Foods to eat at the right time. What is better to eat during preparation and in the morning before the exam What is better to eat during

“You are what you eat,” said Hannibal Lector, baking another victim, flavored with oriental spices.

It's hard to disagree with the master of innovative cooking, but there are far less drastic ways to stay fit with the right diet.

For young people, spring is not only carefree love, but also intensive preparation for exams. Long-term memorization of the material does not always bear fruit, but all because the brain, like other organs, needs food.

So, certain foods can increase concentration, improve memory and maintain clarity of mind at the most necessary time.

Therefore, we will tell you about what foods should be eaten during preparation and in the morning before the exam to make it as efficient as possible!

First of all, you should pay attention to complex carbohydrates. It is they that give the longest boost of energy for the whole day, while simple carbohydrates have a short-term effect.

So, for example, while preparing for exams, it is better to limit yourself to the consumption of confectionery, sweets and pastries. It is also recommended to stay away from snacking on chips, chocolate and sweets.

If during cramming you still feel hungry, you can have a snack with such foods as:
1) any nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and the like);
2) fruits (apple, fig, banana, lemon, grapes and others that have a high calorie content);
3) all kinds of dried fruits;
4) a sandwich of bread with bran and a slice of cheese;
5) dairy products (a glass of milk or yogurt).

After a small replenishment of energy reserves, efficiency and brain activity will increase.

For a while, this will help you cope with the task, but later you will face the need for good nutrition.

1. Great fit fresh carrot salad, to which you need to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. The carotene contained in it will help improve memory, and with the addition of fats, this vegetable is absorbed by the body much faster.

2. A pineapple will help in remembering a huge amount of information, but a slice accompanies a person's short-term memory.

3. To stimulate the nervous system and reward it with brilliant ideas, the spice "cumin" will help. Just add a pinch of this seasoning to any dish, and in addition to a fragrant dish, you will notice a clear creative upsurge.

4. - the favorite fruit of creative people, because, like cumin, it helps to open up unknown breadths in you and help you regain inspiration.

5. For concentration, prepare the famous herring under a fur coat. The vitamins and acids contained in the dish will help you focus on one subject and not be distracted.

6. Shrimps and other seafood can also help you achieve a high level of attention, as well as saturate the brain with fatty acids.

7. To give your brain more oxygen and relieve overwork after a busy day, cook any fish dish and add onions to it.

8. When the nervous system is heating up, eat a couple of cabbage leaves. After all, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against depression, nervous breakdown and bad mood.

9.Blueberry and lemon improve blood circulation due to vitamin C, which means they tone the brain, which makes it work more efficiently.

10. To keep your body focused on one thing, do not overeat before the exam. Best thought only on an empty stomach. If you eat too much, then the energy will be wasted on digesting supplies, and not on the task you set.

11. So that information does not slip from your memory, in no case should you eat and study at the same time.. It is better to take a separate time for eating, because when you chew, the lines you read will be forgotten very quickly.

Now it’s worth figuring out which drinks you can and which are better not to consume while preparing for exams.

Set yourself a limit on coffee, tea, coca-cola and energy drinks. They are able to give a quick boost of energy, but ultimately bring the body to exhaustion.

Instead, drink more fresh water, then your concentration will improve, and your memory will not fail you. Drinking water is recommended every two hours at least a glass.

In addition to basic foods, you can purchase vitamin complexes . After all, during intense mental stress, useful substances are so necessary for the brain.

Do not overlook and exercise. Morning exercise will help your body wake up, increase blood flow to the brain and saturate it with oxygen.

Do a body and eye warm-up every two hours, and in the evening before bed, you can do a short jog. Fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and bring on a healthy sleep.

Five days before preparing for exams, it is recommended to exclude meat from the diet, because it takes too long to be digested by the body. It is better to give preference to cereals, fish and lean chicken.

Use the minimum amount of useless universal spices, and do not fill the dish with refined vegetable oil. Forget about mayonnaise or ketchup, also reduce the amount of salt on the dish.

Sweet tooth is better to limit yourself to sweets. This rule does not apply to dark chocolate and muesli and dried fruit bars. However, even here there must be a measure.

The morning before the exam

In the morning before the exam, the brain and the whole body needs a boost of energy for the whole day. That's why breakfast is a must nutritious and most beneficial. So choose foods high in fiber and protein.

