How best to decorate the hallway. Features of the design of the corridor and hallway in a city apartment. Hallway design in a one-room apartment

Hallway design is an interesting and challenging task. Few of the owners of apartments in old houses can boast of large areas. So you have to rack your brains: how to place everything you need in a small area, and even do it so that it looks stylish.

Arrangement of the hallway depending on the shape of the room

Stylish bright entrance hall with a beautiful ergonomic design is the hallmark of any home. Therefore, you should not neglect the design of this room. Starting planning the renovation of this part of the apartment, decide for yourself what functions it will perform: the role of an intermediary between rooms or be the main element of the interior of the entire dwelling.

Most of the standard apartments in our country cannot boast of spacious corridors and hallways. For them, usually, from 2 to 5 m2 is allocated. Like other rooms of the current "types", they can be small, narrow, rectangular, square, L-shaped in shape. Sometimes an unsuccessful configuration can only be corrected by radical methods of redevelopment of the entire apartment. However, before changing the plan, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our proposed options for finishing such premises.

Proper arrangement of a small hallway - actual question for many apartment owners, both in houses of the socialist period and in new buildings. The main task of the residents of such apartments is to create an entrance hall that is functionally convenient for all the inhabitants of the house.

Visually expand the space will help some design techniques:

  • use light cold tones for finishing wall surfaces and ceilings;
  • replace bulky chandeliers with sconces or small and spotlights. Additional ceiling lighting will be relevant;
  • equip all existing doorways leading from the hallway to the bedrooms with sliding systems - they do not “eat up” the usable area and so small room, unlike a standard door;
  • hang a mirror on the wall: a vertical full-length mirror will help to “raise” an overly low ceiling, a horizontal mirror will help expand the space.

In a narrow and disproportionately long hallway, it is not recommended to use a monotone color. All available space must be zoned, breaking up a monochromatic perspective, using bright accessories, different textures and colors of finishing materials, and a play of contrasts.

Colors such as creamy white, sandy white, light yellow are perfect. To prevent the walls from getting dirty, their lower part can be “dressed” in washable wall panels.

A large picture hanging on the wall opposite the front door will help to visually shorten a particularly long corridor.

The narrow space of the hallway should not be cluttered with furniture. There should be only the most necessary for life. In the front door area, it would be advisable to place a built-in closet of minimum depth and with mirrored sliding doors, a small bench and a shelf for shoes.

The light in the narrow hallway should be bright enough. The ceiling lamp is perfectly complemented by several spotlights and wall sconces.

If the average city apartment in a high-rise building, as a rule, is equipped with a narrow corridor or a small hallway, then in country houses more space is allocated for it, which can be designed creatively and fashionably.

To visually "fill" the space, use rich colors for decoration: green, burgundy, blue or brown.

The use of various textures in the decoration of walls, ceilings and floors, such as decorative plaster, textiles, suede or wood, will provide the interior of a large hallway with a representative, rich look.

From the spacious entrance hall of the correct form, you can make a place not only for storing shoes and things, but also for receiving guests. Corner furniture, a radius wardrobe or a soft sofa with bright upholstery are perfect.

Give preference a large number decor. A variety of floor and table vases, flowering flowerpots, textile draperies, photographs and pictures on the walls, textured shelves will look great.

The main theme of minimalism is conciseness and expressive geometric shapes that determine the clarity of the composition. The color filling is calm, using only a few soft shades.

In addition to black, white and gray, all soft tones are allowed, but to give the interior richness, you can add a couple of bright, attention-grabbing strokes.

An important detail of minimalism is free space. Since the hallway is usually small in size, this can be achieved with a minimum of decor and a lot of light that flows from lamps hidden from the eyes.

If the plans do not include cardinal changes with the removal of partitions, mirrors will visually expand the hallway - an important accessory in creating style.

As a distinctive element in high-tech style, one can single out the use of chrome-plated metal, glass, plastic and the clarity of lines. Items made from these materials emphasize the severity and formality of the situation.

Interesting color combination hi-tech is discreet grey colour, maybe black, contrasting with the bright finishes of the walls or furniture.

