When and how to plant blackcurrant. When and how to plant currants? Soil and hole preparation

Blackcurrant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing excellent taste, it is also extremely useful for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of all known foods containing this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, for general prevention of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of so many people. Everyone knows about her useful properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

planting black currant

The optimal conditions for planting all types of currants are autumn.
Shrubs are planted in autumn, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant a bush before the onset of frost. If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the onset of spring, the soil around the bush is compacted, and the seedling takes root well, and with the onset of the first heat, it starts growing intensively.

The choice of landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is moisture-loving, so wet areas are suitable for it, but at the same time well protected from drafts. Planting currants in the fall is not allowed in wetlands.

The best option is medium and heavy loamy soils. Currants are afraid of stagnant water, so good soil drainage should be established.

How to plant blackcurrant in autumn

Many, having planted a blackcurrant bush, immediately forget about it, and remember only during the harvest. And, in vain. To get a good full-fledged harvest, you need to follow simple rules.

The area allotted for planting currants is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Next, a spacious hole is dug - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potash fertilizers are added at least 100 g in the form of charcoal.

For planting take two-year-old seedlings, with roots 15-20 centimeters. Shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters. You can also use one-year-old seedlings, but at the same time their root should be sufficiently developed.

There is one trick that is used by gardeners and which is the main rule when planting blackcurrants.

A bush is planted at an inclination of 45 ° to the ground level, so that the stems are fan-shaped and the lower buds on them are covered with earth. At least 2 buds should remain on the surface.

This should be done to form a powerful healthy blackcurrant bush.

Next, you should make depressions around the planted bush, pour them with a bucket of water, tamp well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves with a layer of up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currants, the distance between the bushes is observed from a meter to one and a half .

Currant loves illuminated, open spaces, but partial shading will not hurt her, although this will affect the crop in the future.

Currant has a high frost resistance, but still it should be protected from late spring frosts, as the fruit buds that have started growing can freeze, which will affect the yield reduction.

We briefly outline the rules that should be observed when planting blackcurrants:

  • land in October-November;
  • dig a hole 40x60 cm;
  • fall asleep with 1 bucket of humus;
  • add charcoal;
  • shorten the roots, leaving 30 cm;
  • deepen the bush at an inclination of 45 ° and bury;
  • make recesses around the bush;
  • water abundantly;
  • trim the stems, leaving 30-40 cm in length;
  • mulch.

Blackcurrant bush care

Having planted a currant bush, I want the results of my work to please for many years. Therefore, it needs good care at an early stage of development.

While the bush does not bear fruit, it is enough to water it, weed and spud. In the year of fruiting, it is already required to carry out top dressing in the form of mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of urea) and organic fertilizers in the form of chicken manure and manure.
1 kg of manure is insisted for three days in a bucket of water, this mixture is diluted with another bucket of water and poured under the root. All the same is done with chicken manure, only the water consumption is increased by 2 times.

In order not to lose the crop during spring frosts, during the period of flowering and budding, the bushes must be well shed with water and covered. If you are not too lazy and do everything on time, the harvest is guaranteed.

Without fail, currants are watered during the formation of the ovary and the pouring of fruits, in order to avoid crushing them, especially if this coincided with a drought. After harvesting, watering continues. And in dry autumn, before the onset of frost, winter watering is done, 3 buckets per bush.

Do blackcurrants need pruning? Pruning is aimed at the formation of the bush, to prevent thickening and to improve the quality of the next crop.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes

Blackcurrant grows in one place for 15 years. And quality and correct pruning helps to prolong fruiting for several more years. Such pruning consists in the fact that after three years only 6-8 shoots are left on the bush, from which even more powerful stems and even larger berries will grow.

All branches that give a small increase and are older than three years are subjected to pruning to zero. Old shoots are easy to distinguish - they are darker in color.

Cut out diseased shoots and stems growing into the ground.

Sanitary pruning is done during flowering, those branches that are sick with terry.
If a black spot is visible on the cut, these are pest larvae. Such a branch is urgently cut to a healthy part. All branches affected by larvae are burned.

Cut the plant mainly in late autumn. Old shoots are removed near the ground, leaving 3 cm stumps to stimulate the growth of the most productive underground buds.

It is not recommended to prune in the spring, during the growing season, because through the cuts the plant loses a large number of juice and with it nutrients.

Planting blackcurrant video

On light sandy and sandy loamy soils, fertilizers are used annually, and in spring. 4-6 kg of organic matter, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are brought under the bush.

In autumn, heavy loamy soil is dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm in the trunk circle, 15-20 between bushes and rows. In order to better absorb moisture and linger snow in winter, earthen clods are not broken. If the soil is light and not very compacted, on the contrary, it is not dug up, but loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Currants are planted in pits 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. During autumn planting, they are dug up and seasoned with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks in advance) so that the soil has time to settle. For spring planting, places are also prepared in the fall.

After the purchase, it is important to bring the seedlings to the site safe and sound. Flip the leaves off, and so that the roots do not dry out during transportation, wrap them with a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag. In the garden, remove the shelter and carefully inspect the bushes.

Placement in the garden of blackcurrant bushes

The seedling, in principle, will not be worse - it will grow as usual. But basal new shoots will form poorly and lush bush wait longer.​

Now our seedling can easily grow until spring.

Preparing a residence for blackcurrant

Like all currants, black currant also loves the sun, but grows well in partial shade. If we plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them is maintained by 1.2 meters. Think over your plantings so that later you do not transplant adult plants. Currant grows in one place for 30 years or more. With good care and anti-aging pruning.​

Planting density of this crop depends on the type and variety. When placing it, the fertility of the soil, the shape of the crown of the bushes are also taken into account. The most sprawling and tall varieties are planted less frequently than currants of a more compact form. The interval between the bushes should be 1-1.5 m.

When to plant blackcurrant

As for how to plant grapes correctly, almost all types of soils are suitable for growing it, except for marshy and saline ones. For planting grapes, choose places with good lighting. Even a small shadow can lead to a decrease in sugar content, and the berries themselves will become much smaller. For better rooting, the cuttings are placed in water for a day, immersed by a third of the length. Planted on a bed, placing it at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. Planted obliquely, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. They are deepened so that 2 buds remain on top, and one of them should be at the level of the soil (Fig. 4). To avoid voids, the ground around the cuttings is compressed and compacted. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch. In the spring, they are cut and left in the garden for another year. Transplanted to a permanent place in the fall. Care consists in watering, followed by mulching the soil. Sometimes in the spring the cuttings bulge out, then after the earth has completely thawed they are besieged. Do this carefully, trying not to damage the kidneys. Formative pruning is completed in the 4th year after planting. A properly formed bush usually has 10-15 branches of different ages (about 2-4 of each). At the same time, there are more annuals for a couple of branches, and fewer 5-6-year-olds. Simultaneously with the forming, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing dry, broken and diseased branches. Cut them out to the very base, leaving no stumps.

