The best varieties of pumpkin. The best varieties of pumpkin. Choosing a pumpkin variety for growing for seeds

Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant gourd family. melon culture. It has a powerful root system, which consists of the main root, as well as adventitious, small root processes. Most of roots is located at a depth of fifty centimeters, root processes can penetrate the soil by 5 meters. The total length of the entire root system is 25 meters. The stem of the plant reaches a length of 8 meters, it is creeping and well branched. Large leaves are covered with many small villi. The flowers are bright yellow or orange, large and attractive to insects. At the end of summer, a fruit is formed, the shape and color of which depends on the variety. The pulp is orange and reddish in color, juicy and dense, hidden under a thick peel.

Before purchasing pumpkin seeds, you need to pay attention to the following factors: the plant should not be afraid of temperature changes, drought and viruses, and also taste good - these are the most the best varieties pumpkins for open ground.

Beneficial features

Our ancestors began to use the fruits of this plant as food; it was brought to the table in Ancient Rome and Greece almost 5 thousand years ago. In the 20th century, detailed studies of the fetus showed that its pulp contains many substances useful for human health:

  • Vitamins of groups A and E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamins B and K;
  • Zinc, calcium and potassium, magnesium, fluorine, as well as the rarest vitamin T;
  • Amino acids, pectins and fiber.

The main types of pumpkin

Classification according to which fruits can be divided into four main types and determine which variety is best suited for growing in a particular area:

  • nutmeg;
  • large-fruited;
  • hard-fruited;
  • decorative.

Muscat species

Muscat species are pear-shaped. Fruit Brown with a slight yellowish tint. This species is one of the most delicious, but it will take long term. Muscat species in Russia are best grown from seedlings.


Late ripe. The ripening period of the variety is 100 days. It has several more names: "Nut", "Muscat".

Fruits can grow from 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms, have an elongated shape. Characterized by a nutty odor original taste. The shelf life is quite long, thanks to the dense skin.


Not suitable for growing in areas with low temperatures. Late ripe. Before ripening, at least 130 days must pass. It has a thin skin and oily, juicy flesh of a bright orange color. A ripe fruit can weigh from 4.5 to 6.8 kilograms. This species is recommended to grow from seedlings. Ripens in September or early October.


Ripening period - 91-136 days. A mature fruit can weigh from 2.4 to 4.6 kilograms. It is stored for a very long time and retains its taste.

Soft and juicy pulp about 4 cm, creamy on the cut, is hidden under a thin crust of brown-orange color.


Ripens in 116 days, the mature fruit weighs 6-7 kilograms. This species tolerates a dry climate quite well, has a thin peel and a pleasant, fragrant pulp. The cylindrical fruit can be cooked or eaten raw.

Watch the video! Muscat varieties of pumpkin

Large-fruited varieties

Large-fruited varieties are the sweetest and most unpretentious to temperature fluctuations; the species has positive reviews from summer residents. It differs from other species in its size and large weight (from 20 to 55 kg.) The fruits are large with thick skin, which makes them easy to transport and store for a long time.


Late ripe variety. The ripening period of this variety is from 118 to 127 days.

A mature pumpkin can be stored for up to 3.5 months, as it has a dense peel and a wide layer of pulp. The weight of a mature fruit is approximately 9 kilograms. The fruits tolerate dry weather and diseases well. High yielding variety.

"Big Moon"

A plant with an early ripening period, the growing season lasts 90 days. The weight of the fruits of this variety can reach 70-80 kilograms, if one ovary is left on the whip. If cultivation occurs under normal conditions, the weight of one fruit is from 20 to 30 kilograms. The color of the pulp is uniform and rich. Disease resistant variety. During heat treatment, it retains its taste qualities well.

"Paris Autumn"

This variety ripens quite quickly, in 90 days. The weight of a mature pumpkin is about 20 kilograms. Young shoots cope well with drought.

The variety is resistant to sharp rises and falls in temperature, the mature fruit can be stored for up to 6 months. The variety is immune to diseases.


It will take 125 to 140 days for the fruit to fully mature. The weight of one pumpkin is approximately 20 kilograms, but can, under certain conditions, reach 200 kg.

Large fruits can be obtained with constant moderate air humidity, a large distance between plants of 100x150 cm and active fertilization of the soil.

Bright yellow flesh has a rich sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

It is important to know! This variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases and pests.

Hardbark species

This group includes not only pumpkins, but also zucchini and squash. Distinctive feature plants of this species is the rapid ripening of fruits. At the end of summer, even in the middle lane, pumpkins are fully ripe. Another benefit is the taste. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and juicy. The ripe fruit is stored for a long time, because it has a dense skin. The pulp of some varieties is well suited for juice, others can be grown only for seeds.


Pumpkins of this variety have an early ripening period of 65 to 80 days. On one wattle fence can form a large number of fruit ties. After ripening, the fruit has a weight of 0.8 to 1.5 kilograms. The flesh is not very sweet and has a fibrous texture. Often used to make side dishes.

"Muscat de Provence"

High yield distinguishes this variety, one pumpkin can weigh from 8 to 10 kilograms. It ripens for a long time, within 120 days.

The skin of the fruit is very dense, and the pulp is tasty and smells like honey. This species is resistant to various diseases and viruses.


The fruit ripens in 100-110 days. The weight of one pumpkin is from 6 to 9 kilograms. The pulp is very sweet and juicy, and the skin is covered with a layer of dense wax coating.

The fruits of the Gileya variety are stored for a very long time, the shelf life of a mature plant can reach 12 months.

Decorative varieties

Ripe fruits of this type of pumpkin are not used for food, because the pulp is bitter and not suitable for eating. Pumpkins of these varieties are used to decorate and decorate rooms, to create crafts. It must first be well processed and dried.


The fruits of this variety weigh no more than three hundred grams and have a bright orange peel, the shape and color resembles an orange.


The fruits of this species differ in shape and color, there are:

  • pear-shaped;
  • warty;
  • tangerine;
  • stellate.

Varieties for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals

Several decades ago, only fodder pumpkin varieties were intended for Siberia and the Urals, which do not have a pleasant taste and smell, but were suitable for growing in such conditions. They are unpretentious to the conditions environment and intended for animal feed. But science does not stand still, and today there are many varieties that can be successfully grown even in regions with low temperatures. At the same time, they are not at all inferior in taste to their southern counterparts.

Advice! Such species are highly resistant to frost, diseases, pests and early ripening.


The species is characterized by high yield and rapid ripening (within 90 days), small-sized fruits weigh no more than a kilogram. Resistant to temperature extremes and stored for a long time until January. Pumpkins look beautiful in the garden under large openwork leaves.

From 15 to 20 fruits can be harvested from one plant, the pumpkin ripens quickly and tolerates low temperatures well. Suitable for growing in the Urals and Siberia. The fruit pulp is rich orange in color and sweet in taste.


The weight of a mature fruit can be from 2 to 4 kilograms, ripening occurs quickly. For storage of ripe pumpkin fruits, it is best to prepare a cool and dry room. One plant can bring up to 25 kilograms of crop. The flesh of the pumpkin is delicious and has a melon flavor.

To obtain an early harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings from seeds in advance, and at the end of spring, transplant the shoots into open soil. In the region of Siberia and the Urals, it is better to plant sprouts at the beginning of summer, since low temperatures and possible frosts can damage the plants.


