The most beautiful and unusual flowers in the world. The most beautiful flowers in the world The rarest flowers names

Plants appear to us as something green and boring. But it's nothing but clean water prejudice - the plants from this list are ready to compete in diversity and uniqueness with the animal world, they just need to be given a chance.

15. Rainbow Trees

Imagine walking through a forest of 60-meter trees in all the colors of the rainbow. Do you think this is possible only in a fairy tale movie? But no - Eucalyptus deglupta, or rainbow eucalyptus actually exists and is found in forests in the Philippines. These trees grow so fast that their bark peels off in strips, revealing a bright green layer that changes color to yellow, orange, red, purple, and brown as it ages.

14. Snapdragon seed pods

Snapdragon has been widely used as a model by botanists in many genetic studies. For example, Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin used snapdragons to study heredity. Distinctive feature plants are his seed pods, each like a screaming skull.

13. Jaboticaba

Jaboticaba is fruit tree with unique fruit formation. Unlike most trees, whose fruits grow on branches, Jaboticaba forms its black fruits right on the trunk. It looks like they ooze from the bark. Although the Jaboticaba fruit is popular in Brazil, due to its short shelf life, it rarely makes it to other places. The fruit can be consumed fresh, as well as in the form of jam, wine or liquor.

11. Amorphophallus titanic

This flower is the tallest in the world - its height can reach three meters. The yellow spadix in the center contains small white flowers. As soon as they are ready to spread the pollen, the cob begins to generate heat, which helps to spread a fetid odor that resembles the smell of a decaying corpse. As in the case of the corpse lily, the smell attracts flies, which are engaged in pollination.

10. Elephant yam

Amorphophallus pionolifolia, or elephant yam, is a close relative of Amorphophallus titanic. Formerly the only way to distinguish different kinds in this group was to smell them and find out what kind of stink they exude. The tubers, which gave the plant the name "yams", are the third most popular carbohydrate source in Indonesia after rice and corn. And the word "Amorphophallus" in the name indicates the shape of the flower - literally it translates as "shapeless penis."

9. Voronets thick-legged

Voronet thick-legged also bears the cheerful name "doll eyes". It is quite obvious that the creepy "eyes" are poisonous. Just a handful of these berries can cause instant death. Of course, only a desperate brave man can dare to eat the berries that are looking at him ...

8. Bitter cucumber

Momordica charantia, or bitter cucumber, is a herbaceous vine that grows all over the world. Its fruits, empty inside, have a warty surface. They are usually eaten while they are still green because the yellowing fruit becomes more and more bitter as it ripens. However, when the fully ripe fruit opens, a sweet, bright red center can be found inside.

7. Naked man

Orchis italica, also known as the Naked Man orchid, can be found almost everywhere in the Mediterranean region. They are very popular among orchid lovers because ... well, at least because the petals look like naked men, which is incomprehensible here. The plant has about 40 varieties, so you can choose a naked man in almost any color and size.

6. Predatory pitchers

Animals eat plants. This is the natural order of things. However, some plants go against the system and fight back. The pitchers trap insects, spiders, and even small mammals and reptiles, and then drown them. Their modified leaves hold a liquid that contains digestive enzymes and chemicals. As soon as the victim enters the jug, he slides down the waxed slippery walls, which do not allow him to get out. After unsuccessful attempts to get out, the victim is immersed in the liquid, drowning, and the plant digests it to provide itself with nutrients that are not found in the soil.

5. Flowering stones

Of course, you know perfectly well that flowering stones do not exist in nature. But it is precisely them that the amazing plants of the genus Lithops resemble. They can be found in the rocky and sandy deserts of South Africa. Plants have adapted to superficially resemble the rocks around them. This shape allows them to survive in regions with low rainfall, as the small surface area inhibits evaporation. Lithops are popular houseplants and are often sold specifically as "living stones".

4. African Gidnora

3 Albino Sequoia

Ask your child to draw a tree and you will get a brown trunk and green leaves. Everyone knows that trees are green. Everything except the albino sequoia. These trees are unable to produce chlorophyll, and without chlorophyll they cannot absorb sunlight and produce their own nutrients. For other trees, this would be a death sentence, but sequoias have the ability to share roots among themselves. When an albino redwood sprouts, it needs to attach itself to the root system of another tree in order to extract food.

