A minor became pregnant from a minor. Underage pregnancy. Question: “Our teenage daughter is in a relationship with an older man. We don't know if they are intimate, but we suspect they are. Is it possible to

In economically developed countries, a sanctimonious or even contemptuous attitude towards teenage pregnancy still persists. But first of all, girls who are faced with an unexpected pregnancy at a young age need medical, moral and financial support.

How the outcome of pregnancy (delivery or abortion) will affect the physical health of the girl, whether she will be able to bear a healthy child, and how all of the above will affect her psychological state - questions that will be covered in this article.

Let's define terms

Adolescence in girls is the period from 10 - 12 to 16 - 17 years inclusive. Accordingly, early (teenage) pregnancy is called a pregnancy that occurred during the indicated periods of a girl's life.

Synonyms for teenage pregnancy are:

  • early pregnancy;
  • pregnancy at a young age;
  • young pregnancy;
  • pregnancy in minors.

From the foregoing, it follows that young pregnant women are those who have not reached puberty, and the passport age does not exceed 17 years.

A young primiparous is a girl 17 years old or younger who has decided to endure and give birth to a child.

Statistics and interesting facts

Teen pregnancy statistics make you wonder:

  • the prevalence of pregnancy at a young age in the Russian Federation is 102 cases per 1000 women aged 15 to 19;
  • the frequency of teenage pregnancy in economically developed countries is 12 cases per 1000 women aged 15-19;
  • in the Russian Federation, 14–15% of births occur in young (15–19 years old) women;
  • in 30% of cases, teenage pregnancy ends with an artificial interruption;
  • 56% of teenage pregnancies end in childbirth;
  • in 14%, pregnancy in young people is interrupted spontaneously (miscarriage);
  • about 150,015-year-old girls are born in Russia every year;
  • annually in the Russian Federation, 9,000 16-year-olds give birth and more than 30,000 children under 17 years of age;
  • approximately 60-69% of teenage births occur outside of marriage;
  • 52 - 63% of underage mothers (among the total number of those who refused) formalize the abandonment of a child.

The fact of the earliest pregnancy is known, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of five, the Peruvian Liina Medina was born (caesarean section) as a boy weighing 2700 grams. This event happened in 1939 and shocked the whole world. What made it possible for a girl to be born at such an early age? premature (in this case early) puberty. The woman lived for 45 years, while her first child died at 40 (cancer).

In the former USSR, a pregnancy was recorded in a 6-year-old girl, Lisa Grishchenko (1934, Kharkov). The girl was allowed to give birth on her own, but the child died during the birth. The child's father was the girl's grandfather.


As a rule, not one, but several reasons lead to such a phenomenon as teenage pregnancy. It is impossible to blame only a teenage girl for the situation that happened, all the more so to consider her dissolute and ignorant: “If you start to have a sexual life, be kind, protect yourself.” Adolescent pregnancies are often the result of coercion and even violence.

The main factors contributing to the onset of pregnancy in minors:

  • sex education

Education of a teenager in intimate matters is primarily the task of parents. But if there is no trusting relationship between the child and parents, the mother and father do not have time for a serious conversation with their daughter, and even more so since the parents themselves are distinguished by antisocial behavior? The girl feels lonely and abandoned, and sees the opportunity to become independent and adult only at the early beginning of her sexual life. Schools, medical institutions and social organizations also leave much to be desired. Sexual education of children in these institutions is not carried out at all or is close to zero, according to the "pistil-stamen" type. Children not only do not know the elementary rules of contraception, but also do not suspect how easy it is to get a venereal infection: “it will never affect me.”

  • sexual emancipation

According to statistics, up to 90% of young people aged 20 or less have already had sexual intercourse, and average age pregnant girls is 16 years old. The early onset of sexual life is facilitated by the widespread use of drugs, the availability of alcohol and its use among young people as a kind of indicator of adulthood, extensive advertising of an erotic and pornographic nature, and the distribution of pornographic films and commercials on the Internet and on television. In addition, most adolescents have an excess of free time, they lack hobbies and aspirations, and unrealized activity results in sexual emancipation.

  • Contraceptive issues

Many adolescents who are sexually active do not know the basics of contraception, hoping for a "maybe". Of course, sexual education plays an important role in acquiring knowledge about contraceptive methods, but not the last place is occupied by the financial insolvency of minors and the shame of purchasing contraceptives “in front of witnesses”. In addition, teenage girls rarely go to the doctor with a request to choose the best contraceptive option for them because of shyness and shyness.

  • Violence

Violence is not only forced sexual intercourse, but also forced sex, which often manifests itself in the form of regular beating of a teenage girl. The unhealthy situation in the girl's family is also important, where the father, brother or stepfather is the rapist. A frightened girl hides such a relationship for as long as possible, which is inevitably revealed by a long-term pregnancy.

  • Social and economic status

A high percentage of teenage pregnancies is recorded in economically backward countries, where girls are married off early, and the birth of a child is an opportunity to acquire social benefits. Also, the birth of children in these countries is perceived as the birth of future workers in the fields, in the homes of rich fellow citizens, and so on.

Underage misconceptions about pregnancy

Teenagers consider themselves adults and smart, but ignorance of the physiology and anatomy of their own body often leads to unexpected pregnancies. The most common teen myths about preventing pregnancy are:

  • Pregnancy is not possible if you have sex during your period or immediately after it.

The egg matures towards the middle menstrual cycle, and the chance of pregnancy is greatly increased during ovulation. But in a girl, the menstrual cycle is usually irregular, and ovulation can occur at any time, so the risk of unwanted pregnancy remains throughout the cycle.

  • It is impossible to get pregnant through sexual intercourse in water.

On the contrary, water promotes the spread of spermatozoa, where they remain viable for a long time. Even if the sexual intercourse was interrupted and performed in the bath, the ejaculate can swim to the partner's genitals, and the spermatozoa can penetrate into the vagina and further into the uterus.

  • The first sexual intercourse is absolutely safe in terms of pregnancy.

It doesn't matter what kind of sexual contact the girl had. Any penetration of the penis into the vagina and subsequent ejaculation is a high chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

  • Performing certain manipulations immediately after intercourse prevents pregnancy.

Neither high jumping, nor showering, nor urination will in any way reduce the possibility of pregnancy. The same applies to douching - this is a hygienic procedure, not a protective measure.

  • Certain positions, such as standing upright during sex, prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Promotion of spermatozoa from the vagina to the uterus does not depend on the posture during intercourse.

Pregnancy problems in minors

When the fact of pregnancy becomes known to the girl’s close circle (parents, doctors, teachers), a natural question arises: “What to do?”. How will the pregnancy of a teenage girl affect her physical health, what social and psychological problems is she expected?

