We choose heating batteries - which are better for a private house or apartment. Which radiators are better to choose for heating a private house: an overview of available solutions Which batteries to choose for a home

When, in the process of repairing or building new housing, it becomes necessary to install new radiators, the problem of their correct selection arises. Errors on this stage lead not only to unreasonable costs and significant heat losses, but also to breakthroughs, premature failure of devices. Do not forget that the operating conditions and parameters of open and autonomous systems differ markedly. Overview of heating batteries for houses and apartments, their comparative analysis and user reviews will help you choose the best set of equipment.

Varieties and description

Heating radiators (batteries) are varied in shape and size, but their main distinguishing feature is the material from which they are made. This is what determines performance.

  • Cast iron. They operate at temperatures up to +150 °C and pressures up to 15 atm. The thermal power of the section is 80-160 W. Battery life is up to 50 years. Pros: ease of installation, mechanical and chemical resistance of the material. Along with traditional products, more modern designs are produced.
  • Aluminum - 10-15 atm, limit t \u003d 110 ° C. Power - 82-212 watts. Service life 10-15 years. Pros: fast heat dissipation, easy installation.
  • Steel. Panel radiators are two sheets with water channels connected by welding. Operating pressure - 6-8.5 atm, t = 110-120 ° C, thermal capacity (depending on dimensions) 450 - 5,700 W. Pros: effective work at low temperatures, small thickness, affordable price. Tubular devices operate at temperatures up to 120 ° C and 12 atm. Crimping pressure is 25 atm, so tubular radiators can withstand water hammer. The height of the products is 190-3000 mm, the depth is up to 230 mm, and the length is almost unlimited. Pros: high heat transfer rate and resistance to corrosion (if they are made of stainless steel).
  • Bimetallic heating batteries. Their shell is made of aluminum, and the core is made of steel or copper. They work at 35 atm and t = 100 °C. The thermal capacity of the section with its very small dimensions is 170-190 W. Pros: chemical resistance, mechanical strength, low weight.
  • Copper. Operating parameters: maximum t = 250 °C, pressure - 16 atm (crimping - up to 25). Radiators have absolute chemical resistance, increased heat transfer (2 times higher than that of aluminum). Service life - up to 50 years.

Requirements for batteries for home and apartment

An autonomous system is an undoubted advantage of a private house, since its parameters do not go beyond the calculated data. Centralized heating due to the instability of indicators requires compliance with a number of additional conditions.

1. Batteries for the home.

It is easier to choose a heating radiator for a private house, since a closed circuit has the following advantages:

  • work at reduced pressure;
  • lack of hydraulic shocks;
  • limited coolant temperature;
  • ability to control acid-base balance.

Taking into account the above positive aspects, any batteries can be connected to home heating, giving preference to products with the highest heat transfer and an optimal ratio of quality and price.

The best battery option for the home will help determine a short comparative analysis of their performance in local systems.

  • Steel. Panel products - the most a budget option. Their heat dissipation is quite high, the thickness is small, they fit well into the interior. If the house has large windows, panel radiators create a thermal curtain, blocking the way for cold air. Tubular ones almost do not differ from panel ones in terms of technical parameters, but they have a more elegant look and therefore are more expensive.
  • Oxidation due to poor-quality water is a significant disadvantage of steel batteries. They are recommended to be washed every three years so as not to slagging the entire heating structure.
  • Aluminum. They are widely used in private homes due to their modern design and high heat dissipation. When installing aluminum radiators, their thermal conductivity is taken into account. If you put too many sections, the heated air rises very quickly, and the floor remains cold. During operation, the acid-base balance should be controlled, otherwise aluminum quickly corrodes without air access.
  • Bimetallic. It is not economically feasible to install them in a private house, since increased strength is not in demand in an autonomous network with a pressure of 2-3 atm.
  • Cast iron. Corrosion resistance, stable operation of radiators in old houses confirms their reliable reputation. They are more expensive than their counterparts made of aluminum and steel, but they accumulate heat better and keep it longer. As a result, gas costs are reduced.

2. Radiators for the apartment.

Good central heating batteries must withstand the negatives of open design:

  • the presence of aggressive chemical impurities and mechanical particles in the water;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • pressure surges - they occur during adjustments to pumping station or if air gets in after repair work.

