Location of the baby in the abdomen at 14 weeks. Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman's abdomen and video. weeks of pregnancy - the development of the fetus, a photo of how the baby develops and feels

14 obstetric weeks of pregnancy the second trimester of pregnancy begins. This period can be considered the most favorable in bearing. Most of the risks are left behind. This is the time when a woman can relax, gain strength. The tummy becomes more visible, the uterus increases in size.

The baby can already feel the mood of the mother and send response signals when communicating with him and stroking his stomach. During this period, you can try with the help. But the probability of error is still quite high - about 50%.

Fetal size and development at 14 weeks gestation

Fruit length at the 14th week it already reaches 8–10 cm, and the weight is 3–40 grams. In size, it already resembles a medium-sized lemon. The doctor can listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Closer to 15 weeks facial expressions become more pronounced, body movements become intense - the baby yawns, frowns, touches himself with his hands, sucks his fingers. The phases of wakefulness and sleep are already different.

During this period, more clearly begin to emerge child's facial features: eyes and ears are already set in place, the jawline becomes more elevated, the neck is elongated. The nose, cheeks, eyebrows are already more clearly drawn. Minor movements of the lower jaw are observed.

Closer to the 15th week, the chest is prepared for breathing. Ultrasound is already fixing diaphragm movement. The fetus produces about 40–70 respiratory movements, drawing in not a large number of amniotic fluid into the lungs and releasing them back.

Begins hormone production thyroid gland. The pancreas produces insulin, which is required for the metabolism and growth of the fetus. During this period, bile is already moving through the intestines. The blood has not yet fully formed, but it is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the baby.

At the fourteenth week of pregnancy appears "germ fluff" on the child's body - lanugo. It serves to preserve the protective waxy secretion secreted by the body. Gradually, this fluff will be replaced by denser hair with which the child will be born.

Multiple body movements produced by a child, it is difficult to feel before 16–17 weeks. The first signs of movement are usually felt after the 20th week.

During this period, in girls, the ovaries descend into the pelvic area, and in boys, the prostate is fully formed. So now is the time to try determine the sex of the child.

What happens to mom at 14 weeks

In the period from 14 to 15 weeks, significant changes occur in the mother's body. The abdomen becomes more elevated, rounded, increases in size. The waist gradually flattens out. From the chest may begin to stand out. If the pregnancy is not the first, such changes in the figure may occur earlier. Above you can see in the photo what the stomach looks like at 14 weeks.

At this time, basically, it is already retreating. He is being replaced pain in the lumbar region associated with an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity. Occasionally, spontaneous headaches may occur. At the 14th week of pregnancy, blunt pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus in place.

With regular cramping, sharp or aching pain, you should consult a doctor. These may be signs of deviations.

During this period, uniform moderates are considered the norm. They are light-colored, with a slightly sour smell.

In the normal course of pregnancy at week 14, the woman's psycho-emotional state stabilizes. She has already got used to her position, accepted the pregnancy and changed her life orientation. Future mom becomes calmer, peaceful. Drowsiness and fatigue that accompany her in the first weeks of pregnancy go away.

Due to a shortage in the body of a woman, unpleasant physiological changes can occur: brittleness and dryness of hair and nails, bleeding gums, peeling of the skin. Therefore, it is important during this period to replenish the body with the necessary substances, drink multivitamins for pregnant.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy

If you did not visit a doctor, did not have a blood and urine test, did not first ultrasound screening at 11-13 weeks, then you definitely need to do this at 14 weeks of pregnancy. Above you can see a photo of the ultrasound of the fetus at 14 weeks.

If deviations are noticed during an ultrasound scan at 11-13 weeks, the doctor prescribes to determine the defects in the development of the fetus. increases up to 8-9 weeks, then decreases slightly and stays at this level for the entire second trimester. Deviations from the norm may indicate abnormalities in the chromosomal development of the fetus. But this is not a final diagnosis, and the results of the analysis require additional examinations.

Below you can watch a video of an ultrasound at 14 weeks pregnant.

Possible deviations from the norm, the threat of miscarriage

At week 14, the risks of spontaneous abortion are reduced, but there are still reasons for concern. When the fetus is infected there may be a deviation from the norm in its development, as well as a miscarriage. about symptoms...

It is important for a woman monitor the nature of your secretions. If white or appears, you should consult a specialist. Pregnant women are more susceptible than others. Hormonal changes lead to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, and the development of fungi.

Bleeding at week 14 may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage. The woman may have cramping abdominal pain. The uterus contracts and pushes the fetus out. In this case, urgent medical attention is simply necessary. A timely response may not make it possible to terminate the pregnancy.

At this time, it can also cause serious complications. Especially if the body temperature is above 38 C for a long time. It is important to treat the disease in time, observe bed rest, and avoid stress. Self-treatment should not be allowed. The doctor himself must prescribe the appropriate drugs and procedures, taking into account the situation of the woman.

Temperature can at 14 weeks testify to various diseases. Most often it is caused by infections (toxoplasmosis, influenza), as well as inflammation of the urinary or respiratory tract. In the second trimester, an increase in temperature can cause anomalies in the development of the placenta, which poses a threat of infection of the child inside the womb. If the temperature persists for a long time, hospitalization of the pregnant woman may be required.

There is a small risk of fetal death at week 14, and this already carries a danger to the life and health of the woman herself. Therefore, it is important to regularly listen to the movements of the fetus, as soon as they began to be felt, but this is already closer to the 20th week in primiparas.

What can be causes of missed pregnancy at 14 weeks:

  • multiple abortions before pregnancy;
  • Rh-conflict of mother and child;
  • infection of the fetus;

Mom's diet and exercise at 14 weeks pregnant

The entire period of pregnancy, a woman should monitor her diet. At week 14, the child can already distinguish tastes, so now you need to plan your diet especially scrupulously. At this time increases the need for protein because the baby is actively developing muscle tissue. It is useful to include boiled beef in the menu.