Possible physiological consequences

From a physiological point of view, the optimal age for having a baby is between 22 and 25 years. After 25, a woman's body begins to age, accumulate chronic diseases, which primarily affects the health of her eggs. But the onset of pregnancy at a young age is undesirable, because the processes of growth and development are still ongoing. physiological maturity female body reaches the age of 22, and if the pregnancy of a 17-year-old girl can be completed without negative consequences, then in a girl of 12-14 years the risk of their occurrence increases several times.

A teenager, doctors and parents are faced with a dilemma: keep an unplanned pregnancy or terminate it? The solution to this issue depends on many circumstances (the physical health of the girl, the financial and psychological situation in the family, but primarily the desire of the teenager). Of course, one or another outcome of pregnancy can end safely, but it is fraught with certain risks.


Artificial termination of pregnancy is always stressful for the body of a mature woman, and for a teenager who has not yet completed the formation internal organs and regulation systems, there is a high probability of developing severe complications and their subsequent treatment.

Complications due to sexual immaturity:

  • Perforation of the uterus

In a girl, the size of the uterus has not yet reached the size necessary for bearing a fetus, therefore, during an abortion, the risk of damage (perforation) with surgical instruments increases significantly. Such a complication requires immediate surgery and often removal of the uterus due to severe bleeding.

  • Cervical ruptures

With artificial termination of pregnancy, cervical ruptures occur in adolescent girls much more often than in mature women who have not given birth.

  • Bleeding during and after the abortion

Significant bleeding in adolescents during or after surgery is due to the immaturity of the contractile activity of the uterus. In the best case, the abortion ends with the removal of the uterus, in the worst case, the death of the girl. Death from abortion in minors is 5 times more common than in mature nulliparous women.

  • Intrauterine adhesions

The structural features of the uterus and its small size provoke severe damage to the uterine walls during scraping. Subsequently, this causes the formation of scars and adhesions in the uterine cavity. Intrauterine adhesions in the future lead to the development of infertility, miscarriage, the threat of miscarriage and a complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus/adnexa

In minors, abortion is much more likely than in mature women to be complicated by endometritis and adnexitis, which often become chronic. Subsequently, inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs lead to infertility, miscarriage, increase the risk ectopic pregnancy and complicate the course of the gestational period and childbirth.

  • Development of endometriosis

Abortions and diagnostic curettage of the uterus predispose to the development of endometriosis, and in girls with unstable hormonal balance, its risk increases several times.

  • The development of the Rhesus conflict

In girls with a negative Rh after an abortion, the likelihood of developing an Rh conflict during pregnancy, miscarriage and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn increases in the future.

Pregnancy in minors stimulates the accelerated development of organs and systems involved in childbearing, which is facilitated by increased production of hormones. Abortion at a young age suddenly stops the process of intensive development of the girl's body, which leads to the occurrence of severe endocrine pathology:

  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, intermenstrual bleeding);
  • painful periods;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • obesity;
  • virilization (increased hair growth on the face, legs, coarsening of the voice);
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increased oily skin/hair;
  • the appearance of striae on the abdomen, thighs and chest;
  • the occurrence of hormone-dependent tumors (breast cancer, tumors of the uterus and ovaries).

If a teenager does not want to keep a pregnancy or there are any medical contraindications for carrying it, there is only one way out of the situation - to terminate the pregnancy for early term(it is optimal to perform a mini-abortion - vacuum aspiration), which reduces the risk of complications.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Most teenage girls decide to keep the pregnancy and have a baby. This option is more preferable for minors than abortion. But carrying a pregnancy and subsequent childbirth in young primiparas also have pitfalls. Pregnancy makes the woman's body function in an enhanced mode, and if the expectant mother had any health problems before her onset, they will definitely appear during the gestation period and complicate the course of both pregnancy and childbirth. In a minor woman, the body has not yet reached general and puberty, and an increased load on all organs and systems provokes a complicated course of the gestational period and childbirth.

Complications of pregnancy in minors:

  • Spontaneous abortion

A miscarriage in a teenager can occur both in small and late pregnancy. The frequency of spontaneous abortions in minors is significantly higher than in mature nulliparous women. Firstly, this is due to unstable hormonal balance. Secondly, the immaturity of the eggs and the formation of a non-viable embryo. And, thirdly, psychological stress and unwillingness to become a mother. In addition, non-compliance with the appropriate pregnant daily routine and nutrition, bad habits, an attempt to hide pregnancy (for example, tightening the abdomen) and sexual infections, the percentage of which is much higher in adolescents than in adults, can provoke a miscarriage.

  • preterm birth

In addition to the above reasons, premature birth in minors causes the development of fetoplacental insufficiency and intrauterine hypoxia. In addition, the decision to deliver a girl before term may be taken by doctors due to severe pregnancy complications and intrauterine growth retardation.

  • Severe toxicosis

Pregnancy in minors often occurs with severe symptoms of toxicosis, which is due to the immaturity of hormonal and humoral mechanisms.

  • Low weight gain and severe anemia

Pregnancy “takes away” nutrients, trace elements and vitamins from the growing body of a teenager for the formation and development of organs and systems of the fetus. This leads to insufficient weight gain in pregnant adolescents and the development of severe anemia.

  • Fetoplacental insufficiency

The immaturity of the hormonal background in minors provokes a permanent threat of interruption and defective formation of the placenta. In turn, this leads to the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, oxygen starvation of the fetus and intrauterine growth retardation (hypotrophy).

  • Cardiovascular Complications

The high load caused by pregnancy causes the cardiovascular system to function in emergency mode. This leads to arterial hypertension and various cardiac arrhythmias.

  • calcium deficiency

The developing fetus needs calcium to form the bone skeleton and lay the teeth. In a minor, bone growth has not yet been completed, and the calcium needs of the unborn child increase the risk of bone fractures, tooth decay, brittleness and hair loss in a young mother.

  • placenta previa

The risk of improper attachment of the placenta is high, due to the small size of the uterus.

  • Gestosis

The load on the cardiovascular system of the girl, the immaturity of the mechanisms of regulation cause high percent development of gestosis and their severe course (preeclampsia, eclampsia) compared with adult women.

Complications of childbirth

  • narrow pelvis

In adolescents, the pelvic bones have not yet fully formed, which leads to a discrepancy between the size of the pelvis of the woman in labor and the size of the fetus in childbirth - a clinically narrow pelvis.

  • High risk of bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period

The immaturity of the contractile activity of the uterus, placenta previa, prolonged labor increases the frequency of labor and postpartum hemorrhage in minors.

  • Anomalies of tribal forces

Childbirth in young women in labor is often accompanied by anomalies of labor activity (weakness of contractions and attempts, prolonged course, cervical dystocia, discoordination of labor forces).

  • Premature discharge of water

A high percentage of infection of the vagina and cervical canal, latent sexual infections provoke untimely discharge of amniotic fluid.

