The best children's mattresses according to customer reviews. What is the best mattress for a newborn? Tips for choosing Which mattress is best for a newborn baby

Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! This is certainly one of the most exciting and happy periods in life for any married couple. But, no one canceled the preparatory chores - a sleeping place for a child should be chosen even before his birth. When buying a baby crib, pay special attention to the choice of mattress. First of all, he must provide the baby with sound sleep, the correct formation of the spine and complete safety. What mattress to choose for a newborn crib? Read and memorize. In this article, we will learn in detail about which mattresses for newborns are the best and what criteria should be followed when choosing them.

  • correct stiffness;
  • when size matters;
  • filler and baby health;
  • materials and comfort for the child.
  • mattress-transformer;
  • orthofiber;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foam;
  • coconut;
  • cotton;
  • latex;
  • cocoon mattress.
  • rules for the care of children's mattresses;
  • what to sleep on for a young mother;
  • what mattress to choose for a newborn.

Choosing a mattress in a crib - basic rules

There are several main criteria when choosing a product: its rigidity, determining the correct size, the environmental friendliness of the filler and materials, the quality of the mattress for newborns and, of course, ensuring a comfortable sleep for the baby.

Correct stiffness

Spring mattresses, as well as transforming mattresses, are practically useless for children under the age of 3 years. Moreover, if they are too soft or lumpy, they can harm the health of the child. The mattress for a newborn must necessarily be even, of medium or increased rigidity (so that deviations do not develop during the growth of spinal tissues: curved posture, scoliosis and other defects). Integrity and rigidity is the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a baby mattress.

When size matters

Before you buy a mattress for a cradle, be sure to measure all its parameters. Ideally, the product should be 1 cm smaller than the crib itself. If the size is not suitable, then you will suffer a lot with its operation. Too large sizes of the mattress will provide the baby with restless sleep due to bumps and folds, and too small sizes are fraught with a traumatic situation (for example, it can pinch the handle between the mattress and the cradle).

Baby mattress filler

In order for the baby to feel comfortable and grow up healthy, the filler must be hygienic, hypoallergenic, sufficiently rigid and dense. It can be coconut fibers, orthofiber, latex, other components of natural and artificial origin. It is important that the filler components comply with state standards and are absolutely safe for the health of the crumbs.

It is advisable to take into account all the needs of the baby by age. Up to 6 months, pediatricians recommend using a mattress with orthofiber and a latex layer, which has high elasticity and excellent hygienic properties - this will help the baby adapt to the environment and provide an orthopedic effect.

After 6 months, coconut fiber is the best choice - a natural hypoallergenic material that provides medium rigidity to the product and excellent air circulation. However, buying two mattresses in a year is very expensive. This is where 2-sided products come to the rescue (look for double-sided mattresses for newborns with a latex and coconut side).

Materials and comfort for the child

The material must be environmentally friendly, durable, wear-resistant and necessarily "breathable" - this guarantees the baby a comfortable sleep and healthy development. Not all natural and hypoallergenic materials fit these parameters. For example, satin, calico and other “thin cotton” wear out too quickly. The best choice- multilayer jacquard fabric, it will last a long time and provide good air exchange. Highly important point- the material must be removable in order to wash it if necessary. It is advisable to purchase an additional mattress cover - thanks to it, you will keep the product in perfect condition for the second child. Refrain from fabric “impregnations” - there may be allergic reactions.

Types of mattresses - advantages and disadvantages

I think you have already understood that mattresses for newborns can be very diverse (they are mainly distinguished by the filler). But, when choosing a product, some parents forget about the quality of the product and are motivated by an exceptionally valuable one - this cannot be done. Too cheap products are unlikely to comply with state standards and can be dangerous to the health of the baby. Too expensive goods - also not an indicator High Quality. If you can’t decide, read the reviews and think about the approximate cost of producing a high-quality children’s mattress.


In no case do not purchase a transforming mattress for the first year of a baby's life. Its joints will not be able to be perfectly even, it will move apart from the movements of the baby. Tubercles, crossbars and depressions will appear, and this is already fraught with abnormal development of the spine and disturbing sleep for the crumbs. Transformer mattresses can be useful to you only after 3 years, when the baby's back is already getting stronger. The mattress for a newborn should be solid, even, dense and elastic.

polyurethane foam

Layers in mattresses are often made from this material; in terms of its properties, it resembles latex. But, it is not suitable for use in cribs (too soft, flexible and light). This material is durable and hypoallergenic. It is a synthetic fibre. It is combined with other fillers and is recommended for daily use by adults without diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Economy option.


This is a synthetic, non-woven, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic filler, which differs from others in the arrangement of fibers in one direction. Thanks to its properties, it has earned recognition all over the world: breathable, does not absorb liquids and odors, elastic, with good heat transfer, high wear resistance, has bactericidal and massage effects. Recommended for use in children's mattresses wet cleaning. It is successfully combined with coconut fiber and latex layer. Average price category.

foam rubber

Foam-based mattresses - hello from the 90s. Now almost no one uses them. Such a filler is short-lived, does not hold its shape, has a favorable atmosphere for the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, absorbs moisture and can easily rot. It is used only in case of short trips to the country or nature. Pediatricians categorically do not recommend the use of foam mattresses on an ongoing basis. Cheap option filler.


Coconut fiber is an excellent material for children's mattresses. It is hypoallergenic, not expensive, does not absorb moisture, passes air well, has good heat dissipation, does not retain odors and is dense enough for the backs of newborns. But, using mattresses filled only with coconut layers is not recommended, its layers will crumble from friction. But in combination with a latex layer and / or orthofiber, this is the most advantageous option in terms of price / quality ratio (we advise you to opt for just such a mattress for newborns). Average price category.