Feeling this time lack of vitamins C and A. Therefore, the menu must include:

  • fish fat;
  • beef liver;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, etc.);
  • sauerkraut;
  • rose hip.

Necessary minimize the consumption of sweet and flour products. Avoid snacking, especially at night. Just during this period, you need to give up products that can provoke an allergy in a baby.

Be careful with these products:

  • citrus and red fruits and vegetables;
  • honey and chocolate;
  • caviar;
  • barbecue;
  • meat broths;
  • canned food and smoked meats.

It is necessary to eat in moderation, controlling appetite. Nutrition should be balanced and complete. At 14-15 weeks, it should be dietary.

In the absence of contraindications, the doctor may allow lungs at 14 weeks. It can be yoga, swimming, gymnastics. Now you can already prepare the ligaments and muscles for the birth of a child. To do this, there is a whole range of exercises that can be mastered with the support of an instructor. Classes should last no more than 10 minutes with a 2-minute break. The number of exercises depends on the physical condition of the woman.

Sexual relations at 14 weeks

During this period, when all the troubles (toxicosis, drowsiness) are already behind, many have improved sex life. at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is useful both from a medical and emotional point of view. If there are no contraindications, physical intimacy between partners should be mandatory.

A woman on the eve of motherhood becomes more compliant and soft. A man, realizing his responsibility, behaves with a partner more carefully and accurately. During this period, sex becomes different than before pregnancy. Partners can get to know each other better and become closer.

The tummy at week 14 is already becoming more noticeable, and you need to try not to accidentally hurt him. It is important to make it a rule that the movements should be measured and smooth so as not to “touch” any objects with the stomach (table corner, door handle, etc.). When driving in a car, you should always be fastened, but do not tighten the seat belts tightly.

In order not to harm the unborn child and yourself, you must adhere to some rules:

  • eat a balanced diet, avoid overeating, eat in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • avoid hypothermia, so as not to provoke a cold;
  • attend special courses for pregnant women, prepare for childbirth;
  • avoid strong physical activity and overwork;
  • walk more often in the fresh air;
  • stay calm, experience more positive emotions.

Video about 14 weeks pregnant

After watching this video, the expectant mother will get acquainted with what awaits her at the 14th week of pregnancy. The film also pays attention to the topic of the impact of harmful factors on the development of the fetus. Recommendations are given to pregnant women on how to avoid negative effects on the baby.

As you can see, week 14 is the beginning the most favorable period bearing a child. The worst fears are already behind us, prenatal difficulties are still far away. It's time to enjoy your position. Of course, there are always exceptions.

And to help women cope with their experiences, for whom the second trimester is yet to come, share your feelings and tell your love story!

The 14th week of pregnancy can be called a kind of “tipping point” - at this time the second trimester of pregnancy begins. This means that from this moment on, most pathologies and anomalies for the fetus are no longer as terrible as in the early stages of pregnancy. An actively growing and developing baby will make itself felt more and more - even now it has grown to 8-10 cm and weighs about 30-40 g.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy becomes even more similar to a person, only “in miniature”. Small, he actively moves, frowns, clenches his fists and, having come into contact with the abdominal wall, pushes away from it. True, the woman does not yet feel this, although many pregnant women claim that even at such an early stage as 14 weeks, they felt the “movements” of the crumbs in themselves.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy continues to “build up” the bone skeleton, the first ribs begin to appear in it. Surprisingly, already now the baby is preparing for the birth - making movements resembling respiratory movements with the diaphragm. A 14-week-old fetus already knows how to distinguish between tastes: when swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby reacts to sweets with increased swallowing reflexes, and to sour or bitter - on the contrary, weak ones.

The body of the fetus is now still covered with a dense protective lubricant, but under it, a fluff has already appeared on the thin skin of the baby, the name of which is lanugo. The first and thin hairs that cover the body of the fetus (by the way, the same fluff is already on the baby’s head) are designed to hold a special protective lubricant: thanks to it, in the future, the baby will easily slide through the birth canal. In addition to the fact that soft and light lanugo covers the entire body of the fetus, the baby already boasts the presence of eyebrows and eyelashes.

All systems and organs of the baby are already laid down and functioning, their work is becoming more and more perfect and well-coordinated. In addition, the genital organs have already been formed, although it is still difficult to distinguish on ultrasound who “lives” in the mother’s stomach. But it is already possible to determine the blood group and the Rh factor inherent in the baby - despite the fact that the composition of the blood has not yet been fully formed.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks pregnant

But after all, ultrasound is not only and not so much carried out to determine the sex of the baby and its size. Ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy is one of the very informative methods to assess the degree of fetal development and the compliance of this development with the norm. Moreover, it is already quite simple to establish such a correspondence: the fetus at this time has dimensions sufficient for a clear visualization of all its structures.

The main parameters that are evaluated using ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy are the coccygeal-parietal size of the baby (length, growth of the fetus from crown to tailbone); biparietal size (transverse size of the fetal head); head circumference and abdominal circumference. Also, ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy allows you to measure the length of the baby's thigh, and at the same time - the ratio of the two femurs to exclude malformations.

Additionally, the specialist evaluates the development of the long bones of the fetus (ulna, radius, shoulder, fibula and tibia), feet and hands. And with them - an assessment of development internal organs: heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, Bladder, brain.