2. Red tumbleweed

Bassia broom grows in Eurasia, but somehow made it to the United States, where it received the nickname "Mexican fire weed" or more prosaic "burning bush". Tumbleweeds usually turn yellow or brown when they die, but bassia takes on a bright red hue. Entire fields of bassia can be found in Japan, where their black seeds are called "caviar of the earth."

1. Kiss plant

Psychotria sublime is known by the unflattering name of "whore sponge". One glance at the flower is enough to understand where this name comes from. The plant is found in the jungles of Central America, but despite its enticing appearance, it is gradually becoming endangered due to habitat loss. These lips would look great on Batman's rival, Poison Ivy. Especially when you consider that the flower produces a hallucinogenic substance. Oddly enough, the "sponges" themselves are not the flower of the plant. The flower protrudes from the "mouth", all covered with yellow viscous mucus. As they say, beauty is on the surface...

Diverse and amazing nature is able to amaze and inspire with its beauty and unusualness. Sometimes it is even difficult to imagine how delightful and multifaceted the flower world that surrounds us can be. The corners of our planet are full of incredibly diverse colors in their beauty, some of them can really surprise or even discourage their appearance. The kingdom of flora is full of the most unexpected surprises and mysteries of nature. Most unusual flowers world with photos and names will be presented to your attention further.

Aconite Dzungarian

A bright perennial flower of the ranunculus family is also called the Dzungarian wrestler.

The seductive colorful flower is quite deceptive, as it is known not only for its graceful beauty, but also for its dangerous properties that make it one of the most poisonous flowers on the planet. All parts of the plant are toxic, but the largest concentration of alkaloids is in the tubers. When high concentrations enter human body poison can cause paralysis respiratory system and heart muscle. Moreover, the flower is so dangerous that it can kill even a large animal.

Amorphophallus titanic

One of the largest tropical plants of the aroid family, attracting attention with its unusual shape and large size, is titanic amorphophallus. Large rare flower about three meters high was discovered at the end of the 19th century in West Sumatra. Now it is the property of many botanical gardens in the world.

Externally, the flower giant is a thick stem with a single leaf. The inflorescence consists of a core wrapped in a leaf-shaped petal. Inner part The bud has a rich burgundy color, the outer one is painted green. An unusual plant, alluring with its appearance, can at the same time be extremely repulsive. bad smell, which can be compared to the smell of rotten eggs or rotten fish.

The original habitat of the amorphophallus titanic was the forests of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Over time, the species was almost completely exterminated, so now it is mainly bred on purpose and find one of the most unusual colors can be on the territory of various botanical gardens.


Wolffia is the smallest perennial flower plant on Earth, measuring about 1 millimeter and weighing less than 200 micrograms. A few grains of table salt have a similar weight to this tiny wonder. The little record holder belongs to the duckweed subfamily and lives on the surface of stagnant water bodies. It has no leaves or roots.

The usual habitat of rootless wolfia is the stagnant water of small reservoirs in the tropical forests of Europe, India, Africa and the Mediterranean. Occasionally it can be found on the territory of Russia. Tiny Representative flora prefers bright diffused lighting, rather unpretentious to the temperature regime. Wolfia does not require special care, so it is quite often bred at home.

Rafflesia arnold

Prefers humid climatic conditions, so the habitat of Rafflesia is the tropical forests of the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. Amazing giants are endangered.

Lithops, or Living Stones

Perhaps lithops are not the brightest flowers on the planet and are not champions due to their size, however, they are certainly one of the most unusual succulents representing flowering plants. And they are the owners of one of the most unusual names of flowers. The plant consists of two fused sheets with a small gap between them, outwardly very reminiscent of stones. Flowering lasts about 10 days and falls on the autumn period.

Not only unusual appearance makes lithops amazing. The peculiarity of this plant is the ability to mimic, that is, change the color of the leaves, adapting to the appearance of the area, which further increases their resemblance to pebble stones.

In order to admire such a representative of the fauna, it is not at all necessary to visit botanical gardens or go to distant countries; lithops are quite successfully cared for at home.

