When is the best time to repot trees and shrubs? Planting large trees: how to transplant mature trees? When can a tree be transplanted to another place?

Best time for transplanting trees - late autumn and early spring. At the same time, autumn transplants are better than spring ones, since the seedling gets the opportunity to grow roots all winter. And qualitatively prepare for the spring growing season. However, autumn plantings are not always possible.

When can and when not to plant trees in the fall? And what conditions must be created for a seedling to survive 100%?

There are quite certain conditions under which a transplanted tree gets the opportunity to completely restore the root system and start the growing season in a timely manner.

This is the optimal soil moisture and temperature, taking into account the age of the tree, with a minimum time between digging and planting, and, of course, during the period of the biological dormancy of the tree, winter sleep.

wet soil

In scientific terms, the moisture content of the soil around the roots of the seedling should be 70-80%. This means that 70-80% of the air pores will be occupied by water. Soil moisture can be measured with a special device - a moisture meter. Or if there is no device, then the old-fashioned method.

To do this, you need to take a lump of earth in the palm of your hand, squeeze it slightly and release it. If after that the lump crumbles easily, then the humidity is insufficient and ranges from 20% to 50%. If the lump does not crumble even when thrown, the humidity reaches 70-80%. At 100% humidity, wet earth sticks to the fingers in small lumps.

Note: high soil moisture around the roots is necessary in the first months after transplantation. After - you can reduce it to the usual levels, namely 10-20% for sandy loam and 25-40% for loam.

soil temperature

Tree roots grow at soil temperatures from +4°С to +30°С. At these temperatures, new root hairs grow, the roots branch, and juices are absorbed from the soil. At the same time, the best and fastest root growth occurs in the range from +10 to +20°C.

Biological peace of the seedling

The biological dormancy of the tree begins with the fall of the leaves and lasts until the buds swell. At this time, there is no sap flow in the seedlings, there is no evaporation. Therefore, their wood does not lose moisture during transportation, and does not lose its supply of nutrients.

Sap flow also explains why a seedling dug out with leaves quickly dries out - it loses moisture during evaporation. It also depletes its supply of nutrients.

Note: the fall of the leaves not only creates "peace" for the tree, but also indicates the maximum ripening of the shoots.

As long as there are leaves on the branches, the movement of juices and vegetation continues, the shoots “ripen”. That is why seedlings dug out before leaf fall have many “immature” shoots, which are sure to freeze slightly in winter.

Time between digging and planting

The minimum transplant time increases the chances of the tree to quickly and painlessly take root in a new place. This is due to the peculiarities of sap flow. The fluid inside the tree trunk moves from bottom to top - from the ground (where the salt concentration is lower) to the tree (the salt concentration is higher in it).

When transporting, long-term storage, wood cells lose moisture and salt. The movement of juices in such seedlings does not occur even when planted in very wet soil. The seedling dries up.

tree age

The age indicator affects the speed and ease of survival of a seedling, an adult tree. When transplanting, part of the roots is lost. A young tree restores the root system faster than an old one. Therefore, transplanting young seedlings up to 3 years old is preferable than older trees.

Note: this does not mean that mature trees cannot be transplanted to a new place.

This means that for their successful establishment, it will be necessary to work hard, dig up a tree with a large lump, transport it by transport, and then spend more time on watering and subsequent care of the transplanted tree.

Transplantation in the fall: for!

And now let's analyze what conditions are created during autumn and spring plantings. And when is it better to transplant trees - in spring or autumn?

Soil moisture in autumn

Soil moisture in autumn is maintained by itself. After an autumn transplant, the soil is optimally moist for the next 3-4 months without additional watering. The exception is the southern regions, where autumn can be dry. In other regions, after the autumn rains, best conditions for a transplant.

With the onset of winter, the need for watering disappears by itself. During the frost period, the top layer of soil freezes by 5-10 cm, and the moisture content of the lower layers is maintained at optimal level before the onset of spring.

As for spring plantings, they require constant watering. At the same time, with the onset of summer heat, the soil periodically dries up, and this slows down the growth of new root hairs. In addition, the beginning of vegetation requires the active work of the roots and the absorption of water, followed by its evaporation from the surface of the leaves.

The roots of a newly transplanted tree are unable to provide a seedling necessary quantity moisture. The transplanted tree develops very slowly and partially dries up.

Autumn soil temperature

During the autumn planting of seedlings, the soil retains the heat accumulated over the summer. When it is already +5 outside, the temperature of the soil at the depth of the roots is about +10 ° C. At the same time, there is an additional bonus - the vegetation has already stopped, there is no sap flow, the roots "work" without load.

Thus, they create ideal conditions to restore the root system. Cool on top, warm enough at the bottom near the roots. And yet - it is humid, we talked about this in the previous section.

In winter, only the upper layers of the soil freeze. With the correct transplantation of seedlings to a sufficient depth, when their root system is in the non-freezing zone, slow root growth can last all winter.

The exception here will be the northern regions, in which the soil freezes deep enough. In such areas, young seedlings may freeze completely after autumn planting. And only those trees will survive in winter, the root system of which stretches deep and reaches the frost line.

Note: winter root growth under snow explains why seedlings planted in autumn are already able to release leaves, bloom and bear fruit by spring.

For them, the winter period has become a time of growth and preparation for spring. Therefore transplant fruit trees in the fall creates the conditions for their fruiting for the next season. Spring seedlings will need to build up the root system during the summer.

