Give a 5 year old child to a girl. Plasticine breakfast from the future hostess

On the eve of the child's birthday, some parents frantically flip through the pages of Internet sites in search of a suitable gift, others call their friends to find out what they gave their five-year-old children.

So that the parents of the birthday boy do not rack their brains, "Letidor" shares valuable advice on what is best to give a girl for five years.

Dolls and accessories

The first place in the puppet rating is occupied by baby dolls, which in size and appearance resemble real babies. They sell sets of clothes and even diapers. The highest quality baby dolls are produced by German and Spanish brands, but they are also more expensive.

Separately, I would like to mention the so-called "reborns" - baby dolls handmade, which are not just one-on-one similar to newborns, but are often manually molded from photographs of real children. But not everyone can buy such a toy, the point is not so much in the relatively high cost, but in the sensations that they cause. Creepy sometimes.

For those who do not like to play mother-daughter, we can offer Barbie beauties, fairies from popular cartoons and a series of dolls - daughters of fairy tale characters in exquisite outfits and many others. For almost all dolls, accessories are additionally sold. For baby dolls, these are strollers, cribs, car carriers, kangaroos - in a word, everything that is supposed to be bought for a real baby. For beauty dolls, there are sets of clothes, shoes and even jewelry and, of course, houses or themed rooms: studio, boudoir, bathroom, bedroom, stage, etc.

Letidor's advice: the main thing when buying dolls, especially like Barbie, is to make right choice, that is, choose the one that the child definitely does not have, otherwise it will be very disappointing. Therefore, get clear instructions from the birthday girl about what character she dreams of this time.


At this age, girls prefer not just to stack cubes, but to build castles for princesses and heroes of various cartoons. Therefore, thematic designers will go with a bang. They not only help to come up with scenarios for games, but are also good for developing motor skills. Magnetic construction sets are especially popular today. They consist mainly of flat geometric parts that are connected to each other using built-in magnets. The result is a massive structure. Building from such constructors is very useful for developing 3D representation. The prices for the kits are quite high, but thanks to high quality justified.

Letidor's advice: in the case of constructors, you need to trust the reviews of other parents. The designer, whose details are poorly matched, the edges are not processed, when one brick is not inserted into another, will discourage the girl from playing for a long time. So choose brands that have stood the test of time or are recommended by parents.

Houses with furniture

This is every girl's dream. A house with furniture, where, in addition to beds, cabinets and other interior items, there is even dishes! Different families can live in them - not only "people", but also animals. In addition, there are restaurant houses, playgrounds, a school and even shops with pastries, clothes, ice cream and jewelry. The price depends on the brand and the number of items in the set.

Letidor's advice: it is impossible to buy everything. Therefore, specify which structures are most interesting to the girl. Such houses are good because, firstly, you can always buy additional parts to expand the town, and secondly, girls play such games for quite a long time, up to 9-10 years.

Sets for games in the profession

The most popular profession is a doctor. Here the choice is wide: from the smallest suitcase with tools to a design on wheels, on which you can even “do an X-ray”.

The second most popular set is a hairdressing salon. Combs, hair dryer, iron, curlers, hairpins - everything that can turn a doll or even a mother into real beauties.

The seller's set is less popular at this age. Still, they start playing in the store a little earlier, but suddenly the girl already has everything, but there were no cash registers, banknotes and coins, as well as a basket or cart with groceries. So, then such a set will be very useful. Moreover, it will help to master the basics of counting.

Letidor's advice: remember that profession sets fade into the background at this age, so do not buy them in large quantities.

Stuffed Toys

The most cute gift, and he is the most useless. On the plus side, the soft toy can be carried in the stroller instead of the doll, and it's also a great spy toy that soothes the baby before bed. There are more minuses than pluses: firstly, the dust collector, secondly, it serves more to decorate the nursery than for a real game, and thirdly, it usually just sits on a shelf and, which follows from the first and second, serves for nothing.

But! Children often cherish such toys for many years and even take them with them into adulthood as a reminder of their childhood.

Letidor's advice: think 20 times if the birthday girl needs such a gift. Indeed, sometimes this is a dream, and then it makes sense to give a soft toy. If not, please suggest other options. And for children with allergies, this toy is generally harmful.


O! These beautiful accessories are the dream of any fashionista with early childhood! There are not many of them. And girls also love backpacks: they are more practical and you can put a lot of necessary things in them. Moreover, today they offer backpacks with a panel on the outside, where you can lay out a drawing using special parts (included in the kit) - it turns out something like a designer.

And if you are traveling, then a travel suitcase will be a great gift. In it, girls carry toys, balls and even some personal items.

Letidor's advice: handbag and backpack should be practical. Remember that an attractive adult handbag will not fit girls, you will have to cut the belt.

Jewelry and cosmetics

The most daring gift! Cosmetics can be given only if the girl does not have allergies. But jewelry can be a gift for many years. If cosmetics, then only hypoallergenic. If jewelry (most likely it will be earrings), then only from natural materials and noble metals.

You should not give jewelry with stones: it is too early and impractical. If a ring, then the simplest, but made of precious metals. If earrings, then a very simple shape (leaf, hedgehog, turtle, flower), something small and flat so as not to scratch behind the ear.

Five years is already a real conscious holiday in the life of a little girl. At this age, the crumbs resemble dolls or fairies who want to be pampered and give wonderful gifts so that the baby flutters with happiness.

Therefore, in order to please the girls, you need to try hard and find the best gift. The main thing is that he delighted the birthday girl, was not only interesting, but also useful. In general, we connect fantasy and start searching.