Venus trap (flytrap)

Incredibly, the plant can also be a predator. Most of plants receive nutrients from the soil, but there are also such amazing representatives of the flora that have adapted to survive even on unfavorable soil, receiving the necessary substances from the outside. Nature is very inventive, and the Rosyankov family is a clear confirmation of this.

The Venus flytrap is a member of the sundew family, a carnivorous plant with a unique leaf structure that acts as a trap for insects. There are sensitive hairs on the edges of the leaves; when they are stimulated by insects, the slamming mechanism is triggered. In order to avoid slamming, for example, from raindrops, nature has provided an amazing slamming mechanism. The trap works only after several hairs are stimulated with a short time interval. When ingested, the victim resists, thereby continuing to stimulate the hairs, which provokes compression. Only after the sheets are completely closed, the release of enzymes begins, and the digestion of the insect occurs. It takes about ten days for the flycatcher to digest one insect.

Psychotria sublime

Perhaps the most seductive plant in the world can rightfully be called psychotria sublime, or the kiss flower. The bud during flowering becomes a rich bright red color, acquiring a resemblance to female lips. Thanks to such an unusual form of inflorescence, psychotria attracts a large number of hummingbirds, butterflies and various insects for pollination.

Psychotria lives in tropical forests, preferring high humidity and bright lighting. Unfortunately, recent times the number of the species is noticeably reduced, due to regular deforestation, entire families of plants are subject to extinction. But thanks to colorful appearance, psychotria sublime is quite often grown at home. Such an unusual "kiss" will be a wonderful decoration of the house and will complement any design decision.


The most beautiful and unusual flower of the perennial passion flower, or passion flower, definitely cannot go unnoticed. This is herbaceous plant is one of the most beautiful on our planet. Its buds consist of several layers, have an unusually bright color and can be blue, red, white or purple. Passion flower flowers have a delicate sweet fragrance and reach about 10 centimeters in diameter.

Passiflora prefers a warm and very humid climate, flowering begins in summer period. Among the variety of species, edible passion flowers are the most popular, they have delicious sweet fruits. Among other things, the flower has medicinal properties and is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Nepenthes attenborough

A real find of our time is a woody plant belonging to the genus Nepenthes, the Nepenthes family - Attenborough Nepentes. The discovery of a large predator occurred in the 21st century, on the Philippine island of Palawan on the slopes of Mount Victoria.

The shrub can reach a height of about one and a half meters, quite sprawling. big flower in shape it resembles a jug, forms a trap and sometimes holds not only insects, but even rodents. The volume of the largest trap found reached 1.5 liters, and this is the largest size among all representatives of insectivores.

This is just a small list of unusually mysterious and amazing flower wonders. How many still unknown and amazing things are fraught with the enchanting realm of flora. Perhaps nature is the biggest inventor, and the creations made by her never cease to amaze. You also have the opportunity to see photos of the most unusual flowers in our article.

Everyone loves flowers, well, almost everyone. There are so many taste preferences here that there is not enough time or paper to list everything.

Nepenthes Attenboroughii (Nepenthes Attenboroughii)

The first place belongs unusual flower Nepenthes Attenborough, discovered in 2000 on about. Palawan by Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson, and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich. On Mount Victoria, they found huge "jugs" of these flowers. It turned out that these are predatory flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers survived to our time remains a mystery.

Passiflora (Passiflora alata)


Passionflower, or Passionflower from the Passionflower family, grows in Latin America. In diameter reaches 10 centimeters. There are more than 500 species of passionflower in the world.

African Gidnora (Hydnora africana)


Sexy orchid (Drakaea glyptodon)


The flower of the "sexual" orchid resembles the belly of a certain type of wasp. She also releases pheromones during flowering, like a female wasp, so male wasps during the mating season flock to these flowers for mating, transferring the pollen that has fallen on them from plant to plant. Grows in Australia.

Orchid Kalania (Caleana major)


This amazing flower, reaching a height of 50 centimeters, with 2-4 flowers on a stem up to 2 cm in size, looks like a flying duck. Orchid Kalania grows at the foot of eucalyptus trees in Eastern and Southern Australia.