As for planting in the spring, the soil after winter warms up more slowly than air. root system grows worse.

Autumn planting dates

When can trees be transplanted in autumn? Landing times vary by region. At the same time, even in the same region, the dates may shift - depending on the autumn temperatures and the variety / type of tree / shrub. Planting begins at the end of leaf fall, when the trees have completely shed their foliage. The end of planting falls on the first frost, at which the soil begins to freeze.

Note: in the southern regions, planting trees is possible as long as the soil is not frozen. That is, not only in autumn, but also at the beginning of winter, in December.

When autumn planting is not suitable

Autumn tree planting is not suitable for two regions:

  • Territories with very cold winters, in which the ground freezes to a depth of 50-60 cm or more. In such a winter, a young tree can freeze. Only those trees survive, the root system of which is located below the frost line. In cold climates, trees are transplanted in the spring, after the soil has thawed. So that the seedling has time to build up the root system and prepare for the harsh winter.
  • Extreme southern regions with dry, not rainy autumn. Here the soil has low humidity, the conditions for engraftment are average. The best plantings in such areas are at the beginning of winter.

Replanting large trees

Transplantation of large trees is possible only together with a large clod of earth. Transplantation of bare roots is not suitable here. Without a coma, an adult tree will die after transplantation.

Transplanting with the ground or transplanting with a lump is a time-consuming, but guaranteed way. It is important to understand that the main nutrition of the tree is provided by thin absorbent roots. It is they who are torn off when cleaning the roots from the soil.

For a successful transplant big tree it is necessary to dig its roots with a large clod of earth. The size of the coma depends on the age of the tree and its size. So, a 5-year-old tree with a trunk diameter of 15-20 cm must be dug out with a lump 70-80 cm deep and up to 1.5 m in diameter.

Note: to facilitate digging up a large clod, it is worth watering the ground well.

To preserve moisture, after digging out a clod of earth is wrapped with a polyethylene cloth. From the outside, the fabric is tightly wrapped, fixed to prevent shedding of the earth and breaking thin roots.

After planting, the surface of the earth above the roots is mulched by 15-20 cm, for better moisture retention.

So, transplanting in the fall ...

The best time to transplant trees is the second half of autumn. At this time, the tree must complete the growing season, form young mature shoots, accumulate a supply of nutrients and shed its leaves. Their absence will reduce the load on the roots. And it will create conditions for recovery and growth in moist, warm autumn soil.

An exception to the rule of autumn transplantation will be the northern regions with long cold winters and deep freezing of the soil. As well as the extreme southern regions, subject to the absence of autumn rains.

Tree transplant, which is used in landscape design and landscaping - a specialized agricultural technique when adult large-sized plants are moved from one place to another in order to create a garden, park, or square in a new place in a short period of time. From a technical point of view, this is a responsible and complex process that allows you to skip the stage of waiting for the growth of small seedlings, and in a short period of time to get an absolutely finished composition. Trees are usually transplanted in early spring or in late autumn so that they take root better. It can be transplanted in winter, but on one condition - the temperature should not fall below 25 degrees below zero. Features of transplantation for trees may be different, depending on age. If the age of the tree is about 4-5 years, then it is up to you to decide whether to replant it with or without a clod of earth. If your tree is 7-10 years old, then an earthen ball is already needed here, and its diameter should be at least 1.25 meters. An older tree, up to 15 years old, needs an earthen ball already about one and a half meters in diameter. Well, not every specialist will be able to transplant a tree whose age exceeds 15 years. After all, you need to save the main part of the skeletal roots of the plant. To do this, one condition must be met - the soil lump must be more than 60-80 cm high. Also, if the tree needs to be transported far or the soil in which the tree grew is too loose, in order to preserve the roots from mechanical damage, it is necessary to sheathe the lump with boards or some other material suitable for covering the tree. A pit for planting a large-sized plant should be prepared in advance, and its diameter should be 50-60 cm larger than the diameter of the earthen clod.

After it happened tree planting, the next step is to fill the hole with good fertile soil. After that, you need to water the planting site of our tree and strengthen the seedling itself, and this is where special materials come to the rescue - wire rocking chairs. Next, you need to close the trunk with wet moss or burlap. Depending on the situation, transplanted trees can sometimes also be pruned. Of course, large-sized breeds need special care, which depends on the time of year. When caring for a tree in the summer, it is necessary to water, mulch, and loosen the soil around it. You also need to deal with various pests and diseases of the tree. autumn care behind your tree will not be much different from the summer - it will still be necessary to mulch the soil with manure or peat, as well as loosen it. But care in cold weather is completely different: it will be necessary to tie up all the places where the main branches branch out with reeds or spruce branches. What you should pay attention to: berry breeds should be transplanted in the fall, and not in the spring, because such trees have a very early growing season. If you replant in the fall, then the chances that the trees will take root well increase significantly.