  • Delay parts of placenta

Violation of the attachment of the placenta, the contractile activity of the uterus and the mechanism of separation of the placenta leads to a delay in its sections in the uterus. This, in turn, requires manual control of the uterine cavity and manual massage of the uterus.

Newborns in young mothers are much more likely than in adult women to be born:

  • with low weight and malnutrition;
  • in asphyxia;
  • with intrauterine chronic pathology;
  • premature;
  • stillborn;
  • with birth trauma.

Physiological conditions in newborns born to adolescent mothers (transient jaundice, loss of initial weight) last longer than in other children, and their course is more difficult. Many newborns have signs of nicotine and drug intoxication, and some children develop posthypoxic encephalopathy. Subsequently, these children lag behind in physical and neuropsychic development, they have a high percentage of morbidity in the first year of life and sudden infant mortality. In the postpartum period, young mothers face lactation problems (flat nipples, lack of milk).

Psychological problems

Pregnancy in a teenage girl does not have the best effect on her psycho-emotional state. Upon learning of the pregnancy, which usually happens with a significant delay, young pregnant women first experience shock and guilt, get scared, lost and start to panic. It is almost impossible for a teenager with his still unformed and childish psyche to assess the situation and solve the problem on his own.

Some plunge into depression, while others hope for self-elimination of the problem - what if the pregnancy resolves or I just made a mistake. An important role in providing psychological assistance and support can be played by an adult with whom the minor has a trusting relationship. It can be a mother or grandmother, a school teacher or a psychologist, an older friend (neighbor, friend of the parents).

It is on how the adult behaves in this situation, having heard about the shocking news, the further behavior of the teenager, his decision on the outcome of the pregnancy, and in the case of gestation, the correct attitude towards his position and the mood for motherhood depend.

Trying to hide their situation, teenagers lead an asocial lifestyle to the last, possibly even before childbirth, smoke, use drugs and alcohol, hide their stomachs in every possible way with tight clothes, do not want to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations, which cannot but affect the health of the born child and young mother.

The psychological unpreparedness of the girl for motherhood either forces her to abandon the child while still in the hospital, or completely withdraw from his upbringing. Such a child is perceived by the young mother as a living reproach and grows up in the absence of love and affection.

Social problems

A young mother faces the condemnation and contempt of others, despite the social development of society. Teachers, relatives and even friends perceive such girls as sexually promiscuous and not far off in intellectual development, forgetting that the cause of pregnancy in a minor could be rape or forced sex. This attitude further exacerbates the psychological trauma of a teenage girl and can lead to a suicide attempt.

Also, girls who decide to give birth at a young age are forced to stop or postpone their further education for a while. And the lack of education means the inability to get a well-paid job, and at the same time, hard and low-income work plus a child does not allow them to continue their education. It is difficult to expect material support from the state, and a young mother can only count on the financial assistance of relatives.

All of the above turns the girl's life into a hopeless situation, which provokes her to abandon the child, pushes her to use drugs / alcohol and makes her commit a crime.

The legislative framework

For adolescents who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, there are a number of laws in the family and criminal code of the Russian Federation:

  • Age of sexual consent. In Russia, voluntary entry into sexual relations permitted upon reaching the age of 16.
  • Corruption (according to articles 134, 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is the involvement of a minor or a minor (under 16 years old) in the commission of sexual acts, but without the use of physical or mental violence. If sexual contacts with a minor are made under duress (physical or psychological), then such actions are regarded as rape, or as violent acts of a sexual nature.
  • In Russia (Part 1 of Article 13 of the Family Code) the age of marriage is set at 18 years. But it is possible to reduce the age of marriage to 16 years at the request of persons wishing to register a marriage and if there are good reasons (in this case, pregnancy). The decision to reduce the marriageable age is made by local governments at the place of residence of adolescents.
  • In Russia, a girl who has reached the full age of 15 has the right to independently solve the problem of an unplanned pregnancy (abortion or pregnancy), without informing her parents about it.
  • If the sexual partner of a teenage girl is 18 years old or older, and the girl herself has reached 14 years old, but is younger than 16, then her partner, who has not previously been involved in sexual intercourse with minors, is released from punishment, provided that she is married to this girl. This amendment was introduced to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in July 2009 and can be used by a girl when her parents pressure her and force her to have an abortion (a threat from parents - a sexual partner will be prosecuted). And vice versa, an adult man (18 and older) is brought to criminal responsibility for seducing a teenage girl and not his unwillingness to be responsible for the consequences (marriage).

Question answer

What is the prevention of young pregnancy?

First of all, in the sexual education of adolescents, in which not only parents, but teachers and school psychologists, as well as doctors should participate. Adolescents should know the anatomical and physiological characteristics of their body, the ways of transmission of sexual infections and elementary methods of contraception (condoms).

I have a young man with whom we regularly have sex. Which method of contraception is best for us?

For adolescents, the ideal method of contraception is a barrier. The use of condoms will not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against various sexual infections, especially those that are latent (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus).

I trust my sexual partner and exclude the possibility of contracting a sexual infection from him. Why we can not protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancy by natural methods (coitus interruptus and the calendar method).

Natural methods of contraception are ineffective. It is possible to get pregnant even after coitus interruptus, since the lubrication of the penis contains a small amount of sperm. And the calendar method with the calculation of dangerous and safe days is not suitable for teenage girls by definition. The menstrual cycle in adolescence has not yet been established, and a failure in its work can cause any traumatic factor (stress, climate change, a cold). As a result of a failure, ovulation can move to the end of the second phase, to the beginning of menstruation or after they end.

Is it possible for a teenager to be protected from pregnancy with hormonal pills and is it harmful?

Regular use of oral contraceptives is much safer than the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, in modern hormonal pills, the doses of hormones are minimal, and taking them will help normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce blood loss during menstruation and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, and eliminate pain during menstruation. A gynecologist should choose the appropriate hormonal pills, taking into account the history and physical condition of the girl.

Hello!!! I want to ask what will happen to me? I am 18 full years old, a 15-year-old girl flew from me, but she already has a child, but not from me, and is under guardianship. Can we sign without the permission of the guardian, and how can we do so that we don’t get imprisoned?


In order to avoid criminal liability, you must marry a minor.

According to Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has reached the age of eighteen, who for the first time has had sexual intercourse with a person who has not reached the age of sixteen and puberty, is released by the court from punishment if it is established that this person and the crime committed by him have ceased to be socially dangerous due to the introduction marry the victim.