Make scrambled eggs with mushrooms or rye bread toast, eat a plate of oatmeal with dried fruits, or a dish of beans. Drink a glass of milk or eat cottage cheese.

The choice of breakfast is up to you, but when preparing it, start from the benefits of the products and the needs of your brain.

Just before the exam itself, we often see students with chocolates or chocolate bars. This option really gives a boost of energy, but we recommend taking with you:

1) a handful of nuts;
2) dried fruits;
3) bananas;
4) mors.

These foods can only be eaten before entering the examination room. In addition to improving mental performance, you will cheer yourself up and the exam will not be such a terrible test for you.

After you have left the office, have a cup of green tea. It will perfectly help calm the nervous system and saturate your body with antioxidants. Later, refresh yourself with an apple or a banana and boldly follow the positive results.

Be confident in yourself and the abilities of your brain, and with useful tips site World of Good, you can reveal all its secret possibilities.

And remember that only positive thinking, mental clarity and our recommendations will help you pass your exams perfectly!

The desire to lose weight is familiar to many girls and for this purpose a variety of techniques can be used. To bring the weight back to normal without regaining the lost weight, you need to know what you can eat when you lose weight and minimize the use of harmful foods.

Approved Products

To lose extra pounds, you need to know what to eat when losing weight. Below are products that will not only help in this difficult task, but will also bring great benefits to the whole body:

  1. Eggs. They can be eaten with almost any diet, saturating the body with the necessary amount of protein, which is directly involved in the process of building cells. However, the yolk contains a lot of fat, so it is recommended to eat no more than one egg per day.
  2. Apples. These fruits are rich in iron, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Apples help to normalize the functioning of the intestines, the metabolism is activated. These fruits can be eaten with weight loss in almost unlimited quantities.
  3. Corn, beans. They include a large number of fiber, protein, vitamins. You can eat them in the evening and not be afraid to get better, as these products are an excellent alternative to poultry and meat, therefore they are added to the diet of various diets.
  4. Tomatoes. They contain a minimum number of calories, but provide very fast saturation. Just one tomato contains the daily norm of carotene and ¼ required amount vitamin C.
  5. Cabbage. This product can be eaten in the evening and not be afraid to get better. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, as well as coarse dietary fiber, thanks to which it helps to quickly cleanse the intestines and easily lose weight. You can eat with weight loss all types of cabbage.
  6. Sweet pepper. This is one of the most useful low-calorie foods that provides the body with the right amount of carotene and vitamin C. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting pepper, so it must be used in any diet.
  7. Grapefruit. Many girls are interested in the question, is it possible to eat fruits in the evening? Of course, yes, but low-calorie. It is better if grapefruit is among the fruits for the evening. It has a bitter taste that works wonders. It contains a large amount of fiber, stimulates the production of bile, accelerates the process of splitting fat deposits.
  8. Carrot. This vegetable holds the record for the content of fiber, carotene, minerals and vitamins. Two carrots a day provide the daily intake of vitamins in the body.

If you make up your daily diet, combining the above products, you can reduce weight in a relatively short period of time and fill the body with valuable substances necessary for its full functioning. When compiling a diet, you need to follow the principles of healthy eating, taking into account individual features organism.

Sweets and flour products for weight loss

While losing weight, you really crave sweets, but eating desserts will not help you lose weight. Almost nothing can be made of sweet and starchy foods; instead, it is useful to eat natural products with a minimum energy value - for example, dried fruits that have a pleasant sweet taste, but are compatible with almost any diet.

If you are losing weight, you should replace dessert with dried apricots, figs, prunes, and dates. These dried fruits are not only very tasty, but also useful for the body. This also includes nuts, but it is best to opt for walnuts and hazelnuts.

Small amounts of pastries and pastries are allowed, but only low-calorie ones - crackers, cereal cookies, pumpkin or cottage cheese casserole. If you plan to lose weight after childbirth, it is useful to add to your diet products that were not made from simple wheat flour, but oatmeal, buckwheat, whole wheat and bran. Sugar should be replaced with natural honey, and instead of eggs, take bananas. It turns out not only very tasty, but also useful.

