How to process a log house. Review of materials and methods for external processing of a log house. The order of work on the processing of walls

All types of wood need additional protection, because the canvas is very susceptible to negative influences, such as:

  • high level of humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature indicators;
  • sun exposure, etc.

But, it is also worth protecting the wood from insects and rodents, fungus and mold, which can completely destroy the structure of the tree.

Surface treatment wooden house outside

So what is the best way to cover a wooden house so that it stands long years? To date, it is easy to cope with such a problem, because on the market for this you can find various impregnations. These include not only antiseptics and flame retardants, but also paints and varnishes, various waxes and other impregnations that emphasize the decorative effect of wood and ensure its protection and long service life.

Processing wood with specialized compounds allows you to:

  • protect the tree from the penetration of moisture into the structure of the finish;
  • form a thin film on the surface of the material that will allow air to pass through, but will not allow moisture to be absorbed;
  • protect the base from the harmful effects of the sun's rays;
  • keep the tree intact by insects and fungus;
  • prevent the spread of flames in case of fire;
  • add visual appeal to the building, etc.

What are the tools for processing a house made of wood?

We process wooden house on their own

And so, how to process wood and what is better to use for this? The solution to this issue is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Wax is used to extend the shelf life and transform the appearance of the building. It is applied in a couple of layers, for which only the liquid consistency of the substance is suitable.

Natural oil is best used to protect the surface from exposure to sunlight. Such an odorless substance covers the surface in 2 or 3 layers with an interval of ½ days. Complete drying occurs in a day. You can dissolve the oil with turpentine, and the consumption of the substance is 1000 g per 10 m2.

Danish resin oil is used only when working outside. After surface treatment, it is covered with a transparent film, which initially smells a little. Apply the substance in two layers with an interval of half a day. The surface dries after a day. Please note that the oil must be diluted with turpentine before use.

To process a wooden surface, you must:

  1. choose the most suitable substance;
  2. treat the surface with an antiseptic solution;
  3. cover the tree with flame retardant;
  4. protect from UV rays and moisture;
  5. apply primer or varnish;
  6. cover with wax.

Antiseptic substances

Self external processing

Typically, upon completion construction works a wooden house needs to be coated with antiseptics, both inside and outside. Such processing is best done in the factory, but if this is not possible, you can do the work yourself.

The classification of antiseptic substances is given in the table.

Basically, antiseptics are made on a water basis, which do not prevent the penetration of air. After such a finish, as a result of drying of the surface, no smell remains.

In order for the antiseptic substance to cover the product qualitatively and evenly, the coating should be performed in several steps. To do this, the material is coated with a special substance in a couple of tiers, and then fire retardants and water-repellent substances are used. This technology helps to firmly protect the surface and can compete with factory processing.

How should the tree be treated?

We process a wooden house

And so, how to process the lining inside the house and outside? For this, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology.

The wood processing process for all substances is similar, but working with antiseptics requires special care.

Work is best done in the following sequence:

  • Decide which tool you will use. Mostly substances are used that are able to protect wood from putrefactive changes and burning. The substance is applied with a brush or spray gun in 2 or 3 layers. Start processing from the outside, and then proceed to the inner work. If you don't want to get your handles dirty, you can buy wood that has already been treated properly in the factory, but the extra protection will not be superfluous.
  • The flame retardant, which protects your canvas from burning, should be applied in two layers after the surface has been treated with antiseptic substances. Antiperen is able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, after which he is not afraid of even direct contact with fire. Today, on the shelves of hardware stores you can see various analogues of such a substance, which are designed for specific purposes. But, it must be taken into account that the material may be charred, but direct combustion will not occur. Of course, not only wood can ignite from prolonged exposure to fire, but it is the flame retardant that allows you to extinguish the flame in time and prevent its distribution over the entire surface.
  • The third layer that wood is treated with is protection from moisture, because the house should not absorb water. For such purposes, impregnations with a water-repellent feature are most suitable. Such a substance should evenly and thoroughly cover the entire wooden surface, increased attention should be paid to the ends. It will be enough to treat the sides of the log with two layers of impregnation, but on the ends, apply the substance in 4 or even 5 layers. Such processing will allow the tree to dry quickly, and the moisture will evaporate evenly, which will not lead to deformation of the wood.