This species pleases gardeners with a rich harvest, even with sudden changes in temperature. One mature fruit can weigh up to 3 kilograms. The plant needs regular watering and is afraid powdery mildew, to cope with which the fungicide will help. The variety brings a rich harvest in regions with a harsh climate: in Siberia and the Urals.

The plant consists of 4-6 lashes, in the form of a bush. One pumpkin can weigh up to three kilograms. The pulp of the fruit is tasty and tender, with the smell of a pear. Skin color is green with small light yellow spots.

The best varieties for growing in the Middle lane and Moscow region

For the Moscow region and central Russia, you can use the seeds of any kind of pumpkin, but the highest yield can be obtained by growing the following varieties:


Productivity, early ripening of fruits, resistance to frost and pleasant taste - all these are the advantages of the Healing pumpkin variety, which is especially recommended for central Russia. It is better to plant in June, in a well-lit area of ​​the garden.

You can store the fruits of the pumpkin "Healing" for 6 months. Different from others, the fruits of this variety have an unusual shape and pattern on the skin. Fruit pulp can be used to make healthy juice or puree.

In order to get a rich harvest, this species is planted in the soil in seedlings. Seedlings should be sown in advance in April, and if it is in a warm place, then the shoots will appear after 7 days, and in May they can be transplanted into open ground. Before planting sprouts on the street, it is necessary to gradually harden them.

It is best to plant a plant in areas well lit by the sun and at a sufficient distance from neighboring plants. The variety grows actively after fertilization or loosening the soil.


The fruits of the pumpkin variety "Gribovskaya" are large, from 4 to 8 kilograms. They are stored for a long time and stand out for their excellent taste.

Ripe pumpkins can be stored for a very long time without losing their unique properties. The pulp retains a pleasant taste and aroma, while becoming only sweeter. Pumpkin is a nutritious and tasty addition to a baby's diet. It is recommended to use fruit pulp for people who monitor their health and figure.

"Gribovskaya" differs from others in its yield and large fruits, which can reach a weight of up to 8 kilograms. Dense skin makes it easy to transport ripe fruits. The outer skin of the pumpkin is milky in color, while the flesh inside is bright orange.


Fruit ripening occurs quite early, before the appearance of the first mature pumpkin, you need to wait 70 days. The weight of one fruit is from 2 to 4 kilograms. The plant tolerates low temperatures and frosts well, resistant to temperature extremes.

To get a rich harvest, you need to plant ready-made shoots in open ground. The soil should be warm, comfortable temperature regime from 12 to 15 degrees. The plant, after planting, must be watered frequently and loosen the ground.

Varieties recommended for cultivation in the North-Western regions

"Bush greenhouse"

The fruits of the bush pumpkin variety can weigh up to 4 kilograms. Pumpkin pulp has excellent taste - it is sweet and juicy. The fruits are often used to prepare various dishes, they retain their flavor both boiled and stewed.

The fruits of this species ripen very early. The fruit pulp is aromatic and juicy. And the crust is edible - crispy and dense.


The fruits of this species resemble the shape of an acorn. Inside, the pumpkin is orange in color and tastes good.

The peel can be green or yellow, or a combination of both.

The sweetest varieties of pumpkin

The sweetest varieties of pumpkin can be called the following.


The pumpkin is sweet, ripens very early, the first ripe fruits appear 90 days after germination.

The fruits are small in size, the pulp is sweet and tasty.

"Big Max and Atlant"

This species is well stored, the weight of one fruit can reach 50 kilograms. The fruits ripen for a long time, have dense skin and sweet pulp.

The plant of this variety is photophilous, therefore, for the fastest growth, it is better to plant it in the soil in illuminated areas. A perfect place next to a fence or wall of the house. The fruits can be stored for a very long time, while the pulp will remain just as sweet and will not lose its beneficial properties.


There are many types of pumpkin, each of them differs in taste and appearance. To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the climate and the region in which the plant will be grown. For the south of Russia, you can choose varieties that have a long ripening period; in the northern regions, only frost-resistant species are grown that ripen in a short time.

Watch the video! The best pumpkin varieties for growing in the middle lane

Among the variety of pumpkin varieties, there are both fodder varieties of vegetables, as well as decorative and food varieties, with different ripening periods, taste qualities, etc.
Interesting options- pumpkin varieties with melon flavor, they can be used to make mousses, juices, casseroles, mashed potatoes, cereals, marmalade, ice cream and much more.

Varieties for our middle lane have, as a rule, bright orange, dense, juicy and sweet pulp. And of all the varieties, one can especially highlight:

  • paris gold,
  • winter,
  • Volga,
  • gray
  • Honey.

On a note! Some of them can be eaten directly raw.

So, this publication was created so that you can find out what are sweetest varieties of pumpkin. Of course, each variety of pumpkin has its own characteristics, which we will get acquainted with today.

Variety Honey dessert

One of the best desserts in our strip. Thick (up to 10 cm) pulp is sweet and juicy, with a wonderful aroma, crispy. Great option for porridge, puree and mousses. In its raw form, it is also suitable for food, suitable for diet food. This is one of the early varieties, the entire ripening period is 85 - 90 days. Such pumpkins grow up to 4-6 kg and are perfectly stored.

This round pumpkin has pronounced ribs, and the peel is thin, but dense. Its pulp contains:

  • Potassium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Phosphorus,
  • Copper and iron.
  • And vitamin D helps the absorption of iron, also contained in its pulp. Great for baby food.

Variety sweet Winter.

If you want to know which variety of pumpkin is sweeter, then this post will provide you with some popular and sweet varieties at the same time. The next pumpkin is a late-ripening variety, ripens in 122 - 128 days from planting. The fruits are very large and at the same time flattened, with a small weight of 3 to 5 kg. The peel has a dark gray as a distinguishing mark.

At the same time, her flesh is bright orange, dense, but juicy and fragrant. Because of the sweetness, this variety is also often used to make baby food. It is also perfectly transported, stored and gives excellent juice.

Grade Yellow centner

The name of this pumpkin variety speaks for itself - the size of the fruit of this variety is very impressive in size, it can reach 50 kg! The amount of carotene in the pulp just rolls over, and it is still thick, sweet and rich orange in color. Mid-season, ripens in 98 - 105 days. This variety was bred by the Germans, but with us it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Flat-round shape and golden color distinguish this variety. It has a very sweet taste and strong disease resistance. It is also suitable for dietary and baby food. The fruits are well stored, its seeds are very large. The weight of individual fruits can reach up to 100 kg, and a huge number of seeds are sold.

Variety Volga gray

This pumpkin is also mid-season. She needs 100-120 days to mature. Its rounded-flattened gourds have a weight of 9 kg and a smooth surface.

Gray peel with orange pulp - the difference between the gray Volzhskaya variety. And the pulp is great for mashed potatoes, for diet food, desserts, it is sweet, dense and juicy at the same time. The seeds go into high quality medical oil. The variety is well transported and stored. It is better to plant it in the sun or in partial shade, and to collect it well ripened.

The soil she needs is well cultivated and fertile. And also well warmed up, since the variety is thermophilic, you can also plant seedlings already. If the temperature did not reach 12 degrees during planting, up to half of the seeds may rot.

Sort Gribovsky

If you want to know which pumpkin variety is the sweetest, then carefully read the information that will be presented below. One of the oldest Russian varieties, widely known in our country.