Screening today is considered one of the most modern and reliable methods of examination, which allows timely identification and detection of chromosomal abnormalities and anomalies in the development of the fetus. And the first screening examination, which is often also called a double test (due to the study of two markers in a biochemical blood test), is usually indicated for a period of 11-14 weeks. Here are just the most optimal time - 12-13 weeks: screening also involves, in addition to biochemical analysis blood, and an ultrasound examination of the collar zone of the fetus. Such a study allows big share the probability of excluding the possibility of the development of any congenital abnormalities in the baby. But, since the collar zone refers to non-permanent markers and constantly changes as the fetus develops, it is possible to study it within a clearly defined time frame. And usually in the full 14 weeks of pregnancy, her examination as part of screening does not provide reliable results. Why, it is desirable to carry out screening either earlier than this period, or already wait for the right moment for the second screening examination, which falls on the 15-20th week of pregnancy (optimally - at 16-18).

Tests at 14 weeks pregnant

If by this time the expectant mother has not yet passed all the tests indicated by this time, she can be prescribed tests at the 14th week of pregnancy - in the form of a general and gynecological examination, urinalysis, consultation with a therapist, dentist and otolaryngologist. As mentioned above, also tests at the 14th week of pregnancy may suggest a planned ultrasound examination. A blood test, among other things, may also involve determining the levels of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the body of a pregnant woman. If during the first few weeks of pregnancy the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother constantly increases, then, starting from the 8-9th week, having reached its peak, the level of hCG decreases slightly and remains so throughout the second trimester. If the level of hCG at this stage is not normal, this may indicate the possibility of developing some chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. However, such an analysis is not a final diagnosis and becomes a reason for additional research.

In some cases, a puncture of the amniotic fluid may be required as an analysis. This analysis is carried out exclusively according to indications, and a woman can refuse it: the doctor must notify the expectant mother, albeit a meager, but still existing, possibility of miscarriage (the risk of miscarriage leaves 1:200). The sampling process for analysis consists in inserting a needle into the uterus (simultaneously with an ultrasound to see where the baby is), through which a certain amount of amniotic fluid is taken for examination. In the future, the analysis of the amniotic fluid will make it possible to assume or exclude the presence of possible chromosomal pathologies in the fetus.


Toxicosis at a period of 14 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, remains in the past. However, it is often replaced by pains of a completely different nature, most often back pains and headaches.

Pain in the back is often the result of a woman's love for high heels. Therefore, if the expectant mother has not given up this “luxury” since the beginning of pregnancy, now is the time to do it. Lower back pain at this time also occurs due to a gradual increase in the weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

Headaches at week 14, like migraines, can occur spontaneously and unexpectedly, and it is better, of course, to prevent them than to deal with pain later. To do this, it is necessary to have sufficient rest, not to overwork, not to allow feelings of hunger and to avoid noisy smoky rooms. If the headache still made itself felt, the main thing is not to allow the use of medications. To relieve pain symptoms, it is necessary to lie down in a dark and cool, well-ventilated room, and massage of the temporal part will not interfere.

It is possible that the expectant mother will also visit pain at the 14th week of pregnancy, concentrated in the lower abdomen and having a weak and dull character. This is a consequence of the stretching of the ligaments that fix the uterus. However, you should be wary if the pain in the abdomen at the 14th week of pregnancy is constant or occurs abruptly and unexpectedly, cramping or aching pain is a clear sign of uterine hypertonicity. A doctor should also be called immediately if abdominal pain is also accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, profuse watery vaginal discharge or bleeding. It is very likely that such symptoms indicate a high risk of miscarriage and even intrauterine fetal death.


If the pregnancy proceeds according to the norm, then the sensations at the 14th week of pregnancy, characteristic of the early stages, recede. The expectant mother has already “worn out” of toxicosis, her emotional state has also stabilized, the baby is practically not threatened by all the dangers that could harm him in the first weeks of pregnancy ... And a happy time comes for a woman, full of awareness of imminent motherhood, pleasant anxieties and troubles preparation with your child.

Somewhat overshadow the joy of a woman can be some physiological changes that occur more and more due to deficiency useful substances in the body of the expectant mother. Lack of vitamin C, for example, may be accompanied by bleeding gums and a decrease in the body's defenses of a pregnant woman. Vitamin A deficiency affects dryness and brittleness of hair and nails, peeling of the skin. However, all these negative manifestations can be avoided by fully eating and constantly replenishing the increased need for minerals and nutrients.


But how much joy a woman experiences, admiring the already clearly rounded tummy! The belly at the 14th week of pregnancy, even if it is still quite small, but already quite noticeable. From the navel down, dividing the tummy in two, a dark strip can clearly appear. There is no reason to worry in this regard - this pigmentation is temporary, it is associated with the accumulation of melanin in skin cells, and time will pass on one's own.

But to think about clothes for pregnant women, as well as the choice of cosmetics in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, is just the right time. Today, such cosmetics are freely sold both in pharmacies and in specialized stores, the choice of gels, creams, balms for stretch marks for pregnant women is unusually large. If the “factory” products do not suit a woman, you can always resort to effective and well-proven remedies for stretch marks in the form of olive or almond oil.


The belly grows all for the same reason - due to the gradual increase in the uterus as the baby grows. Uterus at 14 weeks pregnant pubic bone already starting to rise to the navel. Its bottom is located between the pubic joint and the navel, while the upper edge rises about 10-13 cm above the pubis. Significantly increased in size, the uterus is already palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, and a woman can feel it by placing her hand on her stomach.

Discharge at 14 weeks pregnant

Normally, pregnancy at this stage is accompanied by discharge, which is also characteristic in the early stages. So, moderate and homogeneous discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy, having light color and a slightly sour smell indicate a normal pregnancy. Any changes in color and consistency - the appearance of pus or mucus, cheesy discharge, which is also accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area, indicates an infection.

Characteristic of pregnancy often becomes candidiasis (thrush), caused by the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. Other troubles that can befall a future mother while carrying a baby can be colpitis and vulvitis. Each of these diseases requires mandatory treatment - not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also to avoid infection of the fetus.

