The effect of contraceptives on the body of a woman. Are birth control pills harmful, the principle of action, the consequences of taking them. Risk of thrombosis of oral contraception

Lack of adequate contraception is fraught with unplanned pregnancy. One of the most effective ways birth control pills are considered contraceptive. The benefits and harms of birth control pills have been studied extensively. Drugs affect the hormonal background and the functioning of the body as a whole, which can be manifested by a change in well-being.

What is in birth control pills

The beneficial properties of birth control pills are due to their composition. COCs include 2 components:

  1. Estrogen. Thanks to synthetic hormones, the normal development of the endometrium is imitated. Thus, the possibility of uterine bleeding is excluded.
  2. Progestogenic. A useful component prevents pregnancy, which is achieved as a result of the necessary changes in the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Most birth control pills contain ethinyl estradiol (active estrogen). Progestogens are derivatives of 19-nortestosterone:

  • Levonorgestrel;
  • norethisterone;
  • Norgestrel.

Modern progestogens include:

  • Drospirenone;
  • Gestodene;
  • Dezostrel;
  • Dienogest.

Important! Modern COCs provide maximum benefit, since the androgenic effect is not pronounced. Contraceptive pills do not cause harm in the form of a significant increase in body weight and influence on metabolic processes in the body.

Gynecologists recommend taking pills exclusively with a progestogen component to patients after childbirth. Such useful drugs are called mini-pills. This is due to the properties and composition of COCs. Estrogens are distinguished by their ability to suppress the production of breast milk.

Progestogen birth control pills (Charosetta) are prescribed to women to limit the intake of estrogen in the body. Gestagens are indicated for diabetes, hypertension, obesity. Otherwise, COCs can be harmful.

If the concentration of estrogen is less than 35 mcg, such COCs are considered low-dose. Microdose contraceptives differ in the content of estrogens in the amount of 20-30 mcg. High-dose birth control pills contain 50 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol.

Attention! High-dose COCs are often prescribed for therapeutic purposes.

Depending on the composition of contraceptive pills, there are 3 varieties:

  1. Monophasic. The content of useful components is the same in all pills. There are low-dose (Femoden, Regulon and Marvelon) and micro-dose (Logest, Novinet and Mercilon).
  2. Two-phase. Includes a constant amount of estrogen. The concentration of progestogens increases during the 2nd phase of the cycle. The total dose of estrogens is significantly higher compared to monophasic COCs. The dosage of progestogens is reduced. Among the new generation drugs that also benefit as a therapeutic agent, Trialen, Tri-merci and Trisilest are distinguished.
  3. Three-phase. The ratio of hormones changes to mimic the natural cycle.

Some birth control pills have beneficial antiandrogenic properties because they include a progestogen. Among COCs with antiandrogenic properties, Jeanine and Diane-35 are distinguished. Novinet, Trimersi and Regulon have a pronounced progesterone-like effect.

Important! COCs containing desogestrel are of benefit in the treatment of hyperandrogenism in adolescents.

The fourth generation progestogen is drospirenone. The component is characterized by useful properties:

  • antiestrogen;
  • antigonadotropic;
  • antiandrogenic.

Drospirenone harms the body in the form of pronounced side effects and is recommended for women with high blood pressure. The benefit of birth control pills is to eliminate the symptoms of PMS.

The following combinations of progestogens and estrogens are called:

  • estrogen + norgestrel(Cyclo-proginova);
  • levonorgestrel + estrogen(Rigevidon, Microgynon);
  • estrogen + desogestrel(Marvelon, Novinet);
  • gestodene + estrogen(Femoden, Gestarella);
  • estrogen + norgestimate(Dimia, Yarina);
  • estrogen + nomegatrol(Zoeli);
  • ethinylestradiol + dienogest(Janine).

Combinations of estrogens and progestogens:

  • estrogen + levonorgestrel(Three-regol);
  • estrogen + desogesrel(Three-merci).

Progestogens are represented by the following synthetic hormones:

  • levonorgestrel(Excapel);
  • linestrenol (Excluson);
  • desogestrel (Charosetta).

Important! Levonorgestrel is used for emergency contraception.

How contraceptive pills work

The benefits and harms of oral contraceptives are due to their action. Birth control pills block the mechanism of ovulation. At the same time, reminiscent of monthly cyclic bleeding persists. The development of the follicle and egg does not occur, which makes pregnancy impossible.

Changes are also observed in the endometrium. Thus, the possibility of attachment of a fertilized egg is excluded. Cervical mucus thickens, which prevents the advancement of spermatozoa.

What are the benefits of birth control pills

The benefits of hormonal contraceptives for the female body are undeniable. COCs are used not only for contraception, but also for therapeutic purposes in various pathological conditions.

The health benefits of birth control pills include:

  • cycle stabilization;
  • reducing the amount of secretions, which helps to eliminate anemia;
  • decrease in the intensity of pain during menstruation;
  • increasing the protective qualities and properties of cervical mucus and reducing the risk of infectious processes;
  • prevention of mastopathy;
  • suppression of androgen synthesis, causing the elimination of hirsutism, acne;
  • increase in bone density and a beneficial effect on the process of calcium absorption, which is the prevention of osteoporosis.

Hormonal pills are beneficial for women. According to the results of studies, there is a decrease in the risk of developing cancer of the reproductive organs in women taking COCs for a long time. As a rule, we are talking about cancer of the endometrium, mammary glands and ovaries.

Attention! The rapid rejuvenation of oncopathologies of the reproductive organs is often associated with low fertility and a large number of menstruation, which was not originally intended by nature.

The beneficial effect of birth control pills on the body is manifested in the possibility of treating many hormone-dependent diseases. Oral contraceptives are used to treat endometriosis, PCOS, hirsutism, and some forms of infertility.

Harm of contraceptive pills and side effects

Hormonal pills have both benefit and harm. This is due to their basic properties.

When taking oral contraceptives, you may experience side effects. In most cases, undesirable effects are mild. Often, adverse reactions do not harm the body and occur in the first months of admission.

There are two main groups of unwanted reactions:

  1. Clinical. This item includes general changes and disorders that cause deviations in the menstrual cycle. Common effects are dizziness, weight gain, headache, depression, rash. When hair loss requires replacement of the drug with another. Against the background of violations of the cycle, smearing discharge of an acyclic nature may be noted. Normally, such discharges pass within 3 months. Otherwise, the drug is canceled.
  2. Hormone dependent. The effects are due to the specific type of synthetic hormones and their properties.

In most cases, adverse reactions do not cause serious harm to the body. They are usually temporary, go away on their own and do not require specialist advice or discontinuation of the drug.

Consequences of taking birth control pills

The consequences of the use of COCs are rare and are usually associated with the wrong selection of drugs. Due to atrophy of the inner layer of the uterus, amenorrhea is possible. This phenomenon either resolves on its own or is corrected with medication.

Severe effects that harm the body can include:

  • thrombosis;
  • thromboembolism.

Important! The risk of serious consequences is considered low and increases with obesity, hypertension and smoking.

