Cutting out plywood with a jigsaw drawings for children. Drawings from plywood for artistic sawing with a jigsaw. Stencils for slotted threads

An electric jigsaw is used by home craftsmen to create beautiful plywood and wood products. Such crafts are used for a variety of purposes. They can be decorative or serve as household items. Every home master who is interested in this activity should know the features of working with the tool.

How to use the "miracle jigsaw", and what can be cut with it, you should learn more.

The subtleties of working with a jigsaw

The jigsaw is a versatile tool that is used for cutting curly products from various materials. All that is required is to choose the right canvas. It is important to figure out how to cut shapes of complex shapes. Many novice craftsmen need to figure out how the bevels of the boards and various components of crafts are made. Electric jigsaws work best when cutting softwood. However, the thickness of the elements to be cut must not exceed 3.8 cm.

The blades that will be inserted into the jigsaw quite often bend and leave beveled edges. A straight cut is usually obtained with a well-sharpened blade. In this case, do not put too much pressure on the tool during operation.

First, run the saw at the highest speed, and then select the angle of the blade. This will result in fewer chips. In materials with increased fragility, it is necessary to drill holes. This will allow you to saw off the workpiece without unnecessary risk. As a result, no chipping of the part is formed.

To cut quickly, use coarse blades. However, it should be borne in mind that when choosing such consumables, it will subsequently be harder to sand them. Blades for electric jigsaws are made in such a way that the cut is performed when the blade moves up.

Choosing the Right Blade

Choosing a blade for an electric jigsaw is a major consideration when cutting wood and plywood. Often a jigsaw lies idle in the household of a home master. However, when you need to perform a complex pattern, this tool is needed more than ever.

Quite often, an electric jigsaw is used as a tool for cutting a hole in a countertop or when installing a kitchen sink. Such a tool is also used for cutting metal. When using other saws, it is often impossible to complete the tasks. The jigsaw is a versatile tool. It can be used by both novice and experienced House master. As a result, you can get excellent results using different materials - plastic, wood, plywood.

How to work with the tool

The jigsaw is used for a variety of tasks. Its main function is to cut curved shapes into wooden products. Getting smooth curves with this tool is pretty easy. The base of the tool should be kept level on the workpiece. When the preparation is completed, you can start the main work. Then the engine is turned on and the device is slowly moved along the line marked in advance, at a distance of 2 mm from it. Fine grinding is done later.

The saw should be moved at such a pace that the blade easily cuts through the material without any deviation. The jigsaw works great for cross cutting boards. The stop must be used if you want to get a perfect cut. Bevel cuts using a jigsaw are fairly easy to make. Before work, it is necessary to firmly fix the workpiece.

If a bevel or vertical cut is being made, the distance between the blade and the stop is set to the same as on circular table. If it is necessary to perform an accurate and long cut, it is difficult to work with a jigsaw. In this case, first use a circular saw. The final cutting of the element is done with a jigsaw. It must be firmly pressed against the inside of the marked line.

Where to start

First, a well-organized workplace. Fulfilling this condition is especially important for high-quality cutting. If the space is arranged correctly, it will be convenient and comfortable to work. This condition is necessary to create a quality product.

The thrust structure is a special machine. In the people it is called "dovetail". Such a table is made of a rectangular board. It has a wedge-shaped cut that goes into the working area. The dovetail is attached to the edge of the table.

Work electric jigsaw carried out standing or sitting. The workpiece should be located at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes. It is necessary that the lighting lamp be installed in front of the master. It is placed at an angle to the surface.

Tool preparation

The saw blade in the jigsaw must be fixed in a strictly vertical position. The teeth should point down. Before work, it is necessary to stretch the canvas well. The degree of tension must be adjusted by compressing the frame. The device must rest against the edge of the table. Then you should tighten the lambs with pliers. When the frame is straightened, the canvas will stretch.

To cut small details with a jigsaw, or figures with sharp contours, you need to choose small files. This requires the use of canvases with a large number of patterns per inch. When using them, the jigsaw does not jam when making turns. The saw cut is neat and thin. If large-sized plywood products are made, it is required to use canvases with large teeth.

How to cut with a jigsaw

To obtain an accurate cut, a number of conditions must be met:

  • The hand that holds the jigsaw should only move vertically.
  • All movements must be performed as smoothly as possible, without jerking. In addition, they must be performed with maximum amplitude. This is necessary to use the entire canvas.
  • The workpiece smoothly rotates with the second hand during operation.
  • Do not apply too much pressure on the workpiece. Side pressure on the blade is unacceptable.
  • Artistic sawing is carried out only when the file moves from top to bottom. For this reason, the reverse movement must be carried out without pressure.