Fruits of 5 kg and ovoid, elongated. Ribs are slightly visible on the peel, and its color changes with the stages of ripening, starting from green and ending with golden. If greenish streaks remain, do not think that the fruits are not yet ripe.

This pumpkin ripens quickly, is very productive (from 1 sq m you can collect up to 4-8 kg of fruit). It is stored perfectly, the taste is excellent, all this explains the wide popularity of the variety in the vastness of our Motherland.

The most popular variety. Parisian gold

In general, among the variety of pumpkin varieties, there are a lot of sweet ones. They are also suitable for purees, desserts, marshmallows, marshmallows, porridge, marmalade and much more. And pumpkin varieties are crossed and new interesting varieties are obtained, for example, Parisian gold. It is about this variety that we will talk further.

High-yielding, large-fruited variety, pleasing gardeners. Also drought resistant. It is stored for a long time, and transported well. Seeds can be sown both directly in the beds, and in the form of seedlings. It ripens in 105 - 115 days, like Kroshka, and belongs to mid-season varieties. The yield is decent, 4 - 10 kg per 1 sq. M. The usual fruit weight is 9 kg, but on fertilized soils it can give out 16 kg each!

Both the peel and the flesh are golden, the peel is also easily cut, despite its thickness. This is one of the sweetest pumpkins, so it is successfully used in baby food, and in desserts and other delicacies. It can be perfectly frozen and then ready to use. all year round for soups or porridges.

It is usually planted at the end of May in the ground well warmed by the sun. Closer to the north, this is already done in June. It is best to plant a germinated seed by holding it in water and waiting for the first sprouts.


Now you have been able to find out which variety of pumpkin is the most delicious and sweet. Thanks to this article, you can grow a wonderful vegetable in your garden that will appeal to every member of your family for its taste.

Watch also video:

Pumpkin seeds are gaining more and more popularity among profitable farm crops. Europe has long appreciated the benefits of this product and its abundance of healing, gustatory properties. The business idea of ​​growing pumpkin seeds is suitable for large and small plots of cultivated land. In any case, the profitability remains at a high level. average price 1t. pumpkin seeds in our area is 1000€. Cultivation of some varieties may increase the price of the product (for example, seeds without husks). Pumpkin is an unpretentious plant, its seed material is reliably protected, and the high price is due to the high medicinal and taste properties of the product. The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds does not require large expenses and is within the power of even the smallest farm. If you have a large garden, this business can be organized at home. The demand for pumpkin seeds is growing every year.

Pumpkin seeds were interested all over the world

Pumpkin is an unpretentious plant that is grown all over the world and in all climatic zones. Native Americans started growing pumpkins 3,000 years ago. From America, the seeds were brought to Europe and distributed by trade routes throughout the world. Farmers willingly engaged in the cultivation of the largest vegetable in the world. In the Middle Ages, a small bottle of Styrian pumpkin seed oil was worth the price of a gold ring. Various varieties were bred (more than 200 varieties of pumpkin are known): table and fodder, annual and perennial, medium-fruited, large-fruited and with giant fruits (more than 100 kg titanium variety). The most big pumpkin weighing 922kg. was grown in America for the traditional competition among farmers. The record pumpkin in Japan weighed 458kg. The content of seeds in pumpkin is 1-2% depending on the variety. Pumpkin seeds are in great demand all over the world. They have many healing properties. Pumpkin seeds are used to make various medications. Oil squeezed from pumpkin seeds is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Raw and roasted pumpkin seeds are used in cooking and for the prevention of the treatment of many diseases. Pumpkin seeds are actively purchased for retail sale in fried form with or without husks, as a tasty and healthy product with a high content of: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins.

The most expensive oil is produced from pumpkin seeds

The main export of pumpkin seeds goes to Austria and other European countries. Local manufacturers can be found via the Internet. Thus, you can sell the crop at a price of 2.8€ per 1kg. In a lean year, the price reaches 4 € per 1 kg. In lean years, traders travel around the villages and buy pumpkin seeds from grandmothers for sale abroad. In Austria, a very popular vegetable oil is made from pumpkin seeds. It is used in cooking for cooking delicacies in restaurants. Also, pumpkin seed oil in Austria has gained popularity in the treatment of many diseases and in cosmetology. Pumpkin seed oil is a powerful antioxidant and is used as a rejuvenating agent. The seed material for this business can be used Austrian. These are mainly naked varieties with a high content of linoleic acid and, accordingly, a lower content of oleic acid. Linoleic acid is more valuable than oleic. Pumpkin seed oil, high in linoleic acid, has a spicy flavor (with nutty notes) and a high price. Its intense taste allows just a few drops to change the taste of the cooked dish. The best pumpkin seed oil in the world was produced in Styria (land in Austria). It even developed its own special variety, Styrian butter gourd (Cucurbita pepo styriaca). Styrian butter gourd seeds are dark green or black in color due to their high chlorophyll content. In Austria, Styrian pumpkin seeds are sold for 15€ per 1kg. Consumption during sowing is 4.5 kg per hectare of seeds of this variety. Pumpkin seed oil is one of the most expensive vegetable oils.

The interest of consumers in pumpkin seeds is growing every year

The average purchase price of pumpkin seeds in the domestic market is 1000€ per ton. But first you need to get a harvest. The right variety of plants is the key to the success of any agricultural business. High-yielding seed varieties of pumpkins produce 1.5 tons-2 tons of seeds per hectare (in the presence of irrigated systems, the yield of pumpkin seeds can be more than 2 tons). These varieties include: Bolgarka (Lady's nail), Kherson watermelon, Ukrainian multiple. Seeds of oil-bearing varieties of pumpkins have a higher price, but have a slightly lower yield (600-800 kg per hectare). In our area, the following oily pumpkin varieties are popular, the seeds of which contain a lot of linoleic fatty acid: Muscat Novinka, Polevychka, Valok. But in general, you need to think carefully before choosing a variety. For example, the Bulgarian variety has the lowest price of a seed product. But it gives one of the highest yields. It does not need washing seeds, which also significantly reduces the cost of drying the product. In addition, there are gymnosperm varieties of pumpkins that do not need to be husked, but should be dried delicately. Naturally, pumpkin seeds without husks are easier to interest the buyer and can be sold much more expensive (in retail roasted sunflower seeds without husk 40% more expensive). There are not many varieties of this type of pumpkin: Golosemyannaya 14, Naked round, Styrian oily. The disadvantages of gymnosperms include: low yields and yields (seeds do not have a protective shell and can quickly rot). To choose the right variety, you need to take into account climatic factors. When choosing cucurbit seed varieties, cost calculations will also help to anticipate the desired profit.

The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds does not require large expenditures

The technology of growing pumpkin seeds requires a small financial investment. Growing pumpkins will incur the following costs:

  1. Plowing and cultivation in soil preparation - 20€ per hectare.
  2. Seed material - 68€ per hectare.
  3. Fertilizers - 47€ per hectare.
  4. Weeding for 2 times 70€ per hectare.
  5. Seed washing 20€ ton. (an important feature of the Bulgarian variety, which does not need washing).
  6. Drying on a drying table with a heat generator "Bizon" requires no more than 8 € per 1 ton of crop.