Cocoon mattress

Very good item for babies. The main thing is to check what materials it is made of and whether the product meets quality standards. Used for babies under the age of 4 months. Gives the baby a feeling of comfort, care and a smooth transition from the mother's womb to environment. The cost is above average for high-quality cocoons made from eco-friendly, hypoallergenic materials.

After analyzing the ratio of quality and cost of the most popular children's mattresses, we came to the conclusion that combinations of orthofiber, coconut and latex can be considered the best products.

Rules for the care of children's mattresses

  • air the product once a week;
  • make sure that moisture does not get inside;
  • vacuum clean several times a month;
  • if water gets in, remove the cover and clean the wet place;
  • do not crumple or wrinkle the product;
  • coconut fiber is dried first;
  • use safe ECO products for cleaning;
  • Turn the mattress over to the other side every few days.

What to sleep on for a young mother

For a young mother, healthy sleep is also very important. We advise you to choose a high-quality orthopedic mattress. First, after childbirth, it is necessary to restore the spine. Secondly, the better the mother sleeps, the calmer the baby will sleep. He intuitively tunes in to his mother's "wave". And third, you and your child will form a paired sleep pattern. Therefore, while the baby is sleeping, it is important for the mother to get enough sleep. This is possible only in a comfortable environment.

Which mattress to choose for a newborn

  • in budget option– mattress with orthofiber filler;
  • middle price category - orthofiber with a layer of coconut fiber (ideal price / quality ratio);
  • more expensive option, but convenient option is a 2-sided orthofiber mattress with latex (up to 6 months) and coconut (after 6 months) layers.

*At the same time, all mattresses for newborns must have a removable cover and be made of dense breathable fabric (for example, quilted jacquard).

There are a lot of variations of fillers in a mattress for newborns, but we have listed the most popular and affordable of all. Sellers come up with new tricks to attract customers: impregnations, unknown components, bright colors, and so on. Purchase mattresses for babies from trusted manufacturers that have the necessary certificates of quality and compliance with GOST products.

When choosing, pay attention to…

1) Size. The standard parameters of the mattress are considered to be 120 by 60 cm, but before buying it is better to make accurate measurements bed. modern furniture is not always made to certain standards, so the mattress may be too small or too large, causing significant inconvenience. The optimal height is 8 cm, the maximum is 15 cm, the minimum is 3 cm.

2) Security. In the first months of life, the baby will spend most of the time in his crib, which means that it is necessary to create for him the maximum comfortable conditions. The mattress must have a removable cover that can be easily removed and cleaned from dirt. It is desirable that it be made of natural fabric, which easily passes air and does not cause skin irritation. The filler from which the mattress is made must be breathable, which will exclude the accumulation of harmful microorganisms. There should be no hard and rough seams, zippers, buttons and other decorative elements in the places where the mattress comes into contact with the child's skin.

3) Orthopedic properties. A surface that is too soft can lead to deformation of the spine that is not yet strong, so you should pay attention to models with moderate rigidity and elasticity. In addition, a soft mattress can even be dangerous: Small child, turning over on a tummy on such a mattress, can suffocate.

Modern manufacturers offer a decent selection of mattresses. In order not to be mistaken, you should familiarize yourself with the types of products, fillers and materials that are used for their tailoring, the detailed characteristics of the model you like.

Springless Models

They are considered a practical universal option that is perfect for both newborns and older children. Such products have excellent orthopedic properties and, most importantly, do not contain metal elements that can have an electrostatic or magnetic effect on the body of a newborn.

The most common fillers for springless mattresses:

  • coconut fibre. Great choice for newborns. Such a filler "breathes" perfectly, has moderate rigidity, is resistant to moisture, and dries quickly if wet. Coconut fiber does not absorb odors, is not a favorable environment for the accumulation of dust and the development of pathogens. Coconut-filled mattresses are attracted not only by their positive performance properties, but also by their affordable price.
  • Polyurethane foam. Safe, non-toxic material. Moderate hardness, moisture resistant. Despite the artificial origin, it does not provoke the development of allergic reactions. However, this filler has a significant drawback: it quickly absorbs and retains odors, which is extremely impractical. Mattresses with polyurethane foam filler are inexpensive, but very quickly lose their performance characteristics. The average service life of such products is 2-3 years.

  • Seaweed. The filler, which dries perfectly when wet, does not absorb foreign odors, ideally repeats the anatomical shape of the child's body during sleep. Products with such a filler are quite an expensive pleasure.

Double mattresses called "winter-summer" are very popular today, in which two fillers are ideally combined. One side of the product is designed for use in the hot season and has a filler in the form of coconut fiber. The reverse side is warmer, and latex or strutofiber is used as the material.

Spring mattresses

Despite the fact that spring models are recommended for children over one year old, many parents buy them for newborns as well. Such products are easy to use - if necessary, they are easy to clean, they have an excellent thermal effect and long term operation.

When giving preference to a spring mattress on which the baby will sleep, try to choose products that contain blocks of felt, polyurethane or coconut fiber. Relatively recently, models with independent spring block, which quickly earned popularity, having a lot of advantages over conventional mattresses. Each spring in such a product is autonomous, therefore, even under heavy load, it does not completely bend and retains its shape perfectly. For additional ventilation in spring models, special small holes can be created - aerators.


  • Frame - a product equipped with reinforced wooden frame. For a long time, it retains its shape, but it has a high cost.
  • Frameless - a standard mattress consisting of a base and a cover.

How to choose a high chair, you can find out.

Which mattresses are not suitable for a newborn?

If the health and safety of the baby is important to you, refuse to buy mattresses with a foam or cotton layer. Such materials pass air very poorly, quickly absorb moisture, and have low elasticity. In addition, it is a very favorable environment for the reproduction of ticks and pathogens.

