Expansion of the doorway. Technology for expanding a doorway in a brick wall Enlarging an opening in a load-bearing wall

In the process overhaul a situation may arise when the dimensions of the old opening for installing new, stylish, wide doors are clearly too small. If manipulations occur with the interior partition, there will be no special problems - there will be no detrimental consequences from such a local reconstruction and the work can be done independently.

However, if the property owners planned to implement a project for expansion of openings in load-bearing walls, it is advisable to enlist the help of qualified performers. main feature load-bearing wall - to ensure the safety and integrity of the overall structure of the building, so any destructive impacts can lead to an undesirable outcome.

When, without widening an existing opening standard sizes not enough:

  • In the process of redevelopment of the apartment;
  • When it is urgent to replace old and install new window and door structures;
  • If you choose the wrong approach and the wrong technique, the appearance of cracks and other internal defects in the wall will not take long.

A team of responsible, professional specialists have a comprehensive approach to solving these issues.


  1. Departure to the object;
  2. Conducting an initial inspection of the opening with the choice of the optimal method of dismantling;
  3. Coordination of the selected technological procedure with the customer (with additional recommendations);
  4. Direct execution of plans repair work within a clearly defined time frame with a guarantee of quality;
  5. Installation of reinforcing metal structures (if necessary);
  6. Complete elimination of the consequences of the repair.

When bringing large furniture or bulky equipment into the room.

Today, diamond cutting is the best solution for sawing concrete and brick walls. Impactless impact on the surface allows you to maintain the nominal strength of the wall, achieve the ideal geometry of the opening and practically get rid of the dust spreading throughout the room.

Due to the observance of building codes and safety rules at the facility, competent craftsmen are able to expand almost any opening with further reinforcement using a metal frame.


Takes into account individual parameters:

  • The size of the cut fragments;
  • The complexity of the work;
  • The number of running meters of cut;
  • The need to use special equipment;
  • Construction debris removal, etc.

To conduct an accurate calculation of the final cost, it is better to contact the manager-consultant of the repair and construction organization and settle all your questions over the phone. If the thickness of the brick or concrete wall does not exceed 25 cm, experienced craftsmen use a hand cutter, and a powerful hydraulic wall saw may be required to eliminate thick-walled sections.

It is important to understand that only true professionals can guarantee the safety and efficiency of the entire range of work. First-class experts, according to a well-thought-out algorithm, will dismantle wall structures as soon as possible.

Pay special attention to strengthening the opening

To reinforce the opening brick wall, in a special niche above the opening, a solid reinforced concrete beam or a metal channel is installed. Concrete mortar is used to fill the resulting voids. In order for the protective frame made of steel corners to be reliable and durable and form an integral structure, it is connected to the brickwork using anchor bolts.

According to an identical scheme, the opening in the carrier is strengthened concrete wall. The only difference in the technological process is the absence of preliminary reinforcement with corners - it is enough to install rolled metal around the perimeter. If the room does not have a fine finish - a construction site, a reconstructed object, then this is an ideal option. In a residential building, it is advisable to use more gentle methods, using a construction vacuum cleaner to eliminate dust and provide waterproofing that will prevent possible leakage of coolant to the lower floors.

December 16, 2017

At the time of repair work, there is often a need to increase the door or window opening. Diam-Service specialists will carry out work to expand the passage in a panel house and any other building.

Remember that doing this work on your own, without involving experienced craftsmen not desirable. Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, experts will evaluate the scope of work, determine whether this wall is a load-bearing structure, and calculate what is the price for expanding the opening in the concrete wall.

How we are working

You leave an online application or order a call back

Our manager consults and clarifies the details of the service

Cost calculation
Departure of a specialist and a preliminary assessment of the cost of work

Place an order and sign a contract

Execution of work
Prompt implementation works according to the contract

Acceptance of works
Acceptance of works and payment by the Customer for our services

Features of expanding the doorway

The expansion of the doorway in a panel structure has its own characteristics. Before proceeding with the repair, you need to find out which of the walls is the carrier. In most cases, those in panel apartments are external surfaces equipped with window frames. Changing the passage width in bearing wall must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

* All changes are recorded by our specialists in a special form called the “Inspection Certificate”.