Each age has its own characteristics and five years is no exception. The girl is already beginning to actively prepare for school. Therefore, when choosing a presentation, you can focus on this aspect and look for something that develops attention, perseverance. It can be a variety of puzzles, sets for playing hairdresser, cook, magician and other educational kits.

You should not limit yourself to acquiring a large soft toy or a doll with long eyelashes and flapping eyes, although this will undoubtedly also please the hero of the occasion. Little girls are growing fast and their needs are constantly changing.

If you want to give a doll, present it along with a house that will help her gain new skills and abilities. Such play sets contain a lot of useful things: toy furniture, dishes, kitchenette. The girl will arrange dinner parties for the ward, host other toys, comb her hair, and wash the dishes.

Consider various computer programs as a souvenir for a little girl on her five-year birthday, which will include lessons for budding intellectuals. A girl will playfully learn the alphabet, numbers, poems and many other things. useful information which develops logical thinking. For a child at this age, such games are very beneficial.

By the way, there are toys that talk and can also teach the baby something useful, for example, English. This will perfectly prepare the baby for schoolwork and make her the smartest in the new class.

Do not bypass board and outdoor games. Such surprises are incredibly popular with children and, of course, they bring a lot of benefits. First, the girl gets used to society. Secondly, it becomes more diligent. Thirdly, he learns to build elementary logical chains, to solve intricate puzzles. Such games are: checkers, children's dominoes, twister, musical carpet, tags and others.

Surely the birthday girl will be fascinated by needlework, which will allow her to develop fine motor skills pens. A good gift - brushes, paints, plasticine, various shreds, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue. But you have to be careful with these things. Let the child embroider only in the presence of parents. With such sets, the girl will be able to embody any of her fantasies.

Do not forget that five-year-old girls are already growing ladies, so they are already starting to flirt and take care of themselves. Look on the shelves of stores for combs, a small mirror, bright rubber bands, hairpins, beads, ribbons. It’s okay that mom still does hairstyles for the baby, but after all, the kids grasp everything on the fly and soon she herself will begin to experiment with her hair.

Useful gifts for a little five year old girl.

We decided to help in the search and break the souvenirs into several small groups to make it easier to look for a present for the birthday girl.

  • Talking baby doll with a dowry. It is a nipple, a bottle, a stroller, diapers, undershirts, clothes, penetochki, a cradle. Such a gift will bring great benefits. He will develop speech, replenish vocabulary, teach the girl to be responsible.
  • Kitchen or household appliances, almost completely reminiscent of the original. With the help of these souvenirs, the baby will slowly learn to help his mother around the house. By the way, buy a broom, a spatula, a scoop for her.
  • A book with pictures, kind and colorful. Little girls really like fairy tales about Cinderella, the Snow Queen, Snow White, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, and others. It is necessary that the book has large letters, so the baby will learn the alphabet faster. Sometimes, it is worth giving the girl herself to read, at least one, two sentences, here large illustrations will become very appropriate.
  • Encyclopedia for the little ones. Imagine how interesting it will be for a girl to leaf through a gift folio, learn a lot about birds, fish, insects. Choose a publication for preschoolers so that the information presented is easily perceived.
  • Bicycle, scooter, skate, skates, rollers. Thanks to these useful gifts, the child will be able to spend more time outdoors, breathe fresh air and have a lot of fun. It is better to give a bicycle a two-wheeled one, a three-wheeled one is no longer relevant in five years.
  • A set to make your own photo frames. To make something with your own hands will appeal to any child, and even more so to a five-year-old. It can be decorated with a variety of ribbons, rhinestones, beads, sequins, flowers, bright butterflies, hearts. Also, the frame can be painted, glued with foil. And how nice it will be when the photo from the holiday is located in a frame made by the birthday girl herself.
  • Umbrella - coloring book. There are decorative umbrellas that need to be decorated. It can depict favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales. No one else will have such an exclusive toy.
  • Various puzzles, big and small. Do not think that this is a banal present, not at all. The game will help develop attention. The more figurines there are, the better. Puzzles can be collected by the whole family and this will delight the child even more. But be sure to see that they fit a five-year-old girl, otherwise the child will not be able to assemble everything on his own and be very upset.

Heartfelt gifts for a five-year-old birthday girl.

We have already brought practical gifts to your attention, now let me devote a couple of lines to pleasant gifts. What could it be:

  • Bright, colorful night light. This is not just a bedside accessory, but also an item that helps not to be afraid of brownies and other ghosts at night. Just imagine how a luminous green frog, a blue dolphin, a funny dwarf or a red fly agaric will stand on the child’s table all night.
  • Jewelry. Girls of any age love to adorn themselves, so a set of children's jewelry will surely please a five-year-old fashionista. On the shelves of children's stores, you will surely find sets of jewelry made of plastic, beads, wood. By the way, from such a young age they will allow instilling a sense of style in children.
  • Table for a little princess. It is possible to make it to order according to individual sizes, or you can simply purchase it in the store. On it, the hero of the occasion will be able to put her toy lipstick, put hairpins, perfumes, gifts received for her birthday.
  • Domestic animal. Puppy, kitten, parrot, hamster, fish - this is what every child dreams of. At the age of five, it is time to slowly accustom the girl to a sense of responsibility, and the animal is a wonderful helper in this. Let the girl walk the pet, feed and water it, comb it and get used to the fact that she now has her own responsibilities.
  • Going to the cinema, to a theatrical performance, to rides - nice bonus on your birthday.

Among other things, order a big birthday cake for the girl or bake it yourself. Thanks to the video clips, you can learn how to cook wonderful cakes. By the way, if the girl will help in this process - even better.