As a result, the total costs are 233€. Even in a lean year, a business idea is a very attractive investment. The technology of growing pumpkins for seeds is not complicated, but it has its own characteristics. Soil preparation is standard, but with deep autumn plowing (27-30 cm). Pumpkin needs loose drainage soil. Under plowing, organic humus (10-15 tons) and mineral fertilizers of the brand - N60, P90, K60 should be applied. In the spring, when the earth at a depth of 10 cm warms up to +12 degrees, sowing should be done according to the scheme indicated in the seed variety. For example, the Bulgarian should be planted with a row spacing of only 0.7 meters, and in the rows it is better to leave the distance the same (scheme 70 X 70 cm.). This scheme requires 7kg/ha. sowing variety Bolgarka. This will allow perpendicular cultivation. Such images often do not even need to be weeded. The appearance of the first gatherings should be expected in the first 7-10 days. Scourges and the first flowers will appear in 20 days. The first ovary begins after 30-40 days, the second 60-70. Full maturation occurs after 120 days. Harvesting with the help of machinery is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Separation of fruits from plants (manually).
  2. Rolling fruits into rolls (by a tractor with a special blade).
  3. Harvesting pumpkin harvester.

A pumpkin harvester crushes the pumpkin, separating the seeds from the pulp. And the pulp itself scatters right on the field. The use of pulp as a fertilizer increases the fertility of the soil. On small farms, productive seeds can be harvested by hand. There is inexpensive stationary equipment for separating seeds from pulp. Low-budget fields with small crops allow harvesting and manual separation of the seeds from the pulp. When grown, pumpkin plants themselves are not whimsical to care for. Growing pumpkin does not require special knowledge and technology. The seed material is reliably protected by a thick layer of pulp. When leaving, you just need to remember that the pumpkin loves a lot of sun and moisture. This type of plant does not tolerate even mild frosts (favorable temperature environment +28).

Pumpkin seeds have the most useful and healing properties

Pumpkin seeds contain many rare nutrients: zinc, mangy, vitamin K, phosphorus. Pumpkin seeds are recommended for:

It is important to add that decoctions of ground seeds are recommended to be taken to get rid of insomnia. Pumpkin seed oil is very useful in the treatment of tuberculosis and bile in the stomach. Beneficial features for the treatment of pumpkin seeds due to their unique composition with an abundant amount of useful substances.

100 grams of pumpkin seeds contains:
Squirrels 24.6 g
Fats 45.9 g
Carbohydrates 13.5 g
Cellulose 4.3 g
Ash 4.9 g
Water 8.4 g
Vitamin A (beta-carotene) 228 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.32 mg
Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) 1.7 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.35 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.23 mg
Folic acid (vitamin B9) 57.5 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 1.9 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 10.9 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 51.4 mcg
Trace elements:
Zinc 7.45 mg
Copper 1.39 mg
Iron 14.96 mg
Manganese 3.01 mcg
Selenium 5.6 mcg
Potassium 807 mg
Calcium 43 mg
Magnesium 535 mg
Sodium 18 mg
Phosphorus 1174 mg
100 g of the product contains on average about 541 kcal.

Thanks to pumpkin seeds, the body is supplied with a useful element - Arginine (an acid for the formation of nitric oxide). Arginine is responsible for the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels, the restoration of cellular structures and the structure of muscles. Only 40g. seeds contain the daily rate of Arginine. But frequent husking of seeds can harm tooth enamel.

The pumpkin itself contains many useful substances and properties for human body. It also contains a lot of zinc, vitamin E. Together with pumpkin, we use medicinal and healthy elements such as selenium and manganese. They help to strengthen the immune system of the human body, useful for fighting viruses and microbes. Just like seeds, pumpkin has an abundant amount of trace elements and vitamins. It is ideal for a mono diet (a diet in which only one food is present in the diet). Mono diet helps to lose weight excess weight and cleanse the body as a whole (we are what we eat). Interesting fact, which is five times more carotene (provitamin A) in pumpkin than in carrots. Carotene improves vision, skin elasticity, improves immunity. In addition, the composition of the largest vegetable in the world includes:

  • all groups of vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

Regular consumption of pumpkin strengthens teeth and gums due to its high fluoride content. A glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice lowers blood cholesterol, improves blood circulation, cleanses the liver and removes radioactive elements and toxins from the human body. It is not recommended to consume pumpkin in large quantities in case of indigestion, as it lies heavily on the stomach and can harm it. Any excess is harmful to nature.

Experienced vegetable growers have learned to grow atypical varieties of pumpkin. But there are the best varieties of pumpkin for the Moscow region for open ground, which once breeders bred and zoned for the middle latitude. It is on them that attention should be focused at first to those who began to master the cultivation of this original, fragrant and healthy vegetable.

If you do not make a mistake with the variety, a plentiful harvest of pumpkin fruits can be obtained even in areas where the summer season lasts a short time, and the weather does not please with intense heat. By species, all pumpkins are divided into three groups:

Pumpkins are also classified according to such a criterion as the growing season, which falls on the interval from the moment of growth of full-fledged seedlings to the harvest of fruits:

  • early - 90 days;
  • mid-season - 120 days;
  • with late deadline vegetation - up to 130 days and more.

Rating of the best crop varieties for outdoor cultivation

Most of all, hard-bark varieties are common in our gardens and orchards, which number about 30 items. The keeping quality of such a crop is excellent, which allows you to eat the fruits immediately or not touch them for some time until they are eaten. For the central strip of Russia for open ground are presented below.

Pumpkin with melon notes

Pumpkin Melon

Pumpkin variety Smile

Variety description: early ripe compact plant produces fruits of bright orange color, small in weight (about 1.5 kg). When you cut them, you immediately feel a delicate aroma. The flesh is both crunchy and sweet at the same time.

bottle culture

Bush pumpkin Matilda is a nutmeg species of the family. The fruits are pear-shaped and elongated. The pulp is orange in color, fragrant, with a sweetish aftertaste.

Pumpkin Matilda

Table gourd Marble

Table pumpkin Marble large-fruited, pumpkins ripen late. The lashes are elongated, the fruits are dark green in color, weigh 3.5-4.5 kg. The orange pulp is crunchy and sweet, replete with carotene. It is possible to consume it raw. Variety with excellent fruiting.

Gourd Marble

Pumpkin Pastila champagne

Medium climbing pumpkin Pastila champagne has fruits of an elongated ellipsoid shape. Ripe pumpkins acquire an unusual pinkish hue of a not very thick-walled peel, complemented by a slight mesh. Bright orange pulp fills almost the entire cavity from the inside, while the seed chamber, commensurate with the length of the fruit, maintains a small size. The fruits are small - 2-3 kg. The pulp has a pleasant aroma with hints of vanilla. The variety is quite extravagant: pink-colored elliptical fruits have exceptional taste characteristics.

Champagne marshmallow can be eaten fresh and processed.

Prikubanskaya pumpkin

The medium-ripening pumpkin Prikubanskaya forms cylinder-shaped fruits, compacted towards the top, with an orange-brown color. The skin is refined. The pulp has a reddish tint, juicy and tender, with excellent taste data. The culture is quite productive.