To date transplanting coniferous and fruit trees produced quite frequently. But, despite this, quite often people who are professionally involved in transplantation do not fulfill one condition - a thorough inspection before planting large-sized ones. This seems rather counterintuitive, as it only makes sense to transplant trees that are in good condition, have excellent ecological and aesthetic qualities, and those that are fully sustainable and decorative. It is possible to transplant trees without signs of obvious weakness, or not very weakened, but transplanting weakened trees should be taken only if their breed is of particular value. Even if you are going to replant the most valuable species, but you see that the trees are depleted, be careful. Such trees must meet several specific criteria: they must not have external signs physical aging, various pests and diseases that can affect their natural growth, lifespan, and overall development process. The age of wilting, which can be determined physiologically, is an individual thing for each individual tree species. And it depends not only on nature, but also on the conditions in which the tree is located. For example, in an untouched forest, deciduous trees such as linden, elm, oak, and conifers, such as pines or spruces, can grow for a hundred years, and in specially designed parks, they can live much longer. And if such trees grow in the city? For example, in mini-squares, plantings, residential neighborhoods, or on ordinary city streets? Then these trees will not live so much. Our urban environment affects trees extremely negatively. The duration of a full-fledged life of trees growing in such conditions is significantly reduced. For example, the following data can be cited: up to ninety years in urban conditions, only chestnut, elm, or oak will survive. Ash and linden will live a little less - eighty years. Cedar, larch and pine will not survive this period. Spruce, alder, birch, mountain ash, pear will live for sixty years. Poplar and apple trees live in the city for about half a century. Maples in such conditions will not live even up to forty-five.

Why winter tree planting?

When replanting any large-sized plants, you may encounter such a nuisance as the death of some parts of the root system. This is normal, and you most likely will not be able to avoid it. What are the benefits of winter tree transplantation? The life processes that take place in the entire tree, as a rule, slow down in winter. Indeed, during this period there are no leaves on the tree, and therefore moisture from the surface of the tree evaporates in minimal quantities. Winter for a tree, as for many mammals, is its own ode to hibernation, and in this regard, during a winter transplant, the tree will experience minimal stress. Compared to transplant summer period, the change of location will pass almost imperceptibly for the tree and without any special deviations, just due to the absence of significant moisture losses.

Winter tree planting recommended mainly for those plants whose age ranges from three to twenty years, but sometimes such a transplant may be suitable for older trees. It all depends on the tree itself, that is, all indicators are individual and depend on the breed of the large meter. There is only one general pattern for all types of trees, and it sounds like this: the older the plant, the more difficult the process of transplanting it will be. For those trees that have already seen the species, but, nevertheless, need to be transplanted to a new place that is not very far from where the tree used to grow, you can dig a special trench, where you can then place the tree and move it along the trench with using special cables. But landing fruit trees in the country with the help of this method is a very specific matter, and is not suitable for every case. In this context, this method is used quite rarely.

Here are some tips on how to choose the right size for planting:
- you need to choose those trees that will fit your site. Consider the size of your site and the estimated size of your future tree. Do not forget about the features that are dictated by the landscape and topography of the site where you plan to transplant the plant, the conditions for its maintenance, which depend on nature and climate;
- carefully read the norms and indicators according to which the distance from the walls of houses, and other structures, as well as from neighboring trees, must correspond to clear parameters;
- excellent objects for transplantation are trees that evaporate little moisture, for example, coniferous species; - Before you start transplanting, carefully inspect the tree: is it healthy, is it not affected by pests or diseases. Carefully examine the trunk, branches, and leaves.
- remember that in adulthood, many hardwoods are too sensitive to transplants. We recommend transplanting young trees, but if you really want to, then from hardwoods, bird cherry, horse chestnut, linden, mountain ash, Manchurian walnut, and several types of maples can relatively easily survive transplantation.

Some features of urban tree planting:

Within the city limits, trees are a piece of real estate, which are temporarily taken out of economic circulation. They also represent an important town-planning element;
- trees that meet the standards and requirements for trees growing in an urban area that have fallen into the zone construction works, are subject to transplantation;
- large trees are divided into four subgroups, in ascending order of value: deciduous trees of low value, valuable deciduous trees, especially valuable deciduous trees, and conifers;
- the rules for planting trees are set out in the project documentation, which must be strictly observed. The documentation, in turn, is worked out by local authorities and is established by law;
- Only special gardening organizations have the right to transplant large trees, and they must have practical knowledge of replanting trees in an urban environment; - if planting trees in the country can be done at any time of the year, then within the city, trees cannot be replanted in the summer months;
- Only healthy trees can be transplanted. Plants should not have frost holes or any mechanical damage. Also, the trees should be post-transplant care, about three to five years after transplantation. It continues until the tree is fully established;
- replanting trees with a dry top, underdeveloped crown, heart rot, or elongated trees is not practical.

When replanting trees is undesirable:

The presence of any underground communications under the transplanted tree;
- inaccessibility of the place of transplantation for the entrance of special equipment;
- the presence of any structures in dangerous proximity to the transplanted tree;
- the inability to form a clod of earth that would meet all the requirements (most often this happens when tree plantations are too dense, and also when they are close to the foundation, fence, construction debris, etc.)

Many of us have ever planted at least one seedling. Someone feels a craving for this, someone was just interested, someone did it for agitation reasons. But for this seedling to grow, many years are needed, and people increasingly want the fastest possible effect. It is for these purposes that such a technology as landing large-sized plants has been created. With this technology, it is possible to obtain sufficiently mature and fully formed trees in the shortest possible time. You can purchase both domestic and foreign varieties of wood, since their choice is now quite wide. What is needed for this:
- consult with a specialist who has sufficient qualifications and extensive experience in such work;
- when buying, carefully inspect the earthen ball and how tightly it is braided with roots;
- you can see that the roots of large-sized ones are packed in burlap or wrapped with a net. It's cheap, but not as effective;
- it is preferable to transport plants in plastic containers specially designed for trees.