* In order for the design to be reliable, after removing extra centimeters panel wall, the opening is strengthened by the craftsmen with metal beams.

* Any changes in the design are recorded in a graphical form, dimensions are recorded. After that, the updated data are coordinated in the BTI.

Having done all the work, including registration of updates in the relevant authorities, our managers will calculate the price for the work to expand the opening.

If your house is built of reinforced concrete panels, you can expand the window openings to the desired dimensions by carrying out additional reinforcement. In this case, fixing updates in the BTI is not required.

In the brick wall above the window and door passages there is always a concrete beam, which is mounted by builders during the construction of the house. In order for a new door or window unit to be securely installed in a new opening, it is necessary to lengthen the upper lintel. Our masters lengthen the upper lintels with the help of rolled channels. This ensures the reliability and durability of structures.

Methods for expanding the opening in the wall

If you decide to order an extension from us garage doors or door, window openings in a structure for any purpose, familiarize yourself with the methods used by Diam Service specialists in their work:

  • Diamond method for cutting concrete.
  • Percussion-dynamic method, for which a powerful perforator is used.

The first method differs in speed of execution. Our masters in most cases resort to it. The diamond wheel mounted on the cutting mechanism allows you to cut the opening exactly according to predetermined parameters. This reduces the time required to complete the task and the amount of dust that inevitably arises during the repair.


Every customer is concerned about the issue of price. You can find out how much our work costs on the website of the Diam Service company. You have the opportunity to calculate the cost using a special calculator, here on the site. For all questions regarding the pricing and stages of work carried out by our specialists, please contact the phone number listed on the Diam Service Internet portal.

You can leave a request through the online form, and our specialists will contact you to clarify the details within an hour!

Expanding the doorway is a very responsible and time-consuming task. To cope with this task, you will have to make a lot of efforts, and we are talking not only about physical actions. After all, before starting such work, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission for this. In this article, we will consider in detail all the subtleties of the process of increasing the doorway, and also give a few concrete examples successful redevelopment.


Many are interested in whether work with an opening is considered redevelopment. The answer to this question is unequivocal: absolutely any structural change in the premises, which is listed in the corresponding BTI plan, is considered redevelopment.

If you want to remake the doorway in a private house, you will not have much trouble. However, when it comes to expanding the opening in a multi-storey building, the matter takes on a completely different turn. To implement such a decision, special project documentation is drawn up. And all subsequent work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the papers. After all, the slightest miscalculations can lead to disastrous results. For example, errors during independent intervention in the structure of a house can provoke the destruction of a building or a load-bearing wall. In addition, in this case, you will receive a monetary penalty from government agencies.

And eliminate Negative consequences work will be at your own expense.

When you need to remake a doorway in a panel house, you can easily find out the specific dimensions and possible options design changes. Since such houses were built according to the same type, the requirements for them are the same, while increasing the height or width of the opening in a brick building is possible only after preliminary calculations.

In general, the size of most interior and entrance doors does not exceed 70 or 80 centimeters. The maximum allowable dimensions of the structure are no more than 200 in width and 210 centimeters in height.

Violating such parameters is possible only with additional reinforcement.

How to expand?

There are several ways to accomplish this task, and each of them will require different tools. Let's take a closer look at the three main methods.

With a perforator and a jackhammer

This is the most obvious, so-called "brute" method. To work, you will need a puncher, sledgehammer or other similar tool. Next, you need to designate the areas around the perimeter of the doorway that need to be removed. Now it remains just to knock down the excess concrete with a perforator or jackhammer. This method does not require special training or a long time.

However, one should not forget about the significant disadvantages of such an approach. Firstly, such a process is very difficult and energy-consuming. Secondly, due to excessive loading or improper handling, cracks can appear in the concrete wall. This means that in the future, additional Finishing work to hide the imperfections. Moreover, gaps that are too large can lead to significant damage in the load-bearing wall.