In addition to applying basic fertilizers, blackcurrants are given liquid top dressing, which is combined with watering. Usually they are used during flowering (May), during the period of shoot growth (May, June), when pouring berries (June) and immediately after harvest (August), when flower buds are laid.

Preparing seats for planting blackcurrant

Due to the lack of moisture in black currants, the growth of shoots slows down, and during the period of formation and filling of berries, they are crushed and shed. Autumn drought can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in snowless harsh winters. Due to the fact that the roots of the currant are not deep, it is not able to drink itself at the expense of groundwater, and needs to be watered.

When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer is placed on the other. Then prepare the filling mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral.

​If the tips of the roots and shoots were damaged during delivery, carefully cut them back to a healthy part. So that the seedlings do not dry out, it is better to dig them in before planting. And you can dip the roots in a clay or earthen mash. But in any case, the root system must be protected from direct sunlight.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

Unsuccessful landing site.

And now I'll tell

​Find out how close the groundwater is in your area. For many trees, shrubs and flowers this has great importance. Blackcurrant does not like groundwater above one meter.

One of the main features of planting young currants is the deepening of the root neck of the seedling 6-9 cm below ground level. In this case, the planting material is placed in an inclined position.

But before you plant strawberries correctly, you need to find soil in your area that will be light in texture. Note that there should be no carbonates in the ground. Their high content will lead to poor fruiting of strawberries.

Proper soil care

You can immediately plant the cuttings in a permanent place. Then proceed as follows. In the place prepared for the new bush, 5-6 cuttings are planted in a circle at an equal distance from each other, observing the above rules. After rooting, 2-3 plants are left, which will become the basis of a powerful bush. The rest are dug up and used for planting elsewhere.

Pruning an adult fruit-bearing bush is mainly rejuvenating. First of all, aging 5-6-year-old low-yielding branches are identified and removed. It is easy to recognize them by outward signs. Old branches are thick at the base, their bark is dark brown, almost black. The annual growth at the ends of most branches is very weak, about 10-15 cm. Fruit twigs, although numerous, are mostly dying and dry.

For top dressing, an infusion of mullein or slurry is used, diluting 3-4 times (a bucket of solution per bush); infusion of bird droppings, diluted 8-10 times (half a bucket-bucket of solution per bush). Sometimes it is difficult to get natural organic fertilizers, in these cases you can use ready-made preparations from the store, for example, "Barrel and 4 buckets", "Top-roots", etc. Or use an infusion of weeds.

Watering blackcurrants

It is often not necessary to water currants, it is enough to do this several times a season: during the growth of shoots and the formation of ovaries (late May - early June), when pouring berries (June), after harvesting (August-September). If autumn is dry, winter watering is needed (end of October).

When they begin to fill the pit, they first pour the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then the fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that happen when fertilizers get on the roots.

Blackcurrant bushes are best planted in low, moderately moist, sunlit and wind-protected areas. Often they are planted along the fence. This is a good option. It is advisable to place only bushes, stepping back from the fence by 1 m. You can plant blackcurrants between young fruit trees. In this case, the distance from the tree to the bush must be at least 2 m.

Avoid landing in the shade. No swampy lowlands, close groundwater, long standing melt or rainwater.​

Additional nutrition for blackcurrant bushes, basic fertilizers

About common mistakes when planting blackcurrants in the fall

Planting blackcurrants in autumn begins at the end of August, but if it is still hot and dry, then postpone this business. Autumn is rainy - you can start early. Until the end of September, you can safely engage in planting. Later you need to look at the weather, if frost is not expected for another month, plant it.

Thanks to this method of planting, a sprawling bush with a wide base is formed faster. Also, the inclined position of the seedling contributes to the formation of additional roots and shoots. If the gardener wants to get a standard currant bush, then the seedling is planted without deepening in an upright position. In such plants, the renewal of shoots will be rather weak.

The soil needs to be well moistened, but at the same time make sure that there is no excessive excess of moisture. Be careful not to get groundwater close to the surface. If they are found, then such a plot for growing strawberries is not suitable.

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering is also simple and affordable way obtaining blackcurrant seedlings. But it is only suitable for young 3-5 year old plants.

Of course, when removing branches, not only their age is taken into account, but also their condition. If the old branch is well developed, well located, has strong growths with large flower buds, then it can be left for another year. And vice versa, if the young branch is poorly developed, shaded and there are few fruit-bearing buds on it, then it is cut out.

What liquid top dressings are needed for blackcurrant bushes, and proper watering

With liquid mineral dressings, 10 g of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and 20 g of phosphate fertilizers are dissolved in a bucket of water (consumption per bush).

When watering black currants, the soil is moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm, spending 3-5 buckets per 1 m2 of soil surface.

In the planting hole, the seedling is placed in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly deepened so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such a planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means that a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.

The distance between currant bushes depends on the variety: sprawling ones are planted after 1.5 m, straight-grown ones - after 1. When planting in rows, the aisles are made 2-2.5 m wide. This distance is quite enough for the passage between plants during tillage, garter bushes, spraying, harvesting and other works. When choosing a place for currants, keep in mind that vegetable, fruit and berry crops (except for currants and gooseberries) are good predecessors.

Preservation of ovaries in blackcurrant after flowering

Planting in autumn in a mound.

Currants need to take root before winter

Blackcurrant pruning and shaping bushes

Before planting currants, it is necessary to prepare planting pits. Their size should be 40x40 cm or 40x50 cm. Compost or rotted humus is poured into the bottom of the pit. The seedlings straighten all the roots. Then they are evenly sprinkled with soil, carefully compacting it. It is recommended to periodically shake the seedlings so that it completely fills the voids around the root system of the plant.

Many novice gardeners are wondering when to plant currants? Experts say that this berry crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. At the same time, young seedlings develop equally well, and actively begin to bear fruit after 2-3 years.

In early spring, under a bush, the soil is loosened and fertilized. Then shallow grooves (10-15 cm) are made along the radius and 1-2-year-old shoots are laid in them. Pin tightly with hooks in several places. When the buds wake up, sprinkle with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. After some time, vertical shoots will appear from the ground. When they reach 10-15 cm, they are hilled with loose and moist soil, after 2-3 weeks the hilling is repeated. During the summer, the soil with layering is abundantly watered and mulched with compost, peat or other organic matter.