In the event that the tree does not have a complete earthen ball, or it is damaged, a transplant in the fall is highly undesirable - the tree may not take root at all. Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to transplant a tree to another place within the same area. If you need to build a garage or a bathhouse in the place where the tree is now growing, but at the same time you feel sorry for cutting it down, your choice is a transplant. First you need to prepare a hole. You need to dig it out so that when you move the tree into it, a small ditch would be obtained around the coma. After digging, a material is placed at the bottom of the pit that will provide local drainage: sand, stones, gravel. The size of the pit should be selected taking into account the size of the earthen clod and the vegetation system of the tree being prepared for transplantation. When the pit is already prepared, you can transport a large-sized plant to it, carefully place the plant in it, fill it with a lump by one third, and tamp the soil around the tree a little. The next step is to align the tree along the vertical axis. Immediately after transplanting, without wasting time, you need to properly water the tree. This can be done in two ways. The first, classical method looks like this: a meter from the tree, you need to form an earthen rampart, about 30 cm high, and pour water into the diameter of this shaft. The second option is with plastic pipe, which must be laid in a special trench, sprinkled with earth, and left at the top of its tip, through which watering will be carried out.

The main factor influencing how a transplanted tree will take root is the salt balance. After all, why do nutrients move up from the soil to the roots? This is due to the fact that in the middle of the plant, salt is in greater concentration than in the soil. As a result of transplantation, the tree inevitably partes with part of its own root system, and this causes this balance to be disturbed. How can this be avoided?

First: the root system should be preserved as much as possible. It must be protected from any damage. To achieve this goal, you need to pack the earthen ball very carefully, ensure optimal air flow to it, and also keep its moisture content at an optimal level.

Second: The hole you prepared should be half a meter larger than the snake ball of the tree being transplanted. In this way, you increase the chances that your tree will take root.

Third: Be sure to provide the necessary regular, but in no way excessive watering. How to find out what is the average watering rate? It's simple - one bucket immediately after the end of the transplant, and then - 2-3 buckets per week for a couple of months.

Fourth: one watering to feed the tree, of course, is not enough. Air access to the root system is also necessary. To achieve this, the soil must be mulched with sawdust or special wood pellets, and also loosened.

Transplantation of mature trees is the most practical solution on gardening and ennoblement of an empty landscape in landscape design. Mature trees boast a well-formed crown, developed root system, such trees can turn a gloomy and empty area into a park or even into something resembling a young forest. The choice of time and place for transplanting large trees is not a random decision, and this requires knowledge and experience. However, in the case when you feel sorry for your tree and you do not want to cut it down, perhaps nature itself will say “Thank you” to you!

3.7.6. By size and appearance, trees assigned for transplantation can be conditionally divided into five groups (Table 3.7.2).

Table 3.7.2

Group characteristic

Pruning requirement
at the preparatory

Landing places

Deciduous trees with
trunk diameter up to 15 cm
(birch up to 10 cm) and height
up to 7 m (coniferous - up to 5 m);
coniferous trees diameter
up to 10 cm and height up to 5 m,
usually cultural
origin; grow without
side shading;
distance to neighboring
trees not less than 3 m;
crowns are well developed,

Sanitary cleaning
crowns, small

Territory of residential
excluding adjacent
territories of children's
sites, places
rest and permanent
location of people

Deciduous and coniferous
trees with trunk diameter
up to 15 cm and up to 7 m high;
self-sowing or result
unauthorized landings. grow up
with lateral shading;
distance to neighboring
trees less than 3 m, but
enough for
coma formation
required sizes. crowns
medium rarefied,
asymmetrical, bottom
skeletal branches are
no higher than 3.4 m from the ground

Sanitary and
molding trim

Industrial zones, reserve
territories, buffer
forest areas,

Deciduous and coniferous
trees with trunk diameter
up to 20 cm and up to 12 m high;
grow without lateral
shading; distance to
neighboring trees at least
4-5 m; krone well
developed; lower skeletal
branches start at the top
no more than 4 m from the ground

molding and
anti-aging pruning
with height reduction
tree up to 8-9 m
(except conifers) and
diameter reduction
crowns up to 3-4 m

Industrial zones, reserve
territories, buffer
forest areas,

Deciduous and coniferous
trees with trunk diameter
up to 20 cm and height up to 12 m.
Grow with lateral
shading. Distance to
neighboring trees less than 3-4
m, but enough for
coma formation
required sizes.
Crowns are medium thin,

molding and
anti-aging pruning
with height reduction
tree up to 8-9 m
(except conifers) and
diameter reduction
crowns up to 3-4 m

Industrial zones, reserve
territories, buffer
forest areas,

Deciduous trees with
trunk diameter up to 25 cm and
height 8-12 m.
Grow without lateral
Distance between neighboring
trees at least 5-7 m.
Crowns are well developed

molding and
anti-aging pruning

Industrial zones, reserve
territories, buffer
forest areas,

3.7.7. Appointment for transplantation of trees of especially valuable species with a trunk diameter of more than 25 cm is made in exceptional cases. The decision on the possibility of their transplantation is taken collectively with the involvement of experts, phytopathologists and representatives of landscape gardening organizations that carry out transplantation.