Pumpkin Apricot

Medium-early pumpkin Apricot is unique for its round-cylindrical fruits with slight ribbing. The ripe fruit is yellowish, but the dark green stripes on it are wide enough, which makes the coloring interesting and bright. The skin is thin, but firm. The soft core of a yellow shade, slightly fibrous. Apricot pumpkin seeds do not have a typical dense shell, they are covered only with a thin film rich in fiber. The Apricot variety is mainly cultivated for production.

almond gourd

Universal with medium vegetation, the Almond pumpkin variety releases elongated lashes. Orange-colored fruits are rounded, gaining a weight of 4-5 kg. The yellow-orange soft center is distinguished by excellent characteristics - juiciness, sugar content, crunchiness. It is used in the production of juices and baby food. Permitted for long-term storage.

Zorka pumpkin variety

The mid-early Zorka pumpkin is the owner of large fruits intended for culinary use.

The plant forms strong stems and large leaves of not dissected shape and dark green color.

The fruits of Zorka are flattened-round, with an average weight of 4.5 kg. The outer crust is divided into equal segments. The color of the crust is gray with a whitish mesh and pinkish spots. The thin crust bends well, shows a greenish tint on the cut. The flesh is orange, medium-compacted, with coarse fibers, not juicy enough, but demonstrating delicious taste.

Medium-sized seeds are covered with a smooth yellow-brown skin.

Varieties of pumpkin Atlant

Mid-late pumpkin Atlas weakly releases elongated whips. Differs in smooth fruits of a round-oval shape with some segmentation. Their color is yellow-orange, weight - 6-10 kg. The soft core is juicy, dense, orange in color, accumulating oils and beta-carotene. The Atlant variety is valued for its increased yield (2.7 kg of pumpkins are obtained from 1 square meter), the ability to persist for a long time without losing its nutritional indicators. Recommended for eating raw home cooking and juice processing. Atlant is distinguished by rather large seeds, which weigh approximately 500 g in the amount of 1000 pieces.

Pumpkin variety Titan

Long lashes grow on the plant, reaching 3 m. The mass of fruits is sometimes impressive. So, there are individual pumpkins weighing up to 100 kg. In the form of a gourd, the Titan represents a ball. It has an orange peel and flesh with a slight presence of seeds. Titanium is excellent in terms of taste.

Few people do not know the pumpkin, and among gardeners there are few who did not grow it in their garden. That's just delicious food not everyone had to try pumpkin. The fact is that until recently, pumpkin varieties that were really tasty and suitable for a variety of culinary processing were rare.

Most pumpkin species originate from South America and are quite thermophilic. In addition, pumpkins grow for a long time, and mature fruits are used for food, at least in the phase of technical ripeness (unlike zucchini and squash, which have young, immature fruits for food). Varieties of pumpkin good taste, but late-ripening (and, especially, large-fruited) in the conditions of the middle lane often have to be harvested unripe, which means that the fruits will not have time to collect enough sugar and will be tasteless like grass. There are some types and varieties of pumpkin that can ripen during storage, but most varieties are not suitable for this.

There are two other reasons why tasty pumpkins are not common. Some gardeners, not quite understanding, buy seeds of forage pumpkin varieties and hope for sweet fruits. Forage varieties of pumpkin, of course, are productive and their fruits are very large, but the taste pulls on the top three on a five-point system. The second reason is that when trying to get their own seeds of a variety they like, gardeners do not take into account the following: pumpkins are pollinated by insects and they fly quite far. And nearby at this time, other pumpkins bloom (and not necessarily pumpkins, it can be zucchini and even cucumbers) or just pumpkins of a different variety. The plant is pollinated and from the resulting seeds grows not at all what was expected.

How to solve all these problems? First, let's deal with the varieties and types of pumpkin.

Pumpkin is hardy. It is this type that is most common in our country. It is good for its early ripeness, the fruits can be harvested from August. The fruits look like a classic Halloween pumpkin, yellow-red, regular shape. The best varieties of pumpkin are hard-barked - with small "portioned" fruits. This species has the best seeds (there is even a golosemyanka variety with seeds without a peel). The fruits are not stored for a long time - they begin to taste bitter. The best varieties of hard-barked pumpkin: Miranda, Sweet Pie, Melon, Premiere, unusual varieties Golosemyanka and Spaghetti.

Muscat pumpkin. The most delicious and healthy - carotene in it is much more than in carrots, it is also great for diet nutrition. The species is late-ripening, in the middle lane this pumpkin can be grown only through seedlings. But on the other hand, the fruits can ripen a little during storage, they can be stored for about a year. The fruits have a thin peel, reddish flesh with a nutmeg flavor, and a shape closer to a zucchini. The most delicious and sweet varieties of pumpkin: Muscat, Pearl, Augustine, September, Vitamin.

Large pumpkin. More cold hardy than other types of pumpkin. Mid-season, fruits are harvested in September, unripe. And they can only be eaten when they are fully ripe during storage. Fruits can grow up to 100 kg. This is certainly good, but it is difficult to use such a pumpkin at a time, and a cut pumpkin is not stored ... The fruits of this type may contain quite a lot of sugar, but not in all varieties. The pulp is dense and boils for a long time, but the taste is good. The best varieties of large-fruited pumpkin: One hundred pounds, Big Moon, Matushka, Tolstushka, Barn and the old Volga Gray variety.

Pumpkin figolistny. A very interesting, but still little known type of pumpkin. This plant is perennial, but cultivated as an annual. It has long lashes that require a lot of space and beautiful, variegated leaves, similar in shape to fig leaves. You can plant this pumpkin as an ornamental plant. Has disease resistance. Does not cross-pollinate with others gourd plants The fruits are small, about 3 kg. The pulp of the fruit is white, juicy and not sweet, in its raw form it is suitable for salads, you can cook any other dishes from it. It has healing properties for many diseases. The fruits are harvested fully ripe, they can be stored for up to 3 years.

It remains to be said that it is advisable to buy pumpkin seeds from well-known manufacturers. There is another advantage to this (besides the quality of the seeds): it usually gives you a description of the variety and you will know what to expect from it. Last years varieties that produce small fruits weighing 1.5-3 kg are popular. Such varieties: Arina, Amazon, Smile, Crumb, Red delicious. And the newest and best varieties of pumpkin: F1 Candy and F1 Sweet Chestnut.

How to grow a pumpkin? Varieties of pumpkin with a photo

Pumpkins are native to Central America. This is evidenced by archaeological finds, as well as the fact that on the continent, in conditions wildlife, relatives of all cultural representatives of the species that exist today grow.

The popularity of pumpkin, its varieties and varieties

The question of how to grow a pumpkin became of interest to Russians only in the 19th century - at that time the plant was brought into the country. Pumpkin immediately gained popularity due to large fruits, excellent taste, acceptable growing and storage conditions.

Of all vegetable crops, the most large fruits maybe a pumpkin. Photos of such "giants" are often found in print. It is known that a pumpkin weighing 90 kilograms is not uncommon. All records were broken by the fetus, which reached 304 kg! This huge pumpkin was grown in favorable conditions of a tropical climate.

Among cultivated varieties, three types of pumpkin are known:

  • nutmeg;
  • hard bark;
  • large-fruited.

Muscat and large-fruited pumpkin grow in the southern regions of the country, and hard-barked pumpkin gives good yields in central Russia.

Each species has a large number of varieties and their varieties. They differ in yield, keeping quality, taste of fruit pulp, growing conditions. Different varieties of pumpkins with photos are illustrated in the article.