Invite animators or rent a room for a while, invite guests, come up with an original script. Let's have a costume party. You can put a variety of drinks, exotic vegetables and fruits on the table. Such a holiday will surely be remembered by all children, and even more so by the hero of the occasion. Just imagine how many positive emotions a child will receive, enjoying congratulations, gifts, a lot of delicious food.

Your attention was offered the best options as gifts for your birthday. We can say with confidence that they will surprise the baby, because each of them has its own zest. Any age-appropriate gift is unique in its own way and is a good surprise for a five-year-old girl. Most importantly, do not forget to buy a bouquet of flowers and a large box of delicious sweets along with a surprise, because any, even the smallest woman, loves these signs of attention from the cradle.

Is your beautiful princess approaching her first birthday? Well, this is a serious matter and should be treated with all care. On this festive day, the birthday girl is waiting not only for the most fun holiday, but also for special gifts, as beautiful as the hero of the occasion herself. The situation is slightly complicated by the fact that, for sure, your girl is used to various presents and it is now very, very difficult to surprise her. But do not despair, in our article we, as always, will tell you what to give your daughter for 5 years, so that the holiday is sure to succeed. Here we will tell you about the most wonderful ideas that will certainly please her, surprise and, of course, delight her.

When choosing a gift for a 5-year-old daughter, do not forget that you are dealing not just with a child, but with a sweet lady, although still quite small, but already very attentive to herself, her appearance and leisure. Therefore, the gift must be beautiful even externally! Take care of the bright packaging.

What can I give my daughter for her birthday: the first anniversary

With the approach of this significant day, it will not be out of place to remind you that your girl is already at the age when it is time to prepare as hard as possible for school. Of course, this does not mean that you should present the birthday girl with a lot of things that are extremely useful for the school. No, it’s better to let them be gifts that, in a playful way, will allow you to prepare well for the upcoming educational process.

A child is a person who is not too interested in the practical side of the present, so you can safely give something that is simply interesting. And this is definitely not a warm sweater and not new pants, the baby does not see any joy in such gifts. Better than a bright dress!

For your daughter's birthday on her first anniversary, you should give something very special that she will not forget for many years and with which she will be interested to spend time. Some girls at this age are already seriously interested in fashion, others like to imitate their mother, playing with her makeup, the rest are fans of outdoor and active games. The choice of a present depends solely on the nature and hobbies of your hero of the occasion.

Useful gift for a 5 year old girl

It is a mistake to think that your daughter did not like a useful gift. Of course, even a practical present should be something interesting and exciting. It's no secret that at such a young age all children are drawn to knowledge and the best part is that everything new is easy for them, so it's time to come to grips with learning the crumbs. Of course, a pile of boring notebooks and books will only scare the child away, but if you find something original and interesting, then be sure that your lessons will be held in an atmosphere of fun and joy. And we know many such gifts. And here are the most popular among them:

  • Self-taught pen. Of course, this pen will not learn letters and numbers for your daughter. It's about about a certain simulator that will allow the girl to learn how to write correctly and beautifully. The device can have the most diverse design performance: in the form of various animals or cartoon characters.
  • Set for the little prodigy. After all, we do not even doubt that your baby is an incredibly developed girl. And so we propose to give our daughter an unusual mini-laboratory for her first experiments for her 5th birthday. Traditional kits include puzzles and cards that will allow you to repeat all the knowledge about letters and numbers, words, colors, etc. in an exciting way.
  • Interesting set of reading cards. It is likely that your birthday girl already knows how to read, albeit in syllables. And this skill, of course, needs to be honed. By playing, she will be able to learn how to read easily and quickly, using your gift and, thereby, turning the lesson into an interesting activity.
  • Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel. On such a board, you can write and collect various drawings using magnetic figures. That's why it is a double-sided board, to be multifunctional and as interesting as possible to the child.
  • Colorful abacus. For a birthday, you can give a 5-year-old girl a children's abacus. It was on such a toy that you once learned the first basics of mathematics, and now it's time for your baby. Of course, the appearance and functionality of modern models has changed a lot, but, perhaps, the best game for learning, counting has not yet been invented.
  • Game complex in the form of a colorful table for lessons, on which any task will be doubly enjoyable. Complete with such a table, as a rule, there is still a lot of necessary accessories for the school: a marker, crayons, felt-tip pens and much more.
  • Scrabble for kids. The world-famous tabletop family game in children's version.

As you can see, a useful gift is a great idea. You can present a very inexpensive gift to your daughter, which will be very useful to her before school and, of course, will turn into one of her favorite toys. It can be an educational painting, the first spelling book with bright pictures.

What to give a child from parents: gadgets

Considering that your girl is already very mature, it's time to learn how to use her first gadgets.

  • Mobile phone. You should not buy a model that is too expensive, especially since the profile market is ready to offer even special children's models, slightly simplified and very attractive. appearance and low price.
  • Educational laptop with a bright design and many functions for learning not only letters and numbers, but also foreign languages. Depending on the model, a laptop may have a different set of functions, therefore, the price also varies from very inexpensive to more advanced models. But, it is worth noting that both the first and second options deserve attention, because even the most democratic options are a fascinating toy that will keep your daughter busy for a long time and help her in learning.
  • A simple player or tape recorder. If a child is not indifferent to music, give her a bright children's tape recorder. To decorate the room and listen to your favorite discs at any time.

You can also present other gadgets that are useful in life to your daughter for her birthday. For example - a clock that helps to learn the time, a children's tablet, a convenient alarm clock with pleasant melodies.

Birthday Gift Ideas for Daughter: Presents for Outdoor Games

The choice of a gift for a 5-year-old girl may be related to her free time. Children at this age, of course, are very mobile and always take part in various active games with genuine enthusiasm. Your present may be associated with this childhood hobby.

  • Rope. But not just boring, but modern and very bright. The market offers various advanced models, for example, with an electronic meter. So the girls in the yard will be able to compete among themselves who made the most jumps.
  • balancing disc, which can be made in the form of a hemisphere or a flat plate on an unstable leg. It helps to develop coordination and the vestibular apparatus of the child, in addition, it is very funny - to try to "tame" this toy.
  • Videos. And, of course, all the necessary protective equipment is included. We are sure that your little one will be delighted with such a gift, so feel free to include this idea in the list of the best gifts for your daughter.
  • Jumper. An original design with which the girl can master the most interesting and unusual jumps, thus maintaining her physical fitness at the highest level.
  • Twister. One of the most interesting games for a fun company, which can be both friends of your birthday girl and parents. Such family evenings with an interesting game will unite you even more.

Children's croquet, bowling or boomerang can be safely attributed to the category of these same gifts. But if you still haven’t managed to get your child interested in sports, then maybe he should show how interesting it is? Tickets for various sports competitions are suitable for this, for example, for rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating.

A variant of interesting gifts for a girl: presents for a real fashionista

For a 5-year-old girl, you can buy something completely girly, because your little princess is growing up, who will certainly become a real queen, like her mother.

  • Set of children's cosmetics. Preference should still be given to decorative, not care. So for the birthday girl it will be more interesting. Do not be afraid, such cosmetics do not contain harmful substances and completely hypoallergenic. Now the girl will be able to make herself beautiful makeup every morning, just like her mother, having fun together.
  • Set for needlework. It can be, for example, a set for creating beautiful bracelets or any other jewelry. Which then will become excellent gifts for girlfriends and worthy additions to the name-day wardrobe.
  • Hair accessories. If your birthday girl has long beautiful hair, then she probably loves her mother to make her fashionable hairstyles and use the most beautiful hairpins. Now she will have a whole set of such accessories, consisting of all kinds of hairpins, elastic bands and other hair ornaments.
  • Fairy or princess dress. What girl doesn’t want to dress up in a beautiful costume of a real princess with a real crown or a real fairy with a real magic wand on her holiday? Give your smart girl such a great opportunity.

TOP 10 gifts for a daughter for 5 years:

  1. Set of children's cosmetics.
  2. New party dress.
  3. Set for home creativity.
  4. Roller Skates.
  5. Board developing game.
  6. Dance mat.
  7. Educational laptop.
  8. An unusual pen that writes with invisible ink.
  9. Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel
  10. Surprise themed party.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to find a good gift for a girl on her first anniversary. At a young age of five, a baby can be interested in many different toys, which, at the same time, are very exciting, are also useful and help to prepare well for the upcoming school.

A girl who turns 5 is much more mature than her parents think. Children of this age make a big step forward in their development, and it often goes unnoticed by adults. Gifts and holidays for a daughter of this age should be special and meet her psychological and physiological needs. About what to give a girl for 5 years, it is worth talking in more detail.

Dolls and toys

At this age, girls are very fond of joint games in which roles are clearly distributed. The most favorite game is the classic "daughters-mothers". The doll is a welcome and necessary gift. At the age of five, a child will be interested in an ordinary doll, but the interactive "ward" is fully capable of satisfying the child's need to show the nascent maternal instinct.

Most economical option– Shantou Gepai Bonnie. This is a doll that costs about 700 rubles, but it is a pleasure to play with it. Includes clothes, bottle and pacifier. The doll makes many very realistic sounds and requires care and attention, just like a real baby.

Inexpensive are the dolls of the manufacturer "Spring" - Nastenka, Dasha and others. Their cost is about 800 rubles. They can pronounce up to 10-15 phrases, have luxurious hair, so the girl can experiment with hairstyles. The manufacturer produces several dozen varieties of dolls - from baby dolls to slender beauties.

Very realistic interactive baby dolls are produced under the brand name Lisa Jane. They are soft, only the handles and head are hard. Dolls sing lullabies, talk, can sit and lie down. The cost is from 1200 rubles.

Cartoon favorite girls - Dora the traveler and Slipper from Fisher Price. This is a musical interactive doll. It differs not only in sound, but also in lighting effects. The cost is from 2600 rubles.

The choice of manufacturers is very large, but Barbie and Baby Born have been very popular for many years.

Toys for five-year-old girls are not only dolls, but also furniture, doll houses, strollers, small kitchens, on which the girl will be able to cook lunch for her "ward", as well as sets - for treatment, for organizing a real school, for puppet trips.


Since at the age of 5 it is already quite easy to play in a team, you can give the girl a quest game in which all her friends could take part. True, it is difficult to count on the help of professional animators, since most of the companies organizing such games make adventures for children from 10-11 years old, but you can search. For a 5+ company, it is quite possible to come up with a game on your own. Children will be able to look for notes, guess riddles, look for a hidden birthday cake.

Gifts-experiences depend on the interests of a particular child. In some cases, these may be tickets to a circus or a zoo, a puppet theater or a movie.

Presents for musical and creative personalities

If a girl loves to sing, you can give her a toy piano, a synthesizer, a whole DJ console that will allow the young talent to play various sounds, sing, and also record the resulting compositions and happily demonstrate them to fans of their work - mom and dad. An interesting set for a little composer is "Project MC2" (price - from 4500 rubles).

For girls who are very fond of dancing, you can buy a dance mat that connects to a TV or computer. Mats can have one dance place or 2-3 at once to play together with parents and friends, compete with them, dance in one team against the computer team.