An alarming sign is the appearance of spotting, which is also accompanied by pain in the abdomen. This situation indicates a high probability of premature termination of pregnancy, and if such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor: delay is now unacceptable. An additional examination will also be needed if spotting appears at the 14th week of pregnancy, occurring more and more after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. The presence of such symptoms indicates the possibility of cervical erosion.


Bleeding at the 14th week of pregnancy becomes a very frightening symptom. Bleeding is nothing but an incipient miscarriage. It is usually accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen: the uterus, contracting, pushes the fetus out. In this case, it will not be possible to deal with the situation on its own, and the intervention of specialists in order to maintain the pregnancy becomes a necessity. Only the slight spotting that has appeared should already be a sufficient reason for urgently seeking medical help, and the bleeding that occurs at the 14th week of pregnancy is even more so. A timely response may well stop the miscarriage that has begun and prevent premature termination of pregnancy. But for this, it is necessary to act very quickly.


Although the main dangers for the baby at 14 weeks of gestation remain mostly in the past, a cold at 14 weeks of gestation can still become a catalyst for quite serious complications. A cold is especially dangerous, accompanied by a prolonged rise in temperature to 38 degrees and above. Already at the first symptoms of a cold, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor - it is necessary to treat the disease without fail.

As in the early stages of pregnancy, first of all, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy requires a woman to observe rest and bed rest, to eliminate symptoms - use mainly folk methods treatment. However, it is also possible to use some medicines: at 14 weeks of gestation, some drugs prohibited in early pregnancy are already approved for use. But only - with the consent of the doctor and strictly according to indications, self-medication during pregnancy is not permissible and can cause a lot of trouble.


The temperature at the 14th week of pregnancy can be accompanied by a fairly large number of a variety of diseases. Although the main reason for the increase in temperature, of course, are various catarrhal viral diseases. Cause temperature and infectious diseases (flu, rotavirus infection, toxoplasmosis), and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis), and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis).

When the temperature rises, one cannot do without consulting a doctor: initially it is necessary to establish the causative agent of the disease, from which the main threat comes, and, if necessary, prescribe competent treatment. Long-lasting fever is quite dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy: from the second trimester, high temperature can cause placental pathology and the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, and in infectious diseases it also poses a threat of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Then, consultation with a doctor in the presence of a temperature is necessary. If, for some reason, an immediate visit to a doctor is impossible, it is possible and necessary to bring down the temperature with "improvised" means. Showing bed rest, plentiful and warm drinking, at high temperatures - rubdowns and lotions, and in extreme cases, the use of drugs based on paracetamol. If the high temperature persists for several hours, hospitalization of the expectant mother and further observation in the hospital is required.


Alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy, as well as before and after this period, is best left on the list of "unused" products. If in the early stages of pregnancy alcohol can cause pathology in the development of developing organs, now alcoholic beverages, although they do not have a damaging effect, are no less dangerous. After all, the baby continues to develop very quickly, all its main organs and systems are already working, and alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy already causes a violation of their function. In addition, alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy can have a negative effect on the still-forming bone tissue.

Nutrition at 14 weeks pregnant

Recommendations regarding nutrition remain the same: nutrition at the 14th week of pregnancy should be balanced, healthy and complete. It is also desirable from now on to limit the consumption of foods that can cause allergic reactions and increase the risk of developing allergies in the baby in the future.

You need to be careful with citrus fruits, honey, eggs, caviar, cow's milk, chocolate, vegetables and fruits of bright orange or red color. It is advisable to remove strong rich broths, all kinds of barbecue steaks, smoked meats and canned food from the table. Cooking is shown by the steam method, by baking, boiling or stewing.

Although meat must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman as a source of the necessary protein, it is better to replace its fatty varieties with dietary ones - rabbit meat, chicken, lean veal or beef. At the same time, the inclusion of fish in the diet is regularly required - to provide the body with phosphorus and useful unsaturated fatty acids.

You should not get carried away with products that increase gas formation and "fixing" that can cause constipation - pears, legumes, cabbage. Instead, it will be useful to enrich the diet with fermented milk products, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits in order to avoid constipation.


At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, has already said goodbye to unpleasant pregnancy companions, characteristic of early periods - toxicosis, drowsiness, irritability. The "golden time" is coming, the time of awareness of one's future motherhood and new relationships with the future dad - including intimate ones. Sex at the 14th week of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but it is able to open spouses to each other in a new way. Therefore, in the absence of any contraindications, it is not worth giving up physical intimacy, especially since sex can now bring much richer sensations and colors. A woman, preparing to become a mother, is already becoming more and more soft and supple. A man, in turn, realizing the full degree of responsibility, treats his wife with greater tenderness and caution. And therefore, sex at the 14th week of pregnancy even turns into a kind of sacrament, a way to get to know each other even better and get closer.

The gestation period of 14 weeks corresponds to 12 weeks from conception, 10 weeks from the day of missed menstruation, 3.5 months after lunar calendar and the beginning of the fourth month, if counted as ordinary months. Pregnancy 12-14 weeks is the time of transition from the first trimester to the second.


At 14 weeks pregnant, the sensations can be described as awareness. You were at the first ultrasound and saw your baby for the first time, now you have a complete understanding that you will soon become a mother. This is a wonderful feeling that gives strength and patience.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 14 weeks are a growing tummy, a feeling of a changed gait, beautiful large breasts.

You, most likely, feel great and full of energy, there is no trace of fatigue and drowsiness of the first months.

Sex at 14 weeks pregnant is less restrictive and you can enjoy it a lot.

Your condition

14 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when weight gain becomes more stable and already noticeable. You are more excited than ever to see the grams add up on the scale.