The quality of the coolant is a barrier that does not allow you to choose some types of heating batteries for an apartment. Excessive acid content leads to failure of aluminum radiators. Air bubbles, characteristic of open systems, corrode the surface of steel products. Copper is the least sensitive to composition: a protective layer of copper oxide forms on their inner walls. But this type is too expensive.

Comparison of cast iron and bimetallic radiators:

  • Bimetallic. They withstand temperature fluctuations up to +130 ° C, pressure - up to 30-50 atmospheres. Corrosion resistance is ensured by a copper core, and a high thermal output is provided by a figured aluminum case. Durability is enhanced by the anti-corrosion primer. Attractive and appearance neat compact products, the only negative is the price.
  • Cast iron. Radiators can last up to 50 years, regardless of the state of the coolant, they do not rust if the water is systematically drained. Iron-carbon alloy is chemically passive, and thick walls are not afraid of abrasive particles. Cast iron withstands fluctuations within 9-12 atmospheres, but powerful water hammers can destroy it. Lack of batteries big weight, and at a cost they are more affordable than bimetallic ones.

User opinions

“A year ago, we replaced heating radiators in our 2-room Khrushchev with bimetallic ones - the Global Style 500 model. Although cast-iron batteries give off heat better, Global is much more efficient due to the shape of the sections. They are bent like petals and direct heated air into the room. We even have to reduce the heat supply - it’s good that there is a thermostat.”

Victoria, St. Petersburg.

“Last year we were persuaded to replace the old registers with aluminum Halsen. They look good, are expensive, and we did not feel the effect of the replacement. In the event of a power outage, the safety shutdown of the boiler is triggered. At the same time, aluminum cools down quickly, so I had to install 8-section batteries not only under the windows, but also along the walls. Gas consumption remained high.”

Alexander Kirillov, Tyumen.

"After reading the reviews good radiators, decided to install Kermi flat wall steel in the house. They quickly heat rooms, are hung on the wall and are almost invisible, easy to maintain. The main condition is a clean liquid without air pockets. I installed an electromagnetic filter-softener, before the start of the heating season I bleed air through the Mayevsky faucet.

Igor Fursov, Taganrog.

“Because of hard water, I was afraid to install aluminum batteries in the house. A year ago, I came across neat cast-iron radiators from the Chinese company Konner with good heat dissipation (150 W). For an area of ​​115 m2, I had to buy 90 sections (with a margin). But, apparently, the manufacturer overestimated the parameters - it was cold in the house, despite the fact that the system worked at the limit.

Dmitry Kovalev, Novosibirsk.

“Modern bimetallic radiators are best suited for an apartment. I was convinced of this by installing Sira RS three years ago. They are designed specifically for Russia: the steel filling is resistant to low water quality, and the outer shell of aluminum gives off heat well. Attractive design, no sharp edges - this is important, as we have Small child. The height of the model and the number of paired sections (from 4 to 10) are easily selected.

Leonid Kizilov, Moscow.

Selection by technical parameters

The main criterion when buying radiators is the correspondence of their characteristics to the parameters of the system.

  • The maximum allowable pressure. Batteries for central heating of an apartment must withstand at least 25 atmospheres. Although the operating temperature in the house pipes of the heating system is 10 atm, it goes off scale at the time of launch after the summer season, leading to hydraulic shocks. The least resistant to drops are steel batteries.
  • Maximum coolant temperature. IN autonomous heating it is set by the user (no more than 90°) and is maintained at the same level by means of a thermostat. For high-rise buildings, the design value of the water temperature is 105 ° C, but it is not the limit.
  • Heat dissipation. This parameter depends on the material from which the battery is made - the best heat conductors are aluminum and copper. In the accompanying documents, the manufacturer indicates the heat transfer of one element: on this basis, they calculate required amount sections.

Comparison of heating radiators is carried out comprehensively, taking into account passport data and specific working conditions, segment sizes.

If the choice of a suitable design is made, it remains to choose a worthy company. Popular brands of bimetallic batteries are Italian Global Style, Royal Thermo BiLiner, Sira, Russian Rifar. Quality steel products are produced by Kermi and Zehnder. One of the best manufacturers cast iron radiators is the German company Guratec.

An important link in any heating system is a radiator, which is installed in each of the heated rooms. This device is responsible for how comfortable conditions residence will be set up in your apartment or private house.