The question often arises, is it possible to eat marshmallows during weight loss or will the diet be ruined? Despite the fact that marshmallow belongs to sweets, it is allowed, but only in small quantities - no more than 2 pieces per day.

If it’s hard to resist and you really want something sweet, you can eat some dark chocolate (the maximum serving is 50 g per day). As soon as the body gets used to a low-calorie diet, cravings for cakes and buns will noticeably weaken, and soon disappear altogether.

Correctly make a diet with which it will quickly leave excess weight, the following list of useful and dietary products:

  • any vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish (only low-fat varieties);
  • dried fruits;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • eggs;
  • fruit;
  • chocolate;
  • paste;
  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • mushrooms;
  • green tea;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • grapefruit;
  • Bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • ginger;
  • a pineapple;
  • raspberries.

The question is quite common, when can I eat cottage cheese and kefir? Of course, before going to bed, it is recommended to add any berries. The same applies to an invigorating drink loved by many - is it possible to drink coffee while losing weight? Yes, but preferably without added sugar. It is even better to replace it at least temporarily with chicory.

What can you eat for dinner while losing weight?

It is important to remember that after a light and dietary dinner you will not be hungry. If you know what you can eat and what you can not eat when losing weight, the process of dealing with excess weight will not cause any difficulties. The meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Having studied in detail what you can’t eat and whether you can drink coffee in the evening, each girl can easily create her own diet.

Check out some examples of low-calorie meals:

  • baked beef with spices and a small amount of stewed cabbage;
  • boiled chicken, a salad with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers is served as a garnish;
  • chicken breast combined with cauliflower or broccoli;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cabbage soup with mushrooms;
  • salad with cucumbers, beef, tomatoes, lettuce;
  • chicken roll, it is recommended to serve fresh Chinese cabbage as a side dish;
  • vegetable stew with stewed low-calorie fish;
  • boiled beef with grilled vegetables.

Can you eat at night?

To quickly lose weight, you need to know what you can eat when you lose weight for dinner. The meal before going to bed should be low-calorie, the ideal option would be cottage cheese seasoned with dietary natural yogurt, some milk and low-fat cheeses. It is worth diversifying the diet with a salad of fresh vegetables and fish, brown bread is allowed, but in limited quantities.

Watch a video explaining the principles proper nutrition and several main dietary products, using which regularly, you can quickly lose weight and conduct an effective wellness course for the whole body.

In order to quickly lose weight and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, you must not only add healthy and low-calorie foods to your diet, but also do not forget about regular physical activity. Proper nutrition combined with sports gives amazing results in a very short time.

1 Sep 2016

What foods can you eat after 6pm?

Many people think that the most best diet- don't eat after six. But this is far from true. If you live in a metropolis where your working day ends well after midnight, then this diet is not for you.

In the evening, the body adjusts to rest after a hard day. He is already relaxing and getting ready for bed, and therefore he does not need to waste energy. When a person experiences a feeling of hunger, his brain gives signals that he needs to eat. Excitation occurs in the nervous system, which provoked adrenaline, and a person cannot fall asleep.

Therefore, from this it should be concluded: before six o'clock you need to eat. Nutritionists say that the last meal should be no later than 1 hour before bedtime.

Foods to eat after six

  • Vegetables other than potatoes;
  • Dairy products (kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, milk);
  • Cereals.

All of the above foods are slowly digested in the body, which does not lead to weight gain.

If your day was hard, exhausting, then you can afford to eat a piece of chicken or fish. It is better to choose low-fat types of fish, such as flounder, it is not fatty and has few calories, but there are a lot of phosphorus and trace elements.

Boiled or steamed vegetables are very good for dinner. You can make a vinaigrette out of them. Just don't get carried away with potatoes. light dairy products, oatmeal, good food for evening reception food.

Foods with the lowest calorie content:

  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Fruit;
  • Blueberries, blueberries, strawberries;
  • And all light dairy products.

When taking these products in the evening, the body spends a lot of energy, and they do not settle on problem areas of a person and do not lead to weight gain.

Products that should not be consumed in the evening:

  • Fried;
  • I'm going with big share fat;
  • Acute;
  • Salted;
  • Sweets, coffee, alcohol, sparkling water.
After six it is worth eating better lungs salads, dairy products, everything that can be easily digested in the body and at the same time will not affect weight.