3.7.8. When assigned to tree transplantation 3-5 age groups specialists of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection take into account the possibility of their transportation to the landing site, as well as the risk of a windfall after landing.

3.7.9. The diameter or size of the side of a square of a clod of earth for transplanting large-sized trees must be at least 70 cm with a trunk thickness of up to 5 cm. With an increase in the thickness of the trunk for each centimeter, the size of the coma increases by 10-13 cm.

3.7.10. Transplantation of trees with a trunk diameter of more than 15 cm is carried out with a clod of earth 2.4 x 2.4 x 0.95 m. At the same time, rejuvenating pruning of the crown is performed, while maintaining a total tree height of 8-9 m, with pruning of side branches by 1/3 of the length (except oak, birch and conifers). Due to a significant loss of decorativeness and the threat of falling in strong winds, trees of these parameters can be replanted mainly on the territory of industrial zones and reserve lands.

It is forbidden to transplant trees in the absence of branching at a height of up to 4 m.

3.7.11. When transplanting shrubs, it is necessary to rejuvenate them with the removal of old stems and leaving viable and young shoots without signs of damage by pests and diseases.

3.7.12. On sites of new construction and reconstruction, preparatory work is mandatory if there are large trees of valuable species on the site that are subject to transplantation. Preparation of trees for transplantation is carried out in accordance with the dendroplan and the transfer sheet, which reflect the types, volumes of preparatory measures and the work schedule developed jointly with the landscaping organization that carries out the transplantation.

3.7.13. At the venues overhaul of engineering communications, the customer carries out preparatory work on replanting trees and shrubs in the process of developing project documentation, subject to agreement with organizations operating underground utilities.

3.7.14. Preparatory work for transplanting large-sized trees, it is recommended to carry out 1-2 seasons before the start of transplantation work. They include rejuvenation of the root system with simultaneous shaping and sanitary pruning of trees and subsequent care.

Rejuvenation of the root system is carried out during the growing season, preferably in early spring, after the soil has thawed. A trench 60-70 cm deep is dug around the tree, the inner diameter corresponding to the size of the future coma of earth. The root system is isolated with a synthetic film, and its growth occurs already inside the coma. The trench is covered with sawdust and topped with a layer of earth (10-15 cm). A ridge of earth above the trench serves to hold water during further watering of the trees.

During the summer season, it is necessary to carry out agrotechnical care for the crown and root system of prepared trees using chemical and biological preparations that increase the survival rate of trees.

3.7.15. When transplanting trees to a new location, consider:

Correspondence of the new growing conditions of transplanted trees with the parameters of the site from which they were taken: composition and physical properties soils, microclimate, illumination, humidity, gas pollution, other anthropogenic factors;

Interaction of transplanted trees in the formed biogroups (symbiosis, oppression, light competition);

Correspondence of the area of ​​root nutrition to the parameters of the transplanted tree for further development its root system;

Durability of tree growth in new conditions while maintaining its decorative and sanitary-hygienic qualities.

3.7.16. Transplantation of large-sized trees with a clod in a package (in boxes knocked down from plank boards, in special containers, in soft packaging made of sewn burlap or tarpaulin, in summer time additionally reinforced with chain-link mesh), as a rule, is performed using machines and mechanisms.

3.7.17. When digging up trees, the lump should be packed in tightly fitting packaging (burlap, boxes, etc.). The voids in the coma itself, as well as between the clod and the packaging, must be filled with vegetable soil.

3.7.18. Pruning of a transplanted tree should be carried out in a volume directly proportional to the volume of the root system lost during transplantation. When pruning, it is necessary to strive for the formation of the lowest possible, rounded and compact crowns by removing the terminal shoots and branches in the upper part of the crown and preserving the lower skeletal branches as much as possible. It is also necessary to shorten the growth shoots of the current year to 12-15 cm to remove apical dominance.

3.7.19. Transplantation of large trees is carried out in compliance with a strict sequence and agrotechnical requirements established by practice:

Preparing trees for transplanting:

Perform forming and sanitary trimming of the upper and peripheral parts of the crown (above 9 m), paint over the sections oil paint on natural drying oil or garden pitch;

Remove secondary inclined trunks (if the tree is multi-stemmed) that impede the work, paint over the sections with oil paint on natural drying oil or garden varnish;

Cut thick roots (more than 3 cm in diameter) with scissors or a hacksaw in a trench, paint over the cuts with oil paint on natural drying oil or garden varnish.

Loading and transportation of transplanted trees:

When loading, two workers direct the tree trunk onto the vehicle using a soft rope or rope of sufficient length tied around the tree trunk;

After lifting the tree from the pit, it is lowered to the surface of the earth to check the strength of the packaging and complete the sanitary and molding trimming of the upper part of the crown, the sections are painted over with oil paint on natural drying oil or garden varnish;

Trees are securely installed in the body of a vehicle at a slight angle to the horizon, their trunks are supported on the tailgate of the body and on special props, laid with several layers of burlap, and securely fixed, the crown of the tree is packed with twine and ropes;

Transportation of trees is carried out in accordance with the Rules of the road.