When working with a manual jigsaw, it must not be driven along the marked line. The canvas should be drawn along the inside of the contour. This is due to the presence of a cut after sawing. After completing the work, one of the clamps should be loosened. The frame of the device should not lose elasticity.

jewelry box

You can make a beautiful and roomy jewelry box for Valentine's Day or International Women's Day. To perform such a craft, you will need to use an accurate drawing. The work is divided into several stages.

Work area preparation

Before you start cutting out the details of the box, you should prepare your workspace. For this, a special table is installed. On it, crafts will be created. The following rules are followed:

  • There should be no unnecessary items at the table while working.
  • The cutting tool should always be at hand. There is a specific place for it.
  • Workbench. It is placed in a ventilated area. The room should be light and spacious.

However, it is not always possible to install a jigsaw table in the right place. For an ordinary apartment, a workbench is usually placed on the balcony if it is insulated. At the same time, you can work on crafts in any weather.

Choice of plywood

For the box, you need to use a plywood sheet. When a workpiece is selected, attention should be paid to quite often appearing defects - cracks or knots. The workpiece is selected with a thickness indicated in the diagram. To transfer the drawing to the material, you should:

  • Process the workpiece with sandpaper. You should start with coarse-grained material. This treatment ends with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • The surface needs to be level. To do this, you need to fix the sandpaper in the grinding device. If not, you can take a small bar and wrap it with sandpaper.
  • Produce grinding along the layers of wood.
  • The workpiece is polished until its surface is as smooth as possible.

After such preparation, the craft template should be transferred to it.

Transferring the template to the plywood sheet

Before starting cutting, transfer the prepared drawing to a plywood blank. First you have to print the drawing on paper. To transfer, you must have a tracing paper and a pen. First, the template is attached to the workpiece with adhesive tape. Having a blank in front of you, you should think about how to cut out different elements of the box, saving the available material as much as possible.

sawing out the casket

While cutting, you need to follow some rules:

  • The jigsaw should be perpendicular to the product.
  • It is necessary to ensure that all movements are performed as smoothly as possible. You should not rush while cutting - this way you can make a mistake and ruin a piece of material.
  • A cutting table must be used.
  • First you need to cut out the internal elements. Only after that they start cutting the contour.

When leaving the cut line, it is necessary to correct the line with a needle file during the assembly of the product.

Advice! In the process of work, the hands will get tired. In this case, performance drops significantly. Fingers and eyes are seriously tired. All this can lead to hand injuries. That is why it is necessary to take breaks at work.

Assembling the box

Before assembly, please read the drawing of the product. Combining the details of the jewelry box does not require fine workmanship. Before gluing different elements, you need to make sure that they can be put together without problems. After several assemblies of the product without any difficulties, you should start gluing the parts. Usually, a PVA composition is used for this purpose. During operation, it is necessary to eliminate smudges of glue.

Assembling a locomotive model

When the material is prepared and the drawing is printed, the process of transferring the scheme to the workpiece should begin. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some rules of work. Many home craftsmen tend to transfer the drawing to plywood using only copy and pencil. However, you can use the "Black Ribbon". When this tool is selected, the drawing is glued to the workpiece. Then the scheme is washed off the plywood with water, which allows you to leave only the marking lines.

Then you can make holes in the details of the future steam locomotive. In the details of the locomotive there are parts of the grooves, sawn from the inside. To perform such elements, holes should be made in them with a hand drill or an awl. The holes must be at least 1 mm in diameter. In order not to spoil the surface of the table when creating holes, place a plank under the workpiece.

Now you can cut out the details. Do not rush when cutting. The basic rule is to hold the jigsaw at a right angle to the workpiece being processed. All elements must be performed smoothly, avoiding irregularities.

The jigsaw is one of the most common hand-held electric tools. They can process the most different materials: wood, plastic, ceramics, metal, etc. However, the main material that most jigsaw craftsmen work with is plywood.

Using a narrow file, this tool allows you to make not only a straight cut, but also to make intricate patterns. And in this article we will look at some tips from experts working with a jigsaw.

Features of working with a jigsaw

A jigsaw for sawing plywood in appearance is a very simple tool and almost every beginner can make an even cut with it. However, if we talk about beautiful curly patterns, then here it is necessary not only to have certain skills, but also to choose the right files.