If the wooden structure is properly treated inside and out, it will shrink evenly in the future, as a result of which you will be able to avoid cracks, warping and large gaps.

Why use soil?

Upon completion of the application of protective substances to the wood, the surface must be treated with a primer, which will serve as a preparation for subsequent work. For these purposes, you can use alkyd-acrylic primer, which is able to penetrate deep into the cracks and "seal" them. It is through the use of a primer that you will get a high level of adhesion. You can use the soil, both outside and inside the house.

At the end of all work, a wooden building should be covered with a bleaching mixture, which will externally transform wooden materials.

If there is a need or even an urgent need, the tree can be treated with other materials, such as wax. Such a frame adds attractiveness to wood and extends its life. No need to apply paint anymore appearance it turns out quite beautiful and does not hide the naturalness of the finish.

As you can see, the processing of a building made of wood requires the use of specialized substances that differ different features. Especially carefully approach the choice of impregnation, which can protect the material from mold and fire.

Exterior processing of a wooden house is an important part of its construction. The properties of natural wood are such that the material has to be impregnated and coated with special protective compounds. This helps to extend the life of the building, increases the resistance of its external surfaces to harmful effects. environment.

Fig.1. To give a wooden house durability, it is necessary to protect the walls from external influences.

Typical loads on wood

Factors that can damage wooden structures, include:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
    UV rays destroy wood lignin, the substance that holds cellulose fibers together. Therefore, the surface loses its smoothness and is easily contaminated. In addition, even with a short exposure sunlight without protective treatment, the log house darkens. With longer insolation, the tree acquires an unattractive gray tint, as a result of which the house seems dilapidated.
  • Moisture exposure.
    Without waterproofing, wood quickly absorbs water and swells. In dry weather, it gives it away, decreasing in volume. Such vibrations cause stresses in the structure of the material. As a result, cracks appear in it, including adhesive ones (at the joints of logs). Moisture is absorbed most intensively through the ends.
  • Mold, fungus.
    High humidity contributes to the development of mold fungi, blue, rot. The first two types spoil only the appearance of wood surfaces. Putrefactive fungi destroy the structure of the tree. Gray mold is also dangerous for health, as it can cause severe allergic diseases.
  • Insect pests.
    The activity of carpenter beetles greatly reduces the quality of the wooden structure. The main damage to timber is caused by the larvae of these insects, which gnaw on the surface layers of wood, making long passages inside.

Special impregnations and paints help prevent these problems and preserve the quality of wood for a long time.

Fig.2. Wooden houses, not treated with special means, are subject to corrosion processes, as well as the formation of fungus and beetle larvae.

Means for the protection of wood structures

Prevention of damage to the structure and surface of the tree is carried out immediately after the construction of the house. For this purpose, compositions of a specialized or complex action are used.

Such funds are divided into three large groups:

  • Antiseptic impregnations and primers. Protect the house from the destructive action of moisture, mold, insects.
  • Flame retardants. Flame retardants, which increase the resistance of wooden structures to the action of open fire.
  • Combined funds. They provide comprehensive fire and biological protection of a wooden house.

As a rule, products based on organic solvents are used to treat walls from the outside. They are more difficult to wash out than water-soluble impregnations, therefore they act more effectively.

Wood is treated with antiseptics immediately after felling in order to preserve the material during transportation and storage. Such protection is valid for a short time, therefore, after construction, the wooden structures of the cottage are again covered with protective impregnations.

Fig.3. To reliably protect the house from fire and other destroyers, fire retardants and various wood impregnations are used.

A set of measures for the protective treatment of the house

To increase the life of the building, all its wooden parts are treated accordingly.

Antiseptic treatment of critical structures

The elements that are constantly in contact with atmospheric and soil moisture include pillars, piles, lower crowns, logs, subfloor plane, facades, gables. They are carefully coated with antiseptics with a fungicidal effect, which are intended for primary processing. Penetrating into the structure of the tree, these compounds prevent the development of fungal spores, bacteria, insect pests.

Protecting wood from fire

Wood can be treated with flame retardants at the stage of lumber production. To do this, the latter are immersed in a solution of a means that provides fire protection. Fire prevention can also be carried out after the construction of a cottage, dacha, bath. In this case, fire retardants are sprayed onto surfaces or applied with a roller or brush. Wooden surfaces are also treated with flame retardants inside. In this case, the fire protection period is increased.

Combined fire protection

Most protective impregnations have a complex effect. They not only prevent fire wooden elements but also provide an antiseptic effect. When processing rafters and wooden floors 1 degree of fire protection is achieved. This means that the structures will resist combustion for the duration of the fire. For this purpose, the surfaces are coated with a flame retardant several times or a powerful impregnation is applied once.

End protection

The most intense evaporation and absorption of moisture occurs through the ends of the logs. As a result, these parts of the log house quickly rot and crack. Help to avoid this problem preventive measures, which are accepted at the production stage, as well as during the construction of a log house. To do this, the ends are covered with moisture-proofing agents, which form a thin waterproofing film on their surface. It is permeable to air, effectively repels moisture, but does not interfere with evaporation processes. Waterproofing work is also carried out inside the house, in places where wood comes into contact with moisture.

Decorative processing

Immediately after the construction of a wooden house, its walls are covered inside and out with paints or tinted protective and decorative agents. They can be applied directly to the surface. Or spread over the primer on a similar basis. Finishing wood protects it from UV radiation and moisture, and also improves the aesthetic perception of the object.

When building from glued beams, Garden House uses for outdoor processing houses matte covering paints Tikkurila. They are acrylate coatings with oil, which decorate the facade and create additional protection for wood from harmful factors. These coloring agents adhere strongly to the surface and subsequently do not peel off. It will not be necessary to repaint the cottage in a year or two, since when using Tikkurila paints, you can forget about the cosmetic repairs of the facade for at least 7 years.

Properly processed from the outside, a wooden house will last for decades, while maintaining an attractive appearance, strength, and the quality of natural material.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing that will never lose popularity. Natural wood does not emit toxic hazardous substances, has a pleasant forest aroma and promotes a rapid exchange of oxygen. In such a house there is always fresh air, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere.

Logs are easy to stack, which reduces installation time. Due to their low weight, they do not require a deep expensive foundation. And thanks to the natural beauty and aesthetics of the materials, serious and expensive finishing is not required.

However, wooden houses have a significant disadvantage. Wood - natural material, which is exposed to the negative influence of the environment. The sun's rays, moisture and precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material gradually darkens and collapses. Mold, cracks and fungus appear, and the structure loses its original appearance. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to process the log house inside and out with the help of various means.

Why do we need to process the log house from the outside

  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • For a long time it retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or a log house;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Interferes with influence of insects and moisture;
  • Increases the service life of a wooden house or bath;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs, if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, get the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is a must for a log home, as fire is a significant threat to timber.

What means to choose

Today the market offers a lot of tools for processing a log house inside and out. It is important that they are environmentally friendly and retain the natural properties of wood. In addition, the products must perform the protective functions of the tree from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Great importance They also have decorative properties. There are four main groups of funds that will be needed to process the house from the outside:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of logs to moisture and microbes. Among antiseptic agents, wax, protective varnish and oils are distinguished. They destroy mold and blue.
  2. Flame retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of the product comes out of the log and forms protective film. Such products prevent instantaneous ignition and resist open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep the wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials keep the surface smooth and even, prevent cracks. And film-forming compounds also create a water-repellent barrier. For these purposes, a primer or wood oils are suitable.
  4. Protective finishes are more intended for decorating wood. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect the wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will not allow the wood to darken over time.

Do not choose one tool that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while still performing decorative functions. Practice shows that such impregnations are not very effective. To achieve a high-quality and durable result, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately.

Top best outdoor woodworking products

brand Characteristic Price
Senezh (Russia) Difficult-to-wash high-class compositions in 20 types, including bleaching and renewing compositions, antiseptics for baths, houses and gazebos; protect against fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years! from 380 rubles (5kg)
Belinka (Slovenia) natural and safe means high efficiency, protect against UV, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products from 400 rubles (1l)
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for outdoor processing. from 280 rubles (1 l)
Neomid (Russia) Effective impregnation for houses, baths and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, special products for processing ends are produced, a good combination of price and quality from 200 rubles (1 l)
Tikkurila (Finland) Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection against precipitation, differ high quality and positive feedback from 250 rubles (1l)
Aquatex (Russia) Produced in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted options (15 colors), protects against fungus, UV and moisture, suitable for medium-class wood from 200 rubles (1 l)
Sitex (Russia) Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, keeps the appearance of the building for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors) from 200 rubles (1 l)

How to process a log house from the outside

  • For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and out immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to the processing of ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers;
  • Primary processing cannot be desired at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next processing is done after the log has completely dried and the log house has shrinked. This takes 6-12 months. This finish implies the final complex and multi-layer processing of the house, which will protect the log on long term. It is important to apply antiseptics on a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, the logs are ground to remove the top layer, in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove the defects of the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the old coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will become the highest quality, most effective and durable. Spray guns are used to speed up the process. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with flame retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is a primer. It will protect the wood from cracking and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others, and therefore are more prone to rotting. To avoid this, each end processing is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sunlight. With the help of colored paints and varnishes, a certain color or shade, matte or glossy shine is achieved. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints.

How and how to paint a log cabin outside

Painting is the final stage of processing the log house outside and inside. Today there are many different paints and varnishes. For outdoor painting, choose rough and resistant compounds. Consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Covering opaque varnishes will help to achieve the desired shine and shade, protect from insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deep into the structure of the log, keep the surface from moisture and dirt. But they dry for a long time (two weeks) and eventually lose color !;
  • Acrylic paints and water-based varnishes are natural safe products that provide a dense elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to "breathe", but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and even surface, retain their color for a long time and provide protection against moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to "breathe", which eventually causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and lots of rainfall. This is a reliable protection against moisture, which is not affected by the weather and temperature extremes. Such a varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of wood, however, when painting, it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Stain is an affordable and cheap way to finish a log house inside and out. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the pattern of wood and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and waxes are eco-friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. Wax will give the surface a translucent matte sheen.

To qualitatively paint the log house, wait for the primer to dry completely. Stir thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. For painting, use a roller, for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends - a brush.

When using an airbrush, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, unpainted areas may remain. Apply the last coat of paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After complete drying of the paint, varnish is applied in two or three layers. For an even coverage without buildup, let each coat dry, applying the product in long, even strokes. For decorative coating you can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the operational life of the wood.

If you do not know which means for processing the house inside or outside to choose, contact MariSru b for help. The masters of the company will help you choose the right materials, quickly and efficiently process and paint a wooden house or bath!

A wooden house always fascinates with its beauty and attractiveness. But in order for the tree to remain as high quality as it was at the beginning of construction, it is necessary to properly process the internal and external walls premises. In this article, we will get acquainted with the methods and means for processing wooden houses.

Features of wooden houses

1. A wooden house is one of the most common types of ecological housing. Living in such a house has a positive effect on a person, since wood provides optimal air humidity, a favorable microclimate and high energy supply.

2. Wood is a natural material, main feature which is increased moisture absorption. With changes in humidity or temperature, the destruction of the tree occurs. This process is manifested by swelling, shrinkage, cracking or decay of wooden products.

3. The tree is sensitive to various microorganisms: mold fungi, insects, algae. The first signs of wood damage by microorganisms are dark, gray spots on the surface or mold. The most terrible enemy for a tree is the white house mushroom, which destroys wooden crafts for a very short time.

4. Wood is also sensitive to fire. Therefore, in order for a wooden house to serve for more than a dozen years, it is necessary to protect the tree from destructive factors.

Processing technology of wooden houses

For the construction of a wooden house, high-quality wood is used, which requires special processing. Some manufacturers process the wood at the factory and deliver the wood ready for construction to the site. There is an option for self-processing wood at the construction site.

On the one hand, if the wood is processed at the factory, the quality of processing will be higher, and on the other hand, at the construction site it is possible to control the processing of wood and independently choose an antiseptic for impregnation.

After the wood is processed, the construction of the house begins. At the end of construction, external and internal walls, wooden floors, objects that come into contact with water require special treatment. Like each of these objects, there is a special type of impregnation that will provide high-quality protection for a wooden house during operation.

Wood protection for the construction of a wooden house

The construction of a wooden house takes from a month to half a year, and all this time the wood is stored outdoors. Under the influence of moisture and temperature changes, the tree loses its natural properties and begins to rot, dry out or swell. To prevent the destruction of wood, treatment with indelible or hard-to-wash antiseptics is necessary.

Such antiseptics are able to protect the tree for a period of 2 to 8 months. For example, the antiseptic "Senezh Eurotrans" protects the tree for up to 8 months, while not changing the color and properties of the wood.

If it was not possible to avoid wood damage by fungi or mold, a bleaching method is used, in which chlorine-containing solutions are applied to the wood. Some formulations are designed to mask mold, while others are designed to remove. After bleaching, the wood should be treated with a protective antiseptic.

Storage of wood for the construction of a wooden house is carried out on special linings to prevent contact with the ground.

Means for processing a wooden house

Among the many options for antiseptics for processing wooden houses, there are three groups:

  • water based antiseptics
  • oil protectors,
  • combined chemicals.

Before buying an antiseptic, calculate the area to be treated. The instructions for protective equipment indicate the flow rate of liquid per square meter.

Consider the most popular wood preservatives:

1. Senezh (Russia) - a series of products intended for:

  • protection of wood during storage and transportation,
  • moderate or heavy use,
  • as a comprehensive fire protection and moisture resistance,
  • finishing of a wooden house,
  • bleaching of damaged areas.

Disadvantages: not suitable for application to previously varnished or varnished areas.

2. Neomid (Russia) - offers antiseptics for:

  • protecting wood from various microorganisms,
  • internal and exterior finish wooden houses,
  • fire protection of the first and second degree.

The range is presented:

  • washable and non-washable antiseptics,
  • oil paints for wood that do not change the color and structure of wood.

3. Products trademark Belinka provides protection of wood from atmospheric influences, and also has decorative properties. Antiseptics preserve the natural color of the wood. Suitable for any species, ranging from oak and beech, ending with pine and larch.

4. Aquatex - impregnation paint for wood, has more than 15 different colors. Suitable for processing wood, which has a moisture content of up to 40%. Does not contain harmful substances, which ensures complete environmental friendliness and minimal harm to human health. It has special "Euro-buckets" that exclude the possibility of forgery. Does not require prior application of a primer.

5. Rogneda (Russia) - presents protective and fire-resistant coatings for different types of wood. Antiseptics provide bioprotection from 15 to 50 years. Antiseptics can stop the development of mold or fungi that have already begun. They are odorless and harmless to both humans and animals.

6. Aquacolor - products that are diluted with water. Such an antiseptic has a relatively inexpensive price, but at the same time, wood processing should be done only at a positive air temperature. Such impregnations allow you to repaint even a very dark surface into a lighter one.

7. Tikkurila - antiseptics used for outdoor work. Perfectly protect the tree from moisture, mold, fungus. ultraviolet radiation and decay.

Tips for treating a wooden house with an antiseptic:

  • clean the wood with a metal scraper or white spirit;
  • first proceed to the impregnation of damaged or hard-to-reach areas;
  • when using organic solvents, the minimum temperature is +5°C;
  • when using water-soluble antiseptics, the minimum temperature is + 10 ° C;
  • When using antiseptics, air humidity should not exceed 80%.

The method of processing a wooden house inside

For internal processing wooden houses use water-based antiseptics that do not have bad smell and are harmless to human health. Such products are well breathable, and also have moisture resistance. To treat the interior, antiseptics of the upper layer are used. Complete drying of the water antiseptic occurs after 9-18 days, and only then it is worth starting to apply fire-resistant impregnation.

When dark spots or mold on the surface of the walls, it is necessary to apply bleaching solutions that will destroy fungi and microorganisms.

To protect wood from fire, there are two types of impregnation:

  • salt,
  • non-salt.

salt impregnation more cheap option, and therefore provide a low level of protection against fire.

Non-salt impregnations penetrate deep into the wood, and provide reliable protection against fire. These include Pirilax and Neomil. There are two degrees of fire protection. The first degree provides complete non-flammability of the tree, the second degree partially protects the tree from fire.

Important: the first degree of fire protection does not mean that when exposed to open fire, the tree will not ignite. The result is manifested only in the fact that the fire does not spread further, and the ignition has a local character.

After the wood has been treated with an antiseptic and impregnation, it is necessary to paint the internal walls.

To do this, use varnish, paint or glazing composition. Such solutions will give the walls the desired shade, and provide additional protection against mechanical damage.

Sometimes beeswax is used to finish the interior walls, which is not as effective protection as chemicals, but ensures the complete environmental friendliness of a wooden dwelling.

Processing a wooden house outside

External processing of the walls of a wooden house includes three stages:

  • treatment with a water-based antiseptic,
  • flame retardant treatment
  • finishing.

1. The biggest danger for exterior walls is dampness. Therefore, the antiseptic must protect the walls from mold. For the treatment of external walls, a deep-processing antiseptic is used, which penetrates well deep into the wood, and protects the walls from dampness and the formation of microorganisms. Pay special attention to the processing of end cuts, since moisture gets into these places the most, and they require careful processing. For the treatment of the foundation, special antiseptics are used that protect the tree from the influence of the soil.

2. After two weeks, the next stage of processing the outer walls with the help of fire retardant impregnation begins. These products form a film on the surface that protects the building from fire. Such coatings are applied in three to four layers for more effective protection. After the complete drying of the fire-retardant impregnation, the final finish follows.

3. There is an option to cover the walls with varnish while preserving the natural structure of the tree. It is also possible to treat the outer walls with a special paint that will give the wood the desired shade.

4. Before applying the finishing compositions, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • using sanding paper or scissors, sand the surface, while removing all irregularities and roughness;
  • using a special solution, remove, if necessary, resin stains;
  • all cracks or pits must be puttied.

Varieties of solutions for finishing exterior walls:

  • antiseptics, which are divided into covering, hiding the natural structure of the tree, and glazing, which emphasize the natural shade of the tree;
  • acrylate paints - very resistant to adverse weather conditions, retain gloss and color for a long time;
  • oil paints are reliable and are perfectly absorbed by wood, disadvantages: they are absorbed for a very long time and quickly lose their luster.

5. Another inexpensive and high-quality way to finish exterior walls is plaster. For plastering work, a special frame and mesh are installed, which ensures the durability of the applied mortar. For plastering a wooden house, mineral, acrylic or mosaic plaster is used. Plaster helps to hide all the bumps and defects in wooden walls. At the same time, the inside is environmentally friendly. wooden walls, and outside there are many ways to finish plaster in various textures and colors.

Of the mandatory payments, the average cost of processing one square meter wooden house is $ 3.5 per 1 m². The quadrature is calculated by the formula: total wall area*2. The remaining works from the list are paid only if they are performed by specialists.

Many people prefer to buy or build houses from wood, as they are attractive in appearance, warm and environmentally friendly. However, such buildings require additional protection from the negative effects of environmental factors. Therefore, it is very important to consult in advance on the features of the external and interior decoration at home or contact a specialized organization for help. The specialists of our company perform high-quality processing of a wooden house in the shortest possible time.

The cost of processing a wooden house outside

What is the processing of a wooden house for?

The following factors can adversely affect the integrity of the house:

  • The sun's rays on the surface, from the impact of which the log house becomes darker, porous, easily absorbs moisture, resulting in aging and cracking of the log.
  • Precipitation and high moisture, due to which products can swell and dry out, due to which mold and fungus form.
  • The appearance of insects in the walls that damage the integrity of the tree.

Do you want to protect the structure from these adverse effects as much as possible? - You need to carry out internal and external processing of the house.

Stages of impregnation of a wooden house outside

This process takes place in several stages:

  • application of antiseptics;
  • the use of flame retardant impregnation;
  • final finishing.

During work outside, specialists use an antiseptic that penetrates deep into the tree and protects against moisture, mold and microorganisms. After that, fire retardant impregnation is applied. This stage is started a few weeks after the use of the antiseptic composition. Fire retardant coatings should be applied in several layers. And at the very end, you can proceed to the final finish.

A house made of wood necessarily involves the application of an antiseptic composition. There is different types wall coverings: varnish, paint, plaster, brick cladding, siding. Before applying any coating, the walls must be treated with solutions.

Solutions are as follows:

  • acrylate paints resistant to external factors;
  • glazing, emphasizing the natural shade of the tree, and covering, hiding it;
  • oil paints are well absorbed.

The process of internal processing of a wooden house

When carrying out internal work, water-based products that do not emit toxins and are odorless are most often used. Moreover, they are moisture resistant. In the process of interior finishing, craftsmen first use the composition for the top layer, and then (after it dries) they apply fire-resistant impregnation to the working surfaces. The next step is to apply paint or varnish to the walls of the house. At the same time, you can choose the desired shade, as today manufacturers produce products in a wide color palette.