For those who do not consider themselves an adherent of such new views, you can apply the already traditional advice on decorating the hallway. Check it out in modern style It is possible, competently using colors, lighting and choosing the right furniture.

Since the corridor is the smallest room in the house, everything, including the color of the walls, should work for visual expansion. The easiest way to achieve this is by painting the walls in light colors.

If this idea seems impractical, there are a few tricks that can be applied. First, paint the bottom of the walls (or wallpaper) in a darker tone, and make the upper part of the delicate pastel colors, or completely white.

The second option is to paint opposite walls in different colors. In the area of ​​​​the door, where the wallpaper gets dirty faster, make the wall darker, but on the contrary - lighter. At the same time, it is not necessary that the color solution match in tone, since the walls of the narrow hallway painted in different colors will contribute to its visual expansion.

For a corridor with low ceilings, it is better to choose wallpaper with vertical stripes that will lengthen the walls. Spacious hallways with good lighting can be painted in any rich color: crimson, red, blue, lemon, purple.

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Features of wall decoration in the hallway

The entrance hall is a peculiar face of the house: it is it that creates the first impression of it among visitors. Therefore, it is important that the decor of this area is attractive. But in pursuit of beauty, it is important not to forget about the purpose of the room, which imposes certain restrictions on the use of materials. In order not to constantly repair, the selected decor should have the following properties:

  • Wear resistance. Including resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage.
  • Durability. It is optimal that the manufacturer guarantees at least 5-7 years of coating service.

  • Ease of maintenance. Given that the walls in the hallway are often contaminated, the material must at least tolerate wet cleaning. It is optimal if it can be brushed and some detergents used.
  • Maintainability. It is important that the coating lends itself to restoration. Then, if a defect appears, it can be repaired, which is much cheaper and easier to replace the entire finish.
  • Security. The material must be safe for the health of others. In addition, you need to consider its fire safety. Do not use flammable or toxic coatings in the room where it is located. This can cost lives in a fire.

The color of the coating and its texture can be very different. They are selected based on the characteristics of a particular hallway. By combining materials, shades and textures, you can achieve the best result. Light tones, dark, on the contrary, narrow. Skillful use of the pattern on the coating, lighting design and competent installation mirrors enhance the effect.

The best materials for walls in the hallway

In the hallway, various materials can be used to decorate the walls. We have selected those that are best suited for this. Let's consider each in more detail.

1. Decorative plaster

It has an exceptional variety of textures and shades. Thanks to the fillers added to the composition, the finished coating can be smooth, embossed or patterned, small or large. Plaster makes it possible to achieve unusual decorative effects, in addition, it has several advantages:

  • strength, high wear resistance and long term services.
  • Good breathability. Plastered walls can breathe.
  • Security. The coating does not emit toxic substances and does not burn.
  • Simple care. Most materials tolerate wet cleaning.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted the complexity of applying the material, especially some of its varieties. Only a master can properly plaster the walls, which, of course, increases the cost of finishing. The price of the material can also be high. But it more than pays for the durability and practicality of this type of finish. Another disadvantage is that decorative plaster can be very difficult to apply to complex architectural elements.

2. Paint

Practical and quite economical way. A wide range of colors allows you to choose any desired shade. You can combine two or three colors, make an ornament or pattern. Paints make it possible to obtain special decorative effects. Some of their varieties are able to change color when changing the angle of view or lighting, imitate the most different materials, cast metal, etc.

Paints easily fall on the surface, even on the one that has complex shapes and hard-to-reach places. Minor repairs painted walls will not be difficult, it will be enough to repaint the damaged area. Advantages and disadvantages different types paints are presented in the table.

Advantages disadvantages
latex High resistance to abrasion, vapor permeability. The cover washes well. Old coating is difficult to remove. Continuous exposure to moisture can cause peeling.
Water emulsion Easy to fit, no bad smell, dry quickly. The cost is low. Some varieties, after drying, get dirty, washed off with water. Limited application.
Acrylic They dry quickly, are economically consumed, wear-resistant, safe, durable. Difficulty in choosing colors and shades. When self-mixing, they cannot be repeated.
Silicone High strength, durability, vapor permeability, UV resistance. They have water and dirt repellent properties. High consumption and high material cost.