Main nuances

When cutting plywood with an electric jigsaw with your own hands, you should know the following:

  1. The main condition for obtaining an even cut is right choice tool files. In order for the cut to be free of burrs on the front side, it is necessary to use a thin file, the teeth of which are directed downwards.
  2. The workpiece needs to be firmly fixed otherwise you won't get a straight cut.

  1. A few words about files. Available for electric jigsaws a large number of saws, which differ from each other, both in thickness and in design features.
    Depending on this, there are:
    • Saw or side divorce. The teeth are bent to the right and left in turn, like a hand saw. In this way, files with relatively large teeth are made. They are used for fast straight cutting. The cut is obtained with rough edges, so it should be processed with sandpaper.
    • Fabric with undercut. AT this case the teeth are completely undivided. Such files allow you to make very thin and clean cuts. Naturally, the speed of work decreases. If such a file has a small divorce, then the work will go a little faster. However, in this case, the main emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of the cut.
    • Wave divorce. In order for very small and narrow files to be able to make wider cuts, the cutting edge of the blade is made wavy. For the most part, these files are used when working with metal, but are often used when working with plywood to get a narrow and clean cut in a fairly short time.

Sawing patterns with an electric jigsaw

You can use patterns from embroidery, knitting or paper-cutting magazines in your work.

In order to transfer the drawing to plywood, you need to do the following:

  1. We transfer the pattern to thick paper.
  2. Using a sharp clerical knife or scalpel, cut out the stencil.
  3. We apply the stencil to the surface of the material, circling it with a simple pencil.
  4. Now you can start cutting out the pattern.

Unlike the implementation of a direct cut, sawing out of plywood with an electric jigsaw has its own characteristics.

This manual will help you understand all the intricacies of the work:

  1. For cutting along a curve, use a saw blade with a narrow blade.
  2. For it is necessary to use a special nozzle - circle cutter. The circle cutter is fixed in the center of the circle, after which you can get to work.
  1. If you need to choose grooves in a wooden blank, then a rasp can be used instead of a saw. It is also used for cleaning uneven cuts.
  2. In order to carry out perfectly accurate and even cut, you should use the parallel stop. It must be attached to the jigsaw with screws.
    A special guide ruler can be installed on the “ski”, thanks to which the cut is parallel to the straight edge. Before starting work, you must make sure that the ruler is firmly fixed and aligned with the canvas. Otherwise, the movement of the file will be incorrect, and it may break or “burn” the material being processed.
  1. If you need to make a straight long cut, you can use the auxiliary guide. In this case, the jigsaw will move along a firmly fixed bar.
  2. With this tool, you can make cuts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. The angle of inclination is set on a scale.
  1. Cutting a hole. Very often, when cutting out ornaments, the master needs to make a hole in plywood.
    There are two options for this:
    • The first option is the simplest. You need to drill a hole with a drill, after which you insert a file into it and continue to cut out the desired pattern.
    • The second option involves the use of plunge or plunge sawing technology. Drilling the starting hole should not be done. To do this, you need to put the tool on the leading edge of the "ski", without touching the workpiece with the blade.

Plunge sawing should always start at the waste end of the material.
The saw should enter the plywood not too close to the cutting line, so as not to spoil the material.

  1. In the event that you need to cut a board of great thickness and the length of the file is not enough for this, you must use a file with a pointed end. First, we saw through the workpiece with it on one side, then turn it and saw through it on the other.
  2. To cut out a curly part, you can fix the tool from the bottom of the desktop. In the case of a uniform and smooth feed of the workpiece, you can get a cut with clean, even edges.
In the photo - a tool attached to the bottom of the desktop.


In this article, you learned how to cut plywood with a jigsaw. Here were considered the basic principles of working with this tool, which will help you in the implementation of various construction and design decisions.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

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One of the interesting hobbies is artistic sawing with a jigsaw. Beginners look for drawings, drawings and descriptions for them on the pages of numerous printed and electronic sources. There are artists who realize their creative ideas on plywood by drawing a drawing on their own. This process is not too complicated, the main thing in the work is the accuracy of the actions.

Some use this type of handmade just for fun, creating wall art or photo frames. Others use artistic sawing with a jigsaw according to drawings, drawings and descriptions to decorate furniture or as an additional income.

Skeptics may say that with the advent of the laser, this type of creativity is outdated. Yes, indeed, the developers of industrial lasers have made this task much easier by performing large volumes of thread quickly. But this is for an industrial scale, maybe suitable option, and if you want to have an object in which the soul of a master, a real artist, is invested, then you will still get a unique thing, created in a single copy.