Toxicosis has receded, your appetite is excellent, but still it is worth making sure that the food is complete, but not excessive, you should not eat for two, excess weight, which is so easy to gain during pregnancy, then leaves with great difficulty.

your child

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy is gaining weight at an accelerated pace. Now it is growing very fast.

The development of the fetus goes along the path of honing organs and systems, their improvement. The placenta perfectly copes with the function of regulating the hormonal background, and fully provides the baby with the nutrients and oxygen he needs.

The child becomes more and more like a newborn. If you could see how he looks now, you would be very surprised. This fragile delicate creature the size of a large peach has bones made of cartilage, even its skull is now very soft. He seems incredibly thin, simply emaciated, but this is only because while he does not have an urgent need to accumulate adipose tissue, the development of organs and systems is first of all important, and he will still have time to gain weight for childbirth. Its still translucent skin is covered with lanugo, a soft down, and a layer of yellowish-white grease. He has eyelashes and eyebrows, and already a great facial expression. He tastes and touches, but does not yet see or hear.

The child lives in a world of tactile sensations: the warmth of the uterus, the pulsation of his own umbilical cord, the water environment around him, the sensations of touching the velvety walls of the uterus and his own skin. He sucks his thumb, and this activity gives him pleasure. When you eat something sweet, the taste of amniotic fluid changes, and the baby clearly likes it, he begins to swallow them more often.

Now the time has come for the first unconscious smile of the fetus, sometimes it is fixed during a 3D ultrasound. The same survey allows in many cases to determine the sex of the child.

The size of the fetus from the buttocks to the crown of the head is 12 cm, weight is 30-35 grams.

your tummy

The tummy at the 14th week of pregnancy can still be hidden with clothes, but not from yourself. In the mirror, you see that a noticeable mound has appeared above the womb.

The size of the uterus is such that its bottom rises 10-12 cm above the pubis, and now there is an objective reason for your stomach to require a new wardrobe. If you haven't enjoyed shopping yet, do it.

Perhaps, if you are having a second pregnancy, you have already caught the first movements of the fetus, during the first pregnancy, women feel it much later.

The size of the uterus allows you to freely feel it through the anterior abdominal wall, in a calm environment, lying down, put your hand on your stomach just above the bosom.

There is a chance that you will feel the first pushes of your child with the palm of your hand (unless, of course, you suffer from excessive fullness).

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at 14 weeks pregnant allows you to see amazing things. The fetus is still completely placed on the monitor, it is actively moving, turning over, trying to “run away” from the ultrasound sensor.

When conducting research on modern devices, it is often possible to diagnose gender. Sex determination is difficult due to the small size of the child's genitals, and only a high-resolution apparatus allows this to be done.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the time for the next round of tests, the doctor will give you directions to antenatal clinic.

One of them may be screening for malformations, which is carried out for a period of 14-20 weeks, this is a blood test from a vein. In some cases, a chorion biopsy is performed at this time. This is done in cases where there is a suspicion of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. There is a certain risk in the procedure, agreeing to it, think about what you will do with the result? Suppose if you are told that a solar baby will be born, will you abort this pregnancy? If the answer is a resounding no, reassess the risks.

Possible complaints and problems

Most often, at the 14th week of pregnancy, women have a headache, and against this background there is nausea and even vomiting. Nausea and vomiting can also occur on their own, your body is sensitive and instantly gets rid of food that is not too benign or abused. This is fine.

If you feel sick, pay attention to what foods cause it and try not to eat it, as eating through force is guaranteed vomiting.

Headache, unless it is due to high blood pressure more like a migraine. Since it is not advisable to take medications, you will have to look for other ways to alleviate it.

If you just feel that your head hurts, even the pain is not strong yet, immediately lie down in a well-ventilated darkened room. Sometimes literally half an hour of superficial daytime sleep remove it completely. To prevent headaches, try to eat often and avoid feeling hungry, and get plenty of rest. Take a walk every day in the park or in the forest, in quiet corners of nature, in the fresh air.

Some women have back pain at 14 weeks pregnant, and lovers of high heels often suffer from this. It's time to give them up, the load on the back will increase every day.

And the pain will help relieve simple exercises for pregnant women, since the lower back usually hurts due to a change in the center of gravity and the stereotype of gait, an unusual load falls on the muscles.


Although the coming 14th week of pregnancy reduces many of the dangers of the previous months to a minimum, misfortune is still possible, as in any other period of pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy occurs only in very rare cases. Sometimes it happens when the fetus dies in utero for various reasons (most often infections are to blame, even a severe cold, fever, and acute intoxication), a miscarriage can occur.

Symptoms of trouble and threat are typical: - complaints that the stomach hurts or even just pulls - pain in the lower back, in general, pain with a threat often has the character of cramping, going from the lower back to the stomach, as if tightening. - appear brown or watery copious discharge, bleeding may develop.

A miscarriage at this time occurs already by the type of childbirth, first the amniotic fluid leaves, then the fetus is born, then the placenta leaves.

The beginning of the 2nd trimester of gestation is the 14th week of pregnancy.

What happens to the baby during this period, how it grows and gradually develops, what happens to the expectant mother - these and many other questions are of interest to women who are preparing to become mothers. Especially when it comes to the 1st pregnancy, when a woman cannot focus on her own experience.

What does the baby look like

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby is already quite similar to a tiny man. Body weight during this period is approximately 33 - 35 g. For 14 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus (see ultrasound photo) reaches 9-10 cm. Facial features - the bridge of the nose, eyes, cheeks, are quite distinguishable. Therefore, during this period, during an ultrasound scan, all mothers are asked to take a photo of their baby. After all, this will be his 1st shot. The auricles are clearly visible on ultrasound. All sizes and volumes of various parts of the body are clearly visible and determined using ultrasound. The baby's head is still disproportionately enlarged. However, gradually the proportions of the body will change in the process of increasing muscle mass.