Do not buy models with low-quality chintz or calico covers - they are characterized by extremely low wear resistance.

Today it is fashionable to choose products with covers impregnated with all kinds of anti-dust and antimicrobial substances. This is a wonderful property, but not for a newborn baby. Contact with any chemical elements can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Some parents, wanting to save money, buy mattresses for children not from natural, but from artificial latex, which uses chemical compounds that can be very dangerous for a newborn. But it should be borne in mind that even natural filler is not always a guarantee of safety. Small children are categorically not recommended to sleep on mattresses made of allergenic wool, felt and straw, shavings of some wood species, which can rot even after the slightest contact with liquid.


The price of a mattress depends on the brand of the manufacturer, its type of product, the filler and the material that was used to sew the cover. The most popular are products made from coconut fiber, the cost of which varies between 2500-5000 rubles. Latex models will cost much more - from 15 thousand rubles, but you can choose combined products, where there is also another, cheaper filler. Such mattresses cost 6 to 8 thousand rubles. Spring mattresses with independent blocks can be purchased at a price of 5 thousand rubles.

The child will spend up to 70% of the time in a crib and sleep in it until the age of 2-3 years. A strong, calm and healthy sleep of the baby largely depends on what kind of mattress is in his crib. Criteria for choosing bedding for such a crumb are the most stringent. Therefore, the purchase of a mattress for a newborn, must be treated with utmost attention.

A good and safe mattress should be:

  • hard enough
  • fit to size
  • well ventilated,
  • hypoallergenic,
  • environmentally friendly.


In newborn babies, the spine does not yet have anatomical curves. The cervical curve is formed by the time the baby learns to firmly hold the head. The bend in the lumbar region is formed by the end of the first year, when the child begins to crawl and takes the first steps. The last bend in the chest area is formed. For this reason, it is important that the child sleeps on a firm mattress.

A smooth, hard surface contributes to the correct formation of all parts of the child's spine. In addition, on a mattress that is too soft, a child can suffocate if he rolls over on his stomach. Therefore, the mattress for a newborn must be firm enough.

For children older than one year, the mattress may be slightly softer. In addition, the child may refuse to sleep in the crib if it is too hard for him. Therefore, mattresses with two sides can be a good solution: the first is hard and the second is a little softer.

You can check how soft the mattress is by simply pressing it with your hand in the center and around the edges. Remove your hand and look at the surface. She must return to initial form and it should not leave dents from the hand.

The size

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you need to measure the length and width of the crib from the inside.

Please note that the mattress should fit snugly to the edges. If it is smaller in size, it will slide, causing inconvenience to the child. Moreover, dust and debris will invariably accumulate in the resulting cracks.

It is allowed if the gap is no more than 1-1.5 cm - the mattress does not slip much, and it will be easy to remove it.

If the mattress is oversized, it will deform and will create inconvenience for the baby.

As a general rule, a standard crib mattress should be 60cm x 120cm and 5cm to 12cm thick.


The baby spends most of the time in the crib, and therefore the requirements for the hygiene of the mattress are high. It is very important that the mattress is well ventilated and does not accumulate moisture. Low air exchange results in unpleasant odors and moisture accumulation.

The mattress cover should be made of natural fabric, which will allow the mattress to "breathe". AT recent times Jacquard mattresses appeared on the market. They are cheaper, but no worse than natural fabrics pass air. But note that natural fibers in the jacquard composition should be at least 40%. Then, with good air permeability, such a cover will delight you with a longer service life.

It is also worth examining the surface of the mattress and checking if it has small ventilation holes on the sides that allow air to circulate freely. This will also contribute to better ventilation of the mattress. It won't dry out or smell bad.


Sometimes manufacturers write that their mattresses with natural fillers do not cause allergies at all. But this is not true. Any material can cause allergies, even natural, even artificial. Therefore, no one can give a full guarantee that your child will not have an allergic reaction from the mattress.

Environmental friendliness

Make sure the mattress cover does not contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is sometimes used to make it water resistant.

A child's mattress should not be treated with any harmful substances to improve its fire-resistant properties. It should also be free of glue and paint.

Buy a mattress only from a trusted manufacturer who cares about his reputation and is responsible for product quality.

Which filler to choose?

Which is better to choose a mattress for a newborn - with or without springs? Doctors recommend buying only a springless mattress for a crib. It will better support the fragile spine of the baby.

Let's look at what fillers are in springless mattresses, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

You can often hear that a foam mattress is better than foam rubber. However, this is an incorrect statement, since polyurethane foam and foam rubber - the same thing. Foam rubber is the name of flexible polyurethane foam. In the USSR, the most common PPU on sale was the product of a Scandinavian manufacturer under the brand name Porolon. Hence the second name of this material.

Twenty years ago, the quality of polyurethane foam mattresses was poor. They quickly sagged, became brittle and began to crumble. Since then, the quality of foam rubber has improved significantly and now they can last up to 5 years.

Foam mattresses are usually the least expensive and lightest option. They come in various thicknesses, usually from 7 to 15 centimeters. More important than an indicator thickness is the density of the mattress. Higher quality mattresses have a higher density. Unfortunately, most PU foam mattresses don't list the density of the material on their packaging, so it's hard to know exactly what you're buying. If in doubt, weight can be a good indicator: a heavier mattress will be firmer than a mattress of the same size but lighter in weight.

Before buying, be sure to check how elastic the foam mattress of a particular model is. To do this, press the middle of the mattress with your hand, and then remove your hand, and see how quickly it restores its shape. The faster the rate of recovery (leveling) of the surface, the better for the child. A sleeping baby puts pressure on the foam and it can be difficult for the baby to change position if the mattress holds its shape.

Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of children's polyurethane foam mattresses is the relatively high level of volatile chemical compounds emitted.

According to the results of research by scientists from the University of Texas at Austin (USA), PU foam mattresses for children emit about thirty complex volatile chemical compounds into the air, including extremely dangerous 2-ethylhexanoic acid and phenol. The concentration of these harmful substances comparable to that of a new laminate floor. For an adult, such fumes are relatively harmless, but for a small child who spends most of his time in cribs, this can be unsafe. To reduce the level of harmful fumes from such a mattress, you need to ventilate the room where the child sleeps as often as possible.


  • The most inexpensive filler.
  • Lightweight mattress.
  • Wide range of models and sizes.


  • The material is synthetic, emits a fairly high level of harmful fumes.
  • Absorbs moisture.
  • Holds odors.
  • Poor-quality PPU in a year can begin to sag and crumble.
  • A new mattress may smell for a long time.

coconut coir

Coconut coir is a popular filler for children's mattresses. This is primarily due to the fact that it has excellent elasticity. Most often, coconut fiber is additionally processed with latex, which makes the coir more durable and prevents the plate from crumbling.


  • Excellent elasticity.
  • Has a high level of breathability.
  • Does not accumulate moisture.
  • Doesn't hold odors.
  • Rarely causes allergies.
  • Durability.


  • If fibers are treated with artificial latex, it may emit a rubber smell.
  • Higher cost than PU foam models.


Natural latex is natural and eco-friendly material, which is obtained from the juice of the Hevea palm. Latex has excellent elasticity and resilience. In addition, latex does not absorb moisture at all and does not fade, which is important quality for a children's mattress. It does not start dust mites and it can rarely cause allergic reactions in children.

However, many parents are put off by the high cost of such mattresses. In addition, the latex mattress is quite heavy. Keep in mind that you will regularly raise the mattress when changing your baby's bedding. Therefore, do not choose a mattress that is too heavy and bulky.


  • Elastic and resilient material, quickly restores shape.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Natural.
  • Good air permeability.
  • Resistant to moisture.


  • High cost. Latex is one of the most expensive materials.
  • Quite a lot of weight.
  • Limited choice of models.


Hollofiber is an artificial material (100% polyester), but completely safe for babies. This material began to be used in the production of mattresses for newborns relatively recently, but it has already managed to prove itself perfectly.


  • Does not absorb moisture and does not fade.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Easy.
  • Quickly restores original shape.
  • Excellent air permeability.
  • Virtually no odor retention.
  • Durable.
  • Relatively inexpensive.


  • The material is completely synthetic.

On sale you can often find mattresses with a combination of two fillers, in which one side is more rigid than the other. This is very convenient, because after a year the child can be shifted to the softer side and he will be more comfortable.

What should be the cover?

Covers should not have coarse seams, buttons, fasteners on the surface of the mattress, which will be in contact with the child's body. These details can cause anxiety for the baby during sleep.

Covers made of natural fabrics (linen or cotton) are best suited for newborns. They are pleasant to the touch, create an excellent microclimate, are easy to wash and dry quickly without losing their qualities.

Artificial fabrics, despite the fact that they remain attractive longer appearance, are completely unsuitable for newborns, as they interfere with ventilation and are capable of creating electrostatic electricity. If the fabric is mixed, then it must contain at least 40% natural fibers.

It is very important that the cover is removable. In order for the cover to be washable, look for covers with a zipper located around the entire perimeter of the mattress, or at least on three sides. The zipper on one side is sewn in solely so that the buyer can evaluate the internal content. In addition, after washing, the fabric (especially from natural fibers) inevitably "sits down". And, if the zipper is only on one side, it will be very problematic to pull the cover again.

Even in the store, be sure to test the fasteners - try to remove the case yourself. Make sure that the zipper is of high quality, made of durable plastic, does not stick, that extra threads do not stick out inside, which, when the zipper is opened, can get into the "path" and lead to breakage.

Can the mattress be reused for another child?

Often, parents seek to save on the purchase of a mattress. Especially when there are two children in the family, often the baby gets the mattress from the older child. This should not be done for several reasons.

  1. 1 Using a used mattress is unhygienic. Any children's mattress will inevitably come into contact with urine, vomit, baby food, etc. Even if the mattress looks completely clean, there can still be pathogenic bacteria inside it.
  2. 2 There may be dust mites inside. After three years, dust inevitably accumulates in the mattress, and there may also be dust mites. Despite the fact that all modern children's mattress fillers are resistant to dust mites, they can still be in it, as they feed on exfoliated skin.
  3. 3 Loss of necessary elasticity. A mattress, like anything else, wears out over time. It loses its elasticity, begins to sag and dents appear on the surface.
  4. 4 Increased risk of SIDS. In 2002, the British Medical Journal published a study that analyzed the relationship between SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and children's mattresses. It follows from the study's findings that the use of used mattresses does increase the risk of child death, especially if the mattress is from another home.

So it is better to save money on buying some other things than on a children's mattress. Since this is a really important purchase, on which the health of your baby will depend.

We hope that our tips will help you arrange your child's bed according to all the rules and make it comfortable and safe.

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event for which you should prepare in advance. From the first day after discharge, the newborn will need not only a crib, but also a mattress. Proper arrangement of the sleeping place ensures a calm sleep of the baby, the correct formation of posture and overall physical development. In order not to get lost among the variety of products, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for mattresses for newborns. It is better to know in advance which mattress to put in the crib, stroller or bath.

How to choose the best mattress for a newborn?