And besides, artistic sawing with a jigsaw according to drawings, drawings and descriptions will definitely captivate you, you only need to try it once.

Necessary materials

For such a delicate and accurate work, you will need good jigsaw. If you decide to speed up the process and use a jigsaw, then be prepared for the fact that he can cope with radii up to 2.5 cm. Small details will have to be completed with a hand tool. The saw must be fixed firmly so that there is no vibration, which will lead to uneven cuts.

It is better to do artistic sawing with a jigsaw according to drawings, drawings and descriptions on plywood from 3 mm to 5 mm. This is the best option. It will not bend during operation. It is better not to spare money and buy plywood good quality so as not to subsequently have problems with chips or knots found on it.

Think in advance how you will cover the product - with varnish or paint. You will also need sandpaper (large and small).

Beginning of work

Having prepared necessary materials, you need to find or draw a drawing on paper yourself. A vector image will do. For the first time, try something simple with a little twist.

Then a large sandpaper is taken and the material is well processed. For convenience, use a wooden block. After removing the dust with a dry cloth, treat the surface again, but with fine sandpaper.

Then they transfer the drawing to plywood with a simple pencil. A sheet of paper can be attached with buttons or tape so that it does not move. Then the paper is removed. If necessary, correct the contours by eye.

To start artistic sawing with a jigsaw from plywood according to drawings, drawings and descriptions, you need to drill a hole for the file. Then carefully guide along the contours. Plywood must be well fixed.

Samples of artistic sawing with a jigsaw

Vector drawings, pictures and descriptions can be printed on a printer. If the diagram is large and divided into several A-4 sheets, then make sure that the scale is the same, then individual parts patterns will be comparable without pattern deformations.

If you like this kind of art, then your house will change beyond recognition over time. After all, with the help of a jigsaw, you can beautifully decorate the doors of cabinets, make carved shelves. And how original will look like a carved tabletop covered with glass! In private houses, craftsmen decorate the shutters, window frames, roof ridge, gate, etc. And how happy your daughter will be if she makes toy furniture or a whole castle! The list is endless, because there is no limit to human imagination.

AT recent times there is a revival of interest among the widest sections of the population in sawing wood with a jigsaw. Schoolchildren and academicians, bankers and investigators are engaged in painstaking work that requires complete concentration. To create a "wooden lace" does not require expensive tools and equipment, at the same time, cutting out allows you to temporarily switch your attention and slow down the frantic pace of life, give rest to a tired brain. To acquire the skills of cutting wood with a jigsaw, you need patience and perseverance.

Basic Shape Cutting Skills

The main tool for sawing wood is a manual jigsaw, consisting of an arc-shaped or U-shaped holder, a metal file and a handle stretched between its ends. Most of the files are flat and equipped with teeth on one side, but diamond-coated filiform blades are also used.

Sawing with a jigsaw does not seem to be such a complicated and mysterious business as, for example, welding. So it really is: the basic skills of curly cutting can be acquired in a few hours, ruining a few plywood and files.

But in order to master the nuances of sawing with a jigsaw on wood and start creating, it will take long evenings to hone the skill. Openwork sawing requires from its masters an accurate eye, a steady hand and great patience.

Features of working with a jigsaw

According to the device, the jigsaw is very different from its manual relative. The file is fixed only on one side, so it is several times thicker than a hand file, instead of a thin arch of the holder - a massive body with an electric motor and a gearbox.

An electric jigsaw provides many times more performance than a manual jigsaw for sawing, at the cost of more weight, strong vibration and reduced cutting accuracy when making curved cuts.

The unit allows you to quickly cut in a straight line or along a curved line with large radii.

The best result for artistic sawing with a jigsaw is a combination of a manual and electric document. Particularly fine details of the pattern and rounding of a small radius, of course, must be trusted manual jigsaw.

An ordinary household or professional electric jigsaw is not very suitable for sawing. Its purpose is construction works, and sawing complex patterns with an electric jigsaw will lead to fatigue due to heavy weight and damage to the material.

However, there are also tape jigsaws - in them the canvas is clamped on both sides, the material rests on a massive wide desktop and the arc of the holder from a manual jigsaw is visible in the design. With such a semi-professional device, even greater cutting accuracy can be achieved than with a hand tool. But this miracle unit costs accordingly.

Body posing

In every profession, for every typical operation, there is an ergonomically optimal posture or set of postures. The working area is clearly visible in it, you do not have to make unnecessary movements, it is convenient to cut, and fatigue is minimal.