It is very important to remember this when performing work and strictly monitor the process.

Using a grinder

If you want to quickly and easily make cuts in reinforced concrete walls, then you can use the well-known tool - a grinder. She can even cut rebar with ease. You should only be extremely careful when making a cut, since it is important to make it equal on both sides of the wall. The disadvantage of this method is the education a large number dust and rapid wear of the diamond blade of the grinder. And also the fact that a smooth cut requires special skill.

But you can resort to a little trick to make the process cleaner. To do this, you will need a regular spray bottle with water. Just water the wall surface regularly to avoid the spread of dust and dirt.

Thus, the process of increasing the opening will become much more convenient and safe.

Using a construction cutter

This option for changing the size of the doorway is the most acceptable. A special construction cutter is a tool that consists of a diamond cutting disc, as well as containers for storing water. The use of such a device will allow you to quickly, accurately and dust-free expand the opening in width and height in wooden house or brick building.

Upon completion of the process of increasing the opening, it is important to properly inspect the walls. If any chips and cracks are found, they should be immediately eliminated in order to avoid further destruction of the material.

How to increase?

So, now you know exactly how to increase the dimensions of the doorway. But what if you need to reduce them? This situation may arise if you cut off the excess when expanding the space. Or maybe you just need an extension to fit a smaller door.

The specific method required to implement such a work depends entirely on the material from which the wall was made. When building a brick opening, a brick is used, cement mortar, spatula and other auxiliary tools. Take accurate measurements and start laying. Please note that in order to increase the height of the opening, it is important to make a jumper from a wooden bar and reinforcement.

If you neglect this rule, the structure may simply collapse.

When you need to reduce the opening for interior door, you will need ordinary drywall. After taking all measurements, apply a special adhesive on the side and top of the opening. Then glue the pre-cut drywall pieces. This method is the most optimal when redeveloping an apartment. It does not require a lot of time and money. To increase the opening in a wooden house, you should use a beam.

And to change the size of the opening in a concrete wall, it is optimal to use cement mortar.

How to agree?

As we said above, it is important to coordinate the work on changing the size of the opening for the door with the BTI.

First of all, you need to prepare a package of all necessary documents, which include:

  • relevant statement;
  • redevelopment plan;
  • technical passport BTI.

You will also need a special permit from the SRO, which will state the safety and possibility of redevelopment.

So, now you know everything about the process of expanding and reducing the opening for the door. The information from our article will help you quickly and easily cope with this task. The main thing is to make the right calculations and clearly monitor the safety of the procedure.

We also remind you once again that carrying out any redevelopment without the appropriate permission is strictly prohibited.

Good Examples

Consider a few specific examples of the correct resizing of the doorway.

Expansion of the opening in the load-bearing wall with reinforcement

Here is a good example of competently increasing the opening in compliance with all the necessary rules. Concrete cutting was carried out according to a pre-marked pattern, after which the structure was reinforced with a metal frame. Thus, the appearance of cracks and faults in the future is excluded. This is very important when it comes to a load-bearing wall, because its deformation can lead to the destruction of the building.

Enlargement of the opening in the form of an arch

This work requires a lot of experience and skill. Accurate and accurate in the implementation of such a process is achieved with the help of the professionalism of the craftsmen and the efficiency of special equipment. Specifically, to increase this opening, diamond cutting technology was used. This is a modern and effective way to change the size of the doorway. The resulting design is securely fixed with strong metal plates, which are fixed to special anchor bolts. It should be noted that for the implementation of such a project, one should contact only experienced specialists.

During repair work in a country house or in an apartment, as well as when redevelopment is being done, owners are often faced with the need to expand the existing doorway. In general, these works do not belong to the category of complex ones, and therefore both the owner and invited specialists can perform them. It is only important to follow certain rules and know some of the nuances.