Of the common disadvantages of using paint, the need for careful surface preparation should be noted. The walls must be even, otherwise the slightest defect will be clearly visible.

3. Wallpaper

Classic finish. The range of wallpapers is very wide: you can choose suitable option in a variety of colors and textures. , their cost is relatively low. When choosing, you need to remember that not all types of wallpaper are suitable for the hallway. You can choose from these varieties:

  • Washable vinyl wallpaper. Well hide the irregularities of the base, easy to clean, well glued. Can mimic a variety of textures. The cost is low. Among the shortcomings, you need to be aware of the low vapor permeability and the possibility of damage to the decorative vinyl layer. If there are pets in the house, it is better to choose something else.
  • Non-woven wallpaper. Durable, resistant to moisture. They easily withstand staining, which makes it possible to repair them or simply repaint them when the design gets boring. They are very easy to glue, especially varieties with a meter width. Of the minuses, it should be noted the need.

  • Glass fiber. Cloths made using glass fibers. Differ in the high durability, wear resistance, immunity to moisture. Such wallpaper is not afraid of mechanical damage. They are completely safe, vapor-permeable, withstand numerous colors and solvents. In addition, they additionally reinforce the walls. Disadvantage: the need for careful preparation of the base.
  • Quartz wallpaper. They are a coating of quartz sand applied to a non-woven base. The material is very wear-resistant, not subject to mechanical stress, easy to clean and wash. It is possible to repeatedly stain with latex paint, which allows you to update the coating as needed. The disadvantages include a fairly high cost.
  • Liquid wallpaper. They form a monolithic, very durable coating with high wear resistance and good soundproofing properties. The material is quite elastic; when the building shrinks, it does not form cracks. Easily tolerates repeated staining and wet cleaning. If necessary, the coating can be easily repaired. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the rather high cost.
  • Cork and bamboo wallpaper. 100% natural and very beautiful coverage. They have good sound and heat insulation characteristics. Sufficiently resistant to various mechanical damage, unpretentious in care. The disadvantages include difficulty in application. A leveled base and a special adhesive are required.

High-quality imitation of natural stone. Available in the form of tiles or flexible plates. The latter are especially suitable for designing curved surfaces. For interior decor, a composite is usually used, the basis for the production of which is gypsum. Artificial stone is quite easy to lay, it goes well with. Among the advantages of coverage it is worth noting:

  • High moisture resistance. The material does not pass water to the base.
  • Ease of care. The covering is well washed and does not absorb pollution.
  • Security, including fire. The material is not combustible.

The disadvantage is the high cost, especially its flexible varieties are not cheap. For this reason, cladding is more often used for finishing fragments of a room: doorways, corners, and the lower half of walls.

5. Ceramic tiles

A practical way to decorate the hallway. The choice of tiles is very wide. The manufacturer offers materials with a variety of colors and textures. Imitations of expensive finishing materials are available: leather, natural stone, valuable wood. Of the significant advantages of ceramics, it is worth noting:

  • Durability and high resistance to all kinds of damage.
  • Durability, the coating can serve at least two decades.
  • Moisture resistance, which greatly facilitates the care. The tile is easy to clean, and even aggressive detergents can be used.
  • Good compatibility with other finishing materials. For example, you can tile only the lower third of the wall, which is the most vulnerable to dirt.

The disadvantages of the coating include not the easiest installation. Tiles are laid by specialists with the skills of laying the material.

6. PVC panels

Wall plastic panels good for hallway decor. Their choice is very rich: an extensive range of colors, with a variety of textures, patterns and decor. Of the significant advantages of PVC panels, note:

  • Low cost. Perhaps this is the most budgetary way to decorate.
  • No need to level the walls before installation.
  • Simple care. The panels are well washed.

The material has a lot of cons. First of all, it is instability to mechanical damage. After impact, dents or even holes remain on the surface. During installation, a certain amount of free space is “eaten up”, since it is required to assemble the crate. The panels do not tolerate UV radiation. They fade quickly in the sun.