The dream of a slim figure can force a person to significantly limit himself in nutrition and radically change his lifestyle. It is not so difficult to follow some of the recommendations of nutritionists: you can easily create a diet that will include foods with a certain calorie content, or get to work by bike. However, there is a requirement that not everyone can fulfill: do not eat after 18.00. The reason is not only the emerging feeling of hunger. If a person returns from work no earlier than 20.00, he simply does not have time to have dinner at the recommended hours, and only a few can go without food from lunch until the next morning. There are also factors psychological plan: after strenuous labor day with its complexities and stresses, there is a completely justified desire to relax. Good food is one of better ways calm down and take your mind off things. It is not surprising that many people get used to filling up in the evenings, ignoring all the advice of doctors.

Fortunately, the problem has a solution. There are a number of products that can be consumed after 18.00 without the risk of gaining extra pounds. We offer a list of such products to the attention of readers.

This cute fruit is considered one of the most effective fat burners. Its calorie content is low. It contains a large amount of pectin, which helps to improve digestion and get rid of heaviness in the stomach.

Kiwi fruits are rich in organic acids, which can be harmful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is worth using kiwi with caution even if you have observed allergic reactions for exotic vegetables and fruits.


Flounder is great for diet food. Its meat contains a lot of protein and only 3% fat, mainly in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids useful for the body. The energy value fish is 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Regular inclusion of flounder in the diet helps not only maintain optimal body weight, but also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


The calorie content of cod is one of the lowest among protein products (69 kcal per 100 g). The flesh of the fish is rich in iodine, sulfur and vitamin PP, so its use has a beneficial effect on the functioning nervous system, and also improves blood composition and circulation in general. Cod is not recommended to be included in the diet of people who have kidney problems or suffer from gallstone disease. Doctors have information that cod meat, if consumed excessively, can lower arterial pressure.


Red beetroot has a sweet taste and is indeed high in natural sugars. Therefore, the root crop has long been considered unsuitable for those who seek to lose weight.

According to the latest data, the composition of beets is unique: with regular use, it allows you to normalize digestion, fill the body with vitamins and microelements, improve blood composition and normalize the functions of many organs and systems. The calorie content of the root crop does not exceed 40 kcal per 100 g. To date, there are several diets that include raw or boiled beets as the main nutritional component, providing a significant reduction in body weight.

Limit consumption of beets should be people with chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, oxaluria, frequent diarrhea and gastritis. A healthy person needs to eat beets daily. Among other things, it has a calming effect. By consuming beets in the late afternoon, you can relieve the effects of daytime stress and improve the quality of sleep.


Mushrooms are considered heavy food, and yet champignons are not forbidden to eat in the evening: they contain substances that quickly and effectively suppress hunger. This property is especially fully manifested when raw champignons are included in the diet (for example, as part of salads). In addition, they contain essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

By adding only 2-3 mushrooms to the evening menu, you will quickly feel full and get a lot of vitamins and minerals without harming your figure.


All types of cabbage (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.) contain a large amount of nutrients, they are low in calories and are quite suitable for an evening snack.

When using cabbage, you need to consider some of the nuances:

  • kale, raw or sauerkraut, can cause excessive gas formation in the intestines;
  • cabbage is not recommended for increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • cauliflower should not be eaten raw;
  • cauliflower can worsen the condition of gout patients;
  • broccoli and cauliflower can cause allergies;
  • Eating broccoli can adversely affect the health of people with thyroid disease.


Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and fiber useful for digestion. This vegetable contains a lot of biologically active substances; it is not for nothing that it has been used since ancient times to treat various pathologies.

When included in the evening meal, pumpkin has a calming effect on the body: it is rich in substances that help reduce anxiety and get rid of insomnia. The pulp of the fruit is low-calorie (22 kcal per 100 g). A few orange slices baked in the oven will perfectly satisfy your hunger.

Contraindications to the use of pumpkin are considered low acidity of gastric juice, a tendency to flatulence, diabetes mellitus and individual intolerance.


The energy value of turnip is 30 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, unlike many other vegetables and fruits, it does not have a harmful effect when diabetes. It is recommended to pay attention to the product for obesity and excess cholesterol in the blood.

Like some other cruciferous plants, turnip has a calming effect on a person, stabilizing the state of the nervous system. The inclusion of turnips in the evening meal is quite justified.


There are three varieties of celery: leaf, petiole and root. All of them are low-calorie and rich in substances that promote weight loss. It has been established that in the process of digesting celery, the body spends more energy than it receives.

Each part of the plant contains a large amount of potassium, as well as manganese, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, vitamins, essential oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Celery stalks and roots contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on bowel function. The vegetable can be consumed raw, boiled or baked. When used as a side dish, it speeds up and optimizes the protein digestion process. Celery juice mixed with juices of other vegetables or fruits is very popular.

Celery has strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, immunostimulating and vasodilating properties. Therefore, its use in food requires moderation and caution. With hypotension, urolithiasis, varicose veins, epilepsy or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, the use of celery (especially in the form of freshly squeezed juice) can worsen the patient's condition. The product is not recommended for women suffering from uterine bleeding, as well as expectant mothers, because it contains substances that tone the muscles of the uterus. When breastfeeding, including celery in the diet can adversely affect the taste of breast milk.

The human body works according to its internal clock, which experts call daily biorhythms. Each of us has his own schedule, but there are general patterns. What is good for us in the morning can be problematic in the evening. The same food eaten in different time, affects the body differently! If you want to ensure that nutrients are fully absorbed and not stored “in reserve” in various places, remember when is the best time to eat certain foods!

Sweet yogurt with fruit slices, kefir or fermented baked milk - not best ideas for breakfast. When you are hungry, the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is high, and the lactic acid contained in fermented milk products lowers it. This interferes with the normal absorption of food and can lead to digestive problems.

Best time: Dairy products are best eaten after meals when stomach acid levels are low. It is especially important to adhere to this rule if you like "sour milk" with probiotics. In order for beneficial microflora to populate the intestines and improve health, it needs favorable conditions.


Mashed potatoes for dinner are just as unhealthy as fried potatoes. This is because this vegetable has a high glycemic index. Potatoes are fast digesting and provide energy, but soon make you feel hungry. But ahead - the whole night! And if you combine potatoes with fats, it is fraught with weight gain.

Best time: Experts advise eating potatoes for breakfast. Because it is rich in carbohydrates and contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, it is easy to digest and prevents constipation. In addition, potatoes have a lot of vitamin B6 and a high concentration of potassium, which is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

White rice, just like potatoes, is a source of fast carbohydrates. If you're on a diet, or just dreaming of losing weight, you might want to cut it out for dinner. So that at night you don’t have to run to the refrigerator for something tasty, but terribly high-calorie.

Best time: Rice is good to eat in the afternoon - for breakfast or lunch. You will get a boost of energy to complete current tasks and you can safely go on business. And if you know that you won’t be able to snack in the next few hours, combine rice with protein food - for example, a slice of fish or meat.


Apples and other fruits containing fruit acids should not replace the main meal. They still will not satisfy hunger, but they will play a notable appetite. Eating fruits on an empty stomach will increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to discomfort, pain and cramps.

Best time: Apples are an ideal food for snacks planned between main meals. They contain pectins, which improve the functioning of the digestive tract and speed up digestion. And there are a lot of vitamins in liquid apples!

If you feel hungry at night, nutritionists advise you to pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, a banana, due to its high calorie content and nutritional value, seems the best option supper. But this is only at first glance! If you eat bananas on an empty stomach, due to the high concentration of magnesium, this can lead to indigestion.

Best time: The ideal time to eat bananas is after a meal. Studies have shown that this fruit helps improve digestion and curb appetite. In addition, a banana is good in the first 20-30 minutes after physical activity. Athletes often resort to it to close the "carbohydrate window" after sports.


Nuts are known for their high content of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Together, they help prevent heart disease and keep you feeling full longer. But eating nuts at night is a bad idea as it can lead to weight gain.

Best time: If you do not want to gain extra pounds, eat nuts during the day as healthy snacks. At the same time, take into account the total daily calorie content, you should not exceed your norm.

Cherry tomatoes, pink, red and other varieties of tomatoes are best excluded from the evening menu. They contain pectin and oxalic acid, which can cause indigestion, bloating, and disrupt your sleep.

Best time: But eating tomatoes for breakfast is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Due to the fiber content, tomatoes improve digestion and speed up metabolism.