How the expansion of the doorway is made, we will describe below. The procedure itself does not take much time - a maximum of one or two days. In the presence of necessary tools and knowledge, the only problem that will have to come to terms with is the laboriousness of the process.

Under no circumstances should you forget about the legal side of the issue. In certain situations, such work is regarded as redevelopment, which means that in the available technical certificate living quarters will need to be modified. This will not work if you carry out all the work without informing the relevant utilities.

It should be understood that the expansion of the doorway located in the bearing wall requires mandatory coordination with authorized authorities. Considered changes to this case referred to as a "partial breakdown". All work must be carried out competently, with preliminary calculations, ensuring the preservation of the strength characteristics of the structure. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the task to professionals.

Remember, arbitrariness is an offense and you may later have to pay a fine and have to restore the wall to its original state.

By and large, all work is carried out in the same way on walls built from the most different materials. The procedure here is as follows:

  • mark with a pencil using the level of the border of the new opening;
  • we drill with a puncher along the contour of the hole;
  • we strengthen the structure;
  • cut out or knock out an unnecessary fragment.

In the process, it is allowed to use a variety of tools:

  • perforator;
  • a sledgehammer with a chisel;
  • grinder.

The most accurate way to get an opening is if you use the last device. If the work is done in a wall of foam concrete or gypsum blocks, then the most ordinary hacksaw for wood is enough.

A special professional circular saw equipped with large-diameter diamond blades helps to cope with concrete structures. Its use allows:

  • avoid excessive noise;
  • reduce vibration, which acts destructively on surrounding structures;
  • cut with millimeter precision.

Depending on the type of material used in the construction of the wall, the list of works is different. There are also a number of nuances and features.

In particular, the following tools will help to expand the passage in a concrete wall:

  • perforator, 10 mm drill to it and a blade;
  • grinder with a circle for metal;
  • sledgehammer or heavy hammer;
  • chisel.

The work itself is carried out in the following order:

  • new boundaries of the opening are outlined on the wall;
  • holes are drilled through the perimeter (step - 50 mm);
  • further, with a spatula inserted into the perforator, the integrity of the gaps is destroyed;
  • the fittings inside are sawn with a grinder;
  • the fragment separated from the wall is brought down with a hammer.

As you can see, the technology itself is quite simple. However, the work takes a lot of effort, in addition, the process is accompanied by strong vibration and a lot of dust.

Works in a brick wall

Any wall consisting of masonry materials delivers a lot of trouble:

  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • bricks, etc.

First of all, you will need:

  • grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel.

If we are talking about a supporting structure, you should prepare a mortgage - a steel beam or two wide corners. In other cases, a wooden lintel - a hardwood bar - is enough. These elements will help protect the opening from collapse. Their dimensions should exceed the width of the door by at least 20 centimeters.

The work is done like this:

  • a new contour is drawn;
  • the plaster is completely knocked down to the brick;
  • the old mortgage is cut out with a grinder or a circular saw;
  • a new jumper is installed;
  • fixed as securely as possible;
  • the remaining voids are filled with brick fragments mixed with concrete mortar.

The next stage is carried out no earlier than the cement hardens. When the mortgage is finally fixed, the unnecessary fragment is cut out. If the wall is too thick, then pre-cut bricks are knocked out with a hammer and chisel. Then proceed to the next row.

When making an opening in brick or concrete, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • canned glasses.

It is also recommended to periodically moisten the surface of the wall with water - you can’t do without dust at all, but its amount in the air will noticeably decrease. Keep in mind that the latter easily spreads throughout the house, so it is important to properly isolate the room in which the work is carried out.

About possible risks

When work to expand the opening is carried out independently, the risk of cracking the walls and their subsequent destruction due to the loss of strength characteristics increases significantly. If possible, try to avoid the generation of dangerous vibrations.

When using power tools, the utmost care must be taken. In particular, under no circumstances remove the protection from the grinder. Of course, this will allow you to establish a larger circle, but with the slightest careless movement, it is not difficult to get a serious injury.

Many property owners are not happy with the typical layout of their apartment. Professional construction and repair organizations will help transform appearance dwellings, having qualitatively completed the whole range of works, an integral stage of which is expansion of openings in load-bearing walls. It is unlikely that it will be possible to realize the plan on its own, without the involvement of experienced specialists. To the whole technological process did not take much time and financial costs, the simultaneous implementation of the following factors will be required:

  • Make accurate preliminary calculations;
  • Find a competent performer. Only top-class professionals with relevant specialized skills and the ability to handle modern technology will be able to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time;
  • Create the most comfortable working conditions for workers, in particular, free access to the facility;
  • Think over the budget of the event, having calculated all the cost items for the wages of craftsmen, the rental of specialized tools, the removal of construction waste and other important nuances.

Prices: Diamond cutting (diamond blade)

Thickness of structures (cm.)BrickConcreteMonolithAsphalt
Up to 12400 700 900 300
13-15 600 900 1300 450
16-19 800 1200 1600 580
20-22 1200 1600 2000 800
23-25 1600 2000 2300 -
26-30 2000 2300 2800 -
31-35 2300 2800 3300 -
36-40 2800 3300 3800 -
41-50 3300 3800 4300 -
51-60 3800 4300 4800 -
61-70 4300 4800 5300 -
71-80 4800 5300 5800 -

Possible actions when expanding openings

It is important to understand that independent dismantling works using a puncher, sledgehammer and jackhammer, can cause a lot of trouble.

Removing concrete fragments of walls with an impact tool along a preliminary outlined contour is a very time-consuming task that will take a lot of time. At the same time, due to constant vibration loads, the strength of wall structures will significantly decrease, and microcracks will appear on the surface.

Dismantling window and door blocks

Using a grinder to enlarge a doorway is a relatively good alternative, but dry cuts will have to be made on both sides of the wall, and the ubiquitous dust will cause discomfort until the very end of the work process. By the way, the diamond disc is subject to more wear due to rapid overheating.

The most gentle and effective method, which is successfully used by true professionals, is a special diamond setting. As a result, the elimination of excess sections of the wall occurs much faster, the cut is neat, of the correct shape, and the level of pollution formed during dismantling is minimal.

Frequent reasons why the customer resorts to the service of increasing openings in load-bearing walls:

  1. Visual expansion of space without changing the overall dimensions of the living space. The room will seem more spacious, bright;
  2. Installing a modern, fashionable door structure in an old opening is not possible due to size mismatch;
  3. Personal design preference.

Experts recommend that before carrying out changes in the supporting structures of prefabricated houses, it is necessary to have a clear understanding that there are certain risks. If you do not comply with generally recognized construction and technological standards and tolerance standards, without paying enough attention to strengthening the opening, you can cause irreversible damage to the integrity of the structure.

The formation of a strong frame is a preventive measure

The correct technique in brick and concrete load-bearing walls is a guarantee of safety for the inhabitants of the house. An electric cutter or a power cutter are efficient units that will allow you to achieve the desired result as quickly and efficiently as possible. The wall is gradually cut into separate rectangular or square blocks, metal-roll is used for strengthening.

In brick buildings, the technological process has some differences. To brickwork did not collapse over the opening, it will be necessary to install a floor beam - a metal channel or a reinforced concrete beam. With a significant thickness of the brick wall, it is appropriate to frame the opening with metal corners.

Additional strengthening of the opening with the installation of a protective metal structure is a mandatory procedure, especially in older buildings, as well as obtaining permission for redevelopment from the relevant housing authorities. For example, by increasing the width of the door, there will be an excess of the impact on the load-bearing wall with a remote section from the side of the overlying floors. it critical situation which can lead to fatal consequences.

For the correct implementation of the process expansion project, it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions:

  • Preliminary preparation of the working space: providing access to the electrical network, protecting furniture and other items with a film from building dust;
  • Provision of special bags for the removal of debris and other debris;
  • The use of a respirator and special glasses so that small fragments do not damage the eyes and face of the performers.