For sawing with a jigsaw, it is recommended to sit at a work table on a chair high enough so that the back does not bend. To unload working hand, it is often rested with an elbow on the knee. So the hand will not be on weight and get tired less. You just have to be careful not to numb your knee. The working space should not be cluttered with scraps of material not used in this moment tool and equipment. A sketch of a drawing or an assembly drawing should be fixed in a vertical tablet at eye level.

Cutting material - plywood

A beautiful product is difficult to create from garbage. The choice of material must be treated very carefully.

A plywood sheet for artistic sawing with a jigsaw must satisfy a number of conditions:

  • The thickness of the sheet must be suitable for the purpose. For artistic creativity, it is better to take a thin sheet (up to five millimeters), and for the production of curly furniture parts, a thickness of 1-2 centimeters is more suitable.
  • The color of the plywood veneer is important if you are going to cover the product with a clear varnish. In the case of opaque paint or varnish, and stain treatment, the color is not important.
  • Humidity can lead to frequent "bogging" and breakage of files. The material must be dried up to 40-65%.
  • General quality. If it is not planned to build a chicken coop, but artistic creativity, then the grade should be the highest or first.
  • No knots and spots of a different color.
  • No blistering, hollow or resin-filled.
  • No veneer splits.

As a test to determine the quality of the sizing, plywood is usually sawn off hand saw a narrow strip 1-2 cm wide. If it does not exfoliate and crumble, the plywood is suitable for sawing.

Tool for the job

You will need the following tools and supplies:

  • Manual jigsaw. This is the main tool of the artist.
  • Awl or drill with a 2-3 mm drill - for making initial holes when executing closed contours.
  • A set of files and needle files from bastard to velvet and sandpaper for smoothing edges.
  • Electric jigsaw for preliminary cutting of material and making long cuts with small curvature.
  • Hand tools - pliers, hammer, mallet.
  • Working table with vise, clamps. The table should be equipped with a cutting platform 20×30 cm, rectangular in shape with a cutout converging at an acute angle to a hole with a diameter of 3-5 cm.
  • Pencil and a thin awl to transfer the sketch to the material.
  • A set of replacement blades for electric jigsaw, for straight, curved and high-speed cuts.
  • Many, many replacement blades for a manual jigsaw.

Perhaps, files for a manual jigsaw will need twice as much - at the initial stage of training, this will be the most consumable material.

Sawing technology

The sawing technology itself is simple, but in each operation you will need to acquire sufficient skill.

The process is divided into preparatory operations, main operations and final ones.


Careful preparation largely determines the convenience of work and the quality of the final result.

So, at this stage, you should:

  • Carefully inspect the selected piece of plywood and make sure that there are no spots, knots, swellings and delaminated veneer.
  • Check the dryness of the material by making a test cut 1 cm from the edge
  • Attach a sketch of the drawing to the plywood with tape or buttons.
  • At the key points of the drawing, the beginnings and ends of lines, their intersections, etc. make punctures with a thin sharp awl.
  • If the ornament is complex, then it will be possible to get confused in a hodgepodge of dots. In this case, copy paper is placed under the sketch and the outline of the drawing is drawn with a hard or medium pencil, transferring its lines to plywood.
  • The zones to be removed after sawing out should be immediately shaded with a pencil on plywood so as not to get confused later.

Important! Orient the pattern on the plywood sheet so that most of the cuts are perpendicular to the direction of the fibers of the front veneer sheet - this will facilitate sawing.

Basic operations

Upon completion of the preparatory operations, you can proceed to the actual sawing.

If you don’t have enough experience yet, then it’s better to start with simple drawings and contours - cut out, for example, a house with a window and a pipe from a child’s drawing. The battle of Chinese dragons is unlikely to succeed the first time.

First you need to cut out the contour of the future product, then you need to drill the starting holes for the internal contours.

Important! It is better to drill all holes in advance, because as you cut out part by part, the workpiece will lose strength and may break during drilling.

It is better to start mastering the skill with a simple operation - a straight cut. For this you should:

  • Insert a jigsaw file into the drilled starting hole. The teeth must be directed away from the arc of the holder and towards the handle.
  • Fasten the blade with a screw from the side of the handle, tighten it so that it does not rattle when cutting, and tighten the second screw. The degree of tension of the full is determined by bending the arc of the holder.
  • Put the plywood on the platform, press it against it with your left hand and, moving the jigsaw by the handle up and down, start cutting. As you move along the cut line, feed the workpiece under the saw so that the jigsaw remains in place.
  • In order not to stray from a straight line, you can put a guide bar on the workbench.

