How to glaze gazebos quickly and safely. Review of glazed gazebos: design features, installation Glass gazebos for summer cottages

Closed gazebos for summer cottages will allow you to spend time in them at any time of the year, at any temperature. Competently inscribed in the landscape, covered mini-houses will be a great addition to the design of the site. And if the gazebo has a fireplace or barbecue grill, then it will be a great place, protected from the effects of weather conditions, for relaxing with family or friends.

Arbors can be of different sizes and shapes Source

The construction of a closed glazed gazebo is especially necessary when there is no veranda or living room in the house. Another need may be due to the desire to transfer this place for communication to the atmosphere of the garden. However, quite often such a closed building is used as an extension to the main house with a common passage.

What forms are closed gazebos

The right choice of the form of construction is able to emphasize the individual attractiveness and peculiarity of the backyard territory. If the land is complex, then the selection of a suitable form can ensure the placement of a covered gazebo without reducing size and function. Even in the case of equal parameters, some models will turn out to be the most capacious, and some structures will require more building materials.

All variants of typical or individual projects of covered gazebos have their own form of construction:

    rectangular (square),


  • combined.

Rectangular buildings are distinguished by simplicity and wide functionality of the design. In practice, they use variety of options as:

    collapsible tents on a metal frame, covered with an awning;

    traditional open wooden buildings;

Open gazebo for big company Source

    rectangular awnings with metal poles having a vaulted or pitched polycarbonate roof;

    capital closed houses, glazed or slatted, made of wood or stone, for optimal year-round recreation;

    brick or stone buildings with fireplace, barbecue, barbecue.

Round gazebos- a classic small architectural form with pillars around the circumference and a domed roof. On the this moment, in addition to traditional structures, there are open forged and welded metal structures, covered wooden or metal-plastic structures with glazing. With these project forms, these building materials allow for curved, complex structures because they are easy to process.

Round arbors can be simple (with poles and a roof) and complex - in a more expensive design (with wooden curved elements or panoramic-glazed metal-plastic spheres).

The advantage of round buildings can be called the possibility of their placement in any part of the backyard territory. Due to its shape, the construction is successfully placed between large trees, fills small free areas and can be deployed in all directions without losing its significance.

A round glazed gazebo in which it will be comfortable to spend time in good company Source

Multifaceted gazebos are the most popular due to their resemblance to round shapes, they have their lightness, practicality and grace, and they are built much easier.

Gazebos with polygonal shapes are often metal, the largest buildings are made of logs or timber. The most popular designs with wooden poles, openwork lattices or carved patterns.

Combined (original) forms- are a combination of different forms or other individual projects, for example, in the form of two-story or two-story buildings.

Winter closed gazebos

For the functioning of the glazed gazebo in the winter season, you will need to perform the following activities:

    insulate walls and roof moisture resistant material;

    install doors, double windows;

    ensure heating premises;

    for such a building, it is necessary to have a full-fledged foundation.

Space heating is a key factor in maintaining heat inside and is carried out using:

    stove or fireplace;

    radiator, convector;

    infrared heater on the ceiling with an open and closed heating element, IR molding, floor carbon heater.

Inside, the winter gazebo can also be heated with a fireplace installed in the center. Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

At open source fire required compliance with security measures:

    laying a stove with a barbecue should be carried out on a concrete block, not close to the wall;

    hearth should be located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from interior items;

Converting a winter gazebo into a summer one

During the summer heat, it will be completely uncomfortable to be indoors. For year-round recreation, the building must be equipped suitable for summer weather. It is very convenient, it may turn out to be a closed building with a barbecue, which is converted into an open version of the building. To make this possible, installation is required: removable, hinged or sliding windows.

Manufacturers now offer PVC windows with folding double-glazed windows. As another option, you can choose a room with numerous doors. When open, they will promote good air circulation, but in such cases, you should consider installing a mosquito net.

Having removed window frames, the winter gazebo becomes a place to relax in hot sunny days Source

The main stages of designing closed gazebos

The design and construction of closed gazebos is carried out by professional builders.

Individual building projects are designed and built by architectural bureaus and construction companies, they have a whole variety finished projects closed gazebos with perfect execution. If none of the proposed options suits you, then you can always order the development of an individual project.

A small closed gazebo can be bought starting from 200,000 rubles, capital from 500,000.

The design procedure for such a project involves the implementation of a set of actions for the preparation of documentation and drawings for construction. Selecting building materials for construction.

