;
  • ice cream sticks, toothpicks, Chinese chopsticks;
  • glue, scissors, clerical knife, pens, markers, paints.

A matchbox is one of the cheapest and most affordable materials.

After you have prepared a sufficient number of necessary items, you can start making furniture for dolls.

dressing table for dolls

Dolls love to preen, so they simply cannot do without a table with a mirror! To make such a table, prepare:

  • a small cardboard box of hair dye;
  • foil;
  • colored paper.

Stages of making a table:

  1. Determine the height of the table by measuring the doll in a sitting position. For example, for a Barbie doll, its height will be approximately 8-9 centimeters.
  2. Cut out the box and cover with colored paper. Using a marker or gel pen, draw sketchy doors and glue small beads that will imitate handles.
  3. Do not throw away the rest of the box, but cut an oval or rectangular piece out of it for a future mirror. From the foil, cut a piece of suitable size, stick it on the blank for the mirror. It can be glued around the perimeter with colored paper.
  4. Lubricate the base of the mirror with glue and attach it to the blank for the table, going to its back side.

A box of hair dye will become the basis of the dressing table

Dresser for dolls

Storing clothes requires that the room has chests of drawers with drawers. To make a doll dresser you will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • matches;
  • dense napkins with patterns.

Stages of making a dressing table:

  1. Take three matchboxes and glue them together, placing one box on top of the other.
  2. From thick napkins, cut out pieces for pasting the boxes around the perimeter. It is not necessary to glue the back of the napkin so that the boxes can be pulled out by pressing them with your finger.
  3. Take out the drawers and stick pieces of napkins on the front.
  4. Cut the matches into small sticks (discard the heads with sulfur) and stick the sticks on the drawers to create an imitation of handles.

Matchboxes - great material for making chest of drawers

Coffee table for dolls

When the dolls gather for tea in the living room, they need a table on which to put the cups from the set of dishes. This piece of furniture will require the following items:

  • sheet of thin plywood;
  • chopsticks;
  • jigsaw;
  • acrylic paints.

Step-by-step process of making a table:

  1. Cut out a circle from the plywood sheet, which will eventually become a lid.
  2. Cut the sticks into sticks for legs.
  3. Glue the cut of the bars and the place to which they will be attached to the lid with glue.
  4. Glue the legs.
  5. After the glue has dried, paint the table with several layers of acrylic paint.


No living room is complete without an elegant sofa for which you will need the following items:

  • flat wooden plate;
  • chopsticks;
  • cotton wool;
  • acrylic paint;
  • a piece of soft fabric for pillows;
  • decorative braid;
  • thick fabric (velvet or velveteen) for upholstery.

In the manufacture of doll furniture, creativity and ingenuity are important

Sofa making steps:

  1. Measure a wooden plate and prepare fabric upholstery for it (do not forget to leave allowances).
  2. Lubricate the plate with glue and drape the fabric on all sides.
  3. Cut the Chinese sticks into 4 bars (the width of the bar should match the width of the wooden block). Cover the bars with paint;
  4. When the paint dries, glue the two roller legs to the fabric-covered base. Glue two more rollers to the top of the sofa to imitate the side handle rollers.
  5. Glue decorative tape around the perimeter of the sofa to hide the joints of the fabric.
  6. To make pillows, cut pieces of fabric into small squares, sew from the inside out on three sides. Turn the resulting squares to the left side. Stuff with cotton and sew with a hidden seam.

Bed for dolls

Not a single dollhouse can do without a sufficient number of beds, because the girls are so happy to put their charges to bed before they themselves go to rest. There are several simple options making beds for dolls.

Option 1: Matchbox bed

For little babies or toys, you can make a mini version bed from matchboxes. For this you will need:

  • 2 box;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • patches of fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • rhinestones, beads, cords;
  • microfiber household napkin;
  • White paper.

What you need to do to make a crib:

  1. Place two boxes on cardboard and cut out two rectangles according to measurements.
  2. Glue the boxes together, fastening the sides with gray. Paste over the top and bottom with pieces of cardboard.
  3. Paste over the sides with paper or cardboard to hide the sulfur. Do not paste over the back and front of the box so that the crib has drawers for storing linen.
  4. Cut out a rectangle from a household napkin and stick it on the bed so that the dolls have a mattress.
  5. Cut out the head of the bed from cardboard, paste over with white paper and glue it to the bed. Decorate the headboard with rhinestones, beads or a decorative cord.
  6. Cut out one rectangle from the scraps of fabric according to the size of the bed - this will be the sheet.
  7. Cut out two rectangles for making a blanket in a duvet cover (leave 0.5 cm for the seams). Sew the fabric inside out, turn it inside out. Using sharp scissors, make a diamond-shaped hole in the center.
  8. Cut a blanket out of a laundry napkin and tuck it into a duvet cover. Sew the bottom of the duvet cover with a hidden seam.
  9. Cut two squares from a piece of fabric and sew a pillow, stuffing it with cotton.