Important! If the difference in age between the victim and the defendant is less than four years, the latter shall not be punished in the form of imprisonment for the committed act.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are valid reasons, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry, have the right, at the request of these persons, to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen years to enter into marriage. The procedure and conditions under which entry into marriage as an exception, taking into account special circumstances, may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Reducing the age of marriage for persons entering into marriage is attributed by law to the competence of local governments at the place of residence of persons entering into marriage. The possibility of reducing the age of marriage by more than two years is provided by the relevant laws to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the consent of third parties, including parents (adoptive parents, trustees), for marriage. Therefore, their consent or, conversely, objections to the reduction of the age of marriage have no legal significance, including for local governments. Self-government bodies may reduce the age of marriage, taking into account the interests of minors who have reached sixteen years of age, and contrary to the opinion of their legal representatives. But since the minor has not reached the age of sixteen, regional legislation may provide for obtaining the consent of legal representatives. If the girl turns 16 soon, wait and then the consent of the trustees will definitely not be required.

A popular proverb says: "Big kids - big troubles." It is clear that there are no ideal children and that at any age they not only please, but also upset their parents with bad behavior and misconduct. However, the most difficult period of growing up is adolescence. It seems to children that they are already adults, and they begin to taste this long-awaited adult life. And then the 16-year-old daughter comes to her parents and admits that she is pregnant or goes to live with her boyfriend. What should parents do? Often such problems should be considered not only from the moral and ethical, but also from the legal side.

Parents often write to our editorial office, concerned that their minor children began to have a sexual life early. The lawyer of the portal "I am a Parent" answered some of the most difficult, most intimate questions Ivan Dolgov. Perhaps this article will help parents who find themselves in a similar situation to understand their rights and responsibilities.

Question: “My daughter is a schoolgirl, studying in the 11th grade. She turned 16 this summer. On her birthday, she announced that she was now an adult and would live with her boyfriend. He is also 16. We don’t know if she has the right to do this in terms of the law and if she leaves anyway, can we have problems with the guardianship authorities? After all, it turns out that the minor left home, and this is a reason for the trial.

The issue is indeed very complex, not only from a moral, but also from a legal point of view. On the one hand, a teenager who has reached the age of 16 is recognized, in accordance with Article 26 of the Civil Code, as partially capable and endowed with a complex of various rights. For example, he can enter into small household transactions and independently manage his income. On the other hand, in accordance with Article 54 of the Family Code, a child is a person who has not reached the age of 18 (the age of majority), that is, all the obligations of parents (or persons replacing them) apply to 16-year-old children. The same article 54 of the Family Code enshrines the child's right to cohabit with parents, but at the same time, article 24 of the Civil Code obliges only children under 14 years of age to live with their parents. It turns out that, according to the law, a 16-year-old teenager can determine his place of residence himself, while leaving all the responsibilities for his upbringing and protection of his rights to his parents. In other words, in this case, parents still have to support the child, monitor his education and behavior.

At the same time, guardianship authorities have the right to conduct an appropriate check in order to find out the reasons for separation and make sure that the parents did not force the child to leave home. If it is proved that the rights of the child have not been violated in the family, these checks will not bring any negative consequences.

Question: “Our 17-year-old daughter is expecting a baby. She does not admit who the father is. Do we have the right to insist on a forensic examination in order to identify the father and bring him to justice?

To answer this question, we need to consider several interrelated laws. The rules governing the establishment of paternity in court are universal for both adult parents and minors. Article 49 of the Family Code provides for the establishment of the origin of a child from a specific person (paternity) in court at the request of one of the parents of the child or at the request of the person who is dependent on the child. The court takes into account any evidence that reliably confirms the origin of the child from a particular person. Based on this, it turns out that only your daughter has the right to establish paternity through the court, but you can try to prove that the born child is dependent on you, then you have the right to demand an examination.

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that your daughter is already 17 years old, and Article 62 of the Family Code secures the right of minors who have reached 16 years of age to independently raise their child. You will first have to prove through the court that the newborn child is dependent on you. This will be very difficult to do, but if everything works out, you can claim paternity. What to do if the father of the child is an adult man, read below.

Question: “Our teenage daughter is in a relationship with an older man. We don't know if they are intimate, but we suspect they are. Is it possible to conduct an examination to find out this and bring him to court?

From the question it is not clear how old the daughter is - whether she turned 16 or not. So let's look at both options.

The main thing is that, in accordance with Article 64 of the Family Code, the protection of the rights and interests of children (under 18) is entrusted to their parents. This includes the responsibility to protect the health of children. It is the parents (or persons replacing them) who have the right to determine when and what kind of medical examination their children undergo, and to know about its results, if this does not entail a violation of the rights of the children themselves. In this case, the child may refuse to conduct such a delicate examination. In this case, the legislator does not provide for any legal coercion mechanism, but allows the intervention of guardianship and guardianship authorities, which should provide psychological assistance and support to the child at the time of the examination, in other words, parents will be able to insist on a medical examination, but with the assistance of guardianship authorities. If fact intimacy will be installed, your further actions will depend on the age of the child.

If the child is under the age of 16 at the time of sexual contact, then acts of a sexual nature on the part of an adult are clearly criminalized in accordance with article 134 of the Criminal Code, and are severely punished. The court can save your daughter's chosen one from punishment if he committed such a crime for the first time and is ready to marry the victim. The law allows such a situation, and the crime itself is interpreted as having ceased to be socially dangerous.

If the child at the time of sexual contact was 16 years old, the fact of intimacy was established and at the same time it was mutually voluntary, then it is impossible to prosecute the adult chosen one of your daughter.

Intimate relationships are called intimate precisely because they are not accepted to be put on public display, however, when we are talking about minors, parents are forced to discuss these issues with lawyers, representatives of authorities and guardianship and other people who are by no means close. The law does not pay attention to emotions and feelings, and any delicate question can be answered dryly in legislative acts.

We have outlined the legal paths that parents should follow when faced with the situations described above. However, one should not forget about the psychological state of children who will have to go through the fact that their personal life will be discussed in court, so we advise parents not only to hire good lawyers and lawyers, but also to make sure that psychologists are involved in solving family problems. In such situations, everyone will need them - both adults and children.

Ivan Dolgov,


Rights of a minor pregnant woman | Teenage pregnancy - what is dangerous

Today, early pregnancy is no longer a rarity, so the state is trying to take all measures to educate the younger generation and to provide assistance to underage girls who have become mothers. For this, a number of laws are provided. It is very important to know the rights of a minor pregnant woman. So what is this help, and how can you get it?

Rights and opportunities of a minor pregnant woman

The Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens (No. 5487-1 dated July 22, 1993 (as amended on March 2, 1998)) defines the rights of citizens in the field of health protection based on the Constitution. They provide for the right, on medical grounds, to free consultations on family planning, the presence of socially significant diseases, on the medical and psychological aspects of marriage and family relations, and some other consultations. To implement this right, the Russian Federation has created a women's health service that ensures the rights of minors and affordable qualified medical care for pregnant adolescents.