7. MDF panels

Good alternative lining made of wood. The basis of the material is an MDF board, which is painted, veneered or laminated. The result is a high-quality imitation of leather, wood, stone, fabric, etc. The main advantages of MDF panels are:

  • Environmental Safety. The material is harmless to others.
  • Strength and high resistance to various mechanical damage.
  • Durability. With proper maintenance, the panels last more than a decade.
  • Ease of maintenance. The panels are easy to wash and clean.

Of the minuses of the material, it is worth noting it enough big weight, as well as the need to equip the crate to secure it. The panels are combustible, which is also considered their disadvantage.

8. Composite 3D panels

Are very attractive original view. Made from various materials: glass, wood, drywall, pressed boards. Depending on the raw material, their properties and cost vary somewhat. However, there are also common advantages:

  • Quick and fairly easy installation.
  • The ability to mask defects in the base, for this reason, complex preparation is not needed.
  • Maintainability. If necessary, the fragment that has become unusable is replaced.
  • Possibility of imitation of various materials.
  • Wear resistance and strength.
  • Easy care.

The disadvantage of the material is considered to be a rather high cost.

9. Laminate

This is good for decorating the walls of the hallway. Considering that the material for the floor was created, it has excellent performance characteristics. Its advantages include:

  • Strength and wear resistance.
  • Attractive appearance, a variety of colors and surface textures.
  • Simple and quick installation of the material.
  • No need to prepare the base before installation.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth considering the high hygroscopicity of the material. It cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, as it deforms under the influence of moisture.

10. Fresco

Painting on wet plaster is very beautiful. However, only an artist can perform it on his own, so a special finishing material is produced that imitates such a pattern. The basis of the fresco can be synthetic or non-woven. Perhaps interspersed with marble chips and plaster, which gives the decor a very realistic look. The fresco is used as a decoration; it can occupy a fragment of one or more walls.

Most often, frescoes imitating an aged wall are produced, but other options are also possible, for example, with the texture of silk or velor. The material is durable, resistant to abrasion and has a very attractive appearance. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high cost and rather complicated installation. It is better to entrust it to specialists.

What to consider when choosing a finish?

Hallway - utility room. Before proceeding with the choice of its decor, it is worth determining the desired functionality of the room. It could be accommodation closed systems storage, an exhibition of family photos, children's drawings or souvenirs brought from holidays, or something else. Depending on this, the design is selected. In addition to functionality, you need to consider:

  • The size and shape of the room.
  • The general style of home decoration.
  • The presence of small children and pets, which can ruin some types of finishes.

The interior of the hallway sets the tone for the overall style of the house and forms the first impression of those who cross its threshold. The rational organization of the entrance area implies not only a carefully thought-out aesthetic component of the interior, but also a functional one. It is important to consider that the design of a private space in a private household and a city apartment has its own characteristics. The topic of today's conversation: beautifully decorate the hallway.

What is the difference between a corridor and a hallway?

Hallways and corridors are non-residential areas. The hallway is considered to be the room that is located immediately after the main entrance. This is the first place where a person gets, crossing the threshold of the front door. Visitors do not linger in the hallway for a long time and, taking off their outer clothing here, go further into the apartment.

The corridor is an elongated, rather narrow passage that connects living quarters of different sizes and functional purposes with each other.


When drawing up the interior of the hallway, it is important to pay attention to details that can make the environment functional and comfortable to the maximum. Let's find out with which design solutions you can achieve the desired results:

  • The use of a light palette in the background finish or the design in gloss are effective ways to illusoryly expand the space, allowing you to visually adjust the proportions of a narrow room.
  • Organization of good lighting. There are two ways to go: make combined lighting, supplementing the general light sources with local ones, or limit yourself to high-quality local lighting.

  • visual illusions. Do not neglect the possibilities of mirrors, which, due to their reflective ability, multiply the illumination of the room and visually make it more voluminous.
  • Optimize space with well-chosen furniture.

The interior can be equipped with a variety of elements, including:

  • Linear hallways with a carriage screed. They are suitable for rectangular and square entrance areas.
  • Built-in/cabinet wardrobes.
  • Dressing rooms.
  • Pencil cases. They are distinguished from the standard cabinet by their increased height. There are models 1, 2 doors with a bar, open / closed type, with drawers, shelves and a showcase.