Contraindications to taking birth control pills

To minimize the harm that oral contraceptives can cause, before using them, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications for admission:

  • thrombosis of arterial and venous character;
  • history of ischemic attack;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular disorders;
  • migraine;
  • severe pathologies of the pancreas and liver;
  • tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs, as well as the liver;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • pregnancy.

Attention! Combined oral contraceptives are not prescribed for breastfeeding. Harm is manifested by the suppression of lactation.

With contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives, non-hormonal contraceptive pills can be used, which have anti-inflammatory beneficial properties. These are vaginal tablets or spermicides. Despite the benefits of using these drugs, contraceptive efficacy is about 80%. The most common drugs in this group include Gynecotex and Benatex.

How to drink contraceptives correctly

Useful pills are taken for a long time, at least 3-6 months. The duration of administration is determined by the purpose of use and specific indications.

The dosage regimen depends on the drug chosen. For many years, doctors have used a regimen that included taking pills for 3 weeks. The use of pills was resumed after a 7-day break. AT recent times Increasingly, a regimen is prescribed that involves the use of tablets for 24 days. In this case, the break is only 4 days.

A break is necessary for withdrawal bleeding to occur. It resembles menstruation and can last for the first days after the start of using the next package.

Sometimes regimens are used to shift the time of the onset of menstruation or reduce the number of cycles, which is beneficial in some cases. Long-term use of contraceptives is necessary in the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids and means the absence of menstruation for several months.

Attention! Long-term medication is beneficial in the treatment of hormone-dependent diseases. It does not cause harm, but increases the effectiveness of protection.

The pills are taken orally once a day, preferably at a fixed time. For convenience, many manufacturers produce drugs in special blisters and packages, which makes it easier to count the day.

Missing pills can cause harm in the form of reduced contraceptive protection. Efficiency is reduced if the missed pill was more than 12 hours. In such cases, it is recommended to use barrier methods of protection for 1 week.

Frequently asked Questions

There are many myths associated with birth control pills, which lead to a significant number of questions from patients.

Do birth control pills make you fat?

Some women refuse to use oral contraceptives because of the risk of excess weight. This phenomenon is listed among the side effects.

Appearance extra pounds associated with the properties of drugs and effects on the hormonal system. Significant weight gain indicates the need to change the contraceptive.

Can birth control pills cause infertility?

The onset of pregnancy is possible within 1-12 months after the abolition of the contraceptive. In some cases, there is a violation of the cycle, the recovery of which requires a longer period.

Birth control pills do not cause harm in the form of infertility. Their use is sometimes used for 3 months to stimulate ovulation.

Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills

The benefits of tablets are high efficiency, which is 99%. The probability of pregnancy is practically excluded if all the rules for taking the drug are observed.

Important! A useful contraceptive effect is provided by the properties of pills that block ovulation, endometrial proliferation, and also cause thickening of cervical mucus.

Do birth control pills help acne?

The benefits of birth control pills involve more than just protection. Tablets with antiandrogenic effect have useful properties, which are to eliminate excess oily skin and greasy hair. These contraceptive pills contribute to the disappearance of acne caused by an increased content of male sex hormones. Against the background of the reception, there is a decrease in the intensity of growth of unwanted hair on the body.

Can birth control pills cause cancer

There is a widespread belief that COCs cause harm in the form of the development of malignant tumors. Modern birth control pills have been proven to be beneficial and do not have properties that lead to cancer.

Important! In fact, in women who use beneficial pills for several years, the risk of malignant tumors of the uterus, intestines and ovaries is reduced by 2-3 times.

Do birth control pills affect libido

The benefits of birth control pills are undeniable. Pills affect the hormonal background, on which the severity of sexual desire depends. Some women note a decrease in libido, which is a side effect of drugs.

Is it possible to choose birth control pills on my own

Contraceptive pills are dispensed from pharmacies by prescription. This means that their use should be recommended by a doctor after an adequate examination of the hormonal background. Uncontrolled intake of birth control pills is harmful to health.

Attention! There are several groups of birth control pills used for prevention and treatment. The choice of a suitable and useful drug can only be carried out by a gynecologist.


The benefits and harms of birth control pills are obvious. Gynecologists consider hormonal contraception to be the gold standard. This is due to the effectiveness, good tolerability of drugs. Medicines have not only a contraceptive, but also a therapeutic effect due to their properties. In order for the medicine to be beneficial, it is necessary to consult a specialist and perform the necessary studies.

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The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Hormonal contraceptives around the world are considered the most reliable in terms of protection against unwanted pregnancy. They are trusted by millions of women in civilized countries. They give freedom to choose the time of birth of the desired child, emancipation in sexual relations, getting rid of some diseases and suffering. Subject to the rules of use hormonal contraceptives provide, without a doubt, a high level of reliability. In the last decade, interest in this method of protection has also increased in our country, but passions about the benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages in their use do not subside.

How contraceptive pills work

modern oral contraceptives may contain one or two hormones: progesterone and estrogen - then they are called combined, or only progesterone - the so-called mini-pills.

Combined contraceptives are divided into drugs:

  • with microdoses of hormones;
  • with low doses;
  • medium dosed;
  • with high doses of hormones.
Preparations "mini-drank" are considered the most sparing of all birth control pills.

How do birth control pills work?

Contraceptive pills consist of synthetic hormones, which are analogues of female sex hormones, produced in the body of a woman constantly, during pregnancy. It is estrogen and progesterone that inhibit the production of other hormones that stimulate the maturation of the follicle, due to which ovulation occurs. Therefore, by administering small doses of estrogen and progesterone with the pill, it becomes possible to suppress or slow down ovulation (ovum maturation). On this principle, the mechanism of action of all combined hormonal agents is built.

The action of the "mini-drank" is based on the same principles, but the effective moment here is the effect of the tablets on the structure of the uterine mucosa, and on the change in the viscosity of the secretion of the cervical canal. The thickening of the secret and the friability of the endometrium does not allow sperm to fertilize the egg, and the egg itself to gain a foothold in the uterus.

All these phenomena disappear together with the termination of reception of contraceptives. Reproductive function is restored within two to three months, and a woman can have a desired pregnancy.

The action of birth control pills prevents pregnancy by almost 100% if they are used correctly. At the same time, the use of these drugs regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves a woman from pain during menstruation, from menstrual bleeding. Modern contraceptives eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual and menopausal periods, reduce the risk of cancer, stop unwanted facial hair growth, the appearance of acne.

Does the effect of birth control pills decrease with alcohol?

Women, especially at a young age, often wonder how alcohol affects the reliability of birth control pills. Is it possible to take them together? Of course, this question is legitimate, because taking contraceptives can be long, and life is life, and no one is immune from the circumstances when alcohol intake can occur.

I would like to be always confident in the effectiveness of contraceptives, and to know what factors can reduce it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to completely eliminate alcohol. And the instructions for contraceptives often do not indicate that they cannot be combined with alcohol intake.