Psychotria sublime (Psychotria elata)


This one is awesome beautiful flower thanks to its bright red inflorescences in the form of "hot sponges", it has earned the right to be called the most piquant flower in the world. Psychotria loves moisture and warmth, which abound in her homeland - in the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Wolffia (Wolffia angusta)


The smallest flowers on the planet live on the surface of the water. Wolf's size varies from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus)


Translated from Greek, Amorphophallus titanic sounds like "shapeless phallus." This largest tropical flower grows to a height of 2.5 meters and a width of up to one and a half meters. Another feature of Amorphophallus titanic is the bad smell that it exudes. Its homeland is the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii)


All people love flowers, and this is not surprising, because they are beautiful and smell good, and besides, they can be used to decorate the interior of your own home. Any flower shop boasts a wide variety of types of flowers, but in none of them you will find the flowers that we will tell you about next. The most beautiful and unusual flowers from different parts of the world are waiting for you next. And let even the white roses blush with shame.

Tricyrtis or toad lily

This flower grows in Japan and looks more like a starfish than a plant.

Grouse (Fritillaria)

Fritillaria is Latin for dice box. This plant is also known as the chess flower.


These flowers are also known as ladies' slippers because of the yellow bulging petal.

Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii)

AT this moment are on the verge of extinction, growing in US state Florida, also in Cuba and the Bahamas

Strongylodon largecarpus

These turquoise plants are related to peas and beans and are native to the Philippines.

Passion flower meat-red

There are many types of flowers belonging to this family that can be found throughout the Americas and Asia. Such flowers can be seen during the flowering of passion fruit and are very fond of hummingbirds.


Despite all his beauty, these are very highly toxic flowers that can easily lead a person into a serious state of delirium, up to death. Once these flowers were widely used as a poison in Europe and Asia.


One of the most stylish colors

Platycodon grandiflora

Also known as flower balloon". Native to East Asia and sometimes used as an ingredient in salads.

Ginger hive (Zingiber spectabile)

Fantastic flowers resembling a beehive can reach up to 4.5 m in height.

Orchid "flying duck"

Guess why this flower got such a name

Chinese lantern (Abutilon × hybridum)

There are many beautiful colors in this family, but this one is the most striking.

Amorphophallus titanic

This beautiful flower is also known as not very beautiful name- "corpse flower", because during flowering it exudes the smell of rotting meat to attract carrion-eating animals and insects for pollination


In fact, these red "lips" are not a flower, they only protect the flower that is inside them. Grows in Central and South America

Egret Orchid (Pecteilis radiata)

This orchid, native to Central and East Asia and resembles a fluffy white bird

Tacca Chantrier or "black bat"

A flower that closely resembles a large black bat can be found in Southeast Asia. Thanks to its "gothic" color scheme, this flower tends to stay away from the color of the sun

Holy Spirit Orchid (Peristeria elata)

Not to be confused with the ghost orchid, this flower grows in Central America and is also called the dove orchid (also try to guess why)

Flowers "sporting"

Botanists call this phenomenon "sporting", which means the spontaneous mutation of one part of the plant.

Trichozant serpentine

This lacy flower with serpentine fruits is native to South Asia but can be found in warmer regions around the world. Its fruits and herbs are edible

Orchid "naked man" (Italian orchid)

You can immediately see the reason for such an unusual flower name.

Hoya (Wax ivy)

Little flowers look like candy

Orchid "pink moth" (Phalaenopsis)

Bright orchid looking like a bird in flight

Monkey Orchid (Dracula simia)

An orchid whose flower is very reminiscent of a sad monkey :(

Japanese Camellia (Camellia Japonica)

This flower may seem to you a completely ordinary shape and color, but all its unusualness lies in the spiral flowering of the petals and the fact that it grows at an altitude of more than 300 meters and blooms only in cold weather.


These plants bloom very rarely, and only at night. They are extremely sensitive.

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)

After the snapdragon has faded, the seed pods remain, which are very similar to small skulls.

Our planet never ceases to amaze with the diversity of its flora. How many unusual plants gave the world mother nature! Beautiful and ugly, ordinary and bizarre, they adorn this world! Let's get to know them better.

Flying ducks hide under the eucalyptus trees of southern and eastern Australia. This is the name of the flowers of the delicate Kalania Orchid, which really look like tiny ducklings. The plant is not very tall 50-60 cm. The flowers are dark purple or brown. There can be 2 or 4 flowers on 1 Orchid stalk. The Flight of the Ducks runs from September to January.