There are dance mats that not only make it possible to move around, but also teach counting and the alphabet. These include the Robot Bibo mat from Fisher Price. The little robot will praise the owner if she completes the tasks correctly.

You can give the girl a set for creativity - for creating doll dresses, stained glass paintings, for modeling candles, creating fridge magnets, 3D applications, engravings. The most interesting manufacturers offering such kits are Docha & Mama, Pony, Kalyaka-Malyaka, Limpopo.

Ideas for fidgets

Active and mobile girls who cannot sit still for a minute can be given something that will help them direct their energy in a useful direction - a bicycle, a gyro scooter, roller skates. The choice of gyroscooters today is great, the cost is different - from 7,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Rollers are the most popular gift, among many manufacturers, Amigo Sport Powerflex, Hello Kitty, Reaction Galaxy have proven themselves the most.

For a bicycle, hoverboard or roller skates, you should definitely buy a protection kit, which will include a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, ankle protection, and hands.

Books and educational games

Regardless of whether the girl can read, you can buy and give her an interesting book. A great option is to give an encyclopedia with 3D volumetric pictures. You can donate a book from the Uzorova and Nefyodova Class series - these are collections of tasks for preparing for school, coloring books, publications with logical tasks, funny puzzles and quizzes. Any child will like a gift big book of fairy tales - for example, "100 favorite fairy tales" from the series "500 favorite pages".

Particularly noteworthy are the books in the Robins Universal Method series. These are books for learning the alphabet, counting, arithmetic, in English and biology with "smart" slides, moving which with her fingers, the girl will be able to learn new words, concepts, syllables.

The baby will be able to get ready for school faster if you give her the I "M Toy 7 in 1 development center." A panel with wooden letters and numbers will help you master the alphabet and counting, a chalk and marker board will be useful for consolidating your knowledge.

A board can be an easel, if you fix a sheet of paper on it - using special fasteners. There is a dial with moving arrows, as well as a labyrinth and several logic games. The cost of the center is about 7000 rubles.

a good gift for active and sufficiently socialized children at the age of 5 there will be a set of mitten dolls for staging their own performances. Without exception, all girls at this age will be completely delighted if they are presented with a children's educational educational tablet - for example, "TurboKids Princess New" ( a good option- "Dora the explorer").

Clothing and jewelry

Many girls at 5 years old are big fashionistas. For this reason, a beautiful dress, a sundress, a stylish suit will come in handy.

It is best to choose such a gift together with the one to whom the present is intended, in order to take into account all the features of the figure.

The range of prices for children's clothing is incredibly wide - it all depends on whether you want to buy a branded item or just looking for a quality and beautiful dress at a reasonable price.

A little fashionista will also be very happy with a set of jewelry. These can be sets of rubber bands and hairpins, sets of bracelets and beads, sets of accessories for weaving braids. You can give the girl a book - instructions for weaving jewelry from beads, creating brooches, hairpins, bracelets (and a set of appropriate materials for their creation - beads, pieces of fabric, thread, braid).

Children love holidays. And if they themselves are the heroes of the occasion, there is no limit to delight. Here and congratulations, and goodies, and guests, and entertainment, and gifts. Many families invite animators for their daughter or celebrate a significant date in a cafe with friends. All this adds bright colors and positive impressions to a young girl. After four years, she already understands the essence of what is happening quite well and looks forward to the upcoming birthday fun. In order for the event to turn out to be truly joyful and interesting for the baby, adults need to take care of the venue and know what to give in advance.

Achievements and opportunities of a five-year-old girl

Young children are very active and curious. They are growing fast and learning new things. An emotionally well-off child is actively looking for his place in the world around him, enjoys spending time in a children's team, playing with friends. Coordination and fine motor skills at the age of five are developed quite well for exciting climbing on the slides and the image of your beloved mother with the help of improvised means. Logical and creative thinking does not lag behind the general process.

The young lady understands the causal relationship and interaction of events. She becomes more receptive to the manifestations of other people and herself is already experiencing the full range of feelings inherent in an adult. A baby may feel sorry for an abandoned kitten, get scared for a friend who has fallen off a bicycle, show sympathy for a new girl in the group. Often she is the first to show initiative, ask to do something on her own or help her parents. The baby openly talks about everything to her relatives at home, to kindergarten teachers, to adults on the street. There are no secrets at this age. And if the charmer wants something, she will certainly inform about it in a conversation, so choosing the desired birthday present for parents is not difficult.

Toys are an important part of the children's world

Favorite activity for five-year-old girls, like all children preschool age- a game. In it, they model everyday affairs, possible situations, everyday problems and communication between peers and different generations. Also, the baby can try on the role of a future mother, lulling and feeding the baby. The role-playing game repeats the actions of adults, their words, reactions and actions. Through this process, a young lady learns to correctly perceive current events, correctly build interpersonal and friendly relationships, perceive an interlocutor and resolve conflict situations. Therefore, this type of activity of the baby is very important for her future life.