The internal organs of the baby at 14 weeks of gestation

By the 14th week of pregnancy, all the internal organs of the baby are already fully formed. Of course, the basic systems of the body will still develop and learn to function independently. However, the structure of the main internal organs is already as close as possible to their structure in a newborn baby.

Second trimester or 14 weeks of pregnancy, what happens during this period? At this time, the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the baby is activated. The baby has ribs. The genital organs of the baby are almost completely formed. True, the sex of the child can be determined later.

The internal systems of the baby at 14 weeks of gestation

The internal systems of a tiny organism at the 14th week of pregnancy are for the most part already formed, but so far they are not working at full capacity. The baby begins to show the first motor activity. The future mother does not feel this yet. After all, the mass of the body and its size are very tiny. The respiratory system of a small organism allows him to make the first breaths and exhalations. The movement of the ribs is practically not visible, since the main respiratory organ at this moment is the diaphragm.

By the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby has quite clear taste sensations and reactions to them. For example, a sweet eaten by a future mother invariably causes a positive reaction in her unborn baby.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy is already excreting waste products through the urinary system of the body into the amniotic fluid. Therefore, the skin of a tiny man is covered with a special protection - lubrication and lanugo fluff, which is distributed in a thin layer over the entire surface of the body, reliably protecting it from irritating influences.

First contact with a child

By the time the 14th week of pregnancy begins, the baby already hears sounds from the outside well. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to ensure that there are no harsh sounds, loud music, screams, scandals, etc. in her immediate vicinity. All this can scare the baby and cause him anxiety. This will negatively affect the development of the central nervous system of the crumbs.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby already clearly distinguishes the voice of his mother from other voices and sounds. He reacts to the timbre, intonation, the general mood of the mother's voice. It is very important for the baby that the mother is calm.

The first communication with the child should begin exactly at the 14th week of pregnancy. During the daytime or before going to bed, the expectant mother needs to relax and talk with her baby. It is better to do this in a lying position, gently stroking the stomach with circular movements of the palm. The father of the child can also take part in such conversations.

Proper nutrition

The active development and rapid growth of the unborn baby in the womb during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy requires an increased amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements and other useful substances. In addition, from proper nutrition depends on the general condition of the mother's body.

Therefore, a pregnancy of 13-14 weeks requires the future mother to pay special attention to her diet in order to provide herself and her baby with all the necessary substances.

The main foods that should be included in the diet and which can be eaten at the 14th week of pregnancy:

  • lean meat, better boiled;
  • dairy products, especially cottage cheese;
  • beans;
  • vegetables, fresh and boiled;
    • fruits and fresh juices.

All consumed products should be not only tasty and fresh, but also of high quality. It is necessary to include any product in the diet, starting with small portions. After the first use, it is important to follow the reaction of the body. If after eating a product or dish there are negative reactions or frustration digestive system, it is better to refuse it.

The expectant mother should remember that it is desirable to exclude foods such as:

  • fast food;
  • strong coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades in excessive quantities;
  • spices and food additives;
  • sweets in excess.

The weight of the expectant mother at the 14th week of pregnancy begins to increase. This is normal as the baby is constantly growing and gaining weight. In order for the mother's weight to return to normal after childbirth, she needs to control her diet, avoiding overeating.

The appearance of the expectant mother

When the 14th week of pregnancy begins, the sensations in the woman's abdomen are due to the growth of the fetus. The belly of the expectant mother at this time is noticeably rounded. In a supine position, a woman can already feel an enlarged uterus. To do this, lightly press on the anterior wall of the peritoneum. This must be done with great care.

Due to the accumulation of melanin in the body of a woman, a clearly defined vertical strip of dark color appears slightly below the navel. This is a completely natural phenomenon that passes after the birth of a child.

Since at the 14th week of pregnancy, the growth of the baby begins rapidly compared to the 1st trimester, stretch marks may appear on the belly of the expectant mother. To moisturize the skin of the abdomen and increase its elasticity, you can use special cosmetics. You need to choose them with special attention, for fear of low-quality products. If the acquired remedy causes doubts or discomfort after its use, it is better to refuse it.

When choosing cosmetics for the abdomen, the advice of a doctor and the personal experience of young mothers will be very useful. Although it should be recognized that not always any remedy causes the same reaction in different women who are preparing to become mothers.

How to dress for an expectant mother

In order for the child to feel comfortable and develop normally, a woman at the 14th week of pregnancy needs to pay attention to her wardrobe. It is better to refuse tight-fitting clothes and tight underwear. Hide your interesting position from prying eyes, if desired, it is quite possible with the help of loose clothing that will not tighten the stomach, but will make its size almost invisible.

High heeled shoes must not be worn. Firstly, it creates serious discomfort for the baby. Secondly, high heels increase the risk of falls and various injuries. This is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby.

Discomfort in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Basically, the 14th week of pregnancy (photo) proceeds calmly, without negative feelings. However, some unpleasant moments during this period are still possible.

Back pain, especially in the lumbar region, occurs both due to a shift in the center of gravity, and due to excessive physical exertion and carrying weights. In addition, back and lumbar pain occur due to improperly selected shoes. Tight shoes with an uncomfortable last and high heels cause tension while wearing them. Therefore, the lower back and spine can hurt.

Headaches in expectant mothers are very similar to migraines. Pain appears unexpectedly. This can cause a deterioration in the emotional state, general weakness, etc. During a headache attack, it is advisable to relax and lie down for a while. You can massage your head. This improves blood circulation. Good rest and walks in the fresh air will help to avoid attacks.

During pregnancy, sprains are possible, especially in the lower abdomen. This can cause mild aching pain in the specified area, for example, with careless sudden movements. This is considered quite normal.