Seating preparation:

Pits are prepared 5-10 days before planting trees;

The length and width of the pit should not be less than 90 cm greater than the dimensions of the sides of the coma, and the depth - by 20-25 cm the height of the coma;

The walls and bottom of the pit must be carefully leveled and cleaned, the bottom is loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm, a layer of plant soil 25 cm thick ("pillow") is poured, the center of the pit is marked with a peg to center the plant during planting;

Fertile land is imported in advance, the amount of which depends on the degree of fertility of the local soil. Infertile soil is renewed by 100%, its volume is equal to the volume of the planting pit minus the volume of the coma;

The workers responsible for transplanting, in the presence of the customer, after preparing the seats, carry out control measurements of the pits, taking into account the height of the root neck of the tree above the design surface of the site, with the expectation of subsequent soil shrinkage.

Tree planting:

Installing a tree with a lump in a pit is carried out using a truck crane or a special machine so that the lump protrudes 5-10 cm (depending on its size) above the ground, which avoids deep planting after subsidence of the soil in the pit;

Landing using specialized technique with partial application manual labor with the participation of two experienced workers who have a rigging certificate and have received special training in loading and unloading heavy loads;

After installation, the lump is wrapped with a polyethylene hose with holes and brought out for the purpose of future watering and the introduction of liquid tree dressings after planting;

When planting trees with a packed clod, the packaging should be removed only after the exact installation of the tree in place;

After installing the tree in a strictly vertical position, the pit is covered with plant soil with layer-by-layer compaction, the lump is carefully lined with plant soil from below and from the sides to avoid voids leading to subsidence and tilt of the plant;

At the end of the backfilling of the earth, an earthen roller is arranged with an area equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the planting pit, in order to eliminate the spreading of water during irrigation. The trunk hole may be somewhat wider than the planting hole. Its sides should be tight and not let water through;

Watering the plant is carried out until the seat is saturated with moisture, after watering it is necessary to remove the gullies, add the missing earth and mulch the surface of the planting pit with a layer of 4 cm;

After watering, it is necessary to straighten and strengthen the tree with the help of special devices with regulators;

During irrigation and subsequent care, it is necessary to use growth stimulants, fertilizers and biologically active substances that increase the survival rate of transplanted trees.

3.7.20. When replanting large-sized trees in winter at an air temperature of at least -15 ° C, the following requirements are met:

The land around the trees scheduled for transplantation, as well as in the planting sites, must be protected from freezing by loosening and backfilling with dry leaves, loose soil or covered with insulating mats;

When transplanting trees, the planting sites should be insulated, for which, within the boundaries of the pit, vegetable soil or fine peat and a layer of snow of at least 50 cm are poured in an even layer of 20-25 cm;

In winter, it is allowed to store trees with a clod of earth in specially prepared places - pits. To protect the root system from severe frosts, and earth clods - from destruction during thaws, it is necessary to cover tree clods with snow or sawdust with a layer of at least 40-50 cm;

Landing sites must be prepared in advance in thawed soil or immediately before planting using special mechanisms operating in frozen soils;

The plant should be installed in a pit on a pillow of thawed soil;

Backfilling of trenches around the coma should be done with thawed plant soil. When planting a tree with a lump, an admixture of frozen clods with a size of no more than 10 cm and in an amount of no more than 10% of the total amount of soil to be filled is allowed; clods frozen ground should not be concentrated in one place;

After planting, it is necessary to carefully cover the hole from freezing with a layer of peat and earth with a thickness of at least 20 cm;

In early spring, the insulating material laid on the near-stem holes should be removed;

In the spring, after the beginning of the thawing of the soil, all the trees should be checked, the leaning trees straightened, but not by pulling the trunk, but by excavating the earth from the back side from the slope to the bottom of the coma;

Strengthening on stretch marks of planted trees should be carried out after thawing of the soil;

When caring for coniferous trees loosening and digging of trunk circles are not allowed.

3.7.21. After transplantation, mandatory and intensive care is required for 3-5 years until their full survival.

3.7.22. Only healthy, well-developed specimens with the limiting parameters given in Table 1 can be planted on the territory of residential microdistricts. 3.7.3.

Table 3.7.3


3.7.23. When transplanting large trees during the growing season, their crown and root system must be treated with growth stimulants.

3.7.24. The natural mortality of transplanted large-sized trees should not exceed 25%.

3.7.25. The replacement of non-rooted large-sized trees is carried out by the landscaping organization - contractor within one year from the moment the transfer ticket is closed. Replacement is made for trees aged 12-15 years, corresponding in their external parameters to GOST 249098/81 and 25769/83.

The species (species) composition of green plantings planted to replace the lost (non-habitat) ones is determined by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, about which an appropriate act is drawn up.

In case of replacement of trees without agreement with the territorial department of environmental control of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow and for non-established trees in excess of natural decay, the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection calculates the damage in accordance with Decree of the Government of Moscow N 897-PP dated November 14, 2006 "On approval of the Methodology for assessing the amount of damage caused environment damage and (or) destruction of green spaces on the territory of the city of Moscow.

park or household plot will look abandoned or deserted unless planted beautiful trees. Therefore, the very first task of novice gardeners is to grow healthy and strong plants, placing them according to the selected composition of the landscape project.

However, growing trees is a long and painstaking process. Not all seedlings take root in a new place. And while they grow up, gain strength and juice - it will take several years, or even decades. And all this time the site will still seem bare and unformed.

What can be done so that from the very first months the garden is decorated with mature mighty trees? Plant large plants.

What is the essence of this method? What varieties are best to choose and at what time of the year to plant? What are the difficulties and what means should be used for its effective implementation? This article is devoted to these issues.

But first, let's find out what large-sized trees are and why they are remarkable.