Unfortunately, not every sales assistant will provide you with adequate assistance in choosing, so let's understand it sequentially: how to choose the right heating battery so that it warms well, looks beautiful and does not “bite” at a price? So it is not easy to answer this question right away - it is necessary to take into account many nuances. We will tell you how to avoid common mistakes.

Comparative characteristics of heating radiators

In the heating equipment market, heating radiators are represented by products that differ from each other both structurally and in manufacturing materials. When choosing them, you can use the table of comparative characteristics of the most popular heaters. The manufacturer indicates the data for a specific model in the technical data sheet.

Comparative table of modern heating radiators

Very often, when choosing, the main criterion is price and appearance. Undoubtedly, these moments are very important. And yet, they should not be decisive. First of all, you should pay attention to compatibility with the heating system in terms of such parameters as the type of coolant. Equally important is the corrosion resistance and durability of the radiator. Ultimately right choice saves you money, time and nerves. Next, consider the features of each type.

Aluminum radiators stand out with a stylish, interesting design, and do not require special care during operation.

High heat dissipation is combined with low weight, convenient sectional design and excellent performance. Given that these factors are complemented by ease of installation and elegant design, then it is not difficult to understand the reasons for the popularity of products made of aluminum alloys in the arrangement of individual heating systems.

Comparative table of aluminum heating radiators of the most popular brands

When choosing an aluminum radiator, one should not forget that such equipment puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the coolant (water). Water with a high alkali content causes corrosion of the metal, and leaking during this process chemical reactions lead to gas formation. As a result, the service life of radiators is reduced and the risk of intersections increases. For this reason, cheap Chinese-made products should be abandoned in favor of products from well-known European manufacturers.

The probability of intersectional leaks is actually reduced to zero in the design of aluminum radiators from the STOUT brand. The equipment is manufactured at the Italian plant GLOBAL, the heaters are adapted for the operating conditions in Russia. The working pressure of each radiator is 16 atmospheres, they are suitable for working with antifreeze and have a 10-year manufacturer's warranty. Modern design in Italian tradition will fit into any interior, and the increased heat radiation area will increase comfort in the room.

According to statistics, aluminum radiators have almost the same service life as steel ones - no more than 25 years, while bimetallic batteries can be operated for 30-35 years, and cast iron products easily survive half a century.

The destruction of aluminum radiators most often occurs due to poor water quality and excess pressure in the system.

Steel radiators

Like other heating equipment with open welds, they require a stable coolant pressure. For this reason, they are most often used for installation in private houses and other buildings with autonomous heating. In this case, a closed heating circuit helps to slow down oxidative processes, moreover, it does not suffer from constant contamination of the coolant with alkali and other aggressive impurities. When using purified water and regularly monitoring the pressure, steel radiators do not require replacement for 20 years or more.

Technical characteristics of steel radiators of well-known European manufacturers

When installing steel radiators in buildings with central heating, one should be aware of the danger of water hammer and the low quality of the coolant. Sudden pressure drops and water with impurities of salts and alkalis reduce battery life by more than half. In this case, you should not count on the service life of the equipment for more than 10 years.

Similar deposits in the central heating pipe indicate heavy pollution coolant impurities - in this case it is better not to use steel radiators.

On sale you can find steel radiators of two types:

  • tubular,
  • panel.

The advantages of the former stem from a simple and reliable design, which resembles a ladder of parallel vertical tubes.

Tubular radiators are experiencing a second youth, being the object of attention of designers and lovers of modern trends in the interior.

Tubular radiators are more resistant to water hammer than panel radiators. Their design allows you to implement any scheme of eyeliner and arbitrary placement in space. In the range of tubular batteries, there are both monolithic and sectional models, from which you can easily assemble a battery of the required power. The simple manufacturing technology is reflected in the affordable cost, and the appearance of the radiator from the set vertical elements gives a wide field for design research. Unpretentious at first glance, tubular radiators are not so bad in practice, if you write your opinion about it in the comments, we will discuss it with pleasure?

Flat, even surfaces of panel radiators make maintenance much easier. That is why housewives love them so much.

For the manufacture of panel radiators, steel zigzag plates are used, which are welded to each other by spot welding. The cavities formed in this case serve as channels through which the coolant circulates. To increase heat transfer, manufacturers complicate the design by assembling a radiator from three panels. The reverse side of this improvement is the weight of the structure - the weight of multilayer steel heat exchangers is close to cast iron.