Saw out a few squares and rectangles to reinforce the skill of a straight cut.

The next operation that you need to master is a curvilinear cut, or actually curly sawing:

  • Fix the blade in the same way as in the case of a straight cut.
  • Lay plywood with a clearly drawn outline on the work site.
  • Start sawing with slow movements, feeding and turning the workpiece with your left hand so that the blade does not go beyond the boundaries of the contour line.
  • If the cut deviates from the line, stop turning and side feed and return the blade to the line with a short straight cut.

The first circle will most likely resemble a gear. Do not despair, only the genius of the Renaissance, the Florentine Giotto, could draw a perfect circle with one movement of his hand, and even Leonardo Da Vinci himself used a compass for this. On the fifth or sixth circle, your hand will become harder, and the teeth of your gear will become completely invisible.

All elements of the pattern, including obtuse corners, are performed in a similar way. Sharp corners are cut out with two cuts converging to the top, otherwise, most likely, the tip of the plywood at the top of the corner will break off and everything will have to start over.

Final operations

After all the elements of the pattern have been sawn out, all edges should be processed first with a file, then with a needle file and, finally, with fine sandpaper. Even the most experienced craftsman cannot make the edges of all cuts perfectly even. During training, you will most likely have to wave a file and rustle with a sandpaper.

Further, in accordance with the type of finish you have chosen, the plywood is stained, painted or varnished. Varnishing is also a rather laborious process, it makes sense to resort to it when your works come out of a series of student crafts and begin to acquire aesthetic value.


  • Use only correct tool. Before starting work, it is imperative to inspect it for the absence of mechanical damage and insulation failure.
  • Do not attempt to cut with a broken blade, especially on a jigsaw. A penny blade is not worth your injury and healing.
  • Personal protective equipment should be used: goggles or a transparent face shield, gloves, respirator.
  • When working with a jigsaw, secure the workpiece with a clamp and hold the jigsaw firmly with both hands. If you can’t fix it, call an assistant, also providing him with personal protective equipment.
  • When working with flammable liquids, the use of open fire and open-type electric heaters closer than 5 meters from the place of work is excluded.
  • The workplace should be well ventilated and dust and fumes from stains and paints must be removed.

Safety glasses are a must even when sawing with a hand jigsaw, despite the low cutting speed and the absence of an electric drive. When a taut file breaks - and this is inevitable even with experienced craftsman- pieces of it can fly far enough to get into the eye.

Which jigsaw to choose

In order for the hobby to bring joy and not to have to correct and twist something every five minutes, you should approach the choice of instrument with all the attention and responsibility.

Despite the apparent simplicity of design, a manual jigsaw has many nuances that must be considered when buying.

  • frame material. It is better to put aside the jigsaws made of strip metal. They are prone to twisting and distort the blade during the cut. The frame made of a metal tube is devoid of this drawback, it holds its shape perfectly and is also noticeably lighter.
  • Lever. Be sure to check how firmly the handle is attached to the frame. If she constantly jumps off, the process will turn from pleasure into torment. Over time, sawing masters change the cylindrical handle, machined for lathe, on an individual one, carved from soft woods, taking into account the anatomical features of your hand.
  • Clamps. Reliable retention of the file during the sawing process is not only a matter of convenience, but also of safety. Good clamping sites are provided with notch systems perpendicular to each other to ensure that the web shanks are held.
  • The lambs of the clips should have wide, high and comfortable lugs. Avoid sheet metal stamped wing nuts or replace them immediately with tall wing nuts with the same thread.

How to properly prepare the tool for work

The file in the frame should be clamped without distortions, strictly perpendicular to its ends, resting its back against the screws of the clamps. The saw teeth must point away from the frame. The canvas must be tightly stretched, so as to exclude vibration during operation. Masters with sufficiently long and strong fingers squeeze the frame with their hands for this. If this does not work, you can rest one end of the frame on the table, after which the lambs are tightened. For reliable fixation, you can turn the lambs a little with pliers. At this point, be careful not to damage the thread

The straightened frame ensures proper web tension. It is also unacceptable to overtighten the file. High voltage leads to rapid wear and failure. The ends of the web should not protrude from the clamps by more than a couple of millimeters.

To perform small parts, complex curvilinear elements and sharp turns, thin files with small teeth and a small step are used. They go through turns better, leave a neat cut, do not chip plywood. For long straight cuts, take a wider blade with larger teeth. The accuracy and quality of the saw cut surface will be worse, but the speed will increase several times.