One of the most important sections of the federal program "Family Planning" is the protection of the reproductive health of adolescents and young people, their sexual education.

Within the framework of the federal program, the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Health, prepared programs for sexual education of children and adolescents, training programs for students of pedagogical universities and advanced training institutes for employees of educational institutions.

During the implementation of the program on the rights of underage pregnant women, a family planning service was practically created in the country. Family planning and reproduction institutions have been established in all territories (there are currently about 300 family planning and reproduction centers) belonging to the system of the Ministry of Health.

The history of the development of the program for helping adolescents during pregnancy

In the 1990s In Russia, a network of public structures dealing with the problems of protecting women's reproductive health was created. Among them: the Russian Association "Family Planning" (more than 50 territorial branches), the Russian Society for Contraception (more than 40 branches), the International Women's Center "The Future of Women", International Association"Family and Health", the International Foundation for Maternal and Child Health (37 branches), the Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (SANAM) and some others.

As a result of the joint work of the state network of family planning institutions and public organizations, real results have been achieved in helping adolescents during pregnancy, for example, reducing the number of abortions and especially criminal ones, improving the structure of contraception, although there are still many problems in this area.

Today, offices of pediatric and adolescent gynecologists operate in all regional and regional centers, in cities with a population of 300-500 thousand people. For girls over 14 years old, teenage gynecological rooms work with women's consultations at the place of residence or at the Centers for Family Planning and Reproduction.

However, there are still very few specialized family planning centers for adolescents. Despite the many structures that are required to ensure the rights of a minor pregnant woman in the field of health protection, laws and regulations, many of them are not implemented in practice. In particular, paid medical services are being expanded, including in the production of abortions and examinations of pregnant women.

Assistance to underage pregnant women and mothers should be provided by specially trained teenage doctors and obstetrician-gynecologists. Adolescents should be informed about the existence and accessibility of health counseling youth centres, necessary condition whose work is a guarantee of confidentiality and a friendly, tactful attitude of the staff.

Why is early pregnancy dangerous for a teenager's health?

risen sexual activity among adolescents is associated with several types of risk, including unwanted teenage pregnancies, births, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and maternal deaths.

Abortion of a teenager can lead to emotional stress, which can disrupt the course of all mental and physical processes in the body. In almost all works devoted to the problem of abortion, doctors note that their history is a risk factor for the development of gynecological diseases in the future, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, perinatal and infant mortality, and children's health in general.

The danger of early pregnancy is also in the fact that every third woman has a complication after an abortion, and in those who terminated the first pregnancy, almost every second (Shneiderman, 1991).

When interviewing teenagers in Moscow in the mid-1980s. more than half of the girls with a history of abortion reported complications. Among the complications in underage pregnant women, menstrual irregularities (59.1%) and inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages (27.3%) prevailed. Adolescents also indicated a depressive state caused by stress in connection with surgery (9.1%) (Perminova, Sotnikova, 1993).

At the same time, it is necessary to know that in the structure of maternal mortality, the proportion of deaths due to abortion is a consistently high proportion (24.3% in 1997). At the same time, the bulk of all those who died from abortion are those who have undergone criminal, community-acquired abortions, more often with late term pregnancy. According to the results of one study (Sharapova, 1998), among women who died from community-acquired abortion, 62% had a history of more than 3 interrupted pregnancies, and more than a third of those who died had 5 or more abortions. 65% of those who died from abortion did not go to the doctor about this pregnancy, which indicates, first of all, the low level of education and medical culture of a certain part of the population.

Statistics on pregnancy in minors and adolescents

Early teen pregnancy among Russian teenagers is on the rise; According to the State Statistics Committee, 30–40% of births to women aged 15–19 occur outside of marriage.

On the other hand, the abortion rate for women under 20 in Russia is one of the highest in the developed world.

A number of special surveys show that girls are lost in a situation of unplanned pregnancy in adolescence, they postpone going to doctors, and they are also poorly aware of the rights of underage pregnant women, about institutions designed to provide assistance in the reproductive sphere (Amirova, 1996; Katalova, 1997 .; Katkova et al., 1999).

Early pregnancy in adolescents in most cases ends in abortion. Sample surveys have shown that many adolescent abortions result in complications such as menstrual irregularities and inflammatory diseases (Perminova, 1993).

A generalized estimate of the prevalence of abortion, based on both official data and sample survey data, is as follows: 5–10% of women aged 15–19 years have had at least one abortion, 30–60% of pregnancies under the age of 20 years are terminated abortion.

According to official statistics, at the age of 20 years, there are about 130 abortions of underage pregnant women per 100 births. (Goskomstat, 1999).

Most Russian teenagers do not use contraceptive methods during the first sexual contact; and those who use rely mainly on condoms and traditional methods.

The following factors were identified by adolescents as obstacles to the use of contraception, which could prevent pregnancy in adolescence (Allenova, 1990; Sharapova, 1998):

opinion about the negative impact of contraceptives on health;


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1.1. Legal consequences of pregnancy and childbirth in minors

Teenage pregnancy is a major social and economic problem in most countries of the world. According to the United Nations Population Fund, more than 7 million adolescents worldwide each year end in childbirth.

When working with pregnant minors, practicing obstetricians and gynecologists often face not only medical, but also social and legal aspects of teenage pregnancy. Despite the relatively high prevalence of teenage pregnancy in modern society, obstetrician-gynecologists, especially primary care, often do not have sufficient knowledge in this matter, make mistakes that entail both a violation of the rights of pregnant adolescents themselves, and problems with authorities and law enforcement that arise at a medical institution if the legislation of the Russian Federation is not observed in protection of the rights of minors.

Given the above, familiarity with the general obstetric community with the legal framework for working with pregnant adolescents is extremely important.

Every woman, regardless of age, has the right to independently decide on the issue of motherhood. Despite the availability and accessibility of modern methods of contraception, artificial termination of pregnancy remains a common method of family planning in Russia.

A necessary precondition for performing an induced abortion is the informed voluntary consent of the woman, based on information about her state of health, the duration of pregnancy, the possible consequences of her termination, etc., provided by medical professionals. It should be noted that at present, the only social indication for artificial termination of pregnancy is pregnancy resulting from rape, that is, a crime under Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2012 No. 98 "On social indications for artificial termination of pregnancy", the minor age of a pregnant woman is currently not a social indication for abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy for social reasons is carried out up to 22 weeks

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2007 No. 736 “On approval of the list of medical indications for artificial termination of pregnancy” (as amended and supplemented), a medical indication for artificial termination of pregnancy is the state of physiological immaturity of a pregnant woman before reaching age 15 years. In this case, artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. In a period of more than 22 weeks of pregnancy, the issue of termination of pregnancy according to these indications is decided individually by a council of doctors.