Botanical features of pumpkin

The pumpkin root system is very powerful. The total length of the root of one plant can reach 25 km. The main rod penetrates to a depth of approximately 2 meters. Lateral roots of the first order depart from it, which, in turn, have processes of the second order. And from them roots of the third order grow. Pumpkin is a vegetable that, with maximum benefit for its growth, uses a branched root system. Thanks to her, the plant is always provided with moisture with nutrients dissolved in it.

The above-ground part of the pumpkin is even more developed than the underground. Although this largely depends on the type and variety of the plant. Semi-bush and bush forms have a shortened stem. In long-climbing varieties, the main stem can reach 15 meters in length. Shoots of the first order depart from it, which have branches of the second, third and subsequent orders. Fruits are formed on the main stem or shoots of the first row.

The shape and color of pumpkin leaves also depend on its variety. Their development goes in parallel with the growth of the root system. The total leaf area of ​​one plant by the end of the growing season can be 30 m2.

To understand how to grow a pumpkin and how to care for it throughout the growing season, you need to know the growth conditions of the plant and the features of its structure.

Necessary conditions for growing pumpkin crops

Pumpkin is a heat-loving plant, its seeds begin to sprout at a temperature of at least 10 degrees. There are some varieties in which seed germination occurs at least at 13 degrees Celsius.

When creating the most favorable conditions, seedlings may appear on the sixth day after sowing. Most often this happens on the 10-15th day. Active development and growth of pumpkin crops takes place at a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees.

If pumpkin seeds lie in cold soil for a long time, they will give weak seedlings, from which plants subsequently develop, unable to give a good harvest. But different varieties vegetable crops may respond differently to low temperatures. For example, hard-skinned gourds are the most resistant to cold. And the most heat-loving varieties are nutmeg.

The plant is most demanding on heat at the very beginning of its growth and during flowering. Although too high temperatures can also adversely affect the formation of the ovary.

Watering is one of the important requirements put forward for gardeners involved in the cultivation of this crop. Pumpkins especially need this procedure at the time of flowering and active leaf growth. It is recommended to water the plants in the morning, when the flowers have not yet opened. Wet parts of the plant repel bees, which adversely affects the pollination process.

Pumpkin, the cultivation of which occurs in compliance with the above conditions, can produce a very rich harvest in the fall.

Growth rate

The intensity of growth of the ground part and the root system of the plant has a great influence on the yield of the crop. Do you want to properly organize pumpkin care and create favorable conditions for her growth? Then it will be useful for you to know the following facts:

  • By the time shoots appear, the main root grows by 10-20 cm and has lateral processes.
  • The root system reaches its maximum size by the time of flowering.
  • The first real leaf appears on the 5-6th day after germination. Over the next fifteen days, four more leaves are formed, then their growth slows down. At this time, the plant looks like a small bush.
  • Approximately on the 30th day after germination, intensive growth of pumpkin begins. The total growth of all growing parts can reach several tens of meters per day.
  • The timing of the appearance of the first buds and flowers depends on the variety and variety of pumpkin. This usually occurs between 35 and 60 days after emergence.
  • Male flowers appear first. If the opposite happens, then artificial pollination will be required to save the crop.
  • The ovary appears 3-8 days after the start of flowering of female flowers. And the full maturation of the fetus occurs only on the 30-60th day after their setting. Varieties of hard-barked pumpkin are considered early ripening.

How to grow a pumpkin

The technology of growing pumpkin depends on the characteristics of its growth and the conditions required for this. It usually grows in open field, and the vegetable is planted in seedlings or seeds.

To achieve a good harvest, you need to choose the right area where the crop will grow. Sufficient quantity organic fertilizers in the soil will have a positive effect on the growth of pumpkin. A wonderful harvest can be obtained on virgin and fallow lands. The site should be well warmed up by the sun, receive a lot of light.

You can not grow a pumpkin in the same place for several years in a row. The return of the plant to its original place can occur no earlier than after 4 years.

Sowing density can also affect yields. The best option is to grow 1-5 plants on an area of ​​10 m2. Another planting scheme is also acceptable. For bushy forms - 70x70 or 50x100 cm. For long-braided forms - 140x140, 140x210 or 210x210 cm.

Growing seedlings

To grow seedlings, containers of 10x10x10 cm are needed. The cups are filled with a specially prepared mixture consisting of soddy soil, humus and peat, taken in equal proportions. Here you can add small amounts of sawdust, fine straw, sand.

Pumpkin seedlings are not dived, as they do not tolerate this procedure well. Pre-sprouted seeds 1-2 pcs. sown in containers for growing plants, deepening by 3-4 cm. Watered with warm water. The cups are covered with cardboard, glass or polyethylene. After the emergence of seedlings, the material with which the containers were covered must be removed. During the entire time required for seed germination, the cups should stand in a place where the air temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. Sowing is carried out 30-35 days before planting seedlings in open ground.

The optimum temperature for further growing seedlings is 20-25 degrees. In order to harden plants, it is recommended to briefly lower the temperature to 12-18 degrees.

seed production

The question of how to grow a pumpkin from seeds collected on your own site sounds very often. Here you need to adhere to strict rules, otherwise the new pumpkin crop may disappoint.

Caring for pumpkins intended for seed production must be especially thorough. The largest, healthiest specimen is selected. When growing it, there should not be other pumpkin varieties belonging to the same species nearby. Otherwise, over-pollination will occur. A hard-barked pumpkin is able to pollinate with zucchini and squash, so vegetables should be planted in different places on the site.

Seed fruits are removed when they reach full maturity. Then for 10-15 days they are kept in a warm room or in the sun. And only after that they get the seeds.

Pumpkin harvesting and storage

A pumpkin that has required some effort to grow must be properly harvested and provided with a place to store it.

The fruits are harvested just before frost. Most of them should have matured by this time. Some late-ripening varieties are harvested without waiting for ripening. A corky dried stalk indicates the mature state of the vegetable. Ripe fruits of some pumpkin varieties change color.

The crop must be harvested in dry weather, avoiding mechanical damage to the fruit. Both of these conditions significantly affect the safety of vegetables. Pumpkins harvested for storage in rainy weather deteriorate quickly. Therefore, before laying, they should lie down for 10-15 days in the sun or in a warm room. The same technique is used to achieve full ripening of the fruit.

Medicinal properties of pumpkin

Among the huge list medicinal plants one of the worthy places is occupied by a pumpkin. The cultivation of this plant and its use as a medicinal plant is welcomed by both folk and traditional medicine.

For the preparation of preparations, flowers, seeds, cuttings, pulp of pumpkin fruits are used. The use of vegetables is recommended for certain diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder.

Nutritional properties

Knowing the secrets of how to properly grow a pumpkin, vegetable growers manage to increase its nutritional properties. The process of accumulation of nutrients in the fruits of the plant is influenced by many factors. For example, the accumulation of carotene directly depends on the duration of fetal development. And its greatest amount is found in late-ripening varieties. The specimens that were the first to start on the plant are also rich in this vitamin.

Lean pumpkin varieties allow sucrose to accumulate in large quantities. Late varieties of southern origin contain a large amount of starch.

The harmonious combination of proteins, vitamins, various enzymes in ripe pumpkin fruits makes this vegetable an indispensable product of dietary and baby food.

Growing pumpkin as a business

Most often, problems arise due to high humidity soil and poor ventilation. Pest control is easy when installed drip system irrigation. Then chemicals are added to the water.