  • Hanging hallways. Modular structures are assembled from the desired sections to choose from.
  • Revolving hallways. Unusual models in the form of compact modules with a swivel mechanism.
  • Furniture transformer. These are models of sectional furniture with extended functionality, built up vertically or by forming combinations of horizontal attachments.

How to choose?

The complex geometry of the room is a reason to opt for radial wardrobes. In a very narrow room, the hinged doors of the storage system will block the passage, so it is better to give preference to a wardrobe with sliding doors or a functional built-in model.

The corner entryway is the ideal solution for a square or elongated room, where it can be placed against adjacent walls. With cabinet and modular furniture, this installation option is not available. In hallways with stairs, built-in storage systems are used to organize the space under the stairs.

Shoes are stored in shoe racks - shoe cabinets of a folding / retractable type.


The hallway is equipped mainly with cabinet furniture, the manufacture of which uses a variety of materials. Previously, body elements were produced only from natural wood, then today chipboards are used with might and main MDF/chipboard. The appearance and wear resistance of hallways are equally affected by the composition and coating of the slab. For these purposes, in addition to modern polymers (laminate and melamine), synthetic / natural veneer is used.

Furniture production, of course, has not abandoned solid wood, which is mainly used for elite hallways. The most common breeds are oak, beech, maple, pine. Solid oak furniture is reliable and retains its appearance for half a century or more.

Pine products are the most affordable option in terms of cost.

modern furniture they are also made of metal - these are models of forged hangers, whatnots, coasters. Made of glass - high-strength or Triplex and mirrors, decorative inserts are made. The current trend is hallways with leather upholstery. Furniture, where the door facades and the back panel for hangers are decorated with natural leather or its artificial counterpart - eco-leather, look very stylish and impressive.

Built-in plasterboard furniture - another practical solution in the hallway. GKL is an affordable, easy to process and install material that is ideal for creating partitions, niches, open shelves and cabinets.


When choosing the size of furniture in the hallway, they are repelled by the dimensions of the entrance area. Very compact rooms with a footage of 3-4 square meters. meters are found in the housing of the Khrushchev series. In this case, you have to limit yourself to a minimum set of furniture from a hanger and cabinet to accommodate the essentials.

Similarly, you have to act when organizing a hallway 80-90 cm wide, which, compared with a compact but wide entrance area, seems very tiny. Here, an alternative to a pencil case can be the installation of a floor-type or hinged hanger in the form of a crossbar with hooks or a design in the form of a cabinet with a high back for hooks.

Cabinets remain the most convenient option hallway furniture. The optimal depth of coupe-type structures with standard bar placement is 60 cm. Whereas the ideal option for arranging an elongated entrance area of ​​​​5-6 square meters. m will be the installation of a long wardrobe with an end bar from wall to wall, up to a maximum depth of 40 cm. Or along one wall several shallow pieces of furniture are placed “according to growth” - a cabinet with a mirror, a couch, a shoe rack with folding shelves and at the end a tall wardrobe -pencil case.

For narrow corridors, modular / non-modular models of hallways, 100 and 120 cm wide, are excellent. When arranging a hallway of 7-10 squares (and this is already a small hall), you can use any model of cabinet furniture.


Color options:

  • The red palette is truly luxurious, but you can fully appreciate its beauty only in a spacious room. Oversaturation of the interior with red furniture makes the atmosphere cold, depriving it of comfort.
  • The green hallway is definitely a good choice. Pleasing to the eye and harmonious shades of a calm green gamut can be used as companion colors, as background or accent colors.
  • The blue scale is insanely interesting. An ultramarine background finish combined with a beige ceiling and furniture looks simply luxurious. Blue forms harmonious pairs with white, beige, straw, gray.

  • In brown tones - an interior classic. To popular color solutions furniture includes shades of oak, alder, cherry, apple, walnut, golden chestnut, ash shimo.
  • Turquoise - such a palette is surprisingly beautiful and charges with positive. For the hallway, the most successful shade will be faded green, if it is supplemented with accent colors - red, yellow or green.
  • In yellow tones - this option transforms a dark and gloomy room without windows. When using yellow furniture, a calm background finish will help emphasize the expressiveness of color.