A lover of the tropics, Tacca Chantrier is one of the most elegant plants. Her home is the mountain slopes, humid forests of Southeast Asia and West Africa. The plant is known under the name "black lily", "black butterfly", " bat"," flower of the devil. Butterfly wings are maroon or black. They bloom from February to August, releasing from 5 to 25 long thin threads. They are the main decoration of the plant.

From elegance to spice! It is this word that is suitable to describe Psychotria, which lives in Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica. This forest tree has lips that are also made up! But, in fact, this is not a flower, but an unusual bright red bract. It is a "house" for 5 small "snowflakes". Blue fruits appear from white flowers, resembling blueberries.

An equally interesting plant can be seen in the vastness of Malaya. It seems that a strong two-meter stem holds a large cone. The real name is Ginger Hive.
You can admire the beauty of unusual "cones" both in summer and in autumn. They bloom from July to November. During this period, the hive resembles a microphone into which small birds and insects bring out their trills.
The plant is also called sunny flower". The more the celestial body gives it its rays, the brighter it becomes.

The gigantic size of this plant allows it to be king among the unusual flowers of the planet. Amorphophallus titanic can reach 2.5 meters high and 1.5 wide.
It has an upright, very short stem, several small and one large leaf. The royal robe of the flower is maroon on the inside and light green on the outside. Amorphophallus resembles a candlestick, in which there is a large candle. For some, its forms are associated with callas. But, approaching closer to the plant, the opinion immediately dissipates. Its smell of rotten fish, because of which Amorphophallus is called the "corpse flower", is repellent! Although many insects like it. Despite the unpleasant aroma, the giant has several features:

  • Blooms rarely.
  • The flowering period is only 2 days.

The birthplace of a tropical plant was about. Sumatra (Indonesia). Now, it can be seen in the botanical gardens of the world.

During the flowering period, the plant resembles a three-headed cobra. It has a rough surface, a bright orange color on the inside and brown on the outside. Gidnora has no leaves. But one of the main features is an unpleasant smell that attracts beetles, which pollinate the flower.

Summer is a wonderful period for Rosyanka, or "solar dew". Small white and pink flowers cover the swamps and mountain slopes of almost the whole world. But their largest number is concentrated in Australia and New Zealand.

The bewitching dew drops that form on the thin red hairs of the plant create a very delicate picture of nature. But behind this beauty lies a real predator! "Cunning Flower" attracts insects with its cuteness, turning into a deadly trap for them. Dew Crystals is a sticky poison. It paralyzes the insect, after which the sundew leaf begins to curl up, slowly poisoning the prey. An interesting fact is that he only reacts to organic food. If a leaf or twig hits, nothing will happen.

And they say the truth: "Behind a beautiful appearance, a bad soul can be hidden." So you can say about one more representatives unusual world nature - about Rafflesia ...

A large flower resembling a head of cabbage has 5 round petals and a spherical center. Attention is drawn to its "cheerful" color. Bright brick petals with white spots look like Dalmatians. The absence of a root, stem and leaves is one of the features of peculiar flowers. Rafflesia is no exception. You can meet her in such exotic corners of the planet as the Philippines, Fr. Java and about. Sumatra. The plant poses a threat to climbing vines.

The flowering period of Rafflesia is short and lasts only 5-7 days. After that, she loses her attractiveness. Where there was a bright flower, only a black mass remains, forming a large round fruit with small seeds inside. It is so hard that only a huge animal, such as an elephant, can crush it.

Due to the ability to absorb a large amount of water (up to 7 liters), Rafflesia was given another name - "washcloth flower". She also holds the title of "corpse lily", "stink flower", for her unpleasant perfume. The smell of spoiled meat is not the most attractive! But this is nothing compared to the terrible neighbor of Rafflesia - the Flower-jug ...

The very name of the plant speaks of its shape. But this feature did not help him get into the list of unusual colors.
Inhabitant of the Philippines and Fr. Sumatra, China and Malaysia, Madagascar and Indonesia, poses a great danger to living organisms. The flower is killing them! The deep inflorescence is filled with liquid, in which defenseless insects, lizards, birds, and mice drown.
Each flower is wonderful world with your riddles!