Gift options:

  1. Sets for role-playing games. “Hospital”, “School”, “Beauty Salon”, “Cafe”, “Shop”, etc. The necessary items can be purchased already in a ready-made set or assembled by yourself (for example, to play cook, find an apron, cap, pots, children's dishes, buy a toy stove, vegetables and fruits).
  2. Dolls. Such toys are sold for every taste and color: heroes from your favorite cartoon, little girls or girls, princesses or princes. If a young lady has anxiety or restless sleep, her room should be inhabited only by positive characters with kind faces.
  3. Baby dolls. They are both the most common and very similar to babies. Interactive options move, walk, cry, blink, eat and pee.
  4. Stroller for dolls. Almost all models are foldable and do not take up much space in the apartment. They are easily removed when the girl is not playing mother-daughter.
  5. Toy furniture. Beds, table, chairs, wardrobes make the game close to reality.
  6. House for dolls. It can be small or huge with many rooms.
  7. Vehicles for toys. Buses, cars, horse-drawn carriages will help the baby diversify the scenario.
  8. Hairdressing doll. When buying it, you need to pay attention to the quality of the hair. They should not get confused with time, otherwise after two or three braids, playing with it loses all meaning.
  9. Railway. There are options for girls with the matching colors of the train carrying, for example, princesses or cute little animals.
  10. Stuffed Toys. Big or small, musical or ordinary - most young people like them.
  11. Children's mobile phone. In a role-playing game, it will not be superfluous.
  12. Clothes, shoes and accessories for dolls. Dresses, shoes, suits, bags, hats, jackets can be purchased at the store or sewn with your own hands.
  13. Moving toys. They can be mechanical or radio-controlled.
  14. Interactive animals. Cats, dogs, hamsters react to the touch and words of the hostess.
  15. Parsley dolls. Able to create a whole theater. In the hands they "come to life" and play a performance, if the hostess so desires.
  16. Beach toys. Water pistols, various sprinklers, unusual molds, windmills will brighten up your leisure time in the hot season.

Toys - photo gallery

Game set "Hospital" Dolls are the most girlish gift Baby dolls are interactive and ordinary Stroller for dolls
Furniture for toys The doll house expands the play possibilities of the child
Carriage for the princess Hairdressing doll for a lover of braiding toy Railway may also be interesting for girls
Soft toys are loved by many little ones.
Toy phone diversifies the gameplay Clothes for dolls - necessary for role play Radio-controlled toys - an interesting gift for a girl
Interactive animals - a replacement for real dogs and cats
Hand puppets can create a whole home theater
Beach toys diversify leisure in the hot season

If a girl collects characters from a fairy tale or a toy from the Sylvanian Families set, you can ask her what she lacks for the collection. Houses, furniture, vehicles, clothes, household utensils, dolls themselves or forest families - the choice is great.

How to sew a dress for a doll - video

What to give for the development of a young person at 5 years old

At the age of five, a girl, in addition to ordinary games, needs developmental activities. This will help her to more successfully cope with the tasks in preparation for school and further the program. primary school. If the baby becomes a first-grader in a year and a half, then it is necessary to train imaginative thinking, perseverance, determination, logic and imagination in a playful way right now. Finding matching gifts is not difficult for adults.

Surprise options:

  1. Puzzles 3D and ordinary. There are pictures on any topic, including those based on your favorite cartoons. From volumetric options, houses or animal figures are created. Such games develop attentiveness well and make the child think.
  2. Constructors. The most expensive but interesting option for girls it's Lego. With it, you can organize a whole city with small residents. Lego is suitable not only for Duplo, but also for the Disney, Friends, Supergirls series. When a girl assembles an object, she learns to disassemble the diagrams, look for the necessary details, follow the instructions, her fine motor skills improve.
  3. Puzzle. These include toys aimed at developing logical thinking, and children's magazines with mazes, coloring books and riddles.
  4. Board games. They are in accordance with shapes and sizes, contribute to the replenishment of vocabulary, teach the rules of the road, teach you to do the right thing, help in mastering counting and writing, train attention, visual memory and reaction, logical and creative thinking, develop communication skills, broaden their horizons.
  5. Synthesizer. The girl can compose her own melodies or play the suggested ones. Sometimes a microphone is included.
  6. Children's computer. This device contains a variety of programs to educate the child and engage his thought process. It will introduce the baby to numbers and letters, tell you the basics of writing words and counting. This gift option will come in handy, because before school there is no need to buy an adult laptop.
  7. Mosaic. Great for developing creative thinking and fine motor skills.

Educational surprises - photo gallery

Figures of animals or buildings are created from three-dimensional puzzles
The Lego Friends series can be presented to a five-year-old lady
Board games playfully and unobtrusively develop the various qualities of the child.
The synthesizer contributes to the manifestation of the creative abilities of the girl
Children's computer contains a variety of educational programs Mosaic develops imagination and fine motor skills Puzzles for kids train logical thinking

All proposed toys must correspond to the development of the young person and have the prospect of gradually moving the child to the next level.

Sports gifts for active and positive

Movement is known to be very beneficial for the body. How more baby walks, dances, runs, jumps, swims, the better he feels, getting a daily charge of vivacity. Children, in whose life there are reasonable loads, get sick less and think more positively. Both active babies and calmer persons need outdoor games in the fresh air. Such activities contribute to the normalization of sleep and are good preventive measure against excess weight and fatigue.

Surprises for a healthy and fun pastime:

  1. Roller Skates. Such a gift can be given to a girl on her birthday if she has no health problems. Rollers must be accompanied by protection for hands, knees and a helmet.
  2. sports complex. It gives the child the opportunity to engage in physical education with interest without leaving the room.
  3. Trampoline. All children will be happy to accept such a gift, because jumping perfectly cheers up. A necessary detail is a mesh, it will prevent unsuccessful falls.
  4. Darts for children. There is an option with Velcro or magnets, it is safe for the baby, since there are no sharp objects. Throwing an object at a target develops coordination.
  5. A bike. It trains the muscular system and makes outdoor walks more rewarding. If the girl has not previously had such a vehicle, or she still does not know how to ride a two-wheeled version, you should choose a model with additional removable wheels. Tire diameter for a five-year-old child should be 16 inches on average, but the young athlete's height and comfort must be taken into account. The bike must be equipped with a foot brake, and the baby with a helmet.
  6. Balls. They can be sports, soft, inflatable, various colors and sizes.
  7. Twister. A game for a fun company or a sports family, it develops coordination and strength well, and promotes the establishment of friendly ties.
  8. Swimsuit, armlets, snorkel and goggles, air mattresses, circles in the form of animals or cars. If the baby loves to swim, then she will certainly appreciate these devices. It must be remembered that a child playing near a pond or directly in the water should never be left unattended!
  9. Kite. With this toy, you can run with pleasure even in windy weather.
  10. Kick scooter. Do not spend a lot of time on it, 30-40 minutes will be enough. Due to the fact that the child constantly pushes off with only one leg, an asymmetrical position of the pelvis occurs.
  11. Skis and skates for figure skating. This is one of the healthiest winter activities.
  12. Bowling. Knocking down pins with a ball also helps the child coordinate his movements.
  13. Flying saucer, boomerang, badminton. With these games, the child is forced to be in motion all the time, and the coordination of the baby also develops.
  14. Hula hoop, jump rope. They will help the girl stay in shape.

Sports gifts - photo gallery

Roller skates must be equipped with equipment The sports complex will help the baby to exercise without leaving the apartment A five-year-old girl can jump on a trampoline only under the supervision of adults Children's darts are safe for children The girl's bike can be purchased in the appropriate color
And the young lady is not forbidden to play football
Twister is a fun game for the whole company
Cheerful air mattresses diversify summer rest on the water
Flying a kite is an exciting activity in windy weather
A scooter is the dream of many ladies Skiing is very good for baby's health Children's bowling diversifies home leisure Flying saucer is a great outdoor game
Skipping rope - a useful projectile for a baby

In any occupation, the safety of the child is directly the responsibility of an adult. And if the girl needs the appropriate equipment, it must also be purchased along with the gift.

Surprise impressions for a five-year-old baby

When the parents of a young person want to diversify her leisure time and bring new emotions and sensations to life, they organize a holiday in an unusual place or present a certificate for attending any events. In this case, of course, the interests and abilities of the child are taken into account.

  1. Rope town. If the child is not afraid of heights and likes to climb, this activity is for him. Please be aware of age restrictions first.
  2. Contact zoo. In it you can not only look at the animals, but also touch them.
  3. Helicopter ride. Seeing your city from a bird's eye view can be quite interesting.
  4. Swimming with dolphins. These animals cause a lot of positive emotions when communicating. They are safe for the baby, and interaction with them has a therapeutic effect.
  5. Horseback riding. Many children adore horses or ponies, and an hour or two spent with these noble animals will have a beneficial effect on inner world young person.
  6. Soap bubbles show. Such entertainment can also be ordered with home delivery.
  7. Performance of illusionists. If the baby loves magic, then tricks will be a great addition to the holiday.
  8. Master class on cooking cakes or other dishes. Usually such events are held in pizzerias or pastry shops for a group of children. Afterwards, a tea party is held in honor of the hero of the occasion.
  9. Wind tunnel. Unforgettable minutes will be delivered to the baby by this gift. And five years is exactly the age when she can feel like a bird or an astronaut. Instructors, in turn, guarantee the complete safety of such a flight.
  10. Scientific laboratory. This entertainment program is based on experiences and experiments that impress with their results.
  11. Creative master classes. They can be quite diverse: painting, sewing soft toys, dancing, clay modeling, etc.
  12. Trampoline center. Directly in it you can celebrate a birthday, drink tea with a cake, have fun and jump with the help of an animator.
  13. Circus or theater tickets. Acrobats, magicians, trained animals or a kind fairy tale will take the baby to a world of unusual possibilities and fantasies.
  14. Excursion trip. It can be another city or the estate of Santa Claus, or a camping trip.
  15. Climbing wall. Extreme occupation for a young fidget. With the help of an instructor, she will be able to conquer her peak.

The book is a must!

At the age of five, many parents first think about preparing their child for school and begin to introduce the baby to letters. The most proven assistant in this matter is the Primer. There are no strict standards that determine the timing for the start of training. If a girl goes to school at the age of seven, then you should not force her to learn letters and syllables through force and discontent. It is better to do this gradually and in a playful way, because there is enough time for classes. Although many children are not in a hurry to read on their own, they like to listen to bedtime stories performed by their parents. And colorful illustrations or a curious design stirs up interest in the work itself.

Surprise print options:

  1. Primer. Bright interesting pictures will be an additional incentive to open the ABC.
  2. A book with illustrations for young readers to color. Such a gift is suitable for a drawing lover.
  3. Cognitive literature. If the baby is interested in the animal world, prehistoric dinosaurs or the underwater kingdom, you can supplement her knowledge with the help of thematic publications. For example, Boris Zhitkov "Stories about animals", Claude Bogaer "Dinosaurs. Boring encyclopedia”, Marie-Rene Pymont “Secrets of the sea”, etc.
  4. Book with audio accompaniment (talking book). The young lady will hear the narration from a small speaker and look at the pictures without the involvement of an adult. The story should be interesting for the child. For example, if a girl loves cartoons, you can give her “2 stories about Prostokvashino” or “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” from the “Talking Cartoons” series.
  5. Fairy tales. Russian folk ("Fox and Hare", "Bear, Dog and Cat", "Thrush and Fox", "Mouse and Sparrow", "Golden Bell", "Hare and Crow"), foreign (Astrid Lindgren "Kid and Carlson" , "Pippi Longstocking"), modern (Oleg Roy series of books "Jingliks") - the choice is quite large.
  6. Puzzle book. From the pieces, the baby collects a picture for the work. There are quite simple options, but there are publications where it is more difficult to fold the illustration (Maria Zhuchenko "Dinosaurs. Assemble the puzzle. Book-game", Korney Chukovsky "Moidodyr. Poems with puzzles", Gennady Melamed "Score" from the series " The big Book puzzles").
  7. Poems. For example, Agniya Barto “Poems for Children”, Korney Chukovsky “The Tale of Aibolit” or “The Stolen Sun”, etc. In addition to the fact that poetry for children fits well with the ear, it also contributes to the development of memory.
  8. Game book. It contains various tasks for the child (A. M. Polbennikova “Test this book in the name of science”, E. I. Salomatina “Magic book of games and puzzles + 100 stickers” or “Flora Farm”).