Meat and products from it are very nutritious, but such food is heavy for the stomach. Experts note that it takes at least 4-6 hours for the body to fully assimilate meat. If you regularly consume it in large quantities for dinner, this can result in indigestion and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Best time: Meat is the perfect food for lunch. It contains a lot of iron and protein, which help relieve fatigue, increase efficiency and promote muscle recovery. One serving of meat will provide the body beneficial substances and start the process of recovery and growth of muscle mass.

When it comes to proper nutrition, you need to clearly cut healthy sweets from potentially harmful ones. So, cakes with butter cream, buns and rolls with jam can hardly be called healthy food (except for the mood), but natural marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade are a completely different matter! But even they should be used in moderation.

Best time: You can afford sweets in the morning as a dessert. Replacing them with the main meal is a big mistake that can be fatal for your figure.

Dark chocolate

15-25 grams of dark chocolate a day can help lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and boost brain performance. In addition, dark chocolate affects appetite, making us feel full for a little longer. But it is also quite high in calories, so in the evening, when you are already getting ready for bed, it is better not to indulge in them.

Best time: Dark varieties chocolate as if created for a cheerful morning. In addition to the main meal, they will delight you with a powerful boost of energy and improve your mood. What else do you need for a productive day?

Pasta as a side dish for dinner is delicious food, but high in calories. But if you can afford liberties with your diet, you don't have to give it up. After all, such products are useful!

Best time: Fiber, which is contained in the paste from durum varieties wheat, is required by the body for the normal functioning of the digestive system. And the low glycemic index typical of durum varieties is optimal for people with diabetes.


Buckwheat is often called the favorite cereal of women. This complex carbohydrate causes the body to spend a lot of energy on its absorption, which, in tandem with a low calorie content, plays into the hands of all those who lose weight.

Best time: You can eat buckwheat at any time, the only exception is at night. By evening, the body's metabolism slows down, so even healthy food at this moment is undesirable.

Expert comment

Elena Kalen, nutritionist, expert in the psychology of weight loss

Waking up on a sweet morning, some people become aware of their reluctance to eat breakfast. Although they understand that, having gone to work, the next meal time can be very long.

  • What if you don't feel like eating breakfast?

After waking up, drink a glass of water, you can diversify it with additives such as ginger, lemon, honey, mint, cucumber.

Water will help prepare the gastrointestinal tract for work, and after a while you can start breakfast.

Eat slow carbohydrates in the morning. This is the majority of vegetables, legumes and cereals, as well as hard fruits. Blood sugar levels will change slowly, and you will stay full for a long time, which will avoid snacking or not always appropriate feeling of hunger at a meeting.

  • Eat sweets before noon

Sweet tooth should choose a time for treats up to 12 days. The fact is that fast carbohydrates, and sweets belong to them, quickly change the level of sugar in the blood, instantly give energy, which just as quickly disappears within two hours. You can use fast carbohydrates when you need a quick energy replenishment.

  • Be mindful of fats at any time of the day

Fats should be chosen not by the time of consumption, but by their usefulness. Avoid fast foods, ready-to-eat foods, chips, crackers, donuts - they contain fats that are harmful to the body, which form plaques on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol, which leads to health complications. Healthy fats found in foods such as fish, vegetable oil, meat, nuts, avocado, hard cheeses. The listed products replenish Omega reserves, which is important for the beauty and strength of nails, hair, skin, and also normalize cholesterol levels.

  • Distribute your protein intake evenly throughout the day

Protein is spent on the renewal of body tissues, replenishes important amino acids. Fractional protein intake throughout the day will help maintain satiety. Proteins include meat, fish, eggs, low-fat cheeses, dairy products, legumes. Separately, I would like to say about athletes who, after training, need to close the protein-carbohydrate window for 20 minutes. And at this time it is recommended to eat dishes from chicken or lean meats, scrambled eggs or boiled egg, dairy products.

Whatever recommendations you read, try to listen to your body - it is your faithful adviser. Eat when you feel hungry. You should not have breakfast, lunch or dinner if your body does not want it. This food will be superfluous for him, and gradually you will begin to “round up”. Your body will intuitively tell you what product it needs in this moment. Does he need energy or does he need to restore vital processes.