In order for an infant to feel comfortable during a long stay in a crib, his bed should be moderately hard, hygienic and safe. The selection criteria are described in more detail below.
The industry produces standard children's mattresses with various dimensions: width 60 (65) cm, length 120 cm; width 70 cm, length 140 cm. If the crib is non-standard, then order a mattress that matches it in size. The optimal dimensions of the mattress should be 2 - 3 cm smaller sizes bottoms. This makes it easy to put the product in bed and take it out for airing. The height of the mattress for a newborn varies from 3 to 9 cm, but products with a height of 6 - 7 cm are ideal for this age category.

If the mattress is too large, then there are "humps" that prevent the baby from sleeping. With underestimated dimensions, gaps appear, which creates a danger for a small child - a night or a pen can get stuck between the mattress and the bed wall.


Immediately after birth, the baby's spine is straight, without bends, and needs an even and fairly firm support. Experts advise equipping a newborn with a bed of medium hardness, without a pillow. This contributes to the correct formation of posture. The comfort of the hard base is given by special mattress toppers. A mattress that is too soft is not only bad for the spine, it can cause suffocation when the baby rolls onto his tummy in his sleep.

It depends on the composition of the filler. Coconut fiber, horsehair, algae are considered the safest for health. Natural fillers pass air well, do not emit harmful substances when wet. Natural materials also include wood shavings, straw, felt, and cotton wool. But they are impractical: when moisture gets in, they fade and quickly collapse.

The preferred option for an infant is compressed coconut fiber, which gives the mattress sufficient rigidity and has antibacterial properties. To soften the hard base, buy coconut products in a felt shell. Such mattresses are quite expensive; multi-layered mixed-type mattresses are an alternative to them. They combine various materials natural origin.

Coconut coir is the least likely to cause allergic reactions, and horsehair can cause rashes on the skin of a small child. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the certificate for the product, make sure that there is no synthetic impregnation. It is used in cheap natural mattresses to increase their durability, which can provoke allergies.

For a child under one year old, the orthopedic effect does not matter due to the small mass of the child. But if it is assumed that the crib will serve up to 3 - 4 years of age, it is better to immediately purchase a mattress that supports the spine in a natural position. These functions are performed by mattress products with independent springs (each of them is placed in an individual cover) or without springs (with elastic additives).

Breathability depends not only on the filler, but also on the mattress cover. Cotton, as well as its mixture with wool or polyester, have the best performance. Antibacterial and anti-allergic upholstery is sometimes offered.
For baby cotton jacquard coatings are preferable - this is a "breathable" and practically indelible material. High-quality ventilation is provided by German knitwear "Green Cotton" and "Slip-Fresh", a specially sewn mesh "Aero-Fresh". It is recommended to turn the mattress over every three months in order to additionally ventilate.

Mattress cover
Available in the form of a cover or quilted covering, laid on top of the mattress. The mattress cover solves the following tasks:

  • protects the mattress from dirt, and waterproof - also from the flow of urine;
  • has a warming effect and creates comfortable conditions for falling asleep;
  • makes the base surface softer.

Modern mattress pads for newborns are made of waterproof polyurethane with a natural finish. Products do not allow moisture to pass through, do not absorb odors, counteract the reproduction of ticks and microbes, and are easy to wash.

Which mattress is better for a newborn: with or without springs?

If the crib is purchased "for growth", it is better to immediately buy a mattress with an orthopedic effect. Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of each type of such products.

Mattresses with dependent spring block

The spring elements are continuously articulated with each other, therefore, under load, the entire block bends (the “bonell” system - up to 195 springs / m2). The mattress retains its shape better if the diameter of the springs is small - this is exactly the option for a baby. On both sides, the product is covered with a dense layer of heat-treated felt and packed in a case. The advantage of such a mattress is its low price (up to 2500 rubles), while its orthopedicity is minimal. It is not worth saving by purchasing an option in which the block is wrapped with batting and sheathed with coarse calico. The soft layer is quickly crushed and completely loses orthopedic properties.

Mattresses with independent spring block

Their main feature: when one spring is deflected, the position of the others remains the same. Thanks to this, dents do not appear under the body of a sleeping baby, the spine does not tense up. For a child, the TFK spring system (250 – 280 springs/m2) is recommended. Positive sides independent systems:

  • their design is not subject to sagging, the load is the same at any point of the mattress;
  • the spine relaxes during sleep, after waking up the child feels rested;
  • springs do not creak when a child changes position in a dream.

It should be noted the disadvantages of spring mattresses:

  • large mass - it becomes more difficult to turn the mattress;
  • high height (at least 13 - 15 cm) - when the child begins to stand on his feet, he may fall out of bed;
  • around steel springs, electrostatic and magnetic field negatively affecting the health of the baby.

The price of spring mattresses with an independent TFK block varies from 2580 rubles. up to 4500 rub. The first option is moderately hard, with a layer of coconut coir. The second option is double-sided: one side is covered with coconut coir (for newborns), on the other side natural latex is laid, providing an average firmness of the mattress, optimal for preschoolers. A spring mattress filled with horsehair Consul costs about 18,000 rubles.

They have good orthopedic properties due to the alternation of layers of different fillers. There are several main varieties of springless mattresses, each of which has its pros and cons.

Latex mattresses for children

Latex is foamed hevea juice, which is poured into molds with rods. After hardening, an elastic material with holes for "breathing" is obtained. It is characterized by resistance to fungus and mites, dust and moisture resistance. The rigidity of a latex mattress depends on the diameter of the rods, but for a newborn it is still insufficient. The best option is a combination of lactex and coconut (double-sided models).

  • elasticity, quick recovery of shape;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • antistatic;
  • lack of a creak.
  • rubber smell - for the first time after purchase;
  • high price.

The price of the combined latex-coconut mattress with TraumelandLatexVario wool stuffing is 8750 rubles.