For the manufacture of a panel radiator, profiled steel plates are used, the space between which acts as a water circuit of the heat exchanger

As you can see for yourself, such advantages of panel radiators as low price and attractive appearance overshadow the disadvantages in the form of low performance. Most often, these heaters are chosen for undemanding heating systems of the budget category.

The appearance of copper radiators is suitable only for fans of industrial design, so manufacturers complete thermal appliances with decorative screens made of wood and other materials.

A pipe with a diameter of up to 28 mm is complemented by copper or aluminum fins and decorative protection made of solid wood, thermoplastics or composite materials. This option provides efficient heating of the room due to the unique heat transfer of non-ferrous metals. By the way, in terms of thermal conductivity, copper is more than 2 times ahead of aluminum, and steel and cast iron - 5-6 times. With a low inertia, a copper battery provides a quick warm-up of the room and allows the use of temperature control equipment.

In terms of its thermal conductivity, copper is second only to silver, with a significant margin ahead of other metals.

The plasticity inherent in copper, corrosion resistance and the ability to contact polluted coolant without harm allows the use of copper batteries in apartments high-rise buildings. It is noteworthy that after 90 hours of operation, the inner surface of the copper radiator is covered with an oxide film, which further protects the heater from interaction with aggressive substances. There is only one disadvantage of copper radiators - the cost is too high.

comparison table specifications copper and copper-aluminum radiators

Plastic radiators

On the this moment heating radiators made entirely of plastic, a kind of know-how. Including Russian engineers in Skolkovo are also working on this type of heater. Contrary to popular belief, in terms of reliability, plastic radiators are close to metal products, and in terms of such an indicator as corrosion resistance, they are completely unmatched. Thermoplastic products have high mechanical strength, good thermal conductivity and wear resistance. Plastic radiators are not very heavy, so they are easy to transport and install.

For those who doubt the thermophysical properties of plastic, we recommend recalling the contours of water-heated floors made of cross-linked polypropylene. Its thermal conductivity is lower than that of rigid thermoplastics, and yet this does not prevent the use of plastic pipes to build reliable and efficient underfloor heating systems.

Ease of manufacture and, as a result, low cost make thermoplastic batteries an excellent proposition for those who have set themselves the task of saving money. A significant disadvantage of plastic heat exchangers is that they can only be used in systems with a stable pressure of up to 3 atm and a coolant temperature not higher than 80 ° C. For this reason, the promotion of plastic batteries in our market is difficult.

Electric radiators

In addition to the heating devices discussed above, there are others - those that do not require connection to the heating system. You probably already guessed what we are talking about.

Modern electric radiators combine high efficiency, reliability and safety.

Depending on the design, several types of heat exchangers operating from the electrical network can be distinguished:

  • oil coolers;
  • convectors;
  • infrared devices.

The design of the oil cooler most of all resembles a traditional heating battery. Mineral oil is used as a heat carrier, and heating is carried out by a tubular electric heater (TEH). The closed design contributes to the fire safety and mobility of the device, in addition, the oil heater does not burn oxygen and dust. The disadvantages include bulkiness, low efficiency and the possibility of getting burned when touching a metal surface.

Oil radiators differ from traditional radiators in mobility - if necessary, they can be easily moved from place to place

Electric convectors also use heating due to ohmic losses, only their design uses not a liquid, but an air heating element. Due to the closed design, this type of heaters have the same advantages as oil coolers. As for the design, it is optimized in such a way that the device uses convection as efficiently as possible. The disadvantages of the convector include only low mobility - most often such devices are intended for stationary use.

Simple design and heat transfer by convection contribute to the reliability and efficiency of electric convectors

Infrared radiators are the most modern type of heating equipment. Unlike any other equipment, their design is based on the principle of heat transfer by radiation.

The principle of operation of infrared radiators is borrowed from the Sun - it is not the air in the room that heats up, but reflecting objects

By heating not the air, but the surrounding objects, IR heaters differ high efficiency and at the same time have the highest efficiency. Only relatively high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages of devices operating similarly to the Sun.

Unlike other radiators, infrared devices work most effectively on the ceiling - in this case, the radiation penetrates into the most remote corners of the room

How to determine the optimal size of the radiator

The dimensions of the radiator affect not only whether the heating device can heat the room to a comfortable temperature, but also the efficiency of the heating system.

When determining the size of the radiator, among other factors, the width of the window opening and the height of the window sill should be taken into account

The dimensions of the battery are directly dependent on its thermal power, so the first step is to calculate the heat loss of the room. To do this, the volume in cubic meters is multiplied by 41 W - the amount of heat required to heat 1 cubic meter. m of a structure located in the middle latitudes. 20% should be added to the desired value - this reserve will not be superfluous when extremely low temperatures occur. Knowing the cost of heat that will be needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you can choose a monolithic battery right size or count the number of modular radiator sections. In the latter case, the resulting figure should be divided by the power of one section.

When determining the number of sections of heating radiators, you can use a special table.

For rooms with non-standard ceilings, an oversized heating battery will be required. In this case, a table that takes into account the height of the ceilings will help determine the number of radiator sections.

The table is enlarged on click.

It must be remembered that the radiator installed under the window should cover ¾ of the length of the window opening. In this case, the glasses will not accumulate cold air, and they will not fog up.

For those who do not want to deal with the calculation of power, there is a convenient one on our website. All that is needed in this case is to enter the parameters of the room and the heat transfer of one section of the selected radiator. The program will do all the necessary calculations for you.

Summing up the comparative characteristic various kinds heating appliances, the following main points can be distinguished:

  1. For a centralized open heating network, present in high-rise buildings, as many years ago, a cast-iron radiator remains the best option. It is water resistant Bad quality circulating through our pipelines and will last for many years. "Accordion" will withstand pressure drops and water hammer, while effectively heating the air in the room. The low price of this type of heater makes it quite affordable for everyone. However, the high inertness of cast iron will not allow such a radiator to be combined with a thermostat.
  2. A good alternative to a cast iron battery in conditions apartment buildings- bimetallic on the basis of steel with aluminum or copper. The steel has sufficient rigidity and corrosion resistance to withstand water hammer and adverse chemical composition water in the central system, and aluminum or copper compensate for not the most outstanding heat transfer of steel. However, the high cost does not allow us to say that this will be the best option.
  3. For closed heating systems present in private homes, it is usually easier to choose batteries - there is no overpressure in the heating system, and water is being prepared before it enters the pipeline. Therefore, the optimal type of heating device for the home is aluminum. Its price is affordable, the design is good, and the heat dissipation is high. The low inertness of this will allow it to be used in conjunction with a thermoregulation system.
  4. A good alternative to aluminum batteries in conditions autonomous heat supply- steel radiators. Having a lower heat output than aluminum, steel heating appliances have many advantages - light weight, low inertia, nice design, attractive price.
  5. Steel and aluminum batteries are produced primed on the inner plane of the heating element to prevent corrosion from the aggressive environment of the coolant. Scale and rust particles present in the coolant of open heating systems lead to mechanical destruction of the primer layer inside the devices, so manufacturers recommend that they be used in closed systems heating of private houses. Good option for open centralized systems a copper radiator can become, but not everyone will be pleased with its cost.

Choosing a heating radiator for your home is a task that must be approached responsibly. The rate of space heating and its efficiency will depend on the type of battery and some other factors.

In this article, we will consider the main types of heating radiators for a private house and apartment, the advantages and disadvantages of batteries different type and also give some tips for choosing them.

Classes of heating radiators

There are 4 classes of heating devices:

  • Sectional;
  • lamellar;
  • tubular;
  • Panel.

Sectional type radiators are known to everyone. They are made of cast iron, aluminum, steel. There are models for the production of which two materials are used (usually steel and aluminum). Such batteries are called bimetallic. Sectional radiators are assembled from separate sections (sections), obtaining at the output a heater with the required power, which is given to the external environment during operation.

Sectional radiators are assembled from separate sections (sections)

Plate heaters are called so because they are made of several plates mounted on curved or straight pipes. The pipes, in turn, circulate water. Another name for plate heating devices is convectors. They can be electrical or non-electric.

Photo: tubular radiator in the interior

Tubular radiators are made of several tubes interconnected by collectors. They look pretty original. Such radiators are often found in apartments where the interior is made by professional designers. Pipes can be made in any size and shape, for example, in the form of a specific shape.

Photo: panel radiators of different sizes

Panel heating radiators consist of panels that receive heat from the coolant circulating in the space between them through the channels formed by stamping. There are models with one, two and three panels.

Let us consider in more detail each of the types of heating radiators.

Cast iron sectional radiators

The first development of cast iron batteries was carried out almost 150 years ago by our compatriot. A few years later, the Americans received a patent and finalized the design. Radiators gained popularity after the advent of central system heating, and their mass production was adjusted during the industrial revolution.

The batteries that were used in the USSR and now remain in many homes have the MS 140 brand. The value "140" is the power given by one section. The operating and test pressure of the battery is 9 and 18 atmospheres, respectively. The number of sections is from 4 to 10.

Today, cast iron radiators are gaining popularity again,
thanks to improvements in their construction and design

The advantages and disadvantages of this type of battery are approximately the same.


  • Long service life (more than 50 years);
  • Affordable price;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • High abrasive wear. Pebbles and sand in the water do not cause much harm to the battery from the inside;
  • Heating efficiency at the maximum number sections.


  • Great weight and bulkiness;
  • Possibility of depressurization of joints;
  • Accumulation of rust inside during long-term operation;
  • Unpresentable appearance;
  • Difficulty in embedding radiators in autonomous heating systems, the impossibility of saving on the coolant;
  • Difficulty cleaning.

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetallic radiators are most often made of aluminum and steel. The latter is used to make horizontal and vertical tubes, soldered together, and the outer case is made of aluminum. The coolant flows through the pipes.

Typical dimensions of tubular radiators

The above calculations are approximate. It is difficult to create ideally sealed conditions in a room. Heat can escape through the floor, walls, windows. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances, up to what material the house is made of, whether the room is heated under and above you, etc. Instead of 41 watts per cubic meter, you can ask for a power of 60-70 watts, although it is better to carry out competent insulation so as not to spend money on heating the street. But to achieve overheating is also impossible, it will negatively affect your well-being.

Unit dimensions

Dimensions partially depend on the power of the radiator. In this case, the location of the device must be taken into account. Most often, batteries are mounted under the windowsill. Measure in advance the distances (height, width) in the place where the radiator will be installed, calculate the power needed to heat the apartment and select a heater according to these parameters.


Taste setting. Here the consumer is not limited by anything and is free to choose the unit that will appeal to him.


Italian manufacturers are considered the best. Good products are produced by German, Austrian, Finnish craftsmen. Manufacturers of the CIS countries are not much inferior to them.

Measure all features various types radiators, calculate and make the right choice.

The construction market offers a wide range of devices for heating systems.

Asking the question: “ Which heating batteries are better for a private home? ”, You must first carefully study all the options, and then make a choice.

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Battery Selection Criteria

To answer the question of how to choose the right radiator batteries for heating a private house, you need to determine the nuances that affect the choice. These include:

  • external characteristics;
  • features of use;
  • commodity price.

Distinctive feature of the home heating system is its autonomous work. This is a closed circuit, which has a low pressure, due to which there are no water hammers. The coolant has a special quality, it can be controlled and changed, if necessary, its type and properties. If applicable solid fuel boiler, then it is better to use radiators with large thermal inertia, which will smooth out fluctuations in the temperature of the coolant. In practice, batteries made from various materials. To decide which ones are best, you need to know their types and features.

Varieties of radiators that are used for heating networks

Modern manufacturing plants offer the following types of radiators for individual heating:

  • metal;
  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

They differ not only production materials but also structural characteristics.

panel type

Made from two metal sheets, which are connected to each other, and the coolant passes through the formed channels. The material from which such products are made is most often iron. It will be impossible to disassemble this design, therefore, to increase or decrease heat transfer, you need to replace the battery completely.


IN this case These are separate sections that are interconnected. Them quantity can be changed, depending on the need to increase or decrease heat transfer. Materials for the manufacture of these products may be different.


Steel produces another type of heating appliances - tubular. This is 2 collectors. which are connected to each other by vertical pipes.

Vacuum battery type

This is the construction filled with special liquid(not the coolant that passes through the bottom of the radiator).

Convection or plate radiators

Have type of curved tube with metal plates attached to it. The design is decorated with a special panel with slots through which air passes.

Knowing the nuances of each types of batteries, you can choose best radiators for heating.

How to choose heating batteries correctly

Given the characteristics of existing materials, we can say which aluminum radiators better to use. If you need an inexpensive option, then you should purchase aluminum models.

These are lightweight, made in modern style products that have proven themselves in the heating of individual houses.

Provided that the price is not fundamental factor, it is worth considering bimetallic options.

If you have kids, which may touch the radiator, it is better to install convection type products with a protection panel or models hidden in the floor. As heat source in a private house, steel or aluminum radiators are suitable.

When using the boiler solid fuel, or stoves with a water circuit, the best option is cast-iron models that have been tested by more than one generation. Despite their impressive weight, they provide long-term preservation of the temperature of the coolant. Manufacturers began to produce such batteries with modern design decision which greatly improved their appearance.

The popularity of batteries from different production materials

In the rating of radiators for heating a private house, bimetallic models are the first. This type is made from two different metals: iron and copper or aluminum, thanks to which the radiators get the best properties from each component:

All these characteristics distinguish such models from those made from other materials.

The second place is occupied by aluminum products. The most popular are Italian and Hungarian brands, which have not only a high cost, but also long term operation.

The main disadvantage imported models is instability to operating conditions in domestic realities. Russian manufacturers make cheaper products from aluminum, which has a high thermal conductivity.

Third place occupied by steel and cast iron options for the manufacture of products. Each of them has its own positive sides and disadvantages. The main advantage is the low cost of both types. Cast iron models also have the longest service life, and this is their main advantage over all other types.

Attention! To increase heat transfer, cast iron radiators should be flushed every few years, as rust and debris accumulate in them.

Batteries for a wooden building

When installing the system heating in a wooden building, you should be aware of the seasonal shrinkage of wood. Deformation of the walls in the autumn-spring period can damage the heating network. To avoid such inconveniences, heating risers are fixed using special connections. When choosing radiators, carefully relate to such nuances:

  • properties and type of coolant, which is filled into the system;
  • extremely high scores pressure and temperature inside the system;
  • heat transfer of heating devices;
  • product cost.

To answer the question, what heating radiators wooden house , I must say that there are no strict restrictions when choosing products, it all depends on preferences owner and intensity of use heating networks.

in wooden buildings Several heating options can be used: electric, stove or gas. For each option, select own types of batteries.

In case of equipment home gas boiler, you can use any of the options on the market. Which radiators for gas heating better, it's up to the consumer to decide.

Variety of heater sizes

Meet in size variety of battery options: there are standard, high up to 2 m, and low from 1.5 m. Selection of sizes for heating radiators a private house is not an easy task. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the room. With large panoramic windows, low radiators or mounted in the floor are suitable.

Before buying heating appliances, you must calculate heat output, considering the volume of rooms . When using screens and protective panels for decoration, the power should be increased.

Advice! When calculating the power, it cannot be underestimated; all roundings are done up.

Useful video

Having carried out preliminary calculations, you will be able to purchase devices that will meet your requirements, and help save the budget.

With the onset of cold weather, it's time to think about how to properly and economically insulate your home? You have to think about which batteries for heating a private house are better to buy? Another important issue is the replacement of heating batteries.

Types of heating radiators

  1. Cast iron radiators;
  2. Bimetallic radiators;
  3. Panel radiators;
  4. Aluminum radiators;
  5. Radiators are tubular.

Cast iron radiator consists of sections, durable. Excellent heat dissipation. Such radiators are resistant to corrosion, a good choice heating for the apartment. Cons - heavy weight, depressurization of joints from time to time.

Bimetallic radiators are made of steel and aluminum, expensive, excellent quality. They have an anti-corrosion coating, are durable - the service life is up to 40 years, they are not susceptible to water hammer, high heat transfer. Economical. Bimetallic heating is the best option. They will definitely keep you warm.

Cons high cost. Panel radiators - maximum heat transfer, reasonable price, compact size, ease of installation, light.

Cons - the need for frequent flushing (3 times a year), in order to avoid slagging. Aluminum heating batteries - serve up to 20 years, quickly heat up the room, have a small weight, presentable appearance.

Cons - a quick reaction of the metal to an acidic and alkaline environment, corrosion of the radiator when connected to pipes made of other alloys.

Tubular radiators - have a low weight and high cost precisely because of the huge variety of shapes and sizes. The main data is approximately the same with panel and sectional data. Cons - frequent replacement of radiators, low heat transfer, thin walls, the minimum amount of coolant.

Calculation of the number and type of batteries

For those who want to properly install or replace heating batteries in an apartment, you can also read.

The article will not use complex formulas and also, the calculations will be simplified.