What to do if a festive feast is planned? If the celebration is scheduled for the evening, then the pill should be moved three hours earlier or later. In extreme cases, you can postpone taking the pill in the morning, as if you forgot to take it, but then you need to follow the instructions for the drug exactly according to it. It is also necessary to see a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

According to WHO, the dose of alcohol should not exceed 20 mg of ethanol per day, if there is still a need in combination with birth control pills. Moderation in drinking alcohol plays a big role in maintaining the effectiveness of contraceptives.

Side effects

The main disadvantages of birth control pills are their side effects on the body, which include:
  • Bloody spotting, especially common at the beginning of taking the pills. After adaptation to the drug, as a rule, disappear.
  • Estrogens, which are part of contraceptives, can cause bloating, swelling of the lower extremities, fluid retention in the body, increased blood pressure, migraine headaches.
  • Progestins - on the contrary, cause irritability, nervousness, acne, some weight gain.
  • Weight gain may be associated with increased appetite when taking contraceptives. In some cases, this is due to fluid retention in the body.
  • Sometimes birth control pills can cause dark spots on the face, resembling characteristic spots during pregnancy. In this case, it is better to switch to another type of pill.
  • Formidable vascular diseases such as thrombosis can be caused. Their occurrence depends entirely on the dose of hormones in the remedy. The higher the dose of estrogens, the greater the risk of developing vascular thrombosis.
  • When taking certain contraceptives, smoking is unacceptable. Women who smoke are at risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives can cause cholelithiasis attacks, and cause the formation of new stones in the biliary tract.
  • Side effects may occur when oral contraceptives are combined with other medicines: antibiotics, antifungal agents, etc.

What contraceptive pills get better?

Modern contraceptives, which have microdoses of hormonal components in their composition, do not cause weight gain.

But, in case of the wrong choice of drug for a particular woman or girl, some weight gain is quite possible. Many women experience weight gain in the first two months of taking contraceptives, which is easily explained by the adaptation of the body. If in the future the weight increases, then it is necessary to decide on the transition to another type of tablet.

The effect of contraceptives on fat metabolism is well studied. Therefore, it is possible for each woman to choose a remedy that would not cause the above side effects.

Bleeding while taking birth control pills

Bleeding while using birth control pills is a possible side effect. Bleeding can be both spotting and breakthrough.

Spotting bleeding occurs in the first months of taking contraceptives. More often they are observed when using drugs with a low content of hormones than when combined. The reason is as follows: microdoses of hormones in a tablet do not have time to accumulate in the body, and they are not enough to delay menstruation. This is normal, and it is not advisable to stop taking the pills due to the appearance of spotting. The body will adapt, and all functions will be restored.

In the event of breakthrough bleeding, you need to sound the alarm. It is better to immediately seek advice from a doctor who will conduct an examination to exclude ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, uterine fibroids, endometriosis.

What to do if bleeding occurs:

  • Continue taking contraceptives as usual, or stop taking them within seven days.
  • Appeal to the doctor. Your doctor may prescribe additional high progestin pills.
  • If bleeding continues, then a blood test should be taken to rule out anemia. Anemia is treated with iron supplements.

Vaginal discharge

Often women are concerned about the increase in the amount of vaginal discharge? and associate them with the use of birth control pills.

By the way, vaginal discharge is found in every woman, but normally they are odorless, transparent in appearance and insignificant.

In case of violation menstrual cycle you need to see a doctor who will tell you what to do. Establishing a cycle duration of 21-36 days is considered the norm.

Helps with mood swings herbal collection with prutnyak ordinary, which affects the level of testosterone in the body.

Skin problems in the form of acne, oily hair, their greasiness? talk about the imbalance of hormones in the female body. In this case, combined oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic action are selected.

Doctors believe that it is better to cancel the pills two to three months before the planned conception. However, it should be borne in mind that the likelihood of conception increases already in the first month after the abolition of the contraceptive.

How to take birth control pills correctly?

It is better to start taking contraceptives on the first day of menstruation - only then the pills act immediately. If taken on the fifth day of menstruation, apply additional measures protection. Women with irregular periods can start taking contraceptives on the first day of the cycle, being sure that they are not pregnant.

In the absence of lactation, it is better to start taking it 21 days after birth. When breastfeeding, taking oral contraceptives should be postponed for six months.

After an abortion, it is necessary to start using birth control pills on the day of its implementation.

Standard regimen of hormonal contraceptives
The drug is taken daily for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break, then continues to be taken from a new package. Menstrual-like bleeding passes during the rest from taking the pills.

Special Modes
The 24 + 4 mode is typical for the contraceptive Jess, the package of which contains 24 hormonal and 4 inactive tablets. Tablets are taken daily, without interruption.

Extended mode
It consists in taking a product containing only "active" tablets (continuously, more than one package). A common is a three-cycle regimen - taking 63 tablets of monophasic drugs followed by a 7-day break.

Thus, the number of menstrual-like bleeding per year is reduced to four.

What should I do if I forgot to take a pill?

The basic rule in case of missing a pill:
1. Take the missed pill as soon as possible!
2. The remaining tablets should be taken at the usual time for taking.

If one or two tablets are missed, or a new pack is not started within one to two days
Take a pill. There is a risk of pregnancy.

Missing three or more tablets in the first 2 weeks of taking, or not starting a new pack within three days
Take a pill. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

Missing 3 or more pills during the third week of taking
Take the pill as soon as possible. If the package contains 28 tablets, do not take the last seven tablets. Do not take a break. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

When do birth control pills start working?

At correct reception tablets begin to act immediately after the start of the course.

How to choose the right drug for nulliparous and giving birth women?

Young, nulliparous women are more likely to be prescribed microdosed birth control pills. They are ideally suited for drugs such as Lindinet -20, Jess, Logest, Mercilon, Qlaira, Novinet.

Women who have given birth are suitable for low-dose and medium-dose hormonal preparations. These include: Yarina, Marvelon, Lindinet-30, Regulon, Silest, Jeanine, Minisiston, Diana-35 and Chloe.

Features of contraception depending on the age of the woman

The selection of birth control pills is a difficult task that can be solved together with the attending physician. The purpose of the task is reliable protection against the onset of unwanted pregnancy. Criteria can be efficiency, lack of side effects, ease of use of tablets and the speed of restoration of fertility after the abolition of the contraceptive.

Undoubtedly, the choice of contraceptive drug depends on age features.

At what age can birth control pills be taken?

The periods of a woman's life are divided into adolescence - from 10 to 18 years, early reproductive - up to 35 years, late reproductive - up to 45 years, and perimenopausal - lasting 1-2 years from the last menstruation.

It is desirable to start contraception in adolescence, unless, of course, there is a need for it. AT last years there is a decrease in the age of first pregnancy and childbirth, and the frequency of abortions at a young age is increasing.

The most effective for adolescents, according to WHO, are recognized as combined oral contraceptives containing low doses of steroids, and third-generation drugs containing progestogens. Three-phase drugs are best suited for adolescents: Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-regol, as well as single-phase drugs: Femoden, Mercilon, Silest, Marvelon, which regulate the course of the menstrual cycle.

Birth control pills for young girls

Between the ages of 19 and 35, women can use all known methods of contraception. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of combined oral contraceptives is more reliable and effective.