What to do if the saw sticks

File jamming sometimes happens even with an experienced craftsman. For beginners, unfortunately, this is a common occurrence.

We list the main causes of jamming and how to eliminate them:

  • Fabric overheating. It occurs during prolonged intensive work due to the friction of metal on wood (sometimes it can even smoke). It is necessary to let the blade cool down, reduce the sawing intensity or choose a saw blade more suitable for the given type and length of cut. You can also wipe the file often with a damp cloth.
  • Workpiece defects - foreign inclusion, knot, glue clot. Reduce speed or replace workpiece.
  • Frame shift. Occurs in beginners. Straighten the frame and carefully monitor its position.
  • Clamping with almost split plywood strips for long cuts. The ends can be fastened with a clamp or just a clothespin.

How to deal with chips

The frequency of occurrence and size of chips are determined by:

  • the quality of the material;
  • saw blade quality;
  • compliance of the blade parameters with the material and type of cut;
  • individual sawing technique.

There are several techniques to reduce the number and size of chips:

  • If the plywood is of poor quality, you should take a file with smaller teeth and cut faster.
  • Use a file with a reverse, or reverse arrangement of teeth.
  • Glue the cut line with masking tape or tape.
  • Wet the back of the plywood.

Transferring the scheme to a wooden blank

There are various ways to transfer a sketch of drawings for cutting with a jigsaw onto plywood:

  • Prick the key points of the pattern with an awl and connect the holes on the plywood with a pencil. Suitable for the simplest drawings.
  • Scheme for sawing out a motorcycle toy

    Blade selection

    Of the variety of options, at the stage of training and beginning independent work it is worth choosing files No. 3, No. 5 and No. 7, with a fine tooth and, accordingly, with a large number of teeth per inch (TPI marking parameter). They will cut more slowly, but it will be much easier to keep control over the blade. As you gain experience, you can switch to faster and more “toothy” files.

    Also at the initial stage it is better to avoid files with a reverse arrangement of teeth. Without sufficient skill, such a blade will pull the workpiece up, and the sawing process will be slow and tedious.

    We wish you success in mastering a fascinating and interesting hobby - sawing with a manual jigsaw.

Plywood is a very affordable, relatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only a decorative value, but also be useful in our Everyday life, at home.

Plywood is an easily processed building material, which is produced by gluing several layers of veneer, specially processed wood chips.


These sheets, which can be used for the manufacture of crafts and structures, may differ:

  • the number of layers of veneer - three-layer, five-layer and multi-layer;
  • the type of wood from which the multilayer sheet is made (deciduous or coniferous);
  • according to the degree of processing (polished on one or both sides, not polished).

Building codes and standards

To learn more about the subject building material(on the classification of all plywood nomenclature, grades, standard sizes produced), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • GOST 3916.1-96 "General purpose plywood with hardwood veneer outer layers".
  • GOST 3916.2-96 "General purpose plywood with softwood veneer outer layers".

Schemes, drawings and patterns for products from plywood sheets

Drawing programs for computers

Today, you can easily find a diagram, a pattern of a plywood structure, so that later, using computer-aided design systems, you can prepare any drawing (including the cat pattern above). Then, using a plotter, output to a paper sheet of the required format.

Drawing popular programs are the easiest to learn and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including for plywood structures:

  • "KOMPAS" - a complex of automated systems, with the possibility of drawing up drawings, according to the standards of the ESKD and SPDS series;
  • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional computer-aided design and drafting system.

So, if you cannot find a detailed drawing of the plywood product you need, then the application capabilities of the above software will help you make a full-fledged drawing according to any diagrams and patterns posted on the Internet.


The price of construction plywood from which the kayak is made is simply incommensurable with the pleasure that a person who has made it with his own hands, who loves rowing boat trips, will receive.

The kayak among the Eskimos is the same kayak among the Aleuts - the traditional rowing boat of the peoples of the Arctic. Such a boat can be single, double or triple. We will lay out drawings of a plywood kayak for one person.

The algorithm for building a rowing boat from plywood sheets is, in principle, general, with the exception of some nuances. Step by step order actions for cutting, processing and assembling a kayak can be viewed in the video in this article.

Plywood table - simple and functional

Clear drawings of a plywood table with your own hands, which will be easy to implement even for a person, without special carpentry skills and experience. Table cover (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

plywood constructor

Various plywood constructor drawings are now gaining more and more popularity. Assembling such models from safe material is a very useful activity for children and adolescents. Such crafts will become good specimens of collections, decorate the corner of modellers.