The degree of independence of the decision to conduct an abortion depends on the age of the underage pregnant woman, which is determined by Article 54 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”. To carry out this operation in relation to a minor who has not reached the full age of 15, it is necessary to obtain the consent of her legal representatives (parents or persons replacing them: guardians, trustees, representatives of children's institutions) after giving them all the necessary information. A minor pregnant woman under the full age of 15 will have to continue the pregnancy even against her will, unless her legal representatives give consent to the artificial termination of pregnancy. There are situations in life when, for medical reasons, there is a need to terminate a pregnancy, despite the desire to keep the child. If the pregnant woman herself or her legal representatives refuse medical intervention, the underage pregnant woman (and if she has not reached the full age of 15, also her legal representatives) must be explained in an accessible form the possible adverse consequences associated with the refusal to terminate the pregnancy, the risk to life and health. Refusal of medical intervention in this case is documented in the medical records indicating possible consequences and signed by a minor (who has reached the full age of 15), or her legal representative, as well as a medical professional. In the absence of legal representatives, in pursuance of Article 20 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, a decision on the need for emergency medical intervention is made by a council of doctors, and if it is impossible to convene a council - the directly attending (duty) doctor, who is obliged to subsequently notify the officials of the medical institution and legal representatives about this. It also happens that the legal representatives of a minor pregnant woman insist on an operation to terminate the pregnancy against her will. In this situation, the constitutional principle of the physical inviolability of the person, prescribed in Article 22 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, comes into force, in accordance with it, any person has the right to make independent decisions about actions in relation to his body.
Based on the general meaning of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the consent of legal representatives to the artificial termination of pregnancy, against her will, may be the basis for compulsory surgical intervention only in cases where this is necessary to save the life of the underage pregnant woman herself. A minor aged 15 years and older decides on the termination of pregnancy quite independently on a general basis.

It is very important to note that in all cases of an underage pregnant woman applying to a medical organization, information about her must be transferred to the police department at the place of registration in pursuance of Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the Fundamentals of the Neglect Prevention System and juvenile delinquency. It must be remembered that sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature, committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, with a person who is known to be under the age of sixteen, as well as depraved acts against a person who is known to be under the age of sixteen, fall under Articles 134-135 of the Criminal Code. RF. Therefore, despite the contradictions that arise, if necessary, automatically report to the police when a pregnant minor contacts the provisions of Article 13 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ
"On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", a medical institution is obliged to transfer information
about an admitted pregnant minor, and, in controversial cases, the courts almost always recognize the obligation of the medical institution to report this information to the police, contrary to the provisions on medical secrecy.

Obstetrician-gynecologists and neonatologists of maternity hospitals often have to deal with family law issues. The rights and obligations of parents arise as a result of establishing the origin of their child. At the same time, an entry about the parents is made in the birth certificate issued by the registry office. Regardless of the age of the baby's mother, an entry is made in the child's birth certificate certifying the fact of her motherhood. According to Article 48 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (FC RF), an entry about the father (including a minor) is entered in the birth certificate on the basis of a joint application to the registry office made by the father and mother. There are no age restrictions in this regard, and the consent of the legal representatives of minors is not required. If the voluntary establishment of paternity for some reason cannot be carried out, the minor mother has the right to apply to the court with a claim to establish paternity. At the same time, minor parents who have reached 14 years of age can act as plaintiffs in court. If the minor parent is under 14 years of age, the parent(s) are the plaintiffs in paternity cases. According to Article 62 of the RF IC, paternity can also be established in relation to a minor, but only if he is already 14 years old. Acknowledging paternity brings benefits to the child, which include rights to alimony, inheritance, social benefits and the right to support from the father, which guarantees social protection for the child. Interest
and the support of the father – whether married to the mother or not – is essential to the development of the child.

Also, according to Article 62 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (FC RF), regardless of age, minor parents have the right to live together with their child and participate in his upbringing. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 9), which is valid for Russia, speaks of the inadmissibility of separating a child from parents against the wishes of the latter, if this is not caused by the need to protect the rights and interests of the child. The scope of the rights of minor parents in relation to their child and other related rights depends, firstly, on the age of the parents and, secondly, on whether they are married to each other. From the time of marriage, minor citizens are recognized as fully capable, and minor parents of any age, if they are married, exercise parental rights on one's own. According to Article 13 of the RF IC, if there are valid reasons, local authorities at the place of residence of minors who wish to marry have the right to allow them to marry if they have reached the age of 16. At the same time, it should be noted that the subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to independently establish the procedure and conditions under which marriage may be allowed for persons under 16 years of age, for example, the Law of the Moscow Region dated May 29, 1996 No. 17 / 96-OZ “On the procedure and conditions for marriage in the territory of the Moscow Region of persons under the age of sixteen years” allows marriage under special circumstances (pregnancy, the birth of a child by persons wishing to marry, a direct threat to the life of one of the parties) from the age of 14.

If the marriage between minor parents is not registered, and, accordingly, minor parents are not fully capable, Article 62 of the RF IC determines the age criteria for their independence in exercising parental rights. Minor parents have the right to independently exercise their parental rights upon reaching the age of 16, and until that time, a guardian can be appointed to a newly born child (as a rule, this is the legal representative of one of the minor parents), who will carry out education together with minor parents. The meaning of establishing guardianship is that, due to incompleteness or lack of legal capacity, a minor parent is not able to protect the rights and interests of his child without the help of adults.

It should be noted that according to article 35 of part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF), a person can be appointed a guardian only with his consent. If, for one reason or another, it is impossible to satisfy the request of a person claiming the role of a guardian to appoint him as such, as well as in the absence of applicants, according to Article 123 of the RF IC, the protection of the rights and interests of the child of minor parents is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Disagreements arising between minor parents and the guardian of the child are resolved by the guardianship and guardianship authorities, which in such cases issue recommendations that are binding. Upon reaching the age of 16 by a minor parent, he acquires full independence in exercising parental rights, and custody of his child is terminated automatically, unless the minor parent for some reason does not take care of his child. Then guardianship is preserved, but its basis changes.

One of highlights is the fact that, according to article 26 of part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, minors aged 14 to 18 have the right to independently, without the consent of their legal representative, dispose of their earnings, scholarships and other incomes. Consequently, underage parents of the specified age may also be assigned the allowances due to them as citizens with children, and they have the right to independently dispose of these allowances.

A separate problem faced by maternity hospitals is the refusal of an underage mother from a child and leaving him in a maternity hospital. Russian legislation does not provide for any age restrictions for making such a decision. It should be noted that minor parents who are not able to raise their child for any reason, as well as single mothers (fathers) can apply for temporary admission of their baby to the Children's Home. With such a temporary placement in the Children's Home of children with parents, an agreement is drawn up on the duration of the child's stay there. The agreement also stipulates the participation of parents in the care and upbringing of the child.

If the child is abandoned and the child is left in the maternity hospital, the underage mother is deprived of parental rights in a judicial proceeding. The deprivation of a minor mother of parental rights does not prevent the father of a child, including a minor, from taking him for upbringing. In the event of a situation of abandonment of the child, in accordance with Article 122 of the RF IC, the leadership of the medical organization where the birth took place, transfers information to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the actual location of the child.

For the adoption of a child, according to Article 129 of the RF IC, the consent of his parents is required. The latter lose their parental rights in relation to their child. According to the same article 129 of the RF IC, when adopting a child of minor parents who have not reached the age of 16, the consent of their legal representatives or guardianship authority is also required. If the legal representatives refuse to give consent to the adoption of a child, it cannot be made even with the consent of the minor parent. However, the consent of legal representatives cannot replace the consent of the minor parent. Minor parents independently agree to the adoption of their child by other persons only if they are married to each other.

It should be recalled that becoming pregnant and becoming parents, acquiring additional rights and obligations, adolescents retain all the rights granted by law to minor children. Obstetrician-gynecologists, who in everyday practice encounter this category of patients, which is difficult not only from a medical, but also from a socio-legal point of view, behind which there are numerous regulatory authorities of the state, should be extremely careful in observing the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian legislation in order to not to violate the rights of underage pregnant women and puerperas and not to create, thereby, sometimes very serious, solved only in court, problems for your medical institution, and for this you need to know very well the social and legal features management of pregnancy and childbirth in minors.

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 438 times. Asked 2013-07-21 06:33:07 +0400 in the topic "Criminal Law" whether the guy will be prosecuted for seducing minors. Further

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 1720 times. Asked 2012-06-09 15:43:49 +0400 in the topic "Criminal Law" Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor - Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor.

Underage marriage: what does the law allow?

In Russia, the age of marriage is set at 18. However, the law allows for the possibility of marriage at the age of 16 and even earlier. According to Art. 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are valid reasons, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry, have the right, at the request of these persons, to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen years to enter into marriage. The procedure and conditions under which entry into marriage as an exception, taking into account special circumstances, may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Underage Pregnancy Law

At present, according to Article 54 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated November 22, 2011, a minor girl can decide to terminate a pregnancy without the permission of her parents or legal guardians upon reaching 15 years of age. That is, according to the legislation of Russia, girls can have an abortion without the consent of their parents from the age of 15. If the girl is not yet 15 years old, then she will have to take parental permission for an abortion in writing.

Code of Labor Laws (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) dated

It is prohibited to use the labor of women in hard work and work with harmful working conditions, as well as in underground work, except for some underground work (non-physical work or work on sanitary and domestic services).

The list of hard work and work with harmful working conditions, where the use of women's labor is prohibited, is approved in the manner prescribed by law.

New law allows minors to have abortions without parental consent

At its meeting on Tuesday, the Social Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu decided to initiate a draft law abolishing restrictions on abortions for minors, since they, in the opinion of the Chancellor of Justice, are contrary to the Constitution.

Under the current Abortion and Sterilization Law, a pregnant minor cannot have an abortion without the consent of her parents or guardians.

About underage marriages

The number of marriages among teenagers has increased in our country. Increasingly, there are disputes about early marriages in society. Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation refers to marriages with.

According to this article, the conclusion of marriages with people of non-marital age is determined by special legislative acts of regional bodies of local self-government. Such laws are in force in the capital of our country, as well as in other Russian regions.

Rights of a minor pregnant woman

Today, early pregnancy is no longer a rarity, so the state is trying to take all measures to educate the younger generation and to provide assistance to underage girls who have become mothers. For this, a number of laws are provided. It is very important to know the rights of a minor pregnant woman. So, what is help for moms, and how to get it? Teenage pregnancy - why it is dangerous, read further in the article.

Should a medical institution inform the prosecutor's office about pregnant minors?

“The health care institution “Enskaya Hospital” filed a lawsuit with a request to recognize the prosecutor’s presentation as illegal. The application states that on December 13, 2011, the prosecutor's office of the Ensky District filed a complaint against the hospital about the violation of the requirements of the law on the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors. The medical institution was accused of failing to fulfill the obligation to inform the prosecutor's office about the termination of pregnancy in minors under the age of 18, as well as helping to avoid criminal liability for persons who committed crimes against sexual integrity.

Once a letter came to our editorial office from girls who found themselves in a difficult life situation. We decided to publish the answer on the pages of our online magazine.

Hello, I have a question: my girlfriend was friends with a guy for several months, and got pregnant from him.

Everything seems to be fine, but she is 15 years old, and he is already 19 years old. She is very afraid of her parents, loves her boyfriend and does not know what to do.

Her parents are very strict and they certainly won’t understand her, and her boyfriend will most likely be sent to prison.

Tell me - how to be her? She is worrying. D.

The situation is not easy. The main thing now is to remain calm and prepare for a frank conversation with all participants in the events. First you need to make a decision with the guy, then talk to your parents, and then to his parents.

The psychological side of the issue

When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, he, as a rule, remains alone with the problem, with all the experiences, thoughts and desire to fix everything. Sometimes there is fear from nowhere that someone will find out, a loved one will suffer, and not only parents will condemn, but also friends, acquaintances, neighbors ... And most importantly, it’s scary that this happened ...


In order to understand and “soberly” look at the current situation, you should answer a few questions very honestly to yourself.

  1. Am I ready to become a mother, or somewhere in the depths of my soul do I sometimes quietly but persistently “hear” my voice, and he keeps telling me that I don’t need a child?
  2. Am I too afraid of my parents to admit to them that I'm expecting a baby?
  3. I love mine young man, but there are moments when I clearly feel that he is afraid and worries (in the current situation), more for himself than for me?
  4. Before, when we were just dating, I didn't think about marrying him?
  5. Was the idea of ​​marriage mine rather than his? Or him, but not because he loves too much, but because he was afraid?
  6. Will I be able to resist my parents and not go along with them after I announce to them that I am pregnant and getting married?

If at least one of the points you answered in such a way that you yourself became - not very pleasant, then this feeling of “pressing” in yourself is not worth it.

You need to think and find the reason why you feel negative now. Imagine this happening to your friend. How do you see the situation now?

Conversation with a guy

The news may shock the guy. You need to have a confidential, gentle conversation with him. You need to meet in a calm environment where no one can disturb you.

Let me give you an example of one story, the story of my girlfriend. She was 18, the boyfriend was 21. She was still in college. He just came from the army and got a job.

His parents were already planning to build a bathhouse with his salary. And then there's pregnancy...

His parents locked him at home and did not let him go anywhere, they made scandals.

The girl told her mother about the pregnancy, and her mother supported her.

But with the guy it was more difficult. He couldn't make up his mind. His parents put pressure on him and prevented him from talking on the phone.

The girl told him: "Come to me - and we'll just talk."

The girl pulled him into her territory and calmly said: “Do whatever you want, but I will give birth. If necessary, I will raise the child myself, I don’t demand anything from you, but I won’t go for an abortion.

And the guy finally decided to get married.

His parents first offered to arrange a modest wedding and dragged on for a long time. And then the future mother-in-law said: “As you wish, my daughter will go to the registry office in a white dress, and let the groom even come in a tracksuit.” What can I say: a beautiful wedding turned out.

The girl took academic leave for a year, then finished her studies in absentia.

They still live together, the boy already goes to school. With the mother-in-law, she communicates normally, evenly, and with the father-in-law, in general, she has excellent relations. The bathhouse was never really built ...

Legal side of the issue

Will a guy go to jail for a girl's pregnancy?

There is an article in the Criminal Code that states: sexual intercourse by an adult with a person who is known to be under 16 years of age is punishable by imprisonment for 4 years, with a person under 14 years of age - up to 7 years.

Article text (click to enlarge):

It is worth paying attention to the note:

“But, if this is the first time, then, as provided for in part one of this article, the person who committed the violation is released from punishment in the courtroom, if this person and the crime he committed are not dangerous to others and marriage is planned in the future.”

Conclusion: if there is a trial, then the father of the future baby will not be imprisoned.

At the same time, the very fact of the court is an extreme moment. The court may be in the event that the police receive a statement from the parents.

Will marriage be allowed?

The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes general rule: Marriageable age is 18 years old. In this case, there is the possibility of reducing the age of marriage.

If there are good reasons, local governments may, at the request of persons wishing to marry, allow them to marry upon reaching 16 years of age.

There is no list of specific good reasons in the family code. Traditionally, they include:

  1. bride pregnancy,
  2. birth of a child,
  3. actual marriage relationship.

Valid reasons are determined by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The question of lowering the marriageable age can only be raised in relation to minors who have reached 16 years of age.

Both minors themselves and their legal representatives (family and adoptive parents, trustees, adoptive parents) have the right to apply for a reduction in the marriageable age.

A marriage license for a minor between the ages of 16 and 18 is issued only by the guardianship and guardianship authorities (district, city administration) at the place of marriage registration.

The refusal of a local self-government body to issue a marriage license may be appealed to the court in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On appealing to the court of actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens."

Registration of marriage of persons will be carried out on a general basis. A person who has reached the age of 16, to whom the marriageable age has been reduced, from the moment of entering into marriage, acquires civil capacity in full.

If the marriage is dissolved later before the age of 18, the acquired legal capacity will remain. A minor who has been declared fully capable does not acquire marital capacity after a divorce.

For teenagers under 16 years old, a different procedure applies. Authorities of guardianship and guardianship can give permission for marriage only as an exception and in the presence of special circumstances: the birth of a minor child or her pregnancy.

The practical side of the issue

No need to panic. If pregnancy has occurred, but not yet 16 years old, there are several options for getting out of this situation:

  1. go to the gynecology and registry office,
  2. wait for the required age and go to the registry office,
  3. have an abortion.

Way one

If you want to start a family, you need to go to the gynecology, take a pregnancy certificate and go to the registry office.

Take future witnesses (friends, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, acquaintances) with you in case the parents write a statement and bring the case to court.

Don't be afraid of anything!

Result: you will be happy, and your parents will accept it anyway, and everything will eventually be as before.

Way two

If the period is short, and there are only a couple of months left before the birthday, it makes sense to just wait until the “required” age is reached.

Thus, all questions will disappear by themselves, and if you want to get married, problems and permissions will not be required.

Result: you will avoid problems, questions and other nonsense.

Way three

This exit is not desirable, but is very much in demand and is used in 60% of cases. This is an abortion.

Abortion is far from best advice. Unfortunately, nothing can be returned. You may have to regret this ill-considered step more than once, although today it seems to be the best, correct and quick way out of this situation.

Result: it may so happen that you will never ... (hear - never!) will be able to have your child again. And you want it!

Do and act always and in any situation only as your mind tells you, not your heart, but your mind and only your personal desire. Believe me, everyone else (parents, acquaintances, friends, neighbors) will sooner or later take what you decide now for granted. Not in a week or a year, but they will.

Conversation with parents

Some parents accept the very fact of the birth of a grandson, and some insist on an abortion.

On the one hand, raising a child takes a lot of money, time and effort. On the other hand, abortion can ruin health and lead to problems with conception in the future.

From a medical point of view, it is definitely better to give birth. Only parents can argue with this.

In this situation, they are not yet psychologically ready for the roles of grandparents. They may not even want to change their lives and dive into new worries. And they will have to change their usual way of life, because a young mother needs help both financially and in everyday life. They will also have to deal with the education of their daughter.

Remember, my dear reader, the choice is yours.

Even if a young man leaves you with a child alone now or in the future, you can always build a family with another man. And you can find a man who will take care of you and your child. Don't even worry about it.

I say this based on personal experience. I divorced my first husband when I was 24 and my son was almost 5 years old. And now I live with a wonderful person who accepted my son as his own and found a common language with him.

It is much more terrible to correct the consequences of an abortion and to be treated for infertility. Many couples broke up due to the fact that a woman could not get pregnant.

We once received an angry letter from a mother, whose daughter showed her our article.

Dear stranger ... because a woman cannot give such advice, and earlier they would have been threatened with an article in general. Tell me where to turn to my underage daughter who, after reading your) article) decided that sex is wonderful and it is necessary to give birth ... unlike the opinion of parents ... Then answer me who will support her and the child and please continue to sign under such a "scribble" so that you then they didn’t look through the court!

As you can see, mothers of pregnant girls also need psychological help and support. You can’t turn back what happened, you need to solve the current life task.

A girl can become a single mother and receive all the usual benefits. At the same time, benefits for single mothers are higher than for ordinary women.

In various regions of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are provided for the purpose of social support for single mothers. This question needs to be clarified in your subject.

What benefits can you expect:

  1. a one-time allowance for women registered with a medical institution before 12 weeks of pregnancy,
  2. maternity allowance,
  3. a one-time allowance for the birth of a child,
  4. monthly allowance for the period of parental leave upon reaching the age of one and a half years,
  5. monthly child allowance.

If the father of the child does not support the baby with money, then the girl can demand child support from him through the court. The girl can represent the interests of the child in court herself, or maybe through one of the parents.

At the same time, if paternity is recognized voluntarily or in court, then the allowance provided for single mothers is not paid.

I wish you good luck, happiness and other things, as they usually wish ... And most importantly, I advise you to think about what is really important for you, and not for others. Once again - good luck!

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