Soil nutrition

You can improve the characteristics of the fruit if you add mineral fertilizers to the soil. The amount of fertilizer is calculated based on the fact that 10 tons of vegetables are taken from the soil 45 kg of potassium, 12 kg of phosphorus and 27 kg of nitrogen. But they are introduced into the soil gradually. First, during plowing, 25-30 tons of fertilizers are added per hectare (50% phosphorus and 40% potash), then 10-15% of the norm is added during sowing. The rest is gradually introduced during irrigation: once before flowering, once during and once after. It is best to use fertilizers that dissolve in water.


Pumpkin is considered a drought tolerant crop because it has a strong root system. But growing a crop requires irrigation, and the intensity depends on the growth period of the plant. While the plant has not bloomed, the soil should have a moisture content of 70%, when it blooms and bears fruit - 80%, and during the ripening period - 70%. But two weeks before harvesting, watering must be completely excluded.


It is necessary to harvest the crop before the onset of frost and only in dry weather. Most often it is September-October. With the help of special equipment, the fruits are rolled into rolls and left to ripen if the seeds inside are too wet. Then the pumpkin is harvested by a pumpkin harvester, which separates the seeds from the pulp in parallel.

The seeds are then sent for processing: washing and drying at special facilities. The pulp can be used to fertilize the land or sold to livestock complexes for feed.


The business will require two types of equipment: for cultivation and for seed processing. During cultivation, you will need a cultivator with which you can loosen the soil and fight weeds. Its cost is from 10 thousand rubles. The business will then require investment in cleaning equipment. If your business is built on manual labor, you can save on this expense item. Otherwise, it is necessary to purchase swath formers - machines that rake vegetables into swaths and load them onto vehicles. The performance of such a machine is 6.5 km of landing per hour. In this case, about 4% of the crop is damaged. Using manual labor, this percentage can be significantly reduced.

The swather costs about 250 thousand rubles, but it replaces the work of 70 people at the harvest. To speed up the processing of the crop, you can use a special harvester that separates the seeds from the pulp during harvesting, leaving the latter directly on the ground.

For seed treatment, you can buy a system for separating the pulp from seeds and washing them. The seeds are usually dried in the open air or in greenhouses.

Purchase of seeds

For growing a crop on an industrial scale, it is important that the seed material meets all regulatory requirements. So, pumpkin seeds must comply with GOST 12039-82 “Seeds of agricultural crops. Methods for determining viability.

To buy usable seeds, you need to contact wholesale suppliers who specialize in their production. You can find them on the Internet on agricultural bulletin boards.

Land Acquisition

If you do not have your own land for business development, you will have to rent or buy it. The size of the plot depends on your entrepreneurial ambitions. But the cost is affected by the region of the country and the location of the site. Therefore, in some places, rent will cost 500 rubles a year, and in others - 3 thousand. Similarly, the purchase price can range from 800 to 6 thousand rubles. for a hundred

In any case, you should always check with the owner of the land documents. At a minimum, sites must be allocated and certified by the Office of the Federal Registration Service.

Legal side of the issue

The issue of registration is decided based on how much land you decide to cultivate. If the pumpkin field occupies less than a hectare, there is no special need to register your enterprise. Such an area falls under the concept of a personal household plot, on which you cannot build a large business. Therefore, you can freely sell products from it.

But if the land area is larger than the designated one, in order to legally conduct business, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur. During registration, you must indicate the OKVED code: A. 01.13.21 - production of agricultural products. Be prepared for the fact that in this case you will have to pay a single agricultural tax of 6% of net profit.

Harvest economics

Seeds are most often purchased via the Internet in specialized stores. They are sold in packs of 10 pieces worth 5-10 rubles. depending on the quantity purchased and the variety of pumpkin. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately decide which variety your business will deal with. If your business is focused on sowing large areas, you can buy seeds by weight for about 1 thousand rubles. per kilogram.

Approximately 15 thousand grains are sown on one hectare. That is, one must be prepared for the fact that at the initial stage the business will require approximately 75 thousand rubles. only for the purchase of seed. If we take into account the costs of labor of workers, water, fertilizers, at the start it is necessary to invest in the business about 120 thousand rubles, not counting the costs of special equipment.

About 30 tons of vegetables can be removed from one hectare. On the agricultural exchange, it can be sold for 14 rubles. kilogram. That is, from one hectare your business can bring about 420 thousand rubles. Its payback depends on the sowing areas, the level of ore mechanization and the availability of crop marketing channels. In general, the business is quite attractive.

Pumpkin - the best and new varieties

Today I will tell you about a wonderful pumpkin. It belongs to the gourd family. According to various sources, the pumpkin genus includes from 13 to 27 species. Six types of pumpkin are cultivated, while the rest are wild.

Useful properties of pumpkin

Most pumpkin species come from areas of North and Central America. Pumpkin is delicious and healthy vegetable, which contains a large amount of carotene and vitamins. For example, in pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D valuable for the child's body, which enhances vital activity and accelerates the growth of children. fiber gourd easily absorbs even a weakened body, which is why pumpkin dishes are recommended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

Pumpkin contains a lot of salts of copper, iron and phosphorus. They have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis in the body. Therefore, doctors recommend using it as a prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis.

It is also useful in diseases of the liver and kidneys. High content of pectin promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body. Of the organic acids in the pumpkin contains malic acid. It also contains sugary substances such as glucose, fructose, sucrose. In pumpkin pulp a lot of calcium, potassium, carotene, vitamins C, group B and other useful substances.

Freshly squeezed raw pumpkin juice use for the treatment of kidneys - half a glass per day. Pumpkin juice has a calming effect, improves sleep. Compresses from the crushed pulp are applied to the affected areas of the skin with eczema, burns and rashes. Pumpkin dishes are recommended to be included in the diet for patients with hepatitis and cholecystitis, as well as for people with cholelithiasis, chronic colic and enterocolitis in the acute stage. Doctors recommend that pregnant women use pumpkin as a natural antiemetic.

Pumpkin seeds have been used for a long time in folk medicine as an antihelminthic, as well as a way that helps with diseases urinary organs. And for pets, there is no better food than pumpkin.

There are varieties for fodder and table purposes. For example, ARABATSKAYA is an exclusively table variety. She is especially good parena. But the FIGOLE - stern. Its peel is very strong, so it can be stored for a long time. When added to animal feed, it is better to remove the peel. Poultry: turkeys, ducks, chickens - when eating pumpkins, they feel great. Pumpkin varieties TITAN and dining and fodder. Its pulp is juicy, sweet, weight reaches 100 kg.

Pumpkin has a great future. See how many new varieties have already been bred at the Institutes of Vegetable Growing and Melon Growing throughout Ukraine. And everywhere there are varieties of delicious table varieties, and how many fodder varieties. A lot of varieties came to us from the selection of China, the USA, Russia, etc. I want to tell you about the best and newest varieties.

The best varieties of pumpkin

For culinary purposes I grow nutmeg pumpkin PAlav KADU. Her skin is orange, the flesh too. When you cut the fruit, the juice flows like that. The weight of the pumpkin is small, up to 10 kg. Stored for more than 4 months. Palav kadu is the most delicious pumpkin I have ever had. In India, this variety is used to treat tuberculosis. It has been proven that the aqueous extract of the fruit of this variety in a dilution of 1 to 10,000 prevents the reproduction of tubercle bacillus.