The stages of work on the installation of a tank model are as follows:

  1. Plywood is sanded (first with medium-grained, and then with fine-grained sandpaper);
  2. The drawings are carefully transferred through a carbon paper onto a plywood sheet material sanded with a fine-grained abrasive.
  3. In the corners of the contour transfer, through holes are drilled with a drill (drill 3 mm or more);
  4. Fix the file in the jigsaw and start cutting out the elements of the tank;

Sawing parts should be started inside the contours of the tank blanks, and only after that already in the office itself.

When assembling the plywood assemblies, have the model handy Various types needle files to fit the elements to each other at any time.

  1. After fitting all the parts, you can start gluing them (for example, with PVA glue, "Titan");

In order for the nodes and elements of the tank to grip each other stronger and more reliably, it is possible for some time after gluing them to be tied with thread or rope.

  1. A cannon can be made by cutting the wooden handle of a watercolor brush or other auxiliary material;
  2. If desired, a tail number or other inscriptions and patterns can be applied to the tank, or to any other model, with an electric burner;
  3. For greater safety and decoration of the model, they can be coated with varnishes and paints.

The car is retro (old Mercedes)

When you transfer these do-it-yourself plywood machine drawings onto the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to transfer the numbers as well.

When assembling the model itself, carefully look at the numbers.

In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with the digital designations:

  • part or assembly number 1 must be connected to another number 1;
  • and part number 2 is attached accordingly with the next number 2 and so on until the machine is assembled.


Drawings of a pistol from plywood model "Bulldog". When assembling, we follow the same rules as when assembling the car: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

This pistol model is best coated with a spray paint bottle, for a better resemblance to the original, layers of black paint can be applied.


Drawings of plywood dinosaurs, for example, presented below, can be executed in any scale you need according to the presented pattern in a drawing program for a computer when designing.

The preparation of the material, the elements of the model and the assembly itself are not difficult, but you will have to stock up on some patience when working with a jigsaw and fitting the model nodes to each other.

Napkin holder - "Vine leaves"

This item is in the form grape leaves always useful in the household for its intended purpose - for napkins, and for storing, for example, sheets of paper of the selected format:

Vase, stand for pencils, pens, brushes

Drawings of a plywood vase, according to which you can easily cut out a craft of the size you need:

Plywood panel

It is the ease and simplicity of sawing with a jigsaw from plywood sheets of various configurations with different sizes, the installation of various designs from them, which makes it possible to perform a variety of decorative panels for the walls of our housing. Any panel, made neatly, is a great gift for relatives and friends.

Drawings of a plywood panel, which also serves as a shelf in the household:

Some helpful tips and warnings:

  • When transferring patterns, drawings to plywood, use the thinnest and sharpest pencil lead. It is even better to use a used ballpoint pen, then the lines will always be the same, and the carbon paper from the ball will not tear. It is convenient to transfer drawings to plywood using a laser printer.
  • For better fastening of parts, where possible, it is recommended that the width of the grooves correspond to .
  • There are two types of files with large and small cloves. It is more convenient for beginners to learn how to use a thick file, and small details are cut out with a thin one, already having some experience and skills in using a jigsaw.
  • The saw blades must cut from top to bottom, so pay special attention to the correct fastening of the saw blade in the jigsaw.
  • Files can break easily, so cut carefully, do not let parts hang on the saw blade.
  • When purchasing a file, make sure that the teeth are sharp, and the file itself should not bend easily, but rather be hard. Not flat, but the so-called “twisted files” are convenient in work - they can cut in any direction.
  • For those who have sawing structures from plywood sheets as a hobby, there is no need to purchase band saw, it is enough to purchase a jigsaw. Although everything is an amateur, some craftsmen still often resort to a manual jigsaw when "you need to feel the material."


  1. Before choosing, purchasing and directly working with the material from which you will cut models, panels, designers and structures, familiarize yourself with its types, classification according to building documents (GOST).
  2. For sawing, purchase high-quality tools, equipment and equipment for it.
  3. Responsibly approach the choice of high-quality plywood. Do not limit yourself to its visual inspection, tap it for an object internal voids and bundles, due to poor bonding of veneer layers.
  4. Before working with a jigsaw, optimally equip your workplace. Pay special attention to its good lighting, so that the cut, markings are perfectly visible and your eyes do not get tired. It is not bad to use a stroboscope to illuminate the place of work with a jigsaw. Convenient and comfortable sawing!