They also take care of the further renewal of the bush. To do this, choose and leave strong, evenly spaced annual basal shoots, about 4-6 pieces. All the rest are cut out.

In June-July, foliar top dressing with microelements is useful for blackcurrants. On a bucket of water take 5-10 g of potassium permanganate, 2-3 - boric acid, 30-40 g blue vitriol. Each drug is dissolved separately, and then the solutions are mixed and sprayed on the bushes.

Water is poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep, which are dug around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end of the branches. This is the best way, but can be watered with an overlap along the furrows along the row. In case of severe drought after watering, it is advisable to arrange a control measurement. If the soil is moist at a depth of a little more than a bayonet of a shovel, then the currant has received enough water.

In the planting pit at the seedling, the roots are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

In the area allotted for currants, all the pits and depressions are first filled up so that the place becomes even. Then the soil is dug up to the depth of the shovel bayonet. Fertilizers are applied for digging, using per 1 m2: 3-4 kg of organic, 180-200 g of any complex mineral. The latter can be replaced with 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or 100-200 g of wood ash).

The root system will not be protected from frost with this method. Organize on a low plot drainage system, water drainage. Dig grooves along the area to drain excess water. It is possible to make additional drainage from sand, stones, shards at the bottom of the planting pit so that the water does not stagnate at the roots.

Methods for propagating blackcurrant

Late boarding dates.

Reproduction of blackcurrant by lignified cuttings

In order to calmly winter and in the spring immediately begin to grow with warmth. In the spring she wakes up early.

After the pit falls asleep by 2/3, abundant watering is carried out (0.5 buckets per pit). After the planting pit is completely filled up and the soil is compacted, the seedling is watered again (0.5 buckets).

Any types and varieties of currants can be planted in the fall. During the winter, the earth around the young bush will settle and compact well. Such bushes grow early in the spring and develop well in a new place.

In autumn, layering is separated from the bush. Well-developed and fully rooted are planted in a permanent place, and the weak grow in the garden for another season.

The best time for pruning currant bushes is considered to be the early spring period before bud break. However, in currants, they start growing very early and can bloom in late March - early April. And since pruning takes a long time, gardeners often do not have time to complete it in the spring. Therefore, it is better to do most of the pruning in the fall, especially since it can be done until the onset of stable cold weather.

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering

Very often, the ovaries fall off after the end of flowering in blackcurrants. The main reason for this is the spring return of cold weather, which occurs at the beginning of May, when flowering occurs, and sometimes at the beginning of June, when the ovaries are formed.

Blackcurrant lacks nutrients found in the soil. Therefore, throughout her life she needs to be fed.

In this case, the bush is periodically shaken. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.

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Planting raspberries

2. Autumn rains contribute to good rooting.

Planting currants

Of the thornless varieties of gooseberries, I have the Commander. tasty, although it may not be the most sugary, but it is good to collect and absolutely resistant to powdery mildew - immediately minus two problems. And the berries are quite large, but in order not to shrink, it is necessary to thin out annually and during the pouring of the berries it is imperative to water well. Here is a photo of the Commander.


How to plant currants in the fall to ensure a great harvest in the summer

How to choose a place for red and black currants

The division of the bush.

Tip: Blackcurrants should be planted in spring or autumn. The most suitable time of the year for this is autumn. In spring, blackcurrants are planted in regions where there is little snow in winter.

  • You need to follow the advice of professionals. 2-year-old seedlings are considered the best option. The length of their roots should be 15 - 20 cm, while ground shoots should be about 30 - 40 cm.
  • - shovel
  • Seedlings are always planted vertically up.
  • The advice is at least strange, but the bushes above the shoe take root really better and more reliably than without it. I suspect that the smell of a person scares away moles and they do not undermine currant roots.

A glass of sifted wood ash;

What to cook for the autumn planting of currants

In the old areas, the planting of a black berry in the fall is carried out in place of a retired couple; we plant red or white varieties in place of black ones so that characteristic species diseases and pests do not pass to a young bush;

Summer is associated with an abundance of light, warmth and, of course, fruits and berries. Among the shrub crops that gardeners love, raspberries and currants have gained particular importance. At proper care these plants give a rich harvest of berries, valuable for their high content of vitamin C.

  • 3. In autumn, the earth is warmer than the air (and vice versa in spring) and the plants take root well.
  • Currants are unpretentious, it doesn’t matter when to plant, but I planted gooseberries for compote, there are no berries yet. They say that the taste is worse than that of the needle.
  • The second method is considered easier. Since for this you only need to separate the shoots with roots from the bush. They need to be planted in previously prepared land. It is dug up and fertilized. Organic fertilizers would be ideal. But, many summer residents replace them with ordinary ammonium nitrate. Having planted shrubs, they need to be watered very well.
  • Currant bushes grow very well on fertile, or easily su clay soils. On swampy soils, currants will grow very poorly. This applies not only to currants, but also to raspberries.
  • ​Content​

- watering can

Features of a successful landing - the personal experience of a gardener-gardener

The second strange advice is that if the currant grows on sandy soil, clay must be added to the pit. I wonder where the gardener will find this clay if there is sand around? In a sculpture workshop? Then it’s easier to pour broken bricks to the bottom.

Personally, I put fresh manure in a thin layer at the bottom of the pit and carefully sprinkle it with sand mixed with plain earth. Our site is old and the soil has long been depleted.​ a bucket of sand for clay soils;

Blackcurrant loves wetter areas, red prefers drier sandy soil.

Raspberries are best planted in the fall. The best results are obtained at earlier dates - in the first half of September. But plants planted throughout October also take root well. If for any reason autumn planting didn’t work out, then raspberries can be planted in early spring before bud break. Before planting bushes, preplant soil preparation is carried out. The longevity of the bush, its development and fruiting directly depends on the quality of the work carried out. It is necessary to destroy weeds, enrich the soil with moisture and nutrients. The soil is dug up to a depth of 30-40 cm. Root cuts are renewed before planting and dipped in an earthen mash. Raspberries are planted in prepared canals 40-50 cm wide and 50-60 cm deep. The aerial part of the seedling is shortened to 30 cm. After planting, the plants are watered and the soil in the rows is mulched. This improves the penetration of moisture and helps to hot weather the soil did not overheat. Of the mulching materials, wet peat chips, peat composts, humus, and chopped straw are used. When planting in autumn, one watering is usually enough for a bush, and when planting in spring, repeated waterings are required. When planting currants, the pits must be prepared in advance so that the soil has time to settle. Raspberries do not require early preparation of planting pits.​

Only if you have a cold winter, then after planting you need to cover trunk circle humus (thick layer) and on top with a thick layer of mulch, for example, shavings or sawdust, so that the plantings do not freeze out in winter.

I personally plant in the fall they will survive well no - there is spring for this !!

Autumn is considered the most suitable time of the year for planting blackcurrants. This work should be done a few weeks before the onset of severe cold weather. It is best to plant shrubs with currants in late October or early November.

Absurdities on the Internet or how not to plant currants

Shrubs with currants are planted in rows. The distance between them should be about two meters. It is necessary to plant shrubs in pre-prepared pits, the depth of which should be at least 50 cm. In this case, the diameter of the pit should be about 40 cm. The pit may be larger. In this case, the shrubs will grow better. Planting seedlings is best done at a slight angle, leaving several branches underground. Already on next year You will get a lush bush.​

1. Planting blackcurrants in spring - secateurs

Third: the autumn planting of currants "on a hillock" is a sure way to lose bushes. Zoya Bukhteeva still grieves for those varietal currant bushes that an authoritative neighbor literally forced to plant, not allowing her to properly deepen the roots. No sprinkling, hilling, laying with manure and fallen leaves later saved her from freezing.

Then I pour a fertile mixture from all buckets and vessels into the pit about halfway, mix it and water it again. I install the bush with the root neck flush with the ground level and fill it with the rest of the mixture. If seedlings of red or white currant are taken from my or a neighboring site, the bush should be oriented to the cardinal points in the same way as it grew. For black varieties, this does not matter.

Two bucketfuls of water. In general, the middle zone of Russia for northern grapes, as this surprisingly useful berry is often called, is a home, and it will grow where you plant it. Unless in inappropriate places the harvest will be less.

Currants are planted in lower, swampy areas with water at a depth of 1.5 m. It tolerates darkening well. Since the bushes begin to grow in early spring, best time for landing is considered the end of October - the beginning of November. However, some gardeners plant seedlings in the spring, at the very early dates, and even in the February "windows". Currant is one of the most valuable crops. Currant berries contain vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamins of groups B, P, PP, organic acids and minerals. Currants are planted at a distance of 1.5 m between bushes and 2 m between rows. The site where the seedlings are supposed to be planted must be fertilized at the rate of: 2 kg of compost, 100 g of superphosphate and 150 g of ash per 1 sq. m. Avoid getting chlorine-containing potash fertilizers in this mixture, as chlorine is detrimental to this crop. The depth of the planting pit should be at least 50-60 cm. The bottom of the pit is loosened, then fertilizers are poured into it, thoroughly mixing them with loosened soil. After that, about 10 cm of earth is poured and a bush is planted. Then you need to water and mulch the soil. After planting, the seedling must be cut, leaving only a few main buds. This contributes to the development of a strong root system.


During spring planting, the earth has not yet thawed, or it has thawed, but it is cold, and the air is already warm and the bright spring sun is frying. The buds are blooming, but there is nothing to feed them: the earth is cold and the roots are badly damaged after transplantation - this is the plant that dies.

You will need

  1. Personally, I plant everything in the fall. In the spring, the heat quickly sets in and everything disappears. Seedlings planted in autumn (but not the latest). they have time to acclimatize, put up new roots and immediately grow in the spring.
  2. Shrubs will grow well in moist soil. It is very important to choose a calm area. Currants will not grow if planted on marshy soil.
  3. Many people prefer to buy blackcurrant seedlings from nurseries. However, they need to be handled very carefully. It is necessary to monitor the condition of their root system, it must be in a humid environment. So that the roots are not damaged during transportation, they must be wrapped in a dense cloth, after wetting them in a clay mash.
  4. 2. Planting blackcurrants in autumn
  5. - fertilizer, for example, nitrophoska


The planting hole is always dug 40 cm deep. I usually dig to the depth of a shovel with a rump. The width of the hole depends on the size of the root and the characteristics of the variety. For a shrub with a fibrous root system, the pit should be square: 40X40 cm. In white and red varieties, the root is taproot with a bend, a “poker”. Therefore, red currants are planted in a hole along the length of the root in autumn, but not less than 40 cm along any wall. In any case, it must be borne in mind that in bushes the root system grows with a diameter of about the crown and fertile soil should be enough for its entire volume. On loamy soils, it’s good to loosen the bottom of the pit and pour water over it.

Autumn is the best time to transplant plants. The bushes have finished bearing fruit and have recovered from a bountiful harvest; one-year-old cuttings of red and black berries grew up and went into growth. In summer cottages, gardeners have decided which plants should be preserved, cut and rejuvenated, and which should be removed and replaced with seedlings from the nursery or grown from cuttings.

Gooseberries without needles have been growing with us for a long time. Variety Kolobok. Delicious sweet and very productive. Easily propagated. It is so easy to grow and care for that we all uprooted the thorny varieties.

As for gooseberries without thorns. To plant or not to plant? Why not? A berry, like a berry, is a very productive bush. Therefore, in order for the berries not to be small, you need to prevent it from being too thick, that is, trimming. And it's easier to assemble. We have two bushes growing, and several gooseberries - one does not interfere with the other.Shrubs with black currant should be planted at a distance of about 70 cm from each other. In this case, the distance between the rows should be about two meters. Shrubs planted according to this scheme will bear fruit for many years.Currant is a favorite berry of many people. It is very useful, as it is saturated with a large amount of vitamins. Many people prefer to buy it in the market, or in a store. At the same time, few people know that you can grow shrubs with this wonderful berry on your own.3. Landing pattern

Let's prepare a landing hole. With a shovel we dig a hole about 40 cm high and wide. Then we fill the hole 3/4 with good fertile soil, mixing it with fertilizers. We do not use fresh manure.

Do not plant currants on a hillock!

The last watering - and the currant bush can be left alone until spring.

Before planting, the seedling must be cut, leaving three buds per branch. Inspect root system and cut off rotten and dried roots - just don't overdo it.

For laying in a pit, you need to dial and bring to the landing site:

For those who are wondering where and how to plant currants in the fall, a few rules will help:

Planting blackcurrants in spring

I planted both currants and thornless gooseberries at the end of September. I'll tell you in the spring.

If you live in central Russia, leave until spring.

In the event that you plan to harvest for several years, then shrubs can be planted closer to each other. This will help save space on the site. Whatever scheme you choose for planting currants, you still need to carefully monitor the bushes. Their roots should always be wet.

  • It is necessary to plant blackcurrants in early spring, as it begins to bear fruit before all other berry bushes.
  • 4. Video

The currant bush should be healthy, with well-developed roots, have 2-3 main branches (branches). Before planting, it’s a good idea to trim the roots a little to stimulate the good development of young roots in the future. We take the seedling by the root neck, carefully place it in the planting hole with a slope of 45o. We straighten the roots, fall asleep with soil. At the same time, the currant seedling should be slightly swayed from side to side so that the earth evenly fills all the voids between the roots. There should be no voids between the roots. This will have a bad effect on further survival. It is necessary to plant a bush 5-7 cm lower than it grew, deepening the root collar into the soil. This landing will create Better conditions for additional development of roots and the appearance of renewal shoots from dormant underground buds, the part that was buried, namely, from part of the stem and root neck. Unlike other crops, currants are not afraid of deep planting.

Planting blackcurrants in autumn

Properly planted red, white and black currants will give a good harvest and long years will provide hosts with wonderful berries for vitamin mixtures, unique jellies and just a delicious dessert.​

Planting currant bushes is a very popular topic on the Internet. Some authors rely on own experience, but they copy from each other, often without ever transplanting a single bush. I would like to warn readers against incorrect advice that wanders from article to article.​

Blackcurrant planting scheme

Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva.

humus from compost or old manure, at least one bucket for good soil or two buckets for poor, sandy soil or podzol;


When planning the area of ​​a new site, it is necessary to choose a place for currants, taking into account that it will stand there for at least 20 years;

Currant is not only a beautiful, fragrant berry, but also vitamin, and, therefore, very useful! Therefore, in our area, almost every garden is decorated with clusters of white, black, yellow, pink and red berries.

If currants are properly cared for, then from one bush of this crop you can collect a whole bucket of berries! These and many other advantages of it have prompted many gardeners to grow it. But when and how to plant currants so that healthy shrubs grow that would give a plentiful, healthy and tasty harvest?

Most experienced gardeners say that the best time to plant currant bushes is early autumn. If the autumn was warm, then the bushes can be planted until October.

However, in case of early frosts, it is better to dig in the seedlings and wait a bit - until the beginning of spring. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that the bushes should be planted as early as possible, almost immediately after all the snow has come off the ground.

The right time for planting currant bushes guarantees a high survival rate and a generous harvest of tasty and juicy berries. Now it is worth determining a suitable place for planting currant bushes.

For planting, you should choose a sunny place, since absolutely all varieties of currants are sun-loving. Yes, blackcurrant can withstand shading, but it will not be able to feel great there, therefore, in conditions of lack of sunlight, it will bear fruit worse. At the same time, on well-lit shoots, much more branches with flower buds are formed.

In addition to good lighting, the site must be reliably protected from the wind, as it interferes with pollination. Also, you should not choose lowlands for landing, as cold air can linger there.

The next factor to consider is access to moisture. The fact is that in the wild, currant grows in humid forests, along river banks and even near swamps. Of course, currants can withstand short dry periods, but if this is repeated often, the shrub may get sick or die.

That is why it is necessary to choose soil with enough water. However, this does not mean that the soil should be swampy, since currants often get sick with fungal diseases. On the other hand, planting currants is undesirable in places with a high level of groundwater, as the roots of the plant will die in this soil. Experts recommend well-draining soil for currant bushes.

It is recommended to place currants not around the perimeter garden plot but in a separate place. It is very convenient to plant shrubs in rows with a distance: in the country - 2 m, in industrial plantings - 3 m. For cross pollination it is necessary to plant various mutually pollinated varieties on the site, this should increase the yield.

Preparing the landing site

Before planting, it is necessary to dig the entire area to a shallow depth, while adding 4 kg of humus, 20–30 grams of potassium sulfate, 100–150 grams of superphosphate per 1 m 2. If peat is used instead of humus, then it is better to mix it with bone meal, adding 100 grams of it for each m 2.

For planting currant bushes, pits should be dug at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 m from each other. The pits do not need to be dug too deep, you can do this with a continuous trench with a depth of 35 - 45 cm. If time permits, you can leave the pits to "rest" for one to two weeks so that the earth shrinks.

How to plant currants?

Consider step by step instructions how to plant currants in spring:

  1. First of all, pour a bucket of water into the hole.
  2. Carefully place the seedling so that the roots do not intertwine with each other.
  3. Fill the hole with earth.
  4. Form a hole around the shrub and pour water again.
  5. To avoid the formation of a crust, the soil should be mulched with humus.

During planting, the main thing is not to damage the roots, while the root collar should be located at least 5 cm above the soil surface.

In order for the shrub to grow strong, it is advisable to cut it when planting, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground. By the way, cut branches can be planted in moist ground, where they should take root easily.

Plant seedlings at an angle of about 45 degrees. Sloping and deep planting promotes the formation of fresh shoots, additional roots and buds on the covered part of the stem.

Thanks to this, a powerful developed bush with an abundance of strong branches is formed. Otherwise - with the usual direct landing - the bush turns out to be single-stemmed.


Currant needs regular watering. Even a single drying of the soil can lead to a decrease in yield, as well as to the crushing of berries. Therefore, at a time it is required to pour from 3 to 5 buckets of water under each bush.

Stop watering only if the berries have begun to stain. Moreover, in this case, watering is harmful, since the berries from excessive saturation with liquid in the cell sap will crack right on the bushes.

Also, the roots of the plant must be protected from freezing. To do this, in the fall, you should spud the bush with a layer of earth, and sprinkle the trunk circle with compost and peat.

To achieve an excellent harvest, currant bushes must be formed. Initially, all shoots should be cut, leaving up to 5 buds on them. In adult shrubs, it is required to replace the old five-six-year-old fruiting branches with more powerful young ones, and you will also need to remove excess annual shoots.

In the process of shaping, the gardener should strive to form a bush with the widest possible base. Why is it so important? The wider, freer and lighter the middle of the plant, the more uniform the fruiting of the entire shrub, and not just the peripheral branches, as happens with strong thickening.

The presence of approximately 16-20 powerful branches different ages- this is a sign of the correct formation of the bush.

Yes, planting currants in the garden, you definitely will not regret it. Good luck growing this valuable plant!

Currants are planted on the new site as one of the first crops. Planting it is not difficult, and the harvest will be soon. In a few years, it will even be measured in buckets. A shrub bears fruit in one place for up to 20 years, after which the bushes must be renewed. Consider the basic planting rules that allow you to get a guaranteed harvest of vitamin berries.

Currant planting technology

Blackcurrant is a fairly frost-resistant and most hardy plant of all berry bushes. For it, you should choose wet areas, but without stagnant water. Red and white currants are more drought tolerant; higher, well-lit, and less humid areas are suitable for them. Currant plantations should be protected by natural or specially planted tree plantations, especially from prevailing winds. In winter, protective plantings contribute to greater accumulation of snow, less freezing of the soil, and in summer they reduce the drying effect of winds and dry winds.

Where to plant currants on the site

Different types of currant differ somewhat in their requirements for location and other growing conditions. European black currant prefers low, but not wetlands, and Siberian currant varieties grow well and bear fruit in elevated, but sufficiently moist places. Red currants grow best on the lower parts of slopes or on flat elevations. Blackcurrant tolerates a light shade, but in heavily shaded places its shoots are stretched, very few flower buds are formed, as a result of which it bears little fruit. In suburban areas, it is often planted between rows of young trees. In old currant gardens, a free, bright place is required.

Redcurrant for normal growth requires good lighting. In the lowlands, it bears fruit poorly. The southwestern slopes are suitable for it, but not very steep. Plots allotted for any currant should not have sedge marshes in the neighborhood.

Red currants are given the sunniest place

In the middle zone, flat or slightly sloping areas are allocated for currants; in areas of insufficient moisture - near water sources, protected from winds. Both loamy and sandy loamy soils are suitable for it, but always well-cultivated, fertile. Black currants do best on heavy loams, while white and red currants do best on light loams and sandy loams. Unsuitable areas with high acidity (pH below 5.5), as well as those where groundwater is closer than 1-1.2 m from the surface. Currants should not be planted in low areas, as this can lead to spring freezing of flowers that have already blossomed. All varieties of red currant are less demanding on water than black currant. In the central chernozem regions and further north, they bear fruit abundantly even without irrigation.

On the suburban area it is not required to plant a lot of bushes, therefore, one row is usually assigned to currants, often along the fence. It is good if the fence is deaf and located so that it protects the planting from the wind, but does not close much solar lighting. It must also be taken into account that over time the bushes will grow, so you should not plant it very close to the paths: you will have to move the path in a few years. In addition, one must remember about the convenience of harvesting, and there is usually a lot of it, and several hours will have to be spent near the bushes.

Differences and features of planting black, red and golden currants: https://klumba.guru/yagody/smorodina/posadka-smorodinyi-vesnoy.html

Soil preparation for planting currants

Black currant requires moisture-intensive soil, red currant loves lighter loam or humus-rich sandy loam. Poorly suitable soils for it are improved with peat, lime, sowing green manure. Before planting any type of currant, it is very important to thoroughly clean the soil from weeds, especially perennials: wheatgrass, sow thistle, dandelion and others. Weeds can drown out plantings, causing bushes to dry out early and die as a result.

Based on this, it turns out that preliminary preparation soil is its deep cultivation. If there is nowhere to hurry, then this must be done long before the bushes are planted. Digging with fertilizer application is carried out to a depth of at least 40 cm. Acidic soils are limed, especially before planting black currants. If there is a whole summer before planting, the best way out is to sow annual grasses on the site. Lupine, clover, oats are optimal. Not allowing them to bloom, the grasses are mowed and dug up along with the ground, creating additional nutrition for future plantings and healing the soil.

Siderats help fight weeds, improve soil structure, enrich it with nutrients

For autumn planting, it is necessary to fully cultivate and plan the site, as well as prepare planting pits 15–20 days before planting, so that the soil in the pits has time to moderately compact, and soil microorganisms and earthworms to thoroughly master the new place of residence for yourself and proceed to your useful activity. Instead of holes, if it is more convenient, planting furrows are sometimes dug along the entire length of the future row of bushes.

Fertilizers applied when planting currants

Currants need soils rich in all nutrients. However, preferences different types currants are somewhat different. Black currants are more partial to phosphorus nutrition, and red currants love a lot of potassium. Therefore, for blackcurrants, around 8–10 kg of organic fertilizers, 200 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate are applied per 1 m 2 throughout the site, and for red and white superphosphate they take less (100–150 g), but more potassium sulfate (up to 80). Approximately the same doses are then applied to the landing pits. In no case should we forget about wood ash - an excellent source of potassium and a number of other nutrients. There is no excess ash. Both when digging and in pits, it can be added in very large quantities: up to a liter jar, or even more.

An excellent fertilizer for many shrubs and currants in particular are household waste such as potato peelings. What a common person immediately throws experienced gardener carefully collects. The composition of the potato peel contains almost the full range of microelements useful for berry growers: phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, etc. Of course, it’s impossible to put them in a bag just like that, they will rot. Therefore, the cleaning is dried all winter (you can freeze it), and at the first opportunity they are taken to the site. Potato peels are most useful as top dressings, but they can be placed in the planting hole at planting. A couple of handfuls of dry cleanings per bush will be enough to start.

This is not waste, but the most valuable fertilizer for currants

After marking the cultivated area, they begin to dig holes. The width of the pit for currants is 30–40 cm, the depth is at least 30, but better, especially on clay soils, up to 50 cm. The bulk of the working roots of the currant is quite shallow, and the roots also go to the sides not far, no further than the crown of the bush. They try to dig holes round, although this is not necessary. As with any planting, the top layer of soil is folded in one direction, and the less fertile bottom layer is folded in the other; bad soil is not returned to the pit. Fertilizers are applied to a pile of fertile soil before planting currants and mixed thoroughly.

Fertilization for currants in spring, summer and autumn: https://klumba.guru/yagody/smorodina/podkormka-smorodinyi-vesnoy.html

Terms and scheme of planting currants

Like most berry growers, they plant currants in autumn or spring. But since the currant wakes up very early in the spring, the autumn planting is much more attractive.

Planting currants in autumn

Under the conditions of the middle zone, planting begins at the end of September and ends two weeks before the onset of stable frosts. Autumn planting is more favorable for plant survival. In the spring, they begin to grow as soon as the snow cover melts and warm days come. In autumn, abundant watering is not required, and in rainy autumn it can be completely omitted. Autumn weather is favorable for the unhurried planting of currants, it allows you to carry out all the work carefully and efficiently.

Such wonderful seedlings do not need to be left until spring. It is better to plant them immediately and correctly

Planting currants in spring

Currants can also be planted in the spring, but there is usually not enough time for planting in the spring. Currant buds bloom when it is still impossible to work in the garden or it is very difficult, and it is completely impossible to reach some cottages due to mud. You need to wait until the roads and the land on the site dry out. In addition, preparing for a quality landing requires a lot of time. During this time, the soil will lose a lot of moisture, and bushes have to be planted when it has already dried up. During spring planting, careful watering is required, and not alone, but in dry years, you will have to water often until the seedlings are properly rooted. In the spring, seedlings take root worse, so failures may also be overtaken, some of the bushes will disappear. In those suburban areas where the owners often visit, spring planting is quite acceptable, if only it is carried out in a timely manner and strictly according to the rules.

Lunar calendar for planting currants

Many gardeners firmly believe in the lunar calendar and check all their country work with the phases of the movement of the Earth's natural satellite. It is difficult to agree 100% that it is necessary to do this, but, apparently, there is something in this. Although, of course, it is impossible for a working person to tie all his troubles to lunar calendar, otherwise you can be completely left without a harvest, and bring radishes and cucumbers bought at the market with you to the barbecue.

The most unsuitable phases for planting garden plants are the new moon and full moon. Actually, astrologers start from this rule when compiling calendars. It is believed that you can take care of fruit trees and shrubs when the Moon is in the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It is desirable to plant shrubs when the Earth's satellite is decreasing.

Based on this, for example, for 2018, planting currants in the spring is recommended on the following dates in March: 23, 26–29. In April, these are 5-7 and 9-11 numbers. Of the autumn dates, September 27-29 are interesting, as well as October 4-8, 10-17, October 22-24.

Currant planting scheme

The optimal placement of currant bushes depends on the variety, soil, lighting. When planting currants, the following approximate distances are taken. Red currant: for white-fruited varieties 2 x 1.25 m, red-fruited - 2 x 1.5 m. Black currant - 2.5 x 1.5 m. The effectiveness of the joint placement of several mutually pollinated varieties was noted; this approach increases the yield and its quality. Therefore, the site should have 2-3 varieties of different ripening periods.

An adult bush occupies a considerable area: it is necessary to be guided that with good care, the bushes planted according to the recommended scheme will close in a row, and in the aisles from the base of the bush they will occupy at least a meter. This should be taken into account in the case of a very attractive planting of currants along the fence. After all, from the side of the fence, too, it will be necessary to harvest! Therefore, the minimum recommended in many horticultural charters for planting bushes - 1 m from a fence or a neighboring plot - should be slightly increased. If you feel sorry for the place, then at first you can take it, for example, with shade-tolerant or early spring flowers like tulips. And when the flowers grow - you can start up the fence climbing plants(decorative or even edible beans, loach, etc.).

While this bush is young, you can approach the fence. But after a few years, picking berries from the back will be difficult.

What can be planted next to currants

The best predecessors for currants are clover, potatoes and any vegetables. Actually, they also remain good neighbors for currants when grown. It is difficult to name a vegetable that would interfere with currants. Well, maybe hell, which, growing, clogs all the landings around it. It is good to plant onions and garlic in the aisles of currants. They secrete phytoncides, contributing to the fight against pests of horticultural crops.

Blackcurrant loves the neighborhood with honeysuckle. The strawberries do not interfere with the currants at all, only they grow so that instead of harvesting they will have to stomp on them, getting close to the currant bushes.

Honeysuckle is the ideal neighbor of blackcurrant

Black and red currants should not be planted next to each other: as we already know, they differ somewhat optimal conditions cultivation. In the case of planting gooseberries next to the blackcurrant, they will coexist normally, but they have one common pest - the moth, therefore, having settled on one plant, it will immediately settle on another. But red currants and gooseberries live peacefully with each other. You can not plant nearby plants that give a lot of shoots - cherries, plums, raspberries, blackberries, as well as trees that spread their roots far beyond the borders of the crown - walnut, apricot.

Gooseberry. Place for planting, preparing a pit and seedling, planting scheme and planting instructions: https://klumba.guru/yagody/kryzhovnik/posadka-kryizhovnika-vesnoy.html

Features of planting some varieties of currants

Currants are planted at the age of two. If the seedling has weak shoots, they are cut out without sparing, and the strong ones are shortened to 12-15 cm. Pruning can be done after planting, but it’s better in advance: it will be easier to plant. The main stages of work are the same for any variety of currants.

Before planting, seedlings are checked for infestation with pests; damaged ones are not planted. The tips of the roots are slightly trimmed and, for better survival, are dipped in a mash of clay, mullein and water. Good soil mixed with fertilizers is poured into the planting pit with a mound. Part of this soil is left for backfilling the roots. Plant a bush obliquely, slightly deeper than it grew before digging, shaking slightly. Sprinkle the roots with soil and compact it well. With an inclined landing, young shoots are born and grow much better. If planted without a slope, instead of a bush, a currant tree can grow: it’s also not bad, but the crop on one shoot will be small, and new ones will practically not grow.

Having fallen asleep the roots, the seedlings are watered, spending about half a bucket of water per plant, after which the soil is filled up to the top of the pit. Borders are formed around the bush and watered again. Mulch with humus or simply sprinkle with dry earth. In case of dry weather, watering is repeated after a few days.

Planting white currant

White currant is not a separate species, but only a variety of red currant. Red currant varieties have a variety of colors from pure white or amber to pink and dark red. White currant is sweeter than red currant. Its taste is more delicate, it is usually eaten fresh.

Whitecurrant grows quite powerful bushes and gives tasty tender berries for a long time.

White currant is quite hardy. She is often found in wild nature in the central zone of Russia and in Belarus, likes to grow along the banks of rivers. White currant cultivars are grown in gardens in sunny and wetlands. When choosing a place, one must take into account that its bushes live and bear fruit for a long time: often more than 20 years. White currant annually gives new strong shoots that are able to produce crops for 6-8 years. The horizontal roots of the white currant somewhat go beyond the projection of the crown, which almost never happens in the black currant.

White currants are best planted in September - sometimes even from the first days of autumn. She is given a well-lit area. The soil should be sufficiently fertile, loose, have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. The entire area is dug up in advance with the usual doses of fertilizers for currants. The planting pit is prepared up to half a meter in diameter and at least 40 cm deep. The planting technology does not differ from that for other currant varieties, but it is better to soak the seedlings in water for about a day before planting. Bushes are planted after 1–1.5 m, leaving only 4–5 buds above the ground on each shoot.

Planting golden currant

The leaves of this currant and even its berries are somewhat reminiscent of gooseberries, but it is not a hybrid, but is a separate species from the Gooseberry family - golden currant. A shrub up to 2.5 m high has powerful long roots, almost straight shoots, drooping under the weight of the crop during the fruiting period. Round or slightly elongated berries are yellowish to purple and sometimes almost black. A ponytail is visible at the ends of the berries. Often the golden currant is used as hedges, but it also produces large yields of very tasty berries every year. True, they are almost not acidic, because there is less ascorbic acid in this currant than in other types.

The golden currant has a berry different color, but always with a "tail"

Golden currants are planted in early spring or autumn, but long before the arrival of frost. The place needs to be well lit, but it also puts up with partial shade. In the wild, golden currant is able to live anywhere, so it does not impose special requirements on the soil. However, to obtain good yields, the soil still needs to be prepared in the same way as for planting other types of currants. They dig a hole larger than for blackcurrant, about 60 cm in all dimensions. It should be borne in mind that these plants are large, they can grow more than two meters in height and spread their crown by the same amount. For planting, 2–3-year-old seedlings are used, planting them in a row after 1–1.5 m, and maintaining a distance of up to 3 m between rows. When planting, the seedling is deepened by 6–7 cm. The technology of planting, watering and care is otherwise nothing do not differ from those for the usual types of currants.

How to plant a hybrid currant

The most annoying thing about harvesting gooseberries is their thorns. Therefore, scientists have long tried to grow non-thorny varieties by crossing gooseberries with currants. As a result, an amazing hybrid was born, named yoshta. And for half a century now, this hybrid has been gaining its place in gardens around the world. In our country, the hybrid appeared in the late 1980s. He has all the best that is inherent in gooseberries and black currants. The hybrid grows very fast. This is a large thornless shrub capable of forming powerful shoots that grow up to two meters in a season. An adult fruit-bearing bush has two dozen stems. The crown diameter reaches two meters, but the roots are shallow.

Planting a hybrid in the garden is as simple as planting any other currant, you just need to take into account that the bush not only grows quickly, but also grows to a respectable size. You can plant yoshtu in early spring or at the very beginning of September. The site should be open to the sun, and the soil should be very fertile. It is believed that a hybrid will bear fruit well only when its "ancestors" - currants or gooseberries - grow nearby.

The size of the landing pit is about half a meter in diameter and half a meter deep. Pits are dug in advance. The distance between individual plants is 1.5–2 m, but if yoshtu is planted to create a hedge, then only half a meter is enough. It is not recommended to plant a hybrid in the center of the site, so as not to obscure other plants. Unlike ordinary currants, you can ignore the protection from the winds: the bush grows so powerful and stable. To fill the planting hole, the usual amounts of fertilizer are added to the fertile part of the excavated land.

Planting technique - as for any other currant. After planting and watering, the soil around the seedling must be mulched with a layer of 8–10 cm. The final stage of planting is pruning, leaving shoots with 2–3 buds.

Yoshta adopted all the best from currants and gooseberries

Non-traditional ways of planting currants

It would seem that all the issues of planting currants have long been resolved, all possible ways and techniques are well known, and what else to invent? But our gardeners love to experiment, waiting for some kind of miracle. They are also experimenting with planting currants on their plots.

Planting currants on a trellis

Currants can be grown not only in the usual form, consisting of individual bushes, but you can make a kind of “wall” from it, resembling a fence. To do this, bushes are planted in one row very often, every 30–50 cm. But this fence is formed in such a way that it has a flat shape: the shoots growing away from it are cut out, and those that have grown in the “plane” are looked after. In the trellis method, you can not do without tying the stems. They need to be fixed firmly, but so that the twine does not crash and break the branches. Thus, the trellis method requires a frame made of poles driven into the ground and stretched rows of thick wire, to which, in fact, currant stalks are tied.

It would seem, why the extra problems and costs? The fact is that this approach has significant advantages: the branches are raised above the ground, and this improves ergonomics in growing technology. It is easier to cultivate the soil and take care of the bushes, better conditions for the pollination of flowers by bees (hence, more crops). And most importantly - the collection of berries is greatly facilitated, and they do not lie on the ground and do not get dirty.

Any strong poles or metal pipes up to 2.5 m long are used as the base of the trellis. They are installed at a distance of at least 6 m from each other. The lower ends driven into the ground must be protected from corrosion. A strong wire with a diameter of 3–4 mm is attached to the poles every half a meter to tie currant branches to it.

Currants on a trellis look like a fence of bushes growing in the form of fans

The bush is formed over several years, leaving only shoots growing in the plane of the trellis. Spread them out like a fan and tie them to the wires. Unnecessary shoots are cut from the ground. Care of bushes - watering, fertilizing, pruning.

Planting currants in tires

What they just didn’t plant in old car tires! Some consider it beautiful, some simply original, but many agree that such a fit facilitates subsequent care. There is some truth in this. For example, planting strawberries in a vertical pyramid of tires is already becoming a traditional pastime for summer residents who have very limited areas for a regular planting. Planting raspberries in tires helps fight their uncontrolled growth. They also experimented with currants, but so far these experiments can hardly be considered successful.

Car tires can only be used for fencing, putting them around a bush or pulling a bush with a bicycle tire so that it does not fall apart, but planting currants in a tire filled with earth means risking the roots to freeze. If there is a large tire, say, from KamAZ, you can dig it into the ground almost entirely, and in the center, but into the ground, and not into the tire, plant a currant bush in the usual way. Then the tire can help protect the currant from creeping weeds, raspberry or cherry overgrowth, and even block the way for some underground pests.

Features of planting currants in different regions

Currant does not belong to the southern berries, it even lives better in the middle lane and in the not too far north than in the hot south. But the rules for planting it in different regions are almost the same, they can only shift the dates in one direction or another, and also regulate the number of irrigations. For example, in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of freezing in snowless winters, which means that it is necessary to provide the possibility of sheltering the roots for the winter. But it has little effect on landing. In the arid Lower Volga region, on the contrary, the main thing is to provide currant bushes with moisture, but they are planted in the most common ways.

Speaking about the timing, we must remember that they rather depend not on the climate of the region, but on the current weather in a particular year. And yet in cold regions, including the Urals and Siberia, currant planting should be completed in late August. In the south, planting is recommended from mid-September to the first decade of October. Seedlings should find their new place about a month before frost.

In most regions of Ukraine, the soil is very fertile, and the climate, although it differs in the north and south of the country, is quite favorable for planting most fruit trees and berry bushes. Dates for planting currants in the north of Ukraine - in the spring, as soon as the earth melts, until about mid-May or in autumn from early October until frost. In the south, the planting dates are more extended in the fall, but in the spring you have to try to plant as early as possible, while the ground is still saturated with moisture. Most Ukrainian gardeners prefer to plant currants in the fall. Although even a summer transplant of not too mature bushes is quite successful here.

The planting technology in Ukraine is standard, as elsewhere: from digging the site to pruning the planted bushes.

Video: autumn planting of blackcurrant

Planting currants in a summer cottage is not particularly difficult and belongs to the usual concerns of an amateur gardener. We need seedlings, ordinary tools, time, strength and desire. And without a few currant bushes, the garden seems somehow inferior. Therefore, if the currant is not yet growing on your site, it must be planted immediately.