View designation

A large-sized tree is an adult plant that has reached certain parameters and indicators. For each species and variety of trees, there are separate standards for its maturity.

Nevertheless, general criteria are determined by which large-sized plants can be determined. The most important thing is their age and physiological data. If the tree is more than four years old, if it has a well-developed crown and root system, if the height of its trunk exceeds one and a half meters, then such a plant can be called a large-sized plant.

In order to transplant such large and dimensional specimens, special technologies and devices are required, as well as additional skills and abilities. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Suitable species for transplanting

Not all adult plants are suitable for planting large-sized plants. Among the various species and varieties, the following are most distinguished:

  • deciduous (red and pedunculate oak, linden, mountain ash, elm, ash, birch);
  • spruce, European and Siberian larch);
  • fruit (plum, apricot, pear, cherry, apple tree).

Where do the big ones come from?

Where is the best place to buy planting material? There are at least two options:

  1. Nurseries, where, thanks to special technologies, trees undergo the necessary health procedures, they are prepared for transplantation, and preventive measures are taken to prevent possible diseases. There are several operating nurseries in Russia that meet these criteria. However, you can also use foreign institutions, for example, European and Canadian ones, which supply large-sized products to the Russian Federation, do it quickly and efficiently.
  2. Forest parks. The essence of this option is to dig a tree in an ordinary forest and plant it on your site.

How to choose the right planting material so that it takes root well in a new place?

Selection before purchase

To do this, you should contact a dendrologist who can determine the degree of condition and well-being of each tree.

Consultation with an expert is very important, as a good appearance plants do not always indicate his full health. In addition, many diseases do not appear immediately, but only a few years after the defeat. Therefore, if you want to see a strong and beautiful plant Be sure to seek advice from knowledgeable professionals.

This is important not only for the planting unit itself, but also for the already growing trees in your garden. A newly planted plant can bring with it a serious disease that can infect other specimens.

So, we decided on the planting material. We proceed directly to the landing of large-sized. First you need to extract them from the ground. How?

The principle of correct excavation

Uprooting a tree should be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage either itself or its root. It is also important to keep an eye on the lower branches. For example, they can be carefully tied to the trunk, so as not to spoil or break. If the branches are dry or diseased, they should not be removed, but left until planting. During transportation, damaged shoots can protect healthy ones.

Since the root system of the plant is removed along with the earthen clod, it is necessary to determine its dimensions as accurately as possible. How can I do that?

Usually the diameter of the earthen clod is ten or twelve times the diameter of the trunk. The stem is the part of the trunk that is one meter away from the root collar.

Here are the approximate indicators of an earthen coma: length and width - from one meter to two and a half, height - from seventy centimeters to a hundred.

Of course, when digging, generally accepted standards should be slightly increased.

After the uprooting procedure has been successful, the planting material is pulled out of the recess with the help of a jack, with a carrying capacity of fifteen to twenty tons.

Packing of landing units

Before transporting large-sized items, they must be carefully packed. For these purposes, special detachable container baskets are used, which completely cover the earth clod so that it is not damaged during the move.

If the root system is large, then it is wrapped in hard burlap or metal mesh. If the winter landing of large-sized ones is carried out, then there is no point in packing their coma. In this case, just provide required time(from two to ten days), so that the soil around the roots is thoroughly frozen and stiffened.

When the tree is immersed in the pit, the container doors are moved apart and pulled out, and the plant itself is left for instillation.

Delivery of planting material

What special equipment is used for transportation? It can be a truck crane or a mini-loader, a flatbed truck or an all-terrain vehicle.

It is very important to monitor the safety of transportation. To do this, the large size is fixed with slings, carabiners and screeds. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the bark and thin branches. Therefore, it is recommended to moor plants either behind an earthen clod, or for packaging.

It is also worth noting that, according to safety rules, it is better not to transport trees whose height exceeds ten to twelve meters. For their transportation, a too powerful and overall car is required, as well as escort of traffic police cars.

Large-sized vehicles eight to nine meters high are also inconvenient during transportation, since their crown can rise above the road, making it difficult to travel under bridges, tunnels and electrical wires.

And one more piece of advice: it is undesirable to transport large vehicles at temperatures below minus eighteen degrees. This is due to the fact that it makes the branches of trees fragile and brittle.


Before mature trees are brought in, the site for planting them must be cleared and prepared. In this case, it is desirable to free the access of transport equipment directly to the place of landing of large-sized vehicles. This will help to painlessly deliver the plant directly to the garden. If this is not possible, then the tree should be carefully brought to the planting hole using carts, transporting it in a horizontal position.

The planting hole (dug out with an excavator or manually) must exactly correspond to the earthen clod of the large-sized vehicle. If it is too narrow, it will damage the root system, if it is too wide, then the tree will not have the necessary support, and it will tilt.

It is recommended to slightly fertilize the soil before planting. For this, any subcortex containing nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, etc. is suitable. These microelements will stimulate the growth and survival of the root system.

Plant grounding

When lowering the large-sized plant into the planting hole, it should be ensured that the root neck is ten to fifteen centimeters above ground level. This is necessary because during the year the tree will settle and may die if its root is buried in advance.

When placing planting material according to spatial orientation, one should take into account which side of the world its branches were facing at the previous vegetation site. This is especially true for coniferous crops. In other words, in a new place, the large-sized truck should be installed with the same side to the south as it stood before.