Between us girls

If a charmer wants to emphasize her girlish nature and stares at the beautiful dresses of her girlfriends, adults can please her with new clothes or jewelry. Various accessories complete the look.

Gifts for young fashionistas:

  1. Children's Eau de Toilette. If the baby wants to be like mom and asks to choke her, then this good alternative adult perfume.
  2. Holiday dress. You should not buy a too open version if the parents do not let the girl go to the event without a blouse.
  3. Beautiful shoes or sandals. It's best to try them on before buying.
  4. Bows, hairpins, hair bands. You can buy them at the store or make your own.
  5. Decorations. These include rings, tiaras, beads, bracelets.
  6. Handbag. There are many options for such a gift: with drawings, shiny, transparent and in the form of toys.
  7. Boxes with a lock. There the girl can hide her secrets.

Beautiful surprises for girls - photo gallery

Perfume for baby Beautiful dress for a girl
Shoes for the holidays
Hairpins for girls Jewelry as a gift
Children's handbag Box with a lock for a girl

Master class: beads for a girl - video

Sets for a creative person

If the baby loves to make something, sits at the table for a long time, cutting out a postcard or sculpting a figure, then she will definitely like various sets for creativity. When buying such a gift, you need to take into account the interests and capabilities of the child.

  1. For a lover of modeling, you can buy plasticine, salty dough or clay.
  2. Does the young lady like to draw? Then kits for creating engravings, coloring pictures by numbers, painting clothes, caskets or handbags, an album, pencils, paints are suitable for her.
  3. If beautiful postcards and funny pictures come out from under the hands of a creative person, then quilling, origami or applique will diversify her leisure.
  4. When there is a craving for beauty, kits for creating perfumes and weaving bracelets and beads from beads will be able to interest the little one.

Gifts for creativity - photo gallery

Set "Young perfumer"

Useful gifts

Particularly pragmatic adults will think about a gift that can be useful in Everyday life. For a five-year-old girl, the choice is small, but still there are things that will bring joy to a child. Only when choosing such a surprise, it is desirable to know the preferences of the girl herself.

  • bright beautiful clothes;
  • clock in the nursery;
  • fabulous lamp;
  • themed backpack;
  • plate and cup with the image of your favorite characters;
  • bed linen for girls;
  • identical clothes “for mother and daughter”;
  • interesting children's umbrella with rubber boots.

Original surprises for a five-year-old girl

In order for the holiday to remain in the memory of a young person for a long time, you can find a gift that is very unusual for her. There are special shops with interesting things, and there are a lot of offers on the Internet.

Each cookie contains a good prediction Using a 3D pen, you can draw a three-dimensional picture
Empty bottle folds up Children's camera allows you to save pictures on a memory card
A running alarm must be caught to turn it off
Karaoke for the singing lover
Children's projector creates a fairy tale in the child's room Virtual reality glasses will take the baby to another world Home planetarium will reveal the secrets of space Fireworks for the cake will surprise the baby

Do-it-yourself box with a surprise - video

Sweet birthday gifts

Most children love sweets, but before buying such a surprise, it’s better for friends to find out what kind of goodies the girl herself prefers and whether she can eat them at all. The choice is now quite large: various chocolates, sweets, cookies, with toys, marmalade and marshmallows. And, of course, the most striking gift will be an unusual children's cake. They make it to order, find the composition and decor in the proposed options or agree on a unique design.

You can prepare a sweet gift yourself. In this case, the composition will be precisely known, and the design and packaging will give the confectionery product a finished look.

Memorable surprises for the fifth birthday

The holiday, unfortunately, passes, but the gifts will remain with the owner for a long time. And so that they directly remind of this beautiful day, donors are able to find things that have a certain meaning.

Such surprises for the girl include:

  • unusual funny postcard (volumetric or musical);
  • birthday photo session and photo album;
  • fridge magnets with the theme corresponding to the holiday;
  • congratulatory T-shirt;
  • mug "Happy birthday!";
  • medal or badge to commemorate the fifth anniversary.

Four-legged friends as a gift

Many girls ask to buy themselves a little friend who can be stroked and fed. And a birthday, it would seem, is a good occasion to make this dream come true. But parents should think about how much they themselves need such a gift, because a baby at this age will not be able to take care of herself. When adults are unsure of the need for a pet to appear in the house, then all the difficulties should be explained to the child and the consideration of this issue should be postponed for several years. If mom and dad are happy to walk the dog or clean the cage of a funny hamster, then the young lady can be presented with a new family member, taking into account her wishes.

Video: what to give a girl 5–7 years old for her birthday

Choosing a gift for the fifth anniversary is not a very difficult task. Relatives, friends, godparents and invited acquaintances only need to decide on the interests of the baby, the wishes of the family and the amount ready to be spent. Parents will make the celebration cheerful, joyful and bright, and the desired gifts and unusual surprises will add exceptionally pleasant notes to the holiday. After all, a birthday is a great occasion for a girl to rejoice and dream.