Ultra-early, lying, bushy, takes up little space. All gardeners dream of this. There is one in my collection. This is VALOK. The skin is gray, weight up to 8 kg, and the taste is mediocre, but the juice is very useful.

I have been growing for several years. pumpkin from Italy ZENTNER. Its peel is yellow, the flesh is white, 5-7 cm thick. The seeds are white, large, there are more than 800 of them in one fruit. As you can see, it is beneficial for those who grow pumpkins to sell seeds. The average weight of a berry is 50-60 kg, some grow up to 100 kg. On one plant, an average of up to 7 fruits is tied. In terms of ripening, Centner belongs to early-ripening pumpkins, but as you know, early pumpkins are small in weight, but this one is vice versa. We use a centner for animal feed. Its pulp is sweet, you can even cook porridge from it. But it makes no sense to grow it for cooking. What will you do with such a giant? In the picture you see centners grown in the garden of the Shapoval family. With these pumpkins, Tanya Shapoval won first place at the district harvest festival.

Fairly common giant pumpkin TITAN. Having bought a bag of seeds 8 years ago, I read that the fruits reach a weight of 500 kg. I really wanted to grow this pumpkin, the only thing that upset me was that there were only 3 seeds in the package. According to the annotations, the average fruit should weigh 180-230 kg. But for 8 years now I have been growing Titanium, but I have not received fruits over 120 kg. Yes, and I have not heard that someone received fruits weighing more than 150 kg in Ukraine. In general, to get a record holder, you need soil rich in humus and you should leave only one ovary on the plant, and remove everything else. Titanium is best grown through seedlings. Needs regular feeding and watering. His lashes are long, so it is better to plant plants according to the scheme 1.5 by 1.5 m. The taste of Titan also deserves attention. The pulp is sweet even when raw.

This is not the first year I have been growing bushy and early-ripening pumpkins - SMILE. On one plant, 8-10 fruits weighing 0.5-1.5 kg are formed. This weight is convenient - you can cook only one fruit, so that the family will have enough to feast on. And the taste is amazing, the pumpkin is very sweet, I want to taste it even raw. The disadvantage is a hard peel. Seeding scheme 80 by 80 cm.

I grow a beautiful French variety ROUGE VIF DETAMP (PARIS RED). Fruits WEIGHT up to 15-20 kg, dark red skin, pale yellow flesh, juicy and sweet. Suitable for both food and animal feed.

Interesting pumpkin MIRANI DI CHIOGIA (Italy). Her fruits are corrugated, pimply, tuberculate. This is such an unusual creation of a flattened shape in the form of a turban weighing 6-10 kg with sweet orange flesh.

mid-season pumpkin APORT has short lashes and a compact bush. The fruits are spherical, weighing 4-7 kg. The background color is orange, without a pattern. The bark is thin, leathery. The flesh is yellow, crispy, of medium thickness and sweetness. Similar to Aport pumpkin CINDERELLA. The color of the surface of the fruit is golden yellow with an orange tint. The pulp is creamy, sweet, the taste is very good.

I like early maturing (90-100 days) pumpkin from Russia Kroshka. A plant of medium power, medium climbing. The fruit is flat-round, weighing 2-3 kg, light gray in color, almost white. The pulp is bright yellow, dense, juicy, sweet, with a high content of solids and sugars. The taste is good and it keeps well.

Well, how can you not do without decorative pumpkins, I have several varieties of them from balls to pears, mushrooms that look like melon, watermelon, etc. For example, ORANGE has small fruits, golden orange in color, weighing 0.2-0.3 kg. Variety fruits SWIT DAMPLIN reminiscent of a cake, indescribable beauty. TEN COMMENTS has an unusual shape of beautiful stars of different colors. There are several flowers on one fruit. I grow decorative pumpkins for vertical gardening. They can decorate the veranda, building, fence, gazebo. The fruits of these pumpkins are used in floristry to decorate decorative compositions. The fruits keep well at room temperature.

How to avoid growing mistakes

When growing pumpkins it is important to protect them from cross-pollination with other varieties. Many amateur gardeners ask if it is possible to maintain the varietal purity of pumpkin seeds? I also faced such a problem.

In the first year, everything was fine, but in the second year (freaks) appeared with altered shape and color of fruits and seeds. I did not want to buy seeds every year. There was no certainty that it would grow exactly what you expect. It's better to have your own material. But how to do that?

To ensure varietal purity of pumpkin spatial isolation up to two kilometers is needed. But within the garden, it is almost impossible to do this. Yes, and there is no guarantee that cross-pollination will not occur with the help of bees.

Let me tell you about the method I use. I single out beds for each variety, located in different parts vegetable garden. Varietal features suggest a different feeding area.

So, the pumpkin is planted. Now we need to protect the female flower from being pollinated by another variety. From a piece of gauze I make a spacious bag so that the flower opens freely in it. As soon as a female flower appears, I put it in a bag, reinforced around the stem, to protect it from insects. After waiting for the flower to bloom (and this happens in the morning), it is important not to miss this moment, choose the male one (which bloomed earlier) and carefully remove the petals. I remove the gauze bag, connect the flowers, slightly shaking the contents of the stamens of the male flower into the middle of the female. Pollination has occurred and I put the bag back on. I repeat the same operation the next morning. For greater confidence, I pollinate 2-3 flowers. I leave 2-3 fruits on one bush. There are enough seeds from them for themselves and friends.

Try it and you will grow a miracle pumpkin.


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What varieties of pumpkin do you grow? the year before last, a chic pumpkin was born (I got the seeds

Alexandra Belkina

There may be several reasons for getting "peas", Alexander named one of them for you. Another reason may be due to cross-pollination with other gourd plants. Well, the weather can make a difference. Therefore, it is better to sow not one variety, but several. I also like the Volga gray, sweet, and I also like the Pearl. Her fruit is elongated with a small seed chamber. I usually use the part with the seed chamber immediately, and I cut and freeze the whole part in circles. Then I fry these mugs in a pan with vegetable oil, steam them - delicious! And the grandson loves porridge with pumpkin. For food, another variety with small fruits is sown like Rossiyanka, this year I bought the Candy variety.
For living creatures I sow a hundred pounds, it is large-fruited


Volga gray, well, very tasty, fragrant, my daughter loves pumpkin juice


Lel-medium ripening-I need as a fodder crop and for food-fragrant, pear-shaped, such as Arabat.

Victoria Shovkun

One hundred pounds - I like that it is not difficult to cut it for food and the seeds are large). In that year, I planted Arabatskaya-type grandson (1.5 years old) on juice and puree-vitamins. The grandson looked at me very carefully, when I tried to stick another spoon into him, he spat out very far. In the look it was read: “Eat this muck yourself, granny!”). After a similar look from my husband, I realized that I only need to plant a pumpkin for ducklings - they don’t care about the varietal affiliation of this vegetable)


Most likely you got the seeds from the hybrid, here are the "peas". Muscat de Provence is good - both sweet and quite large, all pear-shaped pumpkins are very sweet, so I want to plant Pastila Champagne for myself, but I can’t find the seeds in my city, and I won’t order a couple of bags through the online store, this hybrid is produced only by Biotekhnika.

Nikolay Evpat

Good pumpkin "Rossiyanka". Sweet and long lasting.


I love the Volga gray, I love it raw, all the culinary delights turn my nose up. This year I bought Candy!

olya isakova

nutmeg vitamin and big max


I always choose from those that sell small ones - no more than 2kg