Architectural and design ideas of the building must comply with the stylistic decisions of the house and all buildings.

Video description

See the video for a few ideas of beautiful gazebos with your own hands:

When designing a covered gazebo, its main features:

    geometric parameters- length Width Height;

    building form(rectangular, polyhedral, round, combined);

    power wall and roof construction;

    roof type;

    building materials constructions;

    ventilyation and hood for the fire source.

If there is a barbecue or barbecue, the presence of a hood even in a summer gazebo will not be superfluous. Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building small forms. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The main stages of the construction of closed gazebos

    With a ready package of documents, preparatory work. Inspection and preparation of the construction site. More often, such buildings are placed in the garden, near flower beds, a pond or in the depths of a summer cottage.

    To a closed gazebo with barbecue and barbecue, it is better to lay paths using paving slabs, otherwise the lawn will be trampled due to the walking of visitors.

    The use of the foundation depends on the materials of the walls. Brick and stone buildings need a reliable foundation (tape or slab). For a closed gazebo with a barbecue, a fireplace, a foundation pit is pulled out before pouring the foundation. Suitable for glass gazebo columnar foundation. The glass gazebo has enough big weight, so you need to study the soil well. On sandy soil, the foundation should be wider and stronger than on heavy clay soil.

    Then the walls of the gazebo are erected or a frame structure is installed.

    At the final construction phase, they make a roof, laying floor covering, internal and external finishing works.

And a kitchenette and a place to relax from everyday life Source


For the construction of closed arbors, the following are used materials or their combination:


    stone, brick;

The use of materials for the constituent elements of the gazebo:

    Flooring. In the usual version, a concrete pad is used, paving slabs, wood flooring.

    Pillars (supports)- a key component, because walls and a roof are attached to it. The most demanded brick execution, stone and in the form of metal pipes.

    Roof. For roofing, slate, tile, profiled sheet are used. The domed roof is assembled separately, then it is fixed to the base. More complex options look very attractive - multi-slope coatings.

    sheathing. The most practical is the sheathing made of cellular or monolithic polycarbonate. During the construction of closed buildings, visitors are supposed to stay as close as possible to the surrounding nature, which is helped by glazed structures. For glass gazebos, durable glass is used.

    Internal items. Most owners prefer to install a barbecue, barbecue, table, seats, and sometimes a sofa inside.

Brick barbecue in the gazebo with an attached countertop, washbasin compartment and woodpile Source

Wooden covered gazebos

Such structures are made most often from such materials:

    glued and planed timber;

    rounded log;

    small slats for sheathing.

Closed wooden gazebo with panoramic windows Source

Brick enclosed gazebos

Such buildings have a rather spectacular appearance, especially if the cladding coincides with the main house. The construction requires more money and time to wait until the foundation dries.

Capital brick building with a fireplace stove Source

Metal covered gazebos

For the construction of the structure, metal pipes, beautiful forged elements are used. The design is safely installed on any surface, dug into the ground. Such a building is durable, safe and stable.


Glass enclosed gazebos

Being in a room with no glazing is unlikely to be comfortable. Glass gazebos for summer cottages have the following distinctive features:

    ordinary glass frames are installed on the lower tier;

    the presence of frameless structures with large glass and triplex connection;

    bearing walls are double-glazed windows;

    facade glazing in the form of large French frames throughout the wall.

Pergolas made of glass will leave an open view of the garden, and at the same time keep warm in the cold season Source

The roof for this building is recommended to use a light metal profile, but there is also a glass roof. To maintain heat in the cold season, they are insulated with a silicone seal. If a barbecue oven is to be used, it is necessary to ensure air outflow, ventilation and ventilation.

Live gazebos

Such buildings can already be called a work of art. Less building materials are used for the construction, they are replaced by natural plants. This is an ideal option in terms of ecology and attractiveness. Enjoying the smell of vegetation, you can be sure that artificial flavors are incomparable with the real flavors of nature.

As a basis for a living glass gazebo for giving a fairly light frame Source


This is a specialized building for barbecue, barbecue. Due to being inside the brazier, they are not always made closed. However, if you provide a closed gazebo with a barbecue good chimney you can cook all year round.

Video description

How a closed gazebo with a barbecue oven looks on the site, see the following video:


Placing a covered glazed gazebo in the garden will not only allow you to contemplate the living natural beauty, but also decorate the landscape of the summer cottage. And if you place a barbecue or barbecue in this see-through room, then your stay there will become as comfortable as possible.

if you have household plot or do you live in country house, you can make your leisure time even more enjoyable. A glazed gazebo with a barbecue grill will be a great opportunity to have a good time enjoying outdoor recreation.

In such a gazebo, a small company can easily accommodate. And if you make a large structure, then you can put a sofa with a table for tea drinking in it and equip a dining area for family dinners and holidays. If you equip the gazebo with a stove, then it will be possible to spend not only wonderful summer evenings in it, but also enjoy your vacation in the winter.

Types of gazebos

When designing a gazebo, it is worth considering what time of the year it will be used. Depending on this, the preferred option is selected.

Open arbors are most often decorated with openwork designs. A place with a barbecue grill is usually located under a canopy, which allows you to hide from the rain. Semi-open structures suggest the presence of walls, but only partially. But completely closed ones resemble small cozy houses where you can install a stove and spend as much time as you like on the coldest rainy or snowy days.

Forms of arbors can be very diverse. It all depends on the imagination and the ability to realize the conceived idea. An originally designed gazebo can become not only a favorite place to relax, but also an important element of landscape design.

The easiest option is to build a rectangular structure. It can be divided into areas for cooking and recreation. Thanks to the convenient shape of such a gazebo, it can be easily placed anywhere: along a fence, a path, next to other objects.

Square design- also a good option, but most likely it is more suitable for small companies.

The most elegant option is a round gazebo. Next to it is usually placed beautiful flower beds and trees. Inside the gazebo, an appropriate interior is created. Furniture of smooth shapes looks harmoniously in such designs with round table located in the center.

If you have an idea to place a stove, a dining area and places to relax in the gazebo, then the most suitable option there will be a hexagonal or octagonal design.

Corner gazebos are good for those cases when there is free space in the corner of the site.. This design will look original, but at the same time space will be saved.

Structural dimensions

The height of the gazebo should be at least two meters. The best option is a size of at least three square meters, allowing you to place everything you need. However, attention should also be paid to the proportions of other objects located in the backyard area. Everything should look harmonious.

With large areas, you can conceive any design and design it in a certain style.

Building materials

When choosing building materials you need to consider what the gazebo will be intended for. If you plan to cook food on fire in this room, care must be taken to ensure that the walls can withstand exposure to steam, as well as temperature changes. The last condition is explained by the fact that such premises are not heated all the time, but only from time to time.

A traditional wooden gazebo looks good in the garden. The tree is durable and strong, the main thing is to treat the surface with a special fire-fighting compound. Materials such as timber and boards are suitable for work.

You can build a stone or brick gazebo. From the same materials you can make a brazier. In such a gazebo it will be cozy and warm, it will last a long time. However, such construction will cost you dearly.

When creating a gazebo, you can combine different materials, to make expressive accents. This design will look even more interesting. But most original version- this is a glazed gazebo. Panoramic glazing allows you to sit by the cozy fire and admire the scenery outside the window.

Furnace options

Before you seriously engage in designing a gazebo, you need to decide what kind of stove will be installed there. It can be a small brazier or a whole complex for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

A stationary brick oven can include a stove with an oven, a grill, and even a smokehouse. It is not easy to build such a furnace, so you will have to stock up on time, materials and learn all the fire safety rules.

It’s a little easier to build a stove with a barbecue. This option is suitable for those who mostly cook with skewers. A variation of the same design can be a barbecue. In this case, the food will be cooked on the wire rack.

More practical equipment includes a brazier made of metal and adapted for carrying. If you plan to use it only in the gazebo, you can decorate it with bricks laid around.

The barbecue brazier can be installed separately, built into the wall or placed right in the center of the room, and an exhaust hood can be installed above it. With this arrangement, each family member or guest will have the opportunity to contribute to the preparation of a festive dish.

The easiest option is the grill.. It can be moved to any convenient place. Grills are presented on the market in a variety of designs, so you can easily find a model that fits perfectly into the interior of the gazebo.

In addition to all the appliances for cooking, a fireplace will also be appropriate here. This will allow not only to prepare delicious dishes, but also to enjoy the warmth and pleasant atmosphere.

An arbor in a modern garden can only have a decorative purpose, stand in the center of a landscape group and play its dominant role among the growing trees, or it can stand quietly and unobtrusively in the far corner of the garden and, as in the estates of the XlX century, serve as a place of solitude with a book.

What kind of gazebo do you need - open or glazed? is the first question. What material is it made from? - next. No other type of building has a greater variety of building materials: from "wild wood" to pink marble.

Wooden glazed gazebos.

We are closer to the tree. This traditional material for the construction of glazed arbors has a combination of a number of advantages and disadvantages. Comparing glazed gazebos with octagonal open ones, we note that for glazed gazebos we need a material with good thermal insulation properties. The small heat capacity of the material will be a big advantage in the conditions of central Russia. Yes, on cold nights, a wooden gazebo will lose heat, but with the first rays of the sun it will quickly heat up.

Remember what material interior decoration baths? Linden and aspen are used there. These hardwoods do not have any other advantages - only low thermal conductivity. As a result, benches made of these materials do not burn or cool.

Useful properties of glazing.

Customers of glazed arbors are more interested in the operational properties of their buildings than others. Unlike simple classic wooden arbors, unusual properties are expected from glazed ones.

One cannot but agree, the glazing will cover the floor from the rain, as the most vulnerable spot, and the gazebos will last longer. The upper part of the wooden arbors and everything above the railing will last a long time. Paint renewal will never be required. This is not our merit - we just chose the right paints and impregnations.

The lower part of the gazebo, where oblique rain will fall in any case, is subject to the harsh effects of water and the sun. The best of paints and impregnations will not withstand endless cycles of wetting, and when the protective coating comes to naught, the wood will be tested for strength.

Arbor glazed from larch or pine?

When ordering from us a glazed gazebo made of dense resinous larch wood, you will receive a 60% mark-up along with an increased service life of the gazebo. As an addition - cold benches and the release of sticky resin during the first years. Besides, rust spots on white painted parts often force larch to be abandoned in the production of white wooden garden buildings.

In 10 years, the benefits of larch will first appear, but is it important? You can update the paintwork of the gazebo (let it be light-colored paint) and extend the operation for another five years. But did it make sense to order a gazebo with larch glazing? You paid extra 60% for it. Isn't it easier in 15 years (or more) to order a new pine gazebo from us with the saved money the same size? The foundation is already ready, the installation of a gazebo in the cramped conditions of a mature garden will not be a big problem for us.
The range of proposed types of glazing will expand and, it is possible that in 15 years glass solariums of all kinds will be as common as typical winter gardens (сonservatory) in England. It will be possible to buy a gazebo with different types of windows and varying degrees of glazing in any building hypermarket. One calms and gives confidence in the future - wooden arbors of our production will be appreciated as a result of skilled manual labor.

Given the market trends, wooden glazed arbors become more and more complex every year, the size increases in proportion to the state economic development.) Octagonal glazed arbors are easier to manufacture than rectangular ones. For 15 years of production of these products, we have optimized manufacturing processes, made many changes to the design. Invisible from the outside, these additions strengthen the places of critical loads.

Having familiarized ourselves with the offers on the market of glazed arbors in the Moscow region, we did not find full-fledged copies of our arbors. When ordering a gazebo according to our photo, not from us, you will receive a different product. In the catalog Experience in the construction of small architectural forms - arbors, pergolas, wooden swing and others wooden structures useful in the design and construction of wooden pavilions.

The summer garden pavilion was made in workshop conditions. Glazed pavilions, like gazebos, are quickly erected wooden structures. Construction from finished sections is carried out in three to four days. The gazebo is made according to the drawings and assembled for the first time on the foundation of the customer.

In its final form, the landscape with our products looks decent.

They have always been much more popular than the closed ones. And it is not surprising, because the very idea of ​​​​such a structure involves close "communication" with nature. But what to do if it suddenly rains or a strong wind blows outside.

In this case, staying in an open gazebo may not be too comfortable. Meanwhile, the way out of this situation is very simple - the installation of glazing. Its modern varieties are made of light, aesthetic and practical materials.

The main purpose of glazing

So, how to close the gazebo from bad weather in the summer or for the winter? When choosing the type of glazing, you need to consider that such structures should:

  • reliably protect the interior of the building from adverse weather factors;
  • be mobile (easy to open and close);
  • be sufficiently strong and durable;
  • have

See how beautiful and practical glazed windows can be different types street houses:

Use of eurowindows

Modern European packages are used for glazing arbors most often. And no wonder. They are relatively inexpensive and almost anyone can buy them.

Glazed gazebos. Photo of a structure fenced with windows on a PVC profile

Warm glazing device

In this case, three-chamber windows are usually used on a PVC, metal-plastic or wooden profile. The first option is cheaper. But wooden profiles look more aesthetically pleasing. By design, windows of both these types are hinged, folding or sliding. You can install them yourself if you wish.

The project of a street building, glazed with windows on a wooden profile

Advice: For a gazebo, it is better to choose hinged - opening outwards - windows or sliding ones.

When fencing with multi-chamber double-glazed windows, you should also take care of the insulation of the main structural elements structures - floors, blank walls and ceilings. Only under this condition can the building be used in winter.

Therefore, plastic and wooden windows- an excellent answer to the question of how to close the gazebo for the winter. Usually when using them.

Spacious gazebo with woodgrain PVC windows and a fireplace

cold glazing

Very often, arbors are glazed with an aluminum profile with a tubeless double-glazed window. The advantage of such structures is the ease and the possibility of self-dismantling / assembly if necessary.

Street buildings, glazed with windows on an aluminum profile, look very neat

On a note: Gazebos are also closed with aluminum structures with a single-chamber package. Such glazing is also considered cold. However, when using it, the air temperature inside the gazebo will be 10-15 degrees higher than outside, which is very convenient in spring or autumn.

The undoubted advantage of aluminum structures with any number of glasses is strength. Such windows can be used for glazing, including gazebos with very large openings.

Frameless designs

This is one of the most interesting and beautiful varieties of cold glazing. AT this case glass is attached only to the upper and lower profiles. The vertical support elements either have a very small thickness, or are simply absent. They look for a summer residence, glazed with frameless windows, very stylish and modern.

Beautiful building with panoramic windows

There are frameless designs in which the glass is shifted to one side and folded in the form of a book. The buildings protected by them can be ventilated by opening the doors to a width of 10 cm. Glazed gazebos for summer cottages look quite impressive when using this option.

Frameless glazing when folded

Sometimes frameless sashes move parallel to each other. Some disadvantage of this design is that when using it, it is possible to ventilate the gazebo only in a slit way.

Frameless glazing with parallel sliding sashes

How can you close the openings of the gazebo yet

There are also alternative methods glazing of summer cottages. In addition to euro windows, polycarbonate double-glazed windows or roller shutters, as well as PVC film and stained-glass windows, can be used for this purpose.

Use of soft glass

The method of glazing using PVC films is currently becoming more and more popular.

PVC curtains - great way protection of the gazebo from rain and wind

Such soft windows for gazebos are much cheaper than glass ones. They perform their main functions very well. Buildings “glazed” in this way also look just wonderful. gazebos through special plastic oval eyelets on swivel brackets.

Gazebo with barbecue. Photo of a structure protected by soft polycarbonate windows

Important: Purchase PVC made from a film with a density of at least 630g/m2. Flexible "glasses" made of less durable material are unlikely to last long.

The only disadvantage of using flexible windows for gazebos is the need for careful handling. PVC film is not very resistant to punctures and cuts.

PVC film - the material is not very resistant to mechanical damage

Polycarbonate double-glazed windows

This material is more expensive than soft glass. For arbors, however, it fits very well, since the main drawback of the latter - instability to mechanical damage - is devoid of. Windows from it, of course, will last longer.

Outdoor building with barbecue, glazed with polycarbonate

On a note: Today on sale you can find inexpensive and very easy-to-install transparent ready-made ones. It is certainly worth thinking about their use to protect the internal space of a summerhouse.

roller shutters

A rather interesting type of polycarbonate "glazing" are transparent roller shutters. For a gazebo, they are also very good. Such roller blinds consist of separate translucent slats.

Polycarbonate roller shutters great option for gazebo

stained glass

Just a luxurious gazebo can be made using stained-glass windows with an aluminum profile. They are mounted and operated in the same way as ordinary double-glazed windows. But stained glass windows are, of course, more expensive.

Pergolas with stained-glass windows can actually look very impressive.

As you can see, there are many types of glazing for gazebos. Choose any, and you will make your pastime as pleasant as possible, not only on sunny days, but also in bad weather.

Pavilions are designed for a cozy family vacation and are a wonderful decoration of suburban areas. The open version will not be able to perform the function of protection, in such a building you can comfortably spend time only in summer in good weather, without fear of rain and strong winds. Glazed gazebos create comfort, solve many problems and do not allow bad weather to overshadow the rest. In this option, on a suburban area at any time of the year, you can relax and enjoy the surrounding nature with pleasure. If you provide a stove with barbecue and barbecue, then you can enjoy delicious meals handmade.


There are several options for glazing, which have both advantages and disadvantages.

  • Wooden frames. Their advantage lies in low price and ease of installation. If desired, the owner can independently install windows without involving specialists. disadvantage wooden frames is that they are not airtight and do not protect well from cold and extraneous sounds.
  • Double-glazed windows. The advantage of glazing with double-glazed windows PVC profile is that the gazebo can be used regardless of the weather. Such frames perfectly retain heat, they are airtight. Depending on the need, they can be ordered with any functionality, for example, so that they swing open, recline or move apart. The disadvantage is that double-glazed windows are more expensive than wooden frames. You can make an alternative decision: if the owner does not plan to come to the site in winter, then it is more rational to install single-chamber double-glazed windows.

  • Aluminum profile. The advantage of this type of glazing is that it allows you to keep the heat inside the premises. The air temperature of the gazebo in winter will always be higher than on the street. Such glazing is done in rooms that have unusually large openings.
  • Frameless glazing. This option is liked due to the attractive appearance. Being inside the gazebo, a person retains a sense of communication with the surrounding nature. Spectacular frameless designs allow you to move the glass to one side, which creates the effect of a closed book.
  • facade method decoration - this is the most expensive, but very beautiful. It provides for the presence of a glass roof and complete tightness.


From the variety of gazebos offered, it is necessary to choose the one that will be built in accordance with the landscape and fit into the composition of the buildings on the site. Pergolas can be divided into three design options.

  1. Open. They are not isolated from the street, have a lightweight design, consist of a frame and poles in the corners. Such gazebos are built mainly in the form of canopies, planted next to them a large number of climbing plants.
  2. Semi-open. They may have walls, but some of them are missing. Traditionally, such structures are built of wood. Forged structures look very original and solemn. Semi-open gazebos are attached to the house for convenience. When choosing such a gazebo, it is worth considering the design of the main building.
  3. Closed. Such buildings have maximum protection from external influences. environment and are wooden or brick houses. Inside the gazebos, they usually provide a separate kitchen area and a recreation area; for convenience, it is necessary to lay communications (water supply, sanitation).

Open, semi-open and closed gazebos have a wide variety of shapes, they can look like simple buildings or have a very non-standard look.

  • Rectangular is the most traditional and the simplest option. Such gazebos can be attributed to the most comfortable premises for relax. They are the most spacious, so you can perfectly put furniture for relaxation and an oven for cooking inside. In such an arbor, many guests will perfectly go crazy.
  • Square- are considered less functional, since it is difficult to arrange the necessary furniture inside.
  • Round- distinguished by the elegance of forms. They look very impressive in areas where there are already arches and vaults.
  • Polygonal- have become very popular, since a fairly large area is structurally created indoors.
  • corner- installed where there is free corner space on the site.


You need to choose those materials that are easy to install. They are of great importance decorative properties. First of all, the quality of materials depends on the price. If you want to build a foundation, you will need concrete, brick, stone. The floor is laid with a board or laid with tiles made of natural or artificial stone.

The main design of glazed gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove is made from the following materials.

  • Wood- this is the material from which construction is traditionally carried out in Russia, and country houses are no exception. Manufacturers seem to be very big choice wooden gazebos. They are made from timber, logs, boards. Arbors made of slatted decorative lattice are very popular.
  • Pergolas built of bricks are also popular. They are fireproof and do not require repair. Brick is a durable material.

  • AT recent times gazebos appeared from polystyrene foam. They are durable, strong and can be used at any time of the year.
  • Look very good combined gazebos. During construction, several types of building materials are combined at the discretion of the manufacturer and the future owner.
  • Glazed gazebos look great with large panoramic windows. Gazebos with sliding glass sections are in demand.

The choice of material must be approached very seriously. The main criteria should be taken into account: durability, protective coatings, resistance to moisture and temperature changes.

Stove selection

The design of the stove installed in the gazebo depends on the planned method of its use. Furnaces are of the following types:

  • brick reliable and heat-intensive options, masonry technology brick oven located in the gazebo, differs from the masonry of the home oven; this technology should provide resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • cast iron ovens are able to retain heat for a very long time;
  • steel- very compact, light weight and affordable.

Any of the presented stoves can be used as a barbecue, barbecue and grill. It is also practiced to install a stove next to the gazebo under a canopy if there is very little free space in the gazebo.

How to build a summer gazebo with a barbecue, see the following video.