Do-it-yourself installation of a heating battery with your own hands, requires:

  • You need to know how to choose and connect a heating radiator and install a tap on a heating battery;
  • Studying the rules for connecting radiators;
  • Carrying out accurate calculations and measurements;
  • You must have the necessary tool.

The device of the heating battery is simple. Heated water to the required temperature from the boiler enters the apartment through pipes. In the future, it enters the radiators.

Regardless of the temperature of the radiators, they always give off about 60% of the energy when they radiate thermal energy, the remaining 40% are given off in a convective way. In this way, minimal air convection is achieved and good heating of those objects that are present in the room.

Now let's take a closer look at how to calculate the number of sections for individual heating:

  • Based on current building codes, 100 watts of thermal power is needed to heat 1 "square" of a room. For example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 24 "squares", the power of one section is 160 watts, therefore the calculation is: 24 x 100: 160 = 15. To heat the room, the required number of batteries is 15 sections, with a power of 160 watts.
  • In this option, the indicators are - the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and height. One section heats 1.8 m² of area with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, we calculate 24: 1.8 = 13.3. There are 14 sections of the radiator.
  • The last option is how to calculate the required number of sections according to the volume of the room. The length of the room is 6 m, width - 4 m, height - 2.5 m. The volume will be 6 x 4 x 2.5 = 60 m³. For heating 5 m³
    the power of the heating battery of one section is 200 watts, you need to buy 60: 5 = 12 (sections) of 200 watts or 11 sections of 160 watts.

Types of heating batteries are divided into sectional (cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum) and panel made from steel. Usually this is a flat battery with bulges for the movement of the coolant.

Heating radiators for an apartment are different, it is very important to install a meter on the heating battery on them, which will help save up to 65% of the original amount for heating.

Types of heating radiators. Modern views heating radiators

Comparison of batteries for a private house

  • Steel, panel type 6-10 Suitable Low
  • Steel, tubular type 8-15 Suitable High
  • Bimetallic. 20-35 Suitable High
  • Cast iron 6-9 Suitable Low
  • Aluminum 6-25 Suitable Low

For a private house, it is better to install batteries made of steel or aluminum, which have many advantages and an affordable price.

For a comfortable room temperature, you need a thermostat for heating batteries to help maintain a stable temperature.

How to shut off the heating battery is a simple question. For owners of private houses, adjusting or repairing radiators is easy, private house equipped with an individual heating system. On the radiator, you need to open the upper valve, and close the lower one. In this case, there will always be water in the heating system, which will save the radiator from corrosion.

According to the rules in houses, the water of radiators cannot be less than +18 °C (corner rooms - +20 °C). In places with an average temperature of about -31 °C or more, the room temperature cannot be less than +20 °C, and in corner rooms the temperature should be -22 °C.

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the room temperature can drop no more than 4 °C. During the day, a decrease in temperature less than indicated in the standard level is not allowed.

Why install a screen on a heating battery? This is a good way to close outdated and unsuitable heating elements in the interior. The heating radiator screen is easy to install and affordable, eliminating the need to replace the radiator and supply pipes.

Tying radiators is carried out using various pipes, experts recommend using polypropylene. Ball Valves for strapping, polypropylene straight and angular are also bought, this option is simple and cheap.

On the modern market flat radiators appeared. This the new kind radiators is made of cast iron or steel, the buyer is presented with all kinds of sizes of radiators, their heating function and beautiful decor.

Why are vertical radiators more convenient? They are designed to be placed on free sections of walls, and the main difference between high radiators and ordinary ones is a small width with a considerable height. High heating batteries are made of steel and aluminum.

To date, electric heating batteries are a new version of radiators. The type of these heaters independently maintains the temperature of the body and the air in the room.

Convectors (plate batteries)

Pluses - strong, perfectly give off heat, are easily installed even on the ceiling and on the floor.
Cons - they heat the air unevenly, so the heating battery does not heat well.

A common question is why air is in the radiator? The coolant is heated, small bubbles are formed during the separation of oxygen, which create an air lock; the air vent does not work; in apartments, air jams are usually on the top floors. The Mayevsky valve will help remove air.

Based on the foregoing, heating devices for a private house are installed taking into account the type of existing heating system. The best option for an individual heating system there will be aluminum and steel batteries. In a private house, there are no temperature differences in an autonomous pipeline, prepared water is used and pressure is regulated.

How to choose heating radiators Which batteries and heating radiators are better