Children's coconut mattress

It is considered the best for an infant. Coconut fiber can be stitched, but this option is not strong - the coir crumbles a lot. In this case, the mattress is deformed, and the fibrous dust causes allergies. The preferred option is one in which the koi is fastened with latex, but it must be of natural origin. To make sure that there is no synthetic rubber in the composition of the raw material, you should examine the certificate.

  • optimal rigidity and orthopedics;
  • zero hygroscopicity - palm fiber does not absorb water and does not rot due to lignin (a natural polymer);
  • ventilation, resistance to odors;
  • resistance to harmful microorganisms;
  • anti-allergic properties.

If a latex impregnated coconut mattress is made according to technology, it has practically no drawbacks. The Russian model DreamlineBabyDream 6 made of latex coir with a calico case can be purchased for 2500 rubles. The FrauHild "winter-summer" luxury product with cotton and wool is offered for 6180 rubles.

Mattresses for children from struttofiber

Struttofiber is a material that is a compressed mixture of wool and polyester fibers. According to its properties, the material is similar to natural wool. AT pure form as a filler, struttofiber is not used, due to its softness. It is used in mattresses as a heat-saving layer in combination with seaweed, wool and cotton. In winter-summer double-sided mattresses, coir is placed on one side, and a warm strut fiber on the other: when the season changes, it is enough to turn the mattress over and thereby provide the baby with comfortable conditions.

  • elasticity;
  • creation of a thermal effect - this is especially important for northern climatic regions;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • breathability;
  • durability.

Cons: high price - from 5000 rubles.

Pressed horsehair baby mattress

Horse hair is pressed, impregnated with latex, while obtaining a filler that resembles latex coir in structure. Horse hair gives mattresses excellent ventilation, absorbs moisture and helps to bring it out. Due to the comfortable microclimate created, horsehair mattresses are recommended for rheumatism.

  • increased rigidity;
  • elasticity - it increases due to impregnation with latex;
  • durability - horse hair does not respond to repeated deformations;
  • odor resistance;
  • prevention of rheumatic pains;
  • resistance to microbial growth.
  • high price of products - at least 5000 rubles;
  • may cause allergies.

The last drawback is eliminated with the help of anti-allergic impregnation. In addition, the layer of horsehair is most often insulated with a covering of cotton or wool.

Children's mattress with polyurethane foam

This is a polymer foam filler that resembles latex in elasticity, but is much more affordable.

  • form stability;
  • light weight and ease of delivery - the mattress is rolled up;
  • hypoallergenic - PPU is suitable even for children with allergies;
  • relatively low cost.
  • low rigidity - it becomes the main barrier when buying a polyurethane foam mattress for a baby.

The cost of a high-quality mattress made of polyurethane foam ItalbabyJolliPlus is 3900 rubles.

Children's mattress made of batting or foam rubber

It's the least suitable options for a newborn. Both materials absorb moisture, which leads to the accumulation of microorganisms and loss of shape of products. To increase the density, synthetic crumb is sometimes added to the cotton filler, which completely eliminates the environmental friendliness of the material.

  • low price;
  • light weight;
  • safety for health (if cotton wool is without additives).
  • low orthopedic properties - due to increased softness and rapid punching (foam rubber) or rolling (batting);
  • low hygiene - due to the appearance of fungus and microbes.

As an optimized option, foam mattresses are offered with a centimeter layer of coir on top of the foam rubber. Such a budget product costs about 800 rubles.

Caring for a baby mattress

Proper use of the mattress will ensure its durability and allow you to keep it longer. beneficial features and appearance. The basic rules of care are universal and are fully suitable for a spring mattress product:

  • transportation is allowed only in a horizontal position so that the springs do not move;
  • orthopedic products do not fold, so as not to damage the spring elements and trim;
  • mattresses are periodically ventilated and vacuumed, but not knocked out;
  • stains are cleaned with special means with a low chlorine content;
  • do not allow water to get inside - it can ruin the packing;
  • the mattress should be dried only in the air, but not with an iron - because of this, deformation of the filler is possible.
  • coconut - clean dry, with a vacuum cleaner; use a moisture resistant mattress cover; often aired and turned over; do not allow children to play on the mattress;
  • with batting - they air it once a month, turn it over once every 2 weeks, vacuum it once a week; do not erase; hand over to dry cleaning or clean with soapy foam without excessive moisture.

Mattress cocoon for a newborn

The ergonomic novelty proposed by French neonatologists is becoming more and more popular. A cocoon mattress is used in the first trimester of a child's life in order to more easily adapt it to new living conditions after the prenatal period. The soft mattress when laying the baby completely reproduces the shape of his body, taking into account the rounding of the spine, characteristic of babies. When the child is in a cocoon, his posture is most physiological, which provides the following benefits:

  • decrease in muscle tone, which prevents harmonious physical development;
  • weakening colic, which often bother babies;
  • reducing the likelihood of asymmetry and flattening of the skull - these deformations are possible when using a conventional mattress;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • stimulation of the development of general motor skills and coordination of movements, since the child freely touches his face, brings his hands to his mouth, does not feel fear of falling;
  • expansion of contacts with the outside world - the baby easily turns his head and sees everything that is around him.

The cocoon is made of a material that is a mixture of polyurethane and polyamide. Complete with a mattress, a special limiter for adjusting the size, a cotton cover and a safety belt are sold (it does not hinder the baby's movements at all). The cocoon is produced in several sizes:

  • 1st - for very premature babies, used in a neonatal center;
  • 2nd - for children weighing less than 2.7 kg;
  • 3rd - for children weighing more than 2.7 kg, is used from birth to 4 months of age.