In addition to oral contraceptives, other methods are also popular in our country: the introduction of an intrauterine device, the use of a condom, the use of injectable methods of contraception.

It has been proven that birth control pills are used not only for contraception, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for diseases such as infertility, inflammatory and oncological diseases, and menstrual irregularities. The only drawback to be aware of is that hormonal contraceptives do not protect women from sexually transmitted infections.

The most common remedies at this age are Janine, Yarina, Regulon.

What contraceptive pills are better to take after 35 years?

Doctors say that at this age, women should be protected from unwanted pregnancies using intrauterine devices, because. at this age, steroids, due to the presence of diseases acquired by a woman, are contraindicated.

A woman may suffer from diseases of the cervix, endometriosis, endocrinological diseases - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, obesity. Many women smoke. These factors complicate the selection of hormonal contraceptives.

Steroids are prescribed only with a guaranteed absence of contraindications. The latest generation combined contraceptive pills and three-phase drugs are preferred: Femoden, Triziston, Silest, Triquilar, Marvelon, Tri-regol.

For this group of women, products with a low content of hormones, as well as "mini-drink" preparations, are excellent. Hormonal contraception is combined with the therapeutic effect of new generation drugs. The most popular of them is Femulen. It can be used if a woman has diseases such as thrombophlebitis, a previous heart attack and stroke, hypertension, severe headaches such as migraine, and some gynecological diseases.

What birth control pills are suitable for women over 45?

After the age of 45, ovarian function gradually decreases, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases, but is still possible. Many women at this age are still ovulating, and fertilization of the egg can occur.

Undoubtedly, a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child, but at the same time, pregnancy often proceeds with complications, since at this age there is a rather large bouquet of various diseases. Usually there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, chronic disorders of the reproductive system. All factors can serve as contraindications for the appointment of hormonal contraceptives. Smoking and the presence of others bad habits also complicates the use of birth control pills.

Very often, by the age of 40, women no longer plan pregnancy, and unwanted pregnancies are artificially interrupted. Abortion, especially during this period, has consequences that threaten the woman's health. Frequent complications of abortion are the development of uterine fibroids, cancer, severe manifestations of menopause. The possibility of developing diseases indicates the need for contraception in this period.

Also, birth control pills are prescribed for many gynecological diseases, osteoporosis, to prevent the development of ovarian and uterine cancer.

At the age of over 45, it is promising to use low-dose hormonal drugs, mini-pill tablets, injectables and implants that are implanted under the skin (for example, Norplant).

Combined action contraceptive pills are contraindicated in women over 45 years of age in the following cases:

  • if a woman smokes;
  • if a woman suffers from diseases of the heart and blood vessels - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis;
  • with type 2 diabetes;
  • in severe liver diseases with the development of liver failure;
  • with obesity.
At this age, the modern drug Femulen is often used, which has practically no side effects.

The effect of birth control pills

For pregnancy

When taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy is quite possible in cases where the woman does not take the pills correctly, or the regimen for taking them has been violated. If pregnancy is suspected or established, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Taking hormonal drugs in the first three weeks of pregnancy does not adversely affect the condition of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Overall for the body

Hormonal contraceptives have different influence on the woman's body. In order to timely identify the side effects of contraceptives, a woman taking these drugs is obliged to consult with her doctor twice a year. Contraceptives can affect the microflora of the vagina. This influence manifests itself in various symptoms. Some people develop signs of thrush (bacterial vaginitis) because taking drugs containing progestogens leads to a decrease in the level of lactobacilli in the vagina. In this case, it is possible to cancel the tablets for a time when the level of estrogen is restored and the symptoms disappear.

For the development of mastopathy

Often women ask the question: can birth control pills cause mastopathy?

Experts claim that with right choice contraceptive pills and the correct mode of their use, mastopathy cannot develop. Another thing is when a woman has a hormonal imbalance, there are chronic gynecological diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands. Hormonal imbalance, stress, depression, abortion, breast trauma can lead to mastopathy.

Contraceptives should be selected only by a doctor. The doctor must take into account all the characteristics of a particular woman, her state of health, age, heredity, phenotype, bad habits, lifestyle, sexual activity. With the wrong selection of the drug, no doubt, the risk of developing mastopathy increases.

It is important to start taking hormonal drugs only after consultation and examination by a specialist - in this case, you will avoid undesirable consequences and possible complications.

Do birth control pills help with menopause and androgenetic alopecia?

Effective treatment for women during menopause and with androgenetic alopecia can be pills and creams that contain estrogen and progesterone.

Is it possible to leave without a doctor's prescription?

Birth control pills are prescription drugs and only a doctor can prescribe them. The law does not prohibit the sale of hormonal contraceptives without a prescription. But only a doctor can help you choose the right method and means of contraception.

Oral contraception is considered the most effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Every year, new contraceptive drugs are developed that have virtually no side effects. But many women, knowing the consequences of taking birth control pills, prefer other methods of contraception. They explain this choice by the unwillingness to get health problems and interfere with the natural hormonal processes of the body.

A gynecologist will help you choose a method of contraception on an individual basis.

The effectiveness of taking oral contraceptives in terms of preventing unwanted conception is indisputable. Therefore, before categorically rejecting such a method of protection, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Modern oral contraceptive pills differ in the minimum possible list of adverse reactions, so their effectiveness is much higher and more significant than unpleasant consequences. As a rule, COCs correct the hormonal status of patients, however, such changes almost always benefit women.

  1. The mechanism of action of tablets is realized at the cellular level, because gestagens and estrogens block receptor functions in the reproductive structures of a woman. As a result of this influence, ovulation is inhibited. Due to a decrease in the production of pituitary hormones (FSH and LH), the maturation and development of female germ cells is suppressed.
  2. Also, contraceptives also affect the uterine body, more precisely, on its inner endometrial layer, in which a kind of atrophy occurs. Therefore, if it happens that the female cell nevertheless matures, leaves the ovary and is fertilized, then it will no longer be able to implant into the uterine endometrium.
  3. In addition, oral contraceptive pills change the properties of cervical mucus, increasing its viscosity. Due to such changes, the uterine cavity is protected from the penetration of spermatozoa into it.
  4. COCs also affect the fallopian tubes, reducing their contractile capabilities, which significantly complicates the movement through these channels of the germ cell, making it almost impossible.

Most clearly, the effect of oral contraception is expressed in ovulatory inhibition. These drugs lead to the creation of a new, artificial monthly cycle in the female body, and they suppress the normal, natural one. In fact, the reproductive system functions according to a feedback mechanism, when pituitary hormones are produced due to a decrease in estrogen-progestin production. That is, if a sufficient amount of progestogen and estrogenic hormones enters the body from the outside, then the pituitary gland stops producing tropic hormonal substances. As a result, the growth and development of female germ cells stops.

You can not take any drugs on your own, it can cause irreparable harm to health

It is impossible to say for sure how much the patient's hormonal background will change while taking oral contraception, since the body is individual. The degree of change depends on the amount of adipose tissue and weight, as well as on the content of SSH (sex-binding globulin) in the blood, which is responsible for the binding and transport of estradiol and testosterone. It is inappropriate to conduct studies of estrogens and progesterone hormones when taking oral contraceptives. When taking high-dose contraceptives, the patient's hormonal background acquires "pregnant" indicators, but if low-dose drugs were taken, then these indicators will still be above the norm, but lower than when carrying a child.

The effect of oral contraception on the patient's body

As a rule, when any hormonal substance enters the body, the activity of the entire system fails, communications and interactions between intraorganic structures and glandular organs are disrupted. As a result, the processes of stress resistance, immune defense and self-regulation lose their stability, and immune endocrine and nervous system structures begin to function in an overstressed mode. Against the backdrop of such intense activity, a failure soon occurs.

Instead of interacting optimally and productively, internal organs and glandular structures establish artificial, coarse connections that function involuntarily. That is, the body is subjected to functional violence. If the patient takes any hormonal drugs, then the intrasecreting glands stop producing these hormones on their own. This is quite understandable, why do extra work if the hormone is present in the body in required quantities. If such a picture does not take place for long, then it is still fixable, but with a prolonged violation, the glandular body may dry out, its atrophy, and, accordingly, problems arise in the work of all structures that depend on this gland.

Under the influence of taking oral contraceptive drugs, the normal monthly cycle of a woman disappears. The patient regularly has withdrawal bleeding, however, they have nothing to do with menstruation, since in fact the woman does not have a menstrual cycle. The female cycle is very sensitive to intraorganic changes, it is the cyclical processes in the body that ensure the full functioning of all systems, and not only reproductive ones.

If there is a disorder in the work of organs and systems in the body, then the body will need a lot of effort to maintain normal working capacity. As a result, all systems get used to working for wear and tear in a state of stress. When taking contraceptives for a long time and constantly, you cannot count on maintaining normal female cycle in future.

What are the consequences of canceling

Almost every woman knows about the potential harm of birth control pills. But today, pharmaceutical companies are massively promoting drugs from the mini-pill category among young girls and women. The annotation states that they contain only small doses of the progesterone hormone, so you should not be afraid of adverse reactions like a serious hormonal failure when taking them. But that's not the case at all.

Attention! Mini-pills do not guarantee the absence of adverse reactions, and their mechanism of action is practically the same as COCs. As a result of taking these "safe" contraceptives, the body receives a signal about the state of pregnancy for a long time. And constantly. But after all, the female body does not have such resources to be in a state of bearing a child for several years.

Against the background of taking a mini-pill, egg cell maturation and conception are also blocked, the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones is suppressed, which negatively affects the activity of other endocrine glands. If you look at the problem from the other side, then the use of contraceptive drugs can have both negative and positive consequences.


Properly selected pills have a beneficial effect on the female body

The effects of a positive nature when taking contraceptive pills include the absence of ovulation. For a month, the uterine body prepares to receive the egg, but it does not mature. Normally, when menstruation occurs, a sharp drop in hormonal levels occurs, which is a stress factor for the body. When taking COCs, ovulation does not occur, the ovaries rest, so the uterus is not subjected to monthly stress.

Another positive point in taking contraceptive pills is the absence of hormonal surges, which ensures the elimination of PMS, which is also closely associated with strong fluctuations in hormonal levels. The absence of premenstrual syndrome ensures the nervous system stability of a woman, eliminating the possibility of conflicts that often occur against the background of PMS.

According to many gynecologists, hormonal contraception allows you to regulate your periods. Yes, when taking COCs, monthly bleeding really becomes regular, and their abundance and duration are noticeably reduced. In addition, oral contraceptives minimize the risk of developing ovarian and uterine tumor processes, reduce the incidence of inflammatory pathologies.

It cannot be denied that due to the intake of pills that prevent conception, the development of osteoporosis, which develops against the background of estrogen deficiency, is prevented. COCs contain estrogen. In addition, COCs have a therapeutic effect on pathologies caused by androgen excess. Contraceptives suppress androgen secretion, eliminating fairly common problems such as acne, alopecia, oily skin, or hirsutism.


As for the undesirable consequences of using oral contraception, they are generally due to the estrogen effect on the female body. Taking these drugs does not cause pathologies, however, they can provoke a variety of exacerbations and complications of existing predispositions to certain hormone-dependent diseases. Although, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, limit alcohol and give up cigarettes, then the negative consequences of taking contraception will be minimal. Such consequences include:

Such reactions are not mandatory and do not occur in all patients. If some of them do occur, then they usually neutralize on their own after a couple of months, until the body gets used to the drugs taken.

Is COC addiction possible?

With uncontrolled and long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, ovarian atrophy may develop, which will only progress over time. Against the background of such a complication, a woman will not be able to refuse oral contraceptives, since she will become dependent on them. Hormonal substances of synthetic origin are so naturally integrated into material exchange intraorganic processes that they suppress the activity of glandular organs. Therefore, if you refuse hormonal contraception, the body will begin to experience an acute deficiency of hormonal substances, which is much more dangerous than taking COCs. It’s just that the body, or rather, its glands, have forgotten how to fully function, so the abolition of contraceptives becomes a serious problem for many girls.

As a result, women continue to take contraceptives, not so much to prevent conception (it becomes impossible due to ovarian atrophy), but to avoid the onset of rapid and early aging of the body. Therefore, when deciding on the use of hormonal oral contraception, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified specialist who will correctly select the drug and determine the safe timing of its administration. Self-administration of such medications can result in irreversible consequences.

Should I take birth control pills or not?

Undoubtedly, every girl / woman must decide for herself whether to take hormonal contraceptives or not. If you have already decided to use oral contraceptives for a while, then you need to select pills only on the recommendations of a practicing gynecologist, and not on your own. It is imperative that before taking COCs it is necessary to undergo an examination, take a smear and blood, undergo ultrasound diagnostics for possible tumor processes. Only on the basis of tests, the doctor will be able to choose the right drug.

Text: Anastasia Travkina

The use of hormonal contraception, of course, it is already difficult to surprise someone, but it is easy to get lost in the myths that surround this topic. In the US, up to 45% of women aged 15–44 prefer hormonal contraception, while in Russia only 9.5% of women have ever used it. With the help of gynecologist-endocrinologist Valentina Yavnyuk, we figured out how it works, what healing properties it has, whether it poses a danger to a woman's health, and what feminism has to do with it.

What is hormonal contraception

A distinctive feature of the modern world is a large-scale movement to liberate the individual from various cultural, religious and social stereotypes. A significant part of this process is related to the acquisition of reproductive freedom by women. This means that a woman is given back the right to control her own body: to live a sexual life that suits her, and to independently decide whether she is ready to become pregnant or terminate an unwanted pregnancy. In many ways, it was the emergence and development of hormonal contraception that allowed women to take control of their bodies.

Hormonal contraception is a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy that a woman can fully regulate on her own. At the same time, its effectiveness is higher than all other options for protection - subject to the rules of use, of course. Thus, a possible pregnancy becomes something that partners can consciously choose. True, such contraceptives do not protect against sexual infections - here the only way to protect yourself is a condom.

All hormonal contraceptives work in general on the same principle: they suppress ovulation and / or prevent the egg from attaching to the surface of the uterine mucosa. This is due to the fact that a small amount of synthetic sex hormones constantly enters the body. Suppression of ovulation puts the ovaries into an artificially controlled "sleep": they decrease in size and the follicles stop releasing eggs for nothing.

How hormones work

Hormones are substances that actively influence all functions human body. Yes, in most cases they help improve skin and hair quality, stabilize weight, and have many non-contraceptive benefits. Nevertheless, in no case should you take hormones on your own, without consulting a doctor. In addition, these drugs should not be prescribed by a cosmetologist or gynecologist without a referral to a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Sex hormones are biologically active substances in our body responsible for the development of male or female sexual characteristics. female type. We have two types of them: estrogens are produced by the ovaries and from the onset of puberty form the female characteristics of the body, are responsible for libido and menstruation. Progestogens are produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and the adrenal cortex and provide the possibility of conception and continuation of pregnancy, which is why they are called “pregnancy hormones”.

It is these two types of hormones that provide our monthly cycle, during which the egg matures in the ovary, ovulation occurs (when the egg leaves the ovary) and the uterus prepares for gestation. If fertilization does not occur, then after ovulation, the egg dies, and the endometrium, that is, the mucous membrane of the uterus, begins to be shed, which leads to the onset of menstruation. Despite the opinion that menstruation is a “broken egg”, in fact, bleeding is precisely the rejection of the mucosa. It does indeed release an unfertilized egg, but it is too small to see.

The main estrogen in the female body is the hormone estradiol, which is produced in the ovaries. A high concentration of estradiol in the blood in the middle of the cycle leads to the fact that the pituitary gland actively “turns on” in the brain. The pituitary gland triggers ovulation and the production of the main progestogen - progesterone - in case of pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives work like this: they suppress the ovulatory activity of the pituitary gland, which controls all this complex process "from above", and maintain a stable level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Thus, the pituitary gland rests from reproductive worries, and the female body experiences a state of the so-called false pregnancy: there is no monthly fluctuation of hormones, the eggs calmly “sleep” in the ovary, so fertilization becomes impossible.

There is another type of hormonal drugs. Gestagens in their composition change the quantity and quality of vaginal mucus, increasing its viscosity. So it becomes more difficult for spermatozoa to get into the uterus, and the changed thickness and quality of its coating excludes egg implantation and reduces the mobility of the fallopian tubes.

How to start using hormonal contraceptives

You can take hormonal contraceptives from late puberty, when the monthly cycle is established (on average from 16–18 years old), and until the cessation of menstruation and the onset of menopause. In the absence of complaints and with regular preventive diagnostics, women are advised to take a break in taking hormones only if necessary to become pregnant, during pregnancy and lactation. If there are no contraindications, hormonal contraception can be taken the rest of the time.

Remember that the gynecologist-endocrinologist must carefully collect information about the state of your body in order to effectively select the drug and avoid unnecessary risks. This information includes a history - collecting information about thromboembolic disease, diabetes, hyperandrogenism and other diseases in your family - and examination. The examination should include a general gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands, measurement blood pressure, taking a smear from the cervix, donating blood for clotting and sugar, and assessing risk factors based on the results.

What are the types of hormonal contraception?

There are several types of hormonal contraception: they differ in the method of use, regularity, composition and dosage of hormones. Oral contraceptives are one of the most popular. For example, in the United States it accounts for about 23% of all methods of contraception. These are tablets that are taken every day with a break, depending on the properties of a particular drug. There are two types of tablets in composition: mini-pills contain only synthetic progestogen (they can be used by nursing mothers), and combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain synthetic estrogen and one of the types of synthetic progestogens - depending on the indications and the condition of the body, you may need certain substances.

Oral contraceptives have the lowest dosages of hormones with high protection against unwanted pregnancy. Recently, a natural analogue of estrogen, estradiol valerate, has been found. The drug based on it has the lowest concentration of the hormone to date, while maintaining the contraceptive effect. The only disadvantage of the tablets is the need to take them every day at the same time. If this condition seems difficult, then it is worth choosing a method that requires less care, since violation of the rules of admission leads to an increased risk of pregnancy and possible complications.

The lifestyle of a modern woman often not only does not imply a permanent pregnancy, but also requires her to withstand a large social load.

Mechanical contraceptives are placed on or under the skin, or inside the vagina or uterus. They constantly release a small concentration of hormones, and they need to be changed periodically. The patch is fixed on any part of the body and is changed once a week. The ring is made of an elastic transparent material and is inserted into the vagina for a month, almost like a tampon. There is also a hormonal intrauterine system or a spiral, which is inserted only by a doctor - but it lasts up to five years. Hormonal implants are installed under the skin - and they can also work out for almost five years.

There are also hormonal injections, which are also administered for a long time, but in Russia they are practically not used: they are mainly popular in poor countries, where women do not have access to other methods - injections are highly effective and not too expensive. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be canceled: the patch can be removed, the ring removed, the spiral removed, and the pills stopped drinking - but it is impossible to stop the effect of the injection. At the same time, implants and spirals are also inferior to rings, tablets and patches in terms of mobility, since they can only be removed with the help of a doctor.

What is treated with hormonal contraceptives

It is precisely due to the fact that hormonal contraceptives help stabilize the hormonal background of the female body, they have not only contraceptive, but also. that modern women suffer from an ecological-social reproductive dissonance - in other words, from a dramatic difference between the way we live and how our ancient biological mechanism works. The lifestyle of a modern woman often not only does not imply a permanent pregnancy, but also requires her to withstand a large social load. Since the advent of contraception, the number of monthly cycles of a woman in her life has increased significantly. Monthly hormonal adjustment is not only associated with a monthly risk of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or dysphoric disorder, but also depletes the body as a whole. A woman has the right to spend these energy resources at her own discretion on any other type of constructive activity - and hormonal contraceptives help in this.

Due to the action described above, hormonal contraceptives treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and are even able to cope with the manifestation of its more severe form - premenstrual dysphoric disorder. And due to combined estrogen-progestin contraceptives, endocrinologists correct hyperandrogenism - an excess of male hormones in a woman's body. This excess can lead to disruption of the cycle, infertility, heavy periods and their absence, obesity, psycho-emotional problems and other serious conditions. Due to hyperandrogenism, other problems can also bother us: hirsutism (increased male pattern hair growth), acne (inflammation of the sebaceous glands, acne) and many cases of alopecia (hair loss). The effectiveness of COCs in the treatment of these diseases is quite high.

After consulting with your doctor, some pills can be taken in such a mode that even withdrawal bleeding will not occur.

Hormonal contraceptives treat abnormal uterine bleeding - this is a general term for any deviations of the menstrual cycle from the norm: change in frequency, irregularity, too heavy or too long bleeding, and so on. The causes of such failures and the severity of the condition may be different, but often hormonal contraceptives are prescribed as part of complex treatment. In the absence of contraindications, they will most likely choose a spiral: it releases a progestogen into the uterine cavity every day, which effectively causes changes in the lining of the uterus, due to which it corrects heavy menstrual bleeding. The risk of developing ovarian cancer and cancer of the lining of the uterus with hormonal contraceptives is reduced, as the ovaries decrease in size and "rest", as during pregnancy. Moreover, the longer the reception lasts, the lower the risk.

Hormonal drugs are designed primarily to mimic the monthly cycle, so there is monthly withdrawal bleeding - "menstruation" against the background of a break between cycles of taking the drug for several days. Good news for those who can't stand their periods: with the advice of a doctor, some pills can be taken in such a way that there will be no bleeding.

Who should not take hormonal contraceptives

According to the WHO, there is an impressive list of contraindications that cannot be ignored. Combined contraceptives should not be taken by pregnant women, non-nursing mothers earlier than three weeks after childbirth and lactating mothers - earlier than six months after childbirth, smokers after thirty-five years of age, hypertensive patients with thromboembolic diseases or their risk, diabetics with vascular disorders or more than twenty years of experience, and also for breast cancer, gallbladder disease, coronary heart disease or complications with the valvular apparatus, hepatitis, liver tumors.

There are fewer restrictions on taking progestogen contraceptives. They should not be taken again by pregnant women, breastfeeding earlier than six weeks after childbirth, breast cancer, hepatitis, tumors or cirrhosis of the liver. Combining some antibiotics, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants with hormonal contraception may also be undesirable: inform your doctor about taking other drugs.

Are hormonal contraceptives dangerous?

Hormones have an impact not only on the reproductive system, but on the whole organism as a whole: they change some metabolic processes. Therefore, there are contraindications for taking hormones based on possible side effects. Ever since the first and second generations of high-dose hormonal contraceptives, there have been a lot of horror stories about weight gain, "hair growth", strokes, chemical addiction and other sad consequences of taking a high concentration of hormones. In new generations of products, the concentration of hormones is reduced tenfold and other substances are often used than before. This allows them to be used even for non-contraceptive medicinal purposes - therefore, it is incorrect to transfer stories about the first generations of drugs to them.

The most common side effect of hormonal contraception is increased blood clotting, which can lead to a risk of thromboembolic disease. At risk are women who smoke and women whose relatives had any thromboembolic complications. Since smoking itself increases the risk of thrombosis, most doctors will refuse to prescribe hormonal contraceptives to smokers after thirty-five years of age. The risk of thrombosis is usually higher in the first year of taking and in the first six months after hormone withdrawal, which is why, contrary to popular belief, you should not take frequent breaks in taking hormones: it is not recommended to take them for less than a year and return to them earlier than after a year's break, so as not to damage your own health. health. Prevention of thrombosis, in addition to quitting smoking, is a mobile lifestyle, the consumption of a sufficient amount of fluid and an annual blood test for homocysteine ​​and a coagulogram.

Against the background of taking hormones, other types of intoxication can also give a negative effect: the use of alcohol and various psychoactive substances, including marijuana, psychedelics and amphetamines, can provoke problems with pressure, blood vessels of the heart and brain. If you are not going to reduce the use of toxic substances while taking hormonal contraception, you should inform your endocrinologist about your habits in order to avoid unnecessary risks.

The risks of cervical cancer when taking contraceptives increase when a woman has human papillomavirus, chlamydia, or a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections - that is, neglecting barrier contraception with non-permanent partners. The pregnancy hormone progesterone suppresses the immune response of the body, so women who fall into this risk group can take hormonal contraceptives, but it is necessary to undergo a cytological examination more often - in the absence of complaints, once every six months. There is no convincing evidence that modern contraceptives increase the risk of liver cancer, although the first generation of drugs had a bad effect on her health due to the high dosage. Many women are afraid that taking drugs will provoke breast cancer. Most studies have failed to establish a reliable link between the use of hormonal contraceptives and the occurrence of breast cancer. Statistics show that at risk are women with a history of breast cancer, with late menopause, childbirth after forty or who have not given birth. In the first year of GC use, these risks increase, but disappear as they are taken.

There is no evidence that a woman taking hormonal contraceptives has a reduced egg supply.

There is an opinion that taking hormonal contraceptives can lead to depressive states. This can happen if the progestogen that is part of the combined contraceptive is not suitable for you: with this problem, you need to consult a doctor in order to change the combined drug - most likely, this will help. But in general, depression and even observation by a psychiatrist is not a contraindication for taking contraceptives. However, both doctors must be informed about the drugs that you use, because some of them can weaken the effect of each other.

There is a myth that hormonal contraceptives, due to inhibition of the reproductive system, lead to infertility, subsequent miscarriage and fetal pathologies. This is not true . The so-called ovarian sleep, or hyperinhibition syndrome, is reversible. At this time, the ovaries are resting, and the whole body is in a hormonally even state of “false pregnancy”. There is no data that would prove that a woman taking hormonal contraceptives has a reduced supply of eggs. Moreover, hormone therapy is used to treat infertility, because after the drug is stopped and the ovaries are restored, they work more actively. Taking hormonal contraceptives in the past does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. In most cases, the risks and side effects from taking hormonal contraceptives are much lower than from terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

Also, hormonal contraceptives do not cause amenorrhea, the pathological cessation of menstruation. After discontinuation of the drug, it often takes at least three months for the menstruation to return (if it has not been for more than six months, it is better to see a doctor). Hormonal contraceptive withdrawal syndrome is a condition that occurs after the cessation of hormones, when the body returns to a constant monthly hormonal adjustment. In the first six months after the cancellation, the body can storm, and therefore during this period it is better to be observed by an endocrinologist. Without medical necessity, hormones should not be interrupted in the middle of the cycle: sudden interruptions contribute to uterine bleeding and cycle disorders.

In the endocrinological environment, there is a poetic phraseological unit that characterizes the status of "balanced" women's health: hormone harmony. Modern hormonal contraceptives still have contraindications and side effects, but with proper selection, adherence to the rules of admission and a healthy lifestyle, they can not only eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy, but also significantly improve the quality of life of a modern woman - freeing her strength for the desired activity.


Contraception - actual question for many married couples and women leading an active sexual life. highest degree hormonal oral contraceptives provide protection against unwanted pregnancy. The harm of birth control pills is still being studied by many laboratories, as well as the benefits of their use.

Pros and cons of hormonal contraceptives

Modern oral contraceptives contain a minimal dose of synthetic hormones similar to those produced by the female endocrine glands. They first appeared in the United States and over several decades have become one of the most popular and reliable ways to protect against unplanned pregnancy. They contain analogues of estrogen and progestogen.

It is difficult to assess the pros and cons of contraceptives in each individual case. But as a result of numerous studies conducted by dozens of independent laboratories, the most common consequences of their prolonged use have been identified.

Without a doubt, the main plus of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is 98% reliability and effectiveness. The chance of getting pregnant is minimal. In addition, they are easy to use, just take a pill with water. Everything is painless, without hassle, and at first glance, does not harm health.

The disadvantages include a large list of contraindications, a sharp decrease in effectiveness in case of missing a dose of medication. About everything in more detail.

The benefits of birth control pills

The female body works under the control of the hormonal system. First of all, the reproductive and endocrine systems affect the well-being, appearance and ability to give birth to a child. Any failure in their work leads to a disorder of the reproductive function, an unstable emotional background, and the development of pathologies. The latter include cysts, fibroids, tumors.

If the balance of hormones in the body is disturbed, oral contraceptives will not do harm, but only benefit. They are able to correct the balance of hormones and thereby prevent the appearance of cysts on the ovaries and in the mammary glands. In addition, according to some studies by American scientists, the benefits of tablets are in the prevention of benign formations in the uterine cavity.

Sometimes it is enough to drink 3 courses of birth control pills to stabilize periods, make them less plentiful, remove PMS symptoms and increase the likelihood of future pregnancy.

But that's not all. Many girls with elevated levels of the male hormone (testosterone) suffer from acne, pimples and oily hair. Contraceptive pills are also effective here. Their short-term use will not harm the body.

There is an opinion that the benefit of hormonal contraception is also that during the period of using the pills, the ovaries rest, and this is good. Different doctors look at the situation differently. Some consider this a really positive effect, for others it is a harm.

If you look in more detail, it turns out that rest for the ovaries is useful for mature women after 35 years of age who have already had 1 or more pregnancies and no longer plan to have children. For nulliparous young girls, rest is not needed. There is evidence that later it is difficult to restore the full functioning of the ovaries. These are the dual consequences of taking birth control pills.

Why are contraceptive pills dangerous?

Despite the low doses of hormones in the composition of contraceptives, their harm to the body is palpable. The worst thing that these drugs can provoke is cancerous tumors of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands. In each case, everything is individual. The harm from birth control pills has been scientifically confirmed by several laboratories.

This mainly concerns women who take pills for a long time. The danger lies in the extinction of the body's ability to reproductive function, a decrease in libido, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Is it safe to take birth control pills?

During scientific research conducted with the participation of thousands of women, a percentage of negative consequences from taking COCs. So, in subjects who took pills for more than 8 years, the risk of developing oncology increased by 23%. This applies not only to the reproductive system, but to the whole organism.

The harm of oral contraceptives is to increase the incidence of cervical cancer by 2 times with long-term use of birth control pills. That is, the longer a woman uses this method of protection against pregnancy, the more she is subject to a terrible diagnosis. Therefore, taking pills for more than 3 years without interruption is a potential harm.

In the US, studies have been conducted to study the relationship between breast cancer and COCs. It was found that drugs with a high content of estrogen increase the risk of the disease by 44%. This is not all the information confirming the harm of hormonal contraception. Briefly about them in the list:

  • gradual extinction of sexual desire;
  • development of polycystic ovaries;
  • swelling;
  • weight gain;
  • long and difficult adaptation to drugs;
  • increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The harm of contraceptives is most often felt by young girls who started taking them before their first pregnancy, and mature women after 35-40 years.

Indications and contraindications for admission

First of all, contraception is included in the list of indications. The instructions for use often indicate the possibility of using the remedy for the treatment of acne and severe PMS. In addition, doctors prescribe COCs to stabilize the hormonal background.

And here is a list of contraindications for birth control pills:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • a history of stroke or heart attack;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • migraine;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Attention! Harm from birth control pills is likely during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How birth control pills affect a woman's body

These contraceptives work according to a single scheme. Hormones block ovulation and release of the egg. In fact, the ovaries cease to perform their function, decrease in size and are difficult to restore with prolonged use of contraceptives. In addition, the structure of the endometrium of the uterus also changes. He thins out and fertilized egg, if fertilization did occur, it is very difficult to attach to the walls of the uterus.

The effect of tablets can be expressed in the release of colostrum from the mammary glands, blood discharge in the middle of the cycle, and a change in the emotional state. COCs also often provoke the development of edema and weight gain.

Do hormonal contraceptives affect the thyroid gland?

The hormonal system is closely connected with the endocrine system, in the center of which is the thyroid gland. If hormones enter the body from outside, their synthesis by their own glands decreases or stops. With the thyroid gland, everything is more complicated. In studies, it was determined that taking contraceptives is harmful in the case of insufficient thyroid function and taking thyroxin. They provoke an increase in the hormone TSH, and the level of TSH and T4 practically does not change.

If a woman has a healthy thyroid gland, there will be no significant change in her work, but if there is a goiter, cysts and nodes, as well as an unstable level of hormones, contraception can harm the entire endocrine system.

Side effects after birth control pills

The severity of the consequences of taking hormonal contraceptives depends on many factors. If a change in well-being is observed within 1-3 months, this is the norm. During this period, the woman's body adapts to the intake of hormones and rebuilds to a new mode of operation. Of the side effects most often observed:

  • nausea;
  • swelling;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • arterial hypertension.

Nausea while taking birth control

This condition provokes estrogen in the COC. It does not develop immediately, but by the end of the use of the first package. The woman feels bouts of nausea shortly after taking the pill. To make this side effect less noticeable, doctors recommend taking the pills in the evening before bedtime, after dinner.

Edema while taking birth control pills

In some women, the use of birth control pills causes fluid retention in the body. That is why many people confuse swelling with weight gain. If at the end of the adaptation period the edema does not go away, the drug should be replaced with another one. Especially if the swelling is very strong and, in addition to them, cellulite develops.

Stomach pain when taking birth control pills

These are the so-called estrogen-dependent epigastric pains. Many women feel this in the first 1-3 months of taking COCs. You can solve the problem by taking pills in the evening or replacing the drug with another, with a lower dose of estrogen. The drug is replaced after 1-3 months or immediately with severe pain. If the lower abdomen hurts when taking birth control pills and meager periods come quickly, there is no reason to worry. No harm was done to the body - these are echoes of PMS.

Doctors' opinion

Ignatieva Margarita Sergeevna, 40 years old, Moscow

From personal experience I know that if the drug is chosen correctly, the harm from it is minimal. On the contrary, a woman becomes more calm, is not subject to hormonal changes, and has good facial skin. The main thing is to regularly visit a gynecologist 2 times a year to do ultrasound and monitor the work of internal organs.

Sviridov Kirill Anatolievich, 50 years old, Sevastopol

The complexity and problem associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives is that it is very difficult to individually select the right drug. In my practice, there were cases when a woman changed 3-4 drugs until she found one that did not give complications.

Nikiforova Olga Vladimirovna, 34 years old, Tula

According to recent studies, most pathological changes in the work of the female genital organs occur due to estrogen. It follows from this that an additional influx of this hormone in the composition of tablets increases the risk of oncology. Of course, studies do not exactly provide such information and, moreover, do not provide statistics, but it is better to use COCs for a short time. So the damage will be minimal.


Not every woman experiences the harm of birth control pills. It all depends on the duration of admission, age, health status and individual sensitivity of the body. However, you need to know the side effects and cons of use in order to assess their impact on your own body and decide on the duration of use.