Immediate seeking medical help requires sharp pains of a cramping nature, radiating to the lumbar region. Especially if bleeding from the vagina is observed at this moment. In this case, the expectant mother needs to lie down or at least sit down and call an ambulance.

Medical research at 14 weeks pregnant

For the first time, the expectant mother undergoes an ultrasound examination in the period from 10 to 12 weeks of gestation. At the 14th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is performed if this has not been done before or if there are any medical indications for its implementation. Similarly, the issue is resolved with the analysis of urine and blood.

In addition to these studies included in the prenatal screening system, the expectant mother is also analyzed for hCG. Optimal Level the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a pregnant woman is one of the most important moments of a successful pregnancy, the correct development of the baby and successful delivery at the end of the gestation period.

The right lifestyle at 14 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy, as you know, is not a disease, but a natural state of the body of a woman preparing to become a mother. Especially if the bearing of the fetus is calm, without severe toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage and other problems. Therefore, a woman can lead a normal life, slightly adjusting it depending on her condition.

Pregnancy 14 weeks (see photo of the abdomen) is a relatively stable period when a woman is already used to her new condition. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to active image life. It is best, of course, to study in special centers for expectant mothers under the guidance of specialists.

Stable emotional state during the 14th week and throughout pregnancy - necessary condition normal fetal development and successful delivery. Therefore, a pregnant woman should devote time to her favorite activities, relax more, communicate with loved ones. It will be very useful to communicate on the Internet with other expectant mothers. On special sites you can find the necessary information for pregnant women.

If any unpleasant signs or changes in the condition appear, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor who constantly monitors the condition of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Among these signs are:

  • tumors (papillomas) on the body;
  • various outgrowths on the mucous membranes, which can be symptoms of various diseases;
  • pigmentation (birthmarks, moles, etc.);
  • severe pain;

For a woman, the 14th week is a real reason for pride. After all, she went through the first trimester of pregnancy, suffering from toxicosis and a bad mood. This period can be called the beginning of the second trimester and a wonderful mood.

How does the fetus develop during this period?

The child has already grown significantly. Its size is about 10 centimeters long and weighs about 40 grams.

During this period, the child continues to develop, he has already reached many heights in the development of the last trimester. He already has a working heart, which pumps blood throughout the body. The kidneys began to work, removing unnecessary fluid from the body, the placenta is fully formed, now it protects the child from all adverse conditions and helps the metabolism between you and the child. The liver is already producing blood. The skeleton, arms, legs were formed. The intestines are functioning. All organs are already in place, only some of them continue to grow with the child, and some are still in the formation stage.

During the 14th week of pregnancy, the child is already visually very similar to a person who is actively behaving, although many of his movements are still reflex, since the nervous system has not yet been fully formed.

By the beginning of the 14th week, the child swallows, smells and tastes are already developed. Lungs formed, now he breathes. More precisely, “inhales” the amniotic fluid. He will take his first real breath in the first seconds when he is born.

The blood of a child, now like that of an adult, has all the elements. Nervous system is actively developing. Soon there will be coordination of movements.

The child's eyes are still closed, the head becomes proportional to the body. The ears took their place and formed. The muscles of the face begin to act, the baby is already playing with facial expressions and often squints. The hair fluff on the head and eyebrows changes to the hair with which the child is born. The fingerprint is completely formed on the fingers.

The baby's skin is covered with a protective layer. The skeleton continues to form and grow. The child is very active, swims, pulls arms and legs, moves his head.

What happens in the female body?

Your emotional state is good. You feel great. If your pregnancy proceeds according to all medical norms correctly, you now feel blooming.

The uterus continues to grow and increase in volume, now it is at the level of the navel. But you don’t notice it much, that is, you don’t feel any discomfort, since your body has already fully adapted and the uterus does not interfere with it.

What does the belly hide at 14 weeks pregnant?

The tummy continues to grow and is already noticeable. You are already changing your wardrobe. Of course, it is better if you already start switching to things for pregnant women. Wear pants with inserts. After all, you and your baby should be comfortable.

Now you need to protect your tummy from pressure and shock. If you often drive, it's time to change the position of the seat, for a more comfortable position for your stomach.

One of the unpleasant sensations this week is pain. You may experience pain in the lower back. This is due to the fact that during this period of pregnancy, the load on the spine is greatly increased. After all, your weight increases, the stomach grows, and this puts a load on the spine. During this period, you should already give up heels, because your spine is already hard. Try to get enough rest and do not lift weights, let your body rest.

If you experience pain in the lower back, but at the same time you do not have a load on the spine during the day. Pain can be caused by incorrect position of the body during sleep. Then try to sleep on your left side, this position is more suitable for a child and in no case sleep on your stomach.

Keep in mind that lower back pain should not be acute, if the pain is acute, consult a doctor.


As before, nutrition at the 14th week of pregnancy should be balanced, complete and healthy. It is necessary to limit the use of salty, sweet, fatty, fried and smoked foods, pickles and marinades, canned food. It is useful to eat all kinds of cereals, baked potatoes, boiled or stewed lean meat (especially beef liver), poultry, fish, sour-milk products (low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt without flavorings), vegetables (grated carrots, baked or boiled pumpkin, etc.), a variety of greens, fruits (apples, peaches, apricots, etc.) and berries, nuts (almonds, pistachios, pine nuts, etc.).

Refrain from eating watermelon. AT summer time watermelon poisoning is often observed due to the heat.

Strawberries, honey and citrus fruits can cause allergies, so they should be eaten in small quantities and with caution.

Rich broths will also not benefit a pregnant woman. Give preference to a light, dietary broth. And go with whole grain bread. It is both tasty and healthy (unlike white bread or muffin).

Sweet tooth pastries and sweets can be replaced with candied fruits, dried fruits, marmalade and marshmallows. You can eat halva, but in reasonable quantities.

Do not get carried away with pears, legumes and different types cabbage. They can cause flatulence, constipation.

And remember, a person should drink 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas (or slightly carbonated) per day and preferably in pure form, and not in teas and compotes. Drink properly: all kinds of fruit drinks and juices (0.5 liters per day) plus mineral water (1.5 liters per day).

Feelings that need to see a doctor

In principle, at 14 weeks there is no reason to see a doctor, since the child has already passed the stage of risk of miscarriage. But during this period there may be deviations from the norm, in which you need to urgently consult a doctor for examination and treatment, so that there is no miscarriage.

  • If you have any abnormal discharge from the genital tract, for example, bloody, yellowish or greenish, cheesy or with bad smell- urgently to the doctor! Also, if your stomach hurts, below or on the side, and bleeding has opened, then an ambulance must be called without delay!
  • The lower abdomen may hurt, due to the fact that the uterus is in good shape. And when the uterus is in good shape, it puts pressure on the fetus and it is difficult for the child to develop. Uterine hypertonicity can only be detected by ultrasound. If your uterus is in good shape, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you, or put you in a hospital so that you are under constant supervision, depending on your condition. The terrible thing is that the uterus is not in good shape, you just need to see a doctor in time to prescribe treatment.
  • If you get sick with viral diseases, rubella, in such cases, you also need to urgently consult a doctor. This can affect the development of the baby.
  • Vomiting and nausea, as a result of food poisoning, is similar to toxicosis. But when poisoned, there is a combination of chills, dizziness, fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Toxicosis occurs smoothly, usually in the morning or immediately after eating. Poisoning manifests itself spontaneously. You can take Smecta (3 sachets per day, dissolve the powder in half a glass of water) or activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. There will be no harm from these funds, and in case of poisoning, the sorbent will remove toxins.
  • If you have a fever (due to a cold or for no reason) or you constantly suffer from headaches, consult a doctor. In no case do not self-medicate. Remember that you can harm your baby by self-medication, for example, Analgin and Aspirin are contraindicated during pregnancy!
  • One of the recommendations, watch your weight and varicose veins. Detect sudden weight gains and adjust your diet so that there are no sudden jumps. Since it can provoke a miscarriage.

Also watch your mood, you must remember that your mood is the key to your health. Don't be impressionable, enjoy your pregnancy more. Monitor the state of your body, and in case of any unpleasant changes, contact your doctor. Then your child will be born the healthiest in the world.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks (photo + description)

In principle, if you are already registered in the antenatal clinic and you have already done an ultrasound scan. But maybe you were only sent for an ultrasound to check all the organs of the child. At this moment, your organs will also look at how they react to the load, examine your uterus.

During the fourteenth week of pregnancy, it is already possible to accurately determine the female or male sex of your child. Since at this time the genitals of the child are already well formed. And if you're having multiple pregnancies, your doctor will tell you the sex of your babies during an ultrasound this week.

Here are some photos of the fetus, you will see:

Due to the fact that you are now having a very good period of pregnancy, you feel great, enjoy every moment. It's time to think about how to keep your pregnancy in memory for you, dad and for the future baby.

  • common in this moment is photographing the tummy. You may want to have a photo session with your husband. Also interesting photos obtained by taking pictures in the same position throughout pregnancy. And then in the same position with a born baby.
  • Starting this week, you can start keeping a diary of your pregnancy. You can create it, either in a computer or in a manual version, start a notepad. In the diary, the expectant mother writes down all her experiences, new sensations. Such a diary gives a double result. First of all, you will be pleased to read it later for yourself and your baby. In addition, in the process of writing a diary, you emotionally set yourself up for a good mood.
  • You can create a collage with photos and notes. Or make an album of your pregnancy with your own hands. By the way, in stores you can buy a finished and beautiful album. In which you will make notes about the sensations every day and a photo.
  • Also, many women collect photos or videos of the baby in the womb, they are taken at the time of the ultrasound examination. Consider how you would like to capture your pregnancy. And start taking action.


Q: 14 weeks pregnant, how many months is that?
A: The obstetric period of 14 weeks is 12 weeks from conception or 3 months of pregnancy.

V .: I’m still going to go to my first ultrasound, but it already seems to me that I will have twins. The belly is too big for that. early term. I am 14 weeks pregnant. Are my suspicions correct?
A: Yes, you must be right. At the 14th week of pregnancy, the tummy becomes noticeable, especially in pregnant twins. But there may be one baby, but a strong man. An ultrasound will show everything.

Q: In what cases can sex at 14 weeks pregnant be dangerous?
A: If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then making love not only strengthens family ties: the woman feels desired, and the man is overwhelmed with tenderness, care and a sense of need. Sex helps a pregnant woman relieve nervous tension, as well as resist colds.

If there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, placenta previa, leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge from the genital tract of a bloody nature, and also if genital infection one of the partners, then you should refrain from having sex. The gynecologist needs to find out whether it is possible to replace the vaginal type of sex with its counterpart (oral or anal sex) without a threat to pregnancy, whether it is permissible to experience an orgasm without consequences for the fetus.

Q: I am 14 weeks pregnant. The feeling of toxicosis disappeared, he was bleeding a little, but the ultrasound showed that the heart was beating and the baby was developing normally. Can the ultrasound specialist make a mistake, I'm afraid of a missed pregnancy. Please answer quickly!
A: Do not worry, if the heart was beating on the ultrasound and all the indicators are normal, then the pregnancy is not dead. And toxicosis usually disappears by 14 weeks in most healthy women.

It may bleed a little due to the presence of female diseases, for example, cervical erosion, ovarian follicular cyst, etc. After childbirth, you should treat the disease.

Video (our permanent video guide):

The fourteenth week is the so-called golden period of pregnancy. After all, during this period you feel great. And maybe you can even feel your baby moving. Although this happens very rarely.