A cardboard bed is the most sought-after piece of doll furniture.

Option 2: Large crib out of the box

AT this case you need to stock:

  • a box of hair dye or a small household appliance;
  • sponge or piece of foam rubber;
  • colored paper;
  • decorative braid, buttons, rhinestones.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut off one of the wide pieces from the box. Cut off 1-2 centimeters from the sides so that the headboard and bottom frame appear at the crib.
  2. Glue the box along all the folds so that the crib does not fall apart.
  3. Cover the box with colored paper ( inner part may not be glued).
  4. Cut a piece of thick sponge or a few rectangular pieces of foam rubber to the measurements of the box. Place them inside the box to make a mattress.
  5. Glue decorative cords along the edges of the box, and decorate the headboard with rhinestones, flat buttons and other elements.

Armchairs for dolls

Each doll should have its own place, because for receiving guests, having lunch or preening at the dressing table, little residents of a toy house will definitely need a comfortable armchair.

Option 1: Cardboard chair

To make this chair you need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • stationery;
  • thick foam or corrugated cardboard;
  • the tube left from the spool of thread;
  • sheet of thin foam rubber;
  • piece of cloth.

Chair manufacturing steps:

  1. To make the seat, cut out 4 identical rectangles from the foam board. Lubricate with glue and connect by laying one piece on the other. Cover the top and sides with foam rubber. Stretch and glue the fabric over the foam rubber.
  2. Cut out a rounded back from a piece of thick cardboard. Glue the foam, leaving a small gap to connect with the seat. The foam must be covered with a cloth.
  3. Glue the seat and back.
  4. From the tubes of threads, cut out the part necessary for the manufacture of side rollers. Cover the armrests with fabric. Glue the rollers to the seat of the chair.

With cardboard and paper on hand, you can make a beautiful chair for dolls.

Option 2: Designer chair from a plastic bottle

Such an armchair will be no worse than modern designer furniture, and for its manufacture you will need the simplest and cheapest materials:

  • thin foam;
  • household sponge;
  • the cloth;
  • decorative braid.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. Draw a diagram of a chair with a back along the solder line of the bottom. Start cutting, gradually turning the cut line up, so that you get a chair with a high back and smooth armrests.
  2. Cut out a round blank from a household sponge so that the chair seat is soft. Top with fabric. Place the foam rubber in the middle of the cut out bottom of the bottle.
  3. Cut out pieces of thin foam rubber to stick on the back of the chair and its armrests.
  4. Cover with foam rubber outer part armchairs. Cover the back, armrests and outer part of the chair with fabric.
  5. Decorate the joints with a cord or braid.

According to the same scheme, you can make an armchair for small dolls, only you need to use not bottles for them, but egg boxes.

Ottoman for dolls

A bedroom set would not be complete without soft ottomans, for which you need to stock up:

  • cardboard from a roll of toilet paper;
  • foam rubber;
  • cloth.

To make a pouffe:

  1. Cut the cardboard sleeve into two parts (it is best to do this with a sharp clerical knife).
  2. Cut two circles from the foam rubber that fit snugly into the hole in the tube.
  3. Drape the foam with fabric.
  4. Cover the tubes with fabric.
  5. Slip the foam seat into the tube. For beauty, ottomans can be decorated with braid or pieces of thin lace.

Kitchen furniture

The kitchen is the most important place in any home. Dollhouse is no exception. this rule, because little housewives love to play cooks and treat dolls with various dishes. To make furniture for the kitchen space, you will need:

  • several dozen matchboxes;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard or thin plywood;
  • colored paper;

Kitchen furniture can be made from a variety of matchboxes

Stages of making a kitchen for dolls:

  1. Glue nightstands from three boxes placed one on top of the other. Glue each of these blanks around with colored paper to hide the sulfur.
  2. Glue the sides of the four blanks.
  3. Take three matchboxes and cut off the lid on one side so that it opens. Stick colored paper on the box.
  4. From a piece of cardboard, cut off a part that will be equal to the length of the connected blanks from matchboxes.
  5. Glue the nightstands to the cardboard, grabbing only the topmost of the boxes (the bottom two drawers will open when pressed with a finger).
  6. Step back four centimeters and stick the top drawers of the headset.
  7. Glue a grain of rice on each drawer to imitate handles.

Desk for dolls

Girls love to play school, so the dolls will definitely need desks where you can prepare lessons. To make this doll interior item, you need to stock up:

  • 4 box of matches;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • matches;
  • self-adhesive "under the tree".