Mattress for a newborn in a stroller

When choosing a mattress for a walking “crew”, the following factors are taken into account:

  • compliance with the dimensions of the stroller;
  • sufficient rigidity;
  • eco-friendly filler;
  • Natural coated cover, better waterproof and removable.

Mattresses filled with latex braided coir, buckwheat fiber or natural latex are best suited for firmness for a baby. Such products do not cause allergies, are elastic and resilient, do not absorb moisture.

A good option is a two-layer product made of wool and linen, the only drawback of which is wetness. The wool side is great for keeping you warm in winter. Flax passes air well, is an antiseptic, does not create a greenhouse effect - these properties are good in summer.

As mattress covers for a stroller, products based on polyurethane coated with polyester terry are suitable. The price of these removable products with elastic bands depends on the size and is about 500 rubles.

Bathing mattress for newborns

So that the bathing process does not become stressful for the baby, the mother all the time has to support his body with her hands. The child is not yet accustomed to the fact that water is no longer his habitat and can easily turn over. At best, this leads to the penetration of water into the ears. And if water enters the respiratory tract, the child may choke. Bath mattresses help make bathing safe and comfortable.

The waterproof fixture is made of synthetic materials that do not react with water. The cover is usually made of polypropylene and filled with polystyrene balls, consisting of air-filled bubbles. Thanks to the polystyrene filler, the mattress takes the shape of the baby's body. During bathing, the floating pad is slightly sunk - while the child is partially lowered into the water, and the head is securely placed on the pillow. EasyBath mattress for bathing a child weighing 3-8 kg costs 650 rubles.

Summing up, it should be noted: for children of all ages, including newborns, combined mattresses in the middle price range are best suited. They optimally combine the positive properties of natural and artificial components, creating the desired orthopedic effect. When buying, they pay special attention to the environmental friendliness and hygiene of materials, study the certificate.

Video on how to choose a children's mattress?

In a young family, the birth of a baby is the most important event. Parents try to prepare for this moment in the most thorough way. The list of necessary purchases necessarily includes a crib and a children's mattress. After all, a child’s sleeping place should not only be comfortable - on which mattress the baby will be at the beginning of his life, his posture and health in general will depend. Which mattress is better to choose for a child - read in this article.

For a grown up baby, the quality of the mattress is just as important as for the baby. After all, a toddler needs to be in bed for 10 hours or more. Schoolchildren for normal development internal organs, spine, muscles also need a long sleep. Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress leads to insufficient muscle relaxation and many problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Some adults claim that after a child runs for a whole day, he doesn’t care what to sleep on, but this is far from the case. Circulatory disorders in the spinal column, neck can cause headaches, scoliosis, sleep disorders, exhaustion nervous system, psychological diseases. Only in a calm sleep does a child rest from daytime impressions and external stimuli - sounds and light. The result of restless sleep is tearfulness, heightened excitability, increased physical activity.

What is the best mattress for a child. Even if the baby's bed looks like a fabulous carriage or a house, it will not be easy for him to sleep well without a properly selected mattress. When choosing a mattress, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, his needs, habits, type and size of the mattress.

Spring mattresses

What is the best mattress for a child. Spring mattresses are comfortable for both children and adults. There are many models of spring mattresses. All of them are divided into two types depending on the design of the internal metal frame:

  • blocks of the Bonnel type with sequential locking dependent fastening of springs - in them, when compressed, the springs pull the neighboring ones along with them and are attached to each other with the help of a special wire;
  • blocks based on springs independent of each other - each is in a separate case made of durable breathable material, there is no connection between the springs.

Bonnel spring blocks have been used in furniture production for over a hundred years. This design is considered obsolete. Now it is used in economy class mattresses. Modern soft fillers guarantee the absence of creaking and a long service life of such mattresses.

The disadvantage of mattresses based on dependent blocks is the effect of a wave or a hammock, which is formed due to the fact that all the springs are firmly connected to each other. Therefore, such mattresses cannot support the child's spine in a uniform position: the mattresses bend under the heavy parts of the body and lift the lighter ones.

Mattresses with independent TFK or PocketSprings spring blocks are made of barrel-shaped springs that work independently. When one spring is compressed, the adjacent spring remains unused. In such mattresses there is no sagging effect, they fluctuate less when changing body posture, they are absolutely silent.

On mattresses with independent spring blocks, the spine of a sleeping child takes a natural shape, which ensures the correct position of the child's body during sleep. But during wakefulness, any of the spring mattresses, especially those with dependent blocks, can become a trampoline for a child, and this is not always useful and convenient.

Springless mattresses

What is the best mattress for a child. Until the 19th century, people slept on mattresses filled with fluff, hay, wool, feathers, and cotton, depending on their income. These mattresses are actually the prototype of springless mattresses, which are used in the everyday life of people in the 21st century. Springless mattresses for children are characterized by durability, noiselessness, comfortable rigidity, and the absence of metal parts. They do not require complex care.

These mattresses can be of any firmness. They are elastic and very comfortable. The most rigid models of mattresses are classified as springless. Produce modern springless mattresses steel with the advent of new technologies in the production of synthetic fillers - latex, polyurethane foam, foam rubber, thermally bonded polyester fibers. In addition, mattresses are filled with natural materials - coconut coir, sisal, buckwheat husk, sea grass.

Springless mattress

Natural fillers of springless mattresses are valued for their high elasticity, strength, wear resistance, elasticity. These materials pass air well, allow other materials to breathe, and do not retain moisture. They are antistatic, do not attract dust, absorb sounds. These mattresses have good orthopedic properties.

Orthopedic mattresses

Mattresses that ensure the correct position of the child's body during rest are orthopedic mattresses. After sleeping on an orthopedic mattress, the back does not hurt, the muscles are not tense, there are no negative sensations, the person feels well rested. This effect can be achieved by using independent spring blocks or foam materials as internal frames.

The ultra-modern materials Memoryfoam, Visco-elastic, Memoform, Memoflex are a type of polyurethane foam with open cells that allow air to pass through. They change their softness when in contact with the warmth of a person, adapt to the contours of the body. Thanks to these materials with a memory effect, the suffering of people with paralysis, who have suffered strokes, burns, damage to the skin and limbs, is alleviated.

Mattresses for newborns

What is the best mattress for a child. Now it is becoming popular in the first months of a baby's life to use a mattress in the form of a cocoon-cradle made of materials with a memory effect. Baby cradles make babies sleep comfortably. Indeed, after birth, the child finds himself in unfamiliar difficult conditions in an unlimited space, next to unfamiliar smells, voices, noises. And on the cradle mattress, the children lie calmly, because they are in the fetal position, as well as during their stay in the mother's body.

Being in a cocoon mattress, the child lies in his usual position with bent legs and a rounded back. Material with reduced elasticity MemoryFoam evenly distributes atmospheric loads over the baby's body, returns the child to the usual sensations, to a familiar environment, and minimizes stress. A mother next to a child sleeping on a memory-material mattress can also rest in peace.

Coconut mattresses for children

What is the best mattress for a child. Springless mattresses filled with coconut coir have high orthopedic properties and are very good option for a normal and restful sleep of children. Coconut fibers are very durable and environmentally friendly natural material that does not absorb moisture. Bacteria do not multiply in it and dust mites do not live.

In order to confirm the naturalness of all the inner layers of the mattress, it is necessary that the certificates of conformity indicate that the coir layers are interconnected by natural stitching or glued with natural latex. The disadvantage of stitched coconut fiber mattresses is their fairly rapid deformation. As a result, the coir begins to crumble and crumble, which can become a source of dust and allergic reactions in the child.

What firmness mattress is best for a child. What is the best mattress for a child. Experts recommend mattresses with natural hard fillers of a springless design to be used for sleeping babies and children under 3 years old. Preschoolers should use medium firm mattresses in their cribs. It is better for schoolchildren to sleep on orthopedic double-sided mattresses, with different rigidity of beds. Parents, if necessary, depending on the condition of the child, will be able to choose a measure of the firmness of the mattress.

Mattress stiffness table depending on the height and weight of people

What is the best mattress for a child. Very young children sleep up to 20 hours a day. One-year-olds, although they sleep less at night, can fall asleep several times during the day. This is necessary for the growth of the child and the restoration of his strength. Therefore, parents take the choice of a mattress for children about one year old very seriously. Springless mattresses are placed in the crib for babies 1 year old.

Mattresses should be made from environmentally friendly materials to prevent allergic reactions. The rigidity and elasticity of the mattress should be sufficient to avoid back pain and make the child's posture beautiful. It should not deform under the weight of the baby's body. The mattress should have a removable cover so that it can be easily washed, dried, and cleaned.

Which mattress to choose for a child of 3 years

Grown up kids, who are starting to actively talk and delve into the lives of adults, can be allowed to make an independent choice of their mattress. At the age of 3 years, the spine in children is already formed, so not too hard mattresses are quite suitable for sleeping such children.

The choice can fall on both spring and springless mattresses. If a child likes to jump, then a spring mattress with an independent block will become for him both a place to sleep and a playground. When choosing a mattress, pay attention to the quality of external and internal materials.

Mattresses filled with cotton, batting or foam rubber absorb moisture, insects can appear in them, bacteria multiply, they are difficult to clean and dry, and cannot be washed. These mattresses are made using outdated technologies that do not allow them to maintain their normal state for a long time.

The best options for filling mattresses for children are high-quality polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, felt. Covers for children's mattresses are made of cotton, wool or linen. These fabrics do not retain moisture inside the mattresses, are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a mattress for a newborn in a crib

The health of a newborn child directly depends on the quality of his sleep. After all, this state for a long time remains the main one in the life of a small person. First of all, the mattress for the baby should be springless and match the size of the crib so that he does not move out or simply does not fit in the crib. The crib itself should be with a hard bed surface.

Which mattress to choose for a newborn

A standard crib requires a mattress measuring 120 cm x 60 cm up to 6 cm thick. A non-standard mattress will have to be ordered in advance. Removable covers without buttons, zippers and coarse seams are put on mattresses for newborns so that the baby is not injured. The mattress for the baby should be quite hard to prevent curvature of the spine and back pain. For the same purpose, they refuse a soft pillow or a pillow in general.

Komarovsky: how to choose a mattress in a crib (video)

What is the best mattress for a teenager

In adolescence, children continue to form the spinal column. At the same time, large loads fall on the skeleton and muscles of schoolchildren during long classes at their desks. In order to facilitate the stage of growing up of the child, it is necessary to provide him with such a bed, where during the night the spine and skeletal muscles will return to normal.

At this age, children often need orthopedic mattresses of moderate or medium hardness. A solid, flat surface of the bed will allow the teenager's body to fully relax the muscles and form the skeleton normally. Mattress fillers should be natural, because during puberty there are high risks of allergies associated with changes in the hormonal background of a teenager.

If a springless mattress is chosen for a child, then its height can be from 10 to 20 cm with a load of 80-90 kg per seat. After all, these mattresses are durable, and children grow very quickly. Online stores also offer mattresses for teenagers with independent spring blocks Promtex-Orient EcoTeen Standard Strutto at a price of 3159 rubles, SkySleepKiddyCocos TFK mattress - price 3749 rubles, mattress for a teenager Promtex-Orient TeenCombi 1 - price 5985 rubles, BenarttiBabyOrto TFK mattress price - 6062 rub.