  • In beige tones - the ideal solution for compact entrance areas. Warm, light shades of beige visually expand the boundaries of small spaces.
  • In white color - one of the most popular furniture solutions for the hallway, thanks to the scandi design, eco-style, minimalism and modernity that do not lose their relevance.


The small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway creates a lot of inconvenience when drawing up the interior. So, overall furniture cannot be placed here with all desire. The problem is solved by furniture hooks that have a variety of designs, which allows them to be used as decor. Metal products can be matte, glossy, semi-antique, structurally - one-, two-, three-, multi-track and differ in the type of fastener:

  • On screws.
  • On glue.
  • With suckers.
  • On magnets.

To place outerwear, the most reliable option is on screws, such products are designed for increased loads.


The decor of the hallway should in every possible way support the style of the interior. Decorative elements often help to hide imperfections and disguise finishing errors.

How to hide the shield?

The presence of an electrical panel in the hallway reduces the effect of the most elegant design solutions, so the disguise of this prosaic object becomes a matter of principle.

To solve this problem, you can:

  • Equip the swing sash with a mirror in a beautiful frame.

  • Decorate the sash with the material from which the hallway is made (laminate, veneer).
  • Install a wardrobe or dressing room nearby. Sliding doors of storage systems will hide the shield from view without restricting access to the instrument.
  • Decorate the sash with a mosaic or tile pattern.
  • Equip the door with a key.

What picture to hang?

Decorating the hallway with paintings is always an up-to-date decor option. Designers prefer abstractions, natural landscapes and avant-garde images. IN modern hallways often there are printed images - posters. Their design in the form of a panel looks especially original.

Modular paintings are another opportunity to diversify the interior of the entrance area. The popularity of images formed by several sectors with separate parts of the overall picture is due to their neutrality. It is necessary to try very hard so that the modular picture causes an imbalance in the interior.

Living room-hallway

The decor used in the living room, combined with the hallway, performs two functions: it decorates the living space and serves as an element of zoning. To unobtrusively mark the visual boundary between the entrance area and the recreation segment, it is enough to use a half-meter vase, a floor sculpture, a photo collage or a composition of paintings.


Love at first sight can be regarded as anything, however, it has been scientifically proven that 15 seconds is enough for us to begin to feel sympathy or antipathy for something or someone. After that, we already perceive this something or someone through the prism of first impressions. Therefore, when decorating the hallway, from which acquaintance with the house begins, every detail is important.

What accessories deserve attention:

  • Wall / floor type clock. They can become a catchy accent or, conversely, support the colors of the background finish - everything is decided by the color scheme.

  • Door mat. In the hallway, a couple of carpets are needed - an outdoor model with high barrier properties and an interior rug in the form of a walkway.
  • Umbrella stand is convenient, practical and beautiful.
  • Newspaper rack - such a useful little thing allows you to neatly store correspondence, and not clutter up cabinets with it.

Design projects

Comfortable minimalism is still a favorite of designers. We present several real design projects of entrance areas of various configurations and sizes.

small room

Very compact entrance areas are found in apartments of the Khrushchev series with a standard layout. The most practical solution is to install a high pencil case and shallow shelves with pantographs. Another option is modules.

Narrow entrance area

Design requirements:

  1. Light background finish.
  2. Good lighting.
  3. Minimum furniture.
  4. Styles - classic or minimalism.

Interior zoning is an effective way to transform a rectangular hallway or entrance area with irregular geometry and place all the necessary furniture.

by the most simple option the delimitation of space is the division into two segments, and you can visually mark the border between them using:

  • Color zoning with light shades.
  • Diffused lighting.
  • Two kinds floor covering.
  • In a private house. You can use any furniture - wardrobes, corner models or in a linear design. In this case, the main task is to choose the right finishing materials, since the hallways in private houses or cottages overlook the backyard.

The requirement for materials is moisture resistance. Ideally, there is linoleum on the floor, water emulsion on the walls, hangers and shoe racks are made of stainless steel.

You can dilute the design with a multi-level ceiling with soft diffused lighting. Since the hallways here have windows, there is no need to increase the illumination with powerful lamps.

Entrance-living room

Combining the hallway with the hall involves the dismantling of doors and the use of arcuate or rectangular arches in order to optimize the usable area.

Effective Ways zoning:

  • Multi-level ceiling structures.
  • Finishing with a decorative stone of the opening of the front door and the arch from the side of the entrance area.
  • Combined flooring.

Common Mistakes

If we neglect the detailed development of the design of the entrance area, then instead of a comfortable and ergonomic space, the entrance hall will add to the list of rooms with typical oversights in the design.

Let's find out what these shortcomings are:

  • Insufficient illumination. The absence of windows in the room is a good reason for organizing combined lighting, and not installing a single lamp on a suspension.
  • An irrational approach to the choice of materials for decoration. In priority - linoleum, tiles, porcelain tiles, panels, vinyl wallpapers, and not a budget laminate and fabric wallpaper.
  • Lack of visual demarcation of the boundaries of the zones of the combined hallway-corridor.
  • Equipping a small room with a cabinet-compartment, "eating up" the space.

  • Placing mirrors in front of doors. Although mirrors are the best helpers in creating optical illusions, placing them in the wrong place can achieve the exact opposite effect and create a gloomy room.
  • "Door Chaos" Same design for all doors required condition successful clearance. Other options are not allowed.
  • Multicolor. Juicy shades are good in moderation, and color imbalance is a direct path to bad taste.
  • Stereotypical thinking. All rooms in the house are worthy of individual design, and not just kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. Carbon copy design is able to depersonalize the premises.

We certainly could not get around the theme of decorating the hallways, because it is from this, sometimes rather small area, that the impression of a house or a city apartment begins. Sometimes it seems that the arrangement of the entrance area is not essential, but in the end, you will feel all the inconvenience if the entrance hall is not decorated correctly.

What mistakes are most often made when dealing with the interior of hallways, as well as how to fix them, we will tell in our article.

No shoe rack

A similar picture can be observed in many hallways of city apartments, where there is not much space, and shoes, ownerlessly scattered on the floor, occupy the entire free area at the front door. Agree This is inconvenient, not aesthetically pleasing, and not practical, because the shoes quickly acquire a shabby appearance.



The dimensions of the hallway do not matter much, because, in furniture stores, you will be able to offer different options for shelves of any size for storing everyday shoes, for example: narrow wall-mounted organizers of a closed type, benches with shelves, vertical shelves, drawers with a folding top and so on.

Install a shoe rack in the hallway, and it will become more functional and clean.


impractical floor

Another annoying oversight is the installation of obviously incorrect flooring in terms of wear resistance. For example, laminate, especially not expensive, is completely unsuitable for the floor near the front door to the apartment. Since the weather changes every day, if it is sunny today, it may rain tomorrow, as a result of which we come to the house in wet, dirty shoes, which in turn affects the state of poor-quality flooring.

Very soon, the joints of the laminate boards, into which moisture seeped in, will swell, and the appearance of the floor will change irrevocably.


If you do not intend to use expensive material for flooring throughout the hallway, you can lay it only at the entrance where the shoes are. At the same time, you can choose porcelain stoneware or tiles with an interesting geometric pattern, which, like a carpet, will become an additional decoration of the entrance area.


Little light

For many, the lack of high-quality lighting in the hallway is not critical, often because people simply get used to the fact that this area in the apartment is illuminated by only one source with a low-power lamp.



It is not at all necessary to mount a spot light around the entire perimeter of the ceiling in the hallway, but you can install a pendant lamp with two or three horns, and in addition attach a wall sconce to the mirror.


Things for show

We are all different, this is indisputable, as well as the presence of certain habits or an established lifestyle for everyone. But, we believe, the mess in the hallway can only be justified by the inability or ignorance of how to properly organize a small space.


If only once you finally order a built-in design of sections for placing shoes, outerwear, bags and other things, you can once and for all save yourself and the hallway from the chaotic storage of items by simply placing them behind closed doors.


No seat

Even the smallest hallway space can accommodate everything you need for comfortable gathering before leaving the house. And therefore, the absence of a bench or a compact pouffe is not appropriate here, and it is very inconvenient, especially for children and people of age.



At the exit from the apartment, be sure to put a chair, stool, pouffe or bench on which you can sit down to put on shoes. If you need to save too little space, use multifunctional furniture or folding items: benches with shelves for shoes, book stools, narrow chests of drawers with open and closed shelves, and so on.


Impractical wall cladding

Please do not use paper wallpaper for decorating walls in the entrance area, since, in case of contamination, they cannot even be wiped so as not to damage the surface. Also, some types of interior paints are not practical.


If you decorate the walls in the hallway with wallpaper, then it must be washable, but it is better to combine them with wall panels from lining, polyurethane elements or treated wood. The material for wall cladding here should be, first of all, easy to clean and retain its appearance after being cleaned from dirt (dust, splashes of moisture and dirt).

small mirror

Not only women, but also men can appreciate the disadvantage of a small wall mirror. You can see yourself in it only to the waist, but you definitely won’t be able to evaluate the appearance in full growth.



A mirror, as a rule, is a fairly compact piece of furniture, so even in the smallest hallway, if desired, you can install a fairly large copy on the floor. You just need to take care of reliable fastenings, and the entrance area will become much more comfortable.


boring look

Often, the decor of the hallway in an average apartment does not differ in an unusual design approach, but in vain, because interesting design near entrance doors can positively influence the mood of a person when he is going, for example, to an important or exciting meeting.


Do not be afraid that the hallway will not be the same as the neighbors are used to seeing it - create the atmosphere boldly, because you live here. Lay a small but original rug, choose a figured mirror, hang a couple of paintings with your favorite story, or paint a section of the wall in a beautiful unusual color.


Carpet at the entrance

To be carpeted in the hallway or not is up to you, but in any case, it should not occupy the entire floor area, as this is completely impractical. In the place where shoes are usually placed, trampled or dirty marks form, and near the door itself the carpet will wrap or bulge.


If you are used to the fact that the hallway is always complemented by a soft floor, but you want to keep the floor clean and attractive, we recommend using small compact rugs or narrow carpet paths that can be laid outside the shoe bench, for example, and only stand on them. bare feet.


Extra objects

Unless we are talking about special designs for placing a wardrobe in the hallway, it is better to abandon a massive chest of drawers or an ottoman that occupies most of the area in a small hallway.


In general, in the hallway there should not be extra, inappropriate objects in it. Only the most necessary, functional items that are difficult to do without: shoe bags, poufs, hangers and mirrors, a console for small items.

   Floor: -    Walls: -    Ceiling: -    Closet: -

6-11-2016, 13:33

Show me your hallway and I'll tell you what kind of house you have. Approximately in this way, the expression common among the masses can be altered and its literal meaning will be as follows: the interior design of this room should be taken seriously. If you still do not know what the design of the hallway in your apartment should be like, we offer 35 photos from best ideas, which may help you achieve an impressive result.

Where to start?

No less logical answer: absolutely everything requires attention. Walls, ceiling, choosing the right flooring and lighting, competent selection of furniture - all this ultimately determines the degree of attractiveness of your hallway, not only in your own eyes, but also in the eyes of your guests.

Perhaps, before the immediate start of the design of the hallway in your apartment, you should decide on the nature of the interior.

Prefer the good old classics? Then you are probably better off relying on such balanced and time-tested examples.

Or do you certainly want to emphasize the originality of your premises and make a claim for relevance and modernity? In this case, it is advisable to move towards more relaxed design options.

Walls. Choosing texture and color

The main choice that you must make is to decide on the material for the walls. Smooth decorative plaster in the hallway, for example, is good because it allows you to apply absolutely any pattern on yourself.

A win-win option in terms of color is beige. Will "domesticate" any room.

No less popular option with a brick texture. The hallway takes on a more expressive and expensive look.

Summary: Numerous photos of the design of the hallway in the apartment, given above, convince us that even from such a seemingly narrow and inexpressive room, you can make a real candy. Take into account other people's ideas, but do not follow the path of blindly copying them. Only in this case, you will be happy to see a pleasant result, every time you cross the threshold of your own apartment.