The step-by-step process of making a desk looks like this:

  1. Glue three matchboxes on top of each other to make a cabinet with drawers. Paste the workpiece with self-adhesive film.
  2. Cut out the table top from cardboard. Cover the top with self-adhesive tape.
  3. Tape one more box with foil.
  4. Connect the bedside table and the tabletop, and use an additional box as a second support (its height is just equal to three glued boxes).
  5. Cut the matches into small bars and make handles on the nightstand.

Don't stop at one piece of furniture - make a set!

Wardrobe for dolls

Dolls definitely need a place where you can hang dresses, blouses and skirts, so the set will not be complete without a spacious wardrobe. To make a wardrobe, you will need:

  • a box of paint or a small household appliance;
  • self-adhesive;
  • buttons "on the leg";
  • cardboard;
  • Chinese stick;
  • wire.

Cabinet manufacturing steps:

  1. Take a closed box and cut the front part with a clerical knife - so that you get the doors of the future cabinet. Tape the cabinet with self-adhesive tape.
  2. Cut a piece from a Chinese stick equal to the width of the cabinet.
  3. Cut out two circles from cardboard, slightly larger than the thickness of the stick. Stick the cardboard on the ends (they need to be sanded a little for a better connection).
  4. Lubricate two points inside the cabinet with glue, attach a hanger stick.
  5. Cut the wire into pieces (about 8-10 centimeters) and twist the hangers into triangles. At the top, leave more twisted wire to make a hook.
  6. Using an awl or a thick needle, make two holes in the cabinet doors and sew on the buttons so that you get handles.
  7. Place hangers in the closet.

Show your creative abilities, develop them in your child with the help of self-designing doll furniture. This lesson will allow you to get closer to the child, help him discover the abilities of the designer. Here are some easy options.

How to make a doll bedside table with drawers

You will need:

  • Several boxes of matches according to the number of boxes.
  • Cardboard tape, the width of which can cover the desired number of boxes.
  • Shiny foil.
  • Scissors, glue.
  • Several golden plastic beads according to the number of boxes.

Take the boxes, fold them together lengthwise. You should get a table of the planned height. A few pieces can be removed or added, depending on the final idea. Glue the parts of the boxes stacked in a row. Take the cardboard, bend it in the right places, completely wrap it around the side that does not have boxes. Then glue the cardboard. In the finished version, carefully cut its edges with scissors and proceed to the decor.

Decorating a glamorous bedside table can be different. If you cover it with shiny colored paper, similar to multi-colored foil, then there will be a glamorous look, especially if it is crimson, silver, gold. If you want the bedside table to look like a real one, then use imitation wood, colored wallpaper with small patterns or paper similar to them. It is sold in children's art stores.

Gently straighten the paper, apply glue to the wrong side. Spread it so that the foil becomes even. Then glue the back, side with paper, level it until it dries. This is done by the side of the ruler or by a blunt turn of the knife. Boxes can be decorated completely or partially. You need to stick paper on the retractable part, and if you want it to become completely colored, you can extend it and paste it with paper on the outside or inside. The paper also needs to be flattened.

When it dries, proceed to the handles. Take a bead, drop glue on its base. Attach it to the middle of the drawer drawer. Do the same with the rest of the beads, which should be in an even row. They can be replaced with voluminous self-adhesive rhinestones. When they dry, the nightstand is ready.

Doll coffee table

A beginner can do it. You will need:

  • Square or elongated box of cream, soap.
  • Thick tape, scissors.
  • Colored paper like foil.
  • Glue.

Take a cardboard box. Cut out the front and back of it. Then glue it with large tape from the inside, then from the outside. It is important that it lies without folds - the attractiveness of the product will depend on this. Then start decorating.

Carefully cut the paper to fit the width of the box. Then stick it on a layer with tape. Paper with a self-adhesive layer is most suitable, on which you need to carefully apply glue, smooth the layer until it dries. Remove glue residue, dry the paper.

This piece of furniture is used as a coffee table for Barbie or hanging cabinet, which is glued to the wall of the house or put several products in one row. And if you combine it with glamorous bedside tables, you get beautiful closet for Barbie. A few more elements need to be added to it. Then furniture for dolls will be stylish and glamorous. She can furnish a room in one style.

Wardrobe for dolls

You will need:

  • 1, 2 bedside tables (see "How to make a bedside table").
  • 6 coffee tables for Barbie (see " Coffee table for Barbie).
  • Large cardboard for the back wall.
  • Cardboard for the cabinet door (this can be part of the cream box).
  • Beads according to the number of doors.
  • Silver foil that looks like a mirror.
  • Scissors, glue and tape.

First, place the boxes over the area of ​​the cardboard. It will be the back wall of the cabinet. Place the matchboxes in a row in the middle. Having determined the right amount and proportions, get to work. Make a bedside table with drawers, as in the description. The table, as a shelf in the closet, needs some work. If at first it was necessary to cut out the front and back, now the back is cut out, and the front serves as a cabinet door. It doesn't need to be cut. Cut it to cut from three sides without cutting the door, and paste over with colored paper outside and inside.

When choosing details, it is important that all boxes are the same height and width, then it will look nice and neat. When you have decided on the number of elements, cut off the excess. Get to work.

Define an empty space. It must be pasted over in advance with silver foil imitating a mirror. can be pasted and beautiful picture. It depends on personal taste. In one set, experts do not recommend using two shiny textures, and if you make all bedside tables and cabinets from raspberry shiny fabric, replace the mirror part beautiful photo. Paste it ahead of time. Hide the edges of the picture behind the cabinets.

When all the details are ready, glue them to the back wall. If you want the doors to close easily, attach a sticker or padlock to them. One part is attached to the door, the other to the side wall. They are made from hook-and-loop fasteners. They hold the door securely.

In addition to cabinets, tables and bedside tables, they also make for Barbie upholstered furniture. For example, a folding sofa. Such furniture for modern dolls will look bright and beautiful. Yes, and the material for design depends on your imagination. Here's how to do it.

Folding sofa for Barbie

You will need:

  • A large piece of thick cardboard.
  • Several sponges for dishes, the same size.
  • stapler.
  • Black velvet material.
  • Upholstery material.
  • Ribbon and Velcro.
  • Scissors, glue and ruler.

Glue the sponge to the cardboard. Cut it to size. Do the same with the rest of the sponges. You will get three identical pieces. Wrap them with material and secure with a stapler from below. Then take the material slightly smaller than the size of the piece and stick it on the surface from the inside, hiding the traces of fixing. Before us are three identical parts.

We process the back. Cut it out of cardboard, put the material on top. Secure with a stapler. Stick the velvet material on the fastening.

Lay the mattresses on top of each other and apply to the back. Then glue the bottom mattress and secure with tape. Attach it around the entire perimeter of the mattress and secure at the back with glue. Then wrap the tape around the top mattress. Spread the glue over the surface, except for the middle, which will be a loop. She is being pulled to unfold the sofa. The tape does not need to be glued to the wall, because it is fixed at the back with Velcro.

The sofa is ready. To unfold it, open the Velcro and pull the loop. Then carefully fold and use.

Fairy glamor chairs for dolls

They are easy to make from a regular can of Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. To do this, cut the jar into many thin strips. It is better if someone adult does this, as it is easy to cut yourself on the edges of the jar. When the jar is cut, you need to direct part of the strips up (about 1/4 of the entire mass), and all the rest down. Then divide the bottom strips by the number of legs and get to work.

Measure the number of strips that will go on each leg, then start twisting them on the sides. At the same time, the middle leg should remain the longest leg, since it will become the main support of the leg, which sets its length. You can twist the strips in different directions, symmetrically or asymmetrically, depending on your design. When all the legs are ready, you can proceed to the back. It needs to be twisted in the same way as the legs, from the edges to the middle, after which you can proceed to the decor.

The chair looks incomplete without a seat. For him, you need to cut the sponge in diameter, carefully rounding the top. Cover with material and fix on the underside with glue. It is better to use superglue that fixes metal surfaces. When the seat is dry, apply glue again to the surface, attach to the seat of the chair. It dries up and you're done.

A few chairs will allow you to create fantastic attributes of a magical castle. The main emphasis of the design of the chairs depends on the color and texture of the upholstery of the seat. The darker, the more mystical options you will make. Dark shades of purple, emerald or blue are more suitable for Monster Hite magic dolls than for a glamorous Barbie or a good fairy. Pink, cream, red tones will create a glamorous or vintage piece, complemented by a round silver table with a leg, and colorful fabric will create a unique vintage flavor.

Floor lamp for dolls

You can make it from aluminum wire and a lampshade. It is made from threads, special beads for decoration or a lace frame.

Beads can be bought at craft stores. They come in different sizes, but wicker ones are suitable for work. They will allow you to create a floor lamp in the style of "country". For glamour, lace lampshades are more suitable. They do it that way.

A cone is made from cardboard or thick paper. Then lace is glued on it. If desired, you can fix them with pearl-tipped needles, then the lampshade will look glamorous. Then let's move on to the frame.

To do this, you need to bend the wire at the bottom and string a thin rod on it. From above, straighten the ends in different directions and put a lampshade on them. Fasten it. The floor lamp is ready and you can put it in the dollhouse. It will suit any design and will be an indispensable decoration. Especially if it's a bedroom, a lounge or even a balcony of Barbie and her friends.

This is not all furniture for dolls that you can make with your own hands. But it will allow the child to unleash their creative potential, becoming a stepping stone to creating masterpieces.

Do-it-yourself doll furniture, photo: