How to finish the jambs of the front door. Entrance door slopes: finishing options and instructions for finishing with your own hands. Do-it-yourself slope near the door - video

Boring door slopes are a thing of the past - now the variety of finishes is off the charts! What interior designers do not come up with, and what kind of experiments customers do not agree to. Overview best ideas and how to implement them is ready for viewing.

Do-it-yourself door slopes - everything is in your hands

Most companies responsible for the delivery and installation of doors only care about the outside of the issue. It is understandable - you can install doors and decorate the front side with platbands in one evening, but with slopes from the side of the apartment you need to mess around much longer. However, this is what positive side question - you can make and arrange the slopes yourself, as your heart desires.

IN contemporary art In interior design, door slopes have long lost their role as a standard space around the opening. Now they can become the hallmark of your home, because it is them that the guest meets at the entrance. But first, let's refresh our memory of what, according to building codes, slopes should represent, and what functions they should perform.

So, the slopes are the end part of the walls surrounding the door frame, if any, or the components of the opening in the wall when the door is not installed, for example, in the interior passage. The main functions of this architectural element are: protecting the door fasteners from burglars, strengthening the door and wall, and ennobling the entire doorway, which was torn apart by craftsmen during the installation of doors.

However, modern designers look at things from a different angle - slopes can be, if not the central design element, then one of the main ones. The design of the entire room may depend on this element, with its help you can visually improve the space, bring harmony to disproportions.

How to make slopes on doors - slope design

The modern installation of door slopes is similar to a multi-layer cake - the base is hidden behind the decorative layer, under the main one there can be insulation, sound insulation, vapor barrier, vibration protection, crate, and only under it there will be a brick or foam block. The doorway is no exception - do not forget that in addition to external beauty, we must take care of the protective function.

The easiest and fastest finishing option is to install slopes made of sheet material on the door, which are sheathed with a sheathing or glued onto a rough surface.

However, this option is best used when arranging interior openings, where security issues are not so acute. In case you have to decorate the slopes on metal doors, or increase moisture and heat insulation, the best option will .

However, this is only one layer of the "pie", except for the obligatory primer.

  • Warming is a desirable, but not mandatory layer. Most often it is made of foam plastic (in the case of plastering) or mineral wool (sheathing and plasterboard sheathing).
  • Reinforcement - at a minimum, is the installation of reinforcing corners over the outer corners of the slope. The corners have a special perforation, with the help of which they reliably “cling” to the putty layer.
  • Putty - finishing, leveling layer. In some cases, it may be absent if finishing with durable materials follows.
  • Decorative layer - can be made from a variety of materials. The easiest way is to apply a layer of paint, complex options are not limited by anything other than the imagination of the customer and designer. In each case, the method of attaching decorative elements may differ.

Do-it-yourself door slopes - original ideas

How to make original slopes on the doors at no extra cost? Even the simplest option - painting - can be turned into a boring way to finish. Alternatively, you can apply two coats of paint: the background layer is applied with a regular roller, and when it dries, a second layer of lighter or darker paint is applied with a texture tool. You can buy one or make it yourself - just wrap a standard paint roller with a piece of suede so that the material forms waves, bends, grooves, in a word, texture.

  • Another effect - kolorvosh - will allow the slopes and walls to look more airy, softer, if you want. To begin with, the main background is also applied, over which a lighter paint, close to the background, is applied with a sponge or cloth. Rub the second layer with light washing movements or crosswise movements, due to which a picture of airy lightness is formed. If there is no time for fuss at all, use stencils that you can either buy ready-made or cut yourself.
  • If you still have wallpaper after repair, you can paste over the slopes with them. This is quite practical, especially if the wallpaper is washable - after all, the doorway gets quite dirty.
  • Slopes made of laminate or mounted very quickly and look original. Just do not forget to buy special corners to hide the junction of the dies at the corners. If you think about it, this method is very practical - only on the floor a laminated coating can last about 25 years, and on the walls even longer. Laminate is easy to clean, it does not fade and is resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Another quick and durable option is slopes made of MDF boards. It should be noted that MDF is still not as strong a material as the same laminate, but its installation is even easier - you just need to cut the strips in accordance with the width of the slopes, fix them with glue and ennoble the corners.
  • Slopes made of artificial stone are more complex in execution, but very beautiful and durable. Depending on the shape of the stone and its color, you can achieve the effect of antiquity, or vice versa, create modern designs. The stone is attached mainly to a special adhesive base; to fit individual elements, you will need at least a grinder with a diamond wheel. To give a wet effect, be sure to cover the surface of the stone with polymer varnish.
  • Ceramic tile or mosaic looks in doorway very impressive, especially if you choose the right colors and location. The option is very practical: durable, easy to clean from any dirt, does not attract or accumulate dust.
  • Mirror tiles or mirror mosaics will give the doorway a greater height and width. Do-it-yourself finishing option for modern interior design, slopes for interior doors look best from this material.
  • The use of cork panels will allow you to create a very harmonious finish of the slopes, especially if parquet, parquet or laminate is laid in the hallway. To increase the wear resistance of the material, it can be coated with a special elastic varnish for cork.

Even the most luxurious front door can go bad appearance if the slopes around it are made inaccurately. These products serve as a beautiful frame, complement and highlight main object. Its role is played by the front door. To decide how to make slopes on the front door correctly, you need to look at its style, colors and design.

Materials for finishing slopes

The slopes framing the entrance to the apartment should correspond not only to the external features of the door, but also to the design of the hallway as a whole. In addition to a purely decorative function, such elements around the door serve as an additional insulation. They also close the joints between the box and the wall.

For this purpose, you can use various materials or bring existing slopes in order. If the door is strong and reliable, but does not stand out in appearance, it is enough to level the slopes with plaster and strengthen them. Such work is usually carried out not only from the side of the entrance, but also in the hallway. The plastered slopes look pretty neat. They can be painted in a color similar to the shade of the door itself or in the tone of the wallpaper in the hallway.

If the walls of the house are quite thick, and the slopes are wide, drywall can be used for finishing.

It will reliably close the joints between the wall and the door frame, and also make the walls warmer. Due to this, the slopes will take on a neat appearance. Drywall can:

  • paste over with wallpaper;
  • cover with paint.

This material has many advantages. The main advantage is that there is no need to level the plaster with a building rule, followed by cleaning the wall. You can trim the slopes of natural wood if it is suitable for finishing the doorway.

Wood has always been in demand and has never gone out of fashion. It goes well with any interior. It can be easily tinted with modern or folk remedies. The tree will serve long years, keeping your decorative properties. In extreme cases, you can paint the wood with paint to match the color of the hallway.

An alternative to wood can be a laminated lining made on the basis of fiberboard. It is produced in various color scheme and imitates the textured pattern of various types of wood. Accordingly, you can choose housing for any design of the hallway. But it is not recommended to trim the slopes on the outside of the door with this material, since it does not remain there for a long time.

Another finishing option is prefabricated PVC panels. They are made in various widths and in a wide range of colors. The production of such parts and their subsequent sale are carried out by profile schemes. They have a subway that installs panels. This finishing option looks respectable. It has good aesthetic properties. PVC panels can last a long time. But it is better to put them from the side of the apartment.

From the side of the entrance, it is better to use 1 or 2 finishing method, which was mentioned above. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can independently install ready-made slope parts. Another option is the use of polymers for finishing on the inside. This is a plastic box. It can be easily matched to the color of the walls in the hallway. The stores offer a wide range of this material.

Slopes are sometimes sheathed with chipboard panels. They are usually used for very thick walls. But it should be noted that today this method of finishing is becoming less and less popular. This is due to the emergence of alternative materials that can replace these massive panels.

One way or another, if a material of the required size was found at home, you can use it to design door slopes from the inside. It should be noted that there are other materials that can be used to install slopes on the front door. They can be used to arrange planes around the door. And yet the options that were described above are the most popular.

List of main tools

To finish the slopes, you will need tools and materials that will make it possible to carry out the work neatly. What is needed for plastering when finishing the slopes of the front door:

Tools for measuring work must be prepared in advance. Their list includes:

  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw or screwdriver;
  • hammer;

Once everything you need is prepared, you need to proceed to surface preparation and installation.

Finishing Process Plan

Each type of work on finishing door slopes after installing the front door has its own nuances. Installation of the presented materials is carried out according to a single technology. Some finishing methods are extremely simple. If you approach the work correctly, it is quite possible to do them yourself. There are techniques that are available for self-fulfillment when the owner of the premises has the necessary skills to work with tools and building mixtures.

Any measures for the installation of slopes begin when the door leaf is installed and all the gaps between the wall and the jamb are closed. In addition, broken fragments are removed from the slopes. It is necessary to clean up all areas that are crumbling. After the completion of these works, they proceed to finishing in the chosen way.

Plastering methods

If you decide to level the walls with plaster, then the process must have a certain sequence. First, clean the surface of any contaminants. Primed properly. It is better to use two layers for this. The primer material is applied only after the previous layer has dried. Find out how even the slope angles are. If a deviation is found, then this must be taken into account when installing reinforcing corners. It is not necessary to level surfaces that have slight deviations from the vertical.

Following this, it is necessary to put perforated corners at the corners of the slopes according to the level. It is better to plant them on the finishing putty. This material is available in stores in finished form. It is applied to the corners of the slopes. The composition serves to glue the corner and makes it possible to align it to the ideal position horizontally or vertically. The resulting excess solution appears through the opening of the corner. Immediately remove them with a spatula.

As soon as the corners are brought to the ideal, the solution under the corners is left to dry. If the slope surface is uneven, then before installing the perforated corners, set the direction from the door jamb. To do this, a narrow strip of drywall with a width of 8 to 10 mm is fixed along it. It is fixed with putty. If it is made on a gypsum basis, then it takes very little time for the material to harden. The edges of the drywall and the strips that reinforce the corner become points that connect with putty and level the plaster.

After the elements for adjusting the wall are dry, putty is spread. Focus on the proportions indicated on the package. You should get a pasty consistency. Using a spatula, throw the finished composition onto the wall. Start from the floor.

Throw a certain amount, about a meter high. Align the building rule. The role of the lighthouse in this case performs a perforated corner and a piece of drywall glued to the wall.

Following this, the solution is thrown onto the next section and leveled again. So continue until you reach the top of the opening. Puttying the ceiling area is much more difficult. Here you will need putty and a wide grip. For leveling, a short rule is used. After that, putty is applied to the wall above the doorway. Close the upper zone of the metal corner with it.

Slopes after processing with putty are left to dry. This takes a different amount of time. It depends on the composition of the putty and the thickness of the layer. After this layer has dried, the quality of the surface is checked. Any possible shortcomings are corrected. To do this, you need to chip off and clean the protruding irregularities. Following this slopes must be treated with finishing putty for perfect evenness.

After the putty has dried, cover the working area with a primer. The resulting surface can be painted. You can paint it, apply decorative plaster or paste over with wallpaper.

Drywall finishing

It is much easier and more pleasant to work with this material than to display slopes with plaster. But, one way or another, you have to work with the finishing putty. It will play the role of an adhesive for sheets of material. Instead of her use special glue for working with GVL fragments on a gypsum basis. If there is not enough space, then drywall is perfect for decorating slopes. This process is carried out in the following sequence.

First, all surfaces on the slopes are measured separately. The obtained values ​​are transferred to GVL sheets. They cut out elements that will be fixed on the wall. The finished parts are mounted, going in the direction from the ceiling part. For this purpose, glue is applied to the drywall blank in several layers. Firmly press the element to the installation site and fix it in this position with props. They must be prepared in advance. Cut out from GVL parts.

Use them for finishing walls and slopes. Glue is placed on the prepared products in small layers. Press the sheet against the wall and check the level. Drywall can be fixed with driven dowels, made through, but not too wide holes for them with a puncher or an electric drill.

At the corners of the slopes, in the same way as when applying plaster, perforated metal corners are fixed by means of putty. It is used to cover all joints and level the layer. After drying, clean the surface properly. In the future, the entire surface of the slope is covered with a primer. To ensure a perfect plane, a thin layer of finishing putty is applied. It should not be more than 1 mm. The material finally hides any joints and irregularities, including holes for dowels. As soon as the putty has completely hardened, polishing is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper, if necessary.

Following this, they move on to the decorative design of the slopes. They must be covered decorative plaster, pasted over or painted. Drywall is glued differently if it is necessary to level the surface, covering a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. For this purpose, bars of the required section or metal profiles are fixed on the slopes. An alternative is the corners or U-shaped components that form the crate. It helps to align the wall, ensure it is in the right direction.

This mounting method has a number of advantages. First of all, it is possible to lay insulation on the guides fixed on the wall. In the future, the structure is closed with drywall. It is screwed with screws to the bars. The process proceeds in the same way as in the first variant.

The use of lining or panels

There is a list of materials that do not come on the market in the form of rigid panels. They include different kinds lining, MDF, fiberboard. They have the same technology for mounting on the wall. Their use is attractive because panels allow you to align the corners with large deviations from the norm. The algorithm of work using such materials:

The surfaces of the slopes are primed. They make markings in order to further fix a metal profile or bars on them. Finishing materials will be mounted on top of these products. Auxiliary components are located at a distance of 30 cm from each other if the installation is across the slope. When lining is used for finishing, it is necessary to fasten the products parallel to the door frame. If it is required that the panels lie across the surface, the bars are fixed closer to the corner along the jamb. For a wide surface, not 2, but up to four bars are used.

When the installation of the crate is left behind, it is necessary to lay the insulation between the pieces. It can be foam or mineral wool. Following this, the installation of the selected facing material is carried out along the crate. Solid flat panels are placed end to end with each other. The lining is connected by a groove-thorn fastening.

Lining made of plastic or laminated material is fixed to the bars from the side of the chassis of the lock. For this, metal holders are used. They are put on the bottom shelf of the groove with their protrusion and mounted with self-tapping screws or small nails with guides.

Panels with a large area are screwed to the crate with self-tapping screws. Their heads must be sunk 2 mm into the structure of the material. These elements are sealed with putty on wood with the addition of a dye of the appropriate shade.

When the installation of the panels is completed, it is necessary to ennoble the appearance of the slopes with corners. They are selected according to the color of the cladding. Corners are glued on the outer horizontal and vertical corners. It is necessary to do this in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the door frame and the finishing material.

Even a chic front door will have an unpresentable appearance if the slopes around it are sloppy. They should have a beautiful frame, highlight and complement the front door, which is the main element. To decide how to finish the slopes, you need to pay attention to the color scheme, design and style of the front door. Those slopes that frame the entrance inside the apartment must match the design of the hallway and the decorative parameters of the door.

In addition to the decorative function, these door elements should provide additional effective insulation.

It is their plane that closes the joints between the wall and the box. Let's look at what features the finishing of door slopes has after installing the front door.

Material selection

For doors, it is necessary to carry out a high-quality finish of the opening. They use different methods to work. Professionals advise doing finishing work in one of 3 ways.

In the first variant, the cement mortar is applied to the slopes. When it dries, plaster the opening. This method does not require large financial costs. Such a finish will be quite durable, but the method is laborious.

There is also another way of finishing. In the second option, it is proposed to use panels of different materials. They are simply glued using a special compound. The method is simpler, but financial costs increase.

In the third method, it is proposed to build a frame on which finishing panels are attached. In these designs, you can install additional lights, hide wires, etc.

After installing the iron door, the doorway is finished using any of the proposed methods. The choice will depend only on the skills of the master and taste preferences.

The use of insulation

Decorative finishing of the doorway is not performed without the use of additional materials. When slopes are created, it is necessary to apply a heater. This stage is especially important for doors in a private house. IN apartment buildings This technique provides a reduction in heat loss.

In the form of insulation, you can use foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. In some situations, it is problematic to install a layer of such material, since the opening space is reduced. According to the requirements of SNiP, this indicator should be at least 80x190 cm. If the available space does not allow the use of reliable insulation, then you can take special sandwich panels.

For too wide openings, the front door opening is finished using frame technology. If you want to reduce the amount of cement mixture, then use this finishing option. In frame structures there is a heater inside. The front side is made of plastic or wood. It has an aesthetic and presentable appearance.

Preparatory work

Before finishing the slopes with drywall, clapboard, laminate, plastic panels or other materials, certain preparatory steps must be taken. For any option of subsequent installation, they will be the same.

If the door was installed by installers, then it is required to check the tightness of the finish. This is done by holding a candle around the entire perimeter of the opening. If in some place the flame deviates, then sealant must be added there.

Slopes and door leaf should be glued with a special protective film. Then the excess foam is cut off. When the surface is already prepared, then a primer is applied to it. Now, if necessary, you can lay a telephone wire or cable for additional lighting.


Aligned sections of the wall must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and coated with a special deep penetration primer. It will provide high adhesion of the layers and strengthen the base surface. The concrete lintel above the door should be given special attention. It needs to be treated with Betonokontakt. This is a special primer used for surfaces that do not absorb moisture well.

When the primer dries (about 5 - 8 hours), beacon profiles are installed as accurately as possible. They are needed to level the slopes.

The following steps are performed:

  1. Ordinary or laser level on the side wall from the door 3 cm, the position of the line is strictly vertical.
  2. Holes are drilled along the line with a diameter of 6 mm and a step of 30 cm.
  3. Dowels 6x30 mm are inserted into the holes. The level of the hats is leveled with twine.
  4. The beacon is installed on the clips, the verticality of the installation is checked again with a level.

Similarly, corner profiles are set on the sides and top of the doorway. They should be flush with the over-door area and with the end walls.

After the installation of the beacons, the cement-sand mixture is prepared. The cheapest and easiest way is to use in the form of basic ingredients of river or quarry sand and cement grades M-200 or M-150. To get the right consistency, you need to follow the sequence:

  1. Building materials are sifted through a sieve with cells of 5x5 mm or 3x3 mm.
  2. In advance, it is worth preparing a container in which 1 part of cement is mixed with 3 parts of sand.
  3. In the dry mixture, you need to gradually add clean, settled water. At the same time, the solution is mixed with a special nozzle of an electric drill or a trowel.

The finished solution with a spatula or trowel with force must be thrown onto the wall and then leveled.

Drywall finishing

When choosing how to finish slopes, you can pay attention to drywall. Working with drywall is more pleasant and easier than using plaster. In this case, it is necessary to work with finishing putty. It plays the role of adhesive for drywall sheets.

If space is limited, then drywall is the best fit for slopes. This process is carried out as follows:

  1. Individual measurement of all slope surfaces.
  2. Transfer the obtained data to the gypsum fiber sheet. Cut out the elements on them, which will be fixed on the wall.
  3. Installation work with finished parts begins with the ceiling of the opening. It is necessary to apply glue to the drywall blank in several slides. Then this element is pressed firmly to the installation site, and then fixed in this position using pre-prepared props.
  4. Details cut from GVL are used in the decoration of slope walls. Glue is laid on the prepared elements in small slides. The sheet is pressed against the wall and leveled. Drywall sheets can be fixed with driven dowels. For them, not too wide, through holes are made with a puncher or an electric drill.
  5. Metal perforated corners are fixed with putty.
  6. All joints must be smeared with putty, leveled, and after drying, thoroughly cleaned.
  7. Cover the entire surface of the slope with a primer.
  8. To obtain a perfect surface, you need to apply a thin layer (no more than 1 mm) of finishing putty. The layer will be able to finally hide all the joints, bumps and holes from the dowels.
  9. When all layers of putty harden, you can start decorating the slopes. They can be pasted over, painted or covered with decorative plaster.

Frame finish

Iron doors can be large. In this case, it is necessary to use a special method of installing slopes. Frame finishing will reduce the load on structural elements. If this recommendation is ignored and a plastering method is chosen for a heavy door, then a re-repair process may be required. The surface will begin to crack due to excessive load.

Using the wireframe method, it is possible to prevent the deformation of finishing decorative materials.

This method is used when installing heavy finishing materials. Frame preparation is also required for MDF with a thickness of 4 mm.

You can save on cement mortar by installing insulation inside. The frame method is also used for walls subject to frequent moisture ingress.

Frame installation

First, the surface is prepared, in some cases it is necessary to first plaster the base. Then you need an antiseptic primer.

In the form of a frame, wooden slats or aluminum profiles are suitable. If wooden slats are selected, then they must be impregnated with an antiseptic composition. The beam or profile is set using the building level and fixed with dowel-nails.

All structural elements should be rigidly fixed to the base. Longitudinal jumpers will strengthen the structure. Thermal insulation is used in cells. Then you need to measure and prepare the strips. They are installed with glue. Then the reinforcement is reinforced with self-tapping screws. Finishing can be done using the selected material.

decorative trim

Are used different types decor in the process of finishing the slopes. Depending on the taste preferences of the owners of the house and the chosen method, different materials. It can be plastic, lining, tile, decorative stone, laminate or other materials.

Finishing the slope with clapboard or laminate is a fairly common option. These are durable and strong materials. You can even mount them on a surface that is not even enough.

For even and shallow slopes, it is possible to use plastic panel trim. This decor is quite soft and can be slightly deformed. Therefore, it will be more efficient to use MDF panels for finishing. The material is quite rigid.

At decorative trim depending on the type of material for fastening, a cement-sand mixture or an adhesive solution is used.

Paint or wallpaper

Considering the question of how to finish the front door opening, wallpaper and paint can be noted. Paint is easier to use. Acrylic or water-based paint. First, a layer of starting and then finishing putty should be applied to the surface. Paint of any color is chosen, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the decoration of the hallway.

Much less frequently used for finishing works wallpaper, but this method looks advantageous. Wallpaper will be a continuation of the decoration of the hallway. To facilitate the work, a material without a pattern is selected. This process is performed simultaneously with pasting the walls in the hallway.

Having considered all the ways to finish the slopes of the front door, you can choose the most suitable option and do all the work yourself.

After installing a new iron front door in an apartment, all the pleasant impression about it can immediately dispel if you do not make slopes from the inside of the apartment. Only they can tell about the fully completed stage of repair work.

To make them ideal, most often invite specialists. On the other hand, you can make them yourself, if you have previously studied all the tips and tricks.

What are door slopes?

The slopes are a small section of the wall located around the door frame (outside and inside it).

IN last years their arrangement is a must, because they not only decorate the overall appearance of the door space, but also serve as the beginning of the overall design of the corridor or rooms.

Types of finishing materials

By choosing the right material, you can safely say that success awaits you in the process of finishing the slopes. If you are a beginner builder or do not have a lot of time and money, do not take on methods that require really significant skills and experience.

In order not to be mistaken, you need to know what materials suitable for creating a beautiful space around the front door.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a popular material that is perfect for these purposes. As a result variety of colors, panels can be trimmed with slopes in almost any interior.

Installation takes place using ordinary or liquid nails, as well as self-tapping screws, corners or a platband are superimposed around the perimeter.

Among the positive properties, the following should be noted:

  • able to withstand impacts and damage of small force;
  • have an attractive appearance;
  • easy to install by one person, do not require the help of professionals;
  • resemble various types of wood, which allows you to make the appearance of the slopes visually expensive and sophisticated;
  • have good soundproofing properties.

Of the disadvantages for panels, it is characteristic that they cannot withstand scratches and strong impacts, as well as can change their appearance and structure if installed in rooms with high humidity(for example, baths and saunas).

In addition, being exposed to various pollution, require meticulous care otherwise it will be almost impossible to wash them.

Decorative stone effect tiles attached to a special solution. In the interior, decorative tiles look interesting and expensive.

The benefits include:

  • has a lower cost than natural stone;
  • has a small weight;
  • does not require special care;
  • thanks to a wide range of colors, it is able to imitate the appearance of any stone;
  • able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations;
  • moisture resistant.

chief the disadvantage is the fragility of the material. In rare cases, the size of the opening will match the size of the tile, so its installation almost always requires the ability to correctly and accurately cut the tile in order to avoid cracking it.

By choosing a heavy tile, there is a chance that it will lag behind on the top of the slope, creating danger for human life and health.


Another option for finishing door slopes is laminate, material has the following advantages:

  • good indicative strength;
  • shelf life can be up to 15 years;
  • a wide choice of colors allows you to choose the right one for each specific room;
  • have excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • easy to wash and clean from various contaminants;
  • decorative elements can be easily fixed on them (using ordinary glue).

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that this type of finishing material poorly resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. As a result, over time, it can change its appearance and initial technical characteristics.

If you plan to install a laminate on the frame, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the doorway will become smaller.


Plastic trim works well for a doorway just because you don't have to spend a lot of money to buy it. it is lightweight, can imitate various textures and materials, and is also easy to care for.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted - its fragility, because even with the slightest impact and effort, it simply deformed and broken.

Decorative rock

Decorative stone is a material with a huge number of positive properties. Finishing with decorative stone quite expensive compared to other materials, but also looks more luxurious in the interior, as shown in the photo.


  • completely environmentally friendly material;
  • installation does not require a perfectly flat surface;
  • excellent resistance to high temperatures, a large number of moisture;
  • Unlike natural stone, has a significantly lower weight;
  • wonderful appearance, variety of textures allows you to please the tastes and requirements of any customer;
  • can be mounted in a doorway of any shape and size;
  • does not burn, retains heat well in the room;
  • Washes well and doesn't absorb odors.

Of the minuses of decorative stone, it is only known that it is not recommended to use it for exterior door trim who go straight out into the street.

Under the influence of very low temperatures in severe frosts, the material may be slightly destroyed.


Plaster is often used in the creation of doorways. This is one of economical options finishing, with the help of plaster, if necessary, you can not only repair the slopes but also level them.

It has such advantages:

  • perfectly insulates the living space;
  • well cleaned of contaminants;
  • has high strength;
  • thanks to various methods of application to the surface, it is possible to give the slopes a unique appearance;
  • long shelf life.

The main stages of drywall installation:

  1. By measuring the magnitude of the side slope, cut out from a sheet of drywall blank, which must necessarily be 1 cm larger in width. If this is not done, then the sheet cannot be inserted into the gap between the opening and the box.
  2. Having made a recess with a knife in the mounting foam passing between door frame and opening, insert a side cut sheet into it. Slightly bending it on the other side, using a gun, apply mounting foam along the entire length.
  3. It is good to press the material to the wall. Make sure that there are no distortions. The sheet must be placed strictly vertically. Fill all cracks with mounting foam.
  4. Performing all the above actions, fix the second vertical slope in the same way.
  5. Measure the top of the opening and from the drywall sheet cut a sheet of identical length, which will be 1 cm wider in width (for the same purposes as the side segments).
  6. In the mounting foam, make a recess where to bring the resulting piece of material. Using a level, check the correct angles between the side and top sections of the slope.
  7. Glue the sheet with mounting foam, pressing it well to the base of the wall.
  8. After waiting for the complete drying of the mounting foam(this will take 1 day) you can start applying finishing materials to drywall.

This video shows step by step how to make a do-it-yourself slope trim.

What to issue?

Slope framing - an important stage in the entire work of creating a doorway. You need to start it by creating corners on drywall with putty.

You need to do it this way:

  1. Using a spatula, apply a small layer of putty to the corner.
  2. After waiting for it to dry completely, we apply a sickle, which is covered with another layer of putty.
  3. When the second layer is completely dry, thinly applied to the corners finishing putty. In this case, any irregularities must be avoided.

If you plan to paint such slopes, then the entire surface of the drywall must also be plastered twice. In the event that you complete repair work there will be wallpaper, sheets can not be further processed.

Creating beautiful door slopes is not a very difficult job that any man can do, without resorting to outside help. The main thing at the same time is to first study all the necessary recommendations, consult a specialist and purchase those materials that will be simple and easy to work with.

No one wants to overpay when installing doors. That is why the decision is often made to make the slopes of the front door with your own hands and not to hire builders. If you approach the process with imagination, even a non-specialist can cope with the work.

Not always at home there is a complete set of tools for all occasions. And apartment owners panel houses know very well how difficult it is to drill holes in concrete walls oh, still Soviet-built. Therefore, in some cases, you can sacrifice the correctness of finishing the slopes, greatly simplifying your work.

PVC slopes with and without frame

Perhaps the easiest, fastest and “cleanest” way to finish slopes is to decorate them with PVC panels. There are even universal panels on the market that combine a slope, a corner and a casing.

The advantage of this slope is the flexible connection between the panel itself and the casing, allowing it to be adjusted to walls with angles that deviate from 90 degrees.

The installation process of these slopes is simple to disgrace:

Due to the flexibility of plastic, such slopes can be installed even on uneven walls. But the ideal result will not work - gaps will necessarily form, and in places with an insufficient amount of mounting foam, the plastic will “walk”. But this is the fastest solution to the problem!

PVC slopes on a primitive wooden frame will look much neater and more reliable. You can even use PVC panels with a wood or stone design, without trimming at all.

For this:

To prevent the panels from slamming when the front door opens, the empty space between the bars can be filled with insulation suitable thickness or blow out with mounting foam. This will also provide additional sound insulation.

"Wet" way to finish the slopes with your own hands

Leveling and plastering slopes remains the most economical option. And even if everything does not work out perfectly, it will not affect their service life in the least. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Training:

  1. Applying the screed:
  • kneaded cement mortar- you can make your own or buy ready-made;
  • for 1 kg of cement, it is necessary to take 1 kg of lime and 5 kg of sifted sand - the mortar should be moderately thick and not spread, because the vertical walls and the top of the slope are aligned;
  • after the screed has dried, you can apply a regular primer and start applying the plaster.
  1. Slope putty:

  1. Decorative finish:
  • slopes can be painted or wallpapered, creating a monolithic canvas with walls;
  • in both cases, a primer is applied to the putty, and a decorative coating is already applied on top.

You should not try to save money and skip any of the steps - this will only worsen the final result and you will have to redo everything again.

Drywall slopes

If working with a puncher does not scare you and you don’t want to bother with a cement screed, you can decorate the doorway with sheets of drywall. This is especially true for houses with thick walls, where the slopes are very wide.

Gypsum board frame

In order for drywall sheets to be securely fixed and to withstand even artificial stone or tile finishing, you will need a wooden or metal frame:

For slopes of the front door, especially if it faces the street, it is better to use moisture-resistant drywall. It is also important to remember that there is always a small gap between the floor and the drywall to prevent drywall from getting wet. With decorative trim, this gap will still be hidden.

Drywall slope on plaster

Instead of a GKL frame, it can be fixed with mounting foam with plaster. Isn't it strong enough? But if the load on the sheets is small, then the margin of safety should be enough. The technology itself is simple, even a layman can handle it:

What should not be forgotten when finishing slopes

Slopes are not only the aesthetic appearance of the doorway, but also its protection from drafts, moisture and noise. Therefore, regardless of the method of finishing, it is important not to forget:

  1. Check the tightness of the installation door frame. For this, it is sufficient closed door and open the window to hold around the perimeter with a lit candle. If the flame deviates to the side - in these places you need to add mounting foam.
  2. Protect walls under overhead slopes from fungus and mold. For brick and concrete walls, there is a special antiseptic primer; for wooden and frame walls, one must not forget about the vapor barrier and processing wooden elements fire bioprotection.
  3. Remove all debris and loose fittings from around the door, even when installing slopes on the frame. Otherwise, the abrasive dust left after the repair will still seep into the room, and the pebbles that fall off periodically will add gray hair impressionable residents.
  4. To insulate the slopes of the door that goes directly to the street, and not to the dressing room. Otherwise, additional heating costs are provided.

Even slopes from MDF can be made without a puncher and excess debris. This is clearly shown in the video: