What to do in the country with your own hands. Do-it-yourself cottage design - ideas and photo examples. Flowerbed - the best decoration for a summer residence

The best way to attach unnecessary containers and remnants of building materials to the case is to decorate the decor of a summer cottage with your own hands. Some crafts border on masterpieces; they will decorate not only a quiet courtyard in the shade of a garden, but also make any living space inimitable. Some masters work no worse than artists and designers, performing work in the same style. But even without special skills it is easy to implement interesting ideas, borrowed from the site, if you have the desire and skills to work with the simplest tools.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Country rest involves family feasts in the open air, and special attention should be paid to the organization of the dining area. It is best to equip a large "refectory" under a canopy or in a shaded part of the yard. The main decoration of the place for joint lunches and dinners will be a do-it-yourself country tabletop decor.

You can decorate the surface of the dining table in many ways:

  • take a cut big tree original form;
  • tighten the filler with a colored cloth and cover with a polymer or varnish;
  • fill the base with herbarium elements and close with glass, hermetically processing the edges;
  • lay out a mosaic pattern, as in the photo.

Any method is good if there are improvised materials and tools. To make a mosaic countertop, you will need a large sheet of plywood and boards for the frame. You can make the table folding or stationary, but it's easier to transform the finished old furniture. When choosing a mosaic pattern, it is better to rely on your taste and preference. It can be a geometric pattern or a decorative panel on the theme of nature - an aquarium, fruits, sunflowers, firebirds, etc.

For pattern any will do material of the same thickness - small mosaics, broken glass and pieces of mirror tiles, the remains of tiles and ceramic tiles. If there is an abundance of such material, after the table top in mosaic technique, you can make flower vases or supports for a garden bench.

The plywood sheet is coated with a primer, after drying, the center and areas of drawing are marked. If there is no artistic experience, it is better to use the decor ideas you like for a summer cottage with your own hands or work with simple geometric compositions. Abstraction will help to get away from the need to lay out a recognizable plot.

Unusual design of the cottage

First, the central fragments are performed, then the blank background is laid out. It is advisable to work slowly and carefully, since decorating a garden or a summer house with your own hands is a matter of family pride, these things will last for more than one year.

When the mosaic is completed, it is allowed to dry, after which it remains to fill with grout for tile materials and clean all fragments of the composition with a damp cloth. It is recommended to paint over all parts of the table or dining area in the color that prevails in the pattern of the tabletop.

White garden furniture always out of competition, regardless of the decor of the summer cottage. Complement your outdoor dining area with a wrought-iron brazier or barbecue, folded by hand.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Fences, hedges and fences with their own hands

The first thing that neighbors in the country see is how the fences are decorated. The gray lopsided boards made of boards are becoming a thing of the past, they are being replaced by original partitions between the plots and zoning elements.

Ordinary chain-link fences between concrete pillars and Eurofences. But this is a big expense, and do-it-yourself decor for a summer house is easy to make in the form of original fences.

If there are children in the family, they will certainly appreciate the picket fence in the form of colored pencils at the dacha. Teenagers can decorate the decorative hedge, this great way spend time together for a common activity.

Another way is to use plastic bottles: fences from waste containers strung on metal rods, thick wire or clothesline. The fence can be one-color, for example, from dark beer plastic bottles or from kvass. alternating material different color, you can get an original drawing in the form of a decorative panel or just a striped fence that complements the decor of the garden plot.

In order for the fence to look aesthetically pleasing, it is important to thoroughly make a frame - to stretch the trellis between the columns. On the finished basis, it is easy to make vertical garlands from plastic bottles of the same format. They can even be treated with spray paints to give the decor in the country more originality.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

Original flower beds and sandboxes from stumps

Uprooting old stumps is a very laborious task, it is much easier to turn them into wooden decor for a summer residence. The overgrown tree has taken its place in the landscape, and its roots still penetrate deep into the soil. It's a good idea to hollow out its rotten core to fill it with earth or sand.

Flowerbeds in old stumps are an original and simple site decor. You can sow fragrant low-growing perennials or climbing plant by setting up a support for it next to the stump. If the snag has a good appearance, it is not necessary to paint it or somehow process it, let it be a natural background for plants.

A wide stump with a large internal volume will replace the sand tank. If there is only one child in the family, then such a sandbox will be quite enough for the baby to play. The only wish is to cover the bottom with a tarpaulin so that bark beetles, worms and other invertebrates do not get into the clean sifted sand from the decayed roots.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

One more original solution for an old hemp - do-it-yourself decor for a summer residence as an element of landscape design. Build a house for the gnome with illumination in the evenings, and this element will be the logical end of the garden alley deep into the garden. A house for a gnome will not require much time and improvised means, and you can buy a fairy-tale character ready-made or make it yourself. The plot can be supplemented by fireflies, frogs, snails, turtles and other characters.

Old stumps can be used for DIY decor in a different way - as coasters for flower pots. This is convenient for hanging petunias, ornamental strawberries and other hanging plants. Between two stumps of the same height, it is convenient to equip a bench or a base for a Hawaiian hammock if the supports are high enough.

Flower beds from old furniture

Used bookcases, beds, armchairs, chairs and stools - original decor to give their own hands. They are used not only as a stand, but also as the basis for a small flower garden, raised above ground level.

It is a pity to throw away old Viennese rattan chairs with an ornate frame, they will still serve as original flower bed on the green lawn.

The stepladder will serve as a whatnot if old boards are fixed instead of the crossbars. It is convenient to place flower pots with indoor plants and country decor on them.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

Many owners take with them to the country houseplants They also need to find a decent place. Unpretentious cacti and succulents feel best. Entire collection compositions will be placed on old furniture. If you want to make the composition more attractive, repaint all the objects in one color.

Old baskets and leaky tubs fit no less organically into the landscape design. For the decor of the site with your own hands, everything that is without a bottom, but with good walls or sides, is suitable.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Original country decor from old vehicles and tires

Trolleys, wheelbarrows, bicycles, parts of retro cars and “bald” tires are the constant decor for giving, which is used by designers and home craftsmen.

A cart without a team, as if lost by its horse, will best transform an unoccupied plot of the estate. Similar decor for country house do-it-yourself does not require much effort and time. It is enough to find the best place for a cart, on which flowering plants will flaunt all summer. It can be a collection flower garden, where representatives of the same species of different shades flaunt, or a selection is made according to the principle of contrast.

It is advisable to treat old bicycles as a decor from rust with sandpaper, cover with a primer for metal and paint. When the base is ready, the frame is securely fixed so that the bike does not collapse under the weight of the soil in the pots attached to it.

Advice. Old jeans and boots are suitable as containers for planting flower seedlings, but it is better to first fill the soil in garbage bags put in pants.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

"Bald" tires are traditionally used as the sides of small flower beds. Whole compositions painted with paint look more attractive. A favorite design technique is cascading flower beds, where the widest rubber is located below, and the smallest base is on top.

Do-it-yourself tire decor for home and garden is another way to attach “bald” tires. There are many ways to carve animals and fairy tale characters from an inverted tire.

Ways to use unnecessary tires in the decor of the site

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Original site lighting

Lamps made from improvised materials are another way to make the useful out of the unnecessary. Small posts along the garden alley can be decorated with lamps made of cans with a stuffed pattern where candles or small lamps are inserted. Such decor in the country with your own hands will enliven a party or a romantic dinner in nature.

Pendant lamps with electric bulbs are made from glass bottles. A special technology will help cut off the bottom, which uses the contrast of hot and cold water where the bottom of the bottle sinks. With such an amplitude of temperatures, the bottom will be cut off as if under a ruler. It remains to sand the edge and make a garland by inserting small light bulbs into such original shades. It is important that the basis of the electrical wiring is made by a person who understands this. All parts of the garden lighting should be hidden from the rain.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

The best way to do the decor of a country house with your own hands with the help of assistants. Each task is distributed according to its strength. Some can be engaged in sawing wood, others - painting. One article does not describe all the ways to decorate the cottage with improvised means. Perhaps, when you get acquainted with the illustrations of our gallery, you yourself will understand how to make garden butterflies and bees, decorate pebbles like a family of ladybugs, make fantastic creatures or quite recognizable characters. Use your creativity and good ideas for inspiration.

We are invited to visit a beautiful cottage, the photo of which will tell the story of the old house, inherited by the owners from their grandfather. In this house with worn floorboards, every thing has its own special story. The owners tried to carefully update, while maintaining its special atmosphere. But at the same time, the house must be in a residential condition, because. the family lives here all summer and comes for weekends throughout the year.

The doorways in the house were so low that everyone who was taller than 177 cm would certainly hit the back of the head.

Simple ideas on how to equip a cottage with your own hands.

The veranda is used from early spring to late autumn.

Everyone loves to get big dining table on the veranda, because in summer you can open wide double doors and feel like you are in a garden. Because grandchildren often come to the dacha, then on this large veranda there is a place for everyone.

Updated bathroom.

Small garden pond with frogs.

The lupins love the sandy soil in the garden and are actively spreading throughout the garden.

The kitchen corner is everyone's favorite place.

Delphinium broke its previous record of 480 cm.

Climbing rose Flammentanz grows under the windows of the veranda - it's much better than just planting it near the wall of the house - so you can admire it from all sides.

Beautiful cottage photo: rose and astrantia near the house.

Gladiolus is very easy to grow. Dig up in the fall, wrap the bulbs in newspaper and put them in a cool place, plant in May, and you have a sea of ​​flowers. From one bulb there can be 20-30 children. These are excellent cut flowers.

Zinnia pleases with a multi-colored rainbow of colors all summer long.

Flowers, mostly inherited.

Interesting photos: stages of arranging a dacha.

And the main legacy of this dacha is a stove that is over 100 years old.

Beautiful cottage photo of the living room.

Every spring, a petunia is planted in a pot on the veranda - and every year it grows larger and larger.

View from the veranda.

The terrace next to the house is actively used in summer.

From the side of the border of the site, the terrace is fenced with a decorative fence.

Waiting for the harvest in the high beds.

Evening time is the most favorite time in the country.

Millions of cheerful gramophone petunias bloomed in boxes under the windows.

Construction of a new porch, as the floor of the old one froze over in winter.

This is what the finished porch looks like.

The next project is to replace the old floor throughout the house and insulate it with OSB boards.

The floor was insulated, the floorboards were changed, and now the house is much warmer.

At the big dining table on holidays the whole big family can fit.

Rug from old T-shirts, according to the grandmother's way.

Everyone in the family loves this old house.

Because Since the family is spending more and more time in the country, it was decided to expand the house by adding a new bedroom to it.

The bedroom is on a concrete foundation, the base is a wooden frame, OSB-plates plus insulation.

Final result.

Do-it-yourself cottage design: we bring the fairy tale to life. What can you do to decorate Vacation home and the area adjacent to it so that passers-by turn their necks, and arriving guests instantly get excited about the idea of ​​​​acquiring a hacienda and organizing on it the same corner of paradise rest, peace and quiet, like yours? Designing a dacha with your own hands means telling your life story with natural materials, implementing a project with a bright personality, colored by amazing impressions, favorite stories and a joyful attitude to country life.

We look in the house or from the house

First you need to decide what exactly is required: decorating the interior of a country house or interesting design the whole area? You should highlight the decor elements that are characteristic of the interior and exterior spaces, and then decide which of them you can make with your own hands.

If home interior decoration items cannot be too large, it is mainly textile decoration, wall decor and small accessories, which are the accents of the premises, then the decor of the summer cottage can be divided into large-volume, medium in size and very small - the "highlight" of any corner of the garden.

It is worth decorating the entire site, starting from its features (shape, division into zones, height difference, prevailing verticals, existing groups of green spaces), taking into account the view from the window of the central room or your favorite room in the house, based on your own hobbies and financial capabilities.

Tips will come to the aid of a beginner homemade experienced craftsmen, books and workshops, and "advanced" decorators should use the results of their hobby to decorate the surrounding space from improvised materials, or maybe learn something new from knowledgeable people.

Wooden decor of the site

All parts of a tree are suitable for decorating a summer house, starting with its branches and ending with stumps with remnants of roots. AT different options wood materials are subjected to various processing: soaked, sawn, sanded, sanded, spread on boards, covered with stain, hollowed out.

In its manufacture, a specially prepared willow vine or cut branches of deciduous trees of small diameter that are similar in length are used. The main indicator of the material used is flexibility. The weaving method creates:

  • fences, doors in the garden part of the site;
  • framing high beds;
  • baskets and boxes, as a place to store garden supplies;
  • voluminous containers for planting luxuriantly blooming letniki;
  • garden sculptures;
  • balls of different diameters, as a decorative element of strict minimalist gardens, replacing stone ones.

Advice. When creating beds and containers, lay out inner part object with geotextiles or thick cardboard so that the earth does not spill out into the crack.

Decorating with the use of natural forms. In this variant, skinned parts of logs with butt and thick roots are used to make garden benches, bird feeders, bases for children's houses in the style of Russian folk tales and design of playgrounds.

To create a flower girl, the inner part of the stump is taken out, leaving a few centimeters of the outer layer, a layer of drainage, a soil mixture is laid in the recess, then flowering letniki are planted. To enhance the effect of naturalness, in some cases, the embossed tree bark is left untouched, and long-weaving plants, such as nasturtium, are chosen from plants.

Country decor made of treated wood

Boards and bars covered with stain or paints for external woodwork are allowed on benches, small garden forms - arbors, arches, pergolas, sheds for grapes.

Special skill will require the creation of a slightly inclined cart for plants and decorative pumpkins, from which blooming petunias or pumpkin "lanterns" pour onto the ground in a bright waterfall.

A do-it-yourself bridge thrown over a small stream, as an interesting accent of a romantic corner of the garden, makes it possible to stand and look at the running water - one of the three phenomena that, according to the sages, can be observed endlessly.

Beginning home crafters can start making garden decor items with less effort, time and woodworking skills.

  1. The plank framing of containers for flowers, made from any plastic, tin or enameled containers, will allow you to remove inconsistency from the garden and bring the whole decor to the same style denominator.
  2. Use as starting material wooden pallets, left after a large construction site, will clear the site of construction debris, turn it into garden tables, benches, stools, compost boxes or a seedling table next to the house for summer equipment, on which it will be convenient for the gardener to dive and replant plants.
  3. The simplest option for decorating garden elements with wood is to create harnesses from textured ropes and wood planks (trimmings work well door architraves of the required length), which make plastic barrels for collecting rainwater not a foreign object that you want to remove from your eyes, but a full-fledged participant in the decorating performance.

Houses for domestic animals: decoration and benefit at the same time

Together with people in the summer, those who walk on all fours move to the dacha. Getting "on free bread", they refuse to be constantly in the house, but demand free walking. Also, if the owners have a certain courage or desire to eat environmentally friendly, natural products, laying hens, ducks or rabbits may appear in the backyard farm.

For the self-made construction of a chicken coop or a dog house, which, in addition to practical use, can become worthy decorations for the household part of the dacha, you will need much more skills and free time. However, the pleasure that the master receives from the admiration of other people and awareness of the level of his own skill is worth it.

Projects of modern buildings for pets are castles, cottages, mansions and towers in miniature, hiding full-fledged premises behind a beautiful facade for comfortable living for those who protect, feed and relieve nervous tension of family members. Such houses in different styles The device of a flat grass roof, windows with painted shutters, a decorative balcony on the pediment or carved pillars that support a canopy over the terrace for everyone's favorite looks interesting.

Stone and concrete paths

High-strength materials - stone and concrete, capable of taking any shape, are suitable for creating decorative elements of a suburban area of ​​various sizes.

Horizontal planar decoration occurs by delineating the site with footpaths, platforms and driveways. If you look at the hacienda from above, then the correct lines of the paths should be woven into a simple but harmonious pattern. In small dachas, it is not recommended to make the routes straight or with sharp turns.

Track options available for DIY:

  • concrete (solid pouring, creation of individual blocks by mold pouring);
  • stone with a gravel frame (stones are laid on a dense base, gravel with compaction is poured into the gaps);
  • stone with a lawn frame (lawn grass is planted around the main flat stones on a layer of earth, which is cut along with the lawns);
  • gravel (gravel is poured into the bed of the path);
  • paving stones (granite blocks or a concrete analogue of old street masonry are used);
  • pebble (large pebbles placed on edge are pressed into the cement mixture with a dotted pattern).

By selecting materials according to color and shape, mixing different techniques, changing the direction of laying, a true master can create paths that cannot be repeated. The chain of routes laid at the request of the owners, connecting different parts of the garden, organizes the space, delimits it into zones and makes it not like neighboring summer cottages.

Advice. When excavating for bed preparation garden path after exhibiting curbstones lay high-density geotextiles on the bottom with a plant on the walls (used for paving). It will not allow the base (sand and gravel layers) to go into the ground, it will prevent the germination of weeds. Only then backfill and lay the front material of the track.

Small concrete molds

Plastic concrete can be used to create small decorative elements that can bring intrigue to the calm flow of country life and revive the monotony of remote green corners.

The main thing in the process: the choice of a quality mixture, accuracy in pouring, removal of internal air bubbles and careful post-processing, including decoration various materials if the own color of the concrete does not suit the master.

Concrete can be made original jewelry suburban area:

  • the base of a fountain or small waterfall;
  • garden table and "eternal" chairs finished with stone, tiled, faience mosaics;
  • sundial on a stand;
  • baths for birds;
  • man-made stones with moss grown in depressions, stonecrops.

A bird's drinker, cast from concrete, where a leaf of burdock or rhubarb served as a form, looks very interesting. The combination of the natural pattern of leaf veins with technological material will successfully decorate the cottage in a modern style.

The main task of any owner is to make his suburban area attractive, comfortable for life. Even in nature, not everything is perfect, and when a person intervenes, carrying out construction work and disturbing harmony, then decoration is required.

Some kind of zone adjoining territory it is necessary to hide, and to accentuate the most successful perspective or a cozy corner, to present to the viewer so that in no case does he pass by. With diligence, patience, and some effort, you can turn an ordinary cottage into a fairy-tale world with your own hands.

For many people, a summer residence is the best place for relax. It is pleasant to spend holidays at the dacha, come on weekends and on holidays. All summer residents strive to make their site not like another.

To do this, they place flower beds planting flowers. But this is not enough for the site to become a unique place. What do cottage owners do to make the place unusual?

Often people turn to landscape designers for services. And someone relies only on themselves - they make various decorations, design solutions with my own hands. After that, in any country house it becomes sincere and warm. Below you will find the most original ideas for cottages, to embody them with your own hands.

What do you need to decorate a summer cottage?

Improvised means in the country are suitable not only for cultivating the land, but also for giving originality to the site. And if your cottage has long become a place to store unnecessary things, then it's time to get rid of them.

After all, with the help of them you can realize a lot of original ideas! Ugly furniture, pieces building materials, empty bottles - all this can be used to decorate your dacha. In this article you will find photos of DIY ideas for cottages. You can completely copy them, or you can come up with your own ideas.

Make a fence unusual? Easily!

Sometimes cottage owners do not think about how much important component is a fence. It can complement any idea, if you correctly approach its design.

It is important to follow your unique taste and style. And then, believe me, your fence will stand out from the background of many other fences.

For example, you can easily turn an ordinary wooden fence with sharp ends into colored pencils. And for this you need only colored paint. And if you buy a garden trellis or chain-link mesh, then your fence can become even more original.

Often summer residents buy stencils. Some people like to use old plastic bottles to make animal figures out of them. The main thing is not to forget to paint them. Always keep bottle caps on hand.

At first glance, they seem useless for the interior. But if you dream up, you can create original patterns and even paintings. Be sure to complement your artwork with vibrant color.

Birds and their singing are the decoration of any suburban area. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your feathered friends. If on suburban area there are unnecessary logs, then use them to make feeders.

It is important that the log is not too small or large. After you have decided on the size, get rid of the inside of the log and make a hole in it. After the feeder is ready, hang it on the fence.

Decorate the site with an artificial pond

You have a big advantage if your garden plot is large. For example, you can make a pond. First, determine the depth of the reservoir. Then dig a hole and seal the top.

It is important that the water does not go into the ground, otherwise the reservoir will not work. After you have made sure that the water remains, you can begin to decorate the reservoir with stones.

Sometimes people are frightened by the realization that they will create an artificial lake on their own. But to make it is not so difficult as it might seem at first. Doesn't it warm you with the idea that, after spending some time and effort, you will have a pond on your site?

We make flower beds

Women are lovers to decorate flower beds and front gardens. Therefore, this part of the article will be especially useful for them. What are the original ideas for decorating flower beds? First, empty bottles - good material in order to make a border for flower beds. In addition to bottles, you can use bright tires.

Secondly, tires are another well-known material for creating flower beds. If you place the tires on top of each other, then the pyramid shape can serve as a vase. You can fill it with earth and plant plants. Tire beds are unusual and beautiful.

Ideas for garden beds

Do not see the point in scarecrows designed to scare away birds? Then dream up and create your own doll. Dress her up with jewelry and colorful clothes.

Making a cottage for children

If there are often children at your dacha, then build a playground. This is a great benefit for both adults and children.

Adults will be able to continuously work on the beds, and children can relax and have fun. Slides, sandboxes, houses, ropes, swings - an ideal set for a summer cottage.

Don't forget a place to stay!

Often summer residents pay a lot of attention to the arrangement of a place to relax. It becomes indispensable when guests come to the house.

There are many design ideas. You can install just a table and benches, or you can diversify the standard set with hammocks and a barbecue.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to be creative! It depends on the uniqueness of your site. Spend a little time and effort on decoration in order to enjoy your paradise in the future.

Dacha is not only a place where you grow vegetables and fruits. On the standard six acres (and some may have more) you can let your imagination unleash for real! In the country, you can bring to life a variety of and, at times, even wild ideas. Many of them will not only decorate your garden, but will also be very useful in the hard work of a gardener. And most importantly - country homemade products will give new life things that, it would seem, are long overdue for going to the landfill.

From what can you create country crafts with your own hands? Now you will be surprised, but everything can be used! Do not rush to throw things in the trash that have served their time or at first glance seem like garbage. Imagine a little - maybe this old shoe is still good for something?

ThingsTransformation Ideas
Plastic bottlesLemonade, milk, juice bottles are perfect as any details for creating interesting figures, as well as for creating fences around beds or an irrigation system. The material from which they are made is very durable and moisture resistant and will last more than one season in the country.
Milk boxesExcellent "pots" for seedlings! This has been known to gardeners for many years.
old shoesCreate original flower pots from the "battalion" of old shoes.
TiresCar tires can be used not only as flower beds: you can create amazing animals and birds from them, and if you sheathe them with fabric or twine, you will get excellent seats.
Lumber trimmingsThere is no need to burn the remains of the boards in the oven - it is better to use them to decorate the fence, creating an interesting ornament, or to create small flower beds, paths, shelves.
old technologyThe skeleton of an ordinary Soviet bicycle, a rusty car, a broken motorcycle do not have to be scrapped - arrange them as a flower bed!
aluminum cansOf these, you can make a device that repels moles. It is enough to put a jar on a stick buried in the ground.
Broken glassColored broken glass will help decorate the fence: drill holes in the boards and insert glass pieces there. On a sunny day, you won't recognize your fence!
Plastic bottle capsThey will help shape your country house unique. Create patterns using lids attached to the walls of the house with small studs.
Old clothesScarecrows are still in demand. Put together two slats crosswise, dig the frame of the scarecrow into the ground and dress it up in your old things. To make the scarecrow "kind", make him a pretty face and dress him in a colorful dress.
old rakeDo you have an old and rusty rake that has served its time? Don't rush to get rid of them. Hang it on the wall of a barn or house and you will have a great hanger for garden tools.

This is just some of the obsolete things that can be used in the country. Remember: each item can find a new use, you just have to dream up a little. Now it's time to give more detailed instructions to create various country homemade products that serve both to decorate the estate and bring considerable benefits.

Do-it-yourself mini-pond

A do-it-yourself mini-pond, vaguely reminiscent of a fabulous swamp where the Frog Princess lives, is very easy to create. For this we need:

  1. an old bathtub or other large water-tight container;
  2. old slate;
  3. old rubber hose;
  4. a piece of polyethylene dense film;
  5. stones, sand and other elements of "decor";
  6. plants that live in water.

Technology for creating a mini pond on the site

  1. We bury the bath so that its edges are flush with the ground.
  2. We dig in slate around the bathtub so that its edges are 20 centimeters higher than the surface of the earth.
  3. We stretch a hose cut along the edge of the slate (it will protect the polyethylene from rupture).
  4. We close the bathtub and slate with polyethylene, carefully spreading it along the bottom of the future reservoir. The edges of the film can be sprinkled with earth and pressed down with stones.
  5. Pour water into the "reservoir".
  6. We decorate with stones, plant around the plant, and water lilies can be placed in the pond itself.

Idea - a small pond on the site

Neat beds

Who doesn’t love it when the beds in the garden are not just raised above the ground, but also neatly decorated? Everything must be in order! We offer to decorate the beds with plastic bottles. We will need:

  1. a lot of plastic bottles;
  2. sand;
  3. paint - optional;
  4. shovel.

Work performance technology

  1. Choose bottles of the same size and color. Colors can be combined as desired.
  2. Fill the bottles halfway with sand.
  3. Dig a shallow trench along the bed.
  4. Place the bottles upside down in the trench and dig in.
  5. You can paint the bottles water-based paint, but this is optional.

Video - interesting crafts for giving


Do you want lions and tigers, chubby pigs, bright bugs, giraffes and zebras to live in your country house? Bring the idea called "Safari" to life. An impromptu do-it-yourself zoo can be created using completely different objects. We will need:

  • plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • old tires;
  • brushes and paint;
  • stones of different sizes or old construction helmets, basins;
  • shovel.

The most common representatives of the fauna that summer residents create are giraffe, zebra, pig, beetles. We will try to arrange them with you on our site.

Giraffe and zebra are made using the same technology. Differences - in the color and length of the neck of animals.

  1. Dig halfway into the ground old tire- this will be the body of the animal.
  2. After cutting off the bottom and tops, connect several plastic bottles to each other to make a neck. Dig in the "neck" in front of the dug-in tire.
  3. Cut one bottle lengthwise, cut off the neck - you get a head. Attach it to the "neck".
  4. The animal is almost ready! It remains to paint. Color your ungulate in the necessary colors: giraffe in yellow and orange, zebra in black and white.

An interesting idea - a safari at their summer cottage

By analogy, you can also make palm trees, birches and other plants, decorating your "oasis" with them.

Making a piglet is even easier:

  1. Take a large "pot-bellied" plastic bottle and fill it with sand to give it mass.
  2. Make ears out of a piece of plastic and insert them into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “head” of the piglet (where the neck of the bottle is).
  3. With pink paint, paint the bottle, and with black paint, draw the eyes and piglet on the piglet. Piggy is ready!

An interesting idea - piglets from plastic bottles

Cheerful multi-colored bugs can be made from any rounded containers and put on beds and flower beds as a decoration. Even stones are suitable for manufacturing: it is enough just to paint them with paint, drawing dots like those of ladybugs, antennae, eyes.

And from an old basin you can make a turtle Tortilla. By cutting the tires and bending their parts in a certain way, and then painting them with white paint, we get a swan.

Convenient sprinklers

Another convenient and practical way to use plastic bottles is to create convenient system watering the beds. We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • thick nail;
  • shovel;
  • water.

Work performance technology

  1. AT plastic bottles on the sides we make small holes with a nail or a thick awl.
  2. We dig the blanks upside down into the soil next to the plant.
  3. Water is poured into bottles through the neck.
  4. Water from bottles through the holes will gradually flow into the ground and nourish the roots of the plant.

Hands-On - Plant Waterers

From soda bottles you can organize and drip irrigation, which is very convenient for use in greenhouses. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle, and pierce several holes in the cork so that the water flows slowly. In order not to be mistaken, first make very small holes - it is better to expand them later.

After creating the blank, dig a hole (about 15 cm deep) not far from the bush, at a distance of 20 cm from the stem, and dig the bottle down there with the neck at an angle. It remains to fill the bottles with water, and the system is ready.

You can organize watering with bottles in another way. To do this, a bottle without a bottom is hung upside down on the side of the plant, filled with water. By unscrewing the cork a little, you can regulate the flow of water. Place tiny pieces of polyethylene under the bottle to avoid soil erosion from dripping.

Winged swing

After working in the garden, you also want to relax: for example, sit on a bench and drink tea. But it is more interesting to relax on a swing, especially with children. We offer to make an unusual and even shocking swing from ... an old sofa! The main thing is that a strong and tall tree with powerful branches grows on your site, for which you need to firmly fix the old sofa with strong ropes or chains. And it will be soft and comfortable to swing on it. From the rain, it is better to cover such a means of entertainment with a film, and clean it indoors for the winter. But on the other hand, no one will definitely have such a swing!

You can also make a swing from an old chair seat: just hang it from a thick and strong tree branch and swing to your health.

Such different flower beds

Flowerbeds from old tires, used both in their original form and cut in every possible way, are known to every housewife. But not everyone will guess to make “homes” for flowers from old bicycles, cars, cars, shoes or teapots.

It is quite possible to fix an old bicycle in the ground by digging in the wheels, and supplement it with small pots in which flowers are planted. In addition, let a climbing plant over it: it will wrap around the skeleton of a two-wheeled vehicle and turn it into an unusual flower bed.

An interesting idea - a flower bed from an old bicycle

From the old rubber boots, painted with different paints, bright flower pots are obtained. Fill them with soil and plant plants there. Don't forget the drainage holes in the soles of your old shoes! You can place such planters anywhere: on the veranda, fence, between the beds, and this is their huge advantage. By the way, do not write off non-rubber shoes: they can also be filled with earth and flowers can be planted in them, they will simply serve less than rubber ones.

A flower bed of old shoes is an amazing and very beautiful idea.

We save correctly

An old metal teapot is also a great flower bed. Attach ropes or chains to the handle, hang it on the veranda from the ceiling, pour earth and plant a birch-type climbing plant.

An old metal teapot is a great flower bed

Video - do-it-yourself homemade products for giving