After the tree is planted and buried, the soil should be lightly compacted and trampled down.

In some cases, it may be necessary to insulate the root system of the transplanted plant. This can be done with a mulch of straw, dry leaves and moss.

Rules for caring for a surviving tree

After planting large-sized trees, it is very important to carry out the necessary care for them. What might this include?

First of all, remember: a tree needs support.

To do this, each plant is fixed with strong stretching ropes or wooden stands that will help it stay in a stable position for several more years. Every year or six months it is recommended to change the holders, as the tree can grow and expand.

Also, a transplanted large-sized plant needs frequent and plentiful irrigation. This can be done daily, not limited to root watering. Crown sprinkling should be done regularly.

Fertilizers can be added to the water to stimulate the growth of the root system.

An important role in the care of large-sized plants is played by systematic loosening of the soil and pruning of branches. However, the most important step in the quality maintenance of transplanted trees is preventive measures for the prevention of diseases and pests. What do they include?

Further care for the transplanted large size should be done according to the recommendations for a particular variety and type of plant.

When is the best time to transplant?

Optimal time of year

Modern specialists have achieved great victories in the field of replanting adult trees. If earlier only winter planting of large-sized plants was carried out in Moscow, now this procedure can take place in almost all cities of Russia at any time of the year.

And yet, it is better to transplant trees when they have a dormant period. Then it will be easier for the plant to endure the transportation, and it will quickly take root in a new place. In our area, the idle time of the trees falls approximately in October-March. Therefore, it is best to plan the landing of large-sized plants in autumn or winter.

Each tree species is unique in its own way. Therefore, when planting different types plants should take into account their characteristics. This will be discussed below.

Characteristic features of some varieties

For example, if you want to plant large-sized pines, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Pine soil is usually deep (about one meter).
  2. Do not use specimens grown on sandy soil.
  3. After planting large-sized pine trees in the first twelve months, it is recommended to shade its needles even from spring sunlight.

Landing oil-large sizes, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The earth ball of spruce differs from others in that it is wide in diameter, but small in height.
  2. It is important to shelter the needles of the plant from the bright winter sun.
  3. Supports must be installed immediately after grounding.
  1. This type of transplant is best done in the fall.
  2. Trees growing in well-lit, open areas are suitable as planting material.
  3. After planting in the ground, the tree should be watered abundantly (even if the weather is wet outside).


As you can see, planting large trees is a complex and expensive task, requiring special skills, knowledge and skills. Here you can not do without qualified experts and special equipment. However, the effort will be worth it.

Within a few months, your site, planted with healthy mature trees, will look festive and elegant, harmoniously fitting into the intended design of the entire project.

Trees after winter cold or before - when should trees be replanted in the garden? Features and methods of spring transplantation. Read today's article to properly organize a transplant for trees in the garden.

Before determining the transplant time, analyzing the pros and cons, it is worth considering whether a transplant is needed at all garden trees and Won't this damage the landings in the future? The question of transplantation arises if the site was not thought out in advance and seedlings, or young trees, and occasionally adult powerful crowns, are out of place. If the newly planted ones can still be moved painlessly for themselves, then a problem arises with adults - not only the possibility of breaking the structure, but the impossibility of the procedure alone.

How to transplant trees in the garden:

  • Use the services of a dedicated team.
  • Connect multiple hands.
  • Transplant up to 3 years.

Young trees can be transplanted alone or two or three with friends or relatives. To do this, you first need dig a hole, throw fertilizer, dig trenches near the tree for replanting, hook up with an earthen ball, take out on a tarpaulin and drag to the hole. Then, independently or with the help of "additional hands", place the tree vertically in the hole and add earth along the edges, fixing it in a new place.

When to transplant trees in spring:

  • First of all, before sap flow.
  • How does the soil warm up?
  • When there are no night frosts.
  • In the middle of March - until the 10th of April.

The issue of when to replant trees also includes the topic of diseases - trees in the garden are moved to a new place if soil cultivation or root disinfection is needed, removal of rotten areas, as suggested by visible manifestations on the leaves and stem.

What about autumn transplant?

Tree replanting in autumn October to November- fruiting is over, the cold has not yet come and the tree is “in limbo”, it will not immediately respond to the transplant. Transplanting trees is difficult if the weather conditions do not indulge in warmth - humidity, precipitation, the first cold. These fruit trees the root system recovers more slowly and does not have time to “recover” before the winter cold, so it is more expedient to postpone the procedure until spring.

What trees can be transplanted in the spring:

  • Stone fruits: apricot, cherry.
  • Seeds: pear, apple.
  • Young trees.

It is believed that the seed trees up to 15 years old can recover without problems, which cannot be said about stone fruits at this age - it is better to stop at the age of 8 and grow in the same place. By the way, stone fruit trees tolerate transplanting to a new place much worse than resistant fruit pome trees. Even those same apricots and cherries can show character if "the stars do not converge."

They should be understood as:

  • Suitable timing.
  • temperature and weather conditions.
  • Tree age.
  • Tree state.
  • Transplant with lump / without.

As for the weather conditions, when transplanting air temperature should not fall below -7 ° C, and it is better to stay at 0 ° C, otherwise the roots react quickly when moving from a comfortable environment.

Transplant with a clod of earththe best option to preserve the tree in spring and autumn. The root system is protected, contact with the soil and